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Republican-Northwestern from Belvidere, Illinois • Page 3

Belvidere, Illinois
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REPUBLICAN-NORTHWESTERN, BEfcVIDERE, ILL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1925. "irfifrifflliiff'frttifl-iii Prairie Pupils' Ate Country Dancing Places under fire REII. U. SEIIIIE ItecK in School Again Turn One Down in-Many Places 4 IME5 EI OF FWEfSOf Poplar Grove, feept. il.

N1E OIII ffliinn i is? Rockford, Sept. 11 -The board of School, began, Tuesday With the following teachers: Mr. Schappe, supervisors this morning granted final -3 Hi permits for road houses or dancing BILLED TO Til PASTORATE HEnE principal; Miss -McRoberts, Miss 1 The question of licensing dance halls on country roads and "state highways as put up to boards of supervisors by the Bohrer Taw seems to bd a hard nut to' crack for the Darker and MIbs Ahlsfrom. pavilions At Central Park gardens, South Beloit, South Central avenue, and one near the fiHh hatchery, but John- Mclntyre of Washington, D. 1st a' gtiesr of hid mother, Mr.

ULI1IUN ULI1UU Mary Mclirtyre; to mndurt n. AAnfp, liall nn Ma llnrl I I I Mrs; Emil Frausohie spent a few 4 CONGREGATION OF ST, JOHN'S CITY COUNCIL HOLDS SPECIAL day irt Chicago tills Week. retreat near Camp Grant. Two ad- vr 7 mhnmo jo with Mr. and Mrs.

JoHn Woods have REQUEST OP PARSONS COM-1 moved their Househeld goods inta. county solons in some counties. The Sunday night dance seems to 'be banned everywhere, and In' some counties- the- boards have voted not to Issue any licenses to road houses or dance halls along the' highways. The McHenry county board' After discussing the question of granting licenses passed' the matter up' There are said' to five this afternoon. i RESOLUTION- ADOPTED AT QUAR PiNY to ma kb AVAiiiAHLK the Gorman1 house CHrRCH EXTENDS.



or six- placfes in the counfy coming A special meeting of the cltyl '-Mr. and Mrs. George Clarkson council was "lieJd on Thursday eve-and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Little YEAR, I I- under the law, two near Marertgo, KJDFFICEICfl FOR Vf.AK ARE (From Friday's Dally.) nlng; at 7:30 for the pur- spent Thursday at the Elknorti fair.

two at MxHenrytand' one at Crystal The senior class of the Belvldere pose; of taking up further con P. Gorman and daughter Lor- Lake. Ant TRADI hightschool held a meeting Thursday sideration and action an ordl- etta, son Alfred, left Monday for I The Dixon- board banndd the Sun afternoon and; perfected an organiz nance Introduced and given Its first their home at Maryvlllc, after; day night. dance and are "wrassllng" Russell nained (Prom Saturday's Dally.) spending a few days With relatives over the question1 of Issuing any li reading at the council meeting on i Tuesday evening, vacating a portion president, Laura Tobyne, vice-presi A resolution calling upon the dlst- i here censes' In, Lee county. The Knox HER SATURDA dent: James Pierce, treasurer and Mrs.

Axel' Larson' and daughter superintendent. Dr. C. K. Car- of the north end of Fairvicw street.

The congregation- of St. John's Evangelical has extended a call td the Rev. Sonne, an-lri- diana pastor, to become the ter of the Belvldere succeed- ing the O. Jensen, who re- signed to accept a pastorate. at Rev.

Senne delivered a trial- ser- mow before the congregation here on Wednesday night of this week and bo pleased were' the members Edith Conkling, secretary. The mayor and all the aldermen Mrs. Wm. CHne, Mrs. Bert Secoy and ponter return to the pastorate of Darlene Brainard was chosen county board at Galesburg voted- not to issue any as did" the Jackson! Count? board at- Murpiiys-boro.

-1 were In attendance. Corporation Willis Secoy were Belvldere Vie church here, the Rev. Thursday. H- Wirsching, Was adopted at the Counsel W. L.

Pierce acted as clerk, in 'the absence of City Clerk Chas. isxvfitKsi tm vvun ivMl-un'T luviuuem lire uvn xiawK, ivuui Mr. and Mrs. Leslie- Ball retufrt- Quarterly conference held at the Winnebago' County hatf adopted" a policy of refusing to license any ed Saturday evening from Rochester, -'yrcn last week. Minn, The resolution, which was' read hv COVERED r- POLICE FINP NO place charged with' being disorderly R.

Collier. The ordinance was given- Its second reading and passed, all the aldermen voting affirmatively. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters were at A- J- Lalng, stated tlrat during the but has granted some licenses', Beloit Thursday: pastorate of Rev.

Wirsching. the CiOAN FINED FOR ye but vn rrx.i.., A-miiCrra event wi)I be, held sometime this In Ogle counfy five' applications P. H. Gorman and son' and daugh Sunday school has crown to record with him and. his ability that call'' was at once forwarded' to him' is a- young man, married and has one Since the leave taking of the Jensen, supply pastors have beenn filling the pulpit of the church.

M. C. Parsons, president of the Parsons' Casket Hardware company were filed with the- board1 and' four of them fufned down on' the grotini ARE IN- ter of Maryvllle, and' Mrs. Mar- Bizc. the finances are In the best and J.

P. Washburn, superintendent I garet Shackell spent Saturday at shape they have been for 25 years that they are public nuisances. The of the company, were present. In the Peter Gorman home ana me pastor's work in connection only one granted was one' to-- the Tire Ujieves were busy lnj the business section of the city -Saturday night and got away with at least one Modern Woodmen at Monroe conference with the council regard' Mrs. frank- peters of Belvldere wun tne Highland hospital has ing the exchange of land It owns for and' Mrs.

Wm. Ferguson spent brought him in touch with, resident1 month; it was decided. At Conference Meeting. Supt. R.

E. Garrett and CoaclT A. D. Smith attended a meeting of officials of tne Northern, Six conference at Harvard' Thursday. Decision was reached to haye competition limited to athletics alone.

Music and other features in which conipe- who have' a hall in the village" which the part of the -street vacated. Thursday with Mrs. Richard Fer- i all parts of the county. they run; as a dance hall: Prairie Grangers in Enjoyable Gathering I The Knox county board at Gales "uoi-iiuig aiHo given Mrs. N.

E. Frlnt is suffering with credit for "leadership in cleaning un the NorthwoteriT railway" tracks arid tire. Thefts of tires from cars owned by James SriH and Fred Erb'es and Fn the' alley Just off West Pleasant street wrrereiparted to the burg turned down- all applications At Aurora ar resolution td be pre runs north" from East Lincoln ave nue to the city limits. The Parsons a badly injured foiot Which she re- Belvldere and the resolution also ceived Sunday when she stepped on stated that It is the-desire of the Prairie grange met recently at the ti-ti3 has been held heretoore are -'vl toJiie board will orondse the Otto, Lampert. Ar9l r.

church merabershiDnci. i- I licensing of road houses at 1,000 "Jb "NfctL 4ttm- MronMn tihfnW A-'V. intention bMng t6'hut Fairvtew street, which feuu gyanr warvarranged the chlidrtftk, Readings were-given by Virgil Oak .,6. The from- the' 1 UO at large that -he tv pastor of the church. north of factory 'site, ErbeS nfachine as found nearby them- Ther 3ra distinction un ley, Traver Ellis and Doria Com to Belvldere high school for and the company also owns land on but the thieves made their getaway winning top hdnors in the track and Oflicers.

and -cottuuittees to seive the church' for the coming year were with the der the lav-tfetween a dance hall and a road house. An opinion from the attorney general's office is that the east side of the street. It de slices to at once put up another fac field meet held at Woodstock last stock and were much njoyed Miss Anne Sanford, a. missionary to India, who is spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs, P.

Sanford, No trace of the thieves has been named as follows spring will take place early next tory building, in extension of th found. resorts where the. law could be eas Trustees Georgft-Marshall. A. weelc U.SMNS0N EXPIRES AFTER present plant, and have all on the George Lee Tighe, a road worker ily violated are classed as road Swift Joe McKiski, Henry Blester, gave as interesting and Instructive.

talk on agriculture In India. employed at Marengo, and Fred Wil houses. wm, Hewittr, a B. Craig, Aro Fellows, Thomas Willard next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Clayton Brown, Sep Stewards Dr. C. S. Fox. Frank keson, of Rochelle, were Saturday night on Logan avenue And taken to the -police station where they were booked on charges of Sager, Ben Harllng, Harry Gaoel.

A tember 16. E. Anderson, Geo. B. Fry, Wm.

Nash, The Prairie Grange's representa drunkenness. HOY BENDER IS IRfiOSiW tives in the grand horseshoe pitching CONVENTION OF DISTRICT WIC. TO COME HERE LONG ILLNESS G. Hawk, Sidney Veaco, F. O.

Shewalter, Martin Dunbar, Freedlon Later It was learned that the Nash roadster they were driving had contest at the county fair won- first place, winning nine games straight Page Otto Lampert and Wm, Mey- Lane, Charles Doll, Walter Ray, Ev erett Tripp, Edwin Lindvall, Irvins same side of the street, which would be impossible under present conditions. The ordinance recites that the part abandoned, 06 by 134 feet, is of no use to the public and a needless expense to maintain, ft also provide that the Parsons' company, in exchange for the land vacated give to the city an equal amount at the east boundary of the company's tract as a street. It Is also provided that an alley now at the north boundary of the Parsons' property, twelve feet wide, and also used byMarshall Bros, for access to their sheep yards, shall be extended for the same i been borrowed" from George Stewart. Marengo restaurant man, and when Banwell, Charles Choumont, Gilbert ers. Stewart was Informed of what had GanUin, GuyMttorhead, Ai Harts WELL KNOWN AND HIGHLY RE happened he at once came here for Belvidere Eastern horn, Earl Gates, A.

J. Humphry, Wm. Remington, Arthur Sherman. his car. He paid Lee Tigbje's fine of $25 HUNDRED AND TEN DELEGATES Stdrs at Marengo Carl Meyers, JoHn Lear, T.

Chapman, Mrs. L. M. Ritchie, Mrs. Walter SPECTED RESIDENT IS SUMMONED AT HOME ON WAR-REN AVENUE THURSDAY EVENING HAD SUFFERED FOR lit MONTHS FUNERAL SERVICES WERE HELD ON and costs, assessed by Magistrate Cross, and took the young man home tr t-f WELL KNOWN RELVIDERB Belvldere was well represented- at VOCNO MAN.

MARRIES, MISS with him. Marengo on Friday when the East OF DISTRICT W. R. C. MEETTNO AT PECATONICA EIJCCT MK8.

FRANCES CROWELL OP BEL-VIDKRE PRESIDENT AND ACCEPT INVITATION TO MEET IS BKLVIDERE. Wllkeson, who was found to have width, or a further width of sixteen feet- if desired. The part of a street automatically to the a bottle of moon on his person, was held In the city jail until this morn HELEN SHORTESS AND THEY WILL MAKE THEIR HOME. ON FARM OWNED BY RRIDE'S MOTHER IN WISCONSIN -BEL-VIDERE RELATIVES ATTEND NUPTIALS. abutting property owners.

ing and then given -free passage on ern Star chapter of that city observed Vistlng Matrons and Patrons night. Mrs, Fred Griswold acted as Worthy matron and Walter Ray aa worthy patron in the exempliflcatlon-of the work to a class of candidates. Pratt, Mrs. C. H.

I'arltchard, Mrs. Wilson Incledon; Miss Edith Fuller, Miss Flora Fellows. Local Preachers John Lear, Susie Davis, Drew Willettfl, Lloyd Coleman, Edward Jensen, Fording Fellows, May Walker, Elsie ChoUmont. Class Leaders Susie Davis, A. J.

tPOW Dlst. Steward Joe McKiski; foot out of town. At the district convention of the Russell Titmair, picked up Woman's Relief Corps, held In early on Sunday morning by IKEM Others present from hire Motorcycle Qffioer Ren- ttoy nenaerspn atJHfjJul Mrs, Walter 'Ray," Fred -GYiswbldV wick on charges of reckless driv Belvldere, was elected district presl- th anlnw HeIen Shortess. of Des Plaines, dent for the ensuing year, ing, was brought before. Magistrate Mr.

and Mrs. John Inman, Mr. and Mrs. William Wickwire, Mr. and Dr.

Fox. Communion Steward A. J. Laing Cross this morning. Titmatt claim (Prom Friday's Dally.) Andrew John Swanson, well known resident of Belvldere and vl-ciujty fprrnany years, died at his home.

'Sll "Warren avenue, at 6:15 o'clock last night following an Illness 'of 13 months from uraemlc poisoning. The past 19 weeks he had been confined to his bed. He was born in Varnano, Smo-land, Sweden, June 6, 18D7, and came' to the United States, 43 years ago, locating in Rockford. He remained but three years In that city and the remainder of his life has CONFERENCE M.E. The Belvldere delegates extended Church Treasurer Thomas Will ed that he was unable to keep his Mrs.

George Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Jam Rlckard and Mr. and Mrs.Elza Shan were united In marriage at Des Plaines Sunday at 12:30 o'clock, tho ceremony taking place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Maude ard; assistant, Oliver Perry an Invitation to have the convention meet in (his city next year, which Ford car from traveling all over the non.

Treasurer Benevolences Flora street because the wheels wobbled. was accepted. A banquet was served at 6:30 o' Shortess and the Rev. Mr. Smith of AT ELGIN OCT.

6 'X The delegates In attendance num clock. The magistrate ordered that an auto mechanic Inspect the car and see if Fellows, Financial Secretary John Lear; assistant, Charles Doll. bered 110, which on account of the liia alibi la a good pne. Alter me that city officiating. Mr.

ajffl Mrs, Bender and daughter, Ruth, -were among the relatives present. The newlyweds left at once for a rainy day is considered to have been test is made Titman was to be excellent. Those from Belvldere of Finance Committee A. W. Swift.

Geo. Marshall, Everett Tripp, A. E. brought back Into court. been passed here and In this vicinity.

The home was made for 16 the local corps were Miss Hattie G. W. Adeen, Rockford, arrested Anderson, B. F. Craig, John Estimating Committee A.

E. An Tuttle, president; Mrs, Alberta Vin ARGYLE GLEE CLUB OS AIR FRIDAY. The Argyle Glee club- under the leadership of Rev. Edgar W. Smith-broadcast several numbers from radio station WHT Chicago Friday noon.

DIGNITARIES OV THE CHURCH ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND SESSIONS OF ANNUAL METH-ODIST CONFERENCE TO IlE OPENED SOON. years on the Beloit road. Sunday night for cutting a stop and go ign, drew a fine of $5 and costs Blester, Guy Moorhead, October 27, 1887, he was married) derson, cent, color bearer; Mrs. Minnie Peters, district Mrs. Jessie Stephenson, chaplain; Mrs.

Frances farm owned by the bride's mother at Greenwood, and there wilt make their home. Mr. Bender Is a graduate of the Belvldere high school and well known In athletic circles played basketball with the high from Magistrate Cross. a Crowell, Miss Elizabeth Chapman The district is composed of the to Miss Matilda Johnson, Kockrora. She survives as does a son, Frank, on the home farm, and a daughter, Mrs.

Edith Bremer, living in her parents' home: There are also five brothers, Charles, Frank and Joe, of Rockford; Martin, of Belvldere; and corps in Pecatonlca, Rockford, Belvi- school and union club teams. He- ere, Marengo and Harvard. On ac SCHOOL ENROLLMENT count of the rain the trip of the Belvldere delegates were made by has made his home in Des Plaines since the first of the year. Many friends of the young people will wish them happiness and prosperity. Otto, living In Sweden.

A sister, the interurban Instead of by auto as PUBLIC SALE Owen McKeown has decided to quit farming, and will sell at auction en the farm located 6 miles southeast of Garden Prairie and one mile west of Riley town hall, on Wednesday, September i3rd, the following: 22. head of cattle, 4 horses, 6 pigs, 75 chickens, all farm machinery. MrsJ Ida Larson, also lives In NW TOTALS 1,540 planned. A. W.

Swift, Martin Dunbar. Trier of Appeals Levi Fitzer. Parsonage and Repairs Dr. Fox, Win. Hewitt, Asro Fellows, Mrs.

Alice Lucas, Mrs. Ritchie. Janitor W. T. Nash.

F. Lane, Ai Hartshorn, Mrs. Mackey. Fuel and Light Joe McKiski, G. I.

Hawk, B. F. Craig. Auditing 'Dr. Fox, Walter Ray, Mrs.

E. Trip'p. Church Records Mrs. A. Fellows, Mrs.

W. Incledon; C. H. Pritchard. Insurance and Taxes T.

Willard, K. Tripp, Raymond Hall. Concession ot Church Dr. Fox, Wm. Hewitt, H.

Gabel, G. B. Fry. Ushers F. O.

Shewalter, H. Luh- Elgin, Sept. 14 National dignitaries' of the church will attend the eighty-sixth annual Rock River conference of the Methodist Episcopal church opening here October 6. Three bishops and noted ministers and laymen Will be on the program. Preparations are being made to entertain 800 visitors.

Official session beglnB on the morning of Oc tober 7. Bishop Luther B. Wilson, New York areas, will preside. Lectures on church work will be delivered by' Bishop Edwin H. Hughes of the Chicago area and BfshW E.

L. Waldorf of the Kansas City area. He was a man highly respected RITES FOR ANDREW SWANSON among a large circle or irienas auu his passing will bring grief to'many. The funeral services for Andrew Swanson held at the home on Revised enrollment figures for M'HENRY MAN ELECTROCUTED; Edmund Barbian, 22, of McHenry was electrocuted Friday when he Funeral services were held on etc Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Belvldere public schools, announced today by Supt. R.

E. Garrett, show that" 1,540 pupils are rec Usual terms. George Vogel auc Warren avenue and the Swedish Lutheran church Sunday afternoon were largely attended and there tlfe home were private, the came in contact with a live wire at the Railway's Ice company at Stick- orded for the year, which is a record tioneer and C. J. Coarson, clerk.

9-1 8-1 1 Fri Wkly -19-2t Dly public rites following at the Swedish-Lutheran church at 2 o'clock. ere many flowers Rev. George ney, 111. breaking total. Olson conducted the services.

Messrs. Applegreen and Peterson Of this number, 374 are in high The Rev. George Olson officiate. Burial. In Belvldere sang with Mrs.

George Olson at the man, Chas. Doll, Don Hawk, W. Remington, T. Willard, Ai Harts horn. W.

E. Griffith. Music Dr. Swift, Dr. Fox, H.

A The conference meets in the new $400,000 church of which the Rev. J. B. Martin is president. piano.

The bearers were John Crush lig Limestone Blake Money- school and the freshman class numbers 148, which is larger than last year. The number of grade school pupils Is 1,166. ustafson, Oscar Jarl, Gus Widell, it's easy to build uo a crushinK Ume DrofiuTble buslnafs Gabel. Mrs. S.

Veaco. Mrs. Frank Charles Applegreen, Alfred Anderson and Oscar Johnson. tone for the farmers of Moor netelabo rhood lime is clover and alfalfa needed on every farm. Rogers.

Benevolences Flora Fellows, MDfciaUy wheat 110 CAPiM needs an tell thesur are grown. Fill your TOOK HIS OWN LIFE. Fred R. 30 years old and Tripp, Mrs. Geo.

Fry, Geo. Marshall, Edward J. Farrell fs Head of K. of urand haulM g. Investigate plus.

Save tune, tragi KKED MDNFT ORDERS tne J. a. line ot ja World war veteran, took his own Limestone WHBI BULL ATTACKS i Allskesto Guy Hawk, Miss Susie Davis. Committee on Poor Mrs. L.

M. Ritchie, Mrs. M. Dunbar, Mrs. Geo.

Rudolph. Sunday School Mrs. G. F. Sager, Mrs.

A. Fellows, Irving Banwell, Fred Howe. II I II I I Si ceoov rot era nine DAT ELGIN ARE CASH lire at KOCKtora saiuraay, arinsing a bottle of carbolic acid. He is believed to have become despondent over the recurrance of severe headaches. He was a salesman for the Forest City Wholesale Grocery limestone for ai jrposes.

or to break droit tone for road work, ton ing or concrete. Will oric Orlndt to the detjrad of Mand ap ndcr anv condition dc(TM ot financM. Writs for price and full detail. Pulpit Supply Martin Dunbar, J. 837 Exchange F.

Craig, Susie Davis, G. F. Sager. Edward Farrell was chosen grand knltsht of Belvldere council Knights of Columbus when election of officers was held at the club house on Monday evening. Other officers elected were: Deputy Grand Knight, William Grady.

Chancellor, William Keenan. Financial Sec, James Whalen. Recorder, John Casey. Treasurer, Gerald Dwyer. Advocate, R.

W. Waweli. Warden, Fred Reed. Inside Guard, John Cook. Outside Guard, Jerry Foley.

Delegate to state council. Homer j- ABO 8- MHO BABE CUT 1EN AUTOS CRASH (SpwlHl by the I nlted Pres. Elgin, Sept. 14. Postal authorities here Issued a warning today to police and postal officials of nearby cities to be on the lockout for a young couple who cashed three fake money orders for $50 each on local merchants Saturday night.

The order blanks were evidently stolen from Indianapolis, Indiana, postal station Ho. 27. The forger, who gave his name as Philip M. Ka-ler, Is described as follows: Five feet six Inches, 160 pounds', smooth face, bine eyes, regular teeth. The girl with J-'m Is about the sarne height.

Both wrre well dressed. The blanks they used were numbered consecutively, beginning with 1S761. ROCKFORD CAR JUMPS TRACKS, GOES OVER CURB A Rockford street car travelling at high speed on Harlem boulevard early Sunday morning; Just past midnight, jumped the tracks on the curve at John street, crashed over the curbing and snapped off a telephone pole. Automobiles were passing but luckily none was hit There was one passenger on the car at the time, and Earl Edmunds of Belvldere was the motorman. Officials of the street railway said that Edmunds was dozing at the time of the accident.

That makes a good argument against one man cars. Capron, Sept. 14. Allen Tenold, who was quite badly Injured Thursday when trampled by an enraged bull. Is making a satisfactory recovery.

Mrs. Enoch Olson has been steadily failing for several days and but slight hope is held for her recovr ery. Miss Mary Todd ws a Harvard passenger Saturday. The L. A.

S. of the Methodist church will serve a dinner to the public next Wednesday beginning at 12 o'clock. The ladies are asked to remain during the afternoon and sew for the bazaar which will be held In a short time. Mr. and Mrs.

Hans Hanson expect to leave the last of the week for a vacation trip, visiting northern Wisconsin. W. H. peWolf. who.

has been employed at the Bowman dairy plant during the returned to his home In Woodstock Saturday. will sell at public auction on the heast of Bunker farm located Yi mile Marengo baby named Lockhart Injured Sunday when the soul CLINTON, WIS: Alternate to grand knight, John Brady. Alternate to delegate, John Scan-Ion. V. A a4mhoti 1Q Trustee, 3 years, lumiu Saturday, Sen! Dodge car driven by Charles Benjamin of Marengo was struck on the Grant highway, between Garden Prairie and Marengo, by a Studebak-er machine driven by an Elgin man.

The babe was the only one hurt and was cut by flying glass. The accident occurred when tlje Elgin car, traveling east, pulled out to pass another and struck (the Dodge. afl Tabbt Rival thm Owl Owls are great mousers. A barn literally worth Its weight In fold to the farmer, will consume hundreds of rata and ml during the sea- DElX KIMBALL BUYS DE KALB TAXI LINES. Dell Kimball has purchased the business and cabs of the Yellow and Sedan Cab company at DeKalb and took possession Saturday.

EAD 23 horses and colts. of good boi on. tad do no harm at alL Amon Tdrty Unci Ulcd Snet waj wen ksowft (a prehistoric America, and traces of 1U art It was la fsnersl by tn Indians east of the Great plains and waa mined In many part ot the Appalacnla highlands. It waa used for making personal ornaments and also for ceremonials. Sheets of mica wera often placed are the- dead In burial.

I UGKER J. TO GIVE BAZAAR, The Ladle' Aid society of the Im-manuel Lutheran church on West Boone street Is to give a bataar on November 11. the wbihm to alniort ao "afternoon, at the W. Smith man, although the freat horned owl Bay ocoartonany raid th nhtf--Mrs. W.J B.

Harriett went to Be which depredations Tare more than; 'TainPd bVtbelr destruction of rodent lott Satnrd.y to visit friends. pests. if' "t- Eves' tf roma cannot agrea WltH her hosbsndV aba atiotflil ae that bat cooking doe Bolton TnmicrlpC,.

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