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Boston Post from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 4

Boston Posti
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MORWIWO 0 ts' ABOUT HOMt MM Ic ins I 4'oitil Itt S.UMX' I It. Fv'ti VIIK lit'STOS 1 (he ol tviili nn iijH'n Hie Riil Alary aiiil Mrs M.ary aiiiins: and fli.i'Miii.K (tu' liocii rhe Mr- upifil a on llu' IhmwIi. and U' in He a man 4 mill repulsiye I'he Idtle victim i.s alii'iii 1 ven ohi, built, and looKine. Mrs Ibmavon was represented by Hon. an exainina- 1 011 clamiinjr tliat AIi was entirely inno- nt ol of ai.line in the consummaiion of tlie her cliibl.

Cburcliill stateil that hail been now one iinilcr arrest, and to proceed to trial, be saw I reason why tbeexaiuiuation sboiibl not coHn. I he cliarye acainst was then examiued. Hie bttlecirl, was called to the si.iinl, anil tave her account of the crime, whicb ha.s been piibhsbed in these cohiums. Dr was called at said that he had maiie an examination ol the ih.iuries inilicted the uirl, and found that she had ravi.sbed and appearisl to have htcn cut al-o. As.sistant Attornev Adams ihen summed up the case and that prisoner h.eld in thetivaid Judite said that he would re.serve his until the e.xami naden ol Alts Donavou was coiieluded.

Dr Alann was and tesiiiicd to a conversation he ith Deiiavon reLardiner the of the child'' injuries. He -aid tliat Donavon told hiin that tlie ir rl said she liad been kicked in the stomach. He well, slie has been violated. Ueirardincr tiiee rrs statement that Ibnrer O'Connor had commit ted Hie crime Mis Donavju seemed to be surjirised, iriil niaiutaiued in the tiresence 01 her mother slie by three men somewhere near sleinirock street, but did not sav that lioRer O'Con- ver had the deed which slie subsequently allcaed he did in the licn-coop. In Hie cross exanii- I atiou the sain that hen he was called to see the chilli, he found her iu a chamber at her mother's house.

He said that it was crime to have beeu oHier than liy violence. Patrolman testified that duriuK an interview with Airs Deiiavon site that Alary had told her that while conniut home from school a biR boy had tlirown her dewn ami hurt her. Subscquently wit- nc" stateli that Mary had told her she hail in a vacant lot between Lincoln street and Dorchester avenue by some unknown m.mi. -Mrs Donavon furiher told wit- SB that she lia.i scut Alary that evenins for a gal- Ion of oil. and hen she came home she appeared and exitininiuK her she fouiiii it badiv torn, ami her umler aiqiarel with On cross examination witness that the girl told in su'j- pi.mice Ihe same stmy about the aftair that her mother did.

Mr William Moulton testified that he rcsideil on Charles street, nearly oiqiositc the home of Mrs Donavon, and on Monday iiiitiiitOia I V2 I ba a i night about ten minutes before 8 he heard a scream ol a lemale issuing from Mrs house. The vard of house adjoined the tioubc of Mr-Donavon, and that after hearing the noise he walked down to the end the yard and thought he saw Airs Donavon pass from her kitchen to another apartment of the house. He heard groaning in the house, and tliougiit he heard the voice of Mrs Donavon saying, dear, oh He then started for an ollicer, believing that there was trouble in hoU'C. WitnC'S was to leave his vard when big aileiilion as attracted by a man standing in Mrs yard, but could not recognize who it was. Witness thought that the person who he heard groaning was a eliil'l or a young giri.

Heard three piercing -cieaius, seeming to issue from a child, and these were loud enough to attract his attention to tlie lii'inc of Jlrs Donavon. The groaning continued troni about 8 until some time after 1 He there wa' some trouble in the house, as an occurrence thete was not unusual, McIntyre testifitd that bis attention was called by Mr Moulton on the Alon- ilav evening 01 tlie 1 st to house saw a man standing in the yard ol their house, heard groaning issue tVom Airs house, and thiuight tie recognized voice saying dear, he ill pay for Mr II. AI. Latham also heard the ginaiiipg in house; thoiiglit the erics wcie of a child. Sergeant Collver III the Klcveiith police station testified that Mrs Hoiiavoii told him that her daughter stated that while she was on her way home with the oil on Monday evening 'Oiiie iiersous came up behind her, and dinwiiig licr hood over her face, draggcl her into an oiien near Liucoln street, and then coiiimiiicd the outrage.

Witnes.s then described Ihe clothing wliieh the child wore at the tiini'ol the outrage. that night linger I'L'onnor broiialit a wire to Mrs. site told him toclear out with it. itnes.s said that Alary came home itluhe oil about o'eloi that night and looked very and soon alter sue lamted. The Government re-ted the case at this poiiit.

For tlie defence a brief was made by Air after winch the little vietim took the stand and told the story Ilf her lavisliuient, Hhe said Koger was the one who her. At the con- eliision of 111 testimony a reeess was taken. the leeess Airs Doii'ovan was called. She denied any eoinidicity in the outrage. Mic.liael Donovan.

Ihe father of the child, was then called, his tcstin.ony developed nothing new. Tliis closed the stinionv, and the closing lor the defence was made by Mr Kitzgeraid. Mr Adams closed the case lor the Coveriiment, alter which Cliurchill gave the Ftininiing up. He. said it seemed clear to him that the was committed by the the motbcr; therefore he sliould bold biitli in i3(MK)eaeh lor beioretlie Gland The Htile gill was held in as a llPC-', LABOR liny of tire Conventiuii-Kcsolu- tions lUKPOKTKD FHlt THK HOSTt)N POST.

Tl Convelli ion of Labor lieformers which began in Colton Hall SiiiKiay was continued yesterday, the attendance being rather small. Col. William B. fircone accepted the chair. ar'ckc on the the community to aiiam.lon the use of gold as money.

Gave as evidences of that the invention of the bill of exchange, Ihe letter of credit system, the clearing svstcm, and tlie use ot the use of the word by all pajiers tor and against gold money. They never say but The most strenuous for gola basis do not vary tlicir piice with price of gold. The Chaitman a scries of twenty-one resolutions, the following being the HffoU fd. That legal tenner money other than gold an Sliver coin Is uiicoDstituil. iial.

no siandaril ol value at all, ana o( unsafe use a.s a measure of value. Jienolved. That the theory wliicli affirms the value of mor.ev 10 be aeiemiiiiea. not by its nower. but bv the rate of interest at which it can be loaned.

Is a delusion bordering on lunacy. That tee Inter-convertlble bund and greenback scheme Is coiiseipiently lantastical aud grounded on wind. al! banks and banking Inslitiitlonsouglit to be comp etely and absolutely divorced irom the (iovernment, and made to stand on I'Ucli bottoms of their own as they may and that the holdersof stuck in banks ol issue ought to be seriously made indivHually liable, and to the lull extend ot tbeir Individual fortunes, nut 1 ily for the security of all moneys deposited Ith the banks of which they are respectively the stockholders, but for the redemption of such of the promissory mtes ot such banka aa are drawn payable 10 liearer, or to order on ilemaiid. Henclvtd. That the forcing of the American people to do their 01 dliiary business In subservience to one particular banking plan, aud with a currency based on debt instead of credit, to the exclusion of other, better and more honest plana and to the exclusion of better and more honest forms of cur rency, Is a pjlatlon ol na'ural right, and that thefax'ngout ot existence of all per circu'atlon that thre.aieiia competition with the prtvlieged circulation of the aiioual banks la a signal outrage.

That the ml.xed mob of Idiots, decent men and knaves who are elected to office by the acciitent of universal iUIPage, or who reacii offic by the accident of aiipoiutment, ilo not beiouie, by till-tact ot mere election or appointment, the physical jirugi ntti ra of the rteople; and that the assunip- ttuu by legislators of luncf Ions and duties in the regulation 01 the aiiairs ol the la a thing to be re- by all citizens of 21 years of age and upwards. Ilrnitlvftt That business men have a natural and indefeasl- tile right to make use of siicn honest hu.slness pa- as they may deem adapted tor the settlement (without the hanitling and cuuiiling ot large sums of money) of such private aci 'unts as they can. in a way satis- taclory to thi-iiiselvi ailjusi by Bimply adopting Clearliig- llousH iiiethudH: ami law are Inequitable that have theettect to lorce busiue-s men to pay tod aud discount over the counters ot Aatli uid Banks in cases where they could get along tietier without such banks than ith them; and that LegiHlplures nave, consequeidlc, no right to put anv TFTfiTctlou till' honest circulation of certificates of credit in account, due-hills hills ot exchange, or 01 any other kind III hune-t Imsiness pajn-r. fur the nt such debts as p.ay satistacturily whole or In uart. without the use 0 'legal tender nionev; ami finally, that Sections is.

19 and 20. ot the I02d Chapter ui the lieiieral Statutes of Massa- ihusetts. which such circulation under p-iiaitiea of tines, ought to he Immediate.y expunged irom the Massachusetts slatute-houk. rd. 1 hat the wiltul and Irlcntlonal ol couBUmi rs, in the lurlherance ol schemes lor political ilundiiattuii.

ate to such proilucers as fiini their customers thereby rcmlered lucompelent to make purchases. The other resolutions for the change from legal teniler notes of Hie 10 iluc bills lor he bPtilement of i Hstuins tuul taxes, a.s the for- ler notes arc nneonsiitulional it is robbery to sue tliem. Tliev were iliseu'-eii by Aleesrs Ki H. yw K. D.

i.ii coin, H. D. Goilltey and others, weie liel'l iltiriiig the the coiiveution it final in Hie evening. -''Is-IS! bus' MKi.TiNti.s.—The weekly ineetingofthe uiiiii-tffs was belli ir. Ihe vesiry ofTremont yesterday, Kcv.

Dr Foster jiresid- ir.g regular business of the meeting was the coDfiideertion ol tlie duty of the ministry witli the lutstnt Kate ol religious teeliug in this eontiinaiion 01 the subject considered last week. I be giyiuiai sgnliment 8 to be that an awakening aniwig the minihtcrs was the first thing to be worknijor llev. Hartwell ho had spent a nnmberiif laws with All Aloody in Brooklyn, made a of which he said was very eneouragiiig. An paper on the character of 11 Jate llev. Horatio Balch Hacket, D.

I). LL, as read Kev. G. Abbott, 01 AVatertown, aQti some tnghly compliinentary resolutions presentetl the Theu'Mal weekly meeting of was held at Hall.yestcr- llev L. B.

Bates in the chair. The committee at the last meeting, to inquire into the eondition of Kev Dr Xewhall, who ts confined in an insane asylum, that no ment in his condition was visible. A comraunication was receiveil States Centennial Commission, stating that the Centennial Exhib'ilon will not be opined on the Sabbath, furthermore that they had never asked to. The committee appointed into the condition of the Soiti Alission that in were paying too much in their opinion they should move into -r quarterb where they would have less rent were made by Afcssrs and others, all 0 whom ol givii.g up the Hanover Street Mission, was finally recommitted to the commit- structions to see if a sitiiable building purcliased. J.

B. iles he Dnectors Society held a meetingyester- Building to take action on Kev. Dr J. B. Miles, aud alter prayer by Rev.

iddress. Some highiv ap- iented by ex-Gov, 'd. and remarks eu- Miles were lark, foVtowing attend the 8 Tobey, IL Ilitcbcock, Hardy, Rev. Dr iVarren. Hon.

Emory II. H. Leavitt, Hon, -Antliony Hol- years, died in Auburu- Quincy aber the Iiook A iu of CIBCl'IT roHKT-IVov. 15. Before hlplky if Ktfd et at.

Thomas Tlils is suit iiiilii Stevenson Co of Boston, to recover the 1 ot paid by tbem under by them in IStO. The duties in question were riirii six ilmerent lots, eomlng from allterent places HI New Brum wick and Nova Scotia. The sfoae.s were I 11 iivii as and the total weight was The alleged overcharge is $410. Jurv dls- tom-, agtted. lb Gevrge P.

San DIstHrt-Attorney, ard P. Hunimlngs for Govt. r. s. IJISTRICT COrKT-IVov.

15. Before Judge owell Ahdrete Surne et al. vs Steamer Charles Pearson; Alfred 0 Andreir Ryme et was a libel and cross libel hrrtiight In a rase ol co llsion between the steamer o'harles 1 rar.snn ami the schooner Zephyr, It seems that the steamer was towing another vessel, and when near the schooner I hangeo her course and cros-ed the bows of the schooner so closely that the schooner took tne slack of the tow roue In such a manner that the schooner and the vessel In loiv col- lliled and the anchor of the laHer stove a hole In the port side ol the lormer so that she sank. The collision took place in tbo night time oft Highland Light, Cod. The owners ot each vessel charge the owners ana those having management ol the other with negligence.

Only a partial hearing was had. A. A. Kanney and D. F.

Kimball for owners of J. Ui.dge forowners of steamer. uuvnei SI'I'KEMK B. Abbott lor the (for 15 GJt.vv, olt A me oktox and kvexs No. 2:79.

Ja.s. O. Saftord vg Patrick iti Ballroad vs Portland. Portsmouth Paine, E. R.

Hoar and C. hoaie tor pills So omon Idncon. for the dtrs. No. A.

A. Cook et al. vs G. W. Hallett et al.

and Bay lies for plrt. G. Poor for trustee. -N o. 2396.

CarHle vs Amos F. Bu-swell lor piti. C. Robinson, tor dft. No.

Andiew Carland vs Gilbert P. Young Wade for 8 J. Thomas for dit." The Equity docket will be taken up to-day, Tuesday. srrKEME COntT-(At Salem)- RTov. 15.

Before Judge nhicott Commonwealth vs Hilliam detendant was arraigned to-day before the Court on an for raur- iler. After hearing the testimony of three physicians the Judge ordered that Russell be sent to the State Lunatic at Taunton, there to await the further order ot tne ourt. The Court was adjourned to November 29 tor Jurv trials, it any take place this term, whlcn Is uot expected. Session)-Wov, 15 Before C'hief-Justice jhoham Xo. 1138.

James W. Baldwin et nt. vs F. The plaiutltts iu their declsralion say that in consideration that they would purchase ceitalu goods on loint account, and become the Joint owners thereof with him, aud ship the same by his vessel from Boston to Surinam, he would purchase certain other goods, alsooa Joint account, and ship the same also by his ship, and would all goods to be sold at Surinam by his agent, the master ot said vessel, and account to the plalntlfts and pay over to them one-ball that sum which the goods should be sold lor in Surinam, less the expenses In consideration ot this promise the nlalutlfls purchased on Joint account certain goods and paid lor them, and consigned them to the detenaant to be shipped and sold, and the detendant purchased other goods and paid for them, and they accounted together for the purchase, and the pUlntifts became the owners of the goods and the defendant the other half, and Ui pursuance thereof the defendant shipped the goods to Surinam and caused.them to be there, and the prtceeds thereof, alter dedncting the expenses and certain payments to plalntlfts on account, amounted 9 9 -I. and the plaiiitlft.s claim that the defendant owes them one-half of that sum.

The defendant denies any such agreement, and claims that each shipped at his own risk. Resumed and fln- Ished. The Jury, alter being out all night, were unable to agree. athan Morse and S. J.

Thomas for plfls; L. B. Ives, lor dtt. 0 4 2 Michael Ceraohtyvs City of for ossestment ot damages lor taking land for and changing the grade ot a street. The petition set forth that the petitioner was the owner of a lot of land on Central street.

In Brighton, on June 13, 1873. when the street was laid out bv the Board 1 I Selectmen of that town; that in August ot the same year they changed the grade by raising It four feet atm Its fermer grade. The Board allowed him $101 40 for land taken and oamages tor changing the grade. This was declined, aud the amount Is now to be assessed by a Jury. The answer admits the laying and claims the acceptance 01 the arrouut above named by tne petitioner in lull, A suDseonent answer claims that the petition was not tilled within the time allowed by law that the petitioner has not complied with Section 19.

Chapter 44 of the fieneral Statutes, apd thereti re the petition can not be maintained, and that the petition for assessment of damages for taking land to lay ont the street, and also tor tne assessment of damages to hts real estate by reason of raising the graile of said street, at a time long subsequent to said laying out. cannot be determined under one petition. Resumed and finished. S. J.

Thomas for C. F. KIttredge foi dtts. CAl-ENDAK FOR THIS DAY. vs Chelsea vs Towne vs Holmes vs Demerltt.

vs Smith Organ Co. vs City of Boston. vs Crane. Xat. Bank vs Butler.

vs Farnum, I.5,s6—Lincoln vs Pratt. vs Caldwell. SECOND SESSIOX-XOV. 15. Before Judge Rockwell.

No. ISIS, Margarst Curley, vs City of Boston; 1815. Thomas flood, vs are petitions for assessment of damages for caused by change of grade of Xewbern street to owned bv the petitioners. In the first case the Jury retarueda verdict tloner. being the same amount awarded by the Board of Aloermen, and In the second case lor the defendants, the Board of Aldermen having awarded the petitioner $liw.

J. W. J. W. Keith for J.

Stackpole and H. Putnum for dit. No. 1877. Malional Eagle Bank vs Chas II.

against an endorser to recover the tace of a note signe by one Stanley amounting to $319. On trial. C. 11, C'hellls tor plfls: M. Way for drt.

CALENDAR FOR TUESDAY. vs Spoft'ord. vs Pevere. vs Bertram. vs Boston and J.oweli Railroad Co vsHhackett.

vs King. hi vs Manan. vs Wallace. vs BuiTlII. 201.5—Hrarslll vs Page.

vs Houchton. 2117 vs Doherty. 2H.3-Wei! vs Broik. vs.Scates. vs Uavis.

vs Cunningham. 2195-Wpo I vsCitvof Boston, 2213-Wighf vs Ford. 223 Bates vs Cltv of 011 2243-Treadwell vs Same. vs Same. v.s Same, vs Same.

vs Same, 15. Before Judge Colbhkn, william King, unlawfully selling liquor, fined $liSi and costs; William Collier, assault and batterv, with a III I.Ills Reagan, not guilty. Ou trial. Silas It. Chandler and Elizal ein Carri II lor lorgery.

SUPERIOR Civil. Nov. 15. Before JinJge it man No 2411, Lord vs Lombard. An action to recover the value 01 six hens kllied by defendant's dog.

Swift i Avery tor Crane tor dft. Verdict for plalntlrt. $'28. No. 1030, vs Jordan.

A bastardy case. Verdlc for plaintiff that defendant pay $75 and costs ol suit, and $2 per eek until further Uammond for Winslow lor (lit. No. 1167, Reed vg Town of Acton. This case has heen on trial bfclore.

Acjourned and commenced again yesterday. CALENDAR FOR TUESDAY. Heywood vs Doherty Street Church vs Kendall. Complt, v.s Hobart. vs Burr et al.

vs Williams. 2.33.3-Bul ard al, vs Taylor et al vs Tomplln, 2.3.47—Ward vs City ol Cambridge. vs Hapgood, vs Lombard. vs Kent, v.s Kent. et al vs Houston.

3 47 -Lee vs Brannon. 549 vs Rouillard. 5.50—Sufi I van vs Nagle. 568-England vs Rouillard. 19 vs Rouillard.

Natl Bank vs Heniiesse.v. 17.54—Locke vs Evans. et al. vs Shlrlev et al. 1.508—Daley vs Wildes.

1517 vs 2146-Cooper, vs Gllll- gan. vs Kimball. vs Cate. v.s 2486-Kisch vs MertlU. WUNICIPAE COURTS-Wov.

15. Before Judge W. Wlndle, forag- John SulUvan, was fined $10 and costs. John Hayes, 'or receiving eight dozen ol stolen shirts, was held in $. 500 Bridget From, for the larceny of $29.

was held In $.500. Geo, C. Irwin and John Fitzgerald, for breaking and entering, were held In $1200 each. William Ward, alias Thos. Hammond, was charged with aiding and as.sisting in the escape of Charles (ileason from the State Prison, and held in $2000 for trial.

Wm. T. Callahan, for an assault on Lizzie Evans, was fined $10 without costs. John Thomas, for larceny, was sent to the House of Industry for three months. Carrie Hayes, Nellie Grant and Mary illiams were each fined $100 and costs for keeping houses, Edward Harris was fined $20 and costs for stealing.

In the South Boston Court Patrick Mead was fined $1.5 ami costs for assault. Patrick Newton was fined $20 and costs for assault In the Charlestown Court a nnmber of llqiior cases were heard, and James McDonald aud James were fined $100 and co.sts each for filegal sales, were held iu bonds ol $.500. They appealed and tliUAJL EBTATJB THAJMSifiGKa $6000, Middlesex Countir. C. Plummer to H.

Sargent, several lots. Main. Garland and Linden streets, Can.bridge—I. Taylor to 0. A.

Boaraman, $1200, buildings, River street and on a creek; C. J. Mcli.tire to S. bulldtngs, north side Vine P. E.

Meehan to W. A. Taylor. $.3225. buildings, lot 12 Pleasant street, 5600 feet.

Somerville-M. J. Doran to S. P. Marsh, et $3000, buildings, lot 19, I-lnden street.

B. Smltb to Hall, 0 oo, 6300 feet, east side Main street. McNeil to J. Dunbar, 600, buildings, lot 2. .5000 feet, street; R.

McLellan et al. to J. McNeil. 20 0 lots 87.89, 91. 15,000 feet.

East street. Morse toT. Mitchell. Ashland road to HoIIislon towi road; also 35 acres Uolltston, corner ol Winter and Maple sireets. C.

Tucker et al. toj. A. Tucker. $2(00.

Jos. Tucker's estate. Anrtion Salea. George Hlchhorn Co. gold on Satnrdav the French roof wcoiien and about 2()0 feet of land No.

211 street. South Boston, for $3060 to Gilbert Wait. Salta Bv Samuel Hatch Co. at noon, assignee ol the stibslanflal house No3 Park street, the estate ot Mr John Heard, 'ibis estate Is one ol the best In tne city, the location being unsurpaiised and the bouse being In Hie most elaborate manner. By R.

Htchtiorn Co. at I2J the 3i-storv brick house No. l.overlng place, containing fourteen rooms. OMMEKCIAL RK( ORIX Trade. SALKb AT BOARD.

Nov. 15 Bonas I 50 Chicago, Burlington Atch. Qnlncv ta Fe L. G. 7s 661 115 Eastern Chicago, Bur.

and 15 Hart. 4 Erie 2 23 21 8 Fitchburg $.5.000 Old Colony ill $1.000 Padnc 6s. gold 101 $1.000 Un. Pacific Sinking 87J Bans. 25 ol 10 Centrai Min Biiitroaos to.

5 Bos. and.Albany Boston Water 8 Bos. 4 Prov. K'd 150 Cary Improvement Co 2 Cbeshlre 40 112 21 21 21 21 132 65110 Michigan Central Rd. 32 2 Northern Rd ex-div 37 Rd Bridge Co Mining Oos.

Calumet 4 Hecla Min.1611 34 771 105 RECOMD CALL, Manvfoctnring Co 9 Naunikeag Steam Cotton BnUtoaas. 2 Bfys. 4 Aibauy 133 140 Eastern R'd ......................21 35 21 (iir 20 PaiaceCarCo. 32 A lks at skoond board Bonds. Pur.AMisseu.Rd 8S 4 in Neo 5.000 CUicago.

Bur. ana Quincy 7s $t0o AtcblsoD. Tojreka 4 banta Fe L.G.7S. 67 Lflnd tsos. 200 bvs.

W. Power 50 Brookline Land Bailroaas. 5 Bd. and Me. 5 M.cblgan Central Kd 91 111 66 50 Chicago.

Burlington Qutncv 100 cm. 4 Clev. 100 8J 30 Eastern 50 10 O. C. A Newn.

10 Rutland Rd pref. 5 So. Bos. Horae car Vo 20 Palace Car Co. Mining 00 110 Quincy oston ondat vining ov 15.

Tfiere la no comtretltlon among purchasers of second-class business paper. In fact, there Is very little doing In this grade. Good double-names range from to 7 cent, discount, and choice promises are still sought at 5 per cent, and a fraction below. Our Washington despatches this evening report as follows Treasury balances-Currency, special deposit of legal-tcpders for the redemption of certificates of deposit, coin, $71,485,152, including certificates of outstanding legal-tenders, $373,236,244, The hoase of Russell, Sturgis A at Manila, which has been repotted as settling up Its aftalri, is one of the oldest In the Manila tra le, and it has long had undoubted credit. Mr Bussell, the head of the house, died, recently, at San Fran- c'aco.

It Is understood that Mr Edward H. Green, who married Miss Hetty H. Robinson, of New Bedford, formerly had a large Interest the house, which has been withdrawn. The New York Times (13th) says the hog crop Is now being packed, but It will require a spell of cold weather before the trade assumes Its full proportions. Some of the New York city banks have already been called upon for currency to aid pork-packing, and moderate shipments were made to the leading In the West and Southwest during the past week for this purpose.

Gold opened at A M. to-day at and closed at 3 P. at Highest point for the day. lowest, The Customs receipts at the Boston Custom House were moderate this forenoon Forelen Exchange quiet at for 00 day and sight bills. Government securities steady at about prices.

At Ihe Boston Stock Board, to-day, Bank of the Republic shares were firm at 128. Water Power quiet at 91. as before; Car.v same as on Sattirday. Atchison, Topeka 4 Santa Fe hd Grants, steady at Chicago, Burlington 4 advanced to Hartford 4 Kne R. R.

Sevens Union Pacific Sizes firm at 101; Union Pacific 8'g lony Sevwis 111, as before, Boston 4 Albany nncbauged; Boston and Providence strong at mproved Ufion quotation, closing at Central fell off to 651, from on Saturday; ace Car sold at 82, against 81 on Saturday. Calda Mining Company shares strong at cond Board, Atchison, and Santa Fe vens advanced to 67; Boston and Maine Rail- mat 111; Eastern fell oft to Old Colony chigan Central declined to 66. Hiram Wadsworth, has chosen National Bank, vice George M. Butand Dr Billings bas been elected STKOOSBKBO rAILITRK. ly News of the 9tU has the following; is called a financial ctlsis In Russia has been precipitated the tallnie ol a II known Dr Strous- berg, who set ms to have become the owier of various large Iron and coal works In Germany and Ansfrla.

and had biir- ed money largely, not only In these coumries, bni In Riifsla. His liabilities altogether amount, it ts to ahoni two or three million sterling, and his fall brought with It the suspension ot the Commeree and Loan Bank of which belli bis acceptances to the amount of severs! nitons ol accounts say seven mllllous. which would bt cltse upon a million sterllpg. DtVlnKNDS. The Nashua Maiiiifaciurlng Company have declared a dividend ef 3 per cent the Jackson Conipauy 3 per and lb Lancaster Company 10 per cepl.

The Bailey Hat Factory of Newburyport has declared a semi-annual dividend of 10 per cent. New York Finauolal Matters. NEW YORK MARKET C. 8. 6s.

1881 coupons do. reg do. 1864 do. 1865. do.

1865, 1867.............................. do. 1868.............................. do. C.

S. 10-40, do. U. S. Currency Del.

4 llwdson Coal Canton Co ConsoHdated Coal Cumberland Coal Western U. Telegraph Co. Quicksilver Alin. do. Par.

Steamship Co do. Express Wells. Co. Merchants I'nlou r. S.

Express N. y. do. jireiei Michigan 361 66 Nov. 15.

122 Panama Union Pacific stock ................73 L. Shore and Mich South'D Illinois Central Cleveland and do. preferred Cleveland and .117 N.J. Chicago and Rock Island. 124 Milwaukee and St.

do. Toledo and 47 do. 35 Plttslmrg aud Ft. Wayne. Terre Haute do.

22 do. 7 Ohio ami Delaware 4 Lackawatma. 102i At. 4 Pac. Tel.

Missouri At. Pac. Indiana Central Chicago. Bur. and 16 HaanUial ami St.

35 Central Paiiflc bonds 104 Ciilou Pacific bonds 130 Lund Grants 9,8 66 Sink'ug rolb Jones. and Maine rods Allen, Field 4 Lawrence rolls Phlmiey bdls Older. Fitchburg rolisGeorge Plalsteii 1 bdta 35 rolls Horace Billings 4 sides 4 A Tlrrell bags 14 rolls Honrer Bros. New General boils oraer, Wm rolls A White A rolls 9 bdls Qnirln 4 rolls 9 bags order. Calais, Steamer New rolls Procter, By 4 Peabodc sides Franklin.

Upton 4 sides Hlgbee 4 roll Allen Field Jt rolls do do Tlgh do Plumar roils Butler, Dunn 4 co do McKay. Doyle 4 co. Moulton 4 Salem 19 4 do Field 4 co. Merritt 4 Co'- Salem rolls Homer Bros. Other rolls order Boston ana Albanr Railroad-10 bales dry hides Saftord 4 hides 4 bdls skins Barrett 4 hides 98 calf skins 9 bdls Sawyer.

Hollis 4 ca.sks pielts HswTana. Luce co. Grand Junction bdls green hides Rice 4 green hides Cummings 4 CO. aad Providence bales 5 casks skins onier. Old Colony Newport hides 15 skins 4'2 bdls bides order.

New York and New England 21 bdls hides eriler. Fitchburg green salted bdls bides bales green bides Alex Boston and Maine bdls skins Tlgh. Boston and Ixiwell green hides 4 bdls pelts Morse 4 bdl calf skins Henry Tweed. New General bales dry hides .572 odls green salted hides 2 hhds skins order. Wm bales calf skins Johnson, Eaton 4 dry hides 1 iKll call skins IS bdls green kips 64 bdls ereen salted hbles ba es 8 bbls hides White Bros 4 Kllburn 97 13 I SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE BOSTON P08T.J New York, 15 easy at 2 fa.

on call. Foreign Exchange strong and aavami to for prime bankers'6o-iiays ster.lng. with actual busluess at de niaml bills quoteit at 4.87» 4.88. (iold 0 )iened at declined ami closeil at The carrying rales were 1 and 2 loans were also made flat. Clearings at the Gt)Id E.xchange Bank, The Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day $60.000 gobi In teri-st and $215,000 iu the redemption of bonds.

The Customs receipts to-day were Governnienl bonds were strong. Quotations; C. S. 6s 1881 U. 8.5-20s, 1864, couixm, do.

1865, old, do. 1865, new, do. 1867, do. 1868, U. S.

new Fives, U. S. Ten-Forties, coupon, 117; U. 3. Currency Sixes.

121. State bonds dull and lower; sales of old Tennessees at 46, and new at 45: District of Columbia three sixty-fives at 97 Railroad mortgages were strong: Chicago and Northwestern consolidated coupon gold bonds advanced to 88; Milwaukee and St. Paul consolidated Sinking Fumia rose to 81; Union Pacific Firsts brought 103; Land Grants Sinking Funds Chicago, Burlington aud Quincy Eights brought and Michigan Central Sevens The Stock market was generally strong and higher, and closed firm at some reaction from the best quotations. In the early advance of (q per cent, the Western shares were prominent, Northwestern rising to 39f; do. preferred to 54 St.

Paul to do. preferred to 67; Lake Shore to Ohlos to 19J; St. Joseph to 23, and preferred to 20. Subsequently there was a reaction of to per which was partially regained at the close. Union Pacific a lvauced to and afterwards fell ofl to 7ii, with a subsequent recovery to and a final close at Pacific Mall, after selling at (gi 40, advanced to with the last sales at ftt Panama was weak and declined to 129J, against 135 on Saturday.

The publication of the plan of the Panama Directors had only a slight, temporary eflect on Pacific Mall, but seemed to weaken Panama, the decline In which would appear to Indicate that some stockholders did not take the hopeful view of the effect of the opposition Hue entertained by tne Directors, Western Union advanced from to closing at Erie declined from to Delsware, Lackawanna and Western advanced from to 120, closing at a slight reaction. St Joseph advanced from 22 to clostug at the highest figure Pittsburg rose to 89. U.S. Express closed at 62 bid and ssked. after an advance to 55.

Ihe transactions aggregated 136.300 shares, including New York Central, 308; Erie. 88u0 Lake Shore, 8700; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 176; Northwestern, preferreil, 8 IOO; Rock Island, 500; Pacific MaH 40.200; St. Paul. 5700; do. 2400; Chios, 13,850 Western Union, Union Pacitie.

7100; Indiana Central 260; Panama, 321; Delaware aud Lackawanna, 127; St. Joseph 2800 The following are the closing quotations Delaware and Hudson, Canton Compauy, 37; Consolidated Coal Company, 47; Cumberland Coal Company, 35; Western Union Telegraph Company, Quicksilver Mining Company, do. prelerred, 23: Pacific Mail Steamship Company, Mariposa Mining Company, Adams Express Company, Wells, Fargo 4 Express Company, American Express Company, 69; United States Express Company, 52; New York Central aud Hudson River Erie, 16 do. preferred, Harlem, do. lerred, 130; Michigan Central, Panama, P29: Utdon Pacific stuck, Lake Shore aud Michigan Southern, UllnolB Central, tl; Cleveland and Pittsburg, Chicago and Northwestern.

do. preterrcd, Cleveland, Columbns and Cincinnati. 58; New Jersey CentraL Chicago and Bock hjland. Milwaukee aud St. Paul, do.

preferred, Toledo and Wabash. do. preferred, Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, 97: Terre Haute, 3: do. pre- Ihrred, 20: Chicago and Alton, do. preferred, Ohio and Mississippi, Delaware and Lackawanna.

Indiana Central, Chi cage, Burlington aud Quincy, 112: Hannibal and St. Joseph, Central Pacific bou'ts. Union do. 103: do. l.and Grants.

99; do. Income discontinued Sinking Ftinil, Atlantic ami Pacific Telegraph, Mis souri Pacific, 13; Atlantic and Paciflc preferred, 1 imDorts at Boston. Eng. Steamer rase plantsCS Sarptnt-2 pkgs A cases steel 928 bars 46 bdls iron Nightingale 4 bdls wire rods Washburn 4 Moen Mtg case City Machine do 3 bates 8 American Net pkgs earthenware Pierce 4 boxes tin plate Richards 4 pkgs earthenware Norcross. Mellen 4 pkgs Jones, McDuffee 4 casks 26 crates eartnen ware 3 casks china Briggs casks ale Smith 4 do I Richards 4 cases Thomas Groom 4 bales Hie case Hewins4 UolHs boxes suede HtlS.ouO) Kliot Keuben bale Warren 4 case Lovell 4 bbls grapes 100 nt bbls 30 cases grapes 4I cases lem- eus II Tully case Deunlsou 4 co Johnson, Eaton 4 do 4 do James 79 bdls steel Ames 4 cases Little, Brown 4 cases macniiiery Boston Mfg rolls PTay.

Sons 4 I bale cases Hooper. Lewis 4 bbls grapes Cole 4 cases Lewis, Brewn 4 pkgs Blu- do A Toppan do case Bates 4 do Saunders 4 casks salted Booth 4 parcel 1 box parcel 4 box Mason 4 parcel do box Chase-2 do A Williams do box Reed box A parcel Kinsley do case Schoeuhoft 4 MoeUer do Sears 4 Morey 4 co bbls 286 half bbls grapes Wlldain Worthington 4 bbls grapes AS4 Brown 4 boxes Reading 4 bales wool Wm Ropes 4 Nickerson 4 case Moseley cases machinery A pkgs Sampson. Hall 4 do Bailey-) case Brown 4 bdla Keel Randall 4 cases A Walker 4 do Pblnney 4 CO-22 casks Pickering. Winslow a chests tea Oriental Tea eases kegs Linder 4 Meyer-4 cases do Owen 4 do Weeks, Dupee 4 Boren do Mortimer 4 do Keeler 4 do Roberta do II A Gaiie 4 puncheons 5 qr casks spirits D4 bales 1 case Kidder. Peabody 4 cases Hovey 4 cisks Howe 4 Goolwln do Stone 4 cases II do Boston do Robinson 4 boxes tin plate Fuller, Dana 4 cases 5 bdls steei Abbott 4 Lew Coleman 4 do Weeks 4 do Shepard.

Norwell 4 do Spaulding, Hay4 do Cnurchill, Gilchrist, Smltb 4 A Leleh 4 kegs bbls paint Wadsworth. Howland 4 boxes tin piate Farrar, Foliett 4 case Chandler 4 cases I pkg Stearns cases Ross. Pearce 4 cases 6 boxes 1 pkg 3 parcels Stone 4 cases fc A pkgs 2 parcels Mackliitire. Lawne 4 cases Shepard, Norwell 4 3 pkgs 1 parcel Hogg. Brown 4 pkg Hawlev, Foisom 4 do MacnUar, Williams 4 do Talbot.

Wilmarin 4 co do Gorham Rogers 4 bales 9 Sicddard, Levering 4 pkg 1 parcel William Lowry pkgs 1 parcel White 4 pkg 1 parcel Kims. Wainer 4 pkgs Jordan, Harsh 4 do Faxon. Elms 4 parcel A Leigh 4 drums mdse 700 sacks salt 24 cases lemons 2 bales 30 casks 51 tierces mdse 13 models 147 casks sodd ash 2 cases I bdl mdse 5 cases books 53 pkga earthenware 7649 boxes tin piate pkgs copper 31 boxes 8 casks earthenware 14 pxgs 73 cases mdse order. French pkg Mosele.v 4 do A .3 do Ewing do do Keliey 4 do Slone 4 do Uodman 4 do DP Ives 4 do Morton. 4 do Moors 4 do Brown do Palmer, Bacbelder 4 do Geo Guental 4 do Wrlgbt do French 4 co- 2 do Levy 4 do do do I do do Stone 4 do Macullar, Williams 4 do Doll 4 Richards-5 do Hogg, Brown 4 Ta.vlor—3 do Rrayton-l do Wlnthrop-1 do Mrs do do Mrs do Woodridge-3 do White 4 co-2 do Boris Wood-I do Samuel do Joruan, Marsh 4 do Hogg.

Brown 4 do Hovey fe do A 0 Lannen 4 do A Slowell fe do order. BUENO.S A RES. Brig Belle bales goatskins 3 nutria skins 12,715 blues 522 stag skins fe 4 Spring hides Larkin 4 8 1 hides Andrew Cutting hides Rice fe co. HARBOR. Labrador.

Sch William 672 bbls herring 79 hf bb's do 30 tierces do 11 casks oil 5 tierces 5 bbls salmon Wise 4 Russell. UAPEC a NSO, N8. Sch Beaman bbls mackerel-20 qtls codfish Wise fe Russell. ST JOHN, NF. Sch Annie trout 15 tes do Wbe 4 Bussell.

allie of ImuortM at Port of tou THK W-EKK E.vniXO 12, l'75. I Ketiortea fur the Boalou Post. iPIfe'ter .85 3'alue. Abparatus 1,238 $56,105 6.fi05j nosiNiox or caxada EXG 1 8 D. Dry good? India Linen Kid Dreoseu Wool Iron and M.

ot bras? Tin plates Manufactures 01 paper. Fancy Soap Miislcal Mams, ot leather Manuiactures of wood, Paper 4.201 Lumber. 3, Fish 61)2 Fish oil 686 Fish oiriiidatoiies. 7.397 Empty .521 9.823 1,115 .11,981 9.IB' 2.717'Househild, 6'21l .56,715 813 1,742 .51 845 148 177 370 246 157 181 102 470 6.70,» jKeluru 7.322 4,269 775 .3.35 I.OgWOOd 8.899 289 sax novixuo. 652 7,897 56 2.3.51 Izigwood 3.737 1.64.3 3.194 5,911 763 2.06.5—.

mv .391 $15,647 Wrecked material 200 16.3 ISnZHD. Salt 1,917 4,94.5 UATRE. 17,419 Paintings .51.3 166 i usehold 1,169 960 $346 1.122 POUT SI.IZABETn ivory Forelsu Exporta. LlVEBPfiOL. Eng.

Steamer China bxs bbls 22 ht bbls 1 tierce tierces lard-360 bales cases machinery cases tiles-80 casks cop per pkgs do sewing ma. tierces stearine bbls cases or music box cases case cases copper 6 81 pieces staves. CLE.MENTSPORT. NS. Sell Ida May-100 Dbls flour-22 bbls kerosene oil.

Cotton Kecelpts ilVov. 15 Bv and Albany bales do Thacher fe do George Halne 4( 0 do El Woods. Grand Junction bales do Great Falls do Androsc do order. Provblence bales Thaclier 416 bales. By Wm bales Warren 4 do Smith fe 1887 tiales.

New Steamer Gen bales Gray 4 do AHobar. Jr do do lAwrence Mfg do Merri mac Mfg do Hooper-29 do Thayer. Brigbam 4 co do 44 A Haliirs-7 d.i do Waiker do Smith 4 do 5.36 hales. Baltimore amer Wm Crane-10 bales A do A do 4 104 bales. Total bales.

Wool Kfecelpts IS. Boston and Albany bales Nichols, Dupee 4 co do Chamberlin Bros 4 do Harding, Gray 4 Dewey- 29 do Feiino, Son do Halloivell 4 do CapeH 4 do do Bailey fe 14 do Clark. Abbot fe do Howland. Luce 4 co. Providence bales order.

New York and New England bales order. Lowell bales Hapgixxl 4 do Nichols, Dupee 4 do order. Eastern bales Chamberlin Bros. Boston and Maine bales do order. Fitchburg Railroad bales Howland, Luce 4 do Mcl.ean 4 do Nichols, Dupee 4 00 New Brunswick bales (iam.son 4 Rodllfte.

New (ien Whitney 44 bales order. Wm bales 1) Hobbs-44 do Chamberlin Bros-U dolbaytr, Brigham CO. Total bales domestic; .587 bales foreign. Boston and Albany H. lUonsignees.

Bbis. Consignees. Bbls. Ilhos Dana Nazro Hosmer, Cramntou 11 am- Pa.xon. Williams fe Eaiou.

200 Hathaway fe GiHxlwin. Locke i co looj Aldrich fe Howes, Scudder fe Crocker.lOO, Nazro 4 co. Wootis Ubham a Reed. Belknap fe (vllmau. Cheney co.

Soper fe CO Woodward. Brown fe co. Cutting. Wincn fe co E' Edmand! Greenougn fe Allen 4 RobUisou 4 Williams 4 George Cheever Cummings 4 Raymond 4 Ayer Reed. Hawkins 4 Hinman fe i.iuut Aazro fe co Cummings fe Faoer.

Chickenng fe El Soper 11 1 Harvev .1165 .100 Total Boston and Maine Fitchburg RK. I New General Whitney. I Danforth. Scudder fe co, Hathaway ,.100 Nazro ft co ,.100 Williams fe Bean .300 lioodwm. 75; .1001 Total .1125 .100 Craue, Total Grand Junction H.

Norton. Chapman fe Patton Alden Kimball fe Lowell RR. Page. Klduerfe Gilman. Cheney co, Kaulback Jr ..200 Faxon.

Faxon Woodward. Brown fe Chickenng fe co 1 Hosmer, Cramptonfe Uam- 500 mond .......................................100 lool Total. .1106 Total receipts. .3741 (Jraltt in Elevators. The following figures show the total amount of grain held In the various elevators on the dates mentioned Nov 15.

Corn, bush .............................................106,7.32 Oats, bush. 214.899 Rye, 90 Barley, 38,065 Wheat, bush 40,133 Shorts, bush Nov 8, 90,256 209.437 96 .34,919 29,919 drain 15, Boston and Albany Railroad-1000 bush shorts Aldrich 4 Cress.v—400 wheat Boston City Flour do shorts do oats Eager 4 do corn lireer fe co do shorts Lord, Raniett fe do oats Jackson busb corn Lord 4 do corn Loud 00 do com 7110 do oats do corn A Read 4 do oals 3000 busb shorts Upbam 4 oats 700 do barley Wadsworth. Lovveil busn coin do oats Hathaway 4 do corn Reynolds 4 do oats Woodward, Brown 4 do do Foster 4 do corn Little 4 bnsb corn order. Fitchburg bush oats Hathaway 4 bush shorts Littlefield do corn Wright 4 do do Maynard 4 bush oatsj do oats Woixlward. Brown 4 do do Richardson fe do core Aldrich 4 Uressey-700 do oats A Butterfield-1400 do oats Wad.sworth-^7oO ao do Bartlett do barley order.New Gen Whltuey bush shorts Plumer 4 co.

Total bush corn; 13,357 bush oats; 400 bush wheat; 2100 busn bariey; 7376 busb shorts. nteal 15. Boston and Maine bbls core meal Davis 4 Taylor. Lowell Railroad-80 bbls core meai order. Fitchburg bbis corn meal James.

New er Gen Whitneys bbls corn meal Harris 4 co. Total bbls corn meal. Provlsloug Receipts. 15. Boston and Albany Railroad-7 hhds tallow bbiS lallow Converse A do do W' RoMn.sou 4 bbls pork Bell fe co.

Grand Junction Railroad- 106 boxes bacon order, old Colony Railroad-3 bbls tallow order. New York and New England bbls tallow order. Lowell Railroad -5 bbls tallow Morse 4 cask tallow Winslow 4 co. Fitcbburg bbls pork Baldwin. Farnum 4 bbls tallow Robinson 4 CO.

New Gen dressed hogs Niles Bros. Wm bbls grease Seccomb, Kcbew 4 Thaver. Total bbls 7 hhds I cask tallow; 35 bbls pork: 73 bbls grease 106 boxes bacot 50 hogs. Tea, Coflfee aixd Sngar Bccelpth noT. 15.

By and Albany chests tea Uura Bros 4 pkgs tea Carroll 4 co. Providence hf chests tea 35 bags cofiee order, old Colony hf chests tea 9 bags codee order. New York and New England 176 cheats tea 22 bag? cofiee order. Boston and Maine chests tea Callender 4 co. By Sea-New Gen hfchejts ag bags cofiee 10 bbls sugar order.

Total cherts 773 hf chests pkgs tea; 126 coftee; 10 bbls sugar. PxiKirts to Great Britain 63.31 bales; exoorla to France .500 bales; export? to tlie Continent L57.3 hales: sales 677 bales; stock P9.80« bales: market dull; mldiiltng 1.3}: low middling 12 15-lfc; good ordinary GAJ.VESTON—Net receipts 5367 bales: gross receipts .5637 l)8les: exports coastw tse 29.80 bales: sales 2'i63 bales; stock 78,391 bales; market qutet middilng NEW receipts bales; grass receipts 12186 bales; sales 4500 bales; stork 157.319 bales; middling at middling 12c good ordinary SAVANNAH-Net 5996 bales; gross receipts .5995 expfirts to Great Britain 5016 hales; exports 10 France bales; e.xporis to the Continent 1520 bales: exports coast- 1504 bales; sales 1-Z5I bales: stock 86,401 bales; market irregular; middling 12)c; low mld-'IlDg good ordinary receipts 4936 bales; gross receipt? 44:16 bales: exports coastwise 3619 bales: sales 500 bales; stock 27,137 bales: market steady; middling receipts .3653 bales; gross receipts bales; exports coastwise 1807 bales: sales600 bales; 34.1.50 bales: market easy: middling low middling at I Ijc; good ordinary recelpu 4523 balest gross receipts 4523 bales: exports coastwise'2511 bales: sales 1500 bales; and stock 63,031 bales: market dull; low middling good ordinary BALTIMORE-Net receipts420 bales; gross receipts 2166 bales: exports to the Continent 655 bales; exports '0 bales; sales 320 ba es; slock 7574 oaies; market dull; middling receipts 1803 bates: gross receipts I 803 bales; exports coastwise 658 bales; stock 5173 bales; market dull and nominal; middling LOUISVILLE-Market quiet; middling receipts 431 bales. receipts 5325 bales; gross receipt 6,325 bales: smpments 3740 bales; sales 2700 baies; stock 30,587 bales: market easy; middling receipts 1135 gross ree pis IIS.5 bales; shipments309 bales; sales 96 bales; stock 4045 bales; market dull mlddhng receipts 1107 bales; gross receipts 1107 bales; sales 1835 bales; market dull and moderate demand; middling low middling good ordinary receipts at ail United States ports for 3 day? 72..381 bales: exports to Great Britain 24.050 exports to E'raiice 73o9 bales; exports to the Continent 4102 bales; slbCk.5S).IOI bales. Eorelim Markets. (London).

Nov Rakers. White 4 Morgan remark that the hop market Is very firm, although there Is not so mucn business doing as Iasi week. The supply ol good bops has fallen oft. and hardly anv choice East aud Mid Kent golding growths remain unsold, 'it Is evident, from the Immense trade tnls season, that consumers were unusually bare of stock In all parts of the country. Never before have the Farham country.

Farnham, and Worcester growths (all of them of considerable extent tnls season) moved oil'so rapidly and entirely. Bavarians are In good demand here and somewhat dearer. Belgians are a few shll- liiigs easier. The of foreign hops Into London last week were 2,378 bales from Antwerp, 2160 trom Hamburg. troro New York.

685 Irom Rotterdam, ISl from Ghent, 55 from Amsterdam. 445 from Bremen, 45 from Boulogne and 582 bales from Tereeuzeu. WOOL Nov public sales ot Colonial wool, being the last series of the year, will be commenced on tne 3u inst. The arrivals to date approximate 80.000 bales. The demand lor Colonial proiluce by private auitract been to a limited extent: and there appear to be no circumstances calculated to have any important Infiu- ence ou the market In either direction.

Prices have not varied since the commencement of la't week. For English wrol the trade is dull and prices have a downward tendency. fleece descriptions rather lower rates would lie accepted, and skin wool Is selling at low currencies. The imports of Colonial and torelgn wool Into t.ondon last week consisted of 1333 bales from Algoa Bay. 913 Irom Port Natal, 1652 Port Phillip, 69 Cronstudt, 57 St Petersburg.

41 Marseilles. 10 Os- teiid. 5 Rotterdam, 2 Hamburg, 6 Harlingen and 482 from Bombay. NJiVILXs BOSTON. ToEsniT, Nov.

16. Steamer Newbern. at San Francisco Nov. 6, lett Colorado River October 22, and La Paz October 26. She reports, October 28th, a large shlp-of-war, to be the Pensacola, passed Cape St.

Lucas, bound up the Gult. The orders to Lieutenant W. H. Reed, assigning him to the Yantic, are revoked, and he will resume hU duties at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. The following promotions are an- rouoceo at the Navy Charles G.

Bowman to be Lieutenant from August 9. 1874 David B. Harmon to be Captain from February 4 1875; Ensign Jaaib J. Hnuter to be Mas-er In the navy from January 14 1875; Ensign Frank B. Kllery to be Master In the navy irom January 24.

1875; Midshipmen O.K. Lasker. C. Ljelh, H. S.

Warlng and R. F. Rinehart, to be Ensigns from January 15, 1873: Midshipmen R. Mirholson. C.

H. Putnam and M. A. Shuteldt to be Ensigns from January 18. 1874.

C. A. Stranger, ot Bangor. Is appointed Assistant Engineer tn the navy. Lieutenant Edward W.

Bridge ordered to the Plymouth. atNortolk Master George C. Mentz to the Huron, at ITnulrrrt Thiivnaa XJu XV ta Philadelphia: Ensign Thomas W. Wood Is detached from the Plymouth and Henry Morrill trom the Naval Academy and placed on watting OF TKE OCEAA FROM BCROFR. NfeXl.

eates or ate Cornwall 2 3 3 Denmark 3 3 City ot 6 ot 6 6 6 Lord 6 6 6 8 9 9 9 The 10 10 10 to 11 City of 11 State of 12 13 13 13 16 Nova Scotian 16 16 17 FOB KURUFH. Ru.ssla*.......................New 17 St.ite 01 17 Ifl Stale of 18 18 Nov 18 '20 City of 20 20 20 Egypt 20 30 23 a 24 24 Cornwall 24 24 25 Lord 25 25 27 27 City of Nov 27 27 Tlie 27 27 27 3 30 FROM HAVANA, fee. FOB HAVANA, fee. 18 City of Vera 18 King 23 New an Prince. 24 City of New York 2.5 Gulf Stream ail Prince.

25 27 oar Those with a star carry the malls. shcresof Kent to t'lose of fliudosian had been cfletled In twenty -five dey STORAGE OP BA IN CA Insurance Com jany ot North America having telegraphed to for an nterpretation 01 sectffin 3ol the new uiecchantahtpptngact has received a reply that no oroponton to the amount allbulk grain, allowed in the loading of British ships Is tabllghed by the act. but all may be In brlk it from sbltting; owner? and masters are for doing this New York Journal of Commerce Al Harrington. Me, Nov 13, from the yard cf Al'uzo Nasb. the bark Charles Bussed, of about 800 tons register, to be commanded by Capl Hamilton.

She built of the best Eastern hard wood and Southern pine, from a superior model, undei the Inspection of both French and American Lloyds, aud will receive a rate In both Sbe Is Intended for the general freighting baslness. Owned bv John Zlttlosen and others of New York, from which she will boil. She win proceed to New York immediately. At Calais, Nov 15. Messrs NickertBn fe Rideout launched flue, square-rigged brig, the John Noyes, of 400 tons.

A double-detked three masted schooner was last week launched from the yard of Baylesfe Son, at Port Jefter- 8 n. She is named the Cuza, after a merchant Baracoa. who is part owner. She Is Intended for the fruit and general West India trade, and will be commanded by Capt Bayles. of Port Jetlerson.

Her dimensions are Length of keel, IflO feet; beam. .30 feet 8 inches; deutb nolo. feet: capacity, about 425 tons. At the same vard 1000 ton ship for a New York merchant Is oelng prepared of HARTFORD, Conn. Nov 1.5—There were sixty vessels of all kinds at the port of Hartford to-day.

more than ever seen in the port at any one time. The wharfage accommo Utluns ere Insufficient, Must ot the vessels were with coal NEW HAVEN. Nov George Fox. of the schooner John Breoks. which arrived at this port on Satnrdav.

reports tlial on his previous trip to ihl? city he was attacked by river pirate? while ivlng at anchor for the ulght at Hunter's Point. 4 1. The did not find any monev, but thev took what clothing they could find, aud four guns. They were not pur sued. GBEF.NPORT.

LI. Nov 12-Af ytrd. North port, the three-n asted Florence Rogers Is to be re br buiitatacott of SAVANNAH. Nov survey was hebi ship Valley Forge, yesterday, ami no strain be'ng found in her hull, spars or rigging, she was pronounced to be fully seawortny. NOTICfc.

TO The Ohio Le ige Buoy, Providence River, went In the gale of Wednesday last. It shtuld be replaced as soon as It can be. It Is announced that Morgan's Line of New York. New Or leans and steamers has adi ptcd. and will hereafUr use as a distinguishing night signal, a white, red.

green Coston signal, and Hue from New York to Ua'lfax. NS. will the same distingtiishing night signal as their New York atd New Orleans Hue. white, green, red, white Coston signal. The new for the Sow and Pigs station, which arrivnd at New Bedford Saturday, is to be placed on the station as soon as the weather a suitable.

She has been supplied lih a 5800 pound anchor, cast at the New Bedford Iron Foundry. An anchor of about the same size, cast at the same foundry, has been on tne old boat, now at Two spare anchors are now being cast at the toundry. KE-ESTABLISHMKNTOP GAT.VB3T0N LIGITTSHIP- Galveston Lightship was placed In position on the 7th Inst, two hundred and fitly yards north-northwest of her ti.rnifr position, and In lour and three-quarter fatnoms of water, muddy bottom. B. G.

SHIELDS. Collector ai Superintendent of Lights, Custcm House, Galveston, Tex, Office, Nov 3, 1,875. DISAMTKKS. Ac. Ship Calcutta, from Quebec tor Liverpool, before reported wrecsed on Island (Magdalen Islands), a that involved the sad loss ot twenty-two men and a laily passenger, was a good snip of 1427 tons register.

She was nearly a new vessel, having built in 1874 at Quebec, where she was owned by Mr JG Rosa. The ship and freight money were Insured for nearly all ot which in Boston On the ship the office hag Bostoc, Neptune, Waahlngion. Leather, $5000; Roger Williams (of Frorldence), $50oO. and Salem Marine, $20o0. On freight, the bad $50b0, and the Boston Ship Orpheus, of Bosfon.owneil bv Taylor fe Co, recently lost after being In coHlsion with the steazuer Pacific (on coast) was partially Insured In San Francisco offices.

There was no In.surance upon her tn Boston. The Orpheus was built at Chelsea In 1856, and registered 1067 tons. The captain, 3 men aud a boy were saved probably a total loss. Bark Starr King, of Boston, which went ashore on Race Point, Cape Cod, last Thur-day evenlug, has been got oft with asslstaoce from steamer Charles Pearson, and now lies on her side In Provtncetowu harbor. Johnson, agent, telegraphs as the BKchange.

Monday. PM, 16th: The bark Starr King Is on her beamends In this harbor, aground In four athoma water. Will save the Bteam pumps and de the best we can with vessel and cargo Tug Wliltam A Heonetsey, which burned off Branch, will be nearly a total loss.exceptlng probably some ei the machinery. She owned by Adella Hennessev, of New York, and was commanded by Capt Andrew Hennessey, She was of 99 tons burthen, was valued at $16,000 to aud was insured tor $13,000. Brig Anna Torrey (01 Boston).

Haskell, at Providence ft-om St Domingo, reports, Nov 2. lat 33 30. ion 73 45, spoke brig Wenoi.a, of Portland, from Union Island, Ga, for Philadelphia. She reported a heavy gale oB Halteras, leak, and to throw overboard deckload of lumber, crew had been at the pumps two days. Vineyard Haven, Nov Chance Is full of wafer today.

and a pump has heen sent to her. If the weather admits, the steamer Honohansett will make an effort to haul her off to-morrow morning. Flftgr-eight cases of gum, 18 ot honey and 2500 bags of have been saved and landed here. Bark Eclgheld (Ger), Burg, at Philadelphia, Nov. 13 from Ivigtut, reports having had heavy weather during the entire passage; lost and split sails, and stove bulwarks Bark Wood, of Sackville, NB sunk at Charleston, has been abandoned by her owners.

Steamer America, for Baltimore, put Into Charleston Nov. 14 with shaft bioken. Steamer Normanton. of the Mitchell line, before reported sunkotl Metis by collision with bark Churchill, Is a total wreck. She was on her way from Plctou to Quebec with coal at the time of the accident.

Steamer Australian ashore at St Bernard. Texas, was floated night of Nov 12. and arrived at Galveston next morning. She will proceed to New Grieans lorrepslrs. Sch LoJtta fe at Fhiladelphla 14th from St Martins, reports being 5 days of Hatteras, with very heavy weather, lost and split sails and carrleil awav Jihboom, Brig Keystone, from Havana for Falmoutn, put Into Chaileston.

Nov leaky. Sch Alice Haake, which was towed to Nlcolajefsk Jnlv 29, with damage after being aground, was more water Aug 16, probably jeoa KecelDta. Eggs-235 bbl? 336 boxes. bbis. 15.

Butter-6 boxes 887 pKgs. bbls 11 boxes. Boston Narlxet. 15. fKeported for the Boston demand for Fiour Is steady but moderate and prices utchaiiged.

W'e quote Western superttne at coa moE extras at $5 Wlscousin extras $6(ix6S0; Minnesota extras $6 50ia'7 winter wheat extras at $6 liisAf 50 tor Ohio, Indiana and Michigan; $6 50 tor Illinois: and bhi for St Louis, iDCiitdlug choice and favorite brands. Southeni Flour Is dull at $5 bbl for common extras and choice family; and fancy Minnesota brands at $8 50.ai3 25 bbl. Is firm but quiet. We quote mixed and yellow at busn. Oats are In lair demand at 4.8((i,55c bush lor mixed and white: and i3id tor rejected.

Rye at bush; at Fine Feed at $23; and MUidhngs at ton. IS steady with sales of prime at $160 17; mess 5C: and clear bbl. Beet at $10 bbl for mess and extra mess, and $16 17 for lamlly. ard at for city and Western; and smoked Hama at ft. Butter sells at and Cheese trom as to quality.

lYomestic iMttrketa. MSS' See Telegraph Columns for Markets, If any. NEW BEDFORD OIL MARKET, lor the week ending Nov 15-Tbo mat kei for both Sperm aud Whale mi been without transactions since our dhlpptug (By Teiegrapn.l NEW YORK. Nov dull at 1-I6c advance; sales 1 bales; for middling uplands; forward deliveries declined 18 10 bbls; market strongly sir-- mafia Close at Boston Post omre For Queenstown and Liverpool, per steamer Russia. from New York.

Tuesday, Nov 16...,. For Antwerp, per steamer State of Nevada, trom New York. Tuesday. 16 For Plymouth. Cherbourg, and Hamburg, per stmr Suevia.

from New York. Wednesday. Nov 17 For Havana, per steamer City of Vera Cruz, from New York, Wednesday. Nov 17...................................... For Bermuda, per steamer New York, Wednesday.

Nov 17............................................................. For Bouthampton and Bremen, per steamer Mosel. from New York, Friday. Nov 19..................................... For Glasgow, per steamer EIj from New York, Friday.

Nov 19 For Queenstown and Liverpool, per steamer Britannic. from New York, Friday. Nov 19............................ For Queenstown and Liverpool, per steamer Par- this, trom Boston. Saturday, Nov 20 7.30 PM 7.30 PM 7.81) PM 7.30 PM 7.30 PM 7.30 PM MlMlature IVov.

lO. igh ater 1 Sow 1 Moow 1 xgth ov at 130 a IB 6.52 8 4.37 7.32 r. M. 1 9 45 m. SHIP NEWS RECOKD.

POBT OF BOSTOlf. See Telegraph Columns. Moniiayf IWuv. 15. ARRIVED.

Br steamer Pattbla. Watson. Liverpool 2d inst. via Queens- in favor, with only a limited export ana home Made inquiry; 14,860 supertine Westera aud Slate at $4 95Cfe.5 25; extra do $5 3505 60; choice do $5 10; whlta wheat Western extra $6 20; fancy do $7 2508; ext a Ohio $5 400 7 50; extra St Louis $5 60(q9; patent Minnesota extra good to nrlme, $6 extra at $9 Including bbla shipping extras at $.5 60; 1 S)U bbls extra mill flour at prices within the range; market cloalDg dull; Southern $5 41.09. Rye fiour steady at 50.

Corn meal dull at $3 294.182 bu'h: market strongly favors buyers, with only a very limited export ano home trade demand: sales busii 1 for rejected spring $1 15 for No 3 Chicago; 25'iil 27 nominal for No 2 do 10 for rejected aud 3 spring mixed $1 ittal 21 for wiiiterred Western: $1 for white Genesee; ill 4.5 lor good to prime wtrne Michigan for export $1 4 for soft No 1 Green Bay. Rye a shade firmer at sOc lor Western and Canada; 85e- for Milwaukee; 92c tor extreme Canaiia. Peas steady $1 06 Jji bond. Bariev lower: Canada West $1 at 12. Barley Malt quiet and unchangid.

market opened dun and closed heavy; bush; per steam for Western mixed; per sail do; 76(a77c lor high mixed anil yellow Western: lor estere mixed In tor new Western mixed on the track; 76c tor new white Sopthere. '8 bush: market heavy and about Ic lower; sales 46.006 tor mixed Western and State; l.Va5.3c for white to. Including poor mixed Chicago at 4.5c. Hay firm at 70c for Uo'is are flrni; 10(al6c for Eastern and Western; New York State; for California. Total.

Value of Bxports n-om the Port of Boston, rOB THK WEIK EHBIHQ KOT. 12, 1875. for the Boston Post.2 Value. Bones and hoots Brass Brcioms aud Coro Corn Wheat Carriages, aud parts ot. Cordage and tw Cotton, Cotton, 32Uf 3.511 too l.OuO 1,616 93d 2,709 Dregs and chemicals, the Earthenware, Frnii Hats ana Hides and and manuiac's India rubber mauls Ice Marble and 8.....................

Naval Tar and 9,096 8,679 764: 421 3,5.57 750 120 664 179.572 5.674 6.56 3.740 3,637 625 149 1,666 1.0í8( 7.400 .40.4.50 114 2.697 Oils Refined Lard Pictures and paiutiogs Provisions Bacon Vegetables Preserved Sewing Other Sugar and Trunks Wood Wooden Cooperage Other Wearing Wool and 1.23* 6.377li)tberarticles................... Value. 5.642 237 178 653 315 223,813 2.260 2.141 163 .21.625 .24.097 2,063 2.842 .3.287 6,355 .18.963 .19 244 .18,278 428 8,833 310 8,463 ,12,1182 .25.866 374 ,17,154 2,067 .19.737 ,41.81) 668l X'ova Scotia, etc 8.5.099 ..........71.0.52 Azores. Madeira, 10.8.57 Newlduudland and Labrador 17,653 ...........37,852 British Possessions in Africa, ..........101,115 Cuba ..........21.730 All other countries and ports In ........155,521 French West Indies, .5.404 British West Indies, 23.581 Porto RICO 6,973 Quebec. Ontario, 25.754 Ssn 1,400 Miquelon.

Langley, etc 442 Hrittsb Possessions in Australasia 7,347 Columbia 5,900 4.59 Kecelpts ot and 18. and Albany RaUroad-20 bales Fareum, fe roll? Saflord fe do Edward Spaulding fe do Priest fe do Frank- do A Bigelow fe co-362 sldis Jackson fe ao Bice fc bdls Bishop fe do Kdwaras A Dags A A Clatur. Boston and Providence Railroad-141 rolls order. Old Oolony and Newport 2)1 roll? 67 bdia order. New York and New England rolls 26 bdls 2 cases 7 pkgs order.

Boston laiweli Ballroad-1 crate 2 bdts Hlil-5 rolls fe Uersey-13 bags Westcott fe rolls fe 0 Bod- Rio dnll and lower at I9fc gold for cargoes: gohl for lob lots. Sugar steady fair to good re- rtniug; for prime; there were no of magnitude: refined steady. and unchanged; new crop New Tleanslal the latter for choice. Rice steady. Peiro- uni dull; crude at reflned at cases at naphtha at lOjc.

Tallow steady at 9 Ko.sin easier at $1 7Wa 1 Tunientme dull at Eggs heavy at Por? oulet and easier at for meas; 500 bbls seller balance of the year $20 50. Beet ateady. Cut ere quiet; Middles dull and lower; yesiern clear at 12c; City long clear at I.ard lower; .500 tierces prime steam at 500 tierces November at 12 5(X) tierces December at 300 tierces seller the year at 12 grades firm; other stock heavy at 1.5fa25c tor Western and for State. Cneese dull at 60121c. Whiskey lower at $11.5.

Freight? to Liverpool tirm; cotton per do per steam core, per sail persteamlO; wheat per sail 8d; per sttam. per sail 2s 9d. I B.v Telegraph. CHICAGO, Nov easier and uot quotably lower. heai in fair demand, but lower No I Chicago at $1 No 2 do at 106 on the spot; $1 seller December; 06 the year; No 3 do at 88c; rejected Corn In dt mand, but lower; No 2 mixed at bid on the spot; seller November; 48(a48K seller all the year; rejected 50c.

Oats null and lower; No 2at on the spot; seller vember; i ejected Barley dull and a sales at November; 8zc December. Rye In good demand at full prices: sales at Fork-demand fair and market firm at SiKd'Zl ou the spot: $19 seller all the year. Lard quiet and weak at 86 on the spot; I Ksa 11 seller the year. Bulk meats easier, but In good demand; 8c: short rib middles lie; short clear mtddiPB Whiskey at $112. bbls fiour; 153,000 busb wheat; 82.000 bush corn; oats; .5000 bmsb barley; 4000 bosh rye.

bbla flour; 239,006 bnah wheat: hush corn; 161.t)U0 bush oats; 4000 barley. At the afterneon call of the Board, wheat was lower at $1 06 for November; December; corn heavy and lower at eOKgSOfc for November, Teiegraoh.l CINCINNATI, Nov 15-Fork quiet and unchanged. Bulk easier; steam it on the spot: 12 seller the year. Lard meats quiet and unchanged soles in salt trom 10 to 15 days at 8c for shoulders; lie for clear rib sides: for clear sides, all loose. Bacon easier; shoulders at 10 clear tlh sides 14C; and clear sides at Green meats Inactive; shoulders sides at Hams Live Hogs dull; common light at $6 90(07 10: fair to good packing at $7 20(a7 butchers $7 50; receipts 8795 head: and shipments 492 head.

Whiskey firmer and not quoted higher; sales at $111. Telegraph, i -riouj ST LOnS, Nov iS-hour quiet and little doing. Wheat dull and lower; No 2 red winter December: NoSdoSl 28 cash. Coro Inactive and lower; No 2 mixed cash, according to location; sales at November. Oats dull and lower to sell; No 2 at 51e bid cash sales at ber.

Barley dull and unchanged. are oflerlng lower prices; 65c bid cash. Whiskey nominal at bbls flour; 26,000 huso wneat :I8.000 corn 8000 busb oats; 6000 bush barley 1000 bush rye 4889 hogs; and 1670 Telegraph.3 TOLEDO. Nov steady and In moderate demand. Wheat steady and In moderate demand: No 2 white Wabash $139; No do at $1 No I white Michigan at $1 28; extra $1 38: amber Michigan $1 Decemlier $1 20; No 2 amber Michigan $1 04; No 3 red $1 rejeated 9-Jc.

Corn tinner and held higher; high mixed at 62c; new low mixed No 1 white 66c No2 white 6ic; no grade dOc: new do 49c; damaged new 44c. Oats firmer and held higher; No white 41c; Michigan S5c; rejected 31c. Freights dull aud uncnanged. tffiur, 1 bush wheat: 24.000 busn corn. bbls flour: 4000 busb wheat; 19,000 busb corn; 14,000 bush oau.

fBy Telegraph. I MIL'WAL'KEB, Nov Inactive and almost entirely aomlnal. Wheat weak; No 1 Milwaukee at 17: No 2 do $1 08 06 NoSat 9.3c. Corn firmer and held higher; No2 at Oats steady and intairdemand; No 2 at Barley firm for futares: weak and lower for cash; No 2 spring In store at $1 December $1 01; NoSdoateoc. Rye steady and In fair demand: No 1 at 70c.

Freights quiet arid nominal: wheat to Buffalo 8000 bbis flour: and 168,000 hush wheal. 11,000 flour; 136,000 bush Wheat. Telegraph. 1 DETROIT, Nov quiet but firm al $6 Wheat active and higher: extra at $140; No I white amber Mlchl an $1 Corn dull; Net mixed OaU firm and quiet mixed 37c. I By Telegrapn.

NEW rORK. Nov dull at tor natives, and for lexans and Cherokees: lancy natives receipt? of the week8480 head. Sheep and lambs depressed good brought fair price? and poor lower; range for receipts 32,000 heao. Hoes dull at tor dressed; offered alive; receipts 39.300. IBy CHICAGO.

Nov 1.5—Cattle—receipts 1.500 bead; demand good at tall chiefly at 2 lots of lancy sold at $6 5 7 common to choice shipping 25: i $2 7504; shipments 1000 bead. 0(X) head: market dull and weak, and 10015c lower, closing with pens well filled; sales at $7 1007 35. chiefly $7 25; shlnments 2600 head. head; market quiet and weak; poor to choice 50. I By Telegraph.

I Nov Cloths market quiet PROVIDENCE, RI, at standard and extra 64x64. Telegranh.l CLEVELAND. Nov firm; standard white at State test at small lots I02c algher. Cotton Blarfcets BT ot 15. IBy Telegraph to the Boston Post.i NEW YOKi-Net receipts 610 hales; gross receipts town 3d, with mdse and 56 cabin and 122 steerage passengers to James Alexander.

Ship David Brown (of Searsport), Colcord, Trapani Sept 26. with salt for Gloucester parties. Brig William Mason (of Boston). Adams, St Thomas via East Harbor, Turks Island, 27tti uli, to 3 Emery fe Co. Br sen Annie Laurie, Carr.

St Johns. F. Br sch McLean. Roberts. Cape Canso.

Sch Kate Gifford. Cobb. Philadelphia. Sch Matanzas. Hammond.

Amboy. Sch NIckerson. IIobokeD. Sch (ten Banks. McFarland.

Port Sch Golden Eagle. Kelley. New York. Sch Ringleader, Snare, Bangor. Steamer William Crane.

Howes, Baltimore via Norfolk, to F. Steamer Gen Whitney. Hallett, New York, wliu mdse to Whitney. Tugboat Tiger, Capt Willard, from Portland, with Curtl? fe dredging roacblue.and scows, and proceeded to Hlng- ham, where the channel is to be dredged. CLEARED obiiok Ida May.

Fash, Clementsport Nereus, Berry, New York, bv Wbitnej Falmouth, Snowman. Portland, William cleared, brig Clary. Ryder, New York, by Doaue fe Crowell; sch White Foam, Nicholson, Bangor. Nothing reported sailed. Wind NNK to North.

Steamer bark Chief, and some wgnt or ten aciiooners unknown, bound out.remained at anchor In the Roads at ennset. of shipmasters called to recent royal orders from by which consular visit are strictly enjoined under further fines and penalties for neglect thereof, for all vessels bound for ports In Spain, VINEYARD HAVEN, Saturday, Nov 13-Ar. schs Wm Davis. Fleming, Millville lor Boston; Frolic,, for do: Rival. Duntou, Hoboken for Hath; Jamea Phelps, Rockwell.

Boston for New Haven; Adella Corson. Corson. Wm Deurbcrn, Scull, and fe Lee, Smith, do for Philadeiphta: Margie, McFaddeii. Portland for do; St Pierre, Haley, St John, for do; Charles Heyer. Poland.

Boston for Baltimore; Hyena. Smalley, do for New York; Sawyer, Cummins, aud Lucy Hammond, Robinson. Machlas fordo; Modesty. Nickerson, Plymouth lor do; Harriet Newell. Kent, Bangor for do; Speculator, Munson, ana Arcilla, Mowry, St John tor do; George Trigg.

Llnuekm. Gloucester lar do; Eastern Queen, l.amolne for do; Mary A Uolt. Brown, Calais for do; Darling. Pendleton Bangor for Bridgeport; Brown, Tinker. Calala for Providence: Louise, Herrick, do for New Bedford: Lizzie K.

St John for Providence (ordered to Newport); Little Annie, Roberts, do for Newport; Hattie Turner, Hupper, Kennebunk tor Woods Hole: Jed Frye, Langley, Bangor for Wilmington, Del; Ingraham. Rotkland lor Albany. Passed by, schs Snow Bird, Cripps, 3t John for Providence: bailie B. Pbiladeiphia tor Portsmouth. SiMliru, sch? Mary fc Smith, Mary A Holt, Lizzie Hattie Turnar, Little Annie, fcOuise, St Pierre, and Trigg.

Sunday, revenue steamer Grant, Fengar, on a cruise (and sailed); brig Zavalla Williams, Veasle. Weehawken tor Bangor; sch? Thomas Stooe, Fltcher, Georgetown, DC, far Boston: Dani Mershon, Shsrrock, Fhlladelphu for do; A Bnrnbam. Harris, Baltimore fordo; Joseph WlUlam Rawley, Weehawken fordo; Sewall, Haskell, Port Johnson tor do; A Hammond. Goldthwalte: Statesman, Eaton; Belle, Benner, and Dreaden, Mitchell, do for Salem: David Torrey, Soule, Perth Amboy for Portland: Sarah 0 Smith, Banks. Georgetowa.DC, tor Portsmouth: f.ivlngstoo, McDonald.

Hoboken for Newburyport; Palos, Ober, Newport for Calais; Porto Rico, Wentworth. Bangor for Fall River; Yandalla, Sadler, Ellsworth for Norwalk; Sea Lion, Florida, and others not yet boarded. Passed West, bark Charles Ward. Jeoause a good deal ot sand has ashed out her seams. She ba? been taken to a beacon, here she will be keelhauled, In order to eflect the most so to enable her to leave for China, where the repairs will be completed.

Sch Herschel. from Philadelphia for Washington, DU (before reported.) lemtiiied at anchor off Beach Rive. Nov 12, 11 PM. rigging A small schooner, called the from Londonderry, NS. for Boston, after being dismasted and losing her managed to get into Apple River.

She Is being supplied with new 8 and rigging from St John, NB. Sch Mott Bedell, Swinburne, at New Yerk trom Mlra- goane, Nov 10, ofl Hatteras, ana split sails. Sch Jennie Gllkey Boston). Gllkey. at New York from Cardenas, Nov 5, lat 32 45, Ion 78, was struck by a hurricane trom in about an hour was boarded by a sea which washeil threw the vessel on her beam ends and sbirted cargo: this occurred again within an hour, and the crew ere from 10 PM till 8 AM next dav pumping molasses from the hold; the continued till the 9th, blowing from every dliection.

accompanied by a heavy a. Steamer Ciugeleae, Gardner, at New York fram Palermo, had a of 3W to gales during the entire passage from Gibraltar, and heavy head seas. Oct 23, lat 36 36, ion 20 56- Ic a heavy gale trom SW, veering to lost storm staysail, and cargo adrift.and Ishlfted several during the passage. Ship Grahams Polley. Clapp, at New York from Cronstadt.

had a ol heavy gales; wood ends and received other damage. Sch Mary A. Witham. Austin, at New York from Port-au- Paix, reports Nov 12 lat ,36 25. Ion 74.

passed a ixirk, bound west, with libboom, bowsprit and foremast bead Capt of the brig Danntlrss, of Bangor, writes from Flune. Austria, Oct 22. that Alfred Joces, a colored sailor belonging to bis vessel, died of consumption in the hospital cf that place. He was a young man, and It believed belongs In st John. Sch Hmlson.

o' Rockland. Capt Post, had anchored at the mouth of the Penobscot last Friday, and the Captain was helping the crew furl the mainsail, and as he was pulling on a rotten stop. It broke, and he fell backwards ofl the honse and striking the rail, fell overboard. Aa he did not rise, some of the crew reached for him with a long pole and brought him to the surtace, and restored him to consdoHs- ness. The Captain received such injuries from striking the rail that he has been unable to use his right leg.

which Is severely bruised. Steamer at New York trom Bremen, reports: Nov 12, lat 42 2.5. Ion 61, passed an American fi'hing schooner und with losa of mainmast and boats; wanted no assistance; gave her latitude and longitude; It waa blowlinr very hard at the time, and could not out her name. Rockland. Me.

Nov the northeast gale of last night Pacific, ot tnls port, parted both chains and went ashore at head, damaging her considerably, a small pink sterned schooner from the eastward drove ashore at the same place. Portland. Me. Nov Pacific, of Rockland, which went ashore at Head during the gale last night, got off to-day serious Injury. Norwich.

Ct, Nov Is believed an unknowm schooner, coal laden, and tiound East, foundered this morning two miles South of Wlckapeslt, near Watch Hlll. New Y'ork. Nov Matoaka, Flizgerald, from Baltimore 8tn for Porto Belio, has put back to Forireas Munroe with less OT sails, 4c. Punta Rosa. Fla.

Nov George Richards (of St John. NB). from Maracaibo for New York, foundered at sea Nov 9. lat 30 Ion Crew arrived here. The was 135 tons.built at 3t John, NB.

in 1871. London, Nov Astrida, McGregor, from Londoa for New Orleans, was totally lost oft Androsselles, near Bou- li-gne. Halifax. Nov Blanche, of Liverpool, ashore st Pubnlco Beach, may be got off. The schooner Lizzie Dacres.

previously reported ashore oft Countrv Harbor, got off. was taken Into harbor, and Is now at anchor. Her deck? are level with the water. Bermuda, Nov Eaton, ffrosby, from St Martins for Yarmouth, NS, with salt, was towed Into Hamilton, ov 3. leaky.

Brig Sherwood. Turner, from Cow Bay for New York, with coal, 15 days out, was towed Into port 5. with loss oMoreiopmast, malntopmasi and Jibboom. One of the crew was lost overboard. Ar at Salem I4tb Inst, sens David Adams.

Reed. Bar St l.awrence, ith 170 bbls mackerel; 3 A PaikUurst. do 110 do. V5 HAJLBKM. Sailed Faral 1st alt, bark Adeline of New Bedtord, to cruise; brig Abbott l.awrence, Russell, do.

barks Kathleen, Howland, do. do; Josephine, llaraili, do. Cataipa, Anthony, do, do; Andrew Hicks, Howland. of Westport, Sailed from do no Wave, Briggs, of New Bedford, to cruise. Bark Mt Wollaston, at San Francisco, reports Oct 23.

spoke bark Java 1st, witb 1600 bbla oil. Oct l-j, in Bristol Bay. the chief officer, Osborn, of Kdgertown. aged 38 and Jacob Shepherd (colored), seaman, were lost by tbe boat being by a whale. rPer steamer Mosel, at New York.

Sailed, acha Porte Rico, Hyena, William Dearborn, Darling. Jamea PhelDS, Adella Corson. Harriet Newell, 3 Brown; Sawyer, Speculator, Modesty. Arctlla. Jed Frye, l.ucy Hammond, fe Lee, Cbarlea Queen, Cbase, Margie, and Mabel Hall.

Wind from East to Northeast, blowing our correspondents. 1 GLOUCESTER. Mass. Nov 15. 1 Office Ol Cape Ann Advertiser.

Ar, schs Greyhound, and Schuyler Colfax, from Bay St Lawrence: liliam Terry. Alice Wonson, Otis Dana. Alfaretta, Hiram Powers, and Arequlpa. from Georges: Andrew Leighton, Gertie Foster, and Harvey Mackey, from the Banks. LOST Andrew Leighton, which arrived at Gloucesler trom the Banks on the istb, reports the loas of one of her crew, Charles Hynes, who was washed overboard from the main deck on tbe llth Inst.

Hynes wa? 25 eats of age, and a native ol Ann Advertiser, GI.OUCESTER. Mass. Nov fishing schooner Andrew Leighton, trom the Grand Banks, arrived here to-day and the loas of a seaman, Charles Hines, who was wa; bed overboard and drowned Nov 11. IS miles ofl White Head. A heavy sea was rnnnlng at tbe time.

He was a native of Germany. The schooner lylon of Boston was towed into this port this afternoon, having lost her rudder ofl Milk Island daring the storm of yesterday BRUNSWICK. Me, Nov fine ship of between 16 and 1700 tons was successfully launched to day from the Skolfield yard. Sbe is owned b.v Skolfield Brothers, of this place. Sbe 207 feet on the keel and Is handsomely elled.

jndges pronounce her one of the strongest and most thoroughly built vessels ever built In Maine, she Is to be commanded Capt Samuel Skolfleld, whose name she bears. Brig Dalsv. Mi-Carthv. at New York from came the Southern Passage, and fur .50 days after leaving Constantinople did not Uke In tbe royals. Ship Carrollton.

Lewis, at San Francisco Nov 7 from New Yt'Tk, reports passed through the Straits of Le Malre. Sept with clear weatberaud strong NNW from tbence heavy gales and strong breezes, prevailing winds WNW.wlth a heavy westerly sea. which drove Into lat 60 S. Ion 75 from which poaltion had stroDg Westerly gales, which continued tn lat 35 thence moderate breezes and average tine weather to Ihe Equator, which was crosaed Oct 19, Ion 116 from Equator to lat 10 experienced a strong cnrrent setting 15 miles per day. Tbe London Telegraph says the claim to be one of the very swiftest steamships afloat may fairly be put forward by the City of Baltimore, which Just aocomplGhed a wonderfully rapid passage from Englapd to Bombay via the 3uez Canal.

The remarkable vessel by no a s'er. Long since sbe dfsiinguisbed berselt as a pas- steamer of the Inman Line, between Llver- if and New York, and was famed as the qulck- pool est craft on any ocean ronte. At present she is the property of the Sun Shipping Line, of London. Capt ColllDS. her commander, left Gravesend, In the City of Baltimore, on the ot last September.

Early on the morclng ot the he cast ofl pilot at Dover; on the morning ol the 20th be abreatt ot Europa Point. Gibraltar and on tbe 28 tb be took a pilot aboard at Port Said. Early on the the Cltv of Baltimore, having threaded the canal, quitted Suez, made the passage of tbe Red Sea. and on Sunday, the lOfh of October, the gallant vessel toek a pilot outside the lights of Bombay. The voyage from the Ar at Liverpool 21st vll.

Chasca, Jackson, Penco: Mellon, New Orleans; Atate. Brown. Howland's Island; A Marshall. Tucker, Calais; Lord Clive i.s). Urquhart, Boston; Pegasaus.

Powell. Bassein; William Wilcoi. Crocker, Singapore. Sailed30th, Dover, Band, Philadelphia: narrlet Upham. Putnam, MA Read, Strout.

Eernandlna (and was oil Bell Buoy aame day) Palestine (s), Lloyd, lit iDst.ubarley. McDonald, St John, NB. Cleared 30th, Willibald, Mutzell, Richmond; Ci'unty ofPic- tou. Munroe. Tybee; Palermo.

Wade, Sandv Hook. Ar at London 3i)tb, Denmark Williams, New York (and entered outward to return); Sam Weller (s), Ranton. Titan. Berry. Hollo, Cleared SOth.

Saracen. I.averick, New York; Call.sta Haws, Phelaa, Pensacola-1st, (iove. Merchant, Montevideo. Entered outward 30th. Daisy Boynton, Appleby, lor Boston, Sailed trom Gravesend 3Iat.

City of Uuntreal, Mudgett, New Chaaxe, Llndergren.New Orleans; Silas Ail- Gates, Boston. Passed Deal Somerville, Baker, from London for Charleston; Harry Bailey. Smith, from do fyr Tybee. Oft Dover 30th. Everhard Delius, Fortmaun, from Uamburg for Sandv Hock.

Passed 1st. Baltimore (s), Klugkist, from Savannah for Real. Passed Dungeness SOth, Johann Kepler, Spillo, from Hamburg for New Ycrk. Oft do Frank CarvllI, McFee, from Amsterdam for England. Brlxham-Oft the Start 30th, New Echo (bark), from London tor Boston.

Ar at Plj-mouth Anna Beal, Pyman, Bull River. into tbe Roads lIBb, Mora, Paterson, from Pensacola fua Grimsby Richard, Amandsen, from Saguenay for London. Oft the Lizard 29th. Orient, Allen, from Puget Sound via San Francisco tor Catherine, trom Philadelphia for Antwern, Aral Bristol Roving Sailor. Bryant, Ltnsne.

Sailed 3uth, Athlete, Hutchinson, Sandy Hook; Mimi P.Thi- ano. Satled from GloactrAer 'BAkon Jkri. Fills, New York. Cleareii at Swansea 29th. Mary Staples.

Trott. Madeira. Ar at Cardiff 1st, Shepard. Rich, Bristol, Eng. Sailed Trafalgar, Kraeft, Pensacola.

Cleared 29th, Clara (ioodrlcb. Look, Havana. the Webster, Smart, Rotterdam. Cleared at Newport 36th, George Warren, Timothy, Rio Janeiro. Ar at Glasgow 3inh.

Corinthian Menzles, Montreal. Sailed 30th, WaldenMon (8), Stephen, Montreal (and from Clyde 1st.) Glasgow-Sailed from 1st, Peabody, for Charleston. Sailed from theCivoe 1st, Alexandria (a), Henderson, Mediterranean. Cleared at Belfast 30th, Bachelors, Tooker, Charleston. Cleared at Dublin 30th, Castle, Jobannseo, sacela.

Ar at Queenstown City of Liverpool, tYhittord, Pensacola (and proceeded for Sarah Kingsbury. Waterhouse, Burryport for Bertha Carrington, Page, Sherboro, of the crew of the Aizertcan ship John Pascal, which theraen report to have been burned at sea. The ship waaon her voyage tri Catcnitta for New York, and had on lioard a fuJl cargo, consisting ol lute, linseed and India rubber, bbe left Calcutta Juir 8, and when nearly off' tbe Cape of Hope large volumes of smoke were discovered coming from the forward hatchway. After some continual purnptng, tbe fire was extln- guisbed apparently and the voyage continued until the John Pascal arrived about 36?) miles west of St Helena, when it was that the fire had not been extinguished, but had been agtln broke out forward with renewed vigor. Svery effort was men on board the African iubdue ibe flames, bnl wltbout avail, for they gained rapldiv, and In fact the bold was altogether on fire.

At this tin.e alilp Victoria, for Boston, hove In sight and bore down upon them. A prrtlon of the crew of the John Pascal were sent on board the Victoria, but by this time the had broken out in the alter the vessel was in fact one mass of fire. Tbe cautaln, mate, steward and bis wife, and toe remainder of the crew then lett the shlu. and were also taken on board tbe Victoria. The captain ot the Victoria then discovered that he had not a suflSclent supply of nrovlsions on board tor the whole of this to hts complement, and It therefore determined that the eight men who had come home Ip.

tbe African should be sent ashore In a boat to Ascension. They arrived safelg at the tslaud, already have beeu brought to mouth. Dublin, Oct letter ot date, received this morning from Droghada, relating to the discharge of the Hulda. from New York lor Dundalk, states that no cargo was landed vesterpav, but that some was to be got out to-day. It was supposed that half the cargo had been washed out by the sea.

Queenstown. Oct Sarah Kingsbury. Waterhouse, arrii ived here from Bmryport for Aspinwall with coal, is reported leaky. St Helena, Oct Regent, of Boston from for New York, having landed her rudder, a survey was called on Sept 27, when surveyors found tt to be tn such a defective state that they recommended the same to be condemned and a new rudder procured. Another survey was held on Sept 30, when the hull, sternpost, stem, mainmast and other soars were found to be very detective.

Surveyors recommended a further discharge of cargo until the vessel be to the extent of two sheets of copper out of water, and then to be avaln surveyed, which, having neen carried out. a was held on the 4th Inst and recommended the following. procure and fit a new mainmast. a new and tipper niizzen topsailyard, new port catheail and port bumpkin, calk the vessel outsiile and put In graving pieces here ri'qu'red, fasten noodends. calx decks, repair bulwarks, fee, lorward, and ends oi beams on topgallant forecastle, also a new rudder.

One six hundred and Inety-one bales of jute cuttiiiiis and abont 8o of were sold to-day to pay the of repairing the Daniel Draper. The vessel Is proiiounceil now fit to proceed Uartain l.lbhv, ot tne AmeriCMn bark Annie Torrey, reports terr'fic weather in the GuU of Martaban; lost several sails, 4c. The American ship Cuba, from Rangixin, encountere 1 verv heavy weather In the Gult of Martaban; lost several sails, 4c. Sbe put into port 9tb Inst, with rudder damaged. A sur- ve.v has slnie arrival.

Surveyors reiximmeuded the vessel to be lightened by discharge ot cargo, so as to enable the ruilder to be and lanUtU tor fu: inspection. Per steamer Parthla. at Boston. Aral Liverpool N'ov 1. Blair Athol.

Ta.xlur. from Chrysomene. Browning. San Francisco: son, and The Douglass, Wilson, do: St Louts. Pernambuco: Itnunel (s), irom Haytleu New Orlesms.

sailed 1 st. Solo. Dannberg. and Scrlmmer, Pensacola Tatay. Pettes, Muutevhleo via Newport.

Eng. Cleared 1st, Annie, Brown, Baltimore; Czar, Svendsen Pensacola. Ar at London 2d. Titan, Berry. Hollo.

1st. Hattie Gove. Merchant. Montevideo Ar at Deal 2d, Elunotnia, Olsen. London for Sand)' Hook proceeded).

Oil the Lizard 30th, Annie Fish. Hoftses, from Lonrton for Sailed from Gloucester 2d, Bulgln, Koop. Savannah Tiger, Kruger, Pascagoula. Ar at Cornili Ut. Shepard.

Bich. Bristol. Eng. 30th. Marla Wakefield, Pernambuco; Rii) from Vesper, Janeiro.

Sailed 1st. Vanguard, Potter. Singapore S.alledfrom Bristol 2d. Cornwall Stamper. New York Cyclone, I'orboa.

Cardlfi. Put Into sheernesa 1st, Margatet fe Maria, Butler London for Boston. Sailed from Newport 31st, George Warren. Timothy Rio Janeiro. Arat Shields 1st, Josle, Pettigrew, Lnbeck Sailed from Glasgow SOth.

Zephyr, Gibbs, Bio Janeiro; Sou veraln. Wlllcmsen. Pensacola. Sailed frum Greenock Sunbeam. Whitney, Demarara Arat Queenstown 2d, Afblete, Hutchinson, Bristol fbr Savannah, Azofl'Holm, and Olat Glats, New York; Trldente, do, Ar at Cape Town, CGH.

Sept Arundel Gastle, Fulton, Calcutta lor New York (and sailed 1st uit). Cleared Sept -28. Fearless, Salter, East London. Ar at St Helena 30th ult, Roebuck. Campbell.

Port Natal (and sailed for James A Brown. Greemah, Bato- vla (and sailed ston): Tecumseh, Kills. Singapore via Algoa Bay (and aalled for Liverpool); Annte Torrey. Llbbey. (and sailed for Falmouth): Florence Treat.

Short, Hangnon (and sailed llth for Cuba, Rangoon for Liverpool. PaasedTth ult, Harriet Hickman, Smith, from Maulmain for Europe. Ar at Goree llth ult. Zlngarella. Strickland, Bissau.

Sailed from Glrgenti ult. DelflnoP, Landml. New York. Cleary at Ancona 28th ult. Odorlllo.

Holland. Leghorn. I'iscWettL Phlladelpkia- 29th, Simeta, Lnna, New lors itotled from Genoa 27th ult. Belle of the Bay, Williams, Palermo. Cleared 29th, Alvin Kelly, Kelir, Baltimore.

Ar at Santander 24th ult. Annie Owen, Pettenglll, New York (s). Wallace. Patras (and MlIedJnth forNew Anatralla (a). McKay, do; Goodwin.

Craig. Malaga. Sailed from Lisbon 24tb uit, Marianna II, Lopez, New York. Sailed from Bordeaux 29th ult. Arietta.

Dow, Montevldeo- New Yotk; Viator. Olaon. do. Sailed from Havre 3uth ult, Ophlr, Larsen, Hampton RCAd9. Sailed from Dunkirk 30tb nit.

Brazil, Htbbort. Cape Breton. Ar at Antwerp 30th uit. President Dane, Neflsen, Phtladel- pDia. SalM from Flushing Roads 27ih ult.

Neveraink. Jarvis. Ar at Helvoet nit. Atlas, Moller. Philadelphia.

Cleared at Rotterdam 29th ult, Abble Thomas, Eldtidge, America. Grimm, New York- 29th, Donau (s), Busslnsjjlo. Wencke. New Kate Covert, Theakstone. Savannah.

Durkee. Williamson, New Repnbllk. Fortroann, New York. nlL Stella Loiige. Kirbv.

Hudlkswail for for Bugiand; Annie Barker, Walsh. Sundswall Passed Fllntrannan 23d ult, Geflon. from Kotka for lieau- fort. Ar at Stettin 27th ult, Syanhlld, Just. New York Ar at Dantzle 28th uit.

Triplex. Van Wyck, New York. At Yokohama let Inst, Ambaseador. Prebn. for New York, to sail Rame day.

tel from Hong Kong Oct 30), Olenlyou (a), kdwards. New York. Ar at Suez Wfh ult. 3 PM. Glenaitney (a).

Gullard. Shang- oae, Ac, for New York. The State of Alabama proceeding toward? Glovers graving diKk, and the Bearrtz leaving collision. The former bas some frame? Damage to latter and one beam broken and plates Injured sail! tobe nicht oiT.U^, Wilhelm. Kramp, from Pbiladeiphia for Oantzlc.

which put tn here yeaterJay, has crew The African which arrived here had on board 8 to sea from Saugor 6th ult, Caowslev Hall New York. Ar at Accra Sept 10. Sea Gull. Stevens, from the coast. AT at Helena 12th ult.

Thomaa Pope. Loando. Ar at Tenerife 19th ult, Joseph Nickerson, Whitman, Net? York. Ar at Trieste 27th ult. Jennie Cook, Small, Philadelphia Ar at 16th ult, Almira Coombs, Langthorne, Philadelphia.

Sailed from Zante nit. Wolfrllle, Rartllng. New Tort, Ar Savona 2 £th nit, Mobile. Sailed trom Salouica I2tn ult. Mary Thayer, Cartby CepbaloDlca.

Ar at Messina 12th ult, Smyralote. Sears, New York. Sailed Acadia (a), Craig, New York. from Genoa29th ult, Shasta, Brown, Boston. Ar at Cette 38th ult, Elliott Uitcbie, Hutchinson, New Or leiDS.

Sailed John Wesley. Ford, Santos Ar at Seville 22d nit. Sportsman. Blanchard. New York Sailed from Malaga 25th ult, 25tb ult, Susan New Busy, Heard, Nuphar fVailace.

New York. Salleil trom Cadiz 24tb ult. Welaka. Perkins, for Gloucester Mass. Sailed from Bordeaux 29th ult, City or Elliron New Y'ork.

Sailed from Plllan ult, Sibley. Nichols. New York Cleared at Soderbamn 27th uit, Horace Beals, land. Sailed from Wyhurg 26th nit, Emma Litcbflelii. Hayden Gloucester.

Eng. Sailed from ult. Eldridge Delaware; Wllitam Hunter, Nielson, Galveston. Aacenalon. Oct 1.5—The Victoria.

American ship, from Cal cnttafor New York passed this place on Oct 3, and landed elgdt men of me John Pascal. Anierli-an ihip. from Calcutta lot Boston, buret at 120 from St Helena. POKTS. Ar at Hong Kong previous to 13th Inst, ship Charger, Knowles.

Car.tttt June 30. Ar at Calcutta I3tb Inst, ship Exporter, Brooks, Boston June 4. Sailed from Bombay 7th nit. bark Milo. Kracht, Tutucorin Bombay.

Oct regret having again to record another dull week, lor owing to the continued scarcity of cargo, the little that 1 offering Is barely sufficient to fill tip the only one steamer we have on the berth. The position ot the ship Sehne Is even worse, tor the speculators bave had her on the berth tor 1 iverpool for nearly a month, and have not jet a quarter ot her cargo, til Kurratffiee, Oct doing: steamer tonnage Octo- ber-Noveniber loading Is onertug treely. but does not meet with any demand. For London, ner sailing vessel; Grain aud 47s 6d; measurement, 6d. Passed Ascension uit, ship V'ictona, Atwood, from Calcutta for Boston.

Arat St Heleua 9th tUt, brig Martha Purtngfon, Natal (and llth for f.ondon). from Goree, West Coast of Africa. 16th ult, brig Julia Dillingham. Kniersoti. (not Boston).

At Appam, Attica, 7tb ult, bark Wheatland, Miner, from Cape Coast. Oft Monrovia. Africa, llth uU. ship Jasper, Williams, from New York Sept 6. Ar at St Vincent, CV Island.

15th nit. sch Lizzie Gregg, Anderson, Port Paaya (and sailed 19th for Boston). At ult. sch Joseph Nickerson, Whittemore from New York Sept 16. Sailed from Smyrna ult.

sch Kensett, Downing.Boston. Trieste. Oct last report the sch Klpple. 163 register tons, ha? beeu fixed for Pernambuco at 40? with 5 per cent ton weight Ar at (ilbraltar no date, bark lAwrence, Howes. Philadel phlB; brig Myronns.

Higgins. Cette for New York. Also ar at do nn date, ship l.oreley. Marcussen, Barcelona for New Orleans; the Ssga. Ar at Seville no date, hark Alice, Dver.

New York. Sailed trom Antwerp 12th In-t. ship Callfonila, Nelson to load (probably Flusbing). Sailed from Bremen 14th inst, ship Workman. McGray, North America.

Ar at do I3td lost, ship John Philadel phia; bark Caroline. Stricker. York. Ar at Christiana no date, barks Joseflna, Berndstsson, New York (has been reporteffar Oct 10); Soudrenorge. Taraldaen Philadelphia.

Aratcepenuagen bark Hermann Behrent. Dlll- wltz. Torit for Ar at Stettin 13th Inat, bark Juno. Boston. Sailed from Crongtadt no date, bark Reusens, Leighton New York.

Sailed from Liverpool 1st inst, bark Tatar, Pettis, Montevideo. Sailed from London 12tb Inst, anip Liverpool, Lambert.N*w York. Sailed from Bristol, Eng, I3tb inst, ship Sparkenhoe.Kellev. Pensacola. Ar at Plymouth.

Kng. 1.5th inst. steamer WIeland, Heblch, New for Hamburg (and proceeded). Ar at Queenstown i.5th steamers Adriatic, Perry, New York fitoinat; Indiana, Clark, Philadelphia 5th (and both proceeded for Liverpool). Ar at do 14th lost, steamer Cfty of Berlin.

Kennedv, New York for Llvernool (and proceeded) Sailed Uth. steamer Abysalnia, Murphy, (from Llverpixil) New York. A at Buenos Ayres Sept 23. bark Sadie, Gregory. Portland.

Sailed Sept 17. sch Kocheko, Jasper, Rio bark Diligo, Staples. Java, Sailed from CO Sept 1.5. Alonzo. Jamlllv, Bnil River, St George, Hall.

India: brigs Essex. Smith, Fal- moutb. Sarah fe Rmma. Carter, Paysandu. Ar at Rio Janeiro 27th ult.

brig Blanchard, Le Brocq. Paspeblac. Arat Pernambuco Sept 29. brig Imogene. Tbomu.

New- ult. barks Dolores. Abrlel. Fernandtua (and nailed 6tb for River Plate) Moewe, Evers. New brigs Harrington.

Clncas, and Katie, Robinson, Babla. Sept 29. brig Mutiawk. Murpbv. Paralba.

At St Pierre. Mart. 23d wit. brig William fi Latimer, Armstrong. Idg hard pine for Trinidad.

Port Spain. At Jeremlt 28th ult, brig John Mason, Porter, from NYork. At St Marc29th ult, sen Bent Young, McDonald, for Boston 2 days Ar at Ctonfuegos 12th Inst, sch Martha Neuman. New Orleans. Sailed trom Havana 13tb steamer City of New York, Timo ertnan.

New York. Arat l- 2 th bark Masonic. Rice, New York: brig Kingston. McEachren, Halifax; Emma Heather. Hudson Philadelphia: Htnea.

Peiton, Mobile, sailed 12 ta, brig Edith, Glbba, Pensacola. Sailed from do I4ih Inst, sch King. (last from Mobile) for North of Hatleraa. Ar at Matanzas 13th Inst, sch Coffin. Calala.

Arat Cardenas I2tb Inst, bark Dating. Donald, Portland; scb Minnie Taylor, do. Arat Quebec 12th inst, Meamer Waldenslan. Stepben. Cleared 12th.

steamera Moravian, Graham, and Qnebec. Thearle, Liverpool. fer at Farther Point '4th Inst, AM. steamer Sardinian, Dutton. Liverpool for Montreal, At Llngan.

CB, 13th Inst, sch Sweet, for New York.Idg. AratHalttax 13tb icst. steamers Cromwell. Bacon, New York for St NF; Trocks. Baltimore for SlJofns.

NF. and Carroll, Wrigbt, Charlottetown for Boston; sen Maracaibo, Ulltoo. Boston for Bay Arat St John. NB, 1.5th inst. ship A McCalinm.

iiverpool: brie Para. Htevens. Boston. Alsoar at do I.5th sen? New York; Baird, Boston; Riverside, and Porllaud. SPOKEIV.

July 31, lat 18 X. Ion 27 bark Tucker new). Tinker, tium I.ivei July 6 for Batavia and Sourabaya Ang lat S. Ion 40 40 American ship "Orange love. trom Batavia for Boston (by the Astrea.

trom Merando. at St Helena). Sept 8. lat 31 Ion 47 Austria. Gilmore, from Cardin lor Callao.

8ept 11. lat .35 1.3 S. ion 23 44 P. Lucy Wills, Pritchard. from Hollo June .5 for Boston.

Sept 18 Cape ship Tirrcll. Morgan, from Maulmaln June -28 for Kngland. Sept 28 lat 6 Ion 27 40 ship Mary Whittrldge, Cutler. New York Sept 4 tor Shanghae. Pt lat 31 S.

14 56 E. bark Batavia, Sa'wyer. from Batavia Aug 26 for Amsterdam. Sept 29. oft St Helena, ship Bappbtre, Berry, from Bassein June 28 for England.

Sept 29. lat 8 42 N. Ion 26 46 ship Admiral (new), Loring, from New Yijrk Aug for San Francisco. Sept 30. lat 8 Ion 26 20 iblp Herald, Gardner, from ton Aug 31 for Melbourne.

Sept 30. lat 8I.5N. lun -jesow. bark American Lloyds, Pant, from New York Aug 20 for Dnnrdin. NZ.

Oct 7. lat 18 IS ion 3 -24 ship Excelsior, from Singapore for Llvernool. Oct 11, lat 22 3, Ion .39 40W, abip North Star, Thomson, from Cardlfl Aug IS for Janeiro. Oct 11. lat 18 35 Ion .39 was seen an American s'eamer, showing letters JRGB.

steering SSW. Oct 13. lat 15 N. Ion 26 abip Charles Southard, Beat- ile. from Cardlfl for Bombay.

Oct 13. lat 37 N. Ion Wdcox. Crocker, from Singapore Oct 21. lat 23 Mbs Isaac Berden.

Baker, and Locke. Bunce. New Yoik. SO.MEB8ET—Ar 13tb, A Bartle, Smith, and Henry Croskev, Terrv. Philadelphia; Dt argill.

Kiel. Hoboken. I4th, ich KC Gates, Freeman. New J3th. Ell Townsend.

Arouhi. ISth, ach Weldln, Dow. Ar bs Carrie Hart. Davis. Ge town.

DC; ii Cowperthwatte, Jones. Providence tor Alex- I.3th. sch Kilen Kellev, New Turk. 13th. schs A Cohn.

and Dexter Clark. Port Rich. Bondout. Sailed, sch Deputy. McMahan.

New York. Ar I.5th. schs Marv Price. Camrbell. and Jesse Kmght, Fenton.

Phllaiielphla; Hnntington, Smitu. Fort 13tb. schs William Cranmer. Jesrie Knight. Fentm.

do; Mary M'eaver, Weaver, do: Cabada, Swain, do; Sarah t. Thompson. Paughkeepsle; Entire, Kennler. do: William Bowen. Dill.

New'Tort; George Brown, do; Planter, Harding, do: William Malden: 11a Cbase, Patterson. Harwicn for Virginia. Sailed 13th. steamer William Kennedv. Foster.

Baltimore via NorfifS; schs Williams. Philadelphia: Ellen Baxter. I.amphera. New York: Cnarles Heath, Kanlett, do; Henry Cole. Chadwick, do; William Ar Uth.

schs fe I Oakley. Newman, Rondout; Ella. Baker, Dennis; barge Vermont. Lemon. Port Johns m.

Sall-d Uth brig Manzanilia. IWalls, New York; sch? Spring Bird, Lean, St JoUn, XB. via Portlanl: Howard Williams. Wain wright. Geirgeiown.

DC; Jchn Crockford, Hart. New Ontario, Burdick, do; Julia Baker, do; Wm Burden do. Ar I5lh. steamer Catharine. Whiting.

Phllailelphia. with 175 cotton sch? Snow Bird, Cripps. St John, -A Bartlett. Geoigetown. DC; ffenj Stim torp, do; Ellen Tobin.

Burritt. Alexandria; Braaos. Bay nor. Port Johnson Brown. Tinker, Calais.

13tta PM.schs Raekert. and Davidson. Freeman Phllatlelnbia: John FUke. Snow, trom Harwich for 3'irglnla; Millie Frank, Edwards. Fall River tor New ork Chase.

Barger. Providence tor New Bed- torn. Sailed, brig Prince l.eBoo. NYork. Aruth.

Little Annie. Roberts. St John. NB; Lizzie Waters, Frederickfon, NB; Spring Blnl. McLean.

Pro dence fur it John. NB via Port lam 1 Robinson. Harvey from Xew York for Danvers. Forest Belle. Smith.

Perth Am boT fur Edgartown. Sailed 1 Ith P.M. brig Ann Pall River for Xew York: achs Trade Wind. Gray, from Bangor turd Wall. Walts, trom for do; Garaage Robinsun.

for do: Samuel Washburn, Hathaway, trom taun- ton for do; Elisha Smltb. Baker, for do; Hunter. Green. do Splendid, Phlnney, tor do: Tlllle Haskins, from Dlghton tor do. XARRAGAXSETT PIER (Dutch Island Harbor' L3- Ar.

schs Moses Libby, Warren. R'Xkland for NYurk; Palo? Ober. East Greenwich tor Calais. 12th, sch Washburn, from Croton XEW schsPaJfro, Sanborn. Machlas for York: Frank Pierce.

Hoboken. Ar 13th. US steamer Putnam, fronr Newport for XT 'rk schs Merwln. Pearoe. Alexandria: David Oirrler.

Phllailet Dhla for Norwlrh; Strickland, from Virginia; RP Fhllade pbla; Fiediile Aliou, Provlucetown tor Vlrglula Sailed I3(h, schs Lulu Ammt rman. tor Alexandria; Marietta Hand. New York XEW Uth, George Turk Island: Rodney Parker. Parker. Baltimore: Wm Waltoii.ajud Eirms Arey.

Hall. Gcs'rcetown: South Boblnson. Alexandria, sch Geo Gurne Xew York. XEW I3th. steamers B.tltic.

tor Liverpool Eiiglanil. do; City of Bicbmi'iid. do; Havre: glia. Glasgow: Elysia. do; Hremen; Geu Clyde.

Galveston via Key West; Xew York. Xew Orleans: Xew Orleans, do; Montgomery. Fereanillna, fee; in Salvailor Savannah: Ashiaml. do; ship St l.ucle, San Francisco: bark Nvmph. Bristol; Jr.

Port au Prince f.oril Claren don. Queenstown brigs Victoria. Barbadoes; Mary Com cry. Bermuda: sch Darius Ed'iy. AuxCayes Cleared 13th, schs Wm Todd.

Wood. Gren.Ada: I. Bird. Porter. Cape Hayllen; SW Perry, Look, Aux Ca Haven, Colltna.

alals, Ar L3tb. steamers France. Alltree. London Oct Elean ora, Johnson. Portlaml sch Mott Bedell.

Swlnburue, MTago ane; Ben. Beveridge. Wilmington.XT; Joseph Rudd. Anderson. Brazos Santiago: EG Edwards.

Chamberlain. Kcnuiond; A Ward, f.ane, Virginia; Frank Walter. Saxton, and John Griffith, DC; Rokes, Rokes, Whitehouse, Fainbam. Baltimore: Xorman. trom Plymouth; Gud'less.

Kelley, Mjotlc tor Philadelphia; Mary A Hyer, flyer. Xew Haven RAILROAD BONDS, A Spletutid Wmtie Security, NASHUA AND ROCHESTER RAILROAD. First Mortgage 6 pr ot. Bonds, COUPOX OR PrlnriiNkl aiiaci Pnynble tn The fisne Is Mmlteil to an amount not exceedtog per mile. THE WORCESTER AXD NASHUA R.AILROAD COM- PAX guarantee the Bun and Interest, and tbia guarantee printeil and slgne.i on each bond.

The Mortgage Dt covering all the property of is made to ALEXAN DER If. BULLOCK, of Wurcerter. SfEPHEX SAI.ISBURV, u( Worce-ter, AAKON W. SAWYER. Xa.sbua.

Trustees for the The I cii is are in denominations ol 100 and $500. FOR ALE BY Ar Uth. steamer? Cingalese. Gardner. Licata Sept 24.

Denia Oit 5, Gibraltar Mosel. Xeynaber, Bremen (let ivia Soutbamnton Nov Britannic, Thompson. I.Werpool Not 4 G'anluia. White, Bermuda; Livingston. Mallory, Savannah sb Graham's Polly.

Clapp. Cronstadt; barks Lottie Httw.irt Sinclair. Belfnat. James Ward, Llesgang, Catbarieii Scott's Boy. Murray, Bay, NS: brigs Daisy.

McCarty Corstantlnople; Prince LeBoo. Uatfleld, Providence: Elmira Pendleton. StonlngtoD: scb? Mary A Wltbam. Austin. Port an Patx; Jennie Gllkey.

Gllkey. Cardenas; Ida A Jayne Mol Re Breed. Silllwell. Jaekaoovllle; Emily I Glldersleeve, Jordan, do: Wlliie Savannah; Berry. Seavey, do; SJFort.

Fort. Baliimore; Union. Ste Rockport, Me; Clara Sawver. Branscomb, Mt Desert Nettle. Birch.

Provincetown: Charles CarroH, Carroll, and Hifstlngs. Chase. New Bedtord: Flight. Tinker, from do for Port Johnson: Saratoga. Nickerson.

Pawtucket do: Annie Martin. Bandy. Providence: Lavulta. Whittemore, do Minnesota. Coombs.

Xew London: Lul Ammerman. Snow Xew Haven; Addle Avery, Parker, Jane, Gird ner. do. ALSO ar 14tb, bark Elia Moore. Masters, from Wardwel).

Berebaum. Jeremie; Jennie. Sackett. Xantuoket Rockland; Jame? Watson, Eldridge. Lynn Lane, Boston; Baird.

Mayo, do: Wm Abbott. sutton, do; Lamprey, Gunld, do; FaFinto, Sanford Machias; Lookout, Hawkins. Lubec; Falrwlnd. Bowman ew Bedtord. ArK5th, Rlley.

Small. Stettin: Frances DavU Taylor, Sau Bias; Donna Anna. Whaley, Havana; Cygnu bteefc. Port Spain. Faaaaii turougb Beil Gate East, sebe Addle Hryant.

trom New York tor Boston; Ann Mitchell.trom Port Johnson for do: Palma. trom Hoboken tor New Bedford: Nightingale. Hyiand, fn-m Xew York for Kast- Berry, Winslow, from Port Johnaon tor Al exanilrla. Faulkingbam. frv'm Perth Amboy fordo; Sharp, Webb, from Hoboken for do; Alnomak, Bligh, from Wocdbrtdge for do.

Passed through Hell Gate. 13th. bound East, scbsZ Tay iur. Jours, from Ellzabethport tor Lund.m: John Mettler Weeks, from Port Johnson tor Taurlon: A Hayes, Hayes Irom for 1.3th. Reading.

Colburn New York; Achilles. Artis. Bo-tou; Hercules. Swasey. Xew Bedford; Harrisburg.

Worth, Satom: schs Lottie Ames. Rockland: A sbaw Virginia; BhodelU Blew, Novell, do. Cleared 13th, steamer Lancaster. Mills. Boston (and sailed': schs Alex Harding, Me Bride, Havana; Derby.

Naylor. Sagua: Elvie Cambridge: Squire. Ham)Iton. Boston: George Cburthman. Risley, do: Delmimt.

Hirmoma, R.vder, BiiCkland: Carl 0 f.aihrup. Kebeo- ca Queen, Catn, Bos'on: Kate Rlcb, Holmes, do: A Parsons, Corson, do. Joseph Vauce. Lee. do Pomeroy do; Malr 4 Cranmer, lie; A Trudell.

Grace Mediurd; Emma Shaw, Springer, Godfrey, Salem: Nellie Lampher. I.ynn: Russell Smiib, laa della Torre. Chase. Marblehead; Anna Myrkk, Smith. Provincetown: McLain.

Kemp Kemp. Welllleet: Dcean Wave. Somers, New Bedford: I Luvell, Borden, Fall River; Jessie Leach. Johnson. Wjsh- ingt Ar Uth.

barks Exile. Peaice, Lonilon; Mlrlo N. Sarah Hali, Durkee. Wtst fnilles; Edith. John-uu Havana; schs Mary Savannah; Fanny Koler Clen.ent, Bangor: Theresa A Keen, Keen, Darien; fe Annie.

st Ar 15th. steamers Roman. Crowell, Boston: Allentown.Tut Sailer i5th tic. 0 Cleared 15th, ach 9 fe Corson, Boston amer Panthea, Mills. Boston.

Also ar achs Willard. LIpplncott, Serano Key; Naylor. Tilton, and 9 Corson, trom Boston, Cld loth schs A Garwood, and BaiJcock, Boston ewcastle. down 13th PM, scb Mary Wo si- hull. Delaware Breakwater, Nov 53.

schs John Sin grabam, rrom Baltimore: irom do tor Charleston Vapor, do for Washington tor Sailed, sch Ida New York. Went to sea. steamer City of Limerick. Uth, brigs Lizabel. Farnham.

Palem: Todd. Hutchinson, Rio Janeiro; Hattie McG Back. VYoodbury, Georgetown. SC; Alice Gardner, Gott, Savannah Clara Loud, Tbompaou, Boston Mary Reeves. Bracy, Labrador; A Huriburt, Xew York; WiPlam Aldlna, from Savannah: Helen Nickerson, Cleared I3tn.

ship Helene. Ilasoagen, Rotter- scha A Server, Con-eruy. Brooklyn: Crowell. Boston Griffin, Carter, Iroy. Sailed toth.steamer Braunschweig, for Biemen.

Ar Uib.steamers Sea Gnil. Childs. Charleston: I.iuilla brigs Dudley. Dedpel, Ingraham, Asbwutxl, St Johns, PR; Cl.a>lwi«-k, Island: Lank, Bermuda; Ehr- mau, Fooks, Nuevitas. Ar Fields.

Ponce, PR; Lucy Tick.Rock and; sch Joseph Allen. Boston. Cleared I5th. stea.r.ers King Arthur. Johnson, Rio Janeiro; William Lawrence Ri ston: bark Traveller, Penlield, Klo Janeiro.

12th. sch Rulon, Washington Sai'ed 12th. Nellie Payne, tor Boston; Hill, for Portland; Charles Lawrence, for Charlestown, Rand, aud A Ames, (trom Georgetown', tor coxstwUe t.EORGFTOWX, DC-Ar 12th. Eben Fisher, from Wli.ilsur, NS: Mary Smith. EORTKEISS MON In 13th, bark Alvlngton.

trom Rio Janeiro; brig? Anna. Svenilaen. from ADiile Ingram, trom Porto for Baltimore. Pas8'd out 13tti, bark Helen Sands, trom Norfolk tor poil; Southern Hume. Irom Richmond for Rio PnilnlSth, vialtoD, trom Wilmington, XC.

tur Richmond. Me. I2th. S'-hs LucyD.Handy. Boston; Rohm Huuti.

Baker. Pbllauelnliia. Sailed i2tb, tlaroline Knight. Rhodes. Philadelphia; Ella Barues, Larder, 11 Whar- tou.

Bush. do. Sbiiltz, Thompson. New York; McfNinald, steelman, Phllailelphia. Sailed l.tth.

Southern Hume. Hansen. Rio Ethan Ajien. Annie Bell H.ver, Betts, New Turk via Jame? River; A Dewitt. Mansun Havana via sch Sophia Wlnterton.

Jaikson. New York. Cleared 12th, sen Joseph Oaks. Parker, Barbadoes. CHARLESTON-Cleared fUtb.

Lucy Collins Rich. Batb.Me, vln Satilla Ktver; Emma Baijcock. Philadelphia via Hranswirk. Ga-llth. Katie New York via Fernandtna; Watts, M'oodstucs Mi is, Fla.

Ar iSth. sch Arthur, Cruse. New York. Sailed ISth. of AilanU.

Wuodhu.I. New York: Equator, Uincklay. Philadelphia; bark Hattie Card, Ar Uth. ateamet a. savannah for Boston (With broken) barks Alice Roy, McKenzie, KristuI via Savannah; Grouaval.

Nielsen. Grimstadt via do; brig Barter, Havana for Falmnuth. leaking; sch Kp- plnger. frrm New Turk. Sailed t4th, Wheeler, Thompson.

Liverpool, SAVAN l3tn. City of Dallaa. Htnea. New York. Cleared 13th.

ship Hampton Court, Volks. rpool; btirk? liattlcGuudev, Hammond. Havre; Matv Liverpool. Sailed 13ih. ateamers Jacirto, New York; City ot Houston, Deering, do; sch? Ett.t Barter, Baater, Georgetown, DC; RoOinaon, New York.

Sailed from Tybee 13tb, bark Alice Koy.McKenne A Dniry. Gage. Genua. Wont to tea from Tybee I4tb, bark Kelioy, Liverpool. BRUNSWICK.

fith. brig Ernest, Boston. KEY I3td. ach Ricardo Jova, Llftu. Valencia 12ih.

Henry ATab-r, of New Bi'dford, chartered to load iumbitr at Pei.aaco.a for Jamaica and return with trult. NLW ORLEA.NS-Ar 15th. iteamers George Washingtsn. New York Knickerbocker. Kemble, do; Dill, from Tampa Bay: Rovalial, from.

Ulilla. ClOttrod ach bippie, Webb, Utilla. Ar attbe I3td, steamer Bra New irk: sliip Waiter Hatfield. Uara susaii J. Campbell.

York. Saitod Uth, atcamer anu sch Whipple. Ar at Southw'tsi Pats 15th. William I.ay ton. from Riiatan.

I3th, Mexico via St Hen ard I where to pnweed to New for repair-; San Jacuito, R.cker, brig Andrea, Havener Rio Janeiro; sch Kem. New Cleared 1.3th. Stst Rolger Yori; Marv Brad-baw, Van Gilder. Sa l- bark Galveston, fer l.lveepuul Also ar Utb, sens Hattie Gove, P.rrt Ptoysi, 3C; F. ssn- Matanzas.

SAX Nov 6. ach Urernoiind, Burns, Tahiti Cleared Cth, bark Rev-re, Connor, ManelSiott, Tahiti. William Sutton. Ilrunlg. Ouna- sailed 6lb.

Trtnraphunt, l.ibtyy, t.Iverpool; nimodore. Glim' re. Port Ludlow. ArXnv7. Clara Bell, Shepherd, H'H io I I Kmnia Hiimbohlt: brig l.ti'y Ann, Sicith.

p.irt Blately. 7th. King PblUp, Port Perk Marf.n, Tatoma: brig Glencoe, Wentworth. Hun'Mdt. Ar 13.

shiTi Xew T'irk 7. Sailed t2tb bark Mary Burrard intot and Iqulque. San Nuv mtlne lumber this port to 'Peru, accoui sch Greibonnd, 149 tors, assorted the from Hueneme with barley, gofsto Iquiq ie; the Sierra Nevada takesfumber fruo: port to Puco.Peru: takes lumber heuce to Appia, andtbe Granger Icaila wheat for Liverpool. ot 2, ship Welt. Welt.

Queenstown. Sailed 2(1. ships Mr.w'ear. Carter. loi ilia, Curtis, bng3ea lerner, San Fran- brig Merchantman.

ock for Tybee Oct 22. lat 48 Iverpool for Oct 27. lilt 36 orklngton Oct 29. lat 53 Anna, Mexico. Union Island.

Nov 10.15 Cygnns, at er. Bom Baltimore tor N'tiv 11, 30 mile? SK of Sandy Hook, bark Eliza White, Wotton, from Matanzas for Boston. Nov 12. lat 36 20 ion 73 u8. scb Shiloh, from Demerara for Baltimore.

35 days out, short of rtovlsions (supplied by sch laa A Javne). Nov 13. 50 SE from Sandy Hook, was seen an America brig steering NX for New York, with JIbboum gone and bowsprit damaged (by sch NYork from Oardenas) Darling. Biinn, Boyling, for Tidal Ws-ie. Rey- 3IATTHEW BOLLES nil Xoa.


GEO. FAWCETT ROWE, MICAW- Author and Comedian, in his riulnal character lifcR in Ualllday and Dramatization of LITTLE L. R. SllEWELLa? PEGGOTfY The entire L'ltnp-iny in Nplcndld Mcenerjr and Anpointmenta. NEXT Grand Historical Pageant HENRY V.

with Jarrrtt A PalmerN Maornltleriit Mcenrrv, aud with M' GEUKGfc NOLD in tbeUtie role. S.ilu of at Box Thnrsdav morning. Duurs opeuat 1.3« and 7. Begin? at 2 and 7.30. tf 31 GLOBE THEATRE.

ARTHrs hemt feXD Ma.vzGaa MR Nerond and AVerk oY JOHN T. RAYMOND rj.w great of Solloz-s, by KATHERINE RUCERS. Mr? F. MAEDKK, Mr JOHN C. Mr H.


Xuv. 15 and everv evening at 7.1Í, ana S.Al MATIN KL at 2. MONilkAV Aov. a-J. KETUR.N OF MR GEORGE HONEY Erom bis New Yurk tour, ana repneluc- New tf Manager.

BOSTOH MUSEUM. Mr R. M. FIKL9 W'KKK MB' FIFTH and LAST WEEK BIG BONANZA. 3 Hours Laughter 1 LAST WEKK WBEK rVRRT EVEXIXG except SATURDAY, at and WEDNESDAY andSATUHD.XY A KRNOONS at- 2 S.YTURuAY KVKNIXG, 2 first time In several the Play of Thrilling Interest and incident.

LADYACDI EY'S SECRET. Mg' MCXDAY. N'ov. 22 great Scenic PAi; VBLETTE, with everything new. tt Play of nii HOWARD RICH and Attraction.

EVERT EVEXIXG during the week and WKD.N'K,8n\Y and S.YTUKD a AFTEKNQONS, the cbarmins Arilsr. In the Musical Comedietta the Supported by tbe popular MR JOHK HAT.T. AND COMPANY OF SUPERIOR ARTISfA Followed by tbe ttiual GRAND NOV'KLTY EXTERT IIX- MKXT. inttodnclBg 20 Wpecitilty Kvenl open at at 7 pen at at i-to ni6 tl THE REDPATH BOSTON LYCEUM. MUSIC HAI.L.

TO-X GOT. The Veteran aeronaut. B.AL.KOO.’Vl’VtJ.” Boseived Seats.5« cts. For on TUESD.AY at fe. 136 Tiemcmt street.



SOLOLSTS Mille. A.ATOIAíKTTKNrKKKI.A'G K. PRlttlKA HMF Svinphuny in (Breitkopl and Hairtel Xo. 12 Mme II. Concerto.

A Op .54 MB B. B. MH.LBaìid ORCHESTRA. Der Doppi-Igaenger Mme. AA TOISETTE STERlIMi S.vmphony, Xo.

in Op. 93 Sub-criptii 11 ludtng KeVt rved Seat. can nuw he hail at the Office ot Ha i. to Concert, with 1 A.huijaton $1 Far ile on Ibisr-day. Xuv.

llth. stolDway fe Fianca used at all the n9 BOSTON MUSIC HALL. THEODORE GRAND MATINEE, SaTI IH75, at PnocRA-MME OVERlf RE. rager 11 A fl Aii -ei 1 ARIA. kaa.


1 Andame on poco 2. l.arrnetto. Scherzo. 4. OVERTUKE, Reethovea SUXGS, a.

Kaft 5. Lachen Maa. AXTOlNEUrK SYMPHOXK POKM. Le Rout Oi ERTURK, Tliketst' tbe Including ReserveJ Seat, $1 For at the office uf the bail. nto BEETHOVEN HALL.

Katraordinarj- The World's Noveltvl Ut of six IMighttand Two Commencitty MONDAY EVES INO, November '4'id. ii- MOltOA CH old). Prima Donna, the rfa. 1 bti A-mt th-; Dt ADAhrPE CO Prima Donna, a- with THIRTY JUVEN ILE ARI ISIS extr i La Grande Duchesae. Dneheaae.

a Grande DiicliesHe. Grande Dncheaae. CHORUS AX GRAN ORCflESTRA. it olami- -zre, TW illK R4NDFAMI1 Ti M-BS-Thank-ijflw- ai TllkkiDVl an 1-) A HARRY M'NEB. I hORTiCULTURAL HALL Mr Sidney COUBsF TU EI.VE Shakespearian and Miseellaneous RECITATIONS THIS TUESDAY.

EVENlNi with the 01 Sh.ake»i,cjr I6tb. swell SDrsgiie. Norder. Webb, sail Fran- DO.HfESTIC PORTS. 12th, scha Ida May (to haul up and John Douglass, Parker, Bangor.

Sailed Webster Barnard, Smith, Demerara; William Jewell, Wardwell. and Onward. Reatb. Rockland. 13th.

Bmellne, Stanwood. Boston: Ben Fraiiklin, Varnum, do: Allston. Fltzgeraid.Salem: Starr, Frank. Pblladelphla; Allston, Fitzgerald, Salem: Gen UaiL Creamer. New York.

Cleared ISth. achs Ralph Howea, Burgess, New Haven; A Gould, Lansll. Norwich; Harper. CuDPers, Bridgeport; Buth Thomas. Clifford, Gloucester; Mystery.

Call. Hinghsm; Warrington. Nlckeroon; Lochlel. Brown; Mexican. Herrick; Hall.

Snow; Woodbury, Webber; Warren, Low. apd Winona, Boston. 13th. schs Odlorae. Crowell.

Georgetown. DC: Samuel Gilman. Kelley, Philadelphia: Sttmp- son, Rhodes Rtndout; Star, Bray, Port Jchnaon; Toronto, Boston (to load for BrookHni Cleared 1.3th. Harold, Hanson, Havana; Maud. Robinson.

Philadelphia; Surprise, Seavey, and Ida Spoflbrd, Ingalls, Calais. Ar 14th, sch Ariadne. Weober, New York. A 15th. schs Alaska, Thorndike.

New York: Ocean Belle, Wasson. Providence; Citizen, Allen, Boston, Cleared, schs Janet St John; Crown Prince, do. Cleared I5tb, bark Winslow, for Buenos Ayres; schs Mary Long. Haskeli. Havana; Harry Whlton.

tor dti. lllb. schs Utica, MarUn, St Stephen, NB; Planet, Hendi-rson. Lawrence. Davis.

Ellsworth: John Moulton, Crowler, and Osprey, Crowley. Addison; Lookont, Rivmmel, Calais: Mary Elizabeth. Coleman; Ham, Satellite, Adderton. A Rowland, Smith, Boston. NEWBURYPORT-Ar Uth, brig Abbfe Watson.

Hoopar, Darien. Ga. Sailed ISth, steamer Leopard, Albertson, Philadelphia; schs Mary Ella, Staples, do; Ann Julza, Mayo, Boa- 12tb. Prank Dow, Gage, Boston (to load for Bole): Harriet. Weymouth, Lynn (to winter), sailed, ich? Free ind, New York: Bight -Away.

Urossley. New Haven; and a large fleet of coasters, bound South and East. Ar 13 fh, scb? Abbott Lawrence. Handy, and Tanumount, Scott. Port Johnson: Fred Holden.

McRae. Ellzabethport; Palestine. Howe, and Wigwam, Field, do: II Curtis, Mann, brig Katahdln. Saunders, Turk? Island for Bangor; sch? Wyman forTusket, Ida Frolmin 0 Bent. Smith: haiD John Hall Jr.

Green, and Vandusen, Gxl- frev 'Philadelphia: Clara Elwell. Lone, do tor PiH-tsmouth: Kva Leonard. Sargent, Sontn Amboy; Florida, Mary 'Stewart, Coombs; Tav. Brown, and Cornetla.Cralg. Port Johnson: James Neiison, Kendall, do for Bangor: Grace Cusbing Hamilton, do for Portland: Clara Rankin.

Rogers, do for Iptwlch; Ians. Coombs, and Knowles, Kllzs- bethport- Bramhall. Hamilton, do for Portland: Castilian. Morgan. Hoboken tor Portsmouth: A Pierce.

Kellev, New Yfirk- Freddie Eaton, Faulkner, tor Warreft; Kastport for New York: July Fimrth, W(X)d Bangor for do: iM Strout. Dean, do for Froviden Cbamnton Leach. for New Bedtord; Hiinie. Roiklan Frank 4 Kmlty. Cobb, do for Weehawken: Anna schs A Buckley.

Young; Lizzie Small Tice ami A McGahan. Call. Philadelphia, NEW BEDFORI)-Ar 13th, sch Louise. fTom Bangor. Ar 4 tn, Halt.

Kelley. Nlcterson. iboken: Wlllie Irvin, from Chatnam: LelU l.ln- wiiid Chatham. 9atled H.nmer, Philadelphia: tor do; Nellie Browm Kelley, do; Amos Dunn. Haverstraw; Eliza H11- Itam? Hamblin New York: 'Khnngale.

1 oui'g, rto: fc Rebecca. Gordon, do; Angler, A'W'fo Smith, do; Leach. Pendleton, do: Susan Stetson. Lewis, do; fa I RfvicR-Arnth. schs and Merwln-ISth.

Skinner. Thraaner and Mason, DC: PhUadelphla, Atwocd. ani 3 A Falconer, Soiled iSth, Id Cuiiard iteamer Parthla, at Boston from I.tverpool—Mr« LA Mr Harris. Mhs Moody, FS Eddy. A Mr and Mr? Paine, son and daughter, Mr and Mrs George Wilder.

Mrs Whiting. Nelson. Miss Jones, Mr A Peabody. Mr and Mrs Peter? and Miss A Nelson. Warren, Mrand Mts A Gunnison and tJaughter, Mrs Schlesinger, Hon and Mr? Clifford and two 9 Brayton, Miss Bravton, Hr Boynton.

Hr Klee. Mrs Neal and two children. Mr Wm Kav, Cant Blanchard, Mr Rltcble. Proctor. II Peabody.

Dr Luther Parks, Mrs Fate and daughter, Mr 9t Hope-Edwards. Hunter. Guild, Mi-s MrJ Cusblng, Mr? Batcbelder and son, Mr and Mrs A Tucker and maid; ana 122 in the steerage. In steamer Sa.ler, from New York for Bremen-Dr Denny, ol Boston. BILAJIRlJikaES.

In thl? City. Nov 10, by Rev Cyre? Cunnlngham. of Boston- Wll lam A Mattbews. of Boston. toMlsaEvehne Hayward.o* Nov It.byBev AK Teele by Rev ofOnlncT.

to Annie Norton. CbMles FrankUn Hardwick, of Quincy, to Annl ''AV at tbe Unitarian Chur. b. by Rev Seth Chstidler. Jacob Poilard Hazea, of Shirley, ti- Kate Eliza Bancroft, of Ayer.

N'ov 1,5, at his residence in city, after a brief George Batoheller. Esq. junior member of the firm of fe A Batctfller fe Co, ated 37 The turerai serv ices will take place from his late resiiieDce. bovlston street, on Wednesday next at twelve Relatives aud friends are invited without further notice. In this city.

Nov A wife of Coi Geo 11.49. of Laconia, At Anburndale. Nov Anthony Holbrook. 79. 4 irom Church.

Aubnniiiale. on Thursday, at 10 30 AM. Cars leave Boston and Albauv depot at 9.15. At Grafton, Mass. Nov H.

Cant Jonatbin Warren. 4W Funeral service? on at 2 PM. Relative? and friends are fnvlted to attend without further notice. REMOVAI-S. REMOVAL.

I. mmm Henry the V. b. The. wuch Ado About THURSDAY AF TKKNOO.N.

Nov. 1-ih. MABKL AKflX" iWht rea'i Doems Ticket- tor any the Kecttatlon? now tor ticultura: Hali. Programme? at the Half nil TEN STMPHONY CONCERTS. HAEVABD InsiCAL ASSOCIATION.

SECOND CONCERT, Hali. THtrKsnaT Arraa- xoox, Nov. 1 8 th, at 3o kovertureto bert-, Comerto, in B. Hummel Madeline Schiller Incantation te from Schumann's Heroic Sympbon.v, atftkovtP; Overture aud Hetor ticket? tor remaining nine coecerta $9 Single a i- $1 wltn reserved ao. FITHEU UiRE.

In ooedience to a POPULAR PEM.VXo, will repe.G hi? OLD CONit'SBrr At TREMONT TE.MPl.E. on THURSDAY EVKVING IS. for the Benefit ot the NORTH END MISSlttX and the BOSTON MISSiONAKY SOCIETY, with ADDED ATTRACT ION 9. Tickets cents. Reserved 25 extra.

at Tremooi Temple. 2 TREMONT TEMPLE. COiiiC'EH'r BI THE FHUHABMOIilC CLUB, -ksAlsted by H. M. SMITH and D.

ANN MATHEW, WEDNESDAY EVEXIXG. Nov. 17. will be their FIRST AFPEARANUK in Tickets with Be- st-rv ed Seats only 50 tor now at Ticket TremontTtmpie. 4t oi3 Boston Conservatory of Music, TKE.tlOlMT Winter Nov.

22d. Best ot In-truetiona gtveo and raoa pupil? ina Send tor lo 1,8 12 JULIU3KI-UBKIiG. Director. MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS. Boaton AtMcnaeitm.

The Duke de Kanloach The Era of the Egyptian Antlanilies, Pottery, and M) eta. mylY KlDliVG and Winter Term, commcnctng Sept. hours, 9 A.M. to 12 2 to 4 P.M.; hours, to9 A.M., P.M.; Ladles and Ito 2 P.M.. and 7 to Music $1 50.

Mufic Tues-iay and Saturday Kventngs. cammencing at on and alter t. 5th. given every evening except Music £venings. Saddle Hoisrti boarded at $7 per week, and Wrd of one horse and carriage per week.

Persona either Saddle or Uarr age at this establlsh- n-'enf can have the of tbe without addltfonal charge, ifintormlty with roe above regulation? to the DRAPER fe West Dednam street. Boston. Horse, carenitly all 91 3tn NEW STORE, 96 98 WASHINCTON STREET, Ereehtone Block, cor. of Elm St. One of the Finest Stocks of Fiirni' ture in the World.

eopim WANTS. A scrive p.vitner with a few thonsand dollars. In a sale bouse a an I well to take the place ot id 1.1 tand an It SOTO. reflnng. Must state am-nmt ol ca-h Best ol reference? given an 1 1 te.i nl3 FIANOS.


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