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The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 4

The Index-Journali
Greenwood, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Dec. 3,1949 THE 1NDEX)0URNAU CREENWOOD, 1 Queerest Approach Wo Erer Saw THE INDEX-JOUUNAL TV. Time Turned Backward By P. WmEMAJt M-ta aa 14 1 fMbitehM DaUf Eaore Sunday S1U DC X-JOl EX AX COXAMf As It Miml iMM Oreenvtll and Ooiiambta SO TEARS AGO tweea OreeovUlc and With Sand St L. WATBtHi, via Due West and AbotvtUe.

S3 TEARS AGO of Um lev reoutr- Tree. After paaeace AJtmvw us. irs to dia Uietr JL a BUJCT, iwa.Tr laiMSSt BfbU UM tBOrS-Jouroai pukhahed aa enefirmeue eoaamwnloaiioa atcn- Awardad Caeweeto todal faaWaa Ac Sag Sa Curtis Le Bredtry, oa ef Mr. "ClUaan." who iinim and Mrs. A.

W. Bradky. ef Troy. UM cfty fathers aaake awte of the tact Utat there were several large miee ef aaad near the CM tr mm' wm 'iiT" lr rn um by those assodaUd with the business for ttveral ytars. Mr.

Eproki said there were no grates In town and none In any nearby town so grates had to be ordered from some place and Installed In the old time wood burning hearths. The following year, 1M7 Ur. Bproles ordered his first car of coal for sale as a dealer and was In the coal business for years after, lie was selling stores and the coal business fitted In with stores as fueL Greenwood was the first town la this part of the State to bring In coal for fueL Laurens had Its first car three or four years later. The price of that first car of coal and for some years after, Mr. Sproles said, was three dollars the ton.

This was dl-rided about equally between cost of the coal at the mine and the freight. There Is no such price In prospect now and not likely to be erer again, unless some substitute for coal which Is Itself my cheap, can be dlscorered. brtdte eat the aide ef the street next wae awarded a bronco medal and 1 JO la eaah to be weed for hie cd-aratloa by Um Carnegie Hare Pund Oanmlertim for hia crave aUatnpt to save the ate ef Dr. If. B.

Kar rteoa Who was downed to Cook S. IU MM II IUM to the Booed Lumbar Coenpany an there wae not a red nghi to ware Om are 'i Baataea er timm aaaa, SIM ef Um dancer. "We knew who have ma 1 fc4 pond near Troy June ltX.1 Young Bradlry was II years ef agel while trrM to obey Um totter ef gafaaBBaefewesjaav1 Osa sbs-v at the time Um award was the tow." the sno antra ttnn si to Aprfl lrt. added: "Laws are awed UUnga. wtMiia aaiocuf so raaae eheuld see te thai It reasonable to carrr Um euL" Caft toOrebsasge Connie MatweS Orphanage rajjf taat sAeenwhOe.

saoet ef the eaaea to becurathed th sura of 111,000 ml marorB court were egainat a by the late P. SUeoberg.1 who faOed, cr forgo, to Tra lm-x-jocnx Cui-TAXl who cupuletod that the caoaey be a. a. sd to Um crertkm ef a building tel be known a Um i miiiimni ma iio. u-a, rial buOding.

hghU. reperted thai dsarcnee to the AbbevtU Baptlat Aaaorlattea had isiiiSil Umbt awe- tw MMik ea iinwr eat in irj tmimilwl ea h4 te a a aatiiwo aa MMtl Baaa mm Beat The Oreenwcod-Wlnety St paved I to the Tt mlTHoa eaaapaiga roe va opened for tram Um kU-l llMjatJS Wtth Um final report tar part ef Huiember ltn. UM Cret wees Editorial Comment The torgeat gift, epealOeaQy -en ZtS ft DW Mwl aaeigneted tor Penaaa Vntveratty. Pedsral tjrchihtUoa efflosrs I saad by Cap. OL A.

u. waller. ac cartne that af Oreeaweed. for giajBOC contained potsoa Sable to crrrx sight uses aoad from Th Saraanah (OaJ atorntof Vevc satcrxut, prmntTm a. lm th First Baptist church, Oapt anythinf from pararsul Waller was a at am bar af the grada- Is not awrprtonf that rteatdenl to parferated at atrng class at Purmaa to ISM OIH OLD ROADS ach glands or St.

Vltaa) dance. announced thai he wlQ demand af Th next largest ruts were But bootleggers kept making thetrl eonvtaas next January that th lei by J. S. Stark and W. D.

Baitadala. stocg to trade. of Abbeville, the former subscribing cfjoot and Um totter tlJOa, Kmg act his cfrU Hffal program. What Is surprlatog Is that Um aactfca of the country which the kOeaoo-rten his defiled and toeuRed. which would bear the burden of such a program If a war placed th rcderal statute book, panlata to awpporUnf B.

sung raaumed ae a Oifte By Cwarehe of Um novae ef Brmeeenu I Dr. Jester reported a total of to Become sut tneuraneel muw fatunoMoi tt this MrtM va eesd Saturday DmoIw 11 poatpoosceont to do I detoy to Moartof eortela data. A eeriwcttoa li Bad her of mr la th Th Baa "Samuel Butler 41 a. a. a a aw Bw aa ra irriAaJS fine by churches In their T.

Prank McOordl him at Um poOa whenever th epportentty announced he would be a candidate! uoU of tM3jg aa fonows: Abbs-vtlle. t7T0 and SO.T21: Bradley, XI at true that four Southern States last to 00 Um vacancy la Um LsglaU-l I1JM and IlKMO; Ooroaaoa. St. tare ssusss by Mr. King's and flOSt: Due Waet.

UJXX and n3: Donalda. glOjOOt and HSJHI: Dejaaacwa. SljOM and tX Dr. Sims CaOed TT, Za December Itr? Dr. Charles P.I Oreenwood.

Plrat, ritjOOg and llSl.ttSJS; Horeh. SS300 and tt. of the Baptist church I turned against th Kev Deal ticket I am use of th Truman-Humphrey propoaaJa, but, at th asm Um seven other Southern States war to the Tr-maa cohtma when the vote were counted th day after Um Presidential election, xf Um Tiwmanttes matat ea demanding the Iniquitous grrfl rights program It Is obrtous that WQ eerr only to hold vp or block realty Important lagUlatoto a fact which at a reminder, howvrer, that th Mr Dealers are advocating the program solety to was Hodgee, and WX19; Jor- ef Liberty, was extended a unanl-l Street. gljOOe and gt.tlO: Mt, us can to the pastorat ef the I Morton, SiajOOl and glljDOo; McCor- Pint Baptlat church of Ores co lu r.i BoQrvood Walter Stoaak and mtek, SlajOM and gllJOt: Klnety with the request that he bagla his bis ttft-pound butt toto a cafe scat Plrat, SISjMO end S1TA3S SO; Ninety BU. Second.

SUMS and tX Bsyto wars acre January t. ObmtogsOa tsavins oppoatt me and tatted about glands, tld asked the movies cherubic. Austrian, accented villain Orphaaagw. gtOM and glV Krw Torfc--Cr--Jeaa Tennyson TM; SOoaaa, soo and MAtoJS; After tw or three whether Kksd being a Isadt run on ef Um world's biggest years tensed by the boll weevil more South Main. glSJOt and SM.WO; South Oreenwood.

gSjOM and auut or a beet better. When he bureane and to quite happy gainer lainnwi A. MS1 bb km htm mm wu daeceadaats and aoarriage should hart beea Sampson Butler Maya, The eider ICr. Mart va aemed for aa ancle of the mm name who was probably named tar Sampson Bute tteni I shertff ef Edgefield dto- rtct after the ZirvotuUc. Umjmtmx BuOar btoUmt el Omanl W2V-km SuUar vt vm CmVt of KtnKy Bts Dtatrtd ta 17M and abarirX UUa dlatrtrt vm hia to bm vtta) and aaoort rmVtont Oaort Waihlnctaa and fell party anrouto tma AafuaU to Columbia.

Oaoarmi WOUaa Butlar aaai Oaorc Vaahlactoo tba Ttoa Bouaa to Xdftntld dla-and accompanied WaaMngtnn to tt bounds of KlaKy BU Dtatrtd vtMtv tw ni aaat bf Oanaral Wad Ttampton. fathar of OatMral Vad Hampton of later tamo, aa aharlff of Oaaw 4m Dfetrlct aad vaa aaoorUd by him to Columbia. Xtt addition to aarrk aa abarllf of Idctfkld cotton was being ginned. The but at Um crucial moment they cut away from you to chow Um recrtka of the star. remember a seen did vtta Adotphe Meajou, Oeorg Murphy, and Eugene Panettc.

We started ad tttbtng and It came alive: we knew tt was good. But Menjow said. "This probably win be cat te a close-up of Prank Sinatra And Chat exactly what The portly, blue syss Bless Eke most actors, haa a mortal dread of being typed. Be played a U-boat Troy. and sorrje: waa aha and "naavaattngty beautl-fuT, Walter Bald, be got the girl ft to losing money.

900 top singers and Bminary report of Um Bureau ef SJTD WATCH TBS kUSKXT JYom The Arkanaaa Oaartte OLtUle Rook). Senator Byrd of Ttrgtnla, vh tons ago caat the Census showed that Oreenwood Walnut Orova, HAO and SSJT1M; War Shoato. gSJOt and $jmM; to about $0 European pictures. dans work for nothing on her pro- county had ginned lljKW hhnaelf la Um role of guardian of Um public I Waet Bide, K1AM and liXfaoJB. grama, arranged to cniertaia through December Said Water.

"I UM being a vfflain better. has to be of a eerutn mental power. CsaaSy th charac i carvkeiraia la 130 veteran ury, beueroo Congress Is gomg to save i wtthiuMtaitas. to the Aar hospitals across Um country. Um day ter part axe more Intelligent than Her Hat of artists Includes LOy Ceateet to the ah vcr that ef Um leading man.

who OTteo special feature mt Um Pled. i popular Powers oommanrter to lifeboat" Pone, Margaret Truman, Exto Ptn-aa, Arthur Siihenatetn, and Oladye year with aa Imnlbua btn that will pot an apprc-prtation eggs la on basket. There has long been a warning about putting aS your eggs la one baakeC But Andrew Carnegie, who put all hie In a steel Industry, need to aayt ganOaos of the price. to Just a glandular soccees. Pair was a husband-calling thereafter turned down of th Traymoro Aerial Tours "Most stars, male and female, ve Swtrthout Th blue-rlbeoa Oosrtng and various ether was not annrsmrod.

"We started out wtth etrtckly glandular cuccenea. Very few become cure aa their acting abtuty. Be ha Just played hto thard brought a plan her for filghta from 13 to It minutes at a cost of IS to S3S. fThcec flgurec sound unbeBveable now. but that's what Put all your eggs la one basket and then vetch lont-halred she said.

comedy vtnsia to six years ae aa Teftort at White a They have a certain rncmical ap- UM basket. "But now we have Beany Ooodmaa, tneane psychiatrist to "The TaDcw it f- hot at I Joseph W. Tolbort was an ef II that stimulates efey-dreamlng. choral groups even a magician. the paper saldj Cab Man with Bed Sksltoa.

ZJk many another Amerkaa vo guests at a White Bouse breakfast served by Preaioerit Calrta CooUdge. Th low prtc Included a atrala-ht rtously be was a It awaken a response that to, eanedouBly orunamecioualy, sexual But Um poor character actors have Dtatrtet, on of tha many dlatrkta or eountlca cut from Ktnety BU Dlatrfct, Baaspaoa Butlar vaa awawiha of th BUU WUlatur from Idnfkld man at varH end. Mlas Tennyson. flight and Um higher-priced ooe barker to "Th Inspector Oenaral' with Danny Kaye and aa evqf c- entitled Um paaetngar to rtde to ex-TsnlUee star and opera tie saw a uuav to know their business acting to soprano, was grateful to the men get by." Having been a leading "aounty for amral tama. Sis Bepbav Jamaa But i ttuUHng way.

tnolixBng loop-thc-loop, apslds dueu and In moat any manner rsqoeetod, The plan was to Austrian, Oerman. Italian vh had fought She wanted to do comethlng to show her gratitude CLOAK AND DAOGEB Prom the Hew Tork Times. Th cjueeUoa of what makes Um Sortot mind tick It raised again by Um clrcumitances surrounding Um arrest of an Amertoaa npreeenlaar of UM International Tekphon and Telegraph Company In Budapest and a Preach consular employe fea Warsaw. Both mysteriously, disappeared, Um Prtende of Lander College matched the offer of ISO .000 made by Benjamin N. Duke ef New Tork and a total ef glOOjOOO was added to sneer to Th Process andtho Pirate" with Bob Hope.

"ZtH ejalto difficult for a legitimate aeeef to play stooge," Walter confessed, 1 and Prcnch tome and a villain In "tor taoo of OaDcral WCflam Butkr) vaa abertff of Awmn-A tk. lima Ilk tIK f.iMa a Curtis M-plane of the J-0 4 type Bollywood. SOseak felt free to speak. ec toe Borsspower. wont do It again for a kmg which be continued doing: fhitlr- and of fliMnl WfflUna Butlar mnat BnA lis theyn stop taxing "Ttetor Mature to Um eoeence of Saw It Um college eodowmont fund.

80 TEARS AGO Realty Prleea la ISM a a glandular soccees. Also Law- Prenchman from a plane bound for Parts, Um Homey, Abut Ladd, and That must have beea the time when th story originated about Um two oountijnjou who saw their first ELECTION BETS PAT OTP Montgomery They have a The following news story carried by the Index Bounds like a real echo appeal to women, and eonfuaed with CapC Jamas Butkr who vaa killed In tha Cloud's Crack klaaaacro faaar tha praacnt Um of Batcaburf. This CapC Jamas Butler vaa tha father of Oeneral Wffiiaa Butlar. Capi. James Butler had a son of the same nam Um fc(T1i4 ha rVw.

fa. Ik. rtnfjfm Rev Tork (- Tto plan. They were f-ng of them" Walter wouldn't Trieste-born chef, has bean say which ar good actors be- New Torkera pay and eolleot of yesteryear: The largest real estate made la Oreenwood wai Okay. So the character i to get by en acting alone.

but what? waa told that musical therapy was helpful Um LOOOAOO veterans to she recalled, "So I decided that waa Um Held could help to With Bjmshsaj Ccadaetar Leo Stewiawaki and a few other Meade she ergaalaei the Arttot Tetaraaw Hsepttol aregraase to 1MT. By the cad af thto ceaaaa this etTaadastlsa vtS have arranged for saerc than SSg esswerl to sesas veteran betpHak. "Eventually we hope to reach an the hospitals, particularly those to cut-of-the-wmy she said. Miss Tennyson, helped only by a secretary, schedules Um concerts herself and pays all expenses of the operation. Whenever the seasonal ttoa bsts for 10 years, Winner est a "Oourmet Special" at hia Oabta mated by McBrtde Co, la the aale bin when they beard aa unusual, not to cay terrifying, sound.

They looked up and a plane was Booming ever. Both gaeed with their vjouths and ears wide open, but neither said a word. Finally, the plane kwped-the-loop end one of the ob-csrvers remarked without taking his glandleesty. Are there any other Orin, Loser watch them cat of the T. 0.

Duncan badness prop hardships playing supporting but get only aeanty far taccass parti? Slexak replied: The special dinner cost Um erty to Joseph and IX BpigeL The price to supposed to have been ggjOOO. Th building occupied by ZX a DuPre and McSwaia At Lee, with -Usually th ccene to written to ere $35. They start with IKS art, Th Butler family Is aaaodatad vita th prasant eounty of Saluda and many members of th family tnchidlnf Oeneral William Butter are burled la th cemeterr of Butlar Uethodlat church not far bring out the beet features of the gundy and go oa through a eyec on the air busier: Hrs la Um center, Um sup Inch steak. After IS other Um Central Hotel above, win be un -Td hate to be up there la that proved to Um extent of $200. The porting players are oa Um side.

Too can give a fin performance. they wind up with deep dish Cd -nilrtft pie. other anewered a he harder and harder: plana to the upper story win be extended and Um rear will be enlarg from th town of Saluda. Whll th first settlement of th Butler family Td hat to be up there out of It" tour of one of the artists on her ed. D.

P. Jordan Reception it WASHINGTON COLUMN Met Pay far Teachers vaa In what Is now Saluda eouhty, tt Is linked with many Oreenwood county families as has been not- A movement, tndorssd by many toadlng dttasns, was under way to increase Um pay of school teachers XX A. P. Jordan gave a beautiful reception la his suite of rooms In Um Syndicate building attended by aw ia how tauui aa-weuea. 1 I it about too guests.

Music was fur Admiral Dodger Says Blockade; Of North China Isn't Needed and at a mass meeting hi Magnolia School auditorium, it was unanimously voted that the trustees oc crican after checking out of his hotel to drtre to Tlenna. Za both eases, too, Um authorities concerned first feigned complete ignorance of what had happened tothe men and then, two or ttuwc days later, nonchalantly announced that they had been taken Into custody and had soneased that they were guilty of aabotag and espionage. Such episodes arc getting to be the asual thing behind Um Iron Curtain. They all follow about Um asm pattern. Porelgners, Including diplomatic officers, are secretly arrested, aooueed af Incommunicado for varying periods and finally, If they arc lucky, expelled.

Th procedure now being applied In China. Th obrtous purpose to to spying, forced to sign some sort of confession, held bolster op Um legend that foreigners are sptos, to be avoided like Um plague, and to eonvtaoe Um local populations that they are surrounded by a ring of enemies. But why Um cheap melodrama and brazen lies? Why not arrest Um selected vto-Urns openly without Um preliminary hocus-pocus of dlMppearanc, denial and euspsnssf To answer these questions to to delve tat the lower depths of Soviet psychoobjy. This cannot be equated with Slav psychology. Par the Soviet system spreads Into non-SlavM lands Hungary, Rumania, China the methods and mentality are Um same.

It goes, tt takes with tt Um' Iron mask of secrettvenese, the underground ways of Um conspirator, and something of Um swag-. going seat of the cloak-and-dagger man for striking In the dark. So It must be part of Um system a system In which political warfare Is a deadly sport or a mystery thriller, full, of feints, false scents, suspects, elaborate make-believe and calculated terror. This is a game we cannot compete but to recognize It for' what It Is to to mors certain than ever that our best play to to be everything It Is not, nst brings him near a veterans hospital, she arrange In advance for him to appear there, too. And he'd better not plead weariness or laryngitis when she get on the long distance phono.

Per a cheerful blonde she can be mighty stubborn with laxy singers, "But most of the artists have been very, she said. "Only two out of more than too have 'turned us downand Td nlshed by Bearden Band of Augusta and dancing, led by Mrs. O. W. Garrett, began at Um Oregon 4 ww aiHoa wvoanu wuuu suuer nave many descendants In Oreenwood county and one, 'Nancy Butler Brooks, wife of Elsha Brooks.

I cur th neosssarr signatures to Hotel at 10 o'clock. Mr. Morris of BT P1IJLX KDSON KXA vTirtimgfa Ccnespendeirl the Oreenwood Art OeJlery took petition caning for an election on voting four mills ttnal levy for this purpose. Zt va pointed out that Um average pay of white wom flashlight photograph of. the as TT7ASHCfOTOIf IfZA A U.

8. blocked of Communist Kara Twned oreenwood county to th old wataon- Barratt family burymc ground Just back of th old Dr. John P. Barratt nous about four mile anuthWMt af rirvnwnral 'Tha huahaiul nf Karur China ports at this Um would a mistake, savs Vic Ada, OacoH semblage. Organ far arc bee en teachers waa a fraction over $81 rather not talk about them.

One Badger of th V. Navy. Admiral Badger wu Um last scaW mender of American naval forces la China. He to now la Um ofloa' The Vcrdery correspondent re a monin on a u-month-basls. Urge Mere Parkins? Sseea Butler araa ElUha.

Bmnb arha araa flnt liMitaita aa artist sees the effect he has on theee shut-in vets he usually wants to com back and entertain them of th chief of Naval Operations. Adm, Torrest P. Sherman, as advtoart ported that the ladles of Um Brad ley and cedar springs agamv Reformed Presbyterian churches oa Chines affairs to th Department of Stat and National Defense, U. 8. blockade of Communist China has been demanded bp OOa Sen.

William P. Knowund of California, now touring Um Orirfi Admiral Badger doe not rule out the possibility of blockading aoul wnen one singer was forced to Walter T. Jones, representing lit buslnse men. presented a petition to City Council requesting the re-moral of tha grass plots on the eaat side of Um Square In order to con- ant-In the company of Captain, later. Robert Anderson.

EUabeth Butler married y.arhartah Brooks who was alM a lieutenant In tha Rerolutlon (mention cancel an engagement at a Chicago hospital Jean flew out herself and would give an entertainment during Um Christmas holidays, proceeds of which would go towards purchasing organs for the two churches. China at some future time. But Just now can so no point to Si Kept tAv4ata. vers xnera into parking space. and cites tare reasons tor this view: la the first place, says a blocked isn't needed.

Th Hifrma' Nationalist navy announced a blockade of Communist China ports aft councu aedaed to remove the ed as Colonel In th sketch of th Butler family by Her omc files are fun of letters from doctors praising the programs for their therapeutic value to na. Days ef Runaways one in rront or the City Han as an experiment. It was to be covered laU Samuel Edward if ays of Plant City, Flor- IHa 1 Ittt 0.hI.1m VwutWa mrmrn X. R. Ooodwyn, Earl Child, Ocorge O.

Zt Bagley, th ena of June. This Chinese navy consists oz some is vi ranging from patrol boats up to destroyers. Most of them cam tients, com of whom are mentally as well as physically sick. James T. Oreen and Richmond.

Ar- wun sano. Piedmont Pair Profit U. 8. Navy surplus and Admiral Badger believes they are trandaoa of Elizabeth Butler Brooka and Zacha- "After Claudlo Amu finished one noia, wno went to Abbeville to Pleld end Harmon's Minstrels, were The report of the treasurer of the rlah Brooks. or his piano numbers a vet sighed That's beautlfuT said Miss Ten conpnsoi mauiutui uiw oiocaaae wiuwui w.

o. esaiauutoav Chiang Kai-shek has allocated some $18,000,000 for supply awl equipment of this naval fore for Um next two pears, and that "to considered enough to buy fuel oil Th Chines navy crews ea the victims of a runaway on their return to Oreenwood. Za endeavoring to atop Um horses Mr. Bagley nyson. "We learned later they were lamuy ox nancy suuer Broou nas oeen given in the sketch of the Brooks family.

rwumons nur Association showed a net profit of apraxlmately $1,750. The directors decided to pay off an indebtedness except a $3J00 mort Um first words that bov had anoken blockade are paid mostly la prize money obtained from Um sale FARAG BAFBI ALLY SPKAJUNQ wss seriously nun. The Sketch of tha Marshall famll win ha ra. monuur. By OUa Hffler gage on the exhibition ban and de A letter from a Danes.

Tex. hos seizures. This give them aa incentive to max Um blockad effective A SECOND reason for not putting down a 8. naval hlockad si A that tber is no tonnes ef Importance to move. A year ace the Riley Elected Chief vote roc balance to necessary pital saia: City Council elected J.

B. Rllev pairs ana improvements for the (To be continued) Today Jarmlla Novotna came to uao nur. as enter ox ponce and T. w. ucMll our ward and sane for us.

.1 can't ton and L. O. Henderson aa police- nationalist government triea to una worth ox Darter for export but could assemble only $1,800,000 worth. Best estlmat today to that only about 25,000 to 30.000 tons ef ten you bov. Important that hour Caps.

Desuudeea a YtoHa GREENWOOD'S FIRST COAL Cant John Q. Wlllaon DmiMaw a month have beea moving out of Shanghai sine Um Conummiata The letter was signed by a blind veteran. toox tt over. This is relatively nothing. l' After th Nationalists Imposed their blockade if north China 1 summer.

Admiral Badger met with American shipping agents Miss Tennyson expect to operate Who wae second In a cross-country flight from Mlneola, to San Prandsoo, was here as a guest of his granf ather. Dr. John O. Wlllaon. He made a talk at Um Liberty The DARDS ner concert bureau indefinitely.

ingr ousiness may suggest to some older Hons Kong and Shanghai He advised them and they agreed to stay a a a a t. a a a a a -reopie aoni aha said ouuuae me uiree-mue umrc ana respea tna Diocxaa. viibictis uic wuc wucu urircuwuuu guv a. I a BY DAL COCHRAN soberly, -that wo arent going to i' Since then, two u. 8.

Victory ships hsve dropped anchor at Tata: ater um interest of the Bed Cross campaign, but waa too mod nave fewer veterans In our hospitals jirsi sxupmeni oz coai zor iuei. a. 1 k. Jl Bar, which is 14 mues off Tientsin la north They war able STATISTICS indicate th aver are person will have three as time goes on. There win be more to say much about bis achievements and more to pick up less than 1000 tons of cargo which wu hanUy worth their trouble.

Aside from thle. tha onlv IT mtrriuntniM an aviator. a mifll rtina waa -tP1n- rtn.ul I vw WW MV.M. mini, wwmm mw A wwraw, VIUUI II aaaaS has Operator waa siiiy-uiree yean ago, according i to a statement made by the late J. W.

Sproles to The Index-Jdurnal and used editorially on Feb. -10, 1935. The first carload of coal arrived In me Diocxaa ana escapea on nnangnai. weeks ago this erdumn. yA Question Box colds between bow and llarcfc.

Or on continual one! Only a fete more weak am until tAerCd tetter bf fonts Clous. something to ear about the tint Um United Stotes to bolster th Chinew Nationalist bleejrae: Una from Oreenwood to Klnety six eavMtlifl Maaaahiw tvca aiTaerfmav Iwitst, vhah sSsirtls) a nm rrwm swaa aval avwea The eating of bugs la salads, etc, should be no cause for worry," asserts a physician. A bug aught hold a different opinion. An old timer remembers when a person reached Um then outside limit of being risque In mixed company by bringing up the subject of flowers and saying something about finding bachelor's buttons In the old maid's bed. i Another example of a tempest la a teapot to the average person bavins a brain storm.

The number of multiple births to rising. This world has become so tough that babies In Ingly large numbers are afraid to enter It alone. "Rumored Baby A-Bomb Bom In U. Gosh! hava the darned things started breeding? It seems that President Truman and Um Shah of Iran hit It off together oil right The report of bestowing Um title, "Mlas Everything." on a Texas girl was not quite clear to as. Was this Utle awarded as Um result of a beauty contest or aa Inventory? Of late John I Lewis rumblings' remind as of the growling- of a toothless old bulldog.

AM' wvwins siihsiia cer yaiif atifj aaaav auv mmmmm va a 'TlVlliaisag composition consider his Which Tchaikovsky I best (lrvaryiifrA In ak latai mnimait A tQQH wuwn Began mi. DUt it WSS not the first one for this section. Ran. mini Badger points out at his third reason for not advocating policy. 1 An American naval blockade would enable the Commui llaSataJ Mr.

Rnrnip said. Th ear was nrriprwi to mak propaganda against th "Yankee imperialists as saemto the Chines people. It would, la effect be an act of war. ry Theodore, of OrcenvUle, was the pioneer in bus transportation for South Carolina, What he started by the mercantile firm of Bailey, Barksj and contained twenty-four' emau transfer and taxi com. pany in October 1911 with Uim On other Question that has been raised to whether the U.

8. tSgm bas enough strength In th Psclflc to operate as a Chines coast fuardj auxiliary and blocked th whol coastline from Korea to Indo-Csa' The U. 8. seventh fleet based at Sublo Bay In Um Philippines an ovenana automobile finallv en four lots of six tons each and went to the a uun dub line onaratin following persons. W.

H. Bailey, Joel S. at Guam, consist ef on cruiser, four destroyer and auxCarfrrij Raaarf at Janan. la ha IT. Wa Fax 4mm- i (' Beet of buses to ell parts of Um International tangles haven't A The composer considered the Sixth Symphony hto greatest ac-ecmpllshmsnt He wrote, "I consider the eymphony positively my best and my slncerest work, and love it as have never loved any of my musical offspring." Were ttie Navy and Army ever under a single department before the Unification Law of 1957? A Tea.

The War Department which Included both Army and Navy, waa set ap In 1789. A separate Navy Department was created April $0, 178S. thing oa th sleev UnJaf of last winter overcoat strength. are th strengths recommended by-Admiral and ha save the are enough. raw.

ho began In a very small way with three can, a few hundred dollars to his pocket and a definite belief In the future of bus trans- Bailey, George A. Barksdale and Cad. Waller. The coal came from a mine In It was not very good quality Farther east based principally at Pearl Harbor, BawaU, tad Lcsr StAapK fa1f aM uia ViwJ.ii I poruuion. some years later his Tt only time traffic tight showt creea ra botA directions Is durlns th terllmoiry of tva: drivm wHe kovg Just hoi ww- ws.wa lira TffTljaal carriers, two cruiser, 88 destroyers, 29 submarine and auxJ2asi3' Admiral Badger says these force could quickly -b called fcr ftp and it took a "blower? and about three pokers for chunking to get-it to This firm continued to order a car for company was operating 11 buses, St automobiles, four White trucks, one motorcycle and several bicycles.

The buses at first operated between strengthen the western pacific Sects, a that became mmm tsex Klnrkarfa lata m. "-a cTssa, I.

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