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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'ARK.) cotmiBfc KEWS FRIDAY, MARCH llj 1949 Blytheville Chapter Will Entertain State DAC Convention in Little Rock Phone 4161 Miss Brown to Become Bride" of James Allen Mr. and Mrs. j. M. Brbwn announce th'e eniagcmenl of their daughter.

Miss Lena Brown of Ely- thevilie Allen, son of Mr. ind.Mrs. B. j. Allen, also of Bly- thcville, Plans for the wedding, which will be solemnised April 15 at the Na- itirene Church will be announced at later date.

Miss Brown attended Etlgh School and was an active member In the school activities. She is now employed at Owens nmj Mr; Allen was graduated from Blylhevilie Hlfh School and served tw6 vears with the Marine Corps during "World Wnf II. He is now majoring In history at Arkansas State In Jonesboro. Mrs. Goiorth Hostess To Rook Club, Guest s.

Kirshuer Hosless fo Club Members, Guests Mrs. Harry Klrby, Mrs. E. J. dlire Monroe Criln anri Mrs.

M. A 'saacs were guests yesterday with lie Thursday Club members when Mrs. R. Kirshner entertained with a luncheon at ner home. The dining table, al which the luncheon was served, was centered with an arraneement of white stock and yellow Iris.

Spring flowers In pastel were attractively arranged In the entertaining rooms bf liie home. During Hie games played following lunch. Mrs. Isaacs received hlah and Mrs. Cure, second high.

Mrs. II. R. Lancashire Hosless Al Luncheon Mrs. E.

R. wns hoslc-sf yesterday when she entertained the Thursday Contract Club and fire, at her home, 1031 Chlcka- Mrs W. Goforlh was hostess Yesterday when she entertained the Thursday Rook Club and one suesl. Mrs. Fulton Ellis at her home on Cherry St.

Mrs. Dale Home received high score In the nflefn66n lame, with second High Being By Mrs Leon Scherer aha rooko by Mrs. Richard Prichard. Crystal Vases filled with arrangements of gladioli and Jonquils wera used iii the entertaining rooms. Reffeshmehts were seived by Ihe hostess.

Rook Club', Guest Meet Mrs. Don Haley the her Hi Blytho- Methodist it Guests were Mrs. Holbrook Mulford Mrs. L. and Mrs.

L. McClurc all ol Oak Park. Ill. Mrs. n.

A Lynch and Mrs. H. Houchintv. Luncheon was served at the din- in table which was centered with flttrni'llve arrangeiitcnt of Sni'ina flowers. Dnrina Ihe afternoon bridge games.

Mrs. O. W. McCutchen rc- high score, Mrs. R.

L. Hnn- ister, second high and Mrs Mt- Clure. high score lor the guests; Mrs. Auten Entcftains T. Club and Guests was Mrs.

Don Haley entcilnlncd Thursday Night Club and gliest. Mrs. Wilbur Wahl at home, 301 East Kentucky. St. Patricks Day motif carried 0111 in the color scheme and decorations of ttic homo.

Mixed Spring flowers added to the attractiveness of Ihe decorations, 'in the evening games. Mrs. J. A Sallbft was high score winner with Mrs. naielgh Sylvester winning, rboko.

Refreshments of cake and iced drinks served after the games bj hostess. Mrs. Frazier Entertains G. B. Club and Guests Mrs.

E. Autci) entertained the T. N. Club and three guests. Mis Barbara Childs.

Mrs. Wintord Wyatt and Miss Dorothy Roysc a her home hist night. 1518 Hearn HlRh score wns won by Mrs Gordon Menlcy in the cvcnm games with bridgo being won Ocne Dickinson. Arranged throughout the enter taining rooms of the home vases of Jonquils. A salad course was served by th the games.

Bridge- Luncheon Given By Mrs. W. H. Pease The Thursday Luncheon Ch wns entertained yesterday nt home of Mrs. Wlllnrd H.

Pease 302 West Walnut. Ottesls other th members Mrs. I. R. Golem Mrs.

Robert Porter. Following the luncheon, The Rev. R. E. t.

llcardcn Sr. of former pnslor of the Methodist Church vine, Is seriously 111 al Hi Hospital In Memphis. frank Nelson left today for Pen- made sacola, lo join Mrs. Nelson st-ho has been vLsiting with their daughter and Ensign and Mrs. Robert N.

Stair. Mrs Mori lioruwllz ol New Lori- don. will arrive tomorrow to spend several weeks here as of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr ahd Mrs. Jerry Cohen. Mrs A C.

siiiblcySr. was dismissed Wednesday from the Baptist tfospilal in Memphis, where 1 she has been undergoing treatment for injuries received In an automobile clllcnt two weeks ago Her condl- ,11 Is improved. Mrs. Bhlbley will turn to Memphis Monday td un- rj-6 further treatment eck-up. Mrs.

(3. F. O.iy Sr will return to- orrow from a two months VBCB- oii with friends an'l relatives it PctcrsburB. Fin. She also visit I wllli hrl son, F.

Gay Mrs ay and family in Memphis before eturntng hiiiue. Condition of Mrs Jutnes Ft. Mend ho was dismissed from SKaller linlo yeslerrtay where she hns bcfcn patieni tor the past week, is im- roved She Is now at her home, at II N. Mr and Mrs. ROK; D.

Hughes ami on ROS.S Dillon Hughes left esterday for Dallas. Texas, where (icy will be the weekend gucsls uf heir and sister. Mis? Hancy Hughes. Miss Iluehes Is ervlng as private secretary lo M''. Marcus ol Nleman-Marcus Compa- ly In Miss Pauline Lee of Bryant Jewelry Slorc Is spending several Moore.

Mrs. Erlenc Blankenship and Miss Jewel Lee were guests last night with mcm- of the S. B. Club when Mrs served whl Mrs. Jmnes Clark, stale regent of Ihe Daughters of the American Colonists, today made known plan? for the twenty second Annual State Assembly of the organization which IS to he held Tuesday In Little Flock.

Members of Blylhevlllc's CM John Marlin Chapter will serve as hostesses at the meeting, to be licld In Hie Rendezvous ElOoiil of Hotel Marlon. The Assembly Will convene at 9:30 am. when the Credentials Coiiimtl- tee will meet for registration of (lelcKiitc.s mul visitors, and will open to all officers, delegates and visitors at 10 o'clock, When Mrs Clark will issiii: the call to order, sm. Wylle 16 Extend WflctjWf The aldicss of wcldohie wllj DC by Mrs. H.

W. Wylle of lily- Ilicrlltr. recent of the local 'clmp- ler. and national officers and chairmen will be Introduced by Mrs. Clark.

Report will be given by ol- chairmen during the nomine session. Luncheon will be served In Colonial llooin of Hotel Marion a 12:30 p.m.. with Mrs. Wylie us toast ihiistcr. Specially Invited guests For (lie luncheon will Include Gov.

and Mrs. McMiilh and Mnyor nml Mrs. Snmuel of Llitlf Rock. Principal speaker tor the afternoon session will be Willie A. Lnwstm ol Little ftttck, formerly ol Blytheville.

who will address the group on the subject: "Women. Then. Now mid Next''. Assembly fiai'tes will be Heard L'ivrcnce Wylle, born Ecrnlce Wvlic and Sally McCutchen. nil of Bh'thcvlile.

Mrs. Clark will be hostess at oirs. James B. Clark Ijers of the state executive board all past state regents, stale offi ccrs and chapter regents. BLyUicvlllc chapter members who will be In for the meeting Include Mrs.

Clark, Mrs Wylle, Mrs. O. W. McCutchen and Roland Green. Slate officers of tlie organization arc Mrs.

Clark, resent; Mrs, Gordon Freeman, first vice regent; Mr.s Charles SUme. spcuntl vice regent. Mrs. A Tagijart, chaplain; Mrs Frank Learning, recording secrela- i ry; Mrs William Na.ih, treasurer; Mrs. McCiilclieri, corresponding Jlythcville Music Lovers to Hear Marko Rothmuller Marko Rotlmiuller, will presented fit the Mox Monday night, BS the fourth in the Concert Series sponsored by lie Blytheville Civic Music Association this year.

Following the concert, feiUuring selections by Handel, ScliUmnn, ichubert, and other well knuwh composers, the artist will be guest of honor, at a reception in the recreational rooms of the Tehiple Israel. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Vise and Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Rosenllml will be hosts to Mr. Ruthtnuller. The baritone received his first recogiillidii in Kilrojie as a coin- ioscr and cblidilclor. prior to itink- tng his debut as a singer. Among his compusltlbris are two violin trios, two string quartets, a piano suhato, a symphony for siring orchestra, and several folk soiies aiiii two ballet SUltS: Mr.

fiUthlhuiler was featured oh the operatic stage in Europe for several years. He made his fiebut Ih 1932 at the Hamburg Opera Hollse, DP. Vjse, vice pl'csldcnt of the BlyUievllle Assul-iatioii. who spent several years ill Germany, heard several of Mr. Hothmuller's concerts, ahtl feaitl dial.

liB had won acclaim hi Europe. Unruly Eyebrows Trcmed to StQy Ih Piece by Wax breakfast lo be given at Hotel Ma- secretary: Miss Louise Plank. Ills- rion Tuesday inornlhg immediately lorian: Mrs. L. Broan.

registrar; preceding the coiivcnlnR bf the As- Mrs. Arthur Brown, parliamentan- sembly. Guests will Include nielli- I an. home, 100 West Kentucky. Attractive arrangements of gladioli in various shades were used to decorate the home.

the evening Raines, bunco wa? won by Mrs. Moore, high score by Mrs. Blankeiishlp and low score by Miss Lee. Mrs. Frazier was assisted In serving refreshments of a salad course I bV Mrs.

Moore. Mrs. Ford Entertains Avalon Bunco Club 'The Avalon Bunco Club members vifie entertained yesterday at the home of Mrs. Eddie Ford. The St.

Patricks Day theme was carried out in the decorations of the home and the refreshment Vases ol Spring flowers were arranged in the home. Mrs. Bill GUbow was high score winner In the games nlnyert with low score being won by Mrs. Phillip Frei and bunco by Mrs. Ford.

i.The hostess server! refreshments of a dessert course with coffee. Mrs. Cook Is Hostess To Bridge Club, Guest at small tnblcs, bridge with high score being won by Mrs. Blan Heath and brtdgo by Mrs. J.

Parris McCalla. Bouquets of gladioli In various shades and Jonquils were used to decorate the home. Business Women Meet With Mrs. Rollison Business Women's Circle Three of the Calvary Baptist Church met last night at the home of Mrs. L.

C. Hollison for a Royal Service program. Mrs. Beulah Lloyd was in of the program entitled, "Christ the Answer to Racial Others participating on the program were Mrs. Lee Powell, Mrs.

Rollison. Mrs. Hubert Polsgrove Mrs. Lelnnd Hodge. Prayers were I offered by Mrs.

P. H. Jernlgan aiul I Mrs. Hodge. Refreshments were served durinf, the social hour.

liiys in Dallas. Texas, where is attending the Dallas Gift Show. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton C.

Fowlston of the Fowlston School of Music were In Memphis last night to attend the final concert of this season ol the Beethoven Club, o( which they are members. The artist was Robert Merrill, baritone of the Metropolitan Opera. Mr. and Mrs. William B.

Hughes Br. ol Hot Springs arc the parents of a son born Feb. 24 at the Army- Navy Hospital there. He has been named William E. Hughes Jr.

Mrs Hughes Is the former Miss Hermn Parker, who had made her home In Blytheville with her aunt. Mrs. Clnir Miller and Mr. Miller before moving to Hot Springs. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles F. Hart left vcstcrday morning for a vacation to points of Interest in Florida. They plan to be gone two weeks. Mrs.

Irene Wallace went to Mom- phis yesterday where she will undergo treatment at Campbell's Clinic lor several days. Mrs. A. B. Falrfleld of Little Rook will arrive today to spend the wcck- Covered Dish Supper Is Given tot Seefcefs Class The Seekers Sunday Rctiooi Clnss of tlie First Methodist, Church were entertained inst night at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred L. Straclmnn with a covered dish supper. Gue.sts Included the Hcv and Mrs. Allen 1).

SStewarl, Miss Mnry Ellen Hill and Miss Mamie Adams. Following supper, the remainder of the evening was spent informally by Ihe suest. Coming Events Social Calendar Saturday Mrs. Oean Atkinson will cnlcr- tain with a tea from four to five her home, honoring Mrs. J.

Wictmiann, president general Ihe U. D. C. Heavily Carriages Hegro tenant HoUJe fire, believed caused from A healing stbvci. resulted ill heavy damage to 3 tliree-room Negro teliaiit housfc on North Lacledc Street yesterday afternoon.

The properly wa.5 owned by Homer Nliunaii)- alirt was occupied by I an elderly Negro mail wlio'se liable was listed only as Mitchell. Tlie fire was confined to tlie in- terior'of the house and caused heavy danlasc to all three rooms, Fire Chief Roy Head said. British Engineer Sees Jet Turbine Locomotive LONboN. turbine-joco-1 motives are foreseen Ijy E. S.

Wad- dlitgtbii, president of the British Society of Engineers, lii his presidential address. Waddington also said radar liiay be developed In the next several years as a railway safety device. end here as guest of her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs.

W. I. Dcnton. Jim Deer, son pf Mr. and Mrs.

Phillip Deer of Wilson, formerly of Hlythcvllle, was admitted to Campbell's Clinic In Memphis Monday, to unrterRo an on a knee injury. His condition is 1m- proved. Condition of P. S. Parker.

Route 2. Blytheville. who underwent a major operation In the Baptist Hospital in Memphis Monday. Is much improved. It was announced today Mrs.

Parker Is with him in Memphis. Study Course to Begin At New Liberty Baptist A Training Union Study Course will be held at the New Liberty Baptist Church beginning Monday, 7:15 p.m. and continuing each night through Friday: The Rev. Russell J. Clubb.

pastor of the Baptist Church In Osccola, will conduct tlie adult class on the topic. "Our Doctrine." Mrs. Mabel Lunsford of the Calvary Baptist Church In Blytheville. will teach the voting people "Investments In Christian Charles Llpford, also of Calvary Baptist, will have the intermediate class. "The ChrUi- tiah Living" and the Junior class Will be taught by Miss Hazel Brannen of the'First' Church in Btythe- ville, using as their topic.

"The Junior and His church." The Rev. Russell Duller, pastor, vill be lii charge of the general ssombiy. RegiilUr PfograrH By Gosnell W. S. C.

S. The Women's Society of Chris- Inn Service of the Gosnoll Metho list Church met last night at tin church for their regulnr program nocting. I The meeting was opened with the devotional by Mrs. Hal-old Medlln. followed by a solo, "Eveniiig Prayer" by Mrs.

Howard Busharse. Those taking part on the program entitled, "Human Values in Labor Questions" were Mrs. Lester Jackson, Mrs. Marvin haft. Mi's.

Lee Hill ahd Mrs. J. C. Davis. The group was dismissed with prayer.

Waxing eyebrow's will curb unruly tufts of hiir or behaved brows looks belter groomed. Actress Pefrgy Waff- ner clerhdtetrales the of gro8intrijr brows by brllshliiR on wax with ttiascafa brtlsh. Ry Alicia Halt NEA Staff Writer Eycbrous unruly? You can dls- ci'iline the most wayward little tufts by using sanie kind which a man uses to traiii ills mustache to lie flat. i Even eyebrows call be made to look glossier aiid bclter- groomed by using a tiny touch of wax. Before waxilig, pluck eyebrows clean of stragglers.

jAfter plucking brows it is always wise to apply an antiseptic lotion ahd 16 allow lime to elapse for pores to seal be fore dressing up brows. Wheii they are ready for that, brush into Ihe curves which you want to control, and tint, if darkening Is needed. Now, using an evcr-sb-llghl application of colorless mustache wax, brush eyebrows lo lie flat. An extra mascara brush may be washed clean and used for applying wax. cjiiile often unruly eyebrows will scllle liitd good behavior after tlicy have been trained to lie fill by the disciplining effects of wax.

Girl Scouts fo Give Playlet at High School "Dolls on Dress Parade." a play- let, will be presented al the Girl Scout Birthday festival at Blytheville High School tonight at 8 o'clock. The playlet, directed by Mrs. Leonard Johnson; will be presented by Scout Troop Xi, and Is a part of the program being presentad by the seven troops Ih Blyilieviile. Other troops participating in llie festival were announced previously. Continuous Shows Box Office Opens 1:45 Shiiw Starts 2:00 LISTEN TO KLCN BtOO

12:45 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1 Last Time Today Yellow Sky with Gregory Peck alia Ann Baxter I Paramount News Selected Shhwlhr fevefjday At The Hospitals RMlirvillc Hospital Dismissed: Lester Swift, Tigrelt, Tenn. Juanita Lee Guyman, cily. Mrs.

Claude Jones, Steele, Mo. Walls Hospital Dismissed: Hershel Hammond. Steele, Mo. Mrs. W.

Kcllcy and baby, Cooler, Mo. Read Courier News Want Ads Mrs. Don Edwards a as guest yesterday with members ol the Double Four Bridge club when Mrs. Ed Cook entertained at her home. 216 To Bast Kentucky.

The home was attractively dCCO- rated with vases ol Spring (low- Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing High score winner in the games Was Mrs. J. W. Adams Sr. with Mrs Eugen Dickinson receiving second high.

The hostess servec, a salad course as refreshments. ihiJ limplt, no htftring will. Ounnt dtoM "mP 1 ate bolhttcH by bouin, bead noifco due To wa 1 Ikil train You euifcl Veil Iwltet after or P' aT raOMT once. Ourlnt Slewurl's Drug Store Main i t.akp Slrccti Phone U82Z Blylhcvtllr SAVE ON COOKING! SAVE CM HEATING WATER! Save Money SPECIAL! Men's Shirts Shorts SHORTS Fancy Stripes Gripper Front 30 to 42 SHIRTS 3 lor Panel Ribbed Athletic Shirts S-M-L with Blytheville Propane Bottled Gas Yes, il is a proven facf that for heating water and for cooking you just can't heat the economy of linttlc Gas! With average use a $7.50 bottle will last two whole months! And, besides that, a liUS) Hotlle (ins liange will give you cleaner, faster easier cooking an automatic Hot Healer will provide steam- inn mil water day or night. Why not investigate? C'all n27 today and learn the details about installing Kottle Gas in your home.

You'll be glad you called I Blytheville Propane Inc. Gentry" No Short Continuous Sli.n.lti« Saturday Sunday and Monday Paramount Short Cont. Showini Sun. Coming to the Ritz March Z9-30 JOAN OF ARC Ingrid Bergman and Ferrer Boi Office upcns Show Sta.ts 6:45 Opens Sunday Starts 1:15 Continuimi Shows Sat Sun. Barjain Night Every Nljhl Saturday honored un Sundaj at Last Time Today Easter Parade with Frtrt Aslaire nil Judy Garland Selected Short subjects North Highway 61 Phont 527 The Result of Expert Dry Cleaning For you to enjoy, for your friends lo artmlre a new radiant hwuily cau be achieved in the furnishiiiKs of your home.

Best way's Scc-O-Malic cleaning process supplies the final touch to the charm of your draperies, curtains, and slip covers Call today for the careful cleaning thnt will truly add a new loveliness to your home. bestway cleaners, Inc. 1920 W. Main Phone 2408 Serial! "Jnnstc Land" No. 4 and Short Continuous Showing Saturdaj Sunday Monday For Movietone News Short Cnnt Shnwlnf Sunday 1:30 to IliOO.

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