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Clinton Daily News from Clinton, Oklahoma • 3

Clinton, Oklahoma
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1944 Friday Juno 9 1944 The Clinton (Okla) Dally Ncwa Pago Thro Retribution 1 Church Services I IK ll uf I i't 1 1 1 Ul It iu i-ji-ii Sitiiill WiHuliT I lit Irl' tliit Mm i-iilii'i' il li-ii Allll 1 1111 ti-l mIi'I) Mull- Ih itif ii-p if trij It lint MltllCC slVr Vfili 1 1 I Mu' tu-K I'nlll Mrinllh M'iiini" U- II rii Inti Tin Uil uni JMiwi- you tillilr -y IfiS mu (nil Pentecostal Church of God Her IIm paaler MU Chertaw Raaday Young people's service 130 Sunday school 0:49 a Murnmg arrviee II am Evening aervir 130 pm Kalarday Singing Rally 0:00 Edited by Mra Jobs Meyer Phone 1001 hi'iit no-ii I IK Ui'niiv vhii'w Iinl nil lill iln-v ('11111111' tin- in rm tiiili-i-lu ll Tin li-ii'u- li loi i iii lin miir tVliuli in iik turn "I t'oi i -iii' 1 1 ji I Ami i'ivi- tn i'lstm-i its HiiKi-t I A I) tlunii'li Kilt IiiVi-Ii Mi it- tuiii- i Ii i li'riiiHi'M- likr m-hi'iiiM'ihhI will ilc-li-iv nin' -Iih niir -i iiii-M tli-niM'Ivi Mill na-Aml Ihiiiit moi with yiiur ifl -ri'j-ciiti-i I In- Tlirv Mill iik n-tuin 1 liihioi moi filsi In liiriul iiol l--i- uliki- TIIK vi-I of Ji-m mIi-im- m-ii'm- -lii-ti Will stir nol Iim-ii miM-s oi tour lu-ml The still VUifi clii It Ii i'li ulm 'iit- Ml I fiii T-11 itkcti iiinllii-is in I tin- Hn" lit-it-fl Mill tTlticniM toll SI nil III) II l-Vt-l VWlilTC vVill It him! moi iilttiit-i vitli lln-ir ti-lil iltnl tn Assembly of God Iter near lid paster 13th aad liana Sunday school 1000 a Mm's Brrean els 10 UU a ni RrV BaSrlid traljtrr Lord's 8iiiirr II a in Morning wrvire 11:00 a Sernam by poMur end tlu Chris Anibassailiei Evangelistic service Sermon by paslor "Kbur ih'Iks Tarsday Bible study Wedimday Friday Evangelistic sei'Vke 30 in Engagem en Of Miss Pyron To Ellis Me Atee Announced Mrs May Pyron 1312 Prniif Clui'f ynnuunm tin enai't'mi'nt uini upprouchintJ niarriui't1 nf Iter jtruiiildiiiirht-t-r Misk Auit'il Pyron to Klim Mi'Atti mui uf Mr ami Mrs If Mi'Atcv route thrve Mini Pyron secured lier niuc-itaaid in tlie Clmtim public aclionU where site sat active in tlie girls glee Mpprllp At-f nnr club a member nf the Hwnlsll All UUUO dub aval PIIG laeneiiiHkliut club Tlie post year site lias been employed in tlie office of a savings wmiMiny hi Gklaluanu Ciiy 11m- brulegrown-elcrt -ittended sclaail at Siaffunl and also three years at Cluiuai high scltool wliere lie ana a member of 1V4I-43-43 foot null leums lie was active abai III (lie A rliapter At the liiesent lie Is eng iked in fumiiig Hie rux'liKiiiiK meeting of ilu Needle Art rlub ill tlie form of a Cfiveiiil-iliMi IuiwIinsi was lielil WedneMlay In tlie home of Firs Bill (lunger 812 South Seventh riy- to Hnr IVIII III lilH-d pub-urilv by IT lima out mnI- IlM lalrr IlMt lie llirr lliiMI In- levy iilng life i-wey ionii itpii- siin-you con-ab-aiict hit he my nut FOI'll In tts-ii tn i nit- ihiiIisIiimI tliiioii'litoH tin land War Ktiniuif I lnusctl lv ymir liantl Ami Death in tin-ir Make ttilli Ins scythe unjheallie-l Will rt'ap the hill test I id i tml have lN-llfiitlifil Small wniuli'i' I hi lei that you riinj'e in fear Ytmr lay uf reiiiliulion is iiem Iniiessa Cux MrKurrrey I D-Dav Adults 35c Kiddies 10c Today Sat iiMiinn ncrioni Also Chap No 10 "THE PHANTOM" Prevue Sat Nite Sun-Moiu-Tues SATURDAY The Love Story with Two Grand SWrs! Free Methodist Church 410 Orient Rev Erie ReynuhK pastor Runday sellout IU 00 a Morning service II oo a in Evening servbe 5 IF in Wedaesday Pi aver meeting 815 in St Mary's Catholic Church Ninth and Made II Father II Maadalarts paster Masses first third and fifUi Sundays 11:00 a Masses second and fouTh Sundays 0 a Custer City Methodist Brashear mlnlatar niurrh achool 10:00 a Ed BebeniiM auierlntendent Morning wumlitp 11:00 a dull and Junior Pelkiwshlp 1:00 Evening worship Wednesday Mid-week prayer servira 00 Missionary Baptist llmrvdiy Franhlia and Klate Ktrerti Weatherford Elder Carol Chrisrian paslor Raaday Sunday Bchoul 10:00 a Morning Service 11:00 a in BTC 1:30 ui Evening worsliip 8:15 Sermon subject: Wednesday ong service and prayer meeting Bessie Church of God Sunday school 0:45 a Song worship 10:45 a Junior church 10:45 a Sermon 11:00 a Young meeting 1:15 Sermon 8:15 rr Song worship 0:00 a Arapaho Christian Church Rev Henry Resggs pastor Sunday achool 10:00 a Communion aervice 10:45 a Preaching aervice 11:00 a Evening worship 8:00 Thanday Mid-week aervice 8:00 I Social Calendar Friday Eastern Star Masonic hall Indianapolis Mr and Mrs Driscoll spent the weekend with their parents rand Mrs Dudley Driscoll Mrs Eldon Wetfte and daughter Maurice are visiting In Oklahoma City Rev and Mrs Davis and family and Mr and Mrs Leo Newman and family spent Sunday In the home of Mr and Mrs Bill Roush and duughter Elisabeth Jonnston Fin Dudley Driscoll and Mra Fren Brown visited with Mn Royal Brown and baby Mrs Arthur Driscoll and fimlly and Mr and Mrs Dean Bowes and family spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Dudley Driscoll Carter DeGraw spent Sunday with Harold Driscoll and Culvtn Driscoll 8ince 1838 3000 ycung men have received diplomas after training in the United States merchant marine cadet corps and are on active duty in the merchant marine and navy according to the United States maritime commission Brownie Troop 9 Learns Folk Dance llmutlit (iiiviiwiaiil ik 3 ili-11111 at till Kuviil Air ClliiiiHi wis a gia-rtt lliurwli wlwn linwiiN trip 8 met In tin Pirwl Mi-llimlUt rliuri-li The triNip niemlwra aiwnt Hie af temiMHi 1 lying games anil riitei I aim'd each oilier with an nn nn'ii'iitu program of amn and iinulr Tliey aha burned lh-lr fir-t folk dsnee Tlie groun will lisve tlieir iwxt liurilng 1 3 ill June IF si Hie Imhim of Mrv Austin (hwa 021 BibUlt Hill Hssislulif b-sder Til" m-niLere are askeil to bring a punk lunch and come prepared to gi in the Junior issil Mol hers who wisli are invited lo aceuiiiiaiiv tlieir daughters TIiom pi iwenl were KlUulaHli lin met Carol Ann Engleimiii Murcia Ann Johnston Cin4 Ann Uinta Mnrjnne Morton Virginia Neill Plvds Ann Nuel Jw-lle Pedigo Kullirryii Uhi Wllkl'iMMi Bur burs Marvel Mrs Gnes slid Mrs Prank Cumin h-aiier Don Rolison Feted On Fourth Birthday A iwrly was given mi hb fourth blrilHluy anulversury fnan four to six Wetiiaiduy fur Duu Rolhun by Ills iihiHuv Mrs Davie ItoliMMi 215 South Fifth Ice cream and cuke were served Li tlie garden after thsi ojn-ihhI his gifts Present were Paula Beth Gunk Mary Aim KobertsMi Bubble Murray Teddy Dee Holly Bonnie Stockton Juhiuiie Bliinrk Bobbie Blunck Cluirles Bluiwk Dale Rotl-Mmt taut Billie Luu Miller Buller Pete Lowrance Is Host To Group Who Leaves For Army To honor a few boys who left today for the aervice Pete Lowrance entertained with a chicken dinner in his home south of Clinton Wednesday evening After dinner the evening was spent in games Those who enjoyed the evening were Harvey FTanaen Glendal 11-Gene Coatney Bryce Hamilton Wheeler Jack Mont- gotnery Earl Hulln Machy Vaughn Dole Brown Dick Stewart Jim 1 Pransen Jimmy Lightle Jim CIill-dreaa and Pete Lowrance CantMn Host to 800000 CAMP ROBERTS Cal (URI I Trainees were a bit irked at alll the sleep and sunshine that Sgt Burt Evans was getting while on bivouac and decided to do some-1 thing about It The dosing sergeant was suddenly roused from I his position and naked tore out I of the bivouac in a mad dash for I freedom Six cattle had been slam- peded toward him borough Fin Lames Mrs I Marolda Fire Hanson Fire Sprinkle Mrs FI Bcott Firs Conell and the hostesses Hour AM PM Tlie quartet tables were centered wllli Uaaineta of mixed garden fkmeis Tlie large table at wlueli three members wImjm birtliduys occurred In June were sea ted was centered with a large birtluluy cake Mrs Claude JolsiMon Mra Marvin Payne and Mrs George TSylor sieclul guests weie ire-kenteu Willi nikcelleaiie(aM birlh-duy gills Hie secret fib-ials of Hie year were revealed and gifts given During a klwrt business no-el ing presided over by Mrs John ston a count uf Iwum spent in Red Cross work was nude A total or 231 laairs put In by mem ber of tlie club at tlie sewing rooms and at tlie surgical dressing rooms was recorded Mrs EiiiiU had tlie highest number of hours to tier credit which to-tolled 57'x The club disbanded for tlie summer but will reconvene tlie second Wednesday in September Other members present were Mrs Floyd Guthrie Mrs A Howell Mrs Paul Cook Mrs A Olenn Mrs Wayne Liles Mrs Kupka and Firs Lester Babione Guests Included Mra BUI Derry-berry Mrs Clyde Koch and Mrs Harris of Oklalioma City Coffee Is Given By Club Officers An informal coffee was given Tuesday msmlng for the members of the Servicemen's Wives club when Mrs Victor Nltzkowskl 210 South Eighth was hostess with Mrs A Conway vice-president Fits A Kampb secretary an1 Mrs Flattis treasurer as co-hostesses The coffee table was covered with a white lace cloth end centered with a pink bowl fU'ed with deep purple larkspur Mrs Lee Hargarshlmer and Firs Gus La-mos presided at the silver coffee services During a short business session tea was planned for June 31 tv be held in the home of Mrs Red Conner Rev Edwin Parker will be the guest speaker Those present were Mrs Conner Firs Hubert Vineyard Firs A Elliott Firs Randall Mrs Bonham Fire Nurse Firs Worrick Fire DelzeU Firs McPadden Fire Turner Mrs Stlckney Mrs 8 Ftard Fin George Johnson Mrs Davis Firs Stephenson Mra Lb Roa- Weahinqton fMinnl Troop Of UrowniM Co On Hiko lla Wailum-loii ulutil ni'nwiilt-i mt-i Tliurdav in tin- mi of llicr trailer Mrs Krnt-1 Mtaar W' Nurlli lttlli Aflt-r a short bnsiiaKS iia-rliii-f tlk-y wml mi a lukr lauili of Clinton Tliusr present were Oli-la Woodall Oiia-gu Must Mary Miim Slmnks Helen Null Del' Garrison Willie Mae Hall uiul Mrs Asa Siuiuka aiwisimit lender Tlie next iiiretlm will be In tli Iimim of Mrs Mtaire ut 1:30 in June 22 Adva-u-e Up: Hie iihnc you cull lilts sej-fln tlie larger tlie jar against Ha of high cost of living Today Sat ARIZONA LEGION" with GEO O'BRIEN -X-Comedv CoitOOZl 1 'ArSerial PREVUE Saturday Nite SuiLu Mon Tues TODAY AND First Presbyterian Church Seventh ind Chattow Rev Part Kvlrrt yolur ilundsy Sc haul 10:00 Mr Ivy Brown superintendent bio liroilterli cIim 1000 Amey teacher Young Adulti class 10:00 i A Brittain leaclier riutiwrs Hutclilns class 10:00 Mm Dorothea Mryer leadier Vurililp aervlc 11:00 i heniwii by pastor (Imv of God Via-al solo Miss Marjorie liar ey lunior-Illgli Westminster FVI- lownlilp 1:00 Monday iai-atUMi Bible acliool Monday tliroiiKli Friday for two wreka 0:30 to 11:30 a Thanday Hoy Scouts 1:30 in Grant Davis Acuutniiisler St Paul's Episcopal Church Ml Seath Bcvanlh lev Brory BabcweUL El Be Ailing tlrar Raaday ioly conun union and sernam 1:30 Church of Christ Ninth and Avaat A Harbin ailniatarv unday mornlnf Bible atudy 0:45 a Voraliip service 10:45 a Sermon by minister and Results" Vorship aervice 0:30 Sermon by minlater for Remission of Bins' Noting people's meeting 1:15 Wednesday Id-Week Service 0:30 Thanday Vumen't Bible atudy 2:30 Church of The Nazarene 14th and Frisee Rev Ernest Orton pastor Sunday achool 10:00 a i acrrica 11 an Sermon by pastor for Provl 1 1 a 1 ihanges" 1:00 Sermon by pastor City of God" Wednesday rayer Meeting 0:00 Christian Church Ninth and Avant a Gaaaway minlater unday school 0:40 a lorn log worship 10:43 a Sermon by Minister hristian Endeavor 1:15 Mister's Voice" First Methodist Church 13th and Frisee Rev Edwin Parker pastor hurch achool 9:45 a loming Worship 10:55 a Sermcn by pnator for a Hard outh Fellowships 1:00 orshlp aervice 0:00 Sermon by pastor The Peace Monday irl Scout Troop II 2:30 Workers council 1:30 'esleyan Service Guild hostesses Mrs Frank Cobum Mrs Hope Stout Mrs Hadlock awl Miss Rennie Barton 8:00 Taraday fficlal Board meeting 1:30 Wednesday irl Scout Troop 8:30 nnlr rehearsal 1:30 Thanday Scouts church baae- ment 1:30 Custer City Baptist Caster City iindoy echool 10:00 a Morris Middleton superintendent orntng worship 11:00 a Sermon by pastor 1:30 larence Williams director enlng service 8:30 in Sernam by pastor Wednesday layer and Bible study 0:30 itfAr praeik-e in ra Bra klr Down dlm-toi Tkarsdsy 0 mrelilig 3:30 Ol is Hailey Hunks re blent Tlie Church of God 1225 Avant Rev ltotsan parioe nurch srhom 3' 45 a a -jrning amice 11:00 a 100 bl nice church 1:00 angellMic service 1:45 Wednesday ulwcek senae 830 I a Baptist Church Butlwr Oklahoma Artie Onto pastor Sunday sclioul 10:00 a Wayiand Juimsun auperluien-dent Morning worsliip 11:00 a Sermon by paslor Goodness of 7:00 Arthur Easley director Evening service 0:30 in Sermon by pastor Hibigs We Ought to Wednesday Prayer and Bible study BuQ Thursday 8 meeUng 3:340 Mrs Orval Duncan president Trinity Lutheran 13th and MadeU Rev Huaunei pastor Kauday No service The Salvation Army C01 Avant Captain Alfred Parker Sunday Company meeting 9:45 a HoUnesa meeting 11:00 a Songsters 3:30 Young people1! legion 6:30 Open air meeting 1:15 Salvation meeting 8:00 Monday Sunbeam troops 4:30 Boy Scouts 1:30 Tuesday Junior soldiers 4:30 Preparation class 1:00 Senior toldiers 8:00 Wednesday Corps cadets 4:30 Open air meeting 1:45 Holiness meeting 8:00 iu Friday Junior legion 4:30 Girl guards 6:30 Young people's legion 1:45 Saturday Open air meeting 1:45 Prayer meeting 1:30 Home league 3:00 Pentecostal Holiness Church Fifth Street and Orient Rev Floyd Lee pastor Sunday echoed 10:00 a Sermon 11:00 a Juniors 1:00 Evening Worship Wednesday Midweek prayer service 8:00 Friday Young People's service 8:00 Indianapolis Baptist Rev Davis pastor Sunday achool 10:00 a Edgar Thomas superintendent Preaching 11:00 a 1:30 Prrschuig 1:30 Wednesday Prayer meeting 8:00 Broadway Heights Baptist Church Rev Ahris Merrill pastor Sunday achool 0:50 am Pleaching service 11 a Preaching aervice 0:30 Evening aervice 0:30 Wednesday Midweek service 0:30 Chapel Hill Methodist East ef Clin tea Rev Hal a Noble pastor Sunday school 10:15 a PreacMng 11:00 a ni Wcdnesdav Prayer meeting 8:00 Mrs Bud Owens Is Honored Willi Slork Shower A pink and blue slaiwer wax given In iMamr id Mrs Bud Oweiui on Ti-esduy In I lie lasue of Mrs IJoyd Ut-llali Butler lioMe-iH with Mrs If Cox and Mrs Culvtn Arclwr aa co-luvtlrsxca Tlie afternoon was spent In vlMting and playing fumes After Uie lionoree liad opened and displayed lier giflx refmduiu-iils were served to Mrs Dudley James Mrs Henry Thompson Mrs Lester Haggard and sons Mrs Henry Perry and anna Mrs Fhrreat Bel-lali Mrs Jim Haney Mrs Cox Mrs George Arclier Mrs Calvin Archer Mrs Bella) i and Miss Flo Shively Those sending gifts were to Mrs Jim Smith Mrs Walter Seliolt Mrs Ed Covey Mrs WU-bank Mrs Abb Nance Mrs Harry Neu Mrs Spore Mrs Torn Duncan Mrs Harry Archer Mra Prank B1 lively and daughters Mrs Ward and Mr Alvki Moore Glendal Wilson Is Given Wiener Roast By Theater Employes A wiener roast was held at Camp Little Wolf Sunday night by the employes cf the Del Rio and Rialto theaters ii honor of Glendal Wilson who left today for Port Sill to be inducted into the army Entertainment was furnished by Pete McDonald and Albert Taylor after which the honoree was presented with a gift Others attending were Paul Cornwell Peggy Cornwell Mrs Leona Harder Miss Hazel Evans Miss Billie Derry berry June Mc-Psll Bill Anderson James Boater Joe Boater Betty Cobb Duane Bates Phyllis Maddox Jim Carver Betty Murphy Janies Davenport Bettye Lee Creach Zeke Meacham Mias Juanita Harrell Bob White Alice Gene Stratton Richard Brant Betty Clark Jack Farr Genevieve Riggs George Meacham and Betty Goddard We Rest for SgL (UJ Since its opening a year ago the USO-Variety canteen at Pennsylvania station has served more than 800-000 aervice men and women Figures show that men visitors totaled 808848 gnd women 37500 Exactly 369221 sandwiches were consumed 381385 doughnuts 174664 glassrs of milk and 188170 cups of coffee MEXSANA (OOIMIN6 MHIICSKB rowiws am wesamew iwey wry lefct-oim him rive of you dis- icri- wey ould ry" wai ws- igth ark- of Mrty do ont- dlng con st IDrd wcy ulit- Iwve VM In a to not un- i000 If-SS re-Ica-)000 to Matt Is ine- HAVE YOU MAILED YOUR COUPON? Fill out tha coupon below and either mail or bring to ua Wa have extra coupons in our office for you The War With Germany Will Close Year Month Day Name Addra Prevue Saturday Night Sunday Monday and Tuesday For closest estimate $5000 Bond 2nd closest estimate $2500 Bond WHEELER FUNERAL HOME Phone 720 We Service UNITED MUTUAL BURIAL POLICIES icl AM BACK IN THE MARKET FOR ALL YOUR HOGS You will like the price FRED HOWE At the Sale Bam Plione 242 Clinton Okla DRINKS 1 tfnemii jaynenwi'.

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