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Waukegan News-Sun from Waukegan, Illinois • 1

Waukegan News-Suni
Waukegan, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'i: A' hi guli Otoh Qrculatio Terterdgy Wi 7275 WCATHEB mod vMaHyi Prefe-bif fair tonight art Wainaijay feat aama cIouSIim slightly wartnar Far: IHInaiat Partly ctewty tonlfM anfe Wednesday) allfehtly warmer Wednesday (LAKE OLDEST ANIf BEST DAILY NEWSPAPER) 1928 Telephone No 1 i WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS ra VOL No 556 irp Ky fi) 10 DAYS GIVEN 2 WIRE THIEVES COURSE ASoh gbiltv nn ANSWER TO THE CRITICS 'TAKE THIS Boiko and Miller Who Have Been in Jail Almost Seven Months Admit Guilt DELAY KOPRIVIC CASE City Council Acts After Members Assail Attempt to Delay Project AROUSED BY LETTERS ft m' PRICE 3 GENTS rnp uvjl DETAILS OF AFFAIR ARE SHROUDED BY MYSTERY Believe Deerfield Girl Was Pushed into Furnace of Lake Bluff Village Hail POLICE WORK ON CASE: C'" Huddled in fhe dingy little 1 furnace room of the Lake Bluff -village hall with her scalp bum- ed to a crisp hands and arms burned black to tha elbow and -the bottoma of her feet in a like condition the nude formof Miaa Elfrieda Knaak of Deer-y field former teacher at thq Glen Flora school in Waukegan wail found by Christ Lewis a laborer employed by Villagi Marshal jgjunev Rotehhagm ott 7 morntag4 Deep mystery surrounds tin horrible burning of the girl and although deaily conscious ghe declines to give even her broth- or an Inkling iff how she came to her plight Physicians declare that ahe cannot poasibly live Rosenhagen who holds sever-al village offices went to the village hall shortly before 7 this morning and sent Lewis into the tiny basement to build a fire Lewis switched on the light and started down the tepa His eyes fell on tha'' blackened form of the girl acting against the furnace pcfiht rari to the street and Rosetihagen is down there1! the frightened man shouted Rosenhagen went to the bale-ment and believing the form to be that of a colored boy' asked what he was doing am the girl answered feebly Whan th marshal fotmfl that it was a girl and that aha waa badly burned he called Wsntan Lake Forest undertaker for an ambulance and Dr Relaalngar of ik Forast They arrived together and Wanton took charga of tho matter Tha girl rapaated that sha was cold and was wrapped In blanket and rushed to tha Alice Horn hospital at Lake Forast Investigation showed that than had bean no criminal attack on tar Tha bums beyond description ns to degree revealed that her teat from tho heel to tha-toes wore almost burned off IUr arms as though they had bean placed through ths door of a small furnace wars bused black cracked and Charred from tho elbow while tha hands vai almost burned off Hr head had apparently toon thrust Into tha furnace door face downward and tha scalp was tamed off leaving ths charred surfaea of tho skull exposed Bits ef hair clung to water hasting pipes la the furnace and indications were that someone had attempted to brush off tha hair and flesh of tha tortured girt Tho burning would have to bo doM to on part of tho body at a time as tha else of the fornaca door would not permit all to have toon burned at ones While both anna win be amputated to an effort to aave her life too chance of lucceee la said to to vary remote 1 Bold Educational neks -Mlia Knaak wu employed by tha Compton Encyclopedia raupvay of Chicago aa a aaimwoman to tota district She was belling an adnea tlonal book eoursa to teachers and TUESDAY OCTOBER 30 uVL Arnold Cordell 20 of Twelvo Poles Vs were found guilty yesterday of robbing the James Fosaland filling station at Wlnthrop Harbor last March 2 The circuit court Jury that returned tha verdict deliberated about an hour On It were soma of tho men who found tho William Beck murderers guilty The penalty carriea with It ona to 20 years to prison Tho young man probably will go to the state reformatory at Pontiac States Attorney A 8 8mlth and Assistant Btates Attorney 8 Block ran their string of victories to three In a row -with this verdict Besides ths Beck murderers Boeye a chiropractor was found guilty of pretending to be a doctor Ills motion for a new trial Is to be heard Nov 10 Motion for a new trial for Cordell and Tague waa made by Attorney John Noll who with Attorney George Field defended them Circuit Judge Edwards Is to bear It Wednesday The defendant! did not taka the stand Confession mads to Chief of Police A Bruno of Zion and Desk Sergeant Cas person were read Into (Turn to Pago Four) FREE CANDY FOR READERS OF SUN Headers of tho Daily Son are to receive tree candy! Ths Curtis Candy company will Insert a larga advertisement to tha Dally 8un soon to this ad will appear a coupon which will entitle tha holder to receive a Ira tar of Baby Rath candy by praaontlng to any of tho many local concerns which sell this candy This Is msds possible through arrangements rompletad by tho Dally Sun and tha Cnrtls Candy company'' The city council answered critic of It plan lor remodelling of tbt building on theHlglsy tract for city hall purposes by voting for immadt- at preparation of plapa and sped-ficatkras for thl work by tha city engineer at tha masting oi that body laat nlht Action of tha council foUowod tha readlnx of a petition from Commls-ilonar A1 Carney and an extenilve nd pointed oral atatamant on the part of Corporation Counael Bulklcy In which on anawered cn- talnad charge nude in a petition reeking to delay the remodelling of Ah building and the other touched on the am lane and likewise dwelt at length on the filing of fop ther objection to auaiimenU on certain civic improYamant in county court Jt Stripe and Fred Whl nay were mentioned apaclMcally and rather Ironic In the two stata-nent Read Communication The verbal onslaught began after a letter from Stripe supplementary to another letter In which he sought to force delay An remodelling of the Hlgley building citing so called reason and a lengthy article from Fred Whitney apparently drafted as a bill to be filed in county court protesting against assessments on paring sewer and water Installations had been read by the city clerk Commissioner AI Carney In an extensive communication took Issue with the claims of Stripe and declared that tha letter of the latter contained -misstatements and ma- YOUTH THOUGHT DEAD BY MOTHER IS FOUND IN WEST Harold Appley Located on a Farm Near Red Cloud Neb Monday MISSING TWO MONTHS After many days of anguish on tha part of Mrs Lulu Apply mother of tha boy Harold Appley 14 years old of Lltartyvllla who had been given up aa dead hu been touted on a farm near Rod Cloud Neb where he la employed a farm hud For days while friends and relative carried on a search tha mother of tha boy mourned him aa dead She wu ftha belief that tha boy would sot remain away from home if ha war alive Tho youth loft bom aarly In September Ho had Jut returned from a visit with relatives at Napaneo Nsh and had expressed a desire to romala In that section of tho country Knowing hla fuclnatlon that part of tha west tho search for hla wu directed to that part of tha county without avail Several weeks ago tha mother wu informed that tha youth wu employed In Missouri town and aha hutened there A few hours after aha had hoarded trafo for Missouri Word eama to LitertyvtUa (hat tha vouth hold thototwu not Aar-oonv vita continued oa 'tho trip unaware of this only to meat disappointment at its end Location of tho youth to Nebraska wu affected by Dr Taylor county coroner who sant postcards to eoronors to several western states asking their co-operation In the search Relatives at Napanee investigated the report of a sheriff that to had located th boy and also arranged for tha youth to wire hla mother The mother hu arranged for removal of tha boy to tho home of his relatives In that state INFANT WANDERERS ARE SENT HOME Capt Thomas Booth of the police department turned tho Samaritan" last night and returned to their home to Chicago two little wanderers who had come far as Waukegan on tha North Shota Hue whan sent out by their mother on an errand to tho ston Regina fiol la 14 years old of 2426 Melrose avenue Chicago came Into tho police station at 7:30 last night and told Capt Booth she wu looking for work Her 5 year old brother Clifford wu with her 1 Further questioning revealed that the children had gone to the store but had taken the North Shore line to Waukegan Instead A phone call to their mother revealed that their father was sick and they had no money to come after the children Capt Booth bought a ticket tack to Chicago and put the children on the train Is There a Santa? 4 4 4 Not In Businesa 4 4' Spend your advertising budget where it brings the biggest returns More 1 reader therefore more buyer 4 Buy Sensibly THE DAILY SUN FIRST IN EVERYTHING ASARESULT PROGRESS IS BEING RETARDED Big Airliner Is Bucking Head Winds Which Is Retarding Its Speed DUE TO ARRIVE THURSDAY Intsmatlenil New Servlet Tho Graf Zeppelin hug transoceanic nlr liner today wu bucking headwinds over tho north Atlantic and making a'ga progress on Its return flight front Lake-hurat to Frledrlchakafan according to word flashed from ahlpa at see to International News Service According to present' Indications tho airship will not sight the cosst of Inland until about noun tomorrow and will not reach its homo port until Thursday Th long over water journey of the Zeppelin wu 'plotted jhrough mean gas from tho 8 8 Ascanla and the 8 (L American Banker nntPfrom points to Newfoundland Nova Beotia and Europe -Tho report from tha Ascanla stated that shs wu In eommunl eatlono with tha first at 7 a at a point about one-third of tho way acrou 'tho t-lantjc Tho ship gavo Its position 5222 north 4201 west Later tbs mariean Banker reported by radio that the air llnar passed over heAr at 10:40 a 8 at 62:20 north and 57:40 west heading east northeast This Indicated that tha Zeppelin wu not keeping up to its Intended schedule However other reports stated that later In ths day ths Oral hould retch an area where abs would bueflt by favorabls tall winds thus lucreulng her speed considerably Aboard 8 American Banker at Sea Oct (By Radio Via Chatham Maas Station to International (Turn to Pngs Two) EXTRA SUIT ON DRAIN DRAWS TO A CLOSE TODAY Orvis and Litchfield Fight to Get $24898 Alleged Over Payment ARGUMENTS SCHEDULED Arguing (hat ths city did not havo a contract with tho Lamport Construction company when It completed the North Jackson street drain Attorneys Orvis Her man Lltchflsld and Daniel Wentworth who represents the Waukegan Taxpayers association today advised County Judga Parsons that the entire Job could bo termed an Attorney Csorgo Hurley rap-recanting tbs bond house tho purchasers of tha bonds on ths Job declared that tho city had taen negligent iu showing a contract tha contractor but that tha Intention wu apparent enough so that It could to deemed legsL Corporation Counsel Arthur Bulk-ley while he has 11 appearance In the case Is almost a bystander tha fight is between the objectors and tha bond bonso rather than the city Members of to city hall fores Including James Marseilles city clerk Henry Black engineer Alvah Rogers secretary of th board of pnblla Imp'rvements war among tha wttnaasu tv aid tho objectors la attempting to prove that than WU a sum of 124591 allowed the contractor that could not to termed lagaL Mr Hnrlay predicated his argument to detenu of th work around testimony 1 of witnesses that tha talk of tho work paid for wu aeeuiary MJ Dontkltt former oily angt Mar tho principal witness for th TWO AUTOS ARE PRISON TERM IS REPORTED STOLEN METED PAIR WHO A Sessions secretary of the ROBBED FOSSLAND A reported to the police at 1:30 last night that Chevrolet sedan belonging to Sowers 8 Bank building Kenosha had been stolen from North road Tho police wera give a description of the car and police of surrounding cities were notified The Kenosha police also asked the Waukegan police to look for a Nish coach stolen from Kenosha Cordell and Tague to Get From One to 20 Years in State Reformatory MOVE FdrtW TRIAL After seven months iu Jail awaiting trial Bruca Tagus 24 and William Boiko and John Miller who claim Chicago and North Chicago aa their home today were sentenced to servo days In tha county Jail by Jndga Clairs Edwards on plot of guilty to A charga of larceny The two man ware arrested April II by North Shore lino detectives who clmlmod that tha man had In their poaaasslon stolsn copparwlra Both have baas la Jan for almost seven months They war brought to trial and effort war being made by States Attorney A Smith And Assistant Staten Attorney 8 Block to gat Jury whan Attorney Karl Moras who defended the two pleaded them guilty Both men an about 45 years old Koprivlo Trial Next -A Jury to hear charge of robbing Cecelia Gad man Chicago made against John Koprivlo Market St la being Impanelled lata today Attorneys Georg FisM and John Noll gained a continuance in the casa this morning because Important witasasea wars not pneent Koprivlo wu allot by North Chicago police before ho waa captured The alleged holdup which Koprivlo has dented from tha flret took place Sept 4 START SUIT TO BREAK LONG TRUST Suit to break a long truet in the eitsto of the Jato Jamea Morrow who died Juno 25 1227 and left nn estate valued at mors than 1100000 was started today in circuit court by the heirs of the deceased by Attorney Hal of the Arm of Hall A Hulse The action waa taken according to the attorney to get the court's construction of tho will "It Is ambiguous In parts It might bo taken that tha trust Is to run until tha widow children and grandchildren are all dead and It might be taken to end whan tha widow tho attorney said Mrs ottle 8 Morrow widow Walter son and Mrs Mabel Morrow Ott filed the salt against the First National bank aa trustees tha Waukegan State bank successor to tho People's State bank first successor In trust the Chicago Trust company of Chicago second successor in trust and tho grandchildren Annuities were provided for the widow and children and provision made for tho erection of a building not to coat more than 1500000 on tha old Doc Wright and Jamea Wat-roue property- FORMER RESIDENT HELD IN KENOSHA Charles Weaver one time resident of Waukegan Is being held In the county jail at Kenosha In default of $1000 bonds for trial before tho circuit court on charges of a serious nature prefered by a 17-yer-old Kenosha glrL Waaver was charged with non-support by his wife hut these charges were dropped when ho waived preliminary hearing tha mors serious case Tha laws of Wisconsin prohibit tho publishing of s' woman's name In any case of that type and the identity of ths girt Js being kept secret HAY STACK BLAZE THREATENS HOME Thro tana of hay wera destroyed by fire and hoase was threatened la Zion last night when the fin department believes Halloween van dale-set flr to hay stack piled cloe to a home near Pina Lawn form aouth of Zion last night The fir fightan were abla to extinguish the blase in tha hay before tha building was ignited NAB THREE BOYS IN ZION FOUND IN A STOLEN GAR Machine Was Being Driven By Nine Year Old Boy 2 Others Are Implicated ARE TAKEN TO CHICAGO Three small boys picked np in Zion Sunday afternoon together with two older boys located In Chicago are being detained by the police of the latter city on charge of having been Implicated in the theft of an automobile In Chicago Saturday afternoon Attention of Policeman William Intlslaw of Zion waa attracted Sunday afternoon at four o'clock to a Ckiyalor coach that was being driven in Sheridan road In In erratic manner He overhauled the machine and found Philip Webb aged I of 1250 East 74th street Chicago at tha wheel With him in the car was his brother Jack aged 11 and another boy named Tom Zeller aged 13 The police of Zion communicated with the Chicago police and learned that the ear had been stolen Saturday afternoon from the Midwest Mills Inc of 1303 West Lake street Chicago Further Investigation together with questioning of tha boys caused tho police of Chicago to pick up Robert Adams 13 of 1421 East Sixty-fifth street Chicago and Edward Webb 14 an older brother of the two boys found In the ear Police are convinced that Adams and tbs elder Webb boy were the ones who actually took tha car Tho three smaller boys are said to have found tha car Sunday morning when It had been left by the older boys and they started out for a ride They had reached Zion before they were halted All five boys are In the bauds of the Chicago police Tho automolble has been turned over to the Owner WOMAN FOUND DEAD gy Interna tlenal New Service Bloomington 11U Oct fl--Whn neighbors failed to see activity near the home 1 of Mrs Jennie Grubbs to of Lexington they forced the doors and found her dead Sha ha4 lived alone for many years (Turn to Page Two) INTEREST IN ESSAY CONTEST RUNNING HIGH Winners of the First Period Will Be Announced in Sun Tomorrow NEW CONTEST STARTS Watch paper for the winners The three Judges In the Dally Bn Essay Contest which started two weeks ago were given the essays for the of the four two-week periods over which the contest will extend yesterday and the winning itorirs will be announced tomorrow The general trend of the stories has been "Crime" and "The first The adventurous earner of the Lonely On combined with the trial of tha Beck murderers has mainly been the causa of tha former The Judges who art Circuit Judge litre a Edwards of Waukegan Norval Webster -of the Fansteel Products company formerly of the Chicago Tribune and Prof W- BrWgeman of tha Lake Forest university and graduate of Yale university will make their decision tonight and tha names of tha wlnnars and tha two flret prise essays -will be printed tomorrow Interest In the second contest Is high Parohctal and public grad schools appear to be flndlng tha eon-teet one which will Instruct thd students not only in composition bnt with world affairs and the principals have been endorsing It to the students John 8 Clark auparintendsat of the Waakagan city schools was high fo hla pralaa of the contest" 1 1 Judge' that tha contest win go nr towards instructing pupils 'to atady tha happenings through ths world" ha stated "and tha Mat will do VANDALS ENTER THALMAN HOME BREAK WINDOWS Halloween Pranks Start Off With Damage to Property at 2 Homes EXTRA POLICE PUT ON Halloween pranksters who carried their stunts to tho point of vandalism and destruction of property resulted In two calls to tho police last night when John Thslman superintendent of tho high school reported that vandals had broken into his horns at 1512 North Sheridan road and Charles Smith of 1528 Monro street caught boys who had thrown cabbage at his door According to tho report made by Capt Thomas Booth and Patrolman Thomas McMahon Mr and Mrs Thalman had left home at about 7:30 last night sad returned si 10:45 to find their home1 a riot of destruction and disorder FPur Inigo atones had- bean thrown throrfxh tha windows of the sunporch and on rear window The vandals had entered tha house turned on tha radio and broken targe potted plant on tho living room floor Furniture was tipped over on tho floor and article in tho room strewn about in disorder Two sets of candle sticks war broken and a jar of candy was missing Pollen Lieutenant Henry Wallen wain impacted 1 tha place this morning apd took flngar print left on articles to tha room In nn effort to identify tha perpetrator of lbs vandalism which bocaiao they (Turn to Paga Twelve) (Tun to Pag Four) tfc (Tam to Pm To) 'v I 1.

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