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The Fresno Bee from Fresno, California • 19

The Fresno Beei
Fresno, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I ADVICE TO MOTREBS MISS HER FIANCE The Bee publishes ria ilyr-YoarBaby- a story by Elizabeth York Miller now running in The Fresno Bee And Mine department which will be of great help to mothers in the eare of their hahiea THE REPUBLICAN vouss FRESNO CAL MONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 17 MM 4189 Camera Cornered Rebuild Is Chest Slogan RAISIN DELIVERY Tl HAIGHT SEEN AS HOPE TO DEFEAT Cl Fresnans Rally To Cause Q( Progressive Candidate For Governor Raymond I Haight is the mil to beat Upton Sinclair! Thia is ths opinion expressed bjf' many Freanans to-day In an ex' prasaion of views endorsing Halghl for governor at the general elec tion In November They see no hop for victory id the candidacy of Frank Merriant because of Merriam's reactionary policies and hit allianco cor poratlon Interests opposed to Pro greaeive state government On the other hand they believe that Haight with hia fine record' hie liberal view and Progressiva -platform has tha aupport of a' majority of tha voters and will' eava California from the promt of Sinclair arid hia radical pro 1 gram Only Man To Beat Sinclair An expiceaion of their views follows: Mr IV Know Ira former Qnlna I certainly am glad to turn my help to Raymond Haight in hia campaign for governor It Is my belief thst ha Is tha only man to defeat Uptoa Sinclair Fred Knmbley oil company Haight is the one man who can beat Upton Sinclair The voters of California in searching about for a candidate who wilt save the state from tha menses of Sinclair and his Idealistic program can find no better choice than Haight have known Haight for many yearn and hia record ia on that should appeal to every right thtnkin voter Certainly a man of Haight's qualifications and Pro greaalv views deserves tha whole hearted aupport of the voters as contrasted to Frank Merit ana and hia reactionary record Democrat Kenndlates Sinclair King riding academy pro I am a Democrat but can not support any such man aa Upton Sinclair 1 voted for Creel but 1 do My and feel that Califor nla doe not need any such man aa Frank Merriam or especially Sinclair I take off my hat to Ray mond Haight He hag my vot and whole support Robert Krmpen credit saturation emptajre and former Creel anpperter-I see in Haight potential Hiram Johnson In the making Lika Johnson Haight's heart is absorbed In the interest of the common people Wa of th San Joaquin valley particularly should ho 100 per cent for Haight for the reason that ha has pledged to fight for ths San Joaquin Valley water project and further the atate'a Interest in hopper control Thaw two measures are vital to-ths future of this valley Need Hrownaon general Insnr agent in considering ftr- Tha alogmn and poaier exhibited hare by Misa Helen Doolin of tha A la being used by the Fresno Community Cheat thia year to Interest the public in the annual campaign for aupport of Freano relief end character building organ battens Staff Photo I Knife Wound Fatal To Phillip Flohr Murder Charged To Silva Phillip Flohr 24 Fresno packing houaa worker died yesterday at the Freeno County General Hospital from a stab wound In the thigh Inflicted by Leon Silva 37 dairy work er in a fight In front of a beer tavern at 847 Street Saturday night Silva waa charged with murder to-day after the police say ha con' a a he stabbed Flohr in self-defense after Flohr and two other attacked him Philip Flohr He will be brought into the police court on the murder charge October 9th at 2 Companions Also Held Henry Wiedecker 17 and Alfred Herzog 18 are held for investigation on chargee of drunk-enneea and disturbing the peace after Silva identified them a companions Silva waa arrested at the acenc by Officers Anderson and A Wright and surrendered his weapon a pocket knife Detective Sergeants Brady and Goehring who questioned Wiedecker and Herxog say they were unable to learn details of the fight from them They wera arrested when they walked into the police station to inquire about Flohr According to Silva he was grabbed by the arm and struck on ths head as he passed Flohr and his compsninns Hs says he stabbed Flohr when Flohr attempted to kick him Flohr died from loss of blood from the around A large artery In his leg was severed Flohr' condition was such that he was unable to make a statement Flohr lived In Freano for twenty years and was a native of Nr braska He leaves his parent Mr and Mr Jacob Flehr of 123 Street four brothers Alex Jacob Ronald and William Flohr all of Fresno and a brother Manuel Flohr of the United States Marine Corps stationed at Seattle Warh Funeral arrangements are being made under the direction of the McVay Funeral Home Coroner Kennedy is to hold an Inquert late to-day I Trustees of the California Osteopathic Association meeting In Lna Angeles Saturday decided to have the 1935 stale convention of tha as-aoriatinn In Fresno in May Dr MarCracken of Fresno a trustee says the convention which will draw 300 delegates will he conducted so that the West Coast Relays will be the entertainment feature of the conclave He says the osteopaths derided on Freano for the convention on account of the relays and that they resent the threatened withdrawal of tha four" universities from competition in the meet here Del Monte San Francisco and Yosemite National Park also made a bid for tha conclave Dr Pearson of Freano president of the San Joaquin Valley Osteopaths Association will direct arrangements for ths annual meeting Friendly Suit Filed To Get Park Strip A condemnation suit was filed in the superior court to-dsy hy the state department of public works seeking title to a ten-foot wide strip of land along the stale highway to he taken from Roeding Park The city of Fresno Is tha defendant named The suit according to slate right-of-way agents is a friendly action to protect the interests of ths city The city Is desirous of having the land go to the state for ths widening of tha highway hut ths deed granted the city when the land was given for the park provides that it rnav be used only for park pur-poses In order to protect the city from having the land revert to the Roeding Estate the court order for condemning the land for roid purposes is desired Youthful Pair Nabbed On Raisin Theft Charge Marion Filch 19 and Francis Dowle 20 srs held to-day nn petit theft charges accused of the theft of 500 trays of raisins from the Adrini ranch at West and Dakota Avenues Saturday night Deputy Sheriffs John Ford and Martin say the raisins were recovered et the Dowie ranch at Shields and West Avenues Hero wa have Dean Kendall and his slater Wardlee of 285 I aekstonr Avenue headed for the first roundup of reading 11-ing and'rlthme-tle aa the door of the temples of learning swung open for the first time this season don't hold ua beck" I requested Dean left early so wa could get In early and get a good seat for the first act when tha show You next may be Raymond I Haight Progressive candidate for governor will meet here Thursday evening with members of the executive committee that ia directing his campaign in Fresno Madera and Kings Coun-i ties Following his arrival by airplane from Los Angeles at 8 he will be the guest of honor at a dinner at the Hotel Fresno at which about fifty of his active workers will be present visit here Is to enable him to meet campaign leaders personally and go over hit platform and campaign plana The dinner will be Informal with Chat Ira A Anger presiding Among his Fresno supportara who will attend ths dinner are Jefferson Davis Hugh Burns Mr Byde Mrs Charles Wlnchell Mrs Charles 8 Tsylnr Fred Rumbley A Gearhart George Hennessy George Sykes Miles Hanson George Telnnicher Leo Coelho Leonard Rundell Joseph Jones Alfred Marsella and A McAlpine A call for a meeting of tha 1934 county grand Jury Thursday was Issued to-day hy Ray Prior fors-man Tha jury will meet in the grand jury room at the courthouse at 9:30 o'rlock Committees will he appointed and the woik of the jury for the year will be outlined Prior announces thst an effort will be made to have the jury's annual report reedy hy January 1st In order that the new grand jury next year will start activities with the ralendar year Prize Valley Song May Be Chosen This Week Selection of the prize winning ballad entered In the San Joaquin Valley Tourist and Travel Association's over the Fresno Re station during next Saturday's organ recital period If thn Judging Is delayed It is planned to present the new aongs tha following Saturday Bond Of Naturopath Increased To $10500 The bond of Gene Dell'Anno self-styled naturopath physician was Increased to S10U)0 to-day by Pollre Judge Gibbs when appeared on rhargea or practicing medicine without a licenaa and possession of hypotlerimc equipment The charge writ brought Saturday by State Inspector Davidson already waa held for $6000 bond nn rhaiges of being an alien in the possession of a firearm and a statutory offense Judge Gibbs set Dell'Anno' case for October 8th whn the two charges filed Saturday will bo set for trial By GLENN CHAFFIN and IIAL FOKKEST First Hearing On Valuation To Be Held In Fresno To-morrow Figures showing ths valuation of the Freano properties of the San Joaquin light and Power Corporation will ha introduced to-morrow by railroad commission engineers with tha opening of a valuation hearing in ths Commercial Club at 10 A Neither the city nor tha power corporation will Introduce valuation studies at this time both aides' planning onlv' on croaa-examlna-tlon of commission engineer Guy Kenny Fresno's rats expert arrived to-day in preparation for tha hearing While the valuation studies have been delayed Mesa valuation engineer said the hearing will proceed as scheduled It is expected the hearing will continue for three dav at least Commissioner Harris will preside It ia expected the commiaalon will introduce its full study of the system with the possible exception of depreciation studies and intangible assets Othfer hearings at which tha city and the corporation will introduce their etudiea will be held later Studies of the Freano electric system were completed thia morning by the railroad commissions valuation department just twenty-fours in advance of the hearing Valuation Engineer Mesa say the figures will not he divulged to any one outaide the railroad commiaalon until he takes the witness stand and testifies PLANS SMOKER Memberaof theFresno Shrine Club win hold's smoker in the ballroom of The Californian Thursday evening at which refreshments will he served snd entertainment provided The smoker la limited to members of the club and those eligible to take the Shrine Plans art being made for a Hallowe'en party October 31st A year of various activities Is planned by the club officers ac-according to Ben Maisier president Maisler says they will feature various entertainments In ths coming season and broaden its activities Committeemen recently appointed Include: Ralph An drews and Guy Barrack welfare and good will Ed Bonny parades: Murphy right of wav Mavor Leymel and Dr A Goldberg reception Anton Juste-sen and William Mvera enter- tainment: Milton Poasons muster Jeffrey and Harry Mar-kowltx prizes A Hildebrand and Adolph Regensburger attendance and Sig Levy publicity Cl DEBISALE PI The Fresno Young Christian Association has cleared its debts and begins the year's activities with a clean financial slate It was reporttd at a hoard meeting to-dav at the Blue Triangle Court Mrs Ralph Merritt the president presided Reports were mads by Mrs Robert Manson secretary Mrs Newlin treasurer Misa Dorothy Fisher member of tha business girls' group Mrs Bennett chairman of tha business girls' commutes Mrs 8 Hockett chairman of tha financs committee and Mrs Ray Wakefield personnel committee chairman Plans wers made for a conference at 10 A October 1st when all A workers will mret to outline programs Luncheon will he served and entertainment presented Arrangements will he made hy Mrs Merritt Mrs Wakefield and Miss Helen Flsck general secretary In addition to Miss Flack this year's association staff is composed of the following: Miss Lillie Cromwell Girl Reserve secretary Misa Bernice Kelley International Institute secretary Miss Fern Kissinger Blue Triangle Court secretary Miss Ruby Harris office secretary and Miss Angle Relnhard night orflcs secretary Walton Named President Of County School Board At an organisation meeting Iasi week I Walton principal of the Caruthers Union High and Grammar School waa elected president of the Fresno County Beard of Education Other members of the committee are Mrs Elizabeth Ramarher of the Temperance School Charles Fdgecomb of Selma and James A McGuffin of Freano Clarence Edward countv superintendent of schools is ex-officio secretary REGISTRATION AT SNOWS INCREASE Early reports on attendance filed by principals as schools were opened for the Fail semester to-dsy indicate a larger enrolment than at the same time a year ago Nineteen' srhoois reported a gain In enrolment There was a decrease in the enrolment at six schools and no report has been made by the Kirk School Ail cf (he high schools have a larger enrolment Fresno High School reports 1120 compared with 1075 the first dav last year Roosevelt 1317 compared with 1209 Edison Technical 327 compared with 649 Hamilton 684 compared with 608 Ijingfellow 575 compared with 507 and Fresno Technical 449 Including commercial college enrolment compared with 430 Jefferson Leada The Jefferson School with 593 has the largest enrolment of any elementary school reporting Enrolment last year waa 588 The largest gain is shown hv Columbia with 422 'pupils compared 'to 354 on the opening day last year At the Fresno State College where registration will he In progress again to-morrow and Wednesday the registration late to-dav had reached 630 with a long lineup of students si ill waltlngto regiater The first day's registration a year ago was 644 Both old snd new students will he registered to-morrow and only new students on Wednesday Registration for extra-hour courses may be made between 8 A and noon and 1 and 4 to-morrow and Wednesday Regular classes will be convened Thursday Approximately 490 teachers and more than 11000 children returned to classrooms At the IJncoln School ontv two classes are being conducted In the nld building where three ground-floor room have been joined to form an auditorium A partition Installed in the auditorium of Ihe new building provides two new classrooms both cf which are being used for classes A kitchen has been equipped in the old building for tha preparation of food served in tha cafeteria Growers Say No Damage To Result From Thunder Storm of 19M crop ralaina vu begun to-day by members of the Sun-Maid Raisin Growers under the date-delivery system used annually by the co-operative 1 Sun-Maid receiving stations are Open at Fresno Selma Klngsburg ay DInuba Biota Parller Del Ray and Delano Other will be opened Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday Commercial packers slso are receiving new crop raisins from growers In small quantities It was reported by the Talsln control board although heavy deliveries by independent growers are not expected to be under way until October 1st Raisin growers reported the showers which accompanied a thunderstorm Saturday night did no damage to their crops Continued warm weatbsr yesterday resulted in the evaporation of moisture CITYTOSIDFOR LEAGUE CONCLAVE Commissioners Also Plan To Ask Film Leaders To Convene Here The city commissioners of Frei no headed by Mayor 8 Ley-mel will enter a bid for the 1935 convention of the California League of Municipalities whan they appear Monday at the convention in Pasadena Mayor Leymel says the missioners are preparing banners and cards to take with them to the convention It is the custom of the league to choose convention sites In Northern and Southern California In alternata years The convention opens Monday and will continued until Thursday Mayor Leymel and Legislative Commissioner George Sharp will communicate with officials of the motion picture industry while in Pasadena in seeking to obtain tha industry's co-operation in staging tha 1935 convention in Fresno Tha industry has a large part in tha Pasadena program 'Appeal Court Reverses $18000 Robinson Award The Judgment of a superior court Jury in awarding Ralph Robinson local automobile dealer 118000 against Arthur Lindburg and Arthur Lindburg Inc has been reversed by the fourth district court of appeal A copy of the opinion written by Associate Justice Marks was received here to-day Robinson filed suit for $158000 from Lindburg and the corporation Il charged Lindburg made false representations as to the status of the company at tha time of the sale The Jury awarded him $18-000 Uni Offle If Wntlier Bams Pinna Csllf Bepteanber 11 1N4 Slf-sn Mris Rids Tel 3-7171 Fare! Till Tanias POR PRKSNO AND Fair ts-Bisht and Tuesday moderate temperature: liaht ranabla winds FOR NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Fair to-nlaht and Tueadar kut ave resit an soasl Utile ehana In temperature Wealker CaudllUua A few wldtlr scattered thundershowers fell In Central and Hoolhern California darlns Saturday afternoon and nltht but with this rseeptloa tulr weather baa prevailed In western ala tea durins tha laat fnrtr-elaht hours and hlih temperatures ant In lied In California Beyond the Rorklea tha weather la fair In moat sections this mornlna but thcra was arneral rain In tha Miiaiaaippl Valley and eastward orer tha Atlantia Heahoard during Saturday and Sunday It la warmer In tha northern plains and murh cooler In the lake reslnn and Ohio Valley Tha barometer remains relatlrel high erer western states and off this roast and pn considerable change In weather nr temperature la Indicated lor this valley srer Tuesday BONNFTT Far 4 Mann Kndins at a A tk Meridian Time lowest prsclp highest last last 34 yeatardsy alsht hours Boston Chlrato Cincinnati Detroit i ib Fureko PH BRNO Lander Mlnneapolla 'Monlromary Needles New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Phoenfs Poratrllo 1 Portland Napld City Reno Racramenlo Rt Louis Bait lake City Han nirsa Ran Francisco i Rants Fa Pea ile Hooknns Tampa Washington Winnipeg Yuma 0 SPEAKER WARNS Rex A Mitchell of Paso Robles president of the Public Morals and Christian Welfare Association told tha Legion Civic Luncheon Club today at tha Hotel resno tha person who says Communism is nut a menace to the United States does not know what Communism is good American" ha said after reviewing the cotton atrika of last Fall wake up to what ia behind the picture the cotton pickers want to atrika for $150 per hundredweight well and good hut I am against Communists coming in and telling tha pickers what to strike for The strike was brought on by agitators who had no intention of picking cotton Moscow Rule Sought know tha third Internationale is working throughout the world to 1 replace all govermems with a proletarian dictatorship directed from Moscow "The Communist slogan of for use and not for profit aounda good but with all tha weaknesses we have in the United State and they are plenty would rather spend the rest of my life in any penitentiary on American roll than in tha beat Commune in the world Communists are nut to dethrone God They hold in contempt every religion that of the Jewe Catholics Protestants and Mohammedans the worship of God has not been driven out of Russia 8inca the ban waa placed on religion there have been 3000000 converts to Christianity No Strikes In Russia Communists believe In strike outaide of Russia They do not strike in that Guests of tha club included city commissioner county supervisors board of education members representative of the sheriffs office Womens Club fraternal organisations end the schools Ben Du-trnw presided The program inaugurated Americanism Week sponsored by the American Legion Mltrhell will apeak in the high schools Thursday and Friday Reservations For Stanford Dinner Made By Fifty More than fifty reservation have been made for an Informal dinner at 6:45 o'clock to-morrow evening at The Californian at which Freano County Stanford alumni will greet Controller A Roth and Harlow Rothert alumni secretary Those attending the dinner are to ha augmented by other Stanford alumni for a program at 8:15 o'clock when Rothert will show motion pictures of tha 1933 big game and views of tha Stanford campus Informal talks will be made by the visitors Reservations for tha dinner must be mads by to-night with Mrs Lloyd Henley the secretary or tha hoteL Sleeping Man's Money Britches Too! -L -Summers of 1745 Fulton Street sleeps he does aleep soundly too Saturday night for Instance Summers moved to his front porch to take advantage of the cooling breezes end rolled his trousers containing $5 under hie pillow When he awakened early tha next morning his trouser and billfold containing the money were gone FALL OEF TRESHE Gilbert Allen Gailemore 53 of Tollhouse died to-day In the Fresno County General Hospital of injuries suffered In a fall from a trestle while deer hunting nesr Central Camp yesterday Gailemore fell 115 feet from the top of the trestle to a creek bed below striking supporting timbers aa he fell His riba were crushed and ha was injured internally Gailemore and a companion wera returning from tha scene of their hunting expedition near Central Camp with two deer when he either slipped from the trestle or fell while fixing a loose tie He waa tha husband of Mrs Pearl Gailemore of Tollhouse and the father cf Odell Nance and Pertains Gailemore all of Tollhouse and Mrs Gueldean Childers of Au-berry Candidates With Primary Majority Declared Elected Candidates for state and county non-partisan offices who obtained a majority vote at the August 28th primary election have been elected snd it will not he necessary for their names to go on the general election ballot In an opinion prepared for County Cist Reed Schaeffer today Deputy District Attorney Arthur Shepard ruled that a section of the direct primary law requiring the name of such candidates to be balloted upon at the general election Is Invalid He pointed out that a section of the stale constitution provides that candidates receiving a majority of tha vote cast at a primary election are elected Nearly a dozen candidates for major offices in the county art affected by this ruling PARALYSIS CASE RETORTED One new case of infantile paralysis was admitted to tha county general hospital and one patient was discharged as cured There are now twenty-seven active rases of the dlseaee in tha hospital County Law Librarian Reports To Supervisors During the fiscal year which ended June 30th the county law 'winning numbers he eunghy library circulated 1786 vntiimsc'8y Ellis radio auditinn winner song contest probably will he made this week Metzger secretary-ms n-ger 6f the association say If Ihe Judging la completed thia week the eandidates for governor wa cer talnly do not want a corporation dominated man Ilka Merriam or aa Upton Sinclair whoae program la Impossible Wa went a man with tha Progressive views of Ray mond Haight Ha is a young man whn ia up and going need more men of hia typa In affairs of government Mrs McKelvey forme Quinn I am very en thualaatle in my support for Ray mond I Haight for governor believe him to be tha one man to fill the position Attorney Tom I sup ported Creel at tha primary and now I am for Haight Ha ia th only man I ran vole for I Perkins owner af tha Perklna I hava been for Raymond Haight aver aince ha cam out for governor hava al wave been a Progressive Repub liran and I can not sea Governor-Merriam anv more than can seo Upton Sinrlalr A Baleh principal Lnngfel low Junior High I am for Raymond Haight for governor he reuse he la tha only logical candidate I eerie inly ran nnt sea Frank Merriam or Upton Sinrlalr sitting In the gubernatorial chair Rotarians Told Of Increase In Game Licenses Fieh and game propagation And other activities of the Californio Fish and Game Commission wer reviewed by John Farley of Kan Francisco executive officer of th commission in a talk at the Freano Rotary Club weekly luncheon sea aion to-dav at The Caltrorntan Although tha sale of hunting and fishing licenses showed a steady da din during the depression Farley ays aalea to date thia year hava shown a substantial Increase over last year problems of tha commiaalon In Ihe last few year has been -to carry on Its work with decrees ing said Farley Farley said 70000000 trout wer plnn'ed hy the fish and gama commission In California at ream a and lakes in th past two year with the tendency toward th planting of 1argr fish Vocal solos wera sung hy Mrfc Jana Severance Coney accompanied bv Mra Kuhn Presi dent 'Harry Shield presided Two Boys Are Treated For Firearm Two Fresno boy wera treated yesterday at tha emergency hcspU tal for wounds received acciden' tally while playing with firearms Jack Joneell of 142 Inez Street th eon of Earl Jones a deputy constable ha a gunshot wound in the hand suffered while playing with hia father's pistol Owen Nelson 13 of 8125 Turned Avenue haa BB shot wounds In tha thigh DAMAGE TRIAL STARTS Superior Judga Austin is today hearing evidence In th $28-840 damage action brought by Victoria May Beffa and A Bartlett against William Baseford and Frlla-lianaen Th plaintlffa allege they wera Injured January 1st when their1 car and on owned by Friia-Haraan' and driven by Baseford' collided on the Golden State Highway a iw miles north cf Fresno and FB27 persons visited the library to seek legal infcrmatlnn This is the statement of Margaret Dnld librarian in her report to the law llbrarv trustees The library has 15549 volumes having added 433 during the year Of these 399 were purchased four teen donated and twenty bound FORMER FRKSXAN TUFA Word wa rereived here to-day of the death in Pasadena of Mrs Cessna wife of a retired Iowa banker and former resident of Fresno She had been 111 for two years Mr snd Mrs Cessna came to Fresno about twenty years ago from Grfnnell Inwa and mada their home here until 1924 when they moved to Pasadena In addition to her husband she leaves a daughter Mrs Frank Kellogg of Fowler Funeral servlrea will be to-morrow in Pasadena TAILSPIN Ed Get An Bpaalal Celirarnta Reports 7 A (Orrhard Temperatorea) Bts Mas Min Weather Rain Rinrktnn 37 Clear Merced Ml clear RESNO II Clear WEVt shp toTtfour A iFEYtfSi LAVOED tupee-poat FOG PEPV0S Am rs piot 4 70AtAty ASArEO 70 LOAF AffDF TWF SHP iSO HE ashed FOj THE EXCUSE 70 DO eSD-- 11t2- Rlrrr Reports MINOR Ftrdra 1 A II alaat 130 feel: dtseharae 100 aernnd feet BAN JOAQUIN Kerrkhnff Power Rouse average for 34 hours ta last mid-nicht: II second fret Local Data 1PM I AM Noon Barometer 3177 MSA Temperature dry SS at 3 Temperature wet 44 41 Humidity per rent 1 to 17 Temperature to-dsy dearer Normal dally maximum trmperalur for September IS Normal d-tly minimum Umperatura for Brptember Highest yesterday lowest this date 100 and a4 Orrhaid maximum yrstcrdayt minimus this date 0 and AS Hieh and low this data last year and 37 TranrRrwnnw -fd-tnyr-rtf-ArirrhT tmnvl 03 and EarUatfc "7T Beffa sks 25275.

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