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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 5

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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Truman Pledges Full Assistance In March Of Dimes Campaign infantile paralysis' likoni'd today to thu litfht ttiraiiml "wur, poverty, nntl prBJudico" President Harry S. Truninn in calling upon the Arn( to support annual March of Dimes, January The (-ill. IKSIUHI by the Pn-sldunt in to by Bn.iil O'Connor. President of tho Nation- ill Kcundittifin for infantile Par- cli'dti rc'd. "the buttle 1 Is I'lir (rreatWay I to Invite It's wonderful how a IRtlo Vu-tro-nol up each nostril relieves siuffy transient congestion.

If you need relict tonight, 1J1 try 111 Follow directions In packuyc. won. It must the research laboratory, in the hospital and In the this dlaotisi! is finally wiped from the facu or the earth." President Truman, in pledging hist fullest cooperation -to thu March of LMmus, announced that he would uroiidciuit tu the nation on the nijrht of January 30, the COth birthday anniversary of Franklin D. Roosevelt, founder of the National Foundation. 1 The President in his letter to Mr.

O'Connor said that the chap! ut' thu Foundation "in fulfilling their pledge that no victim of intantile paralysis shall go with! out treatment for want ot funds, 1 am sun: inspire people thu luition to uinke the inarch Dliuux the most success- ful in history of your organ- I li.u.ion," In hin repnrt tn the President Mr. O'Connor pointer! out that the tpiclumic of 1U-IG was -the worst in the hlstury Foundation and only Die epidemic Ample Transportation VICKS VATRO HOI 'Slight Accident Today; Cases Nolled In Court Alfhough hit Icgi arc paralyzed from war injuritl, Norman Zillner, former Army lieutenant now studying at the Univer- lity of Californio, needs no assistance in getting about. He lifts the lightweight collapsible wheel choir from hit specially equipped automobile to enter his Berkeley quarters. The 23-year-old veteran is study, ing with financial aid from the Vetcrani Administration. PHILCO of violation of rules of thr- rnad against Francis Kenney, It hti street, and Mrs, Emma Yuika.

F-l'trh Htrcot, WI.TU nolled by Martin Caine in boVough "r.urt tliis morning. Thi; rc.inltrd from an acci- that ciceuiTfd when curs driv- i-n by Mr. Kenney and Mrs. Yullta I on IJijfh street in. today.

resulting in thu two cnra was estimated at to $GO by Patrolman Harris Uurlce who investigated. JUlrnor Horn, IS. 27 Church street, wus granted a discharge on a I branch of peace charge. 1 7Silwarcl Matthews, Milford, for- foitnil $20 bond on a charge of viuliitlon oil rules of the road. Completes Studies At School Of Air Instruments Thomas E.

Palmieri, son of Mr, Mrs. Frunk T. Palminri, 87 i Coon street, has received i diploma from the American School jf Aircraft Instruments, Los It was learned today. Mr. P.tlmlei'i has accepted a poskion with a factory.

i A vetcian of 3(1 months' service i u'ith the Army, ftir corps during World War II, Mr. Palmieri de aided to turn his'war time traln- to advantage. He enrolled in the An.treles insti.tution last to further his knowledge of aircraft instruments. Ho was graduated with the degree of Master instrument Tnchnician. Connecticut Trooper Can Preach Sermon And Make Pies Connecticut boasts oi'" something different Jn of State Police a two-fined cop who preaches a.

fine sermon' turns out. pie with crust us light'as an old maid's kiss, reports a detec- uvc magazine. Before he gained fame In the pulpit and kitchen, soft-spoken, blond Albert Henry Kimba.ll wut, familiar and feared figure to the underworld of the Nutmeg State. O.i one occasion he single-handedly rounded up half a dozen hoodlums. One night he actually out- Humphrey, the toughest cop on film, by running a couple of fi.r thieves off the highway, whacking their -heads together, and disarming them.

It all began one snowy Sunday the commander of the' State Police sub-station in Stafford Springs was summoned to thi- At the other end of the line was Mrs. Chiyton Small, wife of a local minister, with a strange request. "Will you please send someone over to preach a. sermon?" she asked, "My husband is ill," So, much to nis Kimball was ordered 10 patrol to the Methodist Church and take ovur the pulpit. Though it was his first, it took so well that the Robbed of $435,800 Chickenpox Leading Disease In State During Past Week NALGATIJCK NEWS WEDNESDAY, JAN.

Invention Lessens Railway Hazards safely device ,1 railroader's. fcreBtCRt peril may nave many 'liven: It hiui widespi-ejd interest among railroad officials. The automatic, automatic-pipe connector hook-up nil- ateun ind air An Chickenpox cases increased from I JIG to ICO during, the period end-1 con)n or lhat eliminate pi e8 on ihe iraln when the 'the need for a railroad mm to neers simply pushci button trooper was invited tor a return M. C. A.

GROWTH Chicago membership in thn YounK Men's Christian An- sotiation has reached 1,411,341, an increase of nearly nine per cent aviM' the lust recorded, total G.en- Secretary Frank A. Hathaway reported. Tel. Mttl No. St.

Union Oily Stnjv Open Friday Cnlll O'Clwls 1 Tin; world's proved 'Petroleum rc- i total.approximately SO billion of which more than 20 billion barrols nru in the United us. NO OTHER COFFEE GIVES YOU No oilier coffee offers more flavor than Coffee because Coffee is (told in tlie whole, Custom Ground exuctJj right for your own coffeepot when you buy. And there's a bleud to suit your medium or strong. So it's easy to sec why Coffee in America's most popular coffee, by of pounds! FOR ram You needn't pay high prices to enjoy line coffee! You can't buy finer foffoe in any package at any price limn AJ4P Coffee. Compare now, No other coffee offers you more for your money! New Organization Plans Convention In New Haven NVw Haven, Deo.

'--i)i bo amorrr tbet first of 21 states to have a chapter of the newlv formed Progressvie Citizens of America, it wus announced statewide convention will be held lanuary 26 in New Haven to Intmch 'ho now organization, which will, to the national pr-jrram. "enlist millions of people in year-round action on state and local The national formr-d Decumbor 29 in New York at a convention of the Nu- ionul Citizens Political Action Com-, initteo. the Independent Citizens Committee of Ihe Arts, Sciences and Professions, and other indo uundont jjoliticul organizations. In' the plans for -tutc convention, Professors J. Alien HicUersor.

and Thomas 1. Emorson, chairman of the Connecticut independent Citizens Committee and the Connecticut P.A.O, released the followint statement, "Wo plan to create a broad for tr.e liberal I noonlu of Connecticut. The organ- ix.ition will be an independent us- sociation of piosrcssivc minded people take sincere lntcres-1. in good government and proirres- sive politics." 'i'liu- Committee in- liick Fisher, Mew Haven; Dr. Jack Fishman, New Havun; Robert Luce, New Haven, Mrs.

Na- i Commenting' on evidence, of. the versatility of "Commissioner Ejward Mickey's Kioto Police, a writer in a Hartford paur closed with the challenge: "Commissioner, con you bake a cherry pie?" Commissioner coTMTTi't, but Kimball could and did, and the editors of the Hartford paper wore delighted to eat crow in the form of the trooper's pastry. Then tho Governor dropped a veiled hint that hr was partial to blue- berry pic. Now for Kimball is just one pie another, as the requests from the 'State's notables come in, especially since his wife Has ordered him to take ovur the household rolling pin division. Population Increase Predicted For N.

Y. Ni-w York New York's' Copulation in 19 will be 8,145,000, an increase of 690.000 over the 1940 census 'figures, it was Indicator! in a nonulation frrowtb survey. By 1970 the population will have increased another 400.000 to 8.5S5,- 1 on. and will level off thereafter, a survey of the Consolidated Edison Company predicted. MaJJtin, New Haven, Miss Rebecca Now Hnven- Ae- Morinv.

Grimnwjsh; Mrs. Charlotte" Peters, New Haven; and Al- 'an Twichtli, New Haven. Our Dh Now Term Opens Jan. 2, 1947 COURSES FOB Xerrehiry, Typist, Clerk Comp- Operator is Accountant THE PEREY SCHOOL Iruwn HldK. WHITE JERSEY COTTON DIAPERS $3.39 dozen STORK 14 SPUING STREET FROZEN BREAD and PIE DOUGH FOR SALE I'ATTY SHELLS TO ORDKR CITY BAKERY B.


Union City M. Rutklowlcli, Prop. W. J. larnoncia marifiuj far color, uf Lu WILLIAM SCHPERO 180 CHURCH ST.

Naugatui'k. Conn. Gorman Rupp World's Lightest. Self Priming Centrifugal Pump "The Midget" Welehs 60 Ihs. Pumps 5,000 gallons an hour, at total head of 2(1 including 5 foot suction lift.

882 WORTH ST. Onion City Tel. WITH CONSIDERABLE nonchalance, Mrs. Benitez Rcxach pours herself a glass of champagne her Versailles Hotel suite after discovering that $435,800 in cash jewels hud been stolen from her. Mrs.

Re.xach.'who left stage to marry 8 Puerto Rican nightclub in 1928, isona six-week visit in France with her wealthy hus- Kadiouhoto) i. vehicles now. used chiefly as a. child's toy, were introduced in 1870. Inp January 4, '-accordiriR to the weekly summary of reporta'ble diseases compiled each Monday by Connecticut State Department of Health, This was the most 'prevalent disease within the state during the past; seven days.

Scarlet fever, German measles, mumps and gonorrhea ulso in- croased during the same period. Scarlet fever cases increased from 23 to 26, German measles from four to 10, cases of mumps from 03 to SO and those of Gonorrhea from 11 10 13 cases. At the same time, whoopinp ooufrh cases dropped from 11 to J.O, measles cases from US to lobar pneumonia cases from 30 to 29, and those of broncho pneumonia from 37 to 24, Syphilis cases also declined from 37 to 34, polio- myelitia c.ises from one to none and diphtheria case's from one to none. No cases of meningitis, or typhoid fever were reported within Connecticut foe the third consecutive Tunisia had an Italian population of as compared with 108,038 Frenchmen in the census of 1938. Population of the whole country was 2,898,000.

crawl between and connect; air and stenm pipes has been in- vented by Charles Lockhart, 75. year-aid Cleveland inventor. In the locomotive cab. Lockhart, an authority on locomotives and air brakes, been in railroading 1895. TEACH IS OUR JOB We Have a Piace for You In 1947 Academic Year Begins February 5 Day Division offers complclc coin-scs of iji Li Art amii Business on a full-lime study basis.

Night Courses two ovoninj-'s for students who want to learn as they earn. Our staff is prepared to discuss your problem and help you plan your program. We phu-e our experience in c'diKMfion at your'service. Men and Women V. A.

Approved White 'Phone Come In The JUNIOR COLLEGE of COMMERCE 8-7003 389 Whitney Avenue New Haven 11, Conn. A SAL A Starts Tomorrow 9:30 Curtains and Draperies Floor CHINTZ DRAPERIES. Ruffled, yds. lone $5.98 COTTON ROUGHTE.V DRAPERIES. Decorative colors.

fljfr fjf yds. long. Reg. $7.98 S.4ILCLOTH DRAPERIES. yds.

lonff. fjf RCK. S8.08 I I'OPr-IX DRAPERIES. rjf yds long. Ueu.

$9.98 I RtJFFLE PIN-DOT CURTAINS. White dot, pastel sroiimls. Zy, yds. (PQ OQ long. RCR.

5.08 WHITE RUFFLE CURTAIN. Pastel pin dot. yds. long-. $4.98 Cotton Chenille Rugs Downstairs Floor HOOKED RLG.S.

Hand loomed, oval and Bed Pillows Poster .00 Marquisette $2.98 WHITE RUFFLE CURTAIN. 'cushion dot. Reg-. TAILORED A I with figure. yds.

long, Re ff TAILORED PIN-DOT MARQUISETTE. With fifi-nrc. 36x2 yds. lonjr, Reg. S3.19 TAILORED SHADOW MET.

Plain net fcillored style. rttfy Re(f. COTTON MARQUISETTE. Plain colton, QO IlCR. S2.98 COTTAGR SETS.

Printed voile white sash. Many patterns. KKK. MEXICAN niNKTTKR. in.

lonp. Reg. RUFl-'I-ED ORGANDY CURTAINS. IVr- miinont finish, very wide, flfl (p TLAIN MAROUISKTTK RIJF- FJ.K CIJIITAIN. 90 liioln's Color: I vory.

Size: Reg. Size: Beg. $8.98 COTTON SHAG RUGS. Nationally advertised "Charm Tred" scatter rugs. Size: Reg.

S4.98 Size: $7.98 CHENILLE RUGS. Fluffy 'Beauty Tred' rugs. Size Reg. $8.98 CHENILLE RUGS. Large size oval rugs.

Embossed florals. Reg. $10.98 BATH MAT SKTS. Floral print rugs with matching lids by Callaway. Rog.

$5.98 BATH MAT SETS. Tufted floral cnsom- ble. Reg. fyf All pillowH have stripe or. figure ticking cover.

All are 21x27 Klze. White Goose Feathers. Keg, $11.00 pair Pair Goose Fealhcrn. Kvg, te.49 each Each $5.00 White Goose. Duck Feathers.

98palr $11.00 Gooiie Feothem. Reg. $6.00 Pair Down, $6.98 pair Pair Down, Feathers. Beg. each Each Down, Reg: 117.08 ea Chicken Feathers, Nationally "Imperial" pillow.

Larje. slie. Reg. $3,98 pair. $8.00 $5.00 BATH MAT SETS.

Small size -chenille rug and matching lid. Reg. S2.49 top, $2.98 Tops only. $2.49 Special Select lonn of Cottage Sets Mnrqulscltcs, voiles, velveruy figures, wide assortment of col- ACk ors. Rog, to Single puirs, 'odd lots of curtains and drapes, remnants of druper.v- fabrics.

Drastically reduced. Blankets Comforters Spreads Second Floor WOOL FILLED COMFORTERS. Large size. Selection of colors and tfjr? QO patterns. Reg.

3) I atQ QQ PATCHWORK QUILTS. Full New pattern. Rcjf. $10.98 CHKNIILE BEDSPRKAUS. Full White with color design.

Rt'B. $11.98 VIRGIN WOOL BLANKETS. Famous nuiuuH us CilATiLiVM, FAKIBO, AftlERlCAN NASHUA. All Reg. to $15.98 $10.50 CHATHAM MARLEY.

wool. Selection of colors, Reg. $8,95 CHATHAM SUTTON. 72x84. Part wool.

Selection of colors. Reg, $5,95 RAYON AND COTTON BEDSPREADS. Tailored style, single and double sizes. Reg. $7.98 CIIIN.TZ BEDROOM ENSEMBLES.

Wide choice of patterns. Single and double spreads. Ruffle draperies to match. Large skirt. Spreads (£1 ft A Reg-.

$18.00 Drapes Reg. $10.00 Skirt 8,00 VANITY SKIRTS. In ginghum, cham- hrnv, chintz, satin. Reg. to QQ $8.98 up CHENILLE PLAJD DESIGN SPREAD.

White, with color tufting. Full and twin sizes. rt QO Reg. $15.98 tDXAl.J/O QO Shower Curtain Ensembles Dowiutairit Floor SHOWER ENSEMBLES, Three Herod tufted plastic shower curtain and matching window drape. Reg.

$17.98 set Set. SHOWER ENSEMBLES. Shower Curtains and matching window drapes by Acetate rayon and Wam- sutta percale. Reg. $12.98 set Set SHOWER ENSEMBLES "Textron" water-repellent taffeta shower curtain and matching window drapes.

"Fern" and "Wild Rose" patterns QSk Rep. $15.00 set Set SHOWER ENSEMBLES. Figured plastic ensemble by "Para." QO- Reg. $11.98 sot Set SHOWER ENSEMBLES. Water repellent cclanesc rayon.

Solid QO colors. Rec. $10.98 set Set SHOWER ENSEMBLES. Plastic coated fabric shower curtain and matching window drape. GJO OQ $9.98 set Set SHOWER CURTAINS.

Figured plastic or solid color cclanese. Ret. $5.98 WIVDOW DRAPES. Printed plastic. Reg.

$M9 7 Aft 5.00 Pillow Cases Anchor" Nashua's "Dwlght Sl7.e 42x30 65c Linens Domestics TABLE CLOTHS. Fine washable cotton. selection of Mid designs. Slxe: 50x80. Reg, TABLE CLOTHS.

Sturdy washable table covers. Size: Mx72. Reg. BRIDGE SETS. Rayon and cotton cloth with four macthing napkins, fljrt OQ Reg.

$5.79 BRIDGE SETS. Printed cloth wllh matching by Bu- OQ cilia. Beg. $2.29 LUNCHEON SETS. Attractive washable homespuns.

Selection of colors. Size: 54x54 with tour nap- QQ kins. Kvg. S7.98 Size: 54x73 with six napkins. Rog.

$1.98 COCKTAIL NAPKINS. Spun rayon peti- point prim. Set of eight. Reg. Sflc OtfC SLIP COVERS.

Knitted divan coven. Regular size. QQ Keg. $11.98 J94.I/O SLIP COVERS. Cretonne chair covers.

Many styles. CC QQ Reg. $0.98 STUDIO COUCH COVERS. Fine quality printed cretonne. flJT QQ Reg.

J15.98 I mVO MAPLE AR.M CHAIR COVERS. Cretonne prints, QQ Rcc. $3.98 CBLU-SUEDE PAPER DRAPES. alijc and flameproof. Selection of 2 and colors.

tf "I Reg. wL.rK/ PLASTIC MATERIAL. Heavy quality. Suitable for shower curtains, window rnrtalnft, aprons, etc. Reg.

92 Bank Street Waterbury, Conn..

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