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The Evening Transcript from San Bernardino, California • 4

San Bernardino, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i THE EVENING TRANSCRIPT TUESDAY JULY 15 1902 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS The Evening Transcript BY THE TRANSCRIPT COMPANY Published every evening except Sunday and entered at the postoffice in San Bernardino California as secondclass mail mater No BICYCLE RACERS KILL FORMER RESIDENT Father-in-Law of Willard Yager Meets Death in a Tragic Manner Walter Price father-in-law of Will-arn Yager a well known Santa Fe railroad man of this city was instantly killed Sunday evening in Los Angeles by several young men who were racing on bicycles Price was a peddler and was the eole support of a wife and six children He formerly resided in this city Clide Olsen and Eugene Bressin are under arrest for killing Price Olsen collided with the peddler and Bressin ran into tlie two Tho other racers are The Tranecrlpt la the party and the people's paper It le not the organ of any man clique or faction Office of Publication TELEPHONE By Carrier 2 5 Cents per Honth TUESDAY JULY 15 1902 in the Path of Tracy Does a San Bernardino Man He Knew Two Califonians Who Would Catch the Outlaw in Six Hours Seattle July Our visit at Seattle and surrounding country was very delightful We seemed fated to be indirectly in the path of that outlaw this part of the country is full of the name of Tracy Some of the Seattle papers have been and still are issuing 1 'The eight-extra" showing how much interest there is manifested in this outlaw 1 have never known anything approaching it except in Alexander descriptions We visited Ravefina Park just after he had escaped Just after our visit to Washington Lake Tracy appeared there We are not pursuingnira It is tlie judgment of many people here that the possi are all afraid of nim I heard a man say yesterday knew couple of Californians that would catch him in six hours" Seattle is one of the most pushing and energetic commercial cities we have seen in the west" Evidently it is outstripping San Francisco for first place on this coast It seems so at least to many living in this section The surrounding country with its mining lumber hnd agricultural interests will supjiort this city indefinitely There is a concentrated interest here on tlie part of tlie capitalists to make Seattle a great city 1 really think they will succeed Everett is the county eeat of Everett county known as the of the West" Tlie enormous Hour mills lum ber mills smelters iron factories albf contribute to make this city of 18000 population a very important place in the near future This cuy lias doubled in Imputation in the last three years Tlie schools arc admirable in all their departments Public buildings are fair in their apiK-arance and quite roomy Churches nre keeping pace with the general march of progress This city lias a great fn-tun Monte Cristo is 2 miles by rail from Everett running ip to the Cascade mountains It is one the most beautiful places we ever visited It is nature in majesty Tlie diversity of fern llower foliage cedar and mountain snow Switzerland lias not anything more beautiful in our judgment Tlie music of the Stillaguamish river is ns clenr und silvery in its ripple us the music of a silver bell The enormous trees astonish tlie traveller and the mountains the big four ranging from K()00 to 12000 feet high bid defiance to time and the researches of man It is a veritable paradise Through tlie courtesy of tlie Monte Cristo railroad superintendent we were shown many courtesies Tin's is a great country and the rainy days are manv Isaac jewell 'i NEW YORK 5 KITCHEN I Fine meals or French dinner served on short notice OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Private entrance and nice dining rooms for Ladies St Ward Bleek TalRedas Barton eATICK Undertakers and Embaltncra Open day and night Cut Flowers for ante 544546 THIRD STUBS Sen Baraardlaa BANKING COX Is a candidate for the office of CONSTABLE Of Ban Bernardino Jownship Subject to the action of the ensuing Democratic County Convention CRAMEK MORRIS Is a candidate for the office of DISTRICT ATTORNEY Subject to the action of the Republican County Convention CHARLES A MORE la a candidate for the office of CONSTABLE Subject to the action of the Democratic County Convention ROBERT CURTIS la a candidate for the office of COUNTY CLERK Subject to the action of the Democratic County Convention Dr A MACKECIIXIE la a candidate for the office of COUNTY CORONER Subject to tho action of the Republican County Convention octal Happenings Bloomington 111 (Special correspond cnee to the Tho marriage of Miaa Carotene Holland anil Mr Frank Woodling occurred yesterday at the home of the mother on East Washington street in this city Only a few of the very intimate friends of the bride were present Miss Marie Hayden was bridesmaid and Dr I Holland hrutherof the bride was liest man Ihc wedding was us it was intended to be 11 quiet and simple affair Shortly after the ceremony Mr and Mrs Woodling left for Chicago from which city they will viit joints of interest on the Urea Lakes On the way to San Bernardino where they will reside Mr and Mrs Woodling will stop at Milwaukee Kan-sum City Denver Salt Like and San Francisco Both parties to the marriage are wel known in San Bernardino Miss Hoi hind having lived here for several years The groom is one of Lite bcsL know (ouug men us well ns one of the most popular They ill reside in this city after their wedding tour for the present ut No 55!) Fourth slreut Sunday evening a telegram signed by thirty of Mr friends was sent from this city to Bloomington This morning an answer addressed to the was received from Chicago The was satisfied Ontario Annexation Case Judge Bledsoe's order to show cause in the ease of Leeko against the Ontario board of trustees was tiled iu tlm clerk's office today It orders the defendant to show cause why a writ of review should not he allowed against its action in granting petition for annexation of certain territory and ordering an eliHdion thereon which matters have heretofore lieen fully published in tl 0 Transmit The heuring is set for Sni-urdiy July till in department of the superior court Red Front Open Tonight Tlie Red Front clothing store will keep open tonight till o'clock IT IS A GOOD TIME TO BUY CLOTHING Tho Red Front Inaugurates a Big Bale of 3ummer and Fall Goods Thu Bed Front has inaugurated special sale in midsummer the season when all goods are client! hut this store has gone a step farther and as usual has struck tlie bottom of the prices For summer and all goods no better opportunity is offured than will be found by a visit to this store Every department is afflicted by tliis sale and whether it is shoes hats ties furnishings or clothing that you want the Red Front is ready to supply you nt the very low prices whirh are quoted in another column of tliis paper 0 SllEltMAN Homoeopathic Physician and Bnrgeon Office in tlie Hntchinson cottage Eighth street COLTON Offico hours 10 a to 12 1 to4p Residence Eighth street opposite High Hchoo with March EDMUND KATZ Attsms-at-Law and Nstsry Public Room 1 Bum Block San Bernardino UNDERTAKER AND AldrMfc being sought by the police Willard Yager went to Los Angeles this afternoon to attend the funeral MARRIAGE LICENSES Allen Ilayes a native of Illinois age 33 a resident of Prescott Arizona and Mary Enfield a native of Iowa age 25 a resident of llighgrove See Frank Perdew he will tell you al about the Jewel mixed paint He car ries lead oil varnishes brushes colors-Ac lwk Blackberries cheap at OFF FOHJE COAST The Annual Outing of the Santa Fe Employes Will be Held at Redondo this Year The railroad picnic is near at hand and people generally are getting ready to go either to the coast or mountains You will all need shoes of some kind to wear go away from home with those old shabby shoes take advantage of our great removal sale and fit yourself up so jou will be comfortable and respectable at little cost have to hurry before we move Come in this week before we arc broken in sizcB All new goods and latest styles Woods Boge The Shoe Men Postoffice Block San SDH 9 is WHISKEY BEANS tf 2 a tt Something Absolutely New and with which we nave ex crimcntcd for yean One twin make one glass of Artificial Whinkey (Kyoor flour-lmn) six beans to the pint Juft the thing for traveler and convenient for picnic cxcur-ilnQH etc contain ail the virtue of the of the best whluklc without tbo deleteriou effect Mado from the pure vcgetablo matter and guaranteed to contain no poisonous or narcotic drug of any description If a beverago i not desired a bean may bo taken In the mouth without water and tho most ex-hileratlng effect will be experienced Box of 12 Beans' 5Cc Tho Iinan retail at fOoeaoh and can be procured rum any druggist fancy grocer or first-class bar For sale on dining car (hio box sent post-paid on receipt of SO rent DO CO 00 5 i PS 00 as Ginseng Distilling Go Distillers of Ryo aad Baarboa Whiskies ST LOUIS MO HOUSES Eschangs on All Commercial Centers MYLREA Cashier 84 369 Street MAIN UonnlDt Street Downing street IjOihIou perpetuates the mime of 11 clever mun from Massachusetts Those were the days before the Fourth of July liml any significance Amerlcun annuls and ficorge Down-ng the first scholar in the first public school in Massachusetts and the first graduate sent out by llnrvurd college on mo to Ihiglund nml became a chaplain in Cromwell's army Ity 21 remarkable stroke of fortune he was sent to represent l-highiud nt The Hague when Europe was trembling before Oliver and during three distinct eras In Hnglaud's history he held Hie olllee of British embassador lit the Dutch court He wns ns jMipu-In or as clover under Hie Merry Mon arch as under the protector 11ml the com inon wealtli and it came to pass In tho reign of Charles II that the man from Massachusetts was granted a great tract of land at Westminster vlicrc lie built huge urn unions and laid out Downing street To this day street Is Jiowning street still and 1 hough I i eorge Downing is forgot leu there is Do name In the British empire which Is more familiar to us than St lames Cazetle Cnt-ale I'iim Willi Olni-lrrn Hotel keepers in Hie Alps have 11 imw trouble und are complaining of the loss nf patrons who are moving away from the glaciers the attractive glaciers are net nally passing from the la lid sea jie nml as they rerode the lintels along their borders find that their registers are shortening These glaciers are not running away by any moans hut I hey are deteriorat-ing slowly with 21 iterslsteney that men ns their linal annihilation Hotels that a few years ago sIimhI very near to a great river of slowly moving ioe now liml I hem wives a considerable distance away nml the attractiveness of the site Is lessened The famous glaciers of the Rhone have shrunk IJtNN) feet In the lust twenty years or about lit) foot a year A number of the well known glaciers approximate tliis diminution nml the scl-cntllle fact Is established that these reminders of the great glacial period ure surely disappearing I'lnrlng lllinaelf One day a drill sergeant In the British army liml a number of recruits to drill nml wunled (lie married men separated from the single ones so lie formed In-in In a line nml gave the word of coiiimiiml men mlvuncc and uinrrlcd men fall back In the rear 1" All took their positions except one a 11 Irishman who stood still The sergeant askt-d the irasoii why lie had not moved lint no answer eiiuie from Pat my inn 11 are you married?" "No" replied Pat "Then you are single?" xvliut nre you?" am courtin' Biddy" was the reply Itrbaffi have so much address I cun hardly bo expected to compete with you" aald tho letter to tho envelope "Now don't get excited" replied the envelope "because you know you can't contain I PALACE RESTAURANT 1 i There are restaurants and res- 1 taurants and Thu is the one that will suit you Hast meals In the rliy for the money Ernrjrthlns neat and clean The PALACE 395 3d St PUBLIC OWNERSHIP The Sacramento Bee publishes a onnd and well considered editorial on social ism called forth by the extreme views of a correspondent who virtually advocated confiscation of property rights as a remedy for existing ami acknowledged evils of tlio capitalistic system The flue justly concludes that the wealtli of the world could he equally distributed per capita tlm greater part of it would soon disapeur in waste extravagance and idle living" It would certainly melt away from tbo bands of tbo idle extravagant and incompetent und roll into the coffers of the industrious economical und capable and in a very few years the same inequalities in the distribution of wealth would iqqiear Human nature working under the same laws would inevitably produce the same effects these inequalities of distribution will grow less ns civilization advances Public ownership of public utilities in destined to he one of tlm iiirisl potent factor- in effecting such a desirable consuiiiinatinii On this question Hk Pee says remedy is not rniili-ritiiiii hich is alike visionary and unjust hut public ownership and control of public utilities national state and municipal Tlm construction nl an isthmian canal by tlie government ia an example of public ownership likely to In1 followed in time by government acquisition and operation of railroads Tlm producers must eventually become t10 wise to permit the power of unlimited taxation of the fruits of production ns exercised by the riinativsof transportation to remain in a few bands more eseciiillv as railroad interests under private ownership tern! constantly to greater consolidation and tbo total elimination of comiK'tition The congress which hut recently ad joiirtii'd is chiclly commendable for what it didn't do The Fowler hill a republican mcasiiru for reorganizing tin currency is an example in pniit It provides for an asset currency branch banks and a icdeemable silver dollar a consummation (lie money power lias been aiming at for many years hut which seemed to be beyond its reach Thu inauguration of the plan wouli mean the destruction of tlm greenback ami tlm reduction of silver to token money It would take away from the government tlm right to issue and eon trol tlm money supply of tlm reentry and turn that sovereign power over 10 the hankeis who could inflate or expand the ntrrcuey as might suit their private inleiests ('oneentrulud capital which now exercises undue influence over the government would then he supreme in all branches This iniquitous measure is imtdeud hut sleeping Tin1 way to kill the measure ia to elect democratic congress AmericHii manufacturers in many lines can now undersell the foreign imumfuc turds in foreign llelda and they are doing it right along Tlm American manufacturer pays ocean freights am foreign customs duties and still compete successfully in the foreign field Then same manufacturers charge theAinci ican consumers a great deal more than they obtain from the foreigner for the same articles In all such cases why shouldn't the tariff bo removed or lowered? Is a system commendable which thus discriminates against our own people? Isn't it high time for tariff revision? The Quay machine in Pennsylvania is in danger of being smashed at the polls next fall Tho democrats have nomi nated Pattison for governor who has twice been elected to the office under similar conditions and tho chances are bright for a third triumph of honesty and decency in the state's )Klitice and in the administration of its public affairs If the people should elect Pattison they would do well to make democratic administration permanent JOHN ROBERTS prcHldent ROBERTS Vice-President 8 HOOPER Cashier Director 2 John Roberts II Stone If Harris I Brnnn 8 Hooper XI Smith 1) Roberts SAN BERNARDINO NATIONAL BANK Of San Bernardino Cal 1100000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 40000 Capital A General Banking Business Trammeled NEWllURO Manager Established by Louis Jacobs 1H75 BANK OF SAN BERNARDINO SAM BERNARDINO CAL Capital $60000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Correspondents: Kountse Bros New York London Paris and Americas Bank San Fran cisco and Merchants Bank Los Angeles Jonw Osier Pres Directors i Oakey Dr II Boons Hsu Vice Pets Cashier CALIFORNIA STATE BANK or SAN BERNARDINO THIRD STREET Capital Paid Up $5000000 General Banking Buslneas Deposits Received Money Loaned XxehaiiM snia sn Financial Center and European Joints Safe Depoait Boxes for Rent 0B A11 Bffiih Vault Well EIBAIES 240 TIM Street A Lighted and Convenient tHUf.

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