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The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 5

Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Saturday Evening, November A I POR MEETS FOB TITLE Field Soggy From Heavy Rainfall. r'nlumlmi, Onlo, Nov. 22, Ohio Sin!" anU Illinois elevens met today i ilocldo tho i i of i conference for 1018, Ni i i i ongngomont In the wost i lv i a the duel bo. i those two premier toume of tlio Ten." 'llio a was warm and a lino i Thn wns soggy H'om hnavy ruin luiit hundred I i i supporters ar- i on a a i i I i eerlv to lav CAI.I, STONES, (JAM, HLADDKR, STOMACH INTKSTINAI, OISEASKS. AS WEM, AS SOME FORMS OF AP' 1'ENDICITIS.

Pnliciits ni'c i i from nil of (lie country lo tlic Spcfiiili5t nf In- tcfiial Dhcnsts ni Insi us tiity arc fiblo to secure a dole. The of Slnmnch, I unl, tinll Stone nnd othin' I.lvcr Di.v onsen keen Iho doctor busy man, If you are Interested, cull on or write who have been cured: Chris Zlcmcr, Sniloiui, stomach trouble Mrs. Ceo, i Tuscoln, appendicitis slomrirli. Mrs. W.

Cllne, Toledo, I I I flail blnddcr und liver. Mrs. Frnnlc fierbcl, Slgel, i I I bladder rind A. Itoninn (son), Mntloon, i i i i Hnrnsnn George, Mnttoon, I I I np- pcnrlicitis. Mri.

i Thurmnn, Toledo, I cnse. Mrs, Geo, Fink, Sigcl, liver nnd bladder caic, R. Himry, Mnltoon, I I I i bladder nnri liver cine, If you not had SIICCCM in the trcnlitienl of your cnse, let It bo elllicr Appcndicllli, Gall Stones, Lhcr or Slomncli Trouble, Dr. G. I', Dougherty, 111,, nnd he will i you list of pntlents cured by the use of his special treatment.

Tho Miroesi of the speclnl 11 ostnhllshed In Central Illinois. Up. Dougherty hns trnvcled, i cases; in encli case tlio pat i must come to his office In Aeogn, 111., for first examination, Dr. unufflicrly, who hns (rented pn- i from nil pnrti of the United Males, Is conducting CTtonilvo nnd llio rcvills nf his spoc- inl ti-eatincnt for Gall Sloncs, Append i i i mul I dlicnsci nro now nil i pnrt of tho country. The doctor Is no longer in general practice, i being In I he work of trcnlinii i diwincs.

nir on the was raodarsto and no odds wore demanded by either side, The probable line-up: Ohio atato-- Myers, Huffman, Plxlcy, Nemeok, Trott, Spiers, Flower, Stlnchcomb, (U). BHsx, Hurley, (captain), Wlllaman, fb, Illinois-- Relchle. Petty, Applegran, Llfveiidahl, IiiRwornon, Carney, Bob li'lotchor, qb nalph Vletehor, Wulnulit, Crnnsle, fb. STAND ALL N1CIUT. Scores ot voneral admission ticket holders atood In line all nltht In or- ilur to KOI (rootl Boats, They did not noom to i tho rain, and i ranks wero Increased i shortly a i A 8 o'olack rain stopped, the i shifted and tho weather Brow colder, Indications wore there be no more rain, mm TEAM NOT IN KAST Nowarlf, Nov.

i i i i first WoB'orn nonforenco olnvou to I tho emit In many yours, wan n. i favoilte In the jtrldlr6u con- lost lorlny at the old Federal biilfhull park nt Hnii'lson Kutgers pinscnted slrongcBt Uno-up for tho fli'itt In neveral weeks, MIMVICftOTA Ann Arhor, i Nov, nasnln, ruled the In todny'B bdttle i Michigan, the i mocllng of tho old rivals tince Today'd game wns the i a content for olitht of Michigan veier- iinn Coach lost, iVes- ton, Crime, Froemko, Peaoli, Olenn and CrcHs will i graduate dprlns or complete nllottod years of colloiro i i Minnesota, roil "Mlg Ton wns stako Nov. Second place In contoronco stnndlnff the IMsconaln niul i i of Chicago elevens mat lure tniliy. Todays i i marked the from college football of Captain Hlg. fflni.

Oi'alnm and of tho ChlciiKo team, nnd proba'ily MaeDonald, I aim llebor. The nsl throe may compete next fell wish because of a sor- I i.igii,,,,!^,,^,, BOWLING Say Members of Team Play as "Sideline." Arcola denies tho rumor that the football team Is coming to Dccatur Sunday "loaded" to meet the Staley football team, Neither do they plan to bring' several hundred rooters. The Review's Aroola correspondent Insists that the alleged "dark horsca" arc nona other than honest sons ot honest farmers, most ot whom are out those days i i the bump-bourd at clip of about 100 bushels a day In llio cornfield. After petting out tho hundred bushels, i up the team, unloading the corn, i i the oowi, feeding tho hok-s nnd other chores, they go out to practice. football they say, la only a side- i with them.

Kvory member of tho tonm Is said to bo a former Ar- oola high school player of recent years, Tho Arcoln i Sunday will bo about an follows; Dick Love, Harrington, 7T. Clhoro nnd Vornor, guards; Moron, r. Ohere, tackles; J. Harrington, Miller and Harris, ends; qb; I atttl Bhradftr, half bnclis; Black or HI Mil- Icr, fb, Cambridge, Mass, Nov. and Tfalo appronuhed tlio Annual Hottlemcnt of their football claims today i tho players primed to ntako i utmost Approximately 60,000 football mad spectators streamed out to tho Harvard stadium to watch the teams In their contest 1016.

Thousands ot disappointed because of Inability to procure tickets, awaited the outcome on the ntroets or In gathering places where bulletins were posted. The Crimson entered the game na the favorite. The ronults against Princeton showed Harvard stronger, but Yale's admirers believed the Blue was due for big comeback, for Men in Service Abroad. WAYS TO A COLE MOTOR COMPANY 318-24 East Main Dccatur, III. Used Car Department One Ford 1919 Touring Cat- One Six-Cylinder Jeffrey.

One Model 860 Cole Eight, Two Model 850 Cole Eight. One Chevrolet Touring Car 490. All these cars completely overhauled, repainted, nnd good ns new. Phone Main 48 CITY LKAGl'E, Thn llounrthaine hurt it np of tliu I i (nnirn i i I Cllv i Thtirndav nlSht a i not Iho lo i of samoa for them Hie worn Volherg i 11)3 112 1 Tolnl Ave. 48-.

10J I 44n inn lit 8'H Illl mil fl.o i In 770 5.1(1! RBV1EW8. Klrby 1411 I mil Mil i i IHO Hill mi 170 K'J Total 103 oO.I 144 4I10 i 4ir, VII Ave ins is i ISJ 101 IS3 411,1 tW 71' Inillvliliiiii Score--Klrby, 193, MS 80,1 Avornge--Tiahlrann, KNOX DEFEATS LOMBARD, 15 TO 0 I I I Nov. tho an- a football Kitme Friday between Knox find Lombard colleges, Knox won, 16 to 0, and a i a i iitrliiu of victories. Lombard surprised the bis 1 gathering of fans by i Knox to so cloeo a score, NODMAI, WINS. Carbomlale, Nov, 32, Tlio I Normal i i tootliall toam defeated college, to 0 hire Frldny Bfternoon, loners failed to a flrnt down, and tho Normals plowed through tholr opponents' line at will.

HHADMSY WINS. TCurokn, Nov. 2 2 a Poly, ot Poorln, defeated Eureka college In tho lant minute of play here Friday, to 10, whon tho visitors pushed ovor touchdown. INDIANA Bloomlnijton, Nov 22-- Indiana tlnlvcrslty'w football will enter its with the strong Syraoueo elcvnn today In crippled condition, due to Injuries rcoolvod by Captain Fullback Kylo anil Quarter- bade a In tho game i i western last Saturday. Today la "Homecoming a for Indiana Win, The i i a toam fror i north part of tha city Journevo to St hall Friday night an defeated tlio St, James i tonn I'y a siioro or 21 to 19.

ICMiert Kindt Thoiiminil. Hock Island, Nov. Advance 'Unl of tickets Indicates a crowd of 8,00 will witness tomorrow's Kamo be twoen tho Columbus, Ohio, Pan llun dlos and the flock Island Indopond cuts, A victory for tho Islander moans a post-season game for then with the winner of tho sorlos betwooi Canton, Mnselllon and Cleveland fo tho championship ot thn United ARCOLA WINS FROM ARTHUR Arcola, Nov. 22, Arcola defeated A Friday, 87 to 0, at foot hall. ENTERTAINS SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM Heath.

Nov, Brunch of Montloclln high nchoot A a it hlii Wednesday ovo nlritf tho foot ol i ho In a member and i-onch. Anderson. A four couiso i WR Mrit. Mnnn MoU und Doris nnd i CfUhftHnfl of a a i and Mly.i Joan Scott of this plitco woro I Mm. Dr, onto rial nod tho Voro lNBtonary iinnlotv Thiimdnv nftornoon at or homo.

About wore pron- ont. Mm. A a Cnworn of nnlawnrc, IN visiting hor mint nnd umilo, Mr. and (TO DoTmnd, Howorn IB a homo inlBSlonurv worker nnd will loavo featur- for Ht, Irfnln whnro Blo will apeak rtitv mornlnit in TJnlon church. iMiltllllltMllltltllMllllllirilltlltllTIIMIItMIIIIIIMItltllMtllinilMlllllltlllUIJjIIIIMIIIIHIIIIIIIM Open Letter to Pile I Sufferers The haunting fear of operations, the dread of chloroform, injections, and various other means employed in standard treatments for rectal diseases, and the uncertainty of the outcome after the expenditure of time and money, has led many a patient sufferer to endure in silence and resign himself to his fate, rather than seek relief.

We have patients coming to US from all over the country. Many people come to us who have tried all other treatments without success and cured by our painless method. We have been known to the professional and laboring people of Dccatur for over five years. Our reputation will bear the closest scruntiny. The method we use is the only painless, NON-SUKGICAL I A METHOD.

You may come to us with perfect assurance that you will be treated with courtesy and consideration. We will tell you frankly what wo can do for you. We are Specialists in the treatment of all rectal diseases and confine our efforts to this one particular field. Call at our office and let us show you how simple yet effective my method is. Sincerely yours, Articles for Siberia Must Be in Dec.

1. Clirlstmas regulations for Docatur people who want to Bond Chrlitrnns packages to men tho United Btitto Army, in foreign countries, have been roqolvod hero, Thoie who want to send packages this year wctild do well to get busy right away for all packages to be to moil In England, France or Germany, mint be In port at Hobolton, Den, 8. and for any men In Blberlt, or the Hawaiian or Phlllplne Islands be in San Frnnolnco, not later than Deo. 1. Here aro some of tho regulations Rovornlng tho sending of theie pnoX.

nges: NOT OVER LBS. All nachaffos for tlio members of the American Expeditionary Foroo!) In Vranco, England or Germany, muit not weigh over soven poilnOn and must not moaiuro ovor Inohns- In length and girth combined, 20 LBS, TO SIBERIA All packages for In the podltlonnry forces In Siberia or i a U. army In tho IslanOI must not weigh over 20 pounds t.or ho over two cublo feet In volume. ADDRMS1NO) The name nnd address of th; sondu mist be In the upper left hand cor nor of the package, In the cento whero the address IB usually placet appear the name of 'he ma lo whom It la bolng sent, Ills ran ami the name of hla i or organ Izatlon, Below this, for men In Jngland France and Germany, should be i ton In full, "American Expeditions Forces," and then "In care of Com mandlnt; General, Fort of Embarha lion, Hohokon, N. For men I or tho Hawaiian or Philip i iHlumlN, It should be sent, "I euro of I i nntl Zone Transporla i Off Ice i ITort Mason, San Fran clsqo, Cnllf." If In Siberia, a ma should also bo addreised as a mom bnr of the American Expertltlonar Korees, but If In the Islands shotil ho nildrcnsed, S.

Regular Army. MAY SEND MESSAGE Tho words "Christmas Foekago Hhould also be written on It, an the nonder can, If he so denlres, writ nn tho package, "Merry Christmas, "Happy New Year," "Please do no open i Chrlstmaa," or soroo Blml bir incsuutc, Candy or tabocco should be en lii a tin or light wooden bo: and no perishable stuff can be ncn unlCBs enclosed In CHUB, PArtE FIVE FARM LOAN BANKS EARN $858,033 Washington, NOV. of federal farm loin banks durlnn the six montbi ending Nov. 1 wero 1858,033, according to figures mido public, today by the farm loan board This was a gain of than ooo over the, prevloui half year and an Increase of approximately 000 over the corresponding six montbi, Since Nov, 1, 1(18, tho banks have refunded 1572,560 to the rodiiclni the government's holding of Block to TO SEND BASKETS FOR THANKSGIVING nlofi Urn. ll lv families In till.

ellv. Fifty, dlnnirn were xnt out lot ind much elethlnt "nil from the Mheeli will be eolliolnit on lUy rU M' Vhiir PI1 0( MtlS prMldtnt nf th. Womnn'ii Corps. a In rent account i Btone'n ooiirl on accoun Paul Lmiher for the ium of ITO The w.n tried taefere a Jury, who re- ZfifyKl ISO flow- 0 1 for a defective i.I?i' wh damans to tin hmiMoheld furnllurs or tho dofendant In DI8CUSB SAUBS CinCUIT, 1 i WM Friday of or MoUan, Maoon nnd Do- oounlle. In lh.

otflc. of Farm Art- IP, L. Johnion for the purpose of oi'Rnn linn eentral llllnol. circuit. Only out of six counties w.r« senUrt.

Plans wero dlicmmd at th. meet. nir nnd all seemed plnntxd it the work hin far nocompllpihiHj, Tho nixi moil. of i hold nt Champaljrii, 22, nt which limn NEW BOOK BY L. G.

M'PHERSON Held Up Jiint Now by Printing; Strlk In New York. Uocatur people will bo Interentei In ItnowliiR that one of the booki bolng- held up by the printing strlk In New Yoi'll city In "The Flow Viilun" by Eiogun a MoPherson who haii a of i In thli city. publication awaits the re of tho pressmen and blndern who consort work Oct. two days aftoi i i wore cost, This book will be tho first one to l)o placed on the press by the Century company after the termination of tho strike. Its publication Is ox pccted early In December.

'Tho Flow of Value" presents tho scrinonco of cause and effect In do mlnliiR prices, wagos and profit tho significances of capital, and of ho i of exchange. Another new book of Interest Is Rdgnr Loo Musters' It Mr. Masters displays new powers to treat of human dignity and tho crontlvonons of man In music, science wonder and law. SURPRISE FOR DAY NURSERY CHILDREN Frldnjr lr AVonirn of Starlight Punt Noblr Grand dull. Tho women of Starlljrht Past Noble Cinind of the Rebeknh lodge srnvo a surprise party for the Buy children Friday.

Mrs. Snlomo Jllci- entertained the children with a lumber of readings. IWroshmentft prnlmm craokern with oaramal tiling, a i a cocoa nnd nai'BtnollowB were served, Tho women sowed for tho Day i the day And made hlrtoen nhecta, tleht pillow CKBCIB, lemmcd six rtrcsscm, nntl tnpei of The following women were prcnent: Salome Mrn. Brnkjman, Mrs, Ilarsli, Mrs. Hu- III, Mrs.

Bargor, Mrs. Qarrett, Mm, 'umlorland, Mrs. Ellcrs and Mrs. Ini'nshaw. 1 Phone, Main S04 DR.

A. L. DeSOUCHET RECTAL SPECIAJJ9T Suits 429, Powers Building, Dccatur. III. P.

S--We use no knife, chloroform, or other fetr-inepirlng means. Our treat- meant will not Interfere with your business or soda) engagements. DR. A. L.


aUJIJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllinillllllllllllMlllllll iiiiniii OF JOBS IN ILLINOIS Chicago. Nov. ot Jlllnols, last night Imued a ttate- ment letting aside Monday, Deo. 1, as cenBiis day," requeetlnf employers to furnish to the local chambers of commerce or to the mayors of their oltles, a list ot opportunities for employment of former soldiers, Bailors and marines, governor said that hafl taken Initiative and utlll wan setting the pace, pointing out that In Chicago, up to Nov. IK, SC.tlS discharged service men out ol 37,924, who applied for positions, had been employed, and that throughout thn state "the high quality of appreciation" had prevailed, nioro doflnHo rrtnged for the organisation, VIRQIL-McCOWAN, William Virgil, brahomnn on the Wla- ronaln, division of the llllnol.

Conlrnl Mi" ro i (1 on November ID to Mill Blhel McCowan of Amboy, A Oee. 1, they bo at homo to tholr filond. In Amboy, Mr, Virgil IB well HOUSE BURNS DOWN AT SULLIVAN Sulllran, Nov. Tin property, belonging to Mm. James nhtxlen and coniplotl by Mr.

and Mm. RiiBland, burnort to tho ground Frlduv ovunlnu iiboiil o'clock along with very nonr all o( lh. houitbold Rood, of (ho Elnnlnndi Tho WOB very rontly to fall In wlicn tho flro jlnrm given. Mr. and Mrs.

England had tene to tho country and no one was at horn, nt Iho tlmo tho fir. It Is thought Iho fire nun. from tbo fluo. Anothor roildonco Iccntod juit north nf tho ono buni.rt ln owned by V. M.

tin cnmo burning at tho mm Ime. but good work of NRW England houio Ii locntoil on a nun JUDGMENT AGAINST FORTUNE TELLER MulUICOllO, XiM', DOM TUOI- ilny, entered JUIIKMKIII In Iho county court for Iho pooplo ml against Una Bowman, fortune teller of till, clly, nnd hot hands- man, William or Decntur for I2M In one cue nnd 1190 In another for her default In appealing for trial. Jumna AIInun and Mm. W. E.

Smith were In Springfield to muslcale, Thursday, They were of Mra. MeBhine, daughter of Mrs, Allman, Dr. Foslor ban boon In Now Orleans, for several diiyn. Ho will return Friday. Mra.

Minnie Bowman entertained the Presbyterian Bible study clam at her home Thursday afternoon. Kofrciihmoms served and gameH plnyod. About twenty- two were piesont. Tht Monllcello high school foot ball team will play Olbnoti Oltv here Biturday. Miss Hnlh Iladden will pend Iho week's end with at Maroi.

The high aehoo) foot bnll tram nlll play Thankaglvlng Mnntlcello. Miss Either noaebrnuRh of Charleston Is the gue.t of Mra. Fred Bloytr, Mlsa Elaea, linotype operalnr nt the Hepuhllcnn office wns In Docnlur Tliurn- duv evening. Smith atlomlod nn Odd FelloiM' mooting nt flprlngfleld, week. He wna a delegate from tho Odd Fellows' lodge Dr'.

Bushed attended dental meeting ul Champaign Thurmlny, FIItKMBN CMDAR 11,10. The Firemen', bnll given Wednesday was i Tho Firemen cleared about $13(1. Thin hall la tholr only menna of remuneration, for services rendered Iho nubile, Tho Montlcollo O. IS. fi, momhom were giie.te of the Cerrn Oordo Thurii- uiiv ovnilnir, about twenty mombera go- Ing from hero.

Mimics) program was rendered am) refreshment weio Mr. A. 8colt rcturnod from Chicago Thursday. F. J.

Mnllnnder returned from Chicago Friday. Either Cooper hns returned from Mt, uliialtl whero she i tht pnit aeaiion. Theodore Foaler of i former Montlcollo bov, visited frloiulii In the clly past week. Bu.le Balier wna the guest or frlomln in Cerro Ciordo Thursday evening. AT I.

0. 0. F. MEET. About thrco carlond.

of Odd Follows represented the Odd Follows nf 1'lntt county at Odd Followa' meeting in Springfield this week. a i mom- bera wern lidded to Iho ontnnlK.itlon at hla mooting. A those who bocamo nembora wisio flovenior Lowden, alio Immerion, Soeiolnrv of i Mr. ami Mra. Fred a will cele- )rate i i Tuciday Nov.

2B, The Independent foot Imll team will play ho Chanutn fool bill tonm nt Montlcello Sunday, Nov. 23. res, Tho fmnlly moved fiom Maroa nljout yearn ago, He In survived Ov and one child. William Marsh and nltomlod tho of Mrs. Marsh'i at Winchester, Monday.

Mrs, ICrnoDt McClune. who has boon horo fur couple of months' vliltlne her moth- or and other relatlvos loft Thurkday for hup Hume at Loi Calif, IJruco Waller roluinod home Thumday inonlns from Springfield where he I'd the scsilnne of the grand lodge of Odd l-Vllown, M. Soliulti hiis purchased now I'nUe car. John Shoemaker had a horse Injured ruoidny evenlnv some alranger driving Dotiaf car from the fnclnry. The i-nr wna dnmoKed rensldorably and Is In 11 loonl garage.

A I A DISTRICT. The a i i of Drainage district No. wan complelod Thuriday at a IIIR nf tho rommlvNlonor, There does net iippenr lo be uny objection among, Innd on tho organisation of dlaii'ln, but thorn la a difference of opln- Inn nn to 16 bo used whether 'It nlmll l)o nn open ditch or tlio. FLY IN WHEAT. There In conildornlito complaint of tlT In the whom fields.

hoot Msuck. Severn! Docntur gunneri -figuring on attending tho shooting match lo be given by J. n. Simpson at Mantle Nov, 20. tnd iluclis will Rhot for, and one of the prizes win bo a pure-bred Poland- China pi if.

5 THE PICTURE PALACE OP CENTRAL ILLINOIS I IlKGUUR PRICES Production'-- Music Presentation 1 6-Piece Symphony Orchestra Matinee-- 2:00, 3:45 p. m. Follow the Crowds i 8:45 p. I There's a Reason LAST TIMES TODAY J. Warren Kerrigan --IN "The Joyous Liar" JAY HILL DROWNS IN WISCONSIN Mnros, Nov.

hns been recelv- by frlondi i of tl'e a a diown- ng of Jay Kill at Fondiilno, WIs. The ounir man wan about yenrs DKO nnl tho onb non of John i man nf Mn- ny Hlto and outnlilo tho (Illlrlct, nnd by the tlmo tho chomlcn Wilson arrived on icene there wna chance lo savo It. Mr, and Mra. Englnn had onlv boon mnrrlod few nn all of their i WIL now nnd onlv very Illlle of It nits gotten out of th houae before the roof fell In. Thoy cnrrle $1100 Inniirnnco on tho hounnholj goodt while thn renldenco waa partly Inaurei 1 Tho drew quite a large crowd a.

the fire i had occurred for time and people wero ft a i of flrea on ncrount of Iho ahortng of a cau.od by tho nhortage ef coa In city at the plant. S.tilrdiy, Mlas Flora, wna a Decatur vlnlto Mlm Ponrl Powell wan Decntur vl.lto Snturduy, BEER SOLD FREELY, APPEAL SOON St, Nov. of 2.7r lior cent nlcohol content wan sou frnely In St, Louis, today following thn iBSuanco by Federal Jutlgo Join C. Pollock of temporary Injunotloi rentralnlnn the United States attorney and the collector of Inter nil revenue from I i i a a or sale ot the beer United States District A Walter Heniley said the deelsloi would ha appealed na "speedily as NEGRO SLAYER GETS LIFE SENTENCE RocUford, 111 Nov. "Buck 1 iVIInon, nesro who shot and Itlllod Hobson of BoloH, hero lout Tune, WRB gentoneea to life Imprln onAient liv Judge n.

K. Wclsli In olr- otilt court 'd Biillty. Wllnon nltmd- AVON Contlnuoui Show Todiy OPEN THROUGH SUPPER HOUR REGULAR PRICES 8--Piece Orchestra--8 PEGGY HYLAND IN THE FUNNIEST, MERRIEST COMEDY YOU EVER SAW "Cheating Herself' She wtnted to how could rob herself of million dot- her hindlt bnrfltr'i tools. ALSO JAMES J. CORBETT IN GREAT SERIAL, NINTH EPISODE OF "THE MIDNIGHT MAN" STARTING SUNDAY FOR THREE DAYS Mrs.

Charlie Chaplin (Formerly Mllrired Harris) In "FORBIDDEN" Bre iJ" 3 as an owl" at night, and can't "keep your eyesopcn" in he day- lime you certainly need Self-poison' ing by imperfectly eliminated food pet- tons is a very common ailment Bcccham's i correct It Stb AarlMllciMia SeUmrrkin. 26e. LAST THREE TIMES TODAY Tonight 7:30,9:1 Four Jacks AND A Queen A Merry Gambol of Class and Melody. JACK ALI'HED AND COMPANY WALTON BRANDT RAINES AVEKY R1MA' KINKAI1) KINOCiRAMS COMEDY STARTING SUNDAY BIG COMEDY SHOW Laughi, smllcp, und ilred Ulllin Wnlkcr pln not lall to cnarm. i with the tendon lo j1 whlch nppoxlle the lundnomc hero, will PARIS THEATRE 1200 E.Eldorado -TODAY- MAY ALLISON ISLAND INTRIGUE" ALSO STHAND COMEDY ANU KINOGRAM NEWS.

TOMOHKOW--The (irciil movii in "Out nf the I-'OR," lALHAMBRAi I I i I I Water Packard St. TODAY Cleopatra, In her wildest days, had nothing on ROM, the wicked vamp In "Whitewashed Walls" STARRING WM, DESMOND I I I I Always lOc and 15c 1 THE GREAT GAMBLE LAST I PATHE NEWS- -ROLIN COMEDY I STARTING TOMORROW June Caprice and Creighton Hale In the Film Musical Comedy, "Oh, Boy HiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiimi iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimil? 5 XCI.IJS1VE I'AKASIOUNT AND AUTCItAIT A i IN DECATUK BIJOU CONCERT' OggHEgTRA AMAZING AS A PI.AV-- THEMBNDOUS AS A SCItEEN DRAMA! I "THE MAN WHO I STAYED AT HOME" AI.L-STAU CAST, HEADED KING BAGGOTT and CLAIRE WHITNEY Also Burton Holmes' Travel Pictures and Comedy, I "IN THE DAYS OF REAL SPORT" 1 REGULAR PRICES riiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimmiiimmiimiiiiiiiiimmiJ .3 Your Doctor Qualified? When you consult a ist be sure he has had the necessary training and experience to be called a specialist. Dr. McCarty is qualified in every way. Dr.

McCarty is a graduate of the College of Physicians a "jl Surgeons of Chicago. (Medical Department U. of 1. Has had 16 months service in the Milwaukee County Hospital. 2.

One year surgeon in chief to the Grandon Hospital. 3. One year professor in Wisconsin College of Phy- eicans and Surgeons, Milwaukee. 4. One year in the great clinics of Berlin, Vienna and London.

5. For over 8 years continuously at present location. COME FOB CONSULTATION Many of you have been treated for months and years and have been disappointed until you think no doctor is skilled and that you cannot be helped. You, nc doubt, all this tinie have been treated by physicians who had neither sufficient knowledge nor experience to know how to help you. DON'T GIVE UP HOPE We will give you a thorough examination, physical, chemical and microscopic, and if your disease is curable we will tell you so.

If you are incurable we will under no consideration accept a fee or treat you. Our new modern treatment is the only treatment which holds out any hope in chronic and deep seated diseases. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE DR. MCCARTY, SPECIALIST 1U Slrccl, Corner Water Over Btore DR. MCCARTY INFWSFAPF.Rf rWSPAPER!.

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