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The Belvidere Standard from Belvidere, Illinois • Page 3

Belvidere, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FPaV1 mmmMmm Tt AVE JUST RECEIVED JSETC. AND t7lLitJJ-iSrtal acOcsdi BT six. FonnfrdinirmfflissiQa Merchant tfjEALER IK Sat, WATfiR UME, dec. r-fms rl 1e -4 0 V. Da.

GlJYSOTXS'IMPOTEI ATTRACT The ortarinal and oalr rewni original and oalr gewoiM breperaiioa aW the sennaneatenre of Ceasaaasdon and Dis eases otbe ther arevsupposed aaTeeted hjr (he-ovuaw of Mer- r--- eury, Iron, aa, are. IT, WILL CVR8 WItJHpirT FATt Scrofblar King's Evil, Cancersi Tumors, Emp-tieea of Ski, 8ore-Eyee, Ringworm Rhemnatlsm. Palm te the Bonevor Jeiat Old Sore tod ITlvers, i Swelling of thd Glands, SyphllK' DyspepMiS, SaJ hewm' Dfsesse aaraiir2 9 ausa. aw wi ws Pais injths.sac.and fihjHtltkra. fienrrsl.Dfhili- ty, Dropsy, Lomnago, jaundice aaa Cosllveness.

The 6esi $1Mcm Kcowii hjfckerifepaj and the "Red are the valuable remedial agents fieaa which "Dr. Guysott's Improved Exirset ofTelfcw Dock and Sarsap-arilla" is formed; and fhe laboratory, of Dr. Gwfsou has fiven as ue virtues ef wse roots 'their pertection. his preparation contains all the restorative ptopnis of the roots, eonv bined and eoaeeatrated an their BtSsoat strengfh andelBcaey. Expcrimeats were made ta the nuaafacture of this medicine, antU it was fcand that it conic nut be further bnpvoved.

Accordingly, we Und ft resorted to, almost universally ia eases of Hepatic, Seortatic, and Cutaneous complaints, for general prostration of all the vital peweja, and all thote tormenting diseases of the akin, so trying lo the patience, and so mjarious to health. marSiMm.0fflVM, El ilin Otmrm 7W4it, JOummatutm, mud seal Witfy mf mkrr dimmgrmabk mmd damgamm mmm mrw mrmm-9 SSDM'erSHMSSSfiMvW ifMpHcSaa Su ink. Oct 6, 1851. Mr. Joe i.

Dear Sir It ts whh uo-uuetable lee'iiogs of gratitude that I am able, through the Divine Providence of God. and by the wotnier-working agency 4 that ezrcllmt medicine, "Goysntts Ve.lw Dock ana KaiMp--aiflla." to give yon a few symptoms of my al-most hepeleas case. In the winte; of 1S50 I was attacked with a severe pain, which was gradsalty extending through the whole tignt side and leg; at the same lime, a total prostration of my physical system; also, my leg had shrank to abuuit two-thirds of its common size. 1 procured the attendance of a skil ful practitioner, vho pionunneed mv disease one of the worst form of Inrer Com ft taint. He said wy case wss one not easily adtvd.

bet preacneed tor IttJt. 1 rVnaii.ed un der bis treatment until I was satisfied he, xotxld not help me. 1 then procured of your sgent at this place, W. A. Beers, two tattles of Guysott's YetUw Dock and Sarsaparilla from which I ie-eeivrd a vast amooat of benefit.

After having takes four bottles more, I was able to pursue my he tines wirhoot any inconvenience, and have been ince that time a well man, wbfle bat a short trffie Mnce I was eoaSxed to my bed three-foonhs of the time; and I cannot ascribe the re-urn air health lo any other cause than by the agencv orthat trely valoable medicine, Gnysott's Yellow Dok aad aisaparina. HASSEL VAtJRIPER. Suwk, Oct. 14, l5l. Mr.

John D. Park Dear Sir: I send you the foregoing tenffira re. and, so Car as 1 am acquainted with his ease it is all true. I procured ii. thinking ii might be a to you and to the afflicted.

You have the priri'ege of using it as you think best. Yours, W. A. BEERS. Multitudes of similar certificates of truly won-deifal cures performed by thw medieine, might be presented, had we room or deemed itnecea--j iy.

ii is yi up iu uui uuilci, a ai pcrcuiue, or six bolt'es fur t5. H. BLAKSLEY, tomhvM corner of Third and CheMnnt street, St. Lncrfs, Mow OVneral agent for the west, to whom all oruerTmust be addressed. Sold by W.

B. WoodruTCelvttere. O. S. Jenks, Marengo.

And bv one gent in every town throughout the A. HAYES Forwarding Commission Merchants, BELVIDERE, ILLINOIS. HAVING rented what is known a Ae-fttone occupied formertv'bT Wm. Smith, they are prepared to receive, store, and lorwaru mercaanaise, rroaure, ate. ranneis will find it to their advantage to store their rrain and have it mm hand when the prices ia market suits tnem.

MMena mdvmwzs made on Gram in store; Wheh Instueti. ALONZO HAYES, D. tirciKscif B.B.Kiaf. Al Fey Sc Kadciiflr. Chicago.

Neelyat Howe. y-' Alex. Neejy 1 Wm. H. GUman, Bel vidViw.

Lawrence Sc May, Belvidere. April 18th. 1854. IMOTIOB. 1 A PUW MORE CHESTS of thai good Four Shilling TEA, nt the Briak Store of- J.


of that Cheap Sugar, at I. RIDER'S. DRCSD FRTJtT-A fin aseortment of Dried Fruit, at J. ft DEE'S. nrlvkr 1 j' ii.

rntti t0jvat. ids wrw, ors DWif, Three Thousand yards ef Pristta, freea to 8 cents per jard. JL RIDER, DELAINES Also a. larra lot of De- Latoea wt thO I5sw YeH Chsaa. from 10 to 15 cents pet i J.

RIDER. ndtrai? ft lotfoh gaul JLX OFFtR JfOa SALE my Boasa aad 1 aw I Mn. um ociiiucia vFeelaraahl eiiieW.Teklat re, 48tf Belridere, ft FARM near, vflUf. of two bandied asresvl60 under imsrevement. and 40 aires of timber.

On said arm is a comfortable frame honsesand ham, aa orehard, -and 'a fine- toeeat Tore. eirttT acres of enimnraved lead; oa Boons lands will be sold Car eawt cash, and balance a yUse, ai somber of uarea 8f( -1 xR A Y. TDDOafElTl IfOTESAnapprovei tin, primttd on superfet paper. For, sale, at una umc. i i i.

jtiiiiisri PAPER; HANGINGS Jnst come hand at ER'5 the, best assortment men toCPaper listing -rer seen in Call and see, as aii fancies cazv be sailed; LADIES BONNETS SpriDg tyies-agTeat variety excellent article prioes low at I- HMAOHER'S. April 25. TLtDtot lripe4RibDonsjoitved at Magnets. "Call before you buy." April 25. HOXTSEANDLOT rojt SAIJE.

THE" SUBSCRIBERS offer forsah aHotise and U)t. sitoated cm Mecnaofe t. oppefeita S. W. Bristol's.

The Jot, contains one acre of ground. Belvidere, May 1851.x I w. Dress Goods Just received at llagher's. PARASOLS, an elegant assonnieol. if -i nit 0-' La3ies' black Sc col'd MantiRai Capes and' Scarfs.

New Style Collars, TJnder-sleeves, and Hand- kefthie'E. New mnslfn-and cambric Embroideries. Embroidered Ifcea and cambric Hd'kfs, Sew yl. Peail, flesh colored, and black silk Hose. Mus'in Robes new patterns.

A splendid assortment of Be rages and Tissues. Plaid and striped Silks, DeLaioes, Poplins, Raw Silks, Lawns, Persian Cloths, aad varieties of Ladies' Dress Goods. SPRING style of Cassimerea, Pant Llneus Chcjk and Stripes. Gent's silk Wrappers and drawers. Somnier CravaCk Silk.

Lisle Thread, Bleached and Brows. Cotton Half Hose. Striped, check, nd plain French working Cotton. Elegant French etnttis. BeUidere.May 52, 1854.

3 DENTISTRY. WM. S. FOOTE. Dentist, would inform the public that he has removed his Office to the rooms directly "Opposite his old stand, in the second stoiy of the Neely Block, where he may be found at all limes, ready to perform all operations which may be required his profession.

He would return his sincere thanks' for the liberal patronage whh which he nas been favored since he has been in Belvidere, and would re-spectful'y solicit a continuance of their favors, promising to doall in his power to render himself worth of confidence. We S. FOOTE, Belvidere, April 25, 1854. Deo list. THE SUBSCRIBER, HAVING PURCHASED of EL J.

Dominie bis Entire Stock of Goods, consisting of a Full Assortment of GROCERIES, GLASS, NAILS. PUTTY, PAINTS OILS OF ALL KINDS, BOOT? 4VSHOES, X. i at And Gentlemen's Fnnrishing Goods, 16 waich he is making AEGE ADDITIONS, Wishes to inform the people of this vicinity that he is now offering Goods for Cash at cash prices. For particulars see Smafl fjgiOi Bills. -A.

HONSINOER. Belvidere, May 2d, 1854. ft 100,000 GIFTS for the PEOPLE. TOSlAH PERHAM sAbmits ta the People of tne uitea sutes nis uutu Monster Gift Enterprise, In connection with the Exhibitions of his Magnificent and Immense MilT0r of NfrrtU SOflth AmCrKa, At Academy Hall, 663 Broadway. N.

Y. 100,000 TICKETS OITLY, AT tl EACH, Will be sokl. Each purchaser of a tieket for the. AHMlSslOX Ob' FOUR PERSONS to ibe ExFii'tiiion, will be presented with a Numbered Ceiiincaie, enticing the Holder to One Share in thr lol lowing 100,000 Gifts A FAK located in Harrison New Jersey, and within 15 miles of Philadelphia. It embraces over 100 acres of Land, in a high state of cultivation, with, Baus, aad other neceseary Outhouses, in good repair.

There is a Urge Orchard of choice Fruit. Title indisputable. Talued at $16,000 (Any information 1ft regard to the Farm Can be obtained of bci.n RcoriCLD, tenanon the premfse.) A PERPETUAL LOAN, without sebn- my or interest. of 9,000 1,000 1,000 3 SSOOeach, 10 100 each, The Celebrated TroMJnf.ftfare, "Lilv Dale, who can trot, ia harness, a mile lni.40 valued lrV a Hose wood Piannrvalod at 500 each 00 3 ym 300 1500 (A portion of the Pianos are T. Gilbert Se Coscekbtjftrd Eeliaoa.

Others of Hallett, Davis Sc. Co's splendid isstro-. menov) -r, The Splendid Seriesof Paiatiegs. knows as the 'MIKjkOR OF If ENG. LA ND 4c CANADIAN SCENERY aad now realizing a handsome income bv its Kjthibitioos in the East.

vaUwd 3 tight and'Beam Cajiages at intb l6T5- 10 Gold Wktchts, SlOp 1,000 40 SO S.OOO 100 1 Pens and Cases, 5 n00 Pencils 15,000 H819 Pieees of Choice, Popular, and Fashionable Muic, 25c. each, 63,105 lOfi.OfjO Gifts. 1 Valued it 380 9NE GIFT FOR atVERY PICKET. Tn arif In inanr tA all rnft-mA a iwrfVrtl iiir, and satisiactory disnosiiioa of Ihe above named; Uuu, Jur, fernaia nropsses taat tne Shareholders shall mm together vBi i. (Or sooner, it ail the Tickets are et4d due no-lice of which will- be given,) at some suitable plaot hereafter to be designated, and appoint a COMMITTEE OF Fl VfcFErtSONS to receive the property, which they may dispose of in such manncf by let dr otherwise as the saarehoJd-ers, in general meeting shall direct; the Ooea-mi Ce giving good and sura erect hoods, if re-auire(Lby the for the Jaithfal per-forraaaee of tea duties requited: ot theak Shareholders residing out of the city- of New York will sund upon the Kaate.ibotingas resi-deOlN asd wjuevermay falhto their shares will be lorwarded to theavm such maorjr as-they may direct, titer the pentose has taken niaee.

r.O" AJlotdersor maiJ.ahosid be addressed to JOtiiAH; afBHHAMr Academy Hal, iBrend why Aiw York i MM. should haoeea teat att the 'Tickets are sold when the ordetis assaey will mnfnenv at expense ter jrfeaas wrire diatiBctly tbeir name, residence. County And. Ktateto- pteveat erronii! eon veniejnt, enclose aav vehlpc with jtheiriiretaioB 6 it la fnih-in wbieh the Tickets they anay tde wi he retwruedi a A VINO taken the Ntf tore itscenUy; finished in, XtctyX ff i a iresn ana ampie ira.i 'v? yjr" Ws, 8oots8boe Which thy ofler -w'fhe r-twf V. IIimDYXXADS CWTIWIQ.

Amy wmal of aay4ha.f tatais'lihe wOl cpasU his own inter by calUag at cor store 'JrsnnienlTn dbht ltn'sii wll go op and nhhaaally'larre; end- sritajay an price hael never beensnrpaaaedtathis' Ciwnty. osMtjalsgj Bm( goals, rroca ane aness Coats, of new ana njeeeoane ANTV-Of every srle. snd snallry, VESTS A superior ashdnment of ttedapme patterns aUwetylaevandTW- Gent's. FninlgCrobds.i' Shirts; Cravat, Collars. 8ee4mrs, Calf Boots and- Oattert.

TWek Bosw, IIoe, Casrsllas, Hsadkerehiefs, Drawers, dna. tee. fi i Our Customer DepartmeiiL tallrw pledge-tmrselves to gfswMtis-J fiicUon, ah 'this branch of the traee aaierthe personal sdpenristoa of Mr. wk experience warrants as la jrsaraateelng a good fit sod worfcmattlhip. t.

We have now fit knee an esealleat nceoronem Bvaadclthe, Cwalisrss, and Vesiiags, Sati-aersi Overcoatings, itm which will bi mads trp to order on the shone swotfce, In finerBa fains are tobe had at oar EstaV isbmenL WEBB to HUNTLEY. Belvidere, Jany. 83d, liM. IUPROYED PLOWS. THE 8ubserflr gives notice to Pnnaers end the public general that he has now on hand, for sale, and is constantly asaaufaeiaring.

Plows of varions patteras, among hich may be found LtOMgcor' improved Set, via 1. The Steel "Breaking Plow 2. Th Premium Stirring Plots a 7e Com Plow A. Tht SulhmoiL or Improved Didmond 8. Tke Tkrwe-Shovel Plow.

Also, H. H. MAFS PATENT PLOW, SOD EHEAXHT0 FLOWS, From IQ le 96 inch) Hail Road PIotto, do. The above Plows are made of the test double refined American, German, mod Cast Strel, and for lightness of draft, durability, Strength, and the perfection with which they perform their worn, arc not arpasaed by any Plows im (his country, either Eai, West, Worth, or Sooth We might give hand reds certificates from formers and others, ho nave esed them for years, in attestation of their good qualities, but to those who arc acquainted with our work, it is no necessary, and to those who are not, we would say that we have been engaged Id practical mechanical hasineas for the last iS years, and for the last 19 or. 14 yearn partioataHy engaged ia mannfacuuing and exprrinwnling on 8teel Plows adapted to prairie or adhesive soil.

We would aiso give notice that we have on hand a large lot of HARDENED PLOTTO, Which we believe to be superior to any east steel plows known, which are tmhardened. Call snd examine for yourselves, for they are sure to go, WET or DRY. Or REPAIRING DONE ia the best manner for Ca.h 8. LONGCOR. Belvidere, March 14, 1864.

an47 Illinois ft Wbtionsin JL Co. 2 NOTICE is Jtereby riven to the Stockholders of the Illinois and Wisconsin Railroad Company, that a call of ttrtti bet cent, on tne capital stock not full paid of said company is required to ne paid on the first day ol Msy next, atihe Office of the Secretary ia Chicago. uv order oi tne Board of lm rectors, A. S. DOWN 8, Secrets retary.

fiOii aieago, Mareb 88, IBM. hew rinii. Peridns Compton, TTAVING ENTERED INTO A COPART- XI nervbin under hefirmef Perkins oc Conn- ton, at the old Oroceryand Provision etoteor Peikins St. Keeler. on State Street, near the Budge, would respectfully inform the good people of Belvidere snd vicinity, that they have on bant and ate daily receiving uesb suiplws the bet FA JULY GROCERIES AND PRO VTSI0HS, Also a good assortment of WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS.

4ee. Which they pledge themselves to sell as Cheap as the Cheapest AND SEE. Bdridfre, Frh. lt, 1851 rtscins, I jae. a.

conrrow. THE ITEWnBII OP LIordoiT Gloconcr, A THE OLD STAND OF LAW. IE A GLAS8NER, are ow prephred tb oter the pohlie ie general a good aa aasonaeat ol Dry Goed. Clothing, Boots Ac Shoes, Hats Ac CkQ.reVry and Groceries aa can be fonnd lata mat act, ana eoeaper titan tne escapes. Our Tailorine Department ie nnder the sneer- Intendaaesof Mr- i.

T. Katrwoarav, wftose longer peritnee the bosiness qualifies him to give satisfaction lo oar castomers ia this braach of our bosinesa. We have inewon hand a splendid ftoes of ifitsWoaab cloths, which we will Stake o.Jo erdSr, on short aetiee. aad by the hestnX workmen. 1 A general assortment of Clothing eoasuatl hand, of our own and JBsstorn aaaaafactare.

Joss received fit at tftwYorla Splendid Aasorrmeatot. PR1KG STYLES. OP HATS, i ss Balvidsre, Marsh Slat, 18M. i. Moanorr, t.u.

outst irka. Coacthir3'17ir in Pclyldsre. CASWELL has taxea ihm Store fonhecly jut uccupteu uy weoo opposite the A msrican and, wflL kee eonstan tf en hand aU varieties that can, be procured of ai ft; xmed appi VIM' ur -fe-r a8PilERrTr aU; w-v u. ws sw. SOW a trtme lot ef Annies.

the beat nunsw i i UWij vi i I NDTS-H'variriiet of 'il nU etthu store, "toret her with himetna. 'f On. i. ko. Belvidere, Feb, 1854.

D.fJaJnWEtli i TtlSlff BHANCnAI EEErs EG08twbr sate by 150 B. SMITH. 'T where prepiaewirhhotar them In all the lesf shylsf of fas 1 sif. ielaVwV PflOCaaknown Only to Wan. natW terroond- the Parewl all theOwehing- end eiaaaBf swore oa tmm Vf'J- Wfew the RED ME Ojr fill rMThUdsnrMke oafy In the forenoon on a davr adtHhre uxetT eeuaily well la.

aej weatheru any of day, KENTUCKY. rik. JOHN Rtf.l.' or an nn.i-a, ClfMI Saw rmarW SraiaiiMa. aa Sm Vtana. SaMaa af 4 SW la.

Salt sFi im, Wa at tt ri.Paan aiaSag ft a aV llnmy. Lm taa ta taa SMa Ian Wag ta ataOaca aaMirta. alaiata, Wtmmim Inaralaritaa aaS Oaaial SalrHa. Bw.aa4 Mm Ufcai, NWrit laiaraAaawi la Uat, Cbaat C. atuaOaaal Maaaaa, aa aa.a Spttas mm Drtaa.

aai tliial KaaWMtks 14 cafai aw. ar anaata It a 1 amlntli Sari, mZJtvmmX mm aaa MaiS an lit aayaV-teaa vaakaatvsMaaaai Ball'i Hwai1ll H) nja. aor aa It. ess an tanta m. it aaaart ntar saaaaj aeaaa 'kf Saa af antac aiaah pal ta aa ataanaS aaaa.

Saaa iillna, taat taa Waalaa naataW aaS af haxbi ia aaata iaa aaj TXtTIateRT. tT-Ta anil r. jranAtt, r- MaataalCaUmi. aaarataa; JoCa, aa4 aaa taat 1 ta ahfc It la aaatWata. L.

T. TJ 4 aaa a. 1SOJ. -a. i-- What be.

f.laa. aayataiaa aaMtobaaat OH 1 ItMiail, amy ay aaSBaiaiaaHHi I aaa asaaiiaaS Vm aaaaarlaOaa aar taa Aa naUMB. I HI III a I ilbattaaiaaa. Dm aa aaaaaaae jilaia md taraauiiift aaar rTbam.a.o Suit Pay lilta tiahnllfc Mattaa Laaaaa. AarS aVa.

Mae BIS raraut aw at a ItaM a rS Sr a aaaar taaaaty ta a I ianl taat 1 aiatlaalna af Saat lauar, aa. I aaa a snaSuala at TaMMiaaaai galiaisttj it atansw-a, aVaheieem h-jvi aava aiainraa taai all a baaa ta4ipaatj aUa Aaa ha lUtaaaaktaaa Ana tartae naaaalataar mXOk ta taa iui Bzrac-a uaunuiu a iat nWal.a aa yaag at ta awaas esaae 1 acvat. Air Uiara 1. Srowa, taaj aiaat ceatai Out aaa aattb) aaa catiaal It la mj aatatoa, taat dacMadiT aa an tar la aa ataar ant I a taaa mat atoaaaia la laa't," aaj aaUcaxl at ahjakaua taa It la limit afactioar Saaaaatfall, yaans AXUC, atfe bay maajt taa Bat af SuJll XcUaatoCWaiuaHlla. ul I mmm aaaag caat B) a aa aaa wtaaMa aaaac at laaagi an taai aaa a aaa.

I hoaa aa iaipura ataxa mt Waa Ltaad a Uaia lannUfaaM ract, aad on UmmA balaaa trttl caM.aaaW fcr Wntrh rMoaaatnlad, If aaad accoroiac airactiou. 1 bua It ta ha a vasaaba) saaSaSaajmBi M) tlarrnry Kay, I aavaaay toaka waataar la taa ai a vtnlaat aa4 prtxraotadaaaa mt SaatoUB, inaipaiiliS.afa MoOas Tnalw, la aartat af taa fcaaaa, aaataar A-aaM aot ta aeen aTary ataar raaaray a. a. kaooitaiiie Ir o. noaormry Maatbar mt Utalla Sttal S.iatjc, raUaaataaav ty If mar, raat Or! StADa, a aayaVlaa atat laaSa at AVa tap or bU Mttaann, aara of Jo BaM'f BafiajaHal aa aara bwi iin wait aanaaariiat at a i vartai af ahraiajn it a4 I an aa hastttaiiaa la vlak-Sba BMat Ii Ml ahna iwroaaaaaaalng It ta aba aaatai aataaaaa att iiai mmm ay-, April elh, IMS.

Wa rrArr X. Rev. X. W. tXHOaT, Rev.

imMtiat. CeiKtcsrss. Tba Soltoalng ia a tarbatlnt aafy mt a IBIairin aaa ta taa aaaaaaaa af la tuaiBIH a mmm Baraaaarilla. K. fkbaa hi wtialy aa4 aaaaaall kaawa aa aa ataaeaat tra M-eoajaUabad saatav taa At.

S. fcat. ana baaa bin iaJBa at taa Mat talaataa aa4 awlaa anaibaai that taa Kaa- CaBraa aaaM baaat af Smi taaaV wm, aad at, taaaWSiltBC.tlM bWbaadmaialalaineaaafasaaa MSXIaaolann. Caa taa world arodara kauat tkat I LaaMiailj tmbaiayaa taaar af aaa aialtali a atta laaliiiiiiai Uim aaa arwar a. aT au Biiairwi aaa.

K. W. Satwm Kaa. Sarwaaaa I I aunaia. Sta SOta.

Taasa aaad Jor a Sall'i Caraaaarilta, aad aaa ta aa aaii, wt aattta aatiaattaa; aaa aa la atatiaar aar bidaf, taat-W a HaWts WmWm M9m Uanu aaald cbaarfally aaa aaaat taaa ts w. StUIOft VtaWAOMIOM, llgmmiy. WVagraalytaaw all piiiliaa aba aaa aBarlae atu Say mf im. Wm that Saab la hair a aaU aa Aa. 4aaa kadi's asaat, aad ft a aaa af SaU.

Vaaatly daaraal aaATan mm SwSba aaa af fcaa laltr, aa bar taa a alaata bdltdaa ata aat laaad a llSaa) at yraajaaaS aaaa ttaaa, tba hi lHI mi tWteaAa aaiaa aaiSriaai my a Ja, Taa aaaay aalaaaartly aaaaaiaji Oa Oa Awji i Snaa BaH baaaa aaal Saalagaaahad aaStatSaaav baaa- yablai aa mrn-mk Jitte, baa aetian intnaaais 0. Jabav aliraartaay fcatii. aaaf jaAadtmt, WaSMtratOvbMalafla 1 Sdldhy J. iAFFRAY, drofgi and Agent Belvidere, Ills. i raldialnhtra is hereby given do aU iajre hewing say denMnnaaxaiatn the Cfttata of lliUl CASk.

deceaaed, late wt D8ath Coery, to presenx ibOm tut hdjdrsa betbre the Aenty Coon of said Cuaniy, on the first Amjt 4 the June Term Wthvtden at ysaanore. oa the third KcadaV I a Jot aefct i i Dated hrubkl In. Ie ITalb April ith, 1S4, i i i AN if OA8t2, Addttuisti atrfri "Vl'' ssid Estate. Administrtitbr'aT aiaAaa a a at a aT TVTOTlCH rftcreM giveh aU per-i- ju(a Ai-tti ir, acceaaaa, 10 I rejt taa titw Ibt shileknecM betore the fJUUty Conef taaesterd th make Immedlatf paysMnt ie the derslgastL 7-; 1 BalvtovreA pril 4th, i54i i. fcDWIN vANAl dei'rt i a THE GttEAT OOTJTgglin "iTTTTTnDY, BMC SU Pii am Maa Iliolilaa, Qaawal Dailitjr, I Pi mm Cl Orapv- CaaVwaaa, awiaki.

1 1 af (W. Son Tiai. rli 1 1 ASretSaa. aa4 aS WhaB 1. LMav aaa anawaa a aiaaai if rttla taat baa anar kaaa ataaat aakwa SSa -Sliaaaan tawa ate mmmj si alaai 1 aa fcal eat iaa mi aaaalaaMaaraaaaaaaaaaal tataan Mm I am 1 at aar ntratar aay.

aataScaataaaaay Saay a are1 at la taa alaaaai lis ia. taaaj aa nfcaaj mmm fraakly aaaianaala ahvataaaja. ha CaaaaaaaTaaaaai mt i ma. kSaea4aaiO. aafeeaa Tl Ti irrr llillil SMhs llaataTta? ataaa laaaaaataa 4, aalaaaMad Cash Car Grmia, Hides and all other kinds or Prodstee f-V and tot Saaeen-exfeHeot article of Lad.

Plaster." Warehouse near the Depot. folvidere, MayH435 BEIJPESE BAKERY: it no. eupscnoer wonia giva notice to ine community that he' has recently opened a opposite Dtfiy's Hotel, -fcear-tneBrldge, and keeps -constantly on hand Sugar, Boston, and Batter Crackers. Also in. anrtneht rtf CalrM and Pies.

FRESH BREAD fcVRY DAY. customers supplied ar their doors. 8 P. RElCHMfJTCH, BaVMere, BfaSd.JM. 3m2-S A-Qreat aa Jfevel EateryrtM.

publish inc-u advertising columns a mag-idMntOlffiiJSBJerprise the third of a series siartediaNe Yoric by Mr. Pexham, who has hose long 4 fartfratfly throughout the Ildrft AaeiAmtoaUoto of It will pre-akat featares thai commend it Co the attention of eryjrnaawoman ana auiu ta mm wmmunuj. thnlormer enterprises otfthjStinetfaTnanayrltafcjbeeli charae-tsl iy tlAfea'iest iUnhsss, andven the utmost iitisfariiba- to. JT concerned Send in yoar fcr tickets as "early as possible, as be taken op in a short At Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa on the 29th of March, last, of nomb palsy, Mrs. Mary wife of Joseph Norton, aged 25 years, and daughter of J.

N. Broekway, of thisCo. In Rockiord April 20th, Frances wife of W.Blai-tdell, Editor of the Republican, aged 83 years. Spetial Notices. O-V.

PALMER, the American Newspaper Agent, is the only authorized agent for fills paper in.the Cities of Sew York, Boston, and and is duly empowered to take advertisements and subscriptions for us in those cities at our published rates. His receipts Will be regarded as, payments. His offices are New York Tribune Buildings. Boston Sec-Hay's Building. EJrHORNER CRONE, 117 South Clark Chicago, are our authorizsd Agents ir that city for procuring advertisements Or subscriptions.

Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. If it be said that the healing ait consists in a Judicious selection, prcj'arattfn and application of those remedial agents afforded us by nature, fur the preservation of health and core of disease, then certain it fis, that Dr. Wistit's Balsam of Wild Cherry is a. triumph of its kind. It Is tonv dounded chiefly of vegetable substances that are acknowledged by all eminent practitioners of cuiciuc, as uickhi piifd uc3 ujKuijF xi Tillable in the carf.

of consumptive and asthmatic affections and from its soothing tendency upon the longs, must continue to hold an honorable reputation among the most popu'af cough reme dies of the age. Its curative effects have enlist ed the praise, of thousands of our coarttry mn, who were lingering under a variety of those distressing complaints, and having been lifted, as it were, from, tte grave, have cheerfully attested to the the beneficial operations of this truly wonderful medicine upon them. Be careful 'to procure jtfce genuine the Proprietor's names are engraved upon the wrapper. This valuable remedy is sold by W. R.

Wood- 'tuff, Belvidere. April 8. A WoxnBRrci. Discoveur has recently been wnuc vy I vunia, ui ill is i in cue linicui qt Consumption, Asthma, and Diseases of the Lungs. We refer to "Dr.

Qurtis's Hygeaaa, or i Id haling Hygeaa Vapor and Cherry, syrup." vafflicted ones perfect health; as an evidence a evident tnat inna constantly nreatning an m.eedb'p, healing vapo; the medicinal proper-: tts must come in direct, contact with the whole pf the aerial cavity ol the longs, and thCs escapt-r fhe many and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach and sut- ana is for sale at ail the druggists' throughout the country. From. Uu N. V. UulcAnunt Jan.

14-See advertisement Of Medicated Inhalation in another column of this paper. rA New Agriculturai Machine. Mapes asked the Chairman to appoint a committee to visit lira place near Newark on Friday next, to witness the Operation of Gibb's rotary sparling machine! wuu a siigut iiupruveraent ronae oy tne so that yoke, of oxen can up "a atrip of harii, ground three feet fide, fifteen inches deep, as fast a they 9 Vattld walk with avfcinaU plow. It is but a rude model, but it contains the of one of the most valuable improve-? in agricnltrtfal mwchinery or the prevent day. The committee will consist Greelj, Solon Robinson, Judge Livingston, Judge Megis, Mr.

Carter, Mr. -JColeman, and others. iV. Y. Tribtim.

VLe Effect of Railroads. "The price of wild lands alontr the line of Central Railroad, has at length beenfixad. TDivid Neal, of Boston, has undertaken the charge of sealing the com-, tanysJnHsir4 that land re scattered through forty-seven counties. He says: i I propose to sejfrct 90,000 acres from the highest valuations, and hold these for sale by special 'contract, not, of course, --lew than $20 per The next in extent of 350,000 acres will be at-fl5; then 1,300,000 acres at $3, axjd.the balance at $5, until it shaH be deemed expedient to advance these rates. Credit to be igiven C4 actual settler, but ttash to be insisted 6a from speculators.

ynaPrevious to the of the Railroad, the land could not be sold for fl per cre. It waf two far. from market, and in Now ye, railroad station is a good market Tor i that thm Mttltra At the: 'city tafx Francisco; W. sold upwards of two hundred and six iojt And. a faal peculator bought, the two thousandth panol tL6S3)(I Janothsr the rourhundredth part of an inch for US BiiDuisin na irrnsimn arM wm bj qouer i ineri wr B33: anrf DRESS.

SILKS, RIBB SHAWLS, Mantillas, Embroidered CpHarf And a'e a eomine, a full assortment of all kinds 6f Staple and Kancjr Dry GoortsvClbihing, Crockery, Cirpets, Hats and Caps, Groceries, and Hardware. CROSBY At BENNETT; April 25ib, 1854. ft DRtJGS MlMlIONES, PAINTS. OILS DYE-STUFFS, WINES Je BRANDIES for Modiclsal parpars, FAMILY GROCERIES, Sec HAVE REMOVED THEJR STOCK TO the slot tbmeriy ecp44 fcr Powell tc Bennett wherwrney befoend c'hoys tavca-, tar to vmlm of fhitr nsiomara. "Tnanaways keep good art" Fluid lamps Camph.lajnps Linseed oil Lamp oil ftT Alcohol Glass by the box Patty Red lead- Whiwhradinoil Fr.

sine paint Venitianrcd Prussian bine Whiting Chtomeyeltow Chrome green Venwrffon Black lead Lampblack Paris green French yellow Sand paper Varnish brash's Paint brashes Indigo" Water paints Marking do Madder Copperas Whitewash do vitriol Alum Cochineal Ell, logwood Indian red Drop Wit Sugar lead, dec. And numerous articles in the Dmg aad Medicine line, which we cannot caeaitea for. want of time. All the leading PATEUT MEDICINES now 'in use we keep on hand. Also a general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, as syrups Molasses Black teas Green do Cleft sugar Crushed do Loaf do Brown do Soaps Soda crackers Coffee Batter do Cand es Rifle powder Blasting do Fuse Saleratus Spice Peppr Pairs Mflrtard Too Tobacco 8hoe brushes Baking powders Sogar boxee Wub boards GARDEN SEEDS, by the lb.

Onion Carrot, Beans, Beet, Cucumber, Peas, pat op in i lb. packages, Cabbage, Turnips, Sec, Sec, Sec, Sec. PURE WINES Sc for Medicinal porposes, only! All Goods warranted to be as represented. Pnyicians, mechanics, and farmers will UnJ it to their advantage to cal at this esublishment before pnrehasing eisewheie. C.

D. tHMM( J. H. ANDSCSS. Belvidere, March 7th, 1854.

Whafhave yon got to Sell? D. JA6KSON, FonrardSis ft Cemmiuioi 1 DEALER in all kinds of Graia Pells. W1, Pork. Poultry, Sec Com tantiy on hand, Water Lime, Coat, Salt, and commoa'Llnie, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICE! WANTED 100,666 bush. Shelled Corn, 100,006 lbs.

WooL uavnnr made arrangement to vanver one hundred thousand of abeiied corn in Chicago, by the 15th of August, be wishes the farmers Of Bxkae Coanty to lomih the whole amount. 52) D. JACKSON. BOUND FOB NEBRASKA. THE wishing to remove to Nebraska new offers his farm on Bonus Prairle'for sale, containing 18 0 Acres, It ts a desirable location, and is under a good tare of cultivation, and will be a bargain.

Inquire of lite subscriber on the premises. ODIN BllUWJi. April 11th, 1854. 5l5m'3 tlUST IN THE FIELD. spring ARRIVED, AND A FULL ASSORTMENT READY MADE AHU GESTXESES'S HATS CAP3.

at Si FROOM'S. BetvUara, AprU Cth, 186. Talro rioticd. ALL persons indebted to the old firm of CON-NELL ec A. G.

WILLARD. are requested to call and settle their old accounts without delay, ia order to save -49tf CONNELLee WILUARD. WOOI. 700Ii 1 1 TTAVING snade arrangements with Eastern buyers, for purchasing Wool, farmers will find it tp xheir iaterest to give the Sasscriber a call before selling eisewheie. Belvidere, Ap'Tl 18th, 1854.

D. JACKSON. LARGE STOCK I NOW- dairy receirfnr his pnrehaees of Serine and Goods, and would an nounce to the pubUe through the medium of the press, tnt ne ta now prepared with a large steck oi botaESTic, Adn' AND STAPLE ibit GOODS. ODOoOQIIDOo itimmOfrnX-Mn aWdlrlCes Aatwe fcMarrt nothing for )Wlrr'w gtWs; nee amwiMwg to wwaror-irman pronrs. -Two dootf weststr gmt 3tmX? and opposite J.

fmsnsanioji-- miAmU, ApHTiSeaf 1S54, w.s.., 53.

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