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The Hastings Daily Tribune from Hastings, Nebraska • 6

Hastings, Nebraska
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LM06 71 kilfin jml NEW YOU A PARADE JJlEIXIXJOtJfijmsnRY SIATE1EHIE tan issue WM CaaHmia to Gnmk Paimita le Calacufia Tratoafi daftgktar lira Joseph HOaek and two amen children of Grand Island Mr and Mra Forrest Each of Harvard MraDora MtfirMf7Tmd''MriT Otaronoo Newman and Mr and Mrs Aftbsr Xosalsr and children -of GO AWAY TO SCHOOL FAIRFIELD Sopt The fol- -at LINCOLN Nebn SeptltHWJflu-Nabrukn will continue to iaauo eer-tlfleatu to Colorado tralpad taech-ara the atato deputment of public foatruetlon announeed Lut week Nebnaha hid threatened to restrict the Issuance of cor tifleatea to teachers from Colorado boeauu of alleged action by Colorado fo deny Nebraska trained instructors the right to teach ta Colorado schools tt-wouM-bo-an-w- JbmaJWoo4aJflLteach iLJdimi lowing young people of Fairfield have- left-to- attend oollege Mias Della Lewis Mias Margaret Brod-rick IMae Reaa Stewwt Norval Stewart sad Arthur Kyat Xavo gona -to the atate teaeheifo collage Kearney Ralph and Erma Reeder to the atato university at Lincoln Paul Harvey Orval Dav-la Orville Lewis to Wesleyan University Freda Jonea to Drake University at Dos Moines la Mias Hoff Brea alaanara and dyorsj-Adv 1 Dane Juniata Thursday 10-BM Dane at LiVa Paifc Saturday -Adv Hear David Golditaln tonight p- Adv City Tournament Golf era: Gat together and finish your games by Saturday Adv Good homo cooksd meals aervad from SSe to 40e at Service Cafe Madgett Adv Friday night baa bean set as the data of tha regular meeting of the ftMtefn Society Tito group wiH meet at the-haU at Haa-en beginning at 7:10 o'clock -Funeral services were td bo hold at this afternoon at tho Methodist Church in Juniata for frs Emma McKelvy whoa death occurred Sunday evening September 19 The Rev Mr Monkman pastor of the Juniata Methodist Church wanin' charge CHICAGO Bept (U Heavy tirlni by eastern etoek and eammo- sdlty operators sent tha whaat maikat up nor than 4 east a buahal today Corn and oata dlmbad higher with whaat Moat of tha buying in tha whaat pit which was largely of May futures waa aaerlbad to loading aaatarm bank ting Intaraata who wara big buyara of whaat prior to tha laat big bull mora-mant In tha lata aprlng Haavy profit-taking aalaa by local tr professional and commlaalon houses aaally abaorbad and cloaing -i-M4eaa-warodfOOndlioJday-hlghBi: -i Commlaalon houaea war on tha buy-In aMa of Daeambar futuraa for a time On the whola tbara waa hot much whaat for aala and tha market ahowad a add out condition on the upturn i Announcement that tha government 1 had daddad to aubatdlaa tha export of 40060 006 to 14000 000 buabala of etor- ad whaat In tha PscJflcL Northwest ao-' oalnrated tha rlaa removing a glut Tthtt dua hardship on teachera and schools alike to attempt enforcement of technicalities against Colorado Instructors In retaliation for tha attitude of the Colorado atato superintendent" said Deputy Nebraska Superintendent Herbert Cushing "Wo believe that the people of me atato have6een dnlv Informed of the situation that exists and that they will request the legislature to net to adjust the condition If the Colorado department porslata In lta A Winder At tWi' 7lBMw)iaat-war-4 antr higher com- waa up came and oata were 114 higher i to To help itudeutg iuMt thla demand academic end business claasee will be taught at tha Nebraska School of Commerce each Monday and Thursday her 18 1914 Call or writ Grless Mrs WidmUer or Mahoney for Adv code of tho American Newspaper Publishers Association doss not conform toT the aplrit and Intent of the A waa passed at tha 11- nal aeaalon of tho fifty-fifth annual Tha dispute developed when a convention State graduate of tho Unlveralty of No- JaderatUm-of Labor- today btaaka teachera college was denied The resolution further a totes that a Colorado esfUflcate Nebraska ef-fthe atate-foderatlon-of labor end tha Allied Printing Trades Association of New Jersey protest the acceptance of tha eode A copy of tha resolution waa forwarded to Oengrar "Hflgh 8 Juhnaon-'N A head fldala said records disclosed that but one Nebraska trained Instructor had been granted a certificate to teach In Colorado during thla year STUDENTS ELECT -414 "to -444 to iff 1 cant CHICAGO GRAIN FUTURES Open High Low Cloaa PrCL oo did 11 1144 17 11 At 11 COHN 41 40 (2 40 40 46 OAT8 -AT -IT 41 11 4014 10 10 44 41 40 Al 44 me it 41 11 70 61 71 74 71 70 11 70 BARLET 11 42 41 41 40 S4 47 44 47 44 60 11 40 61 40 I 1 ir i BOOSTSSTOGKS Ofibab Afireiao Stool Newo anfi Prices Ilk StoaAy la Fin hAIUboc By ELMER CrWASiiT (United Praaa Pinaneial Writer) NEW YORK Bept (DJB '-ltocka ruled ateady to toaey'a abort raarien Tbc webanga doped atineca tor the N-- JL parade A weak dollar offaat advene etcri new and indlcatione tha city of New York would Impose additional tax burden en atoek transfer! and utility eompulw The Iran Age reported the industry operating at 41 per cent of capacity anlnst 44 a week age and of more significance that authority found eon aumptlonrdemuidrdeclliilnrJ Saectridty output made a creditable shearing the' total tor the week ended September shewing a rise id 111 per cent over the corresponding week of 1121 8 Steel touched 14 and came baric to 44 where it eras Up from the previous dose Other leaaara higher in the various groups A falr-elaed group of special da new blgturfocjthi Pkeeperi a Ivinator II up 1 40-up 'IWT'Metof and- Motor- Pradud mad new 44-up -2 Methleaae Al-H 40 'Up r-Metev Meter -A up 11 and- Meier- Productelun Ita film equaled its high at 11 -up 'kib made small gains with the ex-ef Pen Marquette which drop-- I point to 24 CIM Air Raduc 104 Alsa- Jun -rn-H Allied ChamlM Alla Cbulm If Am Cun II Am A For II Am- Iea 11 r-r- Am Rad 88 Am Smelt Am Sugar 61 Am UI Am Tob Anaoon Cop 171 AT A sra IS Auburn Mtr 61 Bald Loco It Balt AO 14 Bend lx Avia II Beth Steel li Bordan 17 Burs Add II Ktmss ufi Ur Mfi 14 Ft Monty Ward Nash Mtr Nat Btocult-Nat Cash Mg Nat Dairy llg Nat PAL ll NY Central 40 NTNHAH 17V NY Ont A 111 North Am Ill North Pan 27V Ohio Oil 111 Packard Mtr I Pae A El iPenn-RR-44 SM JD Criotex I Cairo De-Pas-M1 Chess A 4I1 CMBTP A I Chi A NW 11' Chrysler Coca Cob U-Orie AX Col Gas Com Bohr Com-A-Son- Coo Gaa Cons Oil Com Prods II Drug Inc 40 Du Pont 42 East Kod 14 Else PAD 1 Erie RR 21 Firestone Tr Mm Vox TheaA 17 Knap Texas 42 Gen Elec 24 Gen Foods II Gen Mtr 24 Gen By Big 41 Gillette Baf 14 Gold Duet 21 Goodr (BP) 14 Goodyr TAR 17 Graham 1 Gt North Pf 17 Howe Bound 24 Hudson Mtr Indue Rfey Inter Harr Inti Nickel Phillips I Pub Her NLM Pullman Co 41 Pure Oil Bmdio Corn Badb Roe litre 4 Bey Tob Bear Roeb Shall Un Mmmena Beoony Vme 144 South Pae South BY 41 Stand Brands 21 Stand A El 14 Stand Cel 41' Stand NJ 41 Studa Corp 6 Texas Corp Texas Gulf 21 Tlmk Roll Ill Trahaamer 7r Un Carb Union Pee 121' United Air United Corp I Un Gas Imp II 8 Rubber II' Steel II Vanadium 27 Warner Brae I' West Un 6 Lt IT1 West A II 72 -WUstEtee- 4A- Tweoiw-(FW) 21 M4 Worth Pump Curb Am A Tr Am Super I Aso Gaa A 1 Citle 8rvica 2 Cord Coni 11 Elec A 8h 21 Ford Mtr Ltd 4 Gulf Oil 46 Humble Oil Newm Mug Nbg HudP Pannroad Stand Ind-Swlft A Co Un Found Un Gea Cp Un A A Util PAL A LEADERS MEET WASHINGTON HapT flTPV- PretjtTeacher Aocltlou Jead-en from ell parts of tho country will gather hire for the" Mml-an-nnal meeting of the Board of Managers of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers Septem- ll-through8eptember91 of etote oongrease of parents aiyl teachers national committee chairmen and national officers who comprise the Board of Managers will- discus i plana and policies affecting approximately 10000 parent-teacher as-' during tha eomlag schoolyear Much of the time probably win be spent in discussion of the part which the national organisation johna Many IS City Mlaa Luclla Leo teach at York! Mlu Ellen Hedge to teacn at Auburn and Ethel and Melon Kruitsfleld to attend state university at Lincoln PROTEST NEWSPAPER CQDJ5 ATLANTIC CITY Sept IS (innATC60lUttoir-defilTinrttie- HOLD FIRST MEETING CLAY CENTER Bept II -The waning meeting for the alub year ot Chapter was held Monday evening "Tho Gyiwy Trail" out st this-mastering with Mrs Ann! Wolfe Mrs Lula Johnson Mrs Mabel Krebs Mrs Msrjr Orr snd MtesDorothyJfolksr wara 14 member present --The the-etty-park- -at 6:40 o'clock and such brought ton pennies At the park they were Instructed to follow tho Gypoy trail which woe marked with email ribbons of white doth tied on trees fences telephone post land what-nots The trail led the group to various homes end flnslly- ended at Mrs Annie whera-iho business session was held LOOK! THURSDAY MILK FED VEAL Tsetse Is batter Try It! SHOULDER ROAST OR STEAK lie Lb CHOPS ir CUTLETS I He Lb SIRLOIN Nice to Fry or Bread SPECIAL VEAL LOAF l22cLb Ground Veal with Just the right amount of Pork added real mpat leaf SURGESAIIEAD Army Boating ftnject Swing Ckk Over A Preeldent Roosevelt moved swiftly today to clear the way unrestrained movement of tha recovery program which ho "indicated already la making its full offBeta fait throughout tho nation Ha spread by starting a fSO090000 army housing project and at the same tima brought pressure to bring the M-Jumlnouacoal Industry into tho roooifory setup at oueaT The president reported that the upawlng of farm prices was bringing results That the recovery program was' reducing tbs number of destitute and that tha administration waa pouring credit Into trad channels to Qulckea tho business epturn Ha indicated madlaaaa toJwlng the a tick" at ones lfthe M- Mnoua ijoal" Industry JconUnuril over a code Hla wartiltv earns as labor unrest davolopod In tha coal fields causing deep eon-eeru to recovery admliflatratUa at fldsla Meanwhile the ferae Uif re-nawad drlvB toward prosperity emanating from tha white house nude Itself felt In tho recovery administration Tha master retail coda was In latrator Hugh Johnson October 1 waa aet as tho deadline for auhetltutlou of wage and hour provision In tha president's reemployment agreement SUTTON PASTOR RESIGNS SUTTON-JBepL lX-ThO-RevIL Millar pastor of the United Brethren Church of Sutton haa re-signed-from-thls-branch -his rhurchi and hea acfwpteil aa appointment with the larger branch of tho church known aa the Liberal The Rev Mr Miller will leave within few days for hla now pastorate at Du Boll HOLD WIENER ROAST INLAND Sept IS Tho Sunday school class of which Clarence Seherich la teacher enjoyed a wiener rout at tha Scharich home Friday evening Members Present were Dixwell Lathrop Paul Schuman Chester Jonea William Gallentine Harold Wenska and Edward Scharich La Verne Stlmbert wu a guest About four hundred hogs were (hipped out of Inland on Saturday night Dan Chat tenon took a truck load of hogs to Omaha for Cleo Golding on Friday Many farmen ban are cutting their corn for fodder and ensilage A number are making trench silos and George Barts and Clarence Myer have built silos of tha regulation type The corn In thla locality la vary uneven In yield even within the asms fields Parts of fields have no ear of eon while other parts win bear a good average number BEGIN BRIDGE PARTIES INLAND Sept The Inland Bridge- Club which haa had Its regular meetings oh'alternjita- 8ft-untay evenings for the put several years la the first card club in tha community to begin the round of parties after the summer recces Membera of this club are Mr and ATLANTA RANS REER- lection wu day to deelda whether Ucenau would bo granted to sail beer "Tha reault wu 55 voteo against and for: -M 1 YORK Sept 19-4UJB PtfUr Avemie reepewded today to the martial tread sf a guarter mllllen people when the greateei parade In AiperL een hlatery marched In a domonatratlien of eeefldohce la Preeldent Roooevolt end national joeevery-pregrenL Mora than SSOJMO march ed hut at leaat double that number massed en the flag-apaiw aled sidewalks end In the main reviewing stands LABOR MIMIGNS GONTflOLBOARD pbjtoa Wmk Lang Haws far Pasr Pag OMAHA Sept UJh-A scathing airulgnment of tho etato hoard crf eontrolfor paying "lue atarvathm wueaT and refusing employe aCfhe aUte lhalltQtioha the right to orgahlse wu voiced hy Chapman of Lincoln at today's aaaakm of tho annual convention of tha Nebraska Federation of Labor Chapman ueortod theu peraoni mXMrcwLtojwofk-lwelTaJo fifteen hours a day are paid $35 to 9M par mcnth wlth "mighty -poor board thrown In Bo urged that the federation take atepa Immediately to organise State workers of all classes the convention weuToh record opposing tho practice of employing 4-H boys and girls in getting tha atato fair booths ready for exhibitions each year Delwatu pa-serted fanner boys and glrla are paid 3 per day for carpentry and electrician work These Jobs apeak era said- should go to eiilon meiy FORMRCHOOLCLUL ATLANTA 8ept The intermediate room of the Atlanta school held a meeting Friday afternoon and reorganised the Knighthood of Youth Club The following officers wan elected: President Burel Cobb vide preeldent Robert Alna-lle secretary Jamei Bans treasurer Lester Cooper news reporter Joyce Henline The King's Heralds mat Saturday for their mite box opening In the Methodist Church basement Twenty were present They practiced for the' playlet to bo given Sunday morning Ruth Borden and Maxine Huff were the hostesses Geraldine and Luclle John-aton of Holdrege ware among tha visitors READ SHOULDERS BLAME LOS ANGELES Sept 6100000 alienation of affoo-tkma suit linking Claire Windsor screen beauty a playboy broker and an Irate young divorcee entered the final stages of lta trial in nperlor court today with the broker ueumlng responsibility for a discorded marriage Alfred Read Jr who wooed won and then parted with Marian Bead testified against her in defending Miu Windsor from hla former charges that the setreu caused their separation Ha tottof 4ovlngnnilther although (ce ha loved both "I know I am to blame and that I dhould bo sued If any ona is sued not Mlu Windsor" ha said explaining hla poaltlon -STUDY CLUB MEETS ATLANTA Sept The Study Club mat Wednesday afternoon In the home (to Mrs IX Fitch Five members were Present and Mra Fitch Mrs A Polhemua Mrs Clara Dunn and Mra A Westfall gueats Mrs Case had charge tha lesson study The Hdl call response waa plana nmtkdmfdn6wadhrcbhalped'lir thwmanagamsnt of tha homerMrsr AR HeuUns gave A reading Mra NrXMthan aadMra WA reaa atilcagM Duco prices raflnlah AAv nut From theStat TRUMBULL Sept IS The Trumbull High School classes have organised aa follows: senior: Robert Ormaby president secretary-treasurer Glenn LaBrie sponsor Prather Junior: prealdent Norma Cope vice president Floretts Phelps ecrstsry-treasurer Ethel Man BlackTnnwniCTrlfwItr 'Pateradn Sophomore: president Helen Andrews student board Lurye Rader and Merle Lind sponsor Paul Pettygrovo Freshmen: president Marjory Tuner vice president Neva Marietta secretary-treasurer Iris Black sponsor Mlaa Margaret Me-Murphy A high school party will bo held Friday night at tha school house at which time the freshmen claaa will be guests The Juniors have selected their class play "Heart Trouble" a domestic eomedy which they plan to present the second week In October Paul Pettygone ie director HOLD FAMILY REUNION SUTTON Sept 13 The membera (to tha Newman family held a reunion in tho Sutton park Sunday when they celebrated tha ninety-fourth birthday anniversary of Fred Newman of Exeter He and hla brother Charles wars amo tha early pioneers of the state Charles Newman cams to Sutton in 1879 hla brother Fred came few yeara later All thoae the reunion ware descendants of these two brother Charles Newman died In 1986 Those present were Fred Newman and daughter Mra Stalls Stratton (to Exeter her daughter-in-law Mrs -Rax Stratton and her soa-efr-MllllguTzMrcandT-Mrs Charles Copley of Maynard 111 Mr and Mrs Newman a Three names wars added to-tba- today flee of register of deads left vao-ant with the death of Mrs Lucy Button Tha additional applicants are Isaman Mias Nelle Her-renstein and Greenwood The total waa raised to IS County supervisors will hold a special aee-alon Friday to consider the appll-riitloha 1 Repair work haa been started on ttahEmth-eeeUon-of-tha -second floor of the CIOaeRHrSnlMlng li north HaaOnga avenue- The facade and second atory wall tactaig Heatings avenue la to ha torn away and rebuilt and tha office rooms renovated Tha wall facing tha alley la also to be repaired The building la part of tha A Black- estate The work la being done under Contractor Thomas Davidson It la estimated that three hundred persons will attend the A "finance? supper -at- tha A gymnasium Thursday evening according to Secretary Stevenson Ticket sale waa brlak today he Indicated The chicken supper will he from 5:10 until 7 and money raised will be used to defray expenses of tho organization The next "finance" venture of tho A la to be a minstrel show at the city auditorium October IS A cast of fifty persona has already been selected for the minstrel Electricity and water consumption in the city during August both remained well ahead of the asms month in 1931 according to the monthly report the water and light department Juat released Water pumped during the month measured 86600000 gallons an Increase of 14965300 gallons The total of electricity generated waa 1006288 knowatt hounL an Increase of 58918 kilowatt hours Nat income- of the-departmentr-however Ml off-from-94T149S to 3S288S4J Thla waa due primarily to an increase In general and miscellaneous expenses of 9141540 Funeral service for Hn Florence Arvanette wife of John a Arra if KANSAS CITY GRAIN "ii (Turntehedby Ooffs Cork oner Inc) WHHAT -Open Low Clone PrCli May 16 10 16 IT Sept 11 14 i Pao 11 At 11 J6 ft CORN Sept 44 41 --Dae 47 41- 46 41 46 WINNIPEG GRAIN PUTURU (Furnished by Ooffc A Carkener Inc) WHEAT Open High Low Cloac PrCL 76 77 :74 JT Oct 70 70 70 70 Dee 71 71 71 71 71i OMAHA CASH GRAIN OMAHA 8ept Publication of reporta that mam bare of nnngtaaa were demanding Immediate Inflation of tha currency today aant grain prie es akyrockatlng Cash whaat bam waa i to 2 canta hlgbar with the market closing 4 cents up Only by Inflation flatten addressed to tha preaidant by Congress man Howard editor of tha Columbus Telegram and other eon-graaaional loaders can the farmer be i placed on a parity with Industry Corn sold up le Oata gained 1 oent Rya and barley wara nominally unchanged Cash sales: Whaat No 1 dark hard 17c No 1 hard winter S40l4c No 1 winter I1024e No 4 hard lie No 4 hard winter 40c Mb 1 northern spring 40c No 1 northern aprlng llc No I northern aprlng 77 Vic No 1 mixed 76081c Corn No 1 yellow 41e No I yel-- low 40O41c Now faed 16c Shipments ca riots: Today Laat Tr Wheat a 17 11 Com 14 18 a Oats 6 4 KANSAS CITY CASH GRAIN KANSAS CITY Sept (DUE) 26 can hard dark and soft 1 to I cents higher basis unchanged it 46 ibm ITii HICAGO LIVESTOCK Sept (HE) Hogo- I4A06 Including M066 govcmmsnt pigs 4160 dlraota market active 4 to liresnta higher than Tucadayi light Halits 140-1M pounds good-and eholee-646604(6 fight weight 166-206 pounds good and tkeks 14400671: medium wolghto M0-140 pounda good and holes 64400471 heavy wsfirtita M0-M0 pounds good and eholca 6446 1LM0 ealvoo 1100 boat fad stasis and yaariUign fully steady to shlpptog aooounta ateen (40-600 pounds good and choice 41M06I4: 466-1100 pounds jbo dand thdea filt 0110 llM-lKM pounds good sad ehotea 4(-10T00 1400-1400 pounds good and ehMco pounds -edmmon -and1-madlnmdlOOO-174 hslfsrs 440-740 pounds good and choloa 4400O1M common and medium 41(004(0 eows good 11400 440 vealsrs good and choice 47400 140 madlum 44400700 cull mid common 4100O4M stockar a BE feeder cattle: tears 400-1040 pounds good and choice 44MOIOO common and madlum 117404M Sheep 17000 fat lambs dew early sales on natives up to 67(0 best bald at 4714 eheap antriMdonrateadyrtop on awes 110 lamba pg-neuiida-dowB good and chmca 11740774 eommon and madlum (4000174 OMAHA PRODUCE OMAHA Bapt lS-(UB)-Hay-Car- 464001046 stands: 140: standard 47000 2mm No 1 4740O1M No I W00O6I6 KkBand pnilris-No 1 ITOOMO No I 44MOI60 Oat 6140 wheat NEW YQRK PRODUCE NEW YORK 8apt7 11 Dull Long Island IHOIH Ml Long Istand ducks 14014c Live poultry-steady (Ole: turkeys 10011c raostora 10c: ducks 017c fowls 601c brollera 101c state whola milk Cheese Quiet toncy to specials MOW M011c young 1C 416 tubs' creamery higher than extras 22d I4c: flist It to 6 cora llO20c fin Steady rsralpta 17111 -eases standards llO10c flrato 17c ace-pnds 14014c mediums 140U- PRODUCE7 CHICAGO Bapt 11 (CIS -Mp- Irm receipts 4164 essss extra firsts 17e: firsts 14e: currant racolpts llrflc dirties lle juu 11446 tuba spaciala MViQUc 11 extra flrsta M021e 17OUe saconds ll017c IaiSMI0 loose 6411 leafy 4471 beUlea M-(A 4 Steady racelpta 10 trucks fowls 10OUc laghom broiler laghorna Sc ducks 8c: geccc tc tur- SCsu W- on track 111 shipments 440 supply liberal damnd lu trading moderate: market steady Wisconsin round whites 4L7IOLM (few SLMOSM) unclassified 11400 1(4 Minnesota round whites 6L640 lM Minnesota North Dakota ujd early OMoe partly graded 41400 140 unclassified and 1000 lM Red River Ohtoe 4LI5017I Idaho russets 411IOS-M 8 No 1 41M Washington rueecte 11-000216: Cdorndo triumphs silool-M Montana triumphs 4410QI14 LIBERTY SONDS NEW YORK Sept II Closing Liberty Is 11-47-- do let 4a 11-47 10121 do 4th Treasury do 4a do te 41-47 do 41-41 March 102-4 do IHe 40-42 June 1021 do 2a 46-4l T001S do 2a 4-14 101lt -do-2r-- L0CAL MARKET (Corrected 1:20 GRAIN (By Phi Sept U) Grain Co GRAIN (By Phone 111) No Wheat t4c NocJ 1 wheat 74c No SOiHI yellow corn Me white corn lie nilxea "cornrllci ealu Me: barley Me Market discount to apply on federal 4 per oent lofT per cent Io 10 per sent ie: 14 per cent 7 HOGS (By Rodina Bras 1286) 110-170 lM-MO pounds I1M01! pounds 44740IM: 140-240 42400274: MO-MO pounds 1(0-200 pounds Iw 24501 25 without oelllng first piss 42000140 government gevemi Do not bring In pig PRODUCE (By Basting Poultry General average qaolatlona ikm-ki raoetenk 4c: geese to turksim (e eggaillc-UUOI-arnvM CreameryCa) PEOPLE AND EVENTS WfilUUnf-Th cabinet promulcatk AT ITdir today -unrrldlng- gorcrn sunt control of advcrtUlng An "adrertUing council Is to he inatt -toted under the-mlnletry of props- tnda It will leene permit tor public and private advertising and ebafga fbcai' Gcrmanr eonrtaw wUlbponJaunary Tto paw mTppllctttonrYorggnierlHiatlott operatkms en aufferera of hereditary maladiea It was announced to- aterlUutlcn decrees- of the Hitler government designed to inaura a healthier raee SANTIAGO Second decided-today that aattaasl articles written "by Arturo Mesa dinetor'ef tha newapapar La Nadon did not eonetltnte grounds for a dueL Hernando Ortnaar asalatant director of the newipaper in Imarctal had challenged Mean to a dud acting for the leader of the Chilean taa-ehrta SAIT Adolph 8preckela 11-yearold acioa of the rich gprechles auger family today aeeuaad a young honps gueat of Impersonating him when arretted for reckleea driving PoUce held a war rant tor tha arrest of William Stanley SI gaid to be the eon of a prominent hotelman FUGmVES SLAIN MARKgYILLK La Sept Three of twelve eonvicta who bot thar way out of atate prison at Angola Sunday were killed today la abettlo with Saline Point Three others were captured -v -Winter la coming! gee Me Knapp for funaeo Adv Gas beatex Ad Law good demand No 1 hard 8407b i Nerd-bard -44m-MCL4JiaiCd dpric Mc No 1 mixed II No 1 mTxedTliViO Mc No 1 Ixed OMc 18 can: to le higher basis unchanged to higher good demand No 1 white 47047c No 1 yellow 44045c No I yellow 4lc cari nominally fo blghsn mm i I ST JOSEPH LIVESTOCK ST J08EPH Sept Cattle market-14040 higher bulk ateen IS00O460 veal top 1440 0500 market 4010c higher top $415 bulk 14050410 Golgert Mr and Mn nette who Hied M(mdarafteriKon4 uoyd- Laux Mr and Mn Daniel Hallor-an Mr and Mra Eugene Halloran Mr and Mn Avery Jones Mr and Mra -Carl Walters and Mr and Mn Henry FHseh Huts on Saturday evening wan Mr and Mra Golgert All mem ben were present and the following were guute: Mr and Mra John Qoldenatoln Clara and Dorothy Halloran and Rosemarie Frisch nt her home 433 west Twelfth street were held at tha Ffrat Bap tint Church at 10:30 this morning Tha Rev Roy Barnett officiated Pallbearers were Fred Tripp Farrar Walter Knlce-ly John Tooley Harvey Waldrum and George Fergus Women of tha Order of Beaten Star were flower bearers They were Mrs Fred Tripp Mrs Martin Mn John 4000 market fully ateady OMAHA LIVESTOCK OMAHA Sept (CP) Hogs 0- 000 including 1000 pigs and 000 piggy aows market active on bettor grades 150 pounds and down and light mostly 10c higher alow and ui on others law sales ateady to strong p'aomd bids lower top 1446 bulk 10- M0 pounds 14600410 240-IIOpound ltMO410 140-160 pounds (1110400 aeam-4140OI10 star 610001-46 ar-1 eraga coat Tuead moderate iy unaren choice long'- about steady send medium to good grades strong to 14a higher helf- biii itrong ertw ateady WltjOWf -to 10c higher veal an strong stock- araaflll feeden alow steady to wmk: hulk fad ateen and yearlings 64000 474 few loads UHT-pound yearling 6440 fed helfen mostly 4414 mi ui- hulk crass cows 132(01(0: i 0164 few waatoraa 41000114 tfcal top yealea l6-P0 odd head stocken and feeder ateen 61141 Steers (480-400 pounds) yChotc liWWMI can play In defense of the eoun- aystemagatut Otoi frond to cut down school coats number of friends from Linwi ea (to decreased receipts hi communities and its tea "Faced with shortening en'cloied'lchoola overcrowded dan rooms and thousands of children being deprived of a-atatementJrom tha-r--auoclatloat fcudquartew aaya lay leaders In TBATfreat-taachar movement are urging vigorous action to maintain school standards" Grand blandjettended Burial wu Parkview Bpedal-Axent Gran nt Kanua City divlalon of the department of juatlcr bureau -of foveatl-gmtlon arrived In HeeHny Tuesday to invastlgato tho- eau -of "Harold lugs police following hla nrreat Sunday night In connection -with -tha dlaappenranu of 17-yearoldIoulat stuiiMiaMtiitMtaM I ease-new eeaaaeeaa 4M0liO9 leal 17I04H pounds): a OdCj TiJSiO IIOWBiittrtsee a'a a a a art a nModtmn igtf-K I- Common 1 740460 7' Steers (1100-1100 pounds): 1(0440 1000171 4446I (140140 4000144 a a a a a (1100-1400 OHver from an Bagla Grova hL" tourist aiuupi Dick wu ucheduled to he arraigned- hefora United StateaCmumlwlonarR MrTObetg thlaaftemoon for-praHminary-4iWlc lug probably on Mann Aet charges Jnerwharaispoeitftnrwiirhe-niadr tha glrLwho Imbeen heWiten for lnvutlgation attar her discov-ery-wl-Plala wu not known-ts-day COLUMBUS LEADS MILLERS COLUMBUS Sept Columbus wu ona gams up on Minneapolis today the teams prepared for their second encounter in the playoff for tho American Association pennant Tho Red Bird defeated tha Miners to 9 In tha opener Hie Trading Post: 24 lT 1st St ROASTS RUMP OR LOIN IOC Lb -V" nSfafato Ant Cato fl' Steen Good a Heifers (440-740 pounds): i Choice i1 i -Good 4 "Common and medium 174 1 Heifers (740-000 pounds): Wood and eholcB 4WJIT VCemmon and medium 1(00474 6(00411 1UO100 174 1U 474 -j VCemmon ana meaium 'J jOOOQ eaeaeaseeaessaea toommon and medium THPUimU SHOE MODES $395mS495 ii Juow cutter and euttai rBuUs (yearlings excluded) jGood beer Si's fJ-Cuttar and common 1440164 jV Vaalars: VtJood and oholco iiiimiri noon Calras fM0- Wood and eholca Semi ik 4000400 1740406 10006 Including 1106 ENTERTAINS AT DINNER MBULL Mbs Ella tertalned aTSnnday-dln aertha ollowlng gueeto: Mr and Mrs A Williams Mr anflfra A-R Rleh-Mr-and Mra Eraest Ormaby Jean and Robert iTMlasMabtoRicbrMiur Gertrude Boggs and Mrs Jennie Haggard A number of Trumbull young people art entering college this fall William Plum mar Is gt tha state university Arlene Manhln Kearney Elinor Wilson Isabelle Boo-ley Mabel Rich Jean Ormshy Steven Fleharty Ralph Pfeiffer Elmo Hawthorne at Heatings College George Preealer and family have recently moved to tho old firm homo of hla father Mika Preaaler Mr and Mra Jack Nunn moved to the homo vacated by -the Preaalera Fred Britton and family now occupy Mra homa in town A SHOP DAUBED LINCOLN Nab Sept Yellow paint waa aplaabed aeroaa tha front of tbd auburban baiber abop of Bud 8hreve bo to Lincoln pollca today Shreve who aaid ho la a A member attributed tho incident to "prof eaalooal CHILLBREEZES PREVAIL LINCOLN Neb gept U-D-Heavy reeordeir in' naariy every- aectlon of Nebraska late yesterday and last nigkt had diminish ed tOkA driisla today as leaden sklas and ehin braasoa prevallad of tbaatnUk Our shop today holds tho finest selection of beautiful shoo AQ tha nswoat tha "newest lsathara-tha newest colora love ovary pair sad at t'- our low prices youl) bo mote than dl-' salabia supply 74 per cant feed-lambs alow early bids around asking at ranger ahaen steady early bide and lambs 46760700 soma held early bids native lambs 4700: to 171 bulk range at H00O1M eligible KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK SSo4m1i ilgM wukAU 166-106 SS sows liulll rcattto-TCerUnga atroogto Me htah-V other killing clasaoo utondy to lie glgtoaSra end ftodera atoadg WE INYITE COMPARISON SHOE COMPANY 1 4 -7 i mm asm aa ai lLl.

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