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The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 2

The Index-Journali
Greenwood, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 vs' PACK TWO THE INDEX-JOURNAL GREENWOOD, S. C. SATURDAY, JULY fling of Amen-hotep in THE INDEX-JOURNAL Some Notes And Comments Given if Nobody's Business) By OEI MeOK "1, On The Sunday School Lessoh Dorothy Better Box 'jiltI I I 11 Shall Mother Whip Son WJJ Him Young Girl Bares Secret XreiUFjihiShe -May Be Judged by Her Mother tong 'on Braim rEAR MISS DIZ-My son 17 yejirs old and In the tenth grade at school. am a widow and my husband's great desire was that I should educate the boy with his Insurance and make-aomethlrut out of But mr wh 4ias begun to skip axhooi. not read or study, -and wants to go out night All he will do Is to play ball do the things he likes to do.

He has a Saturday and works like a Turk until but when It comes to doing anything he refuses. 1 have to wait on him. him. pick mind will every and Job on late, tor me last tried get up his clothes. He lies In bed onUl the V'- minute' before be goes to school.

I have kindness, persuasion and rewards to him to do the work, but he refuses to me and is Impudent Do you think it would do any good to him a good whipping? It is btolical not to spare the rod. MRS. W. J. P.

Answer: Ycv seveafeeii years too lot 'now in feecAlNg tow boy obedience. Ma I'Milaf J(ewr Ol WnNM htiein CutUU" IMMIahaS Pany. Mundajr 04 Trl-Weakl Wr ink iMpcc-JovmNAi. company Al II Maawell Avenue a I. WATSON W.

CARDNE31 J. BAILEY President Vlce-Pre. Cec-Tres. BoImv.1 lh UrMDIKUl l-uellfrtca Mall Maiiar of tit Haeoinl I'll TKMW 0' BtlMCBirilOft i- l'itv i ona iraar. stae; els Mt.itia, 14 40; Hire mom he.

tsMj one awiiiUt. 76 eanlli on wim payable In advanoe. BV MAIL: Wimln radlua of IS mile One year. ala aaoolha. I of clly Oam year.

B.oe; alt BMHitha, flM; Oirea montne, l.lll one avrtilh. Tf centa Pay Ola lnartaDljr in advance. lnil1a radlua or miiaa. itu Mall aulMortptloM steppe at aha (lun. Owe year.

i nMdiilia. SILe: lliraa montba, 76 eania. l-ayeirte In draaea and pad al esplraUoav IKNK OF ASSOC1ATKO IM 'Im A SaWa sV'TTwaaaw) la Melualvely entitled la (ha Maa af republication of 'eH aawa dlapalonee ereaiiea m. olhirwtM credited In Ula paper and al tha kooaj news auMMied Ail rhrhui of af apeetel dieaaienee herein ara alao raeereed. Make AH Remittance to THE INDEXIOUMJAL COMPANY Greenwood.

8. 0. tViraln Raoraeanianree bkyant. omrriTU nuimniM. jiai Mraat Tlewrerk Walton Wd.

Kt.aua Bids. Ckloago lot Devonahlro Htraai Mooton Tha MtblhAar iimak no liability far meroha.dtee Incorrectly prtoed tkranvh typographical error and In no event will llabUlqr ba aaataned where gooda aie aold at thai tnoorrect price TELSniOMSl 0nalnaa Advartlaln Uapartntaot editorial Kooma 41 SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1W3 JUDNAPTNO HACKET The severe federal law directed Subject: Caleb Confidence In Ood. Lesson MaterUl: Numbers 13; Joshua. It Qolden Text: "Blessed the nun that maketh the Lord his trust. Psalm 40:4.

Although the statement is made that Caleb was of Ue tribe of Judah yet the best authorities are satisfied that he was not a descendant cf Judah or of any of the 12 sons of Jacob. Persons from outside of the people of Israel who cast their lot in with the descendants of Jacob became identified with some one of the tribes and therefore were classified under the name of the particular tribe. Caleb was called the enezlte. Just what this phrase means is not fully agreed on. Some think that he was a descendant of a grandson of Esau while others think he was a descendant of Ish-mael.

Whatever may have been his ancestry he rose superior In faith, courage and in other high qualities to the head of all of the tribes except in that of Joshua which belonged to the tribe of Ephriam. Frcm this fact I gather that it Is the -Inherent qualities of the individuals that count and not ancestry. While It Is a well known fact that like begets like and that children inherit the traits and char acterlstlcs of their parents yet many of the world's greatest men and women have come from obscure parentage. While ancestry plays an Important part In determining what one will be and while lnvt-renment also Is a potent factor In determining one's career and destiny yet divine Influence can overcome the tendencies of heredity and the fcrce of environment. What made Caleb truly great Is found In the statement that "he wholly followed the Lord, his Caleb was not unmindful of the physical difficul ties that would be encountered In the conquest of Canaan but the great evidence of the past that the Lord had delivered Israle out of many difficulties which appeared to be Insurmountable gave him confidence that Ood would not fall Israel in the future.

-'alns kidnaping and the various drastic Uws of many SUtea do not I pit.n mm f' teem to have a my. marked deter. rtnt effect on thla racket. It Is rnore widely used today than It has 'been In many years. Tl'r It la probably more certain of ae.

vere punishment than many ether crimes and this fact, would seem to be widely known at newspapers have pubUshsd.over and over the severe penalties and the con of many-and yet there are those who wlUjk'k these penal- (ITV CLERK A TREA8 REPORT FOR X05TH OF USE, IKS RECEIPTS FOR MONTH OF JUNE 1933 When Caleb and Joshua Insisted that the people sehould go and pos sess U.e land without delay the peo ple prepared to stone them and only the Immediate appearance of the brightness of the cloud or the pillar of fire ahlnltir upon the tabernacle saved them from death by diverting the attention of the congregation. The people rebelled against the commandment of the Lord and In consequence of Uot them that were over 20 years old were doomed to perish In the wilderness and the promise was made that Caleb and Joshua should go In and Inherit the, land. Moses also made Caleb a special promise In the pres ence of Joshua that Caleb should have a special spot In the promised land. It Is highly probable that the hope that. he would at length possess this this desirable spot for his.

Inheritance and that his children should it after him bucyed him up during the many years that ensued and sharpentd his resolution and thus gave him health, strength and vigor. We read that ve yean, after the people had crossed the Jordan Caleb came to Joshua and reminded him. of the promise that Moses had made 43 years before. At this time the land had not been reduced to possession and would have to be fought for before the ownership could be claim ed. Caleb asked for the privilege of going on.

and subduing it Permission was given and Hebron (the latter name of the location) became the inheritance of Caleb and his descendants. From Caleb's example we shovjd learn not to give up but In time of adversity and when success Is delayed to possess a steadfast hope and abiding faith and firm resolution to accomplish our choicest aims in life and ultimately to reach the goal. Reflections It is not ancestry nor environment that determines our! character destiny but the in herem qualities of the individual coupled with in conquerable resolu tion and supreme faith in Ood that produces the -achievement of the highest good. A quitter never sue ceeds and It is he who Is steadfast in purpose that reaps the rewards of lire. The scriptures tell us that 905.30 272.20 i 791.87 989.00 88.50 589.27 86.53 21.00 250.00 14.75 1 .500.00 9,200.00 43.63 600.00 Old 420.74 814,590.13 15,45.48 Exn.

678.07 686.63 1.461JS 71'1 64 150.00 259.00 182.63 140.00 235.60 67.07 9,250.00 250.00 55.79 85.00 tftO $50.00 $14397.42 6.00. 1 7.68" 493.06 $16,495.48 617.46 617.46 9446.99 617.46 9.744.45 1.126.20 Print. A ,0 20.26 9,060.79 H4ka. si Balance from month of May, 1933 Taxes (Back) Taxes (19321 Licenses Fines i5 1 4 AKB ALEST Tne Anosi deiiende rushes to the' defense of the Washington IToa hope to do lAaf in cradle, end any tpaalclne that hoi to be done to be performed vhilei chad is too little to understand tho wht of (Maps and ha to Is taught by Jear of punishment not to do certain "4. 1 It you whip a boy of 17.

you. will only make Dim so angry that b( will probably run away from You will not make him mind you Bat perhaps sUaatloa is net aa.Vad aryon think as. From what yea write I sheald iadge that year sosi la enly getag tbreagh the asaal axserieJieee af aaUaeaee. and that yoa ara net staking taeagh allowances fee bis time at The hebbte-debey period, when a chUeT Is neither man aer bey, Is always one great strain aetweea him and bis parents, and this at partle- tuarly the ease when the anly parent Is a widowed another who flndt herself atterly iaeompeteat to deal with a baaestreng yeengster. You see, all mothers want their boys to ba plaster saints, and yoa ire Ilk the rest.

You want your boy to- be neat and clean and srderiy. to be teacher's pet at school and studious at home. him to be eager for an education and ambitious about going to college tnd to prefer to spend his evenings at home with you to running around with other boys. And yon ve tertibtt dietppointed Decease he itt boy, because Ae it tleept-headed in the morningt and con riders going to scaooI ke thtowt hie thlngt about and leave the bathroom looking a though a Kxzfrrtpoui had passed over it. Well, he is iuit etactit like -million of other boy utko have grown up into fine citizens and (Ae prop and stay 0 our country.

Virtually an boys are like that at 17. Tbey hate to work around borne. They resent They are Irritable and impudent and apparently haven't any decent natural emotions in them so far as their parents are concerned. And there nothing that their mothers can do but just to keep bands off as much as they can, and use aa much tact In dealing with them as a diplomat does in settling the national debt question, and to Just hope and watt and pray for those years between 17 and 21 to pass and for tbs boy to grow up to be" a man who will love his mother for an she hasn't done to him, and the wisdom she need not asking him questions and treating him like a baby in leading strings. Yew say year sea Lfces to week.

That wtU be bJa salvation. As seen as be laithes high school, let htm get a Jeb that Uiterests him. There at hope for every indnatrWaa person. They seldom ge far wrong. 7 But one thing do" urge 'upon you and that Is not to waste your husband's insurance money in sending a boy like that to coUeg.

Keep that tor yourself to nve en end perhaps lend him a hslp haawne time when ho want to start a little business of his owa I think there Is nothing more tragic than the amount of money that Is Wasted to tending boys and girl to college who are not college material, who have no real desire for an education, no Interest in books, but who only go to order to have a grand four-year spree, or because they think 1 la the thing to do, or because their foolish parent are under the delusion that Ltey are somehow giving them advantage In teaching them to be loafers and to put off going to work as long as possible. You can lead hone to water, tayt Vie old proverb, but to can make drink. So ton. can tend a boy to college, bat yoa can't make him sckoJar aalei he ks a tktrrt for learning. DOROTHY DUC a a a a a a a a DEAR MIES DEC Do you honestly think daughter 'should be Judged by her mother I'd hate to be Judged by mine.

We do same kind of Uvea. If there ever was a henpecked husband, my father la one. I could not treat a man that way. My mother and my sisters are very gay. Every "night they have parties for which they could be put out of a decent neighborhood and which always wind up to an argument or fight I go to any of them.

live with my grandmother, and most people who know me ay I am Just like her and not like mjr mother. I have a secret dread that I may be Judged by my mother. ithls falr A DAUGHTER. Answer: 'i Of eoavse, Isn't' fair, bat It is the penalty yea meat pay for being year mother's daagbter. TettmmnUij.

bewever. as yew have dlaamnrraled yirsitrlf treaa ywar mother and year wiM easters aad live with year highly ewspeetaWe graadmolhar. yoa win be aaseciated In the pakile aatod with beg vtrtaes. rather than year me4bera i When we say: "Judge a girl by ber mother," we make a. true generalization, though there are many exceptions to the rule.

Because a girl is the result not only or her heredity but alao of her environment, and nine times out of ten ah Is absolutely what her mother has made her. It Is her mother whe-form bet character and fixes her pattern of life. It 1 mother who teaches her high principles or lax ones, who teaches her to be truthful or fibber, who teaches her to be a good housekeeper or a bad one. who teaches her id be tender and kind to her husband or henpeck hlnu, "Jfofher kaoici belt." if the Ioffart fo "which most ttffte' ylris 'are reared, and tt beeomee fixed. thing in their minds that mother does know best about everything on earth and that her wyi art (Ae rljAI inayt.

But It to also true that often a girl li so revolted at the way her mother does that she goes to the opposite extreme, as In your case. 'Because her mother was a virago, ah control her own. temper; because her mother ruined her father with her. extravagance, she becomes a "WV Paving Assessments New and Princess ny, a pnoenecian. was undoubtedly sent to the Egyptian governor at Beth-Shemesh a-bcut 1400 B.

C' Whatever Its first fate, It wit-'nnatty, at the age" of four hunired years, burled beneath trie home of some Egyptian to' bring good luck and everlasting life of which the scarab is a. token to mrmbers of his household. "We have found plenty of evi dence show that people of the ancient world thought Just as much of antiques as do we," said Pro- nfAnt -r Mwnm V- aiiis UCI 1 11 a taut owl in the ruins of a house yfars old, and the "bowl mut have been at lis1))0 years6ldr. We have found molds from7 which the cost of th? head' of' Asturte were ninde, which wereevidently treas ured, and ttianjP, Either much cider than the ruins of houses in v.hleh they, weri found. Tt.e excavations at are in a great round mound, from which every year the workmen cut a segment, much as one would cut Into a piece fcif 'cake.

At about two feet down the latest records of lestine art found, and from there to eighteen feet below ground ere relics of half a dczen different civilisations The scarab of Amen- hotep was found-at six feet. Today Today's Annlverars 1631 Jean de la Fontaine, French fslry)tory writer, born. Died April 13. 1693. 1805 Samuel D.

Gross, pioneer Am- erlcan surgeon and professor, author of standard medical texts, born near Easton, Pu. Died In Philadelphia, May 6. 1884, 1838 Ferdinand von Zeppelin, German alrcraft builder, born. Died March 8, 1917. 1844 Mary J.

Lincoln, household economist, author of the "Bos ton Blue born at At-tleboro, Mas. Died In Boston, Dec. Teday la History 1822 Shelley, brilliant English poet, drowned In Italy, aged .30. 1910 Oerman submarine Deutch-land slipped Into Chesapeake Bay after an epoch-making trip. 1932 Reparations Agreement at Lausanne Conference whereby Oerman reparations were considerably scaled Today's Birthdays John D.

Rockefeller, born at Rkhford, N. YM' 94 years ago. Mantis Van Sweringen of Cleveland, financier, born at Wooster, 52 years TJ. S. Senator John II.

Bankhead of Alabama, bom at Lamar, Ala, 61 years Frank A. Waugh of horticulturist' and landscape, architect, born at Sheboygan Falls, Wis, 64 years ago. Claude R. Porter of Iowa, member of the Interstate Commerce Commission, born at Moulton, 61 years ago. Rear, Admiral Thomas Craven, U.

8. retired at Vallejo, 60 years ago. Percy Oralnger of New York, mu sic composer, born In Australia, Gl years ago. Letter Carriers Pick Biackwell President And End Convention julv aiv-The 30th annual convention of the South Car olina Rural Letter Carriers' association ended yesterday after B. E.

Biackwell of Hartsvllle was elevated from the vice presidency to the presidency. He succeeds L. H. Willis of Gray. Court.

George C. Ounter of Seivem was named vice president, Hugh N. Layne of Roebuck, secretary-treasurer, and W. M. Wall of Florence county was elected to the executive committee to succeed Ounter.

The SoutbrCarolina branch of the National League of District Postmasters, also In convention here, re elected all oaf leers and chore Spartanburg the 1934 convention city. H. O. Jones of Salley Is president of the The auxiliary of the Letter Car riers elected Mrs. C.

B. Guess of Phwwood Its president In the closing session to euccecd Mrs. John R. Oriffls of 'Edgefield. Other of-fleers named 'were: Mrs.

M. A. Mc- Oce of Fountain Inn, first vice pres ident; Mrs. R. L.

Ashley or Ilonea Path, second vice president, and Mrt. Hugh N. Layne of Roebuck, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. H.

E. Da-eus of Easley. Mrs. H. J.

Martin of Donalds and Mrs. II. E. Taylor of Honea Path were elected to the ex ecutive committee, The annual convention of the South Carolina branch of the National Association of. Postofflce Clerks and the state branch of the Association 4U Letter Carriers will be held Jointly here today.

DEALERS' HABITS MUST 8 TOP SALT LAKE CITY (UP)-The habit of produce dealers to loosen strsa berries and other small' fruits'. thus Increasing the number of boxes, must stop in Utah; David F. Smith, commissioner of agriculture, has ruled. I a cf he of but 40 at up to the to Jf'i correspondent- dCiouUi Carolina Their chief activity seems FLAT EOCK SOCULS. Jennie veeve smith had as Iter supper guesses last friday night the foUowerlng from cedar lane: messdame Jones and her Bister I hit: sKiMinr uruwn.

wiry newer apem the night onner count of hot weather, und her house is cowered with tin. -j corry spondent mike Clark, rfd, kctched a nice chance or, bninnis in silver creek last week and Mime of same measured over Inches, they ore off-springs from nonie fishes the goyverment planted In this creek 3 yr. ago. mighty nice fried with IK.tatois. but he ketchedrnore Mnull ones than big ones, some Of the big ones yot away.

the dry sx-ll hurt everthlr.g ter rible in our midst, and It made the Insects comp fourth and ruin whatever the sun overlooked and that' is why most of us Is now Itv- vins out of paper bags, it burnt' up our gardlngs Including the fence around same, the temperature went 90 high In the thermometer It blowed the top off In the shade. I love winter time the best of all months in man who wore my. fine pan- nama hut off from the chicken sup per at rehober and left his old straw hat will plese call and get same and fetch mine back. I have yore num ber. joe billings, and it mought of ben ii a mistake about you getting the wrong hat.

yores Is worth about c39 and mine was Imported from ruby or mexlco and cost me nearly nnd besides that yores is too big for my head, no questions will asked or ancered. pecples racket stor to selling out again below cost and going out of bizness. this stoar newer sells below cost and that Is why he enjoys a nice trade all of the tim. he makes his monney by buying below cost and he has saved the publick thousands of dollars ever yr. he has cut everthing to the bene Including hams, cloth, and plow tools, he says patternlse home industry which means him.

meeting at rehober has benn changed from thursday nights to Sunday nights and It will take the place of the regular preeclung on sutday nights till rev. green collects some of his back aallery. he says he can preech 2 sermon dsy and not get paid but for one and that's why prayer meetings will be hell this way Instead of on thursday nights, he took in only 78 and 3 hens and 2 dozzens of eggs on his martch wages and nothing else since then. yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd. corry spondent.

Came Of Gossip By MARY GRAHAM BONNER At first Mrs. Quscksr sod Mrs. Quacko did not get on so wall at tha picnic. "You said I put on airs and was as snobbish as could ba." Mrs. Quacker quacked, "and you said I bossed ever) thing In Quaekervllle." Oh.

I didn't exactly say that," answered Mrs. Qascko. Now, there." quacked Mrs. Qaack- er In reply, "you see you can't really deny It" Willy Nilly heard this argument and said: "Oh. but speeches can be so greatly exaggerated, and someone may say something la one tone of voice that can sound very different when repeated In another.

Just as soon as we finish eating I'm go-, log to suggest tnst we play the me or gossip. What's tbatr they all asked. As soon as tbey bad finished eating the delicious plcnle food. Willy Nllly isugnt tnem bow to play. we ail sit around la a circle." ha explained, "and I whisper, none too clearly, to the one sitting next to me a remark about someone here.

Then the one sitting next to me repeats It to the one next to him and ao on. until the last one In the circle says It aloud. You'll see that It will be quite a different speech after not having been heard very well In the' first place and then repeated all around the circle." How they did laugh over the game. One of the remarks began as Rip has a wagging ''tall." and sounded at the end of the circle aa though It were "Rio always falls!" wht not try the game somt'day The Weather Observations at Oreenwood Wea ther station; M. M.

Calhoun, ob server. For 24 hours ending at 7:30 a. July 8." ASK St I 1 a J. Dr. Interest on Paving New 886.29; Old 11.24 Building Permits Boy, Scouts Rent Houses Water A Light Commission 1.

Notes Payable Miscellaneous Receipts County Health Unit iT-Sto-we that of telling the folks back 1 home what wonderfoJ men the poU- (. ticUns who' fill up Washington are. NEW VOfJK, July 8Ifa maRnlfl- ent relaxation for a Writer to let thoiifihtgo womp and dasli off any- thlntht rustles throUKti mind. Froul a paihtiiiK by Picasso to a seasoned housefly That's Die mood fbr tocluy. Abunilommiit of the snjui net' ui ujn'i i A i iffkf-l rai itnll, niil No foreb(HliiiK anRS about the final piiruxroph.

Nothinx to do but drift. I cun write that Gene Fow ler often walks through town wear-itiK carpet nnd let It go at that. And there's that KiidUen freak of that makes me wonder if the plural of inon-gbuv is No. A dictionary Is liundy and it's It Is fun to clear the mind and ret down the first Idea that imim.

Here 't comes: I hope there's chocolate Ice cream for dinmi I.loyd Knix'hs sends in a book on thimble inuglc a list of 500 i vanishments. Stimulating. Munic. A.s stimulating as an uproarious lauKh I heard in the public library the ether day. He was at a table reading and of a sudden doubled with guffaws.

I tip-toed to see what touched off such hilarity. He was reading that old timer, "David Harum." I recall one earthy gem from that volume. Something' like this: "A reasonable amount of fleas Is good for a dcg. keeps him from broodui' over tein' a dog." With Kin Hubbard in Heaven, there 13 too little homespun humor any mere. Such as Kin's twinge of esprit: "Nuthin' excitln' has happened in this town since Apple Week." But flippancy, as ejtpriss by the Broadway breed of Is slowly going the way of high-powered banking.

Even youngsters are acquiring, a sober outlook. The 24 year old son of a friend Joined me in an evening walk. He wants a farm in Minnesota and a selected library. Maybe he's in love. 24 1 I was married at that age.

And spent two days' salary for the rubber tired hansom was I smear ing It on I from Cincinnati to the church In' Newport, Ky. We both became conscious pf a faint scent In the vehicle, a lavendar odor. That was the venerable hackman's con tribution to romance. was one or those garrulous "seein as how' talkers. I wonder what life did to html I hear Stuart Price Is over at the We were born In the same Missouri town and his brother Jay is a close friend.

Yet I hesl tate to phene. A strange man Stuart Price. Most of his life has been spent in the Orient and he's somewhat the mystic. Kindly, cut tured. an intimate of governing fig ures In the dramatic' chessboard of the Far he shrinks from con floating around bi air of ab stractlon.

He's the sort who loses handful of cuff buttons a year. fccmctiines he looks through you In passing. Or suddenly walks out a room and next you.hear he's In Sumatra. Flits of thought: Al Smith grows Etout It strikes me John Oolden and Brock Pemberton are staunch- crt of the dwindling list of leglti mate producers I fell heir to Pcmberton's drama editing lob when left -the old Evening Mail I wondered why he 'quit. He was getting 143 a week.

I $35. Next I heard he was producing "Enter Madame." which made a fortune. I was still decorating the outer rim the copy desk. He sent first night seats "E.l-2. I went In a rented Tuxedo.

1 A name swims into, ken Grace Tyson. Wasn't she a vaudeville ac tress with a red-head partner named McWatters? Flashy fashion- plate act. A statuesque blonde who resembled the belle or our town, Buz-ette Newsome. She could suddenly twist her face and look like a monkey. Maybe It wasn't Orace it was Tyson.

She-had the breezy personality of a Lee Tracy. McWatters and -Tyson where are they? My barber Anthony grossed 9S02 at he calls his "tonsorlal studio" near Herald Square last week. He quit a Job at depression depths because he had faith In America. I sat directly behind Jack Dempsey at the gchmeling-Baer fight. Three seats on my left Jack Sharkey, loud-mouthed, uncouth, defiant.

Dempsey, silent, chewed a frayed cigar nervously, his black scowl In dullest glower. Hesl still the most picturesque figure the ring produced. And shows a more alert flair for promotion Instinct than any snatchers the Rlckard crown. Dempsey seems one ex-champ who won't end with a benent. This kind of a column means so much.

That is when you quit! REMOVALS CUT ENROLLMENTS CHEYENNE, Wyo. UP) Removal of scores of Mexican families their native country has caused enrollment In Cheyenne schools decrease, a recent census showed. i Index-Journal would not do the it er the pouuetans 4 anv norm ior we ewio. swmi stem to get a treat kick out of It DISBURSEMENTS FOR MONTH OF JUNK 1933 Street Department 8L 3627.26 Exp. 8719.66 ..8 Still, the bulk 'of the -special atuf consists In teHlnc newspaper Health Sanitary Sal.

readers wUt certain politicians are -idoing in always to Police Department SaL $1.304.40 Exp. $15175 Fire Department SaL $695.00 Exp. 26.4 .4.... ragineerlng Department Officers Salaries Building ft Office Exn. Welfare Acct.

Greenwood Hospital Refand Account Abate Taxes Uasollne and OH Interest on Bonds Boy Scouts I i their credlL Even the average reaaer spots me cnaracier wt drpaUh. ANTIQUES NOT NEW -The paradox Is fiat the craze for the antique is not a new erase. It is a' craze or fad almost older than recorded history, according to Prof. Elihu Orant, of Haverford College, who has been conducting Mine exceedingly interesting explorations la Palestine for the. past several years.

Orant arrived In New York some days ago with twelve large packing cases of ancient objects of art and of household use. Prof. Insurance Account Attorney Fees $35.00 Retainer Fee Miscellaneous Balance O'wooxl Bank Checks Out No. 1487-1490 Deposit In translet OCR TLA LANCE Adv. I'M WATER AMD ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT REPORT Greenwood.

8. July 1, 1933. FOR THE MONTH ENDING JUNE 10, 1933 RECEIPTS t. Balance forward from Mar O. Cash receipts DISBURSEMENTS Salaries aver; because her mother was loose '1 For sometimes oar mothers times an awfal warning.

Power 4.836.90 Maintenance (33.64 Extension gl.ui Merchandise Jr." 62.60 City Cleik Treasurer 1.500.00 Checks Returned Refund Elec. Rent. 8tamps. 8up. $14.01.

DIAA MISS DlX-iLaa short. only Av Jeet tall, and tt has given av. a terrlflo inferiority complex. I have tried to reason with myself tt convince myself am, fortunate that -1 am healthy In body and mind when there are sick people and stupid people aU about me. Then aU I need is to go to a pkrty where, as, usual, I am the shrimp, and thil iwful sense of Inferiority cornea over ma to spoil Is then! iny way I can overcome this feeling of Inferiority 8H0RTY.

Auto A T. M. Unclaa. Exp. Gen.

$166.61 202.16 Telag. Telep. Working Topis $125.00 "170.60 American Bank (Customer's Dep.) 210.86 Petty Cash. Charitable Cont; $25.00 60.00 Cfont must know what he la talking about but he taxed the credulity of many people when he says that some of the objects', that be found were at least one thousand years older than the house In which they were found. as these houses were twenty-seven hundred years old this would make objects 'hindred years old.

One of these amazing finds was an old hoe which Prof Orant says is at least thlrty-three hundred years 'old. This treat-granddaddy of the hoe is smaller than cur aver- age hoe ol today. It Js a little more than six Inches long and less than I. two Inches wide, made so that a forked stick could be Inserted, in end which was heated and bent over much as shovel tops "are fastened today. Next time you you sen remember this.

The Haverford excavations havt "been kt BeUi-Shemeth, the ruins of jVan, old Palestinian city, half way between Jerusalem and the It referred to In the lirst book of Samuel In the period which Pro ftrssor Orant has recently been ex-" plcrtng It was under Egyptian rule, and one of his most Interesting discoveries this year was an Egyptian scarab. It Is a large one. about two and a ijuarter by hreejjQdjiiuartrinchr e-, ttiAde cf Fgyptian limestone. On the back is an account of the wed- living, It turned her into prude, are aa -example te as and ae "DOROTHY DDtv I 1-2-YEAR-OLD LICENSESED BELLOWS FALLS. Vt.

(UP) Caji French and Stella Porter were married here recently, using a marriage license which they procured 1-2 years 46.00 $313 63 'Answer: The only way iso fight tt conttnuattt and thank Ood that ton are short In inches instead of trains. Study hard and work hard and make yourself to important that people will only think pf your mind instead of your body. Make them look up to your achievement instead of down on your History has a lot of comfort for you. Then are thousands of Aamaa Arimp. ti yoa call them, who have whale tf success.

DOROCHY DO, s2GC.OO G. 405; 64.I7 $703.66 a -a- Bank 'Balance -Bank of 0. ins county Dank By Deposit C. B. 394; B.

Of Checks -out. Nos. 406; 407 s. OUR BALANCE C. Bank B.

of or tM-ihmvri 8. Bailey, W. P. Turner. C.

Burna. Commissioners, F. 01. ou v. 703,66 9.764.45 t.764.45 W.

Clf APMAN, Superintendent, WITNESS WAS ALLdWEolwiO BOSTON (UP). The court wouldn't let Hyraan Bergiteln wear his hat hlle on the witness stand. But a kindly judse did adjourn court to give Bergstein time to go uui, wu 1 1 4- Ood will never leave us nor forsake us. yThls thought' supplies a strength that cannot be computed by the mathematicians of AtitiAiMi Tlw very first mention of a horse to be met 'with is In a document from Bnbylon. dating from before 2.000 B.

In which it is called "the osti from the East." Maximum 91. Minimum 67. JOHN A Adv..

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