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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 4

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Bow sun morning of the billowed ly Muui is the voice of rural tvOic I Tne ptooghboj a whistle and lapmllkmild-B The Bcjljhc lie. glltlcrlng Thai yesmmiorn bloom fr.vlo» In Iho Lreeie SonnU, Ibo no.e faint Otact U.O eW -Uje hum Of cotlj bee tto trloklliw of the TBC lUBtam Wealing midway up Uie hill lalomeBa tits Lbroned on yon uwnoviDE cloud To wbo wanders ei the upland leal, Tl blactbird notccomea mellower from tbedale, And saetter from me tbe gladBomc lark arblen IIIB hcnvf tuned BOOK Ibo brfok more gemlj) downllbe glen i from on lonely roof, whoeo carting amoke OonnouDU the mlat, iflbeard al iDtoCTflfti I Tbo rojcc or TulniB Bimple 51 pnlke Sonls hsic complexions ibe worst men often gwe the id vice Ii Ta in ttic country soul expand" ind grows great A grand canal between St I'cferiburg and fie sen 13 projected here were Ull persons arrested by Hie police last i 1 ork I'' A telephone line i3 building between and Boston to cost but 85W 0. IsUnil i be lighted ihs'siioi mcr electricity llie JcaJ Sea is bcinff made into means tor the i a a hen Clunainin bnul-riipt Ins creditors to hla house flnil tjte eve TJ they can lav tlieir haodo on Michigan picUc Tirol is ready to con iriict fortUO ncius of encumbers I Jxinllanl of New i ses of small pox are reported t'the nioijtli ArooJtook river Tbe resent victim isbpnvalesrW slarcll factory is bemd erected at Pat- CD Jt will be bjJiJt nndlowned by Garm Coburn, iJ Gordon and John lammond A Grsv of Honlton, has bought this cason so fJi eight thousand pounds of wool fiom in thin vlcmitv Jlie tastport I i i 3 aent dome eed, grown ill btatc, to distcibqtloa nmoog i i i wl lo njay desire tp gloves that lace up i a cord tw i i bu luiicd nO (Qke place or rice paid ouarr Mr Moses, wacl corn loulton in tu ry thcexpen nool i i (his vinel oorn CDmberlmi The 1'ortland lei Ihe other mornln" mentioned Ibc case al a girl wlip was prpb blv Fufliring froml nttBck of calakpsy appears Che girl isjhbont 2j vcars age, was engaged sdomeslvc iq the i Mr Allen, pf Millionth at an oQkc in Tortknil tjlie wbnl bcr new hnd left Friday 0 comerfo bno appeared all at We i laliuoutb vrhtjn took the i Central train but I after getting board the cars sbe fell inloIlM deep sleep icnlloncd pnd as yet has nit awakened at ho heail ol Iheijailroad wharf -od IhuL'Jhc was to be jrrcd Cd Greely Qbspiliil Sbe hvc by i i nili her moujtn at egulnnnlcmils. She remainsin Che "arne i as ou last 1 nday In her barld ox slie had ce'-mllc-ite of chflrncter in The onftl supremacv in national utailcrsi t' mency ind an honcsi Tali ihV issue in 1SSO Sound doctnni) hivaf I net hasly lettduig: but seriousl; mcu ing viiMJD lioly flDdbeavcijls Irulb ilut in ikes ihoin prove sweet apdlproDta' ble lo Hie oul lilines t-liat i wci a 3 if ii ibc granted be and a tend logout destruction and Itten i our prayers doth "raot IhetgcnerM mnttcr of llicil) Hammond 1 lie lu-od that grasps the plow and scatters ihc seed may be and hard but tbcre is a hean its grasp lUeface thai- ln.3 beta snowed upoo and TiliQe poo, lad blown upon is neither marret jor scarred tot, brave and gcnlJe i opw' closi tooimunion ivilh nature 1 be era of tic Chinese monarchy has beei from 2902 co 2132 years before Clinst and the year 2G37 bos been cho en for the a epoch differ entc from the uncertain i llic first auO the vacau tliat i as fir a 3 th real or fabulous times of i The i ty i tcJ pses of Confucius i one i been iter'e und 430 years before Christ Ch a i uodoubtedli, ihc dUkai empire i ihc world 1(0 anihCDtic Uistory extend the man clot a period of 1000 years centuries before our trn tli i i were possessed of i flni ic art ol pr nii.ijr were aho ac a i i Itr ind nyro cohny Uilt more in. Out he i i i rujgc il point a a ten sti dy c'vergrecn wliexe 8taod tL in al the brook lance along nud clasp bauds mlh Lbe riv a river-, on Mou to Lhc boioio of the Mr lllbbert'e sli tank at Lewntoji roorn- JT, on opening; tbb room, all but one of hundred and two flni trout lay on the jp of the wten dead The only remaln- ono WB3 on tio llop of the water Rosp- jg but recovered on turninf on the war Mr Hibbert will stock the tank again, i-ah is own control.

I heie will be under as from 20 25 cents per ncnlloncJ te hotel atth( i is undcisfoo auic of Delia of MilLoo, signed by A i Tliesdj night Pride Bridge Deering rfhe siahk jof Mr EV Motley entered by some un nown nnd bis horse wagon tlolcn IliO Ibievfes mule good ncir.escflpc and vip lo the piescnt time no luc lo their where ibolita been a.n.4 1 Hancock Ilia met 'it Ells rorih Monday, and proccedcu lo Bar iot fuesday to consider ihc bctuion of A aod six omen, i a new Town way Mr Ed UOQ ey of lanTVedil hell icrea la it those who tl i fioin their homes at Palerm ce, and kt last accoanta purch'afled aa caormoola pair otoxa Tbonndike, wbart IheV llcporls from Grand of excellent fishing the qtl as twenty Hie Irojt taken are if ot larger (Uan i It la i tbat freight roonibs caeon of Ihc loss of a Is rom his obslmalc illnesi aiioned by a ndne ENSIGNS. fonmrOcd for UanLOiKcrol a icfluon lutju by et i ucsflaj pn acciden od hnd a escape from erious one i i to gikoi sf b'n liio horse el irtcU to rjun fiim to tbe ground and tipping lay ou to hitu lie escpe met willi llorno itlll mo to a load i i load of a ITOJ from which he ero-bly, but whiub llmughlllo I doing I Mr FibclJ, of Augusta, killeij OD b-vUirdny an oiiftifhich gittqd eight feet and weighed when drcesed fopTteen bun tired a W.Hiajn Hinks, Augusta bas a couone year old on S-itur- iy fourteeo lunda a ooe inch Ibayer's i wcijjps ovei 70t lounds By t'ie census ofllciallv taLcn for thf first of the ivliolc number 01 Scholars in the iv of A i i 2299 increase over lus( 3 ear of 17 scnolars A a i Augusta, Htlio is atl- dicicd to a i ol once ID a i ind sometimes twice Ja, says lie never his i sAw ihe of circus lie inanasps to kerj qqltc i the procession comes after tfl at 13 entirely oblivifxis i Ihc walls i jftil Unox. Mrfe a a a so ()ler i ibbeil ol licr portmonnaic, con i i dollars ac Ibc Acliorn (lecqranon daj: A clue has beuu obcainctj Ihe and it is hoped money ml be recovered Countj Society liold aniui il tt I liomiis ton I i ticlicv ID Ihc lo ird if 1'ru-tccf Ciuscd bv Ind deiilli of Wasllir imped rook rnc i br wn glint's (I eirf nikcdnc: mil. mos cs mid di uk in lUc ami nc 11 un disJ-. i pbort 1 l-c i caress them Moiwl i Uiit tlic i i i sinjri their mo I so TM a i i i a ihc i i the bees Jiuut content from boncy aip to honoy cup i nature rules supreme ind imo a i he true soi I un Libj hcd and i a i pirbs to en the profo-nd 9f al on and reads eloquent lo sous In even i i Milages dot Ihe tiiHc.cJq unl in the vnlle the i JIP of UK, hell ii loud un i whe'e the i teenr i i promise of com ng har- in 1 llic VOILCS of men in I I i of ture--there are hidden bece itli Ibe Ci.t*_ on liob- of Era RtLieiOHS NOTES.

ten persons were iptizcd by Mr. A a i Sunday morning 1 ODC i the Bapiiat church io thd at i i Kev Mr a of the Free iptH cb Ji ca if Koi-kldnd bapi scversl can tlntcs 1 ist iiunduj The a a meeting of the IValdo Con ference ol CongreffuUonjlist cjiurcbea, i beheld at Lhe North Church Belfast inc 10th aad Ilib A i forty ago Kcv I i preacbed at Coluaibia Falls i other towns the vrtmlty was instrumental in buildiDo-iheThurcii Columbia Falls IIo aUo built theUwell ng nt lately owned bv a a Mr A wife who was a ddughier of bamuel died about year ago maoy years A )iQ3 lived in Newark, 1 He ia now vpiiloff In Washington County, but rioda only a few of his old friends lelD The baptismal rite was administered to candidates a of the Free Uanlist church ai Brunswj on buoday I me 1st and itomediatcly after the Irnori? in seniCL i i a lellowship a a stor Jo Rock land last Sabbath Rev larrowB cooreru ol tbc.Colby three bod pasto i been be eJec 13 Lt-riDond, of Thomastoi Two nccidento in Kdckland on Uemor jl Day in i i Mrs Aldisou i i i her carriaje at mill end ind rcnden insensible, al ougli subsiqiKiitly not sen ousl tdrs Bonui6n was Also ibrou froai oTi be cad io(J" rcoiaminj; insensible I for some imc a into bqu'-c near a be a borne i a i ishe is recovering i-. evi baOK i ji id lier cacnic 11 one I A horse beloi gj, a slipj: other day and A of men i ie lo i poles ai IbcMuscms to Jlroofcq of on, ihe JUJ lojurcd I at i i i hn teat in ulatorsl owlu have juo ,1 il 4 to 01) MIL I i ihc glorious Jhi. i 0 Bind will prouably jicconip i Ihc, ollicc it been closptl is Che locmer opcriior un 13 unbble lo attend i cs nnd a new man cahnot be wi ibe posinool lliohoiiseW Mr sides in the ensttro part of Sko, was burned last 1 Jiuisday ulteraoo lo is small and I i a in I ihe lire is not Broods of S((0(vha an he iias tlic secret of keeping eggs ou aod haaiconstructcd a refngeralor dapable of boldnjg 20,000 Ho7en Mr is to use a this iesson 1 lie are placed cralts audi ate kept cool by bAdy o( Ice the centre pf til re I SaturOay eveDing litilt La of Mr I Charles Smuh, a ateU two jears, was found lying behind a insensible condition He had oJBe, In been a i with tbe horse with wjhentbeanimaUicked with both trinklDg tbe child In the etomscb a qthjy In the head Death ensaedj i wo hours afler the child i a ago 13 mourners weri rod a funeral the barnesB oii Kfrses became dlBarraoged oippoi hou cof 3Ir Smith aoU wbite man earned bmith waa repatrlnt tbe be borst kicked i In the Im rnlv slick one the bout bout Tnlng i ct) vis- t- gh rs, Incb Dls 9jtb btrthduy Junt 2dl He has esidenf of Sangervljlc above 70 be- DS one of the tirst settlers io town. sUver of hie children made i a birtbda fepd as atokten of filial affection pn with a new suit ol clothes 11 weak and i i -with the weight pf his faculties are clear his time Is passed reading Jmlah Spau.dinfr Eeq for moro 7tyearsate8.H]cniof Dover, died at! his residence (in of May, after fljl.n Bicknesa 4jred 72 years Mr Spftbld a a a i a Sclb 1 016 "era with his parents Iu ihe Jear bU7 wbeD on 0 wbo the iS hree brolhers SpairtdE? Worndgc wock ID 1800, Ind W.I*.

aod i intviltr ol of 1 tenlc 81 B. bv tin i SMALL. LarcW IfenFion A eii mtMakei ire rsi Mluoi ft' MHttriet mf uricv Lbul a pclmop ban rv of UttPgor a Ihfil ui iy ba Uinu from all pla debia, proi Act, to have iid pel a by Ihc Court tbat A ticariDg Lhe EJ toc oa Uib IlrBt ilooday ol lb i re iheCoun )Dl rorilaoil ir 9 clock A anil ihftt Ihc credjiore of eaullBankrupt, i.lUgiBicr eai 1 diBirlilt onco a week lor tlirco BUI. weeks anil oner to Lbo weeklvTlii gor Com its to I lh ol hearing and proven thud debts and mu 7 at a a id tli cautc irnuyitbey nave i UDOD BbOUliAl iy UiiVe ut least tt nn dredituro fiber pertons ID unJi place and tha'iiraycr 01 ea at be gran Dletrlal said Diatrlot SCRIB1ERS MONTHLY The HandHomestl aziLe in Tl on Illustrated Mq ie Worltl periodic tl ie 1 it liaa larger re linj oiacr Amer in mi ,000 iJanon dm tvery DumL i a IOll-CUl llnnoimcemeRis for 187S-9 itio aiiracUonfl lor Uic coming lJ.o (ollownijf I I 11 a a iT dRfton UiiTDcil, Rulhoij of "THai Luf6 The sccoo of Mrd Uun CU'R ncv. no Ibid In Lnncaalure (he hero a yolioir Inv AmcrtcuTi Wrih "IlAworihfl" la tho long ory film Jlurniu aa wr Ltr IL will roDgli t)i Ln-rbl of the Mouchly i MI lh, November 1 ID 1 will lie i rofiiM IuHlrutcd I i -T a dcrlal novel If Dov en nnilior 01 Uliunar Tho Map rthe Lusi IcbCr 1 IB ihc pci.ulij.rii ca qt Nocee i i a Wdsicru Sciilcrjieai I STOJO 01- INHVV OHLPANS i Geor Icrf, Thifi utt rj ihe SUiLt, BOL In Creole onieiODft uboul lie a i 4-5 Hi uduroonmd manypatonu, rennuoi anil cxwm ibe beel aVencl.B In Now Tort, Philadelpha and VFa.blng but I you aJmoat Ibe whole ol in your Bbe.

tocmplo Boitoa. Jan 1.1B In tho of JOSEPH 'AfiEY, IN BAMKECPTCY. Tblfl IB to glvonoUoetluit a petition hnsbceo praeuiled to le Conrt. ifiil 8d of Febrnary, iB70 by Joseph Arey'of Vinnlhflycn ft UITIK. niPU prBViDgihRi Lo may bo decreed Uj ft lull fr5m hie debu.

prod able niidw vho ai 10 clock, A. ond thai ecconi mrellop of tho credttom of eairt BanVrupU bfl hoM before Oha6 namlln. Eaq TCegistfr on the 1870. and ibo third mLcUot, ol ube flirao on tbeZAtb ady of Fcbrnori 181S. and Dint ico thereof bo Uw Dfliigor Daily ltf and Coorler tind Lhu Dockland Gazelui niiaper? printed In stud DISLTJCL once work tbree BUcceasUe weeks audience In Ihowcckly Banaor Courlei ibo IMC publication to be in.rry Iciml before the day of hearing and ihil creOnore who bavo proTed iliolr rtcbte and other iwiftous in InlcreflL, may appcnr said ume iVce, a show cAueo any they liuv Clerk of Plstrlct Court lor eaid The uodcrBlcned, odjnmistralor of Ihc Abraui Holllns.

laic of Veuzic. ip eanl ctunL) lecLjeed, rceprcLTully rcprcsenis tliat the gool- lind cboueia, rights aad cccdiia of tMLul dcccaec iro DolBufllcicni to pay hjHjual. dcbta and chorgeu E-f Wherefore yonr pctltioaor prnyo DQDOI inra power Lo eell by liccuso nt null ic or eflle, and convoy of Da lolJow BacecnUtl rcalcBUitcof tbedeceftBcJ. (mclmi if Un reversion of tbc widow dowortlwreio) the residue wonJJ be greatly depreciated by anv poruon. A corialn uici ot 1 Vcuzie.

wuh ibo bullJiogs Ibereon. dcecnbc followa -six. Beginning al a Btonc put for Corner between Lemon elreot nnj BbUeclLv-o cfl wide ruoiiLDS portbcastcrJy ni rig lit Angles tb enid Lemon HirccL, tlience BtrAet iwo ti. wule four roiln theiico ai riplrtsnglcs forty eight JCCL, ibeoco il ngtit angles lout toda lo eaid lit)moo elrocl ibcnce on aim Lemon etrect forty clgbl reel Loflrfii bounds, being a part or lot tor lour (W) according io loecpli rtoal a Evirvey same premises DOW occupied John Ward id ft lie io eallBfy paid debts, cxpenca of Halo (J chujgea of MlmihieLrfttion I Said real estate IB ihe aabo described ID A deed Ihe Registry of, Dcedsjof aam Couni rdcd Ibe KCgistry ol ngor, April llth, WOODARU STATB OF Court Upon UIQ foregoing petition, nbd pultloner give public notice by causing a copy of me petition nnd thi INB 'rebate, April Term Thft notice to all persons in MA oil Fr I thereon 10 be pubhebcil three weeks Bitely In the Bangor Cooritr a pftjpcr published in Danger, In said Couurv ibu ihey may appew at a Court or Probutc fo aafd County ,10 behold ac UM Probate Odice IQ stuc BaDgor on tbo lanl Tueadny In ofay next a ten of ibc clock Uie forenoon, and eliow cnuuo i any tbey have, why the prayer or said petitioner should not bo gran led JOHN E- GODFREY Atteat Jonv ILODlrJeoN BeifiBWr A true copy of the petition and order Itiereon, AUfet. Bcglemr 18 Dtitriet WJnitett if Jftaitu ID lllic mull or SAMUEL UOAME, Bnnk rupt, 1 IN BANKRtPTCT i i nonce ihftl poll Lou lino IIPCD prr- c.Died Co the Couri thia 48ih day or April If by tirmicl Doane, of Brewer, Bankrupt, jiru jtng ibal be may IM decreed to have a Aill UIR- clia 'go from all his dcbU, provable 1 un icr ibe i i A and upon reading eoidl pcliuon, It JB ordered by ihc Couri iliac a neflntaff ue nn apo i Lho aame.oD the fourtli Tuesday ol June A li beJoroltieCouriln JIungor mtmidbiBU'icL ut 10 clock V.

ami Dm ibo rneoimgo creditor a of ea.J Bankrupt be lield bo Ion Charter Hiimlin, Etq Begiblcr. on lUc 3d tiny ItftJ, and llie ilifftt meeting of iho HQHK ihc SUIay ol be publialied the Bangor Dailv WUiK tim Obecrvcr Bjmjicr once wttk for three CoiiU and UicPi successive wcckfl and once in Lhc Uungoi Couijjcr Uic laat pubUcaiion Lo bo tinny a a Itastl be) ore ihe (lay of UeatJnji aacJ Uul ull ired ilurs who bavfl provqd debu anil eooa in Interest, mny aiipeur at said limo ur kny ti Wall PBUBLK pln-ct) rtHJ show cnueoi prayer ol aaid peuuon be grauu.i HKllLB OlAihof Dletncitourc-foraiild JJIeulcl tftifrift Comrt or I.W Slntrt, In Uic UiiiUer Of DURHAM, a Buck time ot l) rn i le 1 kdietn liio pciUl oill rental Ahxo I (31- I 1'OfTs I i TJer ca nn in irk'itt Hi ihc ir Irnil i f) Bry anl) i uliil txl Itn ol I Ircw nnpcur nig i Si bLr Til ae priram uk lrmv fnun lilt I ilou IDU a 3 Cole i i jiriiiu raielv on UnU. 1 i-cij, up front cte luur llcrcni Ucri llluaJ 4filed i i i iht, I i i ui tlic pucia will JC oalrixHe i IV THE S1EUR of pbL llll FtTBIf" 1 IH.BC S1LDIFS IV THE ers (mo ily i i Ftn-Btcd ly John Mu lormn. i i motti prflplic 1 plciui nod ul Uic winn. Lime, anil trMotworlli lies of itio tl been mailc The series will sUu tot Cahfornja 1 I'aeiee Lafcte WinO i I tortBlB A OF CprncJI i i comUuULoii of Uio i.ul liirti.

ia now in jfnzil ib Mr thhmuney (ijtrf ardet whp iccon nine I Mr Fd i Kmp In i Ihc (jlmLouih I repnrii fH- iLjilUNtn a. tcnee ol oo llic 1 reatiittopd lion -UicrlUes rivereBDd rteourceB i i i A i TUF Con 1 crate soldirir i coolnbi none io ncr iluriog ihc I TX nnd illuai nwii in It tooil ol lohnny Itcb oibcr A lie fire I anoong ingthc i i AilenC Uic in the November 11 riBj NG HL tt afre DOW hai ing prepare clce on be IcQomg UD)vcrti vrnj llcwr Hen by id Amcrioao'CollcKri-'rulwBor, Mr II Boyefien. tffLornc (aulliorlof Pnlcoa berg clc ujd will inclu Iq ekeuliee of ibe lead np men fn each of tbe mouiiyiQruunumTtTBiiice ol Urcai DnLa and tbe ConLncnL. I Amotijr ibo addiLiopal scries apern to a irfcLL two puuer i ase od two puuera by Fro Ii I-LA ACES (by Sunn cl AUi OK 1X DAY. AlltlllC IST3 AMEFUtAN AJICUj OIIS awo Tr.pcra Scicnct, SlJiies in and JtocUl Bclcnu bioncs.

me, Uy Jr Holl Invenuona 4nd Mechimical IJD lcc Uon iLaod llomor, of i apem to nnncar bUALL WE i of Final inpLCAfl iN ABT A(fi AttT lLOfaY IMODEftN Trml Lileraiurn Pollucii Poems Topics of rccor 1 of New eineiitR PnperB $4 a Tflar io I I 35 oeits a Number. BaUecrlpUone received by ttfi publlflhera of title PRvcr by al boohBellttrf and poaimiisiere eraonfl wiehing io eobicnbeaired wltt Die pub- flbere. jflboald wrlia nBme foetofflco Conuiv. ami 6iaU ID fall and eend itlth romlUance I Money Order, or rtg.Blered letter 1 7431 745 Brosclwa Tori INfllricC Cmrf I tho mailer of EDWIN I.ONtFELLOW^ BANkBUPTtT ThiR li lo ptve oodoe lha. the Court, ihie by JCdwm LoafeUowdl 1 idi viiluUy an 1 aa ongfeUow A jnand hathemay be jecroed'io rum hl6 de jtfl Individual Pfoiable OK safdlPetiuo II OrieioJ Ibe Bftbttropt Uid Cqurt Ihrtd llllon Lan day pf May a Bank run ibe fliin of 4.

Bioe praylni i a full Jtichirgt ibd tt, ana opon ng bo lull --w-u, of June, uelore Uie Court id UBJUTOT Jin aajo lo clock A If a ihad norloa oreBnie Bakgor Dallly Whir Conrler and tbe ReptbUcM, In aaJdtoiBtrlct, once a week nocpHive vcekB. aGo. onco ka iau weeJUy as dayTf hear.j.g. ay an i nny3( Cuirk or District In loo matter of 1ILA. bAMKBO i i noUoQ a ircAQDleU to ibe Loort, ibia iiyl rfl Cuter of Uo 'raying I thaL ne mar be upi.

IN DAWK11U to give T.DUCC icJ lo the PC mon a I oMltay. 1 or IL lliuikrupl io hflvc a i i ibui ho i be Oecr chni gc iVom a hie dcbl9, provable under tlic Dink rupi A and upon reading I pent on Ins oidcrciibj 1 ihc Court ihiua hutringbe on on llie fourth Tutstlay of June thecrc ltf be and tli. ea t. LCfeB ra Die Court in Bun anid 1 su tlicb A anil ihat Hie stxond meeting itoraot dBankruiii be licit) before Lin 6 fcriq on the 2d Jiy i i Uio ilnru mceung or Uie une on tl Junc lb aim thai tiol u. ireu Bin.

I in Lhc ngorDailyiWIiifc, in I i fiticALufiuiB Observer CPU i nlit ooce -wcuk lor ihrce eucccomri riU once Ip Uio weekly Bingor Co Un, UfcafJonto bo thirty flave ftt leant before of licftrujg.aDft i i a a BIT debts and oibcr pcreone in in tercet, si uid UDID and plucoi Jind show ainy they have, why the praj cV ofuoid po- dld aoL be gTUDlea I VTM orsjiiu Dieinot- eTJwAwlt irk of DlBtnoi Canrt FuiUJ fl 1 In the mbllcr of JOSHU It BASShTT, Hank nipt IN Tl id ib i gtTC nonce I bat a peUtion thofl been rrscnted (o Court. tblB 2alli 0 of A ri by Jjoe ma BaflBelLof Verona Dnnlruut i liTldual) and ae a member of ibe Oral of A tt ZJuiuet, urayiQg ihal ho may bo decreed have i fi II diecbBrgo from nil debtel mdl mJ copvtncrahip. provable obdbr tbe Junkruf. Act, and upon reading fold pel Ul IE Uriel efed by ibo Conrt ibat a teunna; flame, on tbe fonrlii Tuesday before tbe Court In PortUuid 10 o'clock, A IbflcredilorBoraald HMD 1 in, Eaq and tbe that lh nnJtTupt ibler. 01 Ion lie eocood day of Juno, IKi.

am notli ihereof be pnbllehed IQ the A Courier and UwEllBftortl printed In saJd Dietn once Ihrw Bneceaelvo weekB and on( weekly ft lagm Courier, tbe tyda at lean before Uie day of all cijodllorv wbo bavo proved ihelr di Uier poraoac in IniereK, ma, appear at fri Bad abow cause, If any tbav La. IJCP of hald.rtiUuou dhould not be WM ntEbL.iv Clerk of Difltricl Court-for eaid itilot 0 I eTIwAffiL Xfittrict Cmmrt mf th In tho iq Ibe ln i why I XHttrict of ot PtNlfiL LONGFELLOW, BaukrapU IN BAUKBDPTCX that ft low of teaoblas, a it la ordered by Uie Court that a hearing tbe lame, on the roorth TaeadaTol al Wore tbo Conrt In Banger. 1 10 clock. A II and tnat pobllKtMd In tha oSer ud tb. Maobj rtnwd In aajd once and one: In Ine JftBl Publ'cat an be fblny Uifs of bea 1nir an TM" Jidor who nroved Ui itr debi Ir pome rlcf a member of DJTO lying tbat he i IK; bo diMharn from il big nutnenhlp, promt la on upon redlng eat pell lmd itHlce abow caiue.

any Cleik or lot Court for nljfal.trl DiXIM of FRANCIS M. SHAW. mpt, IN BANKBDPTOT 1 petition ha. ia.ii,*-;.-. 1 SSW decreed to inder the ited io (fie Court, ias 1 a Ca traylag that he mav a AiU ilmaare CnAa all UB iradcopainniprtirp.

pnrmble ui by the Court reading laid petition. unfia hearuig be i py me uonrt a beartig be lad tto aa. it. on iho fotu-TiTTttcKlii 5f br ore Court In Portllid. ID oii 1 1 o'clock.

A and tbalUie Me nd and tho Uurd of Uu on die Uifc day or Jiue. 1879, and pnlilaheo ul tM NICHOLAS, Illuslralted Basazlne adiiTDBaed to and oJorm their oorreepondenLa of mbo heir letters addroeeod sccordhiglT PCTBODA leavlor Iholr addreflB al very oan also have thoii letten iiich more conveniont to bare the Ton, and Ibey will ba I AJNO BOY9 CHILDRElil I 'S MAGAZINE J6T3 began ibis pub- br I NICHOLAS. Aln lears liavoTpssficd llri 1, nnd ibl i li ImB moni" nhu rcujalioD 0,0001 COPIES. 4.1 ift pupliBhcillalmuluiTieouply Louiion New York an Lhfc irmnaatlftriuc recognition iu al moat floDcrdl and Hearty aa Lhe American Al Ibo act inn pntgrtts of Uio pugnzine has been a dtadj adrandc Jl baa not cached. Ha edUor a Ideas oi bfeal ucctose her ideal continually out fmU ihirnkgBzlnc ae tjwjfOy followa nfler TO day BTlNluHcxuAH aiands 1 iq Books: Tlio New Ylork Tribune haa ftald of IU ST Men olflfl DDB itaclicdln higher platform, and com mfcDdB for Ui9 Bemeo wiilor ruourcea ID art and Idlers lie prcdocaSaaorfl or rariei The London SUJB There IBTIO mngfllinc IOIJLDO young mat canbeeaJdir equal ihifl dlioice pboducUoo of prcBS' Godl TUings for 1878--O.

Tho atranECmenU for literary n.nd arVconlnbu Uong fur lie dew volume-- Ike siJCLh--arc com plcK.Jlraw IJJK Q-ohi already fa von to sources, a as froim prbmisiDg new QDCB Mr Frank IU Stockton qeiv eerlal ttory for boys. 'liLT FJELMWSHIP," Will run ihjouJh Ibe twelve biontlily paru be- giDDlDR i llil nilmber for November "6. Lh urftl of UieUoIwnb and tiili illufiirated b' a JtJlIv Tie awry islooc of i frosh ficnal I by I So bright i coo-Unued IfKt by Jlul Alfred larch of Hi eixit) In reel Jiu nor, iQStr icL in and ibo DabamQB. Florid lTln a conU Half Dy KtburiDB DJ Sn Itb.wiih illtftraLiona byFrod cnok 1'ielmJn tjcxi is ID the Bruno camber inn nwLliornc boi" Terms cntiQed "Bio i bo cam will alao bo Tower." id illuau-aled b. About the oiber TamiUar fen iho a good pcrnupa.

to lot her Uvi iai ed prophcov concerning thi sport BloncsJ pictures poems and ihe lure nod lor ill It iho Ver Little Folke Letter box, and "fiiddlo- id Uia a Number by iho I'ubliBborof LDJ nil fiooteellcra anil 1 oeimaBUra io Abbaorlbe Iiroct ViLh pul County am In full and Benil nub rcmiiLiuice in check money or regielered letter to UJ M3 r( dwayp i perl NOT! Tho Ira led crd ol ila Lvpc 01 am lln i Ictpnal TI a i i Keral The ration ot cora. ful opponent ol --Evening ti Tlic Volume for Ji IB monlionccJ fleribrr wi-tbei Lhe rec.cipt T11F rriESb eaflilv at tbe litud of illue llitrarj-qjiility beau cut! --epnogOoid enjicrb andembmc and of ELTI euo LreatmLDt a ifltent ftjrency for Ihe IBM ml al pnocipleH ajnl a power le anUfaiBeprctenr rhcuLer Weekly begin wiih the iirw on each year hen no will Ue utideralop 1 Llmt ihe sub frDim ance i tbe Number nox i order 3 WEEBlLY The THREE put Any TWO, one iba nirmehoJ on appll fit Ion Jo Uic UQ let SUlee or Canada The A Tolu llarpcr'a e.cltly. In nea cxprcae. free ol ex Set, compnaiDg Twenty I ume sintalblo Tor bind ttg vill be tout by mil ey Urder or DraltJio WILQOUI ihoexpre Kits or UAEPEB ft Daoni BOTHERS, York llarper'a in Literature Tbe moit ObBOrver II la an to Uio Loulerllle Co Drier No other Monthly Hants. of Iu reailcra vitheo alqaaluy of literati a Ihe Magaun in BiL-- BoBtoil Traveller S1U; In me Ion for the a de decluiui a solace for unal.

In be vorld can bhow BO brU nordoel a fartety and ho roperie -Walchman, Tbe volumes of Lbo IdagiazUio bflfld with the Korabera for June And December of Wh year When DO Lime la Bptwlflctl, will be ifnderilood Ibatiuo BobBcrlberiflahcBlo renr Number I i HARPER UAJtPEftS HAQAZtaMft HABPEira BAZ.Vtt, TbeTBTlKErnbU Any TWO, ona yew, to Stata or Canada. A Complete a'kjt ol prl.Uvg 01 VolomeJ. I Mat by rrel for for loluEg po.tpaid BamllBuicM lie ey Order or Dnft, lo a not wlihouf iht einrea. K3B Addreaa UABPER i oo so to BO a oo 6 10 6 00 7 tfl 3 1 000 11 00 11 00 10 10 09 11 a at 210 -H I fi'T''' 7 0 whh liUroad fbr PartUnd and BoBton CONNECTION AimiodaJljjforDrowBViUc and lr)D 8onth SelMMi daily for flebeo Village iarnard Al Abbot dtry for MOD BOD AtBUmcbard do.ily for Greenville I ARTETCB CHANGE OF I On add after UONDAT. i Ji '-ftTea Bejjgor (LxcJ a A "TraJril leare Boopor for ni i ar 1 II 4 1 JL) at 7JO A and 1 15 BaugOr for Buckapon 9 TO A ar 1 ID BanffOr for Ol llov, 7 30 an I 11 bl 40 and 7 10 JldLpWB for IlRDgor.

I ar I 3 A 00 niJdl i Bangor for Mattawarnkcng ei id a al i i 3 i i i '(ft 1 B- i- 1 I TrciKbi i a HDCOJ- i I Hunger al 'i I 4 Ua I i UBtlioa vtlLh Ira ut lo 1 BauKOi 1 18 LETTEB CAEJUEJtB, AU letters are delivered Q-oo to and jnttmber ajnora wUcn Rbould a and hUTe BTune ii put on Ibe office deliveries daily, tha flral trip xircmoG of their roulea CoUecUona ant mtuto for Important mflJU Ibe dow OfleeD anil the up town boxei ihirty tiaing mallB ibeofflae- Window Ibe delivSry of lotlerfl Irom 84 to 94 F-l BuoUaye from io flJ in tbe b4 reported to Ibo office. ttu Qcnen IDe- bnt tt IB and Bom liar lUe eicnlng In (own 11 leu wild be open COT i and ftom Bangor and Bar Harbor, EVERY SATURDAY, Point, Castme. Islesbora, lsl fiedgwick and So. West Harbor I Slennier VY 1 1 D-i bour. lei Hint for Bar Harbor cvcrj '-wLnr I A all I Uio i ILcturnlDir will 1cm liar liar or cry 31cm A West Uatbor al JU arm ing Ilangor alt clock very Wcdnc I iy Ic ivo TlooKor a clot Scdgwick luucltmg nil niCermt on Uie river; Belnniins-will icart i Tlmrfcdi.

Clock A U. CftBl nc II I oiiH clock arrlvlnp Bangor it 4 clock it i onquiro of No fcxchimge bL Jjji Baufeor, May 2alli 16 ATTENTION, TRAVELLERS JCNVEXOPKS. addilional cnargewill bemaJcior pnocng aame and requeiito return, aorots Ibe left hand pper of the enrelopee tXirulkhed by tbe 'unl Offlce Depaxtment, (wmplei of wfajch may be at Llie Caehier'a wiadow,) when ortlered In if not liaa 600 I A requotil for Uie return of A letter to the writer. If uuclAliried within tebJity or leu, written oi urmted, Uw port and uur, Bcroda ibe left end of thai enveJope, on ibc face fiide. will be complied with.

I 49-The pubUe are earoeAlT moqunended tc piocure Stamped wtlh printed return re lioat, Ine fxwnae leea, and lotlen en orBcil, If not delivered to the ptnon addreaeed. arc relumed to the writer free of cbarn bvcciaei enTclopeioiT abore furnuoed at IBS Uxnuaad. I i Stamp! cut JYvm laftt Mjmoi be oaed to prepay portage. The aao of nab Bumps IB punlibable by a One of olian fliAOTped EnvefapeA, rootled dlreo lixg. art re- JetimedatUilBoffloe POMK8TIC FO6TAHK I CUflO.

Slalea. Lhrae oena ball City iettan. two oenU ball Mttf In Uie UnJlad ce or olngto rale. or alnale All regular ncwvpapert offlde OL publication, at tbe rate ol umJ for euch Issue Tbe 0IUDC la' eftlcTB Coiuny papers tf pablJ ty are lobjent lo poAage. Pally a In County, If deliTorcd by eanier.

one to be propld by tLampa. Poaaag to Same aa In Ibe Si lara and pie payment oonr ttf ox 10 TOiai OLAJU. TKAflKIBUT PRIKTBD MATTBB HSHCOJJfVUB. I One Cent for Two Ouoooa. AlmAoaca.

booki calendi ognca, oorreclcd proota, hand billi, maps--lithographed or etigTavedr-muE sbecla, newapapera, oocaalonal pnbllcai -ibleta, pQKteiB, proof abecla. proepccr One cent for Blank books, blank car da, book i card boards and oLUer fleubio lUiograpbe enrravLDge.enTel bio panerua, letter' eavotopee, letter pa Dor tter IT. lltbo- DU 1 paper, ail er printed pnntcd cards, BBinpIe oarda aa oploe of gruphe, tnerchan hec raodelo. omamoDU 1 wBial cavda when sent In bulk and ail horogrnpbic vicwfl, pbotDgra.phie paper Ie e. mellB.

minerala and mcrchautllM bulbs and tftlona, iterroecopic a All matter of third olaei 3r ende ougbly mf DUUter wr with eclioir the to uoelaf Thml ulflse matter cau be rcgnlered by a i lie loc 01 ten wrapped or enveloped, with open Bides that their contents way be readily and Lhc examined ly poetmaalero Without daacro -raj ycra. Tht Bender of a package third olae nay write his or bor name oa tbe wrap ho word "from, but nothing more, Wiih eeodB Tbc trnln leaving Dnngor ftt630 A a i Lenirft. IL. R. now make direct connecuon at WEbTBUOOK JUNCTION wall through irriiD ol PORTLAND WORCESTER LINE Rochester, Nashua, Lowell, Bos ton, Bfancbester, Concord, "Worcester, New York, ILL POINTS SOTTTB and WIC3T enbllQg poBBcngers lo reach eir dceUt auon HOURS IN ADVANCE OTHER ROUTES molding all annoying Carnage Tranefcra an enBurln ThrouRti Conneciionfl rtlan 1 an 1 TYorccaic Gen Ticket AfceiiL Line, and take no others W.

LUM, BOOSSC TONNEL BOOTE The Only Ltue ton which ing Cars and Chicago Until further notK via il romc will of Illie illcnburg mg hours, 3and ya Icr.uherecoi ocruo ing-Lara for Chlcag reaching SL i leading from Bos ns Through Sleep- to St. Louiw without Change trains for the ittvc Cn Suet.1 Dei Iron 1 UoBiOD, I tbe al Chicago Express, iom Car nlLicbr 1 ia mail a mu oush. cc and all omit) SI Lai is Express wil ir a LaU I lor I 00 it onncciion Is mado a i ol Ihc a Pacific KApreflfl ih Sleep VCnniiatl cd lorChn. IKO crumbing I a i A the Bi.conJ morBing coitni-cun for California und a I iaj-ta of UJL a ir VorU we El i36CHRerB Vrom I anxon. ID a 1 nl iluuie, purchabing Hi.kLib tU a It LC Iftnde I in Dobtoo in tlrse i iu I r- 'urg It IL Depol --itnia a I llic ol i ledimiB Irannitr ros-e.

I Throi gb i it hmcsi i I alec) ing care, it ukB rna be oULQincd on iilicaUu i in iffierlcan Eallwar HimllniWm a Trustee. BMIGORtPISCAIAQUISIUILROliD ABRAB Bna A. otnoamaf, H.8 LAWMHCOm. On uid, ttla MONDAY, NOT J. 1WS.

amrwUl bo Uw raMilon, ana a BOWB- 1 obanoter, l( nukB Eagle a wide popularity lor uu become Ibc lad 169 -N FoioroftH10 20 A.L.andBUncburd y--Sunday On Sundaya. from UDU IJOA II DM'or Md rowion til OJT.V begin with Iho ant year Wbra no derBUXxl that: Uw BiVb wllb Ue Nuiuber next Lato ConunJulMior or PalentB T. BOSTOM. October 19 Itno EDDT, Bag --Iear Sir yon roc a red fof rt tenu gineo uwn you havi me InhUDdieOeoI tneeeL 0 00 fl 00 0 (U 7 1 600 7 I I liw oooaiMonally employed ibe bee a and VFa.blngI npios QEOEOC PRAPUB- Lrroont, CortqUi uid Cluxlwtoo. e-tajii ad Kxator, radlord, onroe, Amheratuid Aaron.

icrlMrs ID United Bjulmy, nlk lUilroad, llswurh, berryHeld A uckeport, ixmoot oliimoe of Harper's Bazar, ID neat Ue flent by eaprese Iroe ot Eleven Volumeb aenl on receipt cacli suitable far by mall on receipt ol oult) bo niqde by Foflt-Offlce if OB eae order i HAHPBK A BROTH Maine B.Y Scl, Co ami Morn nfe 1 asstnircr Ir earn i ins I innr OK "Jf 1 I Ot I VI i I I I ft fll A 0 on I I- fin I I) i iu THE BiNGl Nipt I iv UK a due rom ilfc icor ti I I Til HAlfflf The Shortest i I I i sas Oin.iln, i Loiuh i 1 a i i i i Ore it kc I a I i i ni i I'J AM 1 I I I I I Wi il A I 1 I I I I 1 1 I mar i I 111 Kit in I -b i I ui I I I I I I I fi VS NEW YORK, ONE DOLLAR. I a 0 ncr UOHI i 1 I Now i rk 1 ih at Uot-tio T. I fl Qt 1 i I I Si orJC uf Jlo on Tork at ii Itf Iteiurnu- felr i I I I at I' i II Sinter otna hi u-iuiii i per A-rcntc JDt HV I in Ch I I 1 LH UJU Ic I SI Llj in N-iv i I it oiutcm r(i tti lUcr. t- i i I.I I I I A CII I t' I'd Mil fc I In ra! cr I i i I INSIDL LINE. II fc ipr 18 0 M'blC II I ft'.

tin 1 1 i I II I I JJuH 1 I i I -ir 1 or Ii t-1 4 i i i cT-S i Cl I 1 I II I 11 I THOMAS Civil Blllllifi a Come -Patent SPRING IU 1 I i I lh I 1 A. BENSON, Ticket it (he Ma uc Cent al Ocj I npor fi A i bCLcml i All IcUcn remautlAg in Ihe once are adtertiacd WoDiUy of each wenk. If not olalme.1 month tbereancr. Lbev are then Demi LDllcr office, MONKT OEDKBS. Krpcclal acteaUon flailed to me Money Order ayptcm aa a aafe an cheap meLbod of tnuumlttuiR small Bums Lbe malla.

Orden ara iMued BUOIB of not more Ibaa flfrr dollanv amoanu aan be tnuunUted lo the ume pa sen, al Uie Bame lime, by additional orders. On tool exceeding tlfl, over lie and not IL over and not oxcecdlna- MO, 9 OTCT and not exceeding (DO, SI Orden oan alao be oblalndd OD El Eland, re.juiil Scotland, am" Blatee. prt JTOMr a rnffii ftui-wi i Order monfir 1.10 tw remltteil. aPMlal Bhoald bo obtained. If DPOD pouita idem IB no Order Um Ho letter be Mooaj alumlil be DBPAITKXRT.

All V.liable iboald be Bantered, a Hone? 4raer IB obLained. Under Tbe praBa bon of Ifitber. are perfecl ulbt7 Lcttara Duty be BaclJtBred 07 peytaf poi mil and a Ito In United etaua, 10 jroat Britain and IreUnd, and all Countries Ing apMtAitroatywllbUieOnflAdBtatej, 10 8 A. H. M.

VIA STEAMER FROM PORTLAND Tfie rfll rlasc stcinirrs I I I lute leave i 'U 1 1 j-i I ID I every i a uxccpteil Through tlcktta Jor Bale at II Lai one and on board atccuuere of tbe if TblB rouu affordfl eupcrier i IrinUgifl lo who Oenlre to spend a loW houro in Portlanl a ptUMDCcre not only effect nny jart i avoid tbe expense and inconvenience of ID liOBton ainjgbu A i 1 i tl i I 1 In, i I i i 1 61 i I i i 5 I 1 f- I I I I i I on I- lAjr 1 I i I i ic i HA lilt, i I J.I 1 nl in li PI i. I il ir i i 1 in IHO Hike "Ion c. lift i I 4 Un I i n.l naS i lUilroVl i 4c fc i in I fcn I i i l( I I I i I El i 1 sil I i hiiir i 4 DR. SL nine Sleumsdlp Co I WEEKLY I TO rOEli PROVIOENCE LINE TO NEW YORK, VIA PROVIDENCE Opens April 28 for the Season of 1879 Alca, West eoaat. Br Argentine Eepubllc, BrUjlh Hall, Aaplnvall.

AmtnBa. Tli Bu Dflrmoda. Bnau, Itpe or Good Chin. vim BoamftalplOB. Cmhl.

Ulbralcnr, Brail Brluln awl Inland Gnadaloape, BavallD Kingdom, direct via loltond. aoialaa, dlreol mall apan. aVulca. Now Bnujirtoi, ifouudbwl. NevOreiudA.dlUaC tfagazlno cloUi btndlfid, vlll be volnmei.lby mall Ibrblndtog.fikiauiu, MILES OF KAIL.

Train Boston ft, StaUon dail; (SunJnyB Conoeci at Fax Foml wlitrf lie Sntircly bac and ONLY 42 fiteamboit Exp Pmvldeoco Balb-o II Providence, with STEAMER MASSACHUSETTS, and-tbe well known a oil popular STEAMER RHODE ISLAND, Arriving LQ New York at 0 A This la Ibo only line affordUg delightful saH ttirovyh Kafragan- tftt j8ay dayllghT Jtetnmtmg, leave Plec 2fl North liner at 5 arriving In Thermal 7 A titttCffn Providence rnd tato Eoomfl can be secured a No intermtaia Jori llckeia an Compuy'a 2U WaehmgtoD, corner Slaw and at Boston and 1'rovltlence Bailroad StaUon i I BICELB0SOM, Agent, Coalon A. A OLSOM, Sup 4 aprtls codOa BtitrKt In tbe pumar of ERI LOStrKLLOW, Baakrupt, Thla la to give notice ibat a FetlUon baa beea preBCOjid to ihe Court, IHJB 2' day of MR 1679, by Erl Longfellow, of Mohma lanj intllVidUMlly andaa a member or tho ft Bon, praying that be may bo de creed to bave a full dLuhane from all bin debu. Individual and co-partnerhbju, provabte an tir UIB Baokrnpt Act, and upon reading amd Pctl II la ordered by tbe Court tbat a hearliu hat ipon Uw aame.OD ibe foorlhTueeday of June. A 1879, before tbe Court In Bangor, in eald District, at 10 clock A. tnd that notice thereof be pubbabetl Lhe Bangor Daily Whig and Courier and tbe Uacnjaa Bvpubllcaji newspapers printed In Mid District onco week for Uiree weeks, and once in the Weekly Bangor Courier tho IttetpnbllcnUon io be thirty ac leaat before da of bearing and UiAl all credltora who have proved their tlebLa and oilier uoraoua tu intoreak may appear at Bold ume and place, and ahov cause, if any they bavo thojirayerof daJd peUtion aliouJd not be grafted WM-P PBEDLK: Olerkof lutnal iJ i LC i I i I I I 1 1 1 rk i i 1 PI a r-r ni iir al I ao 1 le ivo ery A a i TbdLLEANOHA is i thie aiid both she 1 fitted pp wiih flnctl lh he nitrti con route for travelci bctT.

cen in era Mill uurh a ing Ltifc Buinmcr mCmUiB on York books'forwar kdfto Irom 1 I I luebcc. Si Jb jn an i i i i a i i ire on Ip per a are roqtiefiUid to I lh i re hi io ai early ae il i I i i ley leave Ford ADO, for furil cr i LOT i i Ut EENEYltOi 1 I i i li-kltS Agetat, Pier 38 t- li Nrn- ork. TlckatB anil StAlelbooma ULD also be ol ia JCL! ai yz Jnifrls lari tf i (Lit ii i iu ftlj THE MIN S3 i Ye: a vc i nc i jfca lo ctriain laetrumeat to IKT the I AH i anil Tee Lament of llenj i i i luu: DaDgorJin said Loaikb, deceahtJLin v.1 I UL 11 il name 1 executor a iruJlcu DK lor Probate tbM nmbllo given all perabns by cauiing a 005 I order io be pub! "Lett ihrce wiLke Burrc iho Dandor Weekly Courier i ed in Bapgor In a countv il at A Court of Probate lor fluid county to be I i the Probiui Offlce ID eftid i Uic i Tucsoaylin Jnouuryj AL un oi i clock the forcioon and show cauao any il why Uic bame ih )uldjnoile i 1 HI ftllowc itw Ldftfr-WU. 3rd TcewuiLijt ui PH JOHN GODFREY Judge AJURoai ruirr HegvAVer I BANCO vsn Tl I I ui iriu 1 1 gor Cor 9 it- 1 be lir Li.1 to the tlir iboqi Lies A ckl ol Lh aU L) WOM Ou 1 1 1 I pi 1 arr i rll a.n iul 11 Which ron Ll rcc Factory -Sot Offl I effi The'Ch ll ol i 1 CourtofProbntc I IB 8 I Old UnffB Lteculor fr laie oi Uanpor ID tai 1 Coi it or fi it itflalil accountant give co iDLOieslc causing I' lo bo iblifhcd on a I rie rely In) The Ban ff or Dn I i ncflsfLii IJiingor thai Uidj iy ELI ear at Co 01 pr sniU rounti io bo IIL I nt Lhc 1 rol ILC i cl in Lho lat-l TUCH laj ia Jnn al U-o al ock ID the forenoon an 1 If any have, Lbe tatac 1 QODKRE7. by--AtlCGl I AjujBoai rwirr aediwi .1 a a a i A dersignc i iv fe I cm I I ruble, i county L.

inun clainte ul Lnu (1 I fiai iiy dcccAaeil wi T. nn 0 i tUe or lerloi UIG B.U 1 i Tueedny in and tbanre a i a April bnre i IOOO io and i aiicudtb ofllcdof Barker floec it Darker i i i i of Batigor bn WcOncaanr, ihc cloTenih dsr oi Juno nesd land WedDobitay iho louriti day of SdpUaniber nexw wn of ihc -l cl. in 'ol each of I days. lUATE ilUBS ibe for en i public noUeo Lo rOl litly nppomUMl mt of, on hxceuo-jx men I of ato or BnTjgor, She Uicrc ho arc Unlcbicd te the make Immediate puj tatj doDAodA Ujcreon. Uemont to her li Flower a A low by NLVXSPAPLR!.

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