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The Morning Times from Oakland, California • 3

The Morning Timesi
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

POLITICAL MIBCKLLANKOUS- WANTt TO LIT LOST KTO -Li- MU1ID 1AILI MUM CITY WARM Where In Virfe-OWrera mt Klerlluii ami ramlhlalaa Kind All Hint portlnii of Onklnnd lying weal uf Ailcllne (treet Ihdllng Olllmi of I) liuliseiiWesl Juki mid nl' Klirlinii Win Ihil-bui Insiwelor A JlswkrU and IV I Judges h'nr Mayor II I'anlee for lulic Judge A JI Jayne fur Marshal Ierry Juliusnu Air ('Ity Altnr-mrr ilcnry Vrooinan for Huisrlntenduit of Hehisila 1 l'Ninplirll for Hchonl IJirerlnr lleriiinn (innlisi HenmU All that inrt of lliaeily of Oukland lying iiortli of Twentieth alnmi ami Dvlger atmrt and east uf Adelina siren) Hilling place -llule store mr liar of Hay stmd and Tulegniib avenue Oflkttniof Jlrler Inspactor: II Siuissin and Itowell Judge Hit Mayor if for Hilica Judge A II Jnynr Dir City Marshal liirry Julia aim for City Allurney Jleurjr Vruoinaa for Hiiisirintendent of Hrli'sila Campbell lor (Miinuiliiiaii Coliini-Ima Drier for Heliuol Dint-tor Alev-ander 'Ililnl All Hint part of the eily of Oakland lying east of Adullua Hlreei aoutli of 'J'wrnlletli and lielger si reels weal uf linaslway street and north of Tenth atreet Ihdllug place-difllcc of Ilia City Attorney L'ilv Hall Olllcrrt ufKIeellon-J Hirler IriRisa'Ior JI Haieutiger and Blair Judges Kur Mayor Hmlee for Judge A JI Juynr for ily Marshal I Vrry Johnson lor Oily Attorney llonry Vnsimau fur of Ndioula CainplNill for t'ouiiciluiau IV A Waller for Kelusil Director IV- Kel-logg T'oii rlli All that pail of the niy uf Oakland lying cast of Adeline sticr-t west of JlnaHlwayatnad aud south of Tenth streak and north of the aowherly rhnrter line of the city of Oaklaud Hdling Alla Hoiiu rorner of Kiglith and Wasbliiglim alreela Olllwrs of Kiwi John 'mik Inaiieehir Jvsee Holiliiaon and IV Kenring Judges Kor Mayor 11 for Jklire Judge A Jayne for ('ily Attorney Henry Vnsnnan 'for City -Marshal li rry Jolinsun fr huperiniendent of Hebtsds I'aaipljtll Kiflli All th it porthai vf Hie city of Oakland lying cast of Dnanlway atreei aonlb of Twentieth atreat and Jiclgcr street and uorlh uf Tenlli rtn-rt and west of the line which divides Oakland tnwn'hip fnun Brooklyn lowualilp place Olllcc of Janies I-r-ntcll (hid Kellowa' Imildlng rtraer Klerenlh and Franklin afreets Oflleers of Kleelion Juniea Iaenia-ll 1 nsiector John Cn-li-ing and TIimiius Yolland Judge) Fur Mayor II fur Judge A 11 Jayne for City Marshal Juhnann fur City Atl'giier Henry VioouiiMiftir SujM'iiiitemlMil of Schools Cauiplwll Sixth All that pail of the City of Oakland lying eust of Ilniadway street south of Tenth street west of the line dirld-ing Oakland township than Brooklyn townslii) and north or the wailherly Charter line Offlix of George II I'ogg on Itroadwar between Fifth and Sixth streets (Jtticcn of I) liar wisxl Inspector: Jos Fallon and Hnmiler Judges For Mayor II fur Hilire Judge A Jay nr: for City Marshal Johnson for City Attorney Henry Vrisinian for Suimrintrndem of Schools Campliell for CouDcilman Wm Snlist Scranlli Wanl- All that part of lire City of Oakland lying In Brooklyn township and which is known as Hast Oakland tfllee of Howard Kt Oakland Oltlrersof I J-llivtur latpculnr Swell and Asa Iluwanl Judges Fur Mayor for lVdirc Jiulg A jj Jayne: for City Marshal I Vrry Johnson: liir (Hr Attorney Jlenrr VnHimanifur tSuperintendrnt of Sclioul Campbell Vole the Hepuliliesn ticket and sceure giaal city olllevn wen that can Im trusted and defeat the apnila who have pnadauued that "To tAa rfrlori kfiiag tA iBotti!" and arc only wailing hi rake the Tnmtury Don't' fall to vote MAMMAL FBI VOTEM flirt-rs nrlxilitd Air l)Mlr-l-ollla I'iw Totwa amt Ordlnnuan Oowrslsx KlnrllMaw 11m following Important iiifoniution re-speiding Hi municipal rlcctlun to taka place In Hill city to morrow ikould ba In Uia iHoaewion or every I Ail lee officiT ami tvrier In lha oily of Oakland iiKTm os ussicKiia mm this rouA Ward FlnH-Onkland Point polling plaue at lbihaen'M store ofllcera Tyler i'lman and Blaku Wurd JAillliig plaea at Tlegniili aveiino and Twealy-sixth street or liay officers filugcy Aldrich and Mitchell Wanl lAillIng place ('Ity Hall officer Carlctnn JtUfkTu ami Thaubauld Wanl place at tha Alla House WaaliingUm end Kiglith straeta olllccrt Summers Burrell and Special (I ('rawfttrd Wanl Filth place earner of Klerenlh and Fninklm itreeta at Judge LculeH'i offloers MisUlermin John Mc-(Juiro end Hpecial Devil Wanl Sixth Pulling place at Judge Fogg's Broadway between Fifth eed Sixth strw-ts officers Wilson McKay Kosa and Ikslge Wanl lAilllng place at Judge Howanl'a East tiakluml ofllcm Thomas and Specials John Dowden and Kounuw The rat officer named in each Wanl will have charge ol Hie sills riVlM TIIK IHIIJTICAL COOK AN To prevent tlie sale of luloxi eating bevenumi on election days eii-prored Marohilh Pt74-lhrj--b7 Skctiox 1 It shall not be lawftit ihr i any icnoa or pens) keeping a public houac saloon or drieking place either liceuissl or unlicensed to sell give eway or funiivU spIrKuoua or inalt liqnon wine on any part of any day set apart or to' be set apart for any general nr aapecial election )y the 'cftixcus in any election dinlriet or precinct in any of the countie of tlie State where an election ia i in progress during the hours when by law in saiddiHrietor precinct the election poll are required to bo kept open Skt 3 Any person or ieraons violating the itrovitiana of this Act shall be deemed guity of misdemeanor Skc 1193 No ticket or ballot must on the day of election be given or delivered or received Ivy any person except the Inspector er Judge acting as inspector within one hundred feet of the polling place Sfx 1103 No person must on the day of election fold any ticket nr unfold any ballot which he Intends lo use in voting within one hundred feet of the polling place I hkc 11 fit No person must on the day of election within one hundred feet of the I polling place exhibit to another la any manner by which the contemi thereof mar Isi ome kiMwm any ticket or ballot which he intends to ue in roHag Sue 1193 No person must on the day of election within one hundred fret of the pollsing piire request another person to I exhibit or divcluse the ouolcnl of any ticket or bxl! which such mhurperwu intends lo use in voting I ruux tiik rxxxL oidk Hm -ifi Fvi-rr eivn not entitled to I rote who fraudulently vote and crerr rson who votes more than once al any i-ne election I guilty of a felony sh 44 Every perron not entitled to vie who fraudulently attempts to rote or who Wing entitled to wt attempts to vote i more than once at any election is guilty of i a misdemeanor J-ec 47 Every person vrho procure aids airi-K couoK-ls advise another to give or offer hia vote at any election knowr-I ing Hut the perem i not qualified to vote g'-iiliy of i misdemeanor VHilM TUE W'JLHD HIM No i rrou shall vote at inch election unlvs- he is a qualiflvil elector and ha been a resident of the Wanl in which he cut: his vote for at least thirty day imme lively preceding inch levtion WHO IS lUlIEX: Wc copy the following front the Contra Usta It now tniwpirotlhM Alfred A the same who I reputed to have made a very fat thing year ago in the Receiver-hip of tlie bankrupt Adam tc COmpiuy affaire to which it wa alo the enmnt report he wa obligingly appointed in the bftl chamber of a District Judge who wa called out of ltd fur tlie purpoie at the extra judicial hour of two o'clock lathe ha a little motlrc of pcnonal ipite prompting hi lobby championiliip of tht pending Archer Freight and Fare bill It appear that the Central Faciflc Company formerly employed him at the handsome salary of (10000 per vrar but finding at they allegethat he wat robbing them of enormous tums discharged him and now hare instituted mil to recover some of the alleged strafing! In tkclr complaint they charge that as their agent he negotiated the purchase of a block of laud in Sau Francisco of 1L Tichaor for (300000 but repn'Kntnl tf fliem that Ilia price bargained for' was (Ski 000 which ium they iaid in gold coin and subsequently learned Ticlinor gat only (300 000 for the property Cohen retaining (AO-00ti The complaint charge tbatCohen de-frainiedhb mptoycr nf agndry other large amount iu like manner of operation and defrauded other priMma of property by threatening to deprive them of profitable business lliey were enjoying from bis car in thl way inducing Meigs A Galway lumber merchants to furnish him gratuitously with all the lumber for Ilie rreclion ol a palatini rosidencc at Alameda This style of doing businrsa accords with tlie popular notion of Cclica's rharactcr since lie obtained prominence by hla Identity with the absorbing process to which the asset of Adams A Company were subjected alter the fiiilur uf that once mighty house It accord also with recollections of the reputed rare of a fttnd of largo amount said to have been railed liy contribution 1 arlei tnt tlie Ban Francisco-bankers and merchant In 18(13 to secure tlie passage of the Specific Contract Act Iu the Hluto legislature 'Hi auppoao that Citlien would appear In tliu lubtiyofthn 1-cglslnltirc at lbia or any Hum to advo calc freight and fare bill from any motive uf public interest would do great Injustice lo hla reputation To areiign the loss of ao rich an opportunity of plunder a tint he Itrnl when iu the employ of tliu Central Faciflc Company la likely vnouglt lo hare tlie motive ahtl it la not unlikely that la is supplemented by a lee that Csloiiel Krutl could alfiwd to wy for the acrvlce Always Aumm-vu wsieaaawa fltaiof UsrtiMialaU Oo Whatasals aad Itstoll dualera a Hsnlwsr and Urocksry 1JT0 Dnadwiriur Twain Hroet kava Just roesirod atf direct purtallisi a awminent of kata yrtoek sad Htoae ItkiM tlocds wktrk the othr st Ik lowest ourkst- rtes Uudwwsls atl Iu kaackasst Uwi list IlhsnUs toms IATISFIED IlliW (inHXr Nllli'VNTlllCMli tiding down Firtcenlh atreet yeatenluy wa met a veneralilo gentleman paddling Ids way up onln dry laud coverml with umd aalnralcd with riiidhlnra mid pufllug and blowing fur dear lift1 AVe inugiiaidiiioualy exteiidMl a helping Imml and anon as he could gH hla braalli lie minted Hie Mury of Ida allnathiii He said he was a rmhlrnt uf I he casluru part uf the idly and a velar That miiemliorlng the lesson of Ids yuulh and being now In Ida old ngn air Icily consuii'iilio'is ha hml desired in ane fur hhnaclf the entire silimthai before outing his vnlc fur ur against the candidate ft ir Mayor who favored granting to a rallnaHl Die right I run through Market street That to tide end tin had sought that llior-ntighlkre anil wlilln hajklng with head raised fur the Hue uf stalely uianslunelhnt must nenessarlly adorn a street that could ba daniagisl hy a radnsul to Hi extent claimed fur tula ho lied inadvertently lnped oir iutu that inlrey pit We politely Inloniiisl him that Hint inlrey pit was the I'lentiral street he was linking fur and that Hinas line of dilapidated ftmcc ailurneil with advertisement of patent inerliulnea and sawing machines were the cosily Improvements lo he Jeopardised He lookisl at us incredulously We pointed io a slgn-lioanl lieariug the words "Market Street" He hsiked al Ida bespattered wearing apparel for a brief moment then Idankly at us and Imunsliately eUrtcd igf muticrlng lo himself aiiiirn)rraie (masige of Hcrlplnra: Among which are dislimilr heard "Ai (nr me aud my house we are for Hardee" COHBHEiIOHALMtTTEBI Senator Kargent made an earnest speech In ftivor of the uliuissiui of New Mexico rrm tending that it wouhl he cruel to that largo iiopulalion lo keep lliem in tutelage under die caroleM and wasteftil Territorial x)'alcin which Le considered the worst form of girveruineut ever devised ftir a free jieojile lie argued that New Mexico would ileveloi na California lias done their natural conditions being in ninny respects tiinilar All tlx of the Pacific Com! Senators wero present In their seats and voted fur the bill It is projioaed to make the Car-on City Mint only an assay office LuUrall eamcstlr persisi in urging an iiivevtigaliun into Central Fad tic IUIIrol all'airs The Ilmisc C'linmillee hare agreed lo rosirt In favor of Kipi-r's bill rtlinipdsliing the Marine Hospital iiropcrty for a Sailor' Home file in the House Iiowevvr is doubtful Congressman Lullrell list nomliisted Walter Bedford of Hh i-ta comity for the West Academy Keprmciilalive Lane has appointed tfocar Henry for the Kaval Academy A Pea Picture Luituii TiiAXHtnu-T Much ha been laid lir Ilie pi)N-ra and 1-v individnal-alsjut the eaiaiuitr and hoac-ty of Judge Stanly me lell yuulliow be is looked upon liy the lawyers of San Francisco and I assure you 1 speak the eeiuiuient of ninc tcnl'it of the profession who bare had practice Wore him or luleieoiuu with him He is no meant a profound lawyer although lie think? be is Many the lawyer practicing be fire him who ha wished h- knew a little mere about law ur thought he knew little His hnueityonthcli-nch was never qne liuneil by impartial observe! hut his manner was Detroit that of a litre driver on a plantation than of a iligniSLii Judge rocking to do Impartial JntiiVbelireen litigant lie is a man of the most violent prejnJiees anil was never accused by the profession of git ing l-i loth sides a path-nt hearm- In any eve that wes ever before him lli almost universal habit wa while on the bench to champion citln rone side or the other the consequence was often a licrel discussion between one cf tin1 caucsd and the Court and a plain instruction ly the Court liy tones and hxiks and often by plain winds that the lawyer mint be a fool who thought he knew at much about a cate or the law involved In it after a day or two of patient study a it did upon the mere statement of tue point by counsel To aunt him up the opinion of thejw fessiun would be a'ooui aa umi (I: luli be is esseutlallv honest in his instincts aelf-opiaioniteu upon a small foundation: aristocratic ia feeling rather than iu his tastes pleasant with friendi in hi swial if not crossed a man of violent projinlices and tyranical aud overbearing in his disposition Ixwyeh Ha Slaroh 13th lfi'3 nf Hellas or Chins It i with feelings of regret Hut we an nouuce the dvaUi of Dc Haven editor of the Chico Knterprttt who died Saturday morning at few minute after two o'clock aero fid years Deceased wa a native uf lYnntylvania and ram to California in He had been for several yean aillicted with an acute Ain arising 'from a diseased hone above (lie knee and to intrnst that ha eoneluded to have Hie limb amputated at the almost uniretsally expressed with of bis friend lie Mood the operation well nml seemed to progress favorably until Friday evening urn bad tvmploiiit set In ami lie gradually sank He was a nun universally brlutad and hia death has catl a gloom over Ihr entire rom-muiiilr wbi'N lie resided llo served (tie State ill several honorable positions as I'uder-HhrrilV of Lassen oouuiy at County Clerk of 1 and repreM-med Butte in the Legislature of IfiTl ami At the lime of his death lie held the positnm of Mqjor mi Hie atalf of General Codwalder of Ihr Fifth Brigade Califnrnia Nnlioual Guard and wai buried with military honors by the t'liico Guard Sunday afternoon Xew latentw Through IVwry Ce A genu San Francisco we receive the following advance list of I'nitcd States patents grunted lo Pacific Coast inventors via: Field Han FrancisiM elerlro-nwgitctic regulator for strain engines Field Han Fram-inco eloclricat switelies and mil outs I II lliwtuu Ban Fruuciaco saddl tree: Lea Florin Oil wheels for re-hides: FC Milliken Simla Crur Cal niHuatalile mold board scrapers Oppan-helm San Francisco vehicle scats I Swell San Krancinco clnllira lilies Yon llavrrlx'ke Sun Fnmcitco shoes II Ikiwlcs Saernmrnto Cal quart mills: li Hopkins rotary eulliralnn linlurlliiu llvnlnd I'arw Fares hy the Inins-ontim'iitnl railway routi' are to lie reduced after nil The fare from Omaha to New York al present aud return is (id and to Philadelphia and K-lum (13 (Mi nml after llu- lilh nf April they will br to New Ym-kand rrlum ('iS Iliilaili'ljihia and reluni (Vi 'Hint will lie (lie uniform rale on all ron-ncellng roads The tickets arc fpsvt for llilrly days only Amust-iiwuls (iraml picnic of llio Oukluud Grove laslgr NaS-1 of Iho Druids will beheld March IDUi at Fas-klng's (larUeut Al the new hall of DM on Twelfth street there will Ik given under the nus-plu-a af the wall known Tulin Morgan a miH-ertim ilia Itlili fur tlie lieneilt nr the First Baptist Church FOB POLICE JUDGE Al H-JAYNE Otf-ri tiluiai-lf aa a caaSMala tht ra starting lha aEaa at rMkwJadaaarihaUtfar Oaklaud itkllld ritUB KINDXXHU IHHI'LAYin TUWAHD Ml hr tha aNtaraa a( Uaklaa atiaa altar a nrr akart MU luaaeaaaaM aaaaaas Uwr aava Ma aaia-pfctaMs a rata tar Iks huMla aura af JaaUaaaflha Uaaaa la (letahar laat laaiNna an wUh a maaa la appeal to (hair aeneneltr realaaadtkta luminal ineeaailulfr lalhU aptrtl I ffaialto that tflhar will alact na to lha safes af Dalfea Jutlaa aa Ik am Mao (aval Hank Bast I wt disburse tha OaUsaaftka aOIca with fefeuqr aa wUh ur Safe ahUUr a a TATUta Oakland Jaaaaiy 1ST Jaullld For Gity Marshal JOHN MKAGHKR i t'ffeft hlauetf ai lha WarklBc HiVl ladayrndant oa dhlato fiw cur Haiuhat sallelllai the vataa af toaas-la uf Usklaii wukauc SMIacllaa to anr urlSll For City Marahal IIintcnY AXXOL'ECK HUT I AM A C4XDI-data Ihr rwahaUsa ta tha safes of Ctly Harahalf UMklSHdL lal ltd PBBKT JOHIMI For Gity Attorney HENRY VROOMAN (Mftis blRMctf madliUta fir tk oAes sf Oltf Altar-asroC Mm titty rUtURa MUM Snpta of Schools CAMPBELL Rffinctisttr pWMBU hlMMtfsB a cssMalt tor w-ftoe ttoatodttt Mttcs TitotMrliiteiiikM FsUtottchNtaM thCUyrUMMM CARD TO THE PUBLIC At a xiareiita or tiik anxEm or ihi Stalk Wart hart rthruary aa 1171 Iks Mawtaw toanlullaa was iiaatMaalyfelatod: JBnalrnLTtiat lha dllaaMal lha Milk Wald mart-taaaol hanr Uaa a(h hi larar af atrlaa thaOaUaad BaitMhrail Ontra Uosta Eatoart Cmuiuj aftaa-cklaeia nuOnlr cwsaa Maiktt street in thtocttr kaawlua to In th alaurt aaaniaww wish af aur CttlBMa AhrtactteahrVhuacllaiaawaalHUaBd laaraar was uaaahnsaMy oaHiatoA A UaaacUiwaa to npaa-aut tka Stalk Wart at tka mrtn SMafclpal Ifecflto CITIZENS CANDIDATE Far CNnlluui nutk Ward' 30 NAOdLIUnDT 3lr Nntmj pr a(s4 hr BMajr rtllsj af bM JHxlS Ward a nudk AU Mr lha CKr ClMudl asi la by Mmm rwromsiFtokti far Mm asihagta sf lha vkar bmtWM i NOTICE TO VOTER Tie vAiu'iitm kcxoiu to the nniv that Nr Klik Briar the soaitMa sf tbs Kin cradle psrljr tor NyrtncMt af fchaala daatisa Is accept iha MoaiMikia ara tolar la evsrjr parttaalar lla Ims accepted Uia aewlastloa aud will na fcrtbaad all in man or ilatcfiieBii ta Um MMrary asdvttb MasAim fly snlar Um UnaaeraUe Ctty tiMlial BMrpabl 0 BlLir Banetvr lithcaaaMalBaav Uamlafaev crap ef JapsatM iMpartaS by ad4 axprcaaiy lor JONES1 AT THE UX or HIE BIG 1115 Broadway Oaklaad Tha nmi TKAB CIIQr TXA la af tha Tatatyal the VWbralnl lllawatol liat of far autwrtar Sarar alal Hiuartk I ma puatol af aaaal a ana an a ha Mania ot Uia Mm of JapaaTta lrtca SXVXXTV FIVE IKkia PEE m'XDar One Rod half pounds for One Dollir Ha ren to cak ferriFTII TUB CHOP as Ihr Ira frum Uwlftk rtarplcklaa af tha law Ira lartlaaf npertur Sant to Out ef aur other rear Itcaakakad antral JOXEfT fUga of tha Dig Th Kattto till Hraodway Oakland SEE jal HE HAS IT NEW FEED STORE! 1 WM SACEHORN WBULHAIiE AXD HBIAL DKALXk in Flour Hay Grain Sixth ntraat- near Broadwnr imouut delivehkd treb or chaxuk MOW LANDING Scotch Ex Winfield Scott Wellington Ex Bough A Becdy Sydney Ex John Frederick hr aala la lull to sail by FHEKHAN (fc JAEVE ElRhlh nirvat tolwHa Bradwa and MarlMi Frank 11 a CHAPPELLET Real Estate Agent dT3 anOABWAT diet Hradway and WashlDEWn ad warlltr A CARD li havlua muh tr that aaa A UWXX la advertlilB hlluacir a ncaiuaNhdad t)Mhbai nnuprtaM aud MllaU taarr we bu Its rr tl Justice to suraalrM tsMU-t tka puWV tkat wtdaaal iMuwmrud aaW Owe a uuuprirM la this ermrn-radlr atkl that aur wriiu-u NcantomlrtfeH kaM hr him waa aMalart hr atltiniameiil and la berth rw twllnl KOIILKR fit APR ca uari-lw PLACE OAKLAND retltK BOUT BHAl'TIKl'1 HITK IX CALIrilUXIA A Hubravkif Ma mantalii aa waud land amrir aud atuikfed will ahtaatleua tnra ll la tha kaaShlast aial bnrt dMlard aw la Oaklaad aeraral thaaaaad ihdlan havlua beva eupeuded hr th paoprhtar la drauuro aud elhrr MipnimurrtA TIi pnpmr haaa lrewaiaal)Hwtau TartUik atnet by laakrtto lih nwuiaa ink anwt Bast liberal lanua Part rath and huluwrr la thm ur bur yaaiu er fenwr lawrlai Irtnust at alaa rot rrnt anaain Aiitr to BITITIRIiTj GRANT Jal 7) Karaite Hack Du riautm NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE Tiik iiiABiiXDrniXTixutvNrAxrfunxu llmadwar and Twrilili aiwt havlua Sited ap uh rnilivlr iww aulvrlal wv ar luvjatfvd i da Th rtsaat Clou of Jab Frlatlng At nrawMbfe prim aaA Ml'MO niXTlBU l'KI'AKTMKXT lamiwru wKk tka uHre Wrk nmuad la tka klatfert Kyle uf tha artaaur NOTICE TO JHE PUBLIC A HKH Kl UITAI Wklia Prkll Val Nurti tiravri At murh par bail lha Mina Mua sow upre la da pahflr IvM-ly UJB Of inlTUllfi ETC WCliu waallBf ktloailaas jufrr (sllaaa for reck loacrtlM ns EU WHUag lltaallaaa III ccala per Uaa ke gret mania aad Mk per lla for ml abMMat laiaHlaa rfrVwlv4pat ppoad TaEubglf mu im uv frsr laatrtfoal eriliytr in for fed Mharearel luaartla i ImtiHial raaarel Katlcta cr all lift aa lamtum each HkaaoMi loferttoa SMU Boa erwakdi A WHITE iTALIAX guy- JmrtivwUtamaalWarlaat ai iha Ina vttB MBM navabayiL Air lahnutto ml Mlv to tka dm wot ba nrrtvad hr UlLUxi marlt-M ltVMtlon Wanted Bt a ewxKMaii aiit to do gkkiial Warn pat attoatuaala akart many Itopili at tb Uuidaa out Haiti aM Brataanat Bnadway Oaklaad nwlt-E A THU! TIAEd LEAIB ABD II HKITCBR kraals af Iks TramoU Jlauas This hamate towrafor hate aa Na Mda avtMto hscwaaa Mi-krrth lavimiialk qurta sad caalatua rauaa awtr maeeaptedkrkeinee wka an kaanlto( la tha WU Tha tonritnv la all new Apply WOUDWAMD a TAGGART- uwIXf Kliklh strati war Brartwar A wellukatbd wood axd oual tabu fk date a read hadavaa Tkapnaaulwaaraala( kaal la las saly naasa ter aOhrtn Mr uh JiuiaUa at this Ultaa i uiar-U A MTTATinx BT A HXQLK MAX ASCOAf'U-AUfewarlnkdanaardiuar Address H0ak-art Itetma Batennea rival 'aiara-lw MOJ PAID TOE TUI CORVIUTIOH k( ar Iktevw whs feral th Tkaamit rt mncraM la this dtp to Zioaia TO L0AX rok FODB THAI B- ww hr Rup ma iRa per gBI BSw MSSS rrludpah nu addivaa ROCquEKAX awthtaaiaac ar at Brartwar and Huh meat -nait-lw JPox- MoaXe Axbw rixi rtuxwat mxo fob uli at till rrtakIM alraal Uekteud urHw OLNEY CO Beal Batata Auatlonoura ULEKROOm-UT Brwmlway Oaklaad I SW 111 aad SIS Naasras aCnwt (K SL Urn-hall A CWbh -t Kaa naartsH ELPBIDOB Auotlonser 1017 Credit Sale -41 MirtaMtOFiaieiaa OAKLAND BEAL ESTATE SATURDAY Saturday nirok It U7I At 1 wtlark ON THE FBEHI8ES WR WILL HELL AT Fl'BLU' Al'CTIOX THAT IAGNIFICERT PROPERTY XXOWX A TUX Eighth-St Tract I 69 Large Subdivisions 39 to '79 Act Front by 100 to 170 feet ia Depth axd iiavixu ruuxTAiiEa ux i EIBNTH NINTH TENTH' ELEVENTH HNTII CYPRESS A KIIKHSM STREETS Oily One Bloek from Center-street Station OAKLAND Hk Irta Baa Eraacluew only go Hlaaua IR orrERIXU THU REAITtrUL 'RAfTts thtpabile wtNl naUdcatUul It will ta hart to powraa taperiar alvautacai fe Choloa Beaidenoe Property laallimpcda aa ta irnimtem sfaccaas toauly af terattaa and ptruial aunanaluaabaiiwUlkateiato-dteto aalihkahart afauar at tha Fineat Beeidencen in Oakland InpraroHUfaum irtiif-ferwart very raptdly la Ma vfeiuuy EIGHTH STREET t'poa whlc lha prvpvity has a teryv fteatacr nil UumMiafeia af tha UUy Haul Kaal to Wist Baalrafela a tha wraat la la araat itcfeiml aud raphltr nwawatilyi la valav faaay aalta harm imnuly beta aada tad vary UUIe waluluq aa lha feaitrt This aala prwaaLa a ran appartaakv to aktala FINE BUSINESS CORNERS a Ik aald Rtreat i WR yiLL ALSO PULL TBK Commodious and Well Built Residence Upon this arapwtr taanlwr wliktot afavpltala IrtatluauB JOakth aticrt Iluaaa lu twalrtteMa ua rlrnu KMk 1st la naked aad Iks uuuilKra aud ilaapkiuly letKSSM ffeam uoapa thla pnptdy baton lha rate TERMS OF SALE One-Fifth Cash Balauolu 1 1 I tad 4 wkk lutrrv-l payafev guartailyat lha retort ton i to percent par auuwuiv al tk vfilauel rorrkaarfa tapeum One-Fourth Cash Brtaava la 1 and I yran wllk luirmd parable qnartvrly lha rate ft ane (feprr awl wr wunik AUintemdpariuaala tuba afearrt hr nwrlaan Ipaa IhcpniMtr A dvpaate at fea par evut wqulnal aa lha Ml af lha kawawr Tv daya aUuwvd Ihr atank af tltla AU tana papahto la l-dd nda Arts at ate at paarhaacr fapauaq TITLK PKRFSCT Ahatnwl way ha aata al sir Uaktaad Mk KateaaMartlklp parilrutei at Mr 0ks NT I way Ifehfert 311 kuna anti Saa Fraavh feVuni II RKWIIALL A LLV aw II MM Urvat Uaa Fraurfera MT wm taka plana lb proptityrei ULRRT AuetteM MarNd IAIU'lt sjij r- mart -a -If WrfKi- JXTE2rr 1 Miwir mMHUM arfep-irHrauu lr ar da Ta ifetair lu aafaatd Washlainl hmH rt wa tts i Fraudulent Voters Six Hundred Transfers from Son Francisco Detective Lees and other Detectives will be on hand to nab the Villains LOOK OUT FOR COLONIZERS It ia rqini'tiHl that Oakland is to I jo flooded with San Francisco reiwutora to-day to vote for Stanly Full prqmRition have ljecn mode to receive them IVtec-tivea will be on hand at every polling and if they attempt to vote Situ (uentin will reivivo an access to its Denu)-cratic pomlaliun Let ever' man look after the ni11s Clial-leiijm every unn not known Let no ivjK'ater get in his vole nor escape iinvat Mihic (lie clilldrrn iuve The ('aiii-lull Tiik Chun-li of llw Ilnly is Hrcubcr'a OtNin new fur small liver mi Urn riuc i Axutiirh big storm last evening In the Hicrre Nevada Ciikykxxk la overrun with Mark Hills! mining iiriMiNflora Tiik lVinco of Walin lias nailed from India fur Liverpool (1inmiiiiitkii Yirginiat'oiiijuiiii'i mine la turning out 1000110 daily Tiik earning of Ilia IVnlrul Fai'lflc Ihilruad iiinuiiiiteil In (I I MO IMO Iniix 11 vii-ox an old mdileut of Yir Riain t'ily dietl In Dial place yealwlay IlM liiiuiuix Uksxktt aislnweelliearlof Uia New York Utnbl air entiling to t'nli-Ania (Ion lirlii MHir Sueramenln if another bin aliirin pIiuiiM follow elute on that Just ended A hi nii nl Townsend's every day for Woken only 'JO edits a pound No KT Market uln-ct Sisii rililKins (I iiH'lum wide 13 c-culs a Jrnnl I'ninu Dry liimls nlnn- IM Fiftli slreel Hun Krnneisen Ill'll famrl will make Uie Drier M-raleli Rravel anil Ills hand fill of suiiiKirlrra hump" ilirniselrni hi day Clnixii lsiaMi levee limkrii near line's Jwrk on I liu ftieraiiirnlii Hi antin' Inland is in dan jar of bring llaiuled Mh axd Miiiaxk IIkikxai- deny Mint tiey hare ever amken ill of the reailinl lliey know iiiillilngnf him lint what Is KUIXl No fewer tlinn 17 persona were sen lymwil by Judge lllnkn nr Uni Kmi Krun-I'ua'ii iiiuiilriuil I'mirl to the Hliile Halurilay Mirhii tii and Sutler panstan Idlls nl 100 per inoiilh in eai'li The llrsl lias inuanl the Assonilily amt the aceimd or ilered engnwseil IWliiKXT Jiiiix lietlixi-K of the Slate uiirerslly ili-liri-n-d a very iuatruelivr lec-hjfa mi Ilia "Tim llctrle in Han nanelaen on Hutunlay livening Aonims Mi-4 inmif-hau clnini again) 'inii kiilver iniiin lias hern Jrttw Tor tlotaiiaai HidlamKhan efts it ll! "I111' 11 Hint Hfn liul nine 11 for developing Ilie 1 In the Knurl li I list riel Courl mi Satur "tjrMn1 was limuKkl ngninsl James II sutuniiiif Juki ami hi recover flL'iOll nr llpt niilure to sell for a iHI sliaiva of Ilie irgiula Mining Cuniimny SPRING 1876 7 OF TIIK i I AT BROADWAY THIRTEENTH 'u 't OAKLAND SUPERB ARRAY OF 4 NOVELTIES! I a SPECIAL DESIGNS FOR SPRING NOW ON EXHIBITION A a IVt take glut pleasure in announcing io our patrons and the public generally that our GRAND Opening Display Or IFHIkdt NOVELTIES TAKES PLACE ON I AtaaaA waa Uf Amt Folio wlng Dayn Ik great fiscilitUi withla ear soatrel kav tnsklsd aa this mua to near tk MtsUgaat aeveltis tkat enll btpir dosed ia tke FukimUe Wrld-Tka rsesgaiisd ptHBlMN of nr Mtab-llahaiiBt at prreent is aa asaarel guaraatre tkat tke lameas Catalags af Xmltfrs asw an Xxklkitiaa wffi otfrrsd at prim which caaaat bp tqualed by any kpu la California- IN OUR SILK DEPARTMENT Will foaad a Maplat and bsaatlfil aa-aartauBt af HUS specially dcaigad far this seassa by th Baanftwtnren af Lyssa and fart I- IT" A Ipedal latpertaUsa of SLACK IILXI will eJfrred at meat oaaisally law pricts An Inopootlon of our Bilks RoapoetfuHy Bollcitod Dress Goods la this Dtpaxtmant bn kava taada mt sxUasiva praratioai and aaa Mtuii tally aarert tkat we an new prepared ta nb-mit ta th lodia of Oakland tha msat aplca-didly apptlatad mertmat ef DISH BOOM tver yst witneaud ia California SHAWLS lha alagsaca of our filuwl Daportmat ku ia tka past for moatha ban tha Bnirarial tapis among tbs Ladlis or Oakland and baariag In viaw aurprsmt vutKuroptaa Impertatioa aa orllaery inapretlsa -will Muvins aay lady af onr auparisrity ia than gttdi Gloves Gloves Jut reerivad from th Manufacturer! a larga aouaignmat of tha famous J00TII OLOVU AID AXCADK IXAMUBI CLOVES FANCY GOODS AND LACES Ia that Bapartmata wa kava davstad apaeial ean ta plaea an ezkibitUa a really shale Mlestin af tvary aaaaoivabla novelty ba found lu tha Earopum aud Aaurieun Murkata t7Aa Uapasllau af our rotuMiahmat 1 rei pro (fully Hlielted CO lIHAXl'II (IK TIIK "AIIC U)K" Broadway and Tbirtettuth street warlwHhfrsNif WAKLAXB KESUMPTION The Vivid liar IlmaaniN MIbm fur oar YnirKaUI io Che (ioTcrtuntl On the return of Ocnrral LaGrangc Su iMrintendcntoftlie Mint from Washing-ton It tranapiml llut the Uoremmcnt was negotiating fur the purchase of this year product eftha Conaolldaletl Virginia and California mines Mr Janice 0 Fair one of Ilia large owners in those mines arrived in AVaahiaghm a few dgya ago ami the report roues that ha baa completed all negotiations InatraWona have brsn received hr Mr Slierman Assistant Vnihii Stales who lias already placed daWUMki lo Ilie emlil of Ihr Huieniilemhait of the Mini in thin city and SOiXUXki to the ereJil of the Carton Mint The silrer purehased la lo be appliud lo Ilie nmiuutioa of fractional currency auil will nalucc the discount on ailvrr One hundred thousand dollars would lie ample for the redemption of all IVaetlnnal rnimry on lbia Coast Tliera lias hern iasiicd ftaJHU in (hiellim nl currency of nil ilcmnninntiaiasihe largest being fifty cents Of Hilt probably IV H0HIMH) has been lost and will never lie presented for redemption of this $40tXhMhlll left llifra al proarnl perhajM g'llltk' (hill mure in ilie Treasury This leaves about gtlAjhiOJKlO of tVnctional currency to be redeemed The Treasury will flint redeem the five tun ami fifteen cent piece of which (her are not in Hie uggregnlu more than IIUJKWJWO out This will lie llir find tri toward apeele Alta llv reftwiw to onr advertising columns it will lie mam that a reward of $Sil is nll'cnd for the recovery of an Italian grey himml Ilia ealor I while ami he has a (awn enlnml spot on the side of the neck Hun in lle-di Was Inst seen at Broadway station on Friday last with mane newsboy Any him finding the same and leaving In-formation where lie ean be iroeured will la- attended lo br Dillon Cily Asses-nr oflliT City llall llKwasalemirram' big gun from Ho-iioinii etainly and be wa enlleil iiain to sieak al the 'lVmaraiiee Is-glim inei'tiiig Humlny niglil He arose with Ilie air or one about hi do mimeUiiiig Hint would shine mid shine lie said "If there baany gentleman present who ia a father or mol her" and thru Hie salt-kern drowned Ills voice and ll was a long lime liefore lie saw where Ilie laugh eume in No mere Inlairloua aludenl ever held the oilier of Cily Mlorney In this or any other eouimuiiily' than Henry Vnammii IV hare seen him night after niglil pourlng nver hla legal tome lafih in Ida olllce ami bis studio al homo He la ambilluiis lion-rat failhftil ami scrupulously rxael Two lo one he leads every man an Hie Hrpnbli-ean ticket IjhIIi-s amt tlsuls AllnillnH Fiw fifty ends wo will semi Ilie neatest iack uf visiting cards yon ever laid your eyes on A cant eosu aurnmiamlea each pack Agents wanted Hnul 3 slnuiiH for sumplus and prico lists Cash to lu'eom-pany each larder Address ull orders lo He Finrcsl It (laakill KW Broadway Oakland till Itarim's Palaru wlHwsel 001 war la lha Hare I a tn af flm heauHuete Is rniwb cau1i Tr am nwHvnl ilatly ivr luma Iniw flva nf lha mm iimwlimi Maknw Han rnuKtare.

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