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Belvidere Daily Republican du lieu suivant : Belvidere, Illinois • Page 8

Belvidere, Illinois
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THE DAILY REPUBLICAN, BELVIDERR ILLINOIS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 1940 Plans were not complete today Bonus Grange to War in a Pastoral Setting Finn Observe Booster i but they were certain to Include special school programs to bring home to school children the dang CROP AVERAGE COUNTY IS mgnt on mat nnrtin Rotv 9ft Ronus erar er; of playing with matches and combustible materials. GUT THE AIR TON! PREVEtJTIOiJ OF FIDES TO OE STOESSED A new angle to the educational program this year "will be an in 1 will swing wide the doors of lij pitality tomorrow night for Night" AU neighbors and -friendsif creased danger of incendiarism Thursday Features TFRhiED GOOD caused, by, the national defense 'f 8:15 Eicon's Sport Review, WGN, program. 1 mm mm mm uuw -w -mw T. F. Cunneen, manager of the invited to attend the open me, ing, which will begin at 7:30 p.

with a potluck supper. The I turer has assured a good progra insurance department of the U. S. Chaoibejr of wrote CROPS' WITHSTAND ROITG1J TREATMENT EAKLV IN SEA number of ajdustrics and, any SON TO BENEFIT 1iY FAVOR tailment of production because! ABLE CLOSING WEATHER BEXYIDEKE WILL OBSERVE FIRR rEEVUWiaN WEEK OdVC-12 CHAMBER OF COM COMMITTEE HTO -MEEt TQ pERrEdf PLAKS SUOOL PBQ. TIES.

Mtembers th Bolvklere Chamber ol Comme.rce: ilire. prevention fire become a very serious, yiv Particularly at a time like vigorous should be, 5: IS Mr. Keen, HEMt. 8:80 Capt, Ilerne. 'S-a t'K rop, wbum.

6:45 Inside of Kpvrts, WON, :4.1 H. V. Kaltenbom. WMAQ, It lltxtkrt. UBBM.

(iuod News, VM.t). Mlrainre as It germs, WBIUI. Aldrirh liurillir. WMAti. 0:55 War New.

WBBM. Itmt Fanmakrrs, W.MI. Mujor I town. WUIItf. 7:00 Manic Hall.

HM.VQ. 1.Q- Voire of Liberty, WfiS. 7:15 New Kepoxt, WGN. Four Ink Spurs, WON. 8:00 KudT Vallee, WDf Q.

8:15 (hounr up Kides, WIU1.Y. Wendell Winkle, H8, Ray NvblK WUN. Tea tlock Final. UENtt. 0:00 Amos 'n Andy, WBBM.

:1 Unir Him, WBBM. FEED SITUATION IS FAVORABLE CUTTING OF EARLY CORN AND SILO FILLING UNDERWAY. Verne sficretaiy of Belvktere chamber, as follows: "With atteotloii of the: nation directed defense, many chambers comnjerce are shapfayi their to do what they can to hep proijaftte. it Because defense need ar of economic as wej as military character. th toportarwe of and adequate local firt prevention program, to protect the, community's dertaken to prevent fires or an cendiarv origin." I E.

B. Glass is chairman of chamber's fire prevention comm tee. which also consists of Jo Boone county crops withstood some rough treatment during the coramitteia; today were plannins to give-the city a lesson in fire prevention it wouldn't tarept as thir McGonigle, A. F. Schuett, Keenev.

E. H. Tripp, Elnei resources. i evwent, growing season to benent Dy la Graves, Isabel Penner, Elizabc share the natki-wide frf "Defense orders, rjo dpybt will vorable weather at the close to ven tion week Oct ax tq capacity afa bijcrcaslns, Meehan, and Victoria Johnson. provide, -in their entirety, an un 54.

30 1940 usually good harvest. "There were but fields of oats -and barley that didn't go better thanlhe. 10- WW. uoeii m.nHfcjiiHH i nniww1at. Balance July 939 From district taxes.

232.95 JariceiM' HUN. WGN. I l.iUe New. WGN. I 1 Mule Masterwvrks.

WBBM. 10:80 Kddie Oliver' WUN. 11:00 PhU Levant's Oreh-WtN. 11:00 Nit Watrh. WIN IK 11:30 rluily' WGN.

rfciy Noble's WGN. CHICAGO FBEQTJKNCUES WGN, WINO 500; WMAQ, 070; (VUBM, 7705 WLH 87 WKNIi, 870: WAAP, WCfX, 870i WCBI). 1080i WJJD, WWAK, t20Dt W8BC. 1210; WE1C. 12101 WUFC, UiO; WHIP, 1180; WGES, 1830.

"year average and some, unusually hitrh viekls very close to 100 278.80 $882 Fund -524. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT QF THE TflWNSJHIP TREASURER FpJ IVBPCATI0N Township 43, Range 4. i Boo Cowty, IlUnois, from July 1, 1839, to June 3ft, 1919. Total Receipts Building Balance Jury 1, 1939.. From district taxes bushels ier acre were reported.

Total Farmers are facing-the fall and Symbol of innocence and peace, a flock of sheep wanders past a Nazi death engine whose mission of destruction boonveranged. The plane was" brought down on an English, field. The. location is not given. Fund winter seasons with comfort as the ExriwUtureBHlkng Expenditure Balance on hand' June 30, 1940 ...........1.

$588. Exieidttwe Building Fund Expenditures I 15. Balance on hand Juno 449.54 Oct. i in connection with the premiere, there of the new picture, "The Baby Snookses of today those kids who keep daddy Knute Rockne, All-American." 30, 194Q 5711 be done before the AAA deadline Sept. 30 if farmers wish to receive soil-building payments for the practices, according to E.

D. Walker, extension crops specialist of the University of Illinois college of ag and mommy guessing what' they'll DISTRICT ACTOUWp it Reelt--EducatloiM DISTRICT Q. 4ft Recelpt IttucaUvot Fund This is the second tie-up of the ra Sept. 30 Dead Line for Finishing Sbil Building Practices Urbana, Sept. 26 Liming and disking of permanent pastures this hay crops were bumper in scope.

The livestock feed situation is regarded as the best in several years. The biggest problem involves storage space, most barns being loaded to capacity. Pastures have also been good. Many; farmers think that corn will run as heavy as last year's large crop, hot weather of the past do next are the presidents of to Total morrow," according to no less an authority than Fanny Brice, who DISTRICT NO, 3 riculture. Balance July 40.00 From district taxes, 43.0? DISTRICT NQ.

Receipts Educational Fund Balance. July 1, 421.64 fall prior-to seeding clovers and wjll romp jrough another hilarious comedy session as Baby Snooks on the Good News pro- other legumes next spring a a a hm- i. Total Bajance July 1, 1939 wstnoution ol trustees. 160.57 From-district taxes 629.22 $83.06 Fund Gram tonight. JW; benelicral.

-TTTC-Texireme nui uieru Distribution of trustees From. district taxes Expenditure Educational Balance pn hand July While Baby Snooks will not be cfljde seeding of alfalfa and clovers and other legumes, application of phosphate, terracing, seeding of Total half of; Illinois will take the lead in nfnrtnption And Boone county running for onice during ner 3ft 1940 83.06 laugh campaign on the- coming Total ExpciHtlturear-EdtHtUal Fund it's reliably reported Expenditures Educational Fum tor the ining cat at the Beres-ford Cat Club show in the Windy City. Emily, the Meredith Willson'a well-known cat, has been immor talized in bronze by a sculptor friend of. the radio conductor and now serves as a doorstep in the Willson home. The likeness ifc not winter cover and green manure crops, plowing under green manure crops and seeding or Expenditures 1,138.97 ri that she will get a mysterious ap Expenditures oaiance on nana June propriation with, which she will Total $83.06 Receipts Building Fund Balance July 1, 1939, overdrawn 6.00 From district taxes 12.56 Balance on hand June 30, 1940 72.46 reseeding' permanent pastures.

dole out free ice cream to her 30, 1940 238. Walker illustrates the value of friends on the program, Dick; Pow good permanent pastures by citing promises to be at the top" of the list in yield per Further shrinkage in the general yield prospect in the em, central and east portions of Illinois has been offset to, a large extent by improvement in the prospects of the northern and western districts. Cutting of early corn and siia filling are under way. and some corn has been ell, Mary Martin, Meredith Will- Total $1,211.43 Receipts liuiMins; Vund dio series with a the opening broadcast having revolved around a mike adaptation of "Brigham Young." James Newill. featured singer on the Sunday Evening Hour, drew 18,000 persons to his outdoor concert" at Belle Isle, just outside recently.

It was the largest crowd ever to assemble there for a concert. i Since hanging his name from Teddy Bergman to Alan Reed, jobs have been piling up for the actor. Heard; regularly on the "Crime Doctor" series over C. B. 9., he has just been signed to be announcer and stooge extraordinary on the, returning Col.

Stoop-nagle's "Quixie Doodle" programs which will be heard on Sundays starting Sept 29. Tony Wons, who starts a series of programs for a greeting-card maker Oct. 13 on N. B. will return to Chicago early from his Canadian vacation.

That's so as to be on hand to present the cup Total Receipts Building son, and Don Wilson. In the mu the. example of W. A. Myers, farmer near Mattoon.

Myers has twa' four-acre pastures of brome sical interlude, Miss Martin and Balance July 1, 1939. 453.42 Fund ft 77 Balance July 1, 1939 Total $6.56 Expenditures BttfMlrrg Fund Balance on hand June 30; 1940 S.56 Powell, will join in singing "Ferry From district taxes Boat Serenade." Their solos will grass and sweet clover mixtures that he uses for alternate grazing. From district taxes 74.21 Total vpruU turea nUdiig Fund Expenditures 33.12 bp respectively, "Qnly Forever, from, "Rhythm on the and One of the pastures is five years Total 7 Expenditures Building husked for Total Fund old, and the other seven years old. Soybean conditions, while uneven Expenditures 25.C! These two pastures carried 12 Balance on hand June getting a warm welcome from Emily-in-the-flesh, who arches her back and hisses as she passes the, statute. This may or may not be a form of criticism.

Virginia Payne sees nothings peculiar in the fact that she, a geod-looking young girl, should be port traying elderly "Ma Perkins." She started this 'sort of character acting early: at seven, to be exact) when she was dressed as a little old lp.dy recited a long poem called "Aunt at 'the Opera" in a school entertainment on a state basts, are termed good Balance on hand June head of cows through the spring and summer. 30, 1940 645.7 and generally uniform in Boone county. The unusually rapid 30, 1940 494.51 Total DISTRICT NO. 47 Receipts Educational Fund Balance July 1, 1939 407.98 From district taxes 402.93 Total rate of maturing and drying dur VINE YIELDS 100 TOMATOES Edison, Calif. John Tzumpas, ing the past week may "have re over, Madison Square." Willson's orchestra will play the "Scarf Dance," by Chaminade.

Miss Brige contends that Baby Snooks is the epitome of alt children with ingenious minds the kind which often are a problem to their parents when they are young but are the leaders' in politics, industry and science wjien they grow upL '4 lwthmg futrdarnentaV" sulted in a slight' shrinkage in yield. tomato grower, had one plant whjch yielded 100 tomatoes this DISTRICT NO. TO -Receipts Educational Fund DISTRICT Na OS" Receipts EducUonl Fund Total $810.91 ExpendJturoa Edu-atUal Fund Other township treasur- season." Balance July 1939 22.1 From district taxc 8.04 Balance July 1939 980.32 Distribution oT lvuss 153,73 Froha' district taxips. 696.33 I Balance oft hand June Total ly "bad about Baby Snooks or any 301940 402.93 Kxpendlturea Educational Fund Total other township treasur of her counterparts, concludes Miss Brice. just mentally alert, energetic, and full pf ers x22.1 Balance on hand, June Total Receipts BuUulnir Fund Balance July 1, 1939 197.97 From district taxes 124.92 Expenditures Edvcitlonat Fnn4 Expenditures 1 036.00 Balance on hand June enthusiasm the very stuff of 30, 1940 i 8.0( which presidents are made." YOD CAN FIGURE 0 TJ DIG SAVINGS AT YOUR When spur kitchen pencil runs down your shopping list, don't hesitate1 to add en extra item or two for your emergency pantry shelf.

With what you save by shopping at your neighborhood you can always manage such extras. Look over these "buys-of-the-week" below. Stop in and see the other tip-top values at 0t HEATERS FAMOUS FOR HrAr" 30., mo. 794.40 Since moving to Hollywood for Total $30.1 Receipts BuHdlng Fnnd Total ExpemUtutfts Butldktx Fuiid Indicates Fsrsi-' Surplus Items Buy them. blp youreK and pre-ducers, loo.

their assignment the R. K. O. film, ''Xw'll Find- Out," Kay Ky-ser's band men have become- cam Balance July 1, 1939 18 21 From district 4.21 Other township, treasur Total i Receipt BuHdln Balance July 1, 1939 From district taxes Fund 443.83 148.20 ers 197.97 era addicts. More than half the (Balance on hand June ANN PACE-PURE FRUIT Total musicians have purchased com 3Q 1940 124.92 Apricot, Blackberry, Cherry, Peach, Pins.

ExpRliiirer-pIIdtng Fund BROADCAST REDI-MEAT LB. JAR PRESERVES 2 1 t7l Ha ippw, fhraa. plete shuttering outfits. This week, after "shooting" everything in. sight, two of them, were re Total 18.23 ANN PAGE Other township treasurers Balance on hand June 30, 1940 12-OZ.

CAN A Sugar-Cured Ham Product Total $593.03 ExpwiUturc Buitdlos Fw4 Expenditurrs 75.00 Balance on hand June 30, 1940 517.03 21 duced ot photographing each, oth QT. JAR 4.21 DISTRICT NO. 69 Reeelptn Educational Fnad 23' 10' Total Total Balance July 1,1939. 45.52 $592.03 I6-OZ. CAN SALAD DRESSING WHOLE KERNEL GOLDEN BANTAM peter pan conn NUTLEY BRAND OLEOMARGARINE EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE From district taxes 191.51 3 bag 37c DISTRICT Na 76 Receipts Educational Fund 2 bags 25c LB.

3' 25e CTNS. Balance July 1, 1939 58.49: From district taxes 54.30! DISTRICT NOw 61' Rwielpt Edacattoniil Fund Balanco July 1, 1039. Distribution of trustees. 147.25 From district taxes; 766.47 Total $237.03 rpcnditurs FUUiratlunaJt Fund Other township treasurers 167.03 Balance oh hand June 30, 1940 7O00 EGG NOODLES MRS. GRASS EEDLESS SUHMflID RAISIflS 8c 4-OZ -PKG.

Total 2 15-OZ. PKGS. Expenditures Educational Fund FANCY MEDIUM SIZE Other township treasur er's cameras. Abbott and CosieUo's recent gag about Eddie Cantor's being so far ahead; on the script for his new series; carries truth. The banjo-eyed comic traveled to New York by boat to allow, himself time to prepare several programs in advance.

Andy Devine has just signed for his 15th year with Universal- picV tures and for his fifth year as a member of Jack Benny's radio gang. Slight delay: Erik Rolf pretty wife, Ruth Warrick, both of the "Joyce Jordan Girl Interne" cast, took tlieir wedding trip to California this summer after a 3-year "rain Although, she adopted one dog BLUE ROSE RICE PRUNES. 2 19c 17c 19c ers 78.4ft LARGE SIZE ANN PAGE Total Expeiidlturt Educational Find Expenditures 796.27 Balance on hand June 30, 1940 1J12.95 Balance on hand June LB." PKa -LB. JAR Total Receipt Building Balance July 1, 1939 From district taxes Fund 5.48 80.13 19c 10c 13c SUIISWEET PRUNES. 30, 194Q 34.31 -LB.

BAG LB. PKG. -LB. BULK GRAPE JAU 2 LL-PURPOSE SUriflYFIELD FLOUR Total 59c Fond Receipts Building Total Expendlturoi Building Fund Balance July 1. 1939 From district taxes Fund 518.42 73.79 3.51 17.76 Total Receipts Building Balance July 1939 From district taxes RED HEART HAND-PICKED lim BEAMS 3 WALLPAPER CLEANER AOS0Q.E0E NEW WHITESAIL CLEAHSER I 15' CANS Other township treasurers Bianop on hand June 30.

1940 DOG FOOD 35.61 50.00 Fund or DIET 3 25' Total. Expenditures -Building Other township treasurers i Balance on hand June 30, 1940 10' 3 CANS 9 Total Total $592.21 Expeaditwrca i. BaildtBg Fund Expenditures 63.02 Balance on band June 30, 1940 529.19 15.57 5.70 during National dog week in New York from a kennel- ration maker who had turned his offices into a clearing house for homeless hounds, Bess Johnson, "Hilltop House" star, told him she would Nation-wide Better Parenthood Week Features! 25o CAKES JANE PARK ER BAR STYLE CHERRY CAKE Total Total WHITEHOUSE Hot at lut la lha beater you have boon looking for. More heat, now modern styling, more comfort. It cuts fuel bills up to 40 percent because It has the famous Tubular Flue Cos.


6d ReceipU EducationaJ Fvadj Balance July 1, 1939... 460.41 Distribution ot trustees. 164,98 From district taxes 473.93 EVAP. MILK 424c 'CANS. -btl; 4 CLAPP'S STRAINED 15c rary rnnnc 9h-oz.

'CANS WCAN swnv wwvw I0t PURE HYDROCENATED DISTRIBUTIVE FUND Receipts Balance Julyl, 1939 69.49 Income of township fund 48.79 From county superin-' tendents 1,396.72 flPYfl VsfstsMs -LB. 39c CLAPP'S CHOPPED BABY FOODS 10c DISTRICT Na 13. Keeelpfev-EdwaUoiial Fund Balance Jury 1, 1,046.08 Distribution of trustees 195.67 From, district taxes, 658.61 Skortoninc Total $1,099.32 Expedltwiir-EacWosaA Fu4 Expenditures 838.40 Balance on hand June A4P BRAND FANCY PUMPKIN NO. IH Qa -CAM AP BRAND FLORIDA SOFT TWIST White Bread 2150 "JANE PARKER Frh Pch Layer Cake r. 25c DELUXE Largs Thin-Sliced Rye Bread 2'! 15c IONA-1N TOMATO SAUCE BEANS H-OZ.

19c GRAPEFRUIT. 30, 1940 260.92 $1,515.00 WW -CAN AP PITTED RED CHERRIES SLICED OR HALVED IONA PEACHES 2cN29e no. i in Total Expenditure- EduoafWMial Fund Expenditures 4 1,190.26 Balance "on- hand June 30.. 1940 715.10 CAN Total Expenditures Incidental expenses of trustees Compensation of treasurer Distributed to districts. Balance June 30, 1940 Total Receipt Building Fond Balance July 1939 2842 From district 49.82.

CALIFORNIA GRAPES TOKAY So 153.66 122.25 1.308.58 6a49 LB. FANCY AAP BRAND APPLE SAUCE. 3CNAN 23c ANN PAGE FULL. RICH JUNCCRS BURNERS This patented wickless burner revolutionizes oil burning heater psrlormuics. Most oi our beaters bare two burners.

All have safety float valves and automatic shut oils. Easy to start, bo wicks to replace. WASHINGTON JONATHAN APPLES If FTRUHD H-OZ in. take three more pooches if they came in. When Frank Black scheduled eight college.jspngs for his Oct 4 Friday night' N.

C. program, he surprised everybody by sitting down and arranging the medley without referring to the sheet music. Black knew all of the universities "alma mter" numbers by heart as a result of years of seeing their football games, where they're sung. So feelingly did Frank Luther sing of "the lone prairie" on one of his broadcasts last week that a young girl who'd run away from her home in the west telephoned him to say that his vocalizing had made her homesick 'and she was taking the next train Horace Greeley-ward. Captain E.

D. C. Heme's B. news is really "hot off the griddle." He rises at 3 each morning, has breakfast by four and is busy WIIVI Total; Reipts---Bulkaag VumA Balance July 1, 19321 $256.59 From district taxes 115.52 BTL. PORTO RICAN VARIETY BRAND Total i $77.94 Expenditure Building Fund; Expenditures 17.16 Balance on hand June 30, 1940 60.78 SWEET POTATOES 4c Dinaannla luioa 4C-OZ.

44 lb: CAN MRS. tRASS $1,515.00 TOWNSHIP FUND Bonds on hand July 1. 1940 1,700.00 NOODLE SOUP RED Total Expenditures BiwMdlng Fund Expenditures 26.31 Balance on hand June Urn. 17. Ray Son PKG.

9 XB Yc Total t.30, 1940 345.80 HOME GROWN TOMATOES 3 us. I Oc RED TRIUMPH P0TAT0ESl5LBS.2lc RHODE ISLAND CREENINC CALIFORNIA Lemons Doz.25c Calif. Pur. Geld VALENCIA OranjeslfzE doZ.25c HOME GROWN YELLOW Onions bag 69e Total Expenditures Bonds on hand June 30, 1939 KIDNEY BEANS MILD AMER. CHEESE.

SHARP AMER. CHEESE SUNNYFIELD HARDWARE PHONE 55 317 So. State St BeJvldere I Total i.B2l lb. 25c PISTRICT NO. 1 Roolpt Educational) Fund; Balance July; 1, 1939....

4 754.23 Distribution, of trustees. 165.10 From district taxes 713.22 Investigate low price on Daily Feed today DAILY EGG Scratch Feed''l" 25-LB. BAG 47c DAILY EGG Laying Hash 89 25-LB. BAG Sic DAILY EGG Oyster Shells 79 25-LB. BAG 25c DAILY MIt K-16 Dairy Feed 1 20 Total $1.70000 DISTRICT Na 68 FumI Balance July 1.

193 288.74 PURE LARD -2V5 FOR. FALL BAKING BROWN SUGAR 2 15c RUBY C. LANDER. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before Distribution, of trustees.

146.41 writing last-minute news flashes into his script till air time, at From, district taxes- 447.09 'Total $1,634.55 Expenditures Expenditures 985.06 Balance on hand June 30,. 1940 649,49 6:30 a. m. me this 12th day of September, 1940. 6M? II.

I. Total ExpedIturrk--EdictkBl Fund The entire cast ofjthe Kate Mil'Mt MYRNA WATTS. Notary Public 26 Expenditures v. 827.45 Smith Hour goes to South Bend, Balance on hand June Total for the broadcast of Friday,.

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