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Belvidere Daily Republican from Belvidere, Illinois • Page 3

Belvidere, Illinois
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BELVIDERE DAILY REPUBLICAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1008, PlUt CTREE. Jt i ing: I THREATEN SUNDAY, DETECTIVES GUARD YATES IS IN FIELD FORM Kit GOVERNOR ANNOUNCES THAT HE WILL HE A CAN 1)1- 1 111 Soda Crackers that crackle as good Crackers should Soda 1 Uneeda Biscui 1 With meals for meals between me 7 1 ffl CJ In fyst tight, vv rmw-wmtw Neer told tn bulk. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPAN ALWAYS HEADQUARTERS For all kinds of fresh and i salt Meats, Poultry, Etc. We lead in pure home made Pork Sausage and Kettle Rendered Lard. Anna Gould, from dear La Franco must sail, For trouble Ix-ginN to brew, Ami, as she leaves (lie Count and Prince, She.

waves a fond skiftoo. i Our American heiresses can blame themselves for their jmuritnl woes, for fortune-hunter seldom "nittke good." Not so with our SINCKR-ETY Clothing; it plea.sf-M so thoroughly that bidding it I far from your mind. We are) worthy of a trial and are confident that we'll Come out a winner. I TRY I A XI) SEE. JACK North; Side.

17-JEAR CONTIGUOUS SUCCESSFUL IV ILLINOIS. Dr. L. E. Miley, The well known and reliable Chicago SPECIALIST in ho treatment of CHRONIC DISEASES and diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, will be at i Julien (Hotel BELVIDERE, Wednesday, 26, 1908.

Office hours 11a. fn. to 5:30 p. m. ONE DAY, ONLY.

Return visits eery 28 days. Where Ho Can Be Consulted i Free and Confl sntlally. Ha cures all chronic dii of th NOSE. THROAT. LUNGS.


BLUOU. UALL STUfJKS, RHEUMA- 11SM. SKIN and NERVOU DEBIUTY from any cause. YOUNC, MIODL and OLD -AGED if you are troubled with Nervoi neas. or an otherwise unAtu I Debility, Sttipid- rur Muinem or or Excesses, you study caused by youthful Erroi should, consult this specialist delay until TOO LATE.

THC kt once. DON'T USANDS troubled with weak, aching BACKS an KIDNEYS die of these aliments urnorant of thecauae. The mnat OBSTINATE euca of this chancier treated with, UNFAILING SUCCESS by ewly discovered methods, so the trouble will not return and can PAY when CURED. HE CURE Hemorrhoids, (Piles) Fistula and fissure, and all Rectal Diseases, by Painless Methods, under a Positive Guarantee. LADIES suffering from peratatent HEADACHES.

PAINFUL MENSTSUXTION. LEU-CORRHOEA or ANY DISEASE of a delicate nature can be quickly cured without trouble or inconvenience. 1 BLOOD and SKIN piSEASES Sores is the mouth and throat. Pimple. Scrofula.

Tumors, Tetter, Eczema and all Blood Poisons, thoroughly eradicated, leaving the system in strong healthful state. DR. MILEY'S SYSTEM of treatment has met with WONDERFUL SUC CESS in hundreds of cases, many of them given up by other physicians ss hopfiess or incurable. He does exactly as he agrees with each patient, and this is the reason he has continued making monthly visits for so many years. WRITE your trouhles if impossible to call.

THOUSANDS cured at home, but a personal consultation most important. Bring vial of urme, for examination. EMILEY, M. 1497 Adams Street. Chicago.

DVARDS, i I Makinsr Good. Thr is no way of rrtaklng burttno friends like "Making Good;" and Doctor Pierce's medicines well eiemplify this, and their trlends, after more Ihan two decades of popularity, are numbered by the hundreds of thousands. They have "made nood" and they havenot made drunkards. i A Rood, honest, souarerdeal medicine of known composition is Dr. Pfcfce's doldcn Medical Discovery.

It still esjoys an immense sale, while most of die preparations that have come into pfntnirience in the earlier period of its popularity have gone by the board Mid tri never more heard of. There must be sofce reason for this long-time popularity ahd that Is to be found In Its superior merits. When once (riven a fair trial for i-ak stomach, or for liver and blood affections, its superior curative qualities are on manifest; hence it has survived andtgrown in popular favor, while scores of less meritorious article have suddenly flashed Into favor for a brief period and then been as soon forgotten. i tor a torpid liver wit Its attendant indigestion, dyspepsia, headache, perhaps dizziness, foul breaui, nasty coated tongue, with bitter taste. Joss of appetite, with distress after eatlBg, nervousness and debility, nothing Is so good as Dr.

Pierce's Golden Medical It's an honest, square-deal niedlciive with all Its Ingredients printed ah bottle-wrapper no secret, no hocus-pocus humbug, therefore don't accept a substitute that the deajer may possibly make a little bigger profit. limlHt on yeur right to have what you call for. Don't buy Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription expecting It to prove a "cure-all." It is only advised for woman's tpecUxl ailments. It makes weak, women strong and sick women well.

Lejs advertised than Some preparations sold for like purposes. Its sterling curative virtues still maintain Its position in the front ranks, where It stood over two decades ago. As an Invigorating tonic and sttengthenlng nervine It is unequaled. It vfrpn't satisfy those who want "booze," for tricre is not a drop of alcohol In It. Dr.

Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the orfoi-nnl Little Liver Pills, although the first pill of their kind in the market, still lead, and when once tried are ever afterwards In favor. Easy to take as candy one to three a dose. Much imitated but never equaled. ANXIOUS TO KNOW. Tommie Mamma, when a boy is away from home and wants to get back awful bad that is being homesick, ain't it? Mamma Yes, dear.

Tommie Well, when he's sick of staying at Home and wants to go skating, what do you call it? Sad Indeed. Of all sad words 1 Of tongue or pn. The saddest are these: "I'm stung agajn." Judg. No Secret About It. Obese Party I'd give anything to be as tiln as you are.

j-' Thin Friend You can get that way for five dollars a week. Obese Party How, Thin Friend Move your trunk over to my boarding house. Chicago Dally isews. Reciprocity. Penelope What is his pet name foi you? Perdita He calls me his "doe," because I am so sweet and gentle.

Penelope And what do you call him? Perdita I call him my "dough," because be is so soft. How Sawfleh Uses Its Saw. More energetic than any other sharks are the sawfish, whose snouts ara prolonged Into a broad blade of cartilage, which Is horisontai when tha fish is swimming In a normal' position and has both its edges set with slightly curved teeth about an inch apart The end of this formidable looking weapon Is blunt and com para tlvely soft, so that it is quite Incapable of the feats popularly attributed to it of piercing whales' bodies, ships' timbers, etc. It attacks other fish by a swift lateral thrust of the saw beneath them. Then It feefls upon the soft entrails, which are apparently the only food It can eat from the peculiar shape of its mouth.

It has an enormous number of small teeth, some times as many as SO rows in one indt vldual, but they are evidently unfit for the rough duties required of their teeth by the garbage-eating members of the family. Fish Lore. WORKED IN VAIN. One morning this winter, while It Was still dark, Gimpson crept down-Stairs and set to work to clear the snow, from the front of his residence. He worked like a nigger for an hour and a half, and when he trotted off to business he Chuckled at the thought Of the pleasant surprise which was awaiting his wife.

When he returned to lunch ho ex pected the subject would be men tioned, and he was not disappointed. "That man did his work remark ably well," said the wife. "There wasn't a bit of snow left when he'd finished." tfWhat gasped Gimpson. "That man you engaged to clear away the snow," was the reply. "He was just finishing when I came down.

gave hlnf shilling. Was that right. dear?" 't! Gimpson didn't speak for some min utes, and when he did his wife got un from the table and left himr-as she put Itto "have It out with himself," All at Popular pPrices. VANDERLIP LAMBERSON Ministerial Association at Decatur Takes Extra Precautions to Keep the ReT. William A.

Sunday From Harm. Decatur, Feb. 24. Threats against the life of Evangelist William A. Sunday, who is holding revival meetings In Decatur, have led the Ministerial association to employ a private detective to stay with him constantly.

HERBERT. A large congregation listened to an Impressive sermon by Presiding Elder Traveller at the Davis M. E. Church last Sunday. The L.

A. S. meeting at George Randolph's on Thursday last was well attended considering the roads. Among the the guests attending the wild goose dinned at Mr. and Mrs.

Dan Meyers, near Herbert, was the eldest sister of Mrs. Julia Gleas- on. from Minnesota, Mrs. (Critten den) Bishop. She surprised the com pany by stating that 57 years ago she commenced her wedded life on the place now owned by Dan MeyerB and the house' was near the place where the nresent buildings now stand.

Although 75 years of age she is well preserved for one of vears. her Mrs. Lydia Graves has returned from her visit to Cincinnati, and went to Belvidere to stay a few day CURED TO STAY CURED How a Belvidere Citizen Found Cjjm plete Freedom l-Tom itjuney Troubles. If you suffer frpm backache From urlnarjt dorders From any diseasf of the kidneys. Be cured to stai cured.

Doan's Kidney tills make lasting cures. Belvidere people testify, Here's one cas of it: Mrs. E. W. Drgke, of 1211 South State street, Belvidere, 111., says: have used Doan's Kidney Pills pro cured at Foote's drug store, and am highly pleased with them.

For some time previous tousing them, I naa been troubled wih backache brought on by kidney diaease which made it hard for me to attend to my house work and I felt all the thne es if must sit down and rest. I had other symptoms which iproved beyond doubt that my iidneys were disor dered. Doan's 8 Kidney Pills made short work of mw backache, as they took right a hold and did me good from the startl The other symp toms of kidney trouble also left me and in a comparatively short time, I was enjoying much better health in every way. ThiJ in a few words is the effect uoan Kianey mis, ana I am glad to stale It as I believe it will prove of bcieflt to other suf ferers." (From! a statement given in 1897.) A Permanent Cure. On Feb.

1907, Mrs. Drake said: "My firstfstatement as given in 1897 had ray ffull approval, and I have since corroborated It on many occasions. Sinco; I gave my original statement I'hav had no reason to alter my regard to Doan's Kidney Pills but on the contrary I am more convinced of their value than ever; In my case they affected a complete and permanent cure as I have remained curld now for nearly ten years." 1 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milblrn Buffalo, New York, sole ageit for the United States.

Remember the name- Doan's and take no other. From rheumatism, aches and pains, Your system will (e free, If you'll but take a qjghtly drink, Of Hollister's Rocky Mountain John C. Fbote. dw I Congregational Supper. The ladies of the Congregational church will serve onf of their pop- ular suppers on Tuesday from 5 to o'clock, at the churjh parlors.

The menu follows: 4 Roast Pork. Escalloped Potatoes, Baked Beutis. Brown and WhlCe Bread. Warm Uinger Bread, Fruit Jello. Cucumber and Beet Pickles.

Coffee. Economise during these dull times; it is not economy to pay 10 cents for a ten cent cigar when you can get a Gladstone cigar for fiv cents, which is the equal of many 10 cent cigars. "THE HUB." 1 2-11- To stop that pain in the back, that stiffness of the joints and muscles, take Fineules. They ara guaranteed. Don't suffer from rheumatism, back-apply.

For any form of Piles, price 30 days' treatment for $oO. A single dose at bed time proves hhelr merit. Get them today. Sold iy Chas. W.

Watson and John C. Longcor. mwf Mrs. Wm Hubbel weni to Chicago this morning where, his father, Henry Hodges, of Durand, will undergo an operation, HATE FOR GOVERNOR LOOKS AS IF THE CONTEST WILL HE BETWEEN HIM AM) DKNEEN. Former Governor Richard Yates is a candidate for the Republican nomination for governor of Illinois.

Mr. Yates made.his announcement in Springfield yesterday. In a brief statement he burned all bridges behind him. He said that he would take his cause direct to the people. He had waited until this time, he f-aid.

to make sure that the primary legislation would be disposed of in such a manner that he could carry his message to the people. Under the new primary law, he said, the opportunity Is now presented to go direct to the voters themselves and have them determine who their candidate shall be. Mr. Yates' statement follows: "I have derided to be a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor at the general primary election, Aug. 8, 190K.

I do this lw-rauW, after full investigation, I believe there is now an for the first time in tills state for Ieoplo, Instead of to conventions and an effectual and real uppeal to the committees, under, the provisions of the new direct plurality primary election law which was not approved until a few days ago." The Yates announcement will clear up the situation in Illinois at once. It is generally believed is now to be a fight between Deneen and Yates, with all other possible and avowed candidates out of the race. Judge Wllllard M. McEwen and Speaker Shurtleff, it has been understood among the Republican leaders, would probably retire and let Deneen and Yates fight it out in the August primaries. Mr.

Shurtleff at Marengo last night said he had nothing to say at this time. He will be, in Chicago today, when a conference Of the Yates men may be held to map out a program for the fight. Judge McEwen's friends have said for weeks that they would support Yates if that appeared to be the ad visabla course to pursue under the new primary law. His campaign managers have been friendly inclin ed toward the Yates proposition, and they said last night that they were ready to get behind the former Gov ernor and make the fight a hot one In Chicago, if such a program should be agreed upon later. For Fast and Furious Campaign No definite campaign plan, it was stated last night, has been decided on by the Yates people except that they have made arrangements to wage what will perhaps be one the hottest campaign battles ever pulled off in Illinois, i Yates is to take the field soon and will go into each of the 102 counties of the state.

The plans 'for the Cook county campaign are yet in a nebu lous state. Quite likely by the time the fight gets warm Mr. Yates and his supporters will Inaugurate a tent campaign In Chicago. Mr. Yates, in talks with his friends at Springfield last week, made it plain that he proposes to lay in a supply of celluloid collars and cool apparel, for he expects to make things warm in Illinois right from the jump and to keep up the pace until the night of Aug.

7. In Cook county the Yates men are counting on the active co-operation of the Lorimer forces and consider able help from leaders in the city ad ministration. It is not thought like ly, however, that Mayor Busse will become an open champion of the former Governor. Neither will he put any obstacles in the Yates roadway according to information that comes from city hall Any member of the city administration, it is un derstood, will be at libwtjrto join the Yates movement and to whatever he can In the Yates cause, REAL ESTATE. Weekly bulletin, compiled by E.

F. Sabin, secretary, for the week ending February 22, 1908: Deeds. Jacob' Houdeshell to T. A. Hovey, $1.00, 5, H.

H. Hicks' add. 9 9, Columbia. T. A.

Hovey to Ella Houdeshell, $500, same description. Henry Oilman to Ettie Adams, 9 and 10, 8, Nijah Hotch-kissadd. Ettle Adams to Henry Oilman, $9,375, ntt n4 sec" 4. Flora, eV4 sw, see 33, Belvidere. Thomas E.

Lane to Harriet M. Cooper, $2,800, 1 and 2, 4, F. W. Starr's 2nd add. Are you lacking in health the easiest thing in the' world to keep, the hardest to' get? Hollisier's Rocky Mountain Tea is health liself.

No other remedy so effective. Satisfy yourself. 556, Tea or Tablets. John Foote." "dw Try Eaton's' home-mada 3 PER CENT INTEREST ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. INTO FUTURE LIFE Mr.

O. V. Rice Passes Away at Home In Kirkland Hit Mother Died Early in This Month. Mrs. O.

W. (Ruth) Rice died Sunday niorning at 1:30 o'clock at her home in Kirkland, after a sickness for four weeks with the grip, which finally affected the brain. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 12 o'clock at the house in Kirkland and at 1 o'clock at the church. The burial will be in the Blood's Point cemetery. She leaves two sisters and one brother, Mrs.

Henry Garland, Miss Carrie Penwell and John Penwell of thfs city. Her age was 62 years. Mrs. Rice's mother passed away February 8 at the family home in Kirkland. The deceased was highly esteemed and the relatives will receive much sympathy from their many friends.

Political Announcements For Collect of Belvidere. I am a candidate for the office of collector of thlj town of Belvidere and respectfully solicit the support of the voters at the caucus, the decision of which I will abide by. 1-25-tf ROBERT MELVILLE. For Assessor. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Township Assessor for Belvidtere at the coming spring election an4 respectfully solicit your support sfnd vote.

Ml D. PERKINS. 2-19-Dally and Weekly-tf For Collector. I hereby announcf myself as a can-date for the office, of Collector for Belvidere Township and earnestly solicit the support ant votes of the voters at the coming ection. If elected I will discharge he duties of the office to the best ol my ability, and in the interest of tie people.

IA. J. LAINO. 1-23-tf To the Voters Of Belvidere. The undersigned, in announcing himself a candidate lor the office of Collector for the Tofrnshlp of Belvi dere, most urgently and respectfully solicits your support at the coming spring primaries, for which granted favor, you will receive his most heartfelt thanks.

Sincerely, GEO. W. BUTE. 1-21-tf Dally For Collector. I have decided to become a candi date for the office if Collector for the Township of Belvidere.

I need your help, and relpectfully solicit your support and assistance in se curing the nomination at the caucus. Tours sincerely, CHARLES WINCHESTER. PARTI AT OGDEN HOME. The Republican was erroneously Informed regarding the placewhere the farewel party was given to, Miss Ruth Walworth and Avery Walworth. The correct location where the delightful evening was passed was at the home of Miss Arlien Ogden.

537 Caswell street and the affair had been arranged by the Christian Endeavor society of the Congregational i JU i i an AS A GUARDIAN OF YOUR $PARE DOLLARS THIS INSTITUTION CLAIMS A POSITION SECOND TO NONE. i We safe-guard the Interests of eT-ery depositor, big or little pr inter eat upon all account, bjip yon in our banking. What we hire done is the beat eridence of what We can do In the fat ore, and of our record we are Justly proud. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE ITISSAF FIRST NATIONAlL BANK, 3 PER CENT INTEREST ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. i.

4j Km Bee'a Laxative Cough Syrup for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough grows In fator daily. Mothers should keep it on hand for children. It is relief to croup. It is gently laxative, driving the poison and nhWm from tha system. It Kivea Immediate Guaranteed.

Sold by Chas. Watson and John C. Longcor, mw' Fancy Embroidery. Mrs. Mary Ryai Thompson of East Madison street isnow ready to take orders for fancy embroidery such as shirt waists, skirt and fancy work.

Price reasonable. Leave orders at Republican office. 2-21-3t D2t Semi-Weekly. A satisfied customer is our best a rertlsement The Hub Barber Shop. Yon Have to Worry About the eather when wash day comes areu it makes no difference whether ta sun shines.

We get your family ashing to yon promptly rain or shim Try us once with your family bundl and you'll never have another was! day at home. TROY LAUNDRY, 110 E. Pleasant St Ring's Little Liver Pills wake up lacy livers clein the system and clear ths skin. Try them for Llliousness and sick heaaacne. mce Bold by Chas.

W. Watson and John G. mwf Taylor received word today that Mrs. Taylor who went to Detroit some weeks ago, is very ill With inflammatory rheumatism and heart trouble. WITBECK RANGER.

day phonss; Sell 442. Bslvistit 548. 7 Night, Phone: Olhey WItbeck, Fred Ranger Bell 4M R. Belvidere 641 Ureen Belvidere 581. "Good Morning." Do your collars and cuffs look yellow? Better The Troy." Notice the pore white color, domestic finish and general appearance of our laundering no comparison to the ordinary kind.

TROT LAUNDRY. HO E. Pleasant St, church..

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