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Boston Post from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 8

Boston Posti
Boston, Massachusetts
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wmm. 8 POtT IN MORNING 8ALR8 BOSTON POST, MONDAY. OCTOBEB 7 1895 POST ymsT morntno sauw STHL IT LARGE. The Ifatmeg Wild Man Oontinues to Boam. HIS A FONDHESS FOR ONIONS.

and Vicinity Afraid to Bo Ont of tbo Bfonde- Agree, Howerar, That It Football Hair. WIN8TBD, Oct. For otror a month of a wild man an existence In vicinity hare been current. What the exact sixe, shape and character of the alleged untamed male memtasr of the human family Is no one seems able to say with any degree of certainty. It has been reported that he had been captured but this Is not so.

A red onion with two holes bitten In It Is the strongest Wt of evidence yet oi- fered to prove the existence of such In the walked, and once when It Itruck a barbed wire fence the roar that came from its throat was like that of a wounded Hon. This is the terse and specific statement of the witness Webster. It will be served that he does not embellish It with any exaggerations about a fiery breath or a sulphurous odor, or any of those superstitious imaginings which have almMt destroyed the belief in wild men and Jabber wooke. John Hall, the stage driver, saw the uncanny creature from tree and going on all fours. He thought It was a cow at first, until ho heard It growl and as the cows In Litchfield county do not growl.

Hall knew that he had eeen something out of common. Then comes John Robert Cleveland. Mr. Cleveland not profess to be a connoisseur In Wild Men. He does not pretend to be able to classify the genus Into gronps, but when he Is confronted with a hoary howUmc fact he knows what he knows.

John Robert McDonald Cleveland is a living, breathing witness, who has seen the Jabberwock of Wlnsted. Ho has been close enough to the creature to distinguish Its long fangs and see Its glittering baslUsk eye. He has personally witnessed thh Wild Man in the act of eating two, three, yea a doxen onions. He eays without hesitation, and ae the orators say, fear of Buecessful that the Jab- berwook le of such feareome aspect that It would loosen the skin on the frame of any ordinary man who would dare to look upon it IT VISITS DONAOHY. All this evidence, however, simply leads PARTY PLATFORMS COMPARED.

LADY BERESFORD Social Dtiiinls Say Eflw Pawte to Roieni SOGIEIY CU DO IT. WlaiMltTinAltaiifaa What Democrats and Offer Massa- chuseOs Yotars. The following planki have been selected from the platferms of the two great nartles In for the purpose of comparison. They embraee the leading Oreenhalge will appeal for votes: lEPUBLICAN, A. P.

A. Flayed Prominent Fart in Marl- berongh-Vandarlnlt Match. SHE LONS HOPED FOR IT. ALE ALE. ighlamd Spring: OEMOCRATia P.

A. of Wrolfi gad Iti Met Witk Snooiii Apptuyed ia Pall IfaU NSW YORK, Oct. the engage- of CppeueW Vanderbilt to. Charles STERN REMAINS IN JAIL Hn. no plac.

many years been manifeot in the Demoin American polities, and cratlc party In has weak- pj ---------------party Is unalterably opposed to tne spini sentiment pf pMWi Amerlcsnl RjcjMwrd John Spencer Churchill, ninth of Intolerant bigotry fostered for political ought toAsohiral public aotlon, of Marlborough, in undoubtedly fkgreae purposes by those who seek to breed dls- and has resulted. In oeunter Irritation and In the cap of YClUle K. Vancord and animosities among the cltlxens antagonism. We the ealstence In after the enubblngs society has of the republic. Secret political bodies politics of such Inflaming and given her.

It 4s an wen prouder occasion are a curse to a party, State and nation; issues, we believe that and State Sereeford. we denounce the so-called American Pro- should be separate and Independent In sees the result of much, friendly tectlve Association, Its purposes, Its meth- fact as as In theory, that neither her part, and the acconmllen- cds and Its allies. We welcome the as- should Invade the province of the other of what she has long and ardently slsiance of all good cltlsens who will co- and that sectarian anlmoelties sheuld be operate In the suppression of any political burled and forgotten In a patriotlo and movement organixed for religious pro- paramount devotion our common coun- acriptlon. smith saw it vielnHy of Wtnsted. and the onion comes I up to the proofs submitted by Pat Don- who lives about three miles out of from Pat patch, for which the etrangs nreatore shown a persistent There is no doubt that tho iwoeds hereabouts are full of the town of Winchester, which embraces the borough of West Wlnsted.

divided in opinion as to the description of the Thing for ftve come next Sunday, has been induc- Ihg nervous shivers and hysterical fits And starts among the women of the community. The-evidence is cumulative as to the actual existence of the wild man; It differs meieUr In Ite integral as to hlB appearance, and as It stands now consists of the following links: The red onion with the tooth Riley original eUte- ment. Dwight Sorrokeratlve meut: The fearsome tale of John Robert McDonald The retroverted hair on the pgck of Fat dog. Danger- Lock. testimony.

The specific statement as to the pinkish color of the hair the wild man. This Is made by Mike-Donaghy, son of Pat Don- aghr. and la pf vital ImporUnce In view of the prevailing color of the hairy covering of all wild men and jabberwocke. John Hall's testimony, corroborative of rrs FIRST There exists not the ellghtest doubt In tho mind of any resident of Wlristed that Selectman Riley Smith really strange being in the that this be ing hsd hirsute growth on Its face, through which the north wind was blpw ing; that it uttered a loud howl or and with amaring swiftness the reoeesee of the forest. Seectman Smith is a man-of probity and temperance.

He Is not given to 'romancing. What he agw. he saw, and what he says he saw he saw. and that settles It. The thing scooted too suddenly for him to take close observation, but In the quick glahce that he got he sar that it bad a hnmkh face and a pair of guttering eyes.

WHAT liOCK BROTHER SAW. Look Perklna who out on the Cole- hrook road, the owner df the only red hOg tn Litchfield county, corroborates In a measure the testimony of the Selectman. Mr. brother and Mr. brotheria wife were visiting him last Sunday week, and after they had agreed that everything burning for want" of rain Mrs.

Perkins stepped entaide hpiise a moment to see If the horse was all right. In abont-flve ihlnutee she flew into the house with a hlanched face. alive ihe cried. "Have you evil here, Lock?" the asked Mr. Perklflli.

Mrs. Perkins pointed to an open space In the rear of the overlooking the wooded valley. There stood a motionless flgure. with its face turned away so that ft oould not It looked like a man about six feet in height. Ixmg, hair fell over the eteoplng ahoulders.

The arms were folded, and the body bent. The Perkins were startled, but liOCft brother had the presence of mind to cough.ThUi caused theflg- to tun. and show iU face, which was Instantly recognized as the face seen by Selectman Smith. There could be no mistake. It wsa not an optical Lock Perkins was wide awake; so was his brother.

Their minds were clear and un They were in the presence of the Wild Man. IT SPEAKS. the creature turnod on his heel he opened mouth and dlclosed an moux row of teeth. Lock Perkins thought he was going to yell, but he He spoMc- said he. responded Lock Perkins's brother.

inform said the Wild Man West Wlnsted, and who offers testimony that eannot be quesUoned, Impugned, hutted or destroyed. Pat Is a Donegal team bft.n*» man, and has some knowledge of ban shoes and fairies. Jabtoerwocks are new to him, but a naturally adaptable temperament has within the brief period of four weeks made him an authority and an expert Recognizing the value of this testimony, the tprrespondeJit yesterday induced Pat to repeat his story, with circumstantial detail, and until it shall be cor-tradtoted the Jury of the people In Litchfield county will render the verdict that the wild man, with his horrid hairy shape, is abroad, seeking onions BRESLAU, Oct. congws of tte Social Democrats opened here today, xne railway stay on and the street wera crowded from an oarly hour in tho morning, and the greatest interest was manifested in making the congresa one of the most successful that Socialists have ever held. The arrivals to be far more numerous than usual.

EnthusiasUo greetings were exchanged between tne delegates and their friends at the ofllcea of the party. The leaders were ipven a most hearty Welcome. At 11 a great meeting to welcome the was held In Concordia Hall. Owing to the enormous concourse of peoplo the police closed the hwi against new comers an hour before tne meeting began. Numbers of those who were not able to enter the hall about the streets in the close until after the meeting was conriuded.

Among those who spoke In the Herr Bebel, who was recrived with multous cheers. His address only sixteen minutes lu Its dellvepr. He depicted the distressed condition of tho German artisans and suggested measures for their betterment. Emperor Wl Uam, ho said, had promised a deputation of workmen to eW their handlcraftu as far as possible to regaining the Ooldenen Boden of yore. To bring about such a oondlUqa was impossible for any emperor-klng.

It could only be achieved by eooiety in Its entlwty. The Socialists, he added, did not seek reintroduce medieval conditions In the handicrafts, but to continue on the road of progress, to organise and combine, and to Joyfully and energetically flght to a triumphant cooclurion. Herr Bebel denounced the policy of protection, which he declared was only bolstered by capitalism. Upon the oonclusion of his speech Hew Bebel was greeted with that lasted for many minutes, after which the meeting quietly dispersed. Herr Illness prevented his attending the congress.

There la a strong force of police in the streets, but nobody looks for trouble. CORPORATIONS. Corporations to which power Is granted to use the public wfiys or to take private property by right of eminent domain, wo hold to be incorpotated for a public purpose, to be for a just and reasons ble exercise of their powers, and try. CORPORA-nONS. holds proud proml- nence among Ole of the Union for her strict laws regulaUng the tion, management and responslblHty of corporations established within het limits.

These laws haye been amended and Ira to the community ior the special privileges enjoyed. To make the policy of this Commonwealth respecting these organisations conform more closely to that obtaining In other States and foreign countries, we demand: 1-That all franchises hereafter granted to such corporations shall be for a fixed term of years, during which the company shall pay to the Commonwealth a fixed sum, peroentage of receipts or profits, or other compensation, and the franchises shall not be rev so long as these and other conditions are complied with. 2-Th4t oltles and towns granting cure greater safeguards for the investor and responsibility to the public. The supervision alres4y so broadly given by State ofllceni to corporations established under our laws should be extended to do business here, so that all may stand upon an equal footing. The development and encouragement of every form of Industrial activity, under wlso and proper safeguards, should ha the first duty of our State government.

Taxes are easily borne by A priwroua communRy. They become onerousiby too much legislation, the effect of which is to make capital timid and discourage Its investment In upper London circles the ex-Duchws of Marlborough hM acquired the title of the International Matchmaker, and this latest engagement will not diminish her claim to the name. The acquaintance between Lady ford and CJoneuelo Vandsrbllt dates back many the latter was a young girl of 14. At that time she left with her father and mother and two little brothers for a three years' tour around the world in the yacht Valiant. Meanwhile there had been differences between Mr.

and Mrs. Willie K-, and the party WM broken up. WllUe K. inland and Mrs. WlUlo K.

and toe three children remained on board tne TAPSTER THE COURSE OF THE flSL Be kinl te yen? body wlierevse yee Xa sr la yeatkbi felden prime i of pfenrentien is better, we kfiow, fall poaaiThau fall poaad of oore any tlma To itrengtben the lyttem Uls tbat sriae In bar patb as ire walk taro' this vale Is proper, and this to aooomplish the wise Hake nse of the Htghlnnd Spring to corporaUons from other States seeking The of Marlborough WILLIAM WILL TOIiR ALSAGE. Blenry of Whom Said to ato Bacithed, Will Go Too. Oltles ana towns jp-aniing gniployment is pf ah. a specified term additional compensation, producer, terms and conditions for the use of the hiidiwayci. reepeot to corporations now exercising such the Legislature shaU Impose a tax on gross receipts, net profits, or such license as to each ehaU be Just, granting seoufity of tenure in return.

4- That the aoYemor given full power by appototment and removal over all State offloem and oommlssieners who are net elected by the people, and thus be responsible for the manner in which they perform their duties. the number of legislative counsel and agents who may be employed by such oorporatloQS and the amount of money that may be expended by any person or corpikatton In securing or oppos- tog legislation, may be limited by law. g-That all such counsel and agents be required to make retnrns of the amounts recslved by them, of the purposes for which, and toe persons to whom any moneys have been pe4d by them, and of the amount of said payments. That in order to cure toe present inability of the private citizen to secure redress for a breach of corporate duty, and to remedy the want of a putdio offloer to represent the Interests of the subito before the various courts, judicial commissions and legislative oommltteee that have Jurisdiction in tho matter, the Legle- Igture shall authorise the Gfovismdr to appoint a special attorney dArectly ble to him and through him the people; this special attorney to be required to Investigate all reasonable complaints Riieter JJncsrpotated. HIGHLAND SPRING SNIWINY, Hue and Porter SOaTOW, MAM.

BERLIN. Oct. arranged by toe dburt marsnal, marking but the progress of the nperor and his party against such corporations for failure to through Alsace, the ceremonies perform their public duties, and be given on the battlefield of Woerth, Is now com- full power to investigate the accounts I plete. The imperial party, with the Km- and papers of such corporations, and to make such presentation to the Pat. in bewlnnlnx his Attend a gala per- li formance on Oct.

In the WetSbaden Oenernl. Governor and tho Legislature Opera House. On Oct 15 Kaiser Will as the circumstances may require; said proceed to KurxeU near special attorney to be sufflolent Prom there the Imperial party will dr'vo appropriations by the Legislature to cover to the Schloss at Urvllle, where they will reasonable expenses for assistance, ex- remain two daya and other agents necessaag for the patch- ate bus full Then, forbye, he must get in corn, hunt out all young ears. That, moind, wus harw iulpt 1.x TOofc that fares nothing. there in the mid- Joined them and saw much of Miss Con- euelo, and fell in love with her from her sweetnese and cleverness.

One of the principal dutlee of a matchmaker Is to magnify the qualities of the young man, as well as those of the young woman. It Is unlikely that toe duke, Uttle sUp that he is. dir.g mustache and very unassuming ways, would ever have caught the fancy a young woman so much petted as MI onsuelo has been. Young countries have sought her band, one been overwhelmed with attentions Paris to New York and back again. Her wish has been anticipated by a Newport beaux this very seaeon.

Why, because she pinks, the of her home had ail they could do to carry in the great and bouquets of them that every morning before she was awake to iiJrive she haa not lacked for ot Marlborough Is those men who know more and think more than they say. In a quiet way the young stripling, then 21 years old, assisted his the management of her gneat eetata To be sure, she enjoys only the the Hameislpy millions, but income she has which require personal For four years, untU her recent marriage to Lord Beresford, the young duke has transaated all hep huotoess for her, WAR HEROES. Surnvors of Confederate Prisone ill Boston. TO STRENGTHEN FELLOWSHIP. It Will Twentieth Anniviniary of ICaseaolmiettB Aisooiation of 1 of to Be Elected and Held.

Neither Mrs. wmie K. nor her ter wna prwent at the merrlage of My Beresford, htut It was not the fault that they were away, them to see her sweep up the aisle au to sparkling array upon the arm of the young duke, and to see with what dignity he could perform toe office of giving her It wae a lost opportunity, but news of It travelled to America. The contemplated trip around the world was managed by Lady Bereeford, At first It was platined toat toe start should be toward Japan, arriving to New York on the way six months hence. The young duke rather fancied this plan, as he wanted tc reach China by autumn.

But his stepmother persuaded him to the other way, going to New York first. In the original plans she was to him. But, very craftily, at Time Is making heavy Inroads on the rank and file of Grand Army of the Republic. Each succeeding day brings us tidings of the death of some venerable and honorable soldier of the late war. and It Is only a matter of a few when the last of these brave old warriors will have passed to that imdisoovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns.

Of the various military organlzatlone of tho present time none perhaps bo considered with a greater degree veneration than the Maseachusetts AssoclaUon ef Union ex-Prlsoners of War, Which will old regal sway at the United States Hotel Tuesday night of this werii. The demonstration Tuesday evening Is in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the association, amd the rafters of the United wU: nng with patriotism and good che r. An election of officers will follow the banquet. The following are the present officers of tho association: Major Charles G. DaVls, president; Comrade O.

Mc- Knlght ot Gardner, Captain Warren B. Galucla, secretary and The executive committee com- to Urvllle the Emperor will be greeted with a popular reoept'on, which has been prepared by toe inhabitants of toe local- me uro7 toV roiSl wuz It had any community. Sound economy requires during a great flat face, aor, wuth a nose spread designated to give the improvement of highways for the uee continues to mwt dot from war side tUl pair uv Sn'iJ of vehicle, of all kinds; and we favor aU elicited of the contentment of the people practicable steps In this direction extena wus oyes thot looked like balls flre. besides thot, a pair of wee ears. "Wull, sir, the harse wuz that narvous toat he Intil the ditch, got wheels betwixt two logs.

Me bye Mike tuk a peep at thing saw that it had a body great claws, with half-bushel oiv onions bugged up till its breast. When the craytur says me bye, it let out a roar, sor, toat yes could hear a mile, and began a uv Its hoofs lek a wild bulL me bye, Wild Man I and he tuk another luk, saw the craytur wuz covered with red hair from the crown uv huz head till the sole uv huz WHAT IS IT, ANYWAY? jmufi AsA tell how tall this creature wag?" atoed. "I do Mike thot same," replied Pat, he sez wild man stood nor bead, so, sor, see toot must be about nine or ten feet. The next we heard uv him was one day me bye wint down til the brook with the dog, and there, lo, and behold ye, was me buckoo on the bank, uv himself with huz claws. The dog was that frightened, sor.

that the hair on huz back turned back and has nivir got smooth agato, sor." Donaghy avers that he suffered from the wild depredations to such an IBXtent that he loaded up his old gun with slugs. He now. waiting to pot shot him. It is possible, inasmuch as matters have reached such a pass, that the Selectmen will recognize the gravity of the situation and call a meeting to devise ways and tpeans for the capture of the Thing. It is eaM that If all other means fall traps will he baited With West Wlnsted pie, but Walt Slocum, who was one of the last searching party, does not believe that will amount to anything.

He win refuse to go out agato unless armed with a pitchfork and srrevolver. and his fellow hunters agree with him. Meantime the cows are being milked by some unknown hand, and Pat Don- corn and onions are disappearing nightly in a manner most mysterious. of Abacs as German subjects. On Oct.

18 the Empeior will start for Woerth to the memorial statue of hie father. Emperor Frederick on which occasion orations llvered by General Von CURRENCY, CURRENCY. We demand toe maintenance of the ex- We honeet ne win be ohllgaUons ffitlmate business and turns it into spw- Mesohke and ex- ta gold. ulation; toat the fovernment shouW xpato- of State Hoffmann The exex- tain doUar -hldh It paj 'wm a iTrScpiiiTik- 1 aJ bSn rlous German choral societies and the permit ceremonlee win end with of toe, reaffirm toe demands of our plat- troops by the Emperor. In toe evening oFliasT that the government al the Kaiser WlU give a grand banquet to on a hulJneeq.

the impfciiai palace at Strasburg. untaxed'notes of or wWch unde? On Oct toe Kaleer will banks shall be the only credit cur- Strasburg garrison start for Berlin jency, and that toe government shall, with to avail itself of on to. evening Of We regret toat toe action and Inaction of the Democretlc majority to Congress has forced the national treasury to a humiliating dependency upon private bankers. and believe toat there should he legialatioq to protect the mfiallie ryenrs from conoerted attaoks of speculators. The gosAp alleging that a hitter quarrel has taken place between the Emperor and hie brother, Prlhce Henry of Prus- Bia.

resulting to the virtual banishmmt of the latter a yegr, has received fta final by the announcement that Henry will accomiAny the Emperor during his tour of Alsace. DISCUSSES STERNS CASE. Berlin Sentwioe Pirfectly Proper. BERLIN, Oct. Post has a scathing arttolo on what it calls the of Germany and America, dealtog with the case of Stem of New York, who is under sentence of fine and Imprisonment to Munich for insulting Baron Von Thuengen.

deputy commissioner of the Spa, at Kis- sengen. These Journals, the Post charges, are deliberately trying to defeat the ends of Justice by their denunciations of the perfectly proper sentence imposed upon Stern. It Is a remarkable fact that tho American embassy has not yet received any olflcial Information in regard to case. The Mnnich papers explain this by HARMONY IN SHOE TRADE 0, L. U.

Elect and Preid- dent Tobin Midsei tlations which would enable Ambassador Runyon to interfere directly In behalf is wholly lacking. KINO. of Tour Said to Be Aocmint of Impending Bevolntion. on pointing a gaqnt, bony finger in the direction of a cluster of houses beyond wooded valley, "what place that Is?" "Tbat," replied Look brother, murvtiUing greatly that the thing should have power of speech, Colebrook you," said the Wild Man with a bow. "Charming weather enjoying these autumnal days." And with that he disappeared suddenly that It impossible to toll whether had suito Into the earth or had been ca ight up In the air.

At toe same moment red pig in the barn squealed. So much Lock brother, LONDON, Oct. despatch to the Central News from Madrid says it is the general opinion In well-informed quarters that the critxral political situation in Portugal is the real cause ot the impending visit of toe King of that country tft. London. Madrid, Rome and Berlin.

The growing power oi the Liberals and their dlBOontent against the government threaten to bring about a revolution. It is stated that the Liberal leaders have informed the King that unleas he dlsmis ses the cabinet they cannot prevent their foUowere from rising. The fears the Liberals, but for the present he adheres to his ministers. He desires to sound toe courts of Great Britain. Spain, Italy sAd Germany, to whether they are ircllned to support hie throne in the event of a republican revolution.

orwLuvAt The ae to exlstenee Thing le Dwlght Webster, and whlle Mr. Webster does not with tho Pef- as io genus, ustimony importane What he was, to use ewn language, "an animai shaped Uke a balfer ahoni body, and ooverefl wlto roddWh ooat oC In kmft 18 lesped instoiid 9i BROOKTON, Oct. A well attended meeting of tho C. L. U.

was held tonight. President Martin to tho chair. Now dele- gutttB 0 0 fironi th6 Bakers and unions, and the semiannual elecUon of officers was held. The following were elected; PreeldenL W. A.

Martto; A. O. Warner; Hugh Fghey; treasurer, Peter Nesbitt; sergeant-at-arms. James trustee. A.

G. Warner, Michael Moran and case. mtuituu vayc.o i.nw ay declaring that a basis of diplomatic nego- NeU Currie. The thrw are AMBASSADOR RUNYM ENTERTAINED. BERLIN, Oct.

States Ambassador Runyon entertained the American delegates to tae International Geodetic Congress at the American Embassy last evening. The delegates expressed their pleasure at the reception which had been accorded to thepi by the congress, which has paid particular attention to American researches. In pursuing this policy the congress recognised the propriety of placing Professor Chandler in the forefront of the delegates, who have been invited to be the guests of the Emperor at the new palaco in Potsdam. ears of experience have taught us the combination that suits CheWers. too last moment she WSJ not aWo to sail, so all alone be arrived In New York to be immediately passed along to Mrs.

Willie K. at Newport. In doing all this the ex-duchesa has been actuated by the best of motives, "It will bo a love match," she has said a hundred times this season. "Charles has not a mercenary thought and mind has never been touched by money." Wlto BO. much attention being paid her, Lily of Marlborough realised that if her stepson would marry a desirable American girl, and particularly the girl of her own his good qualities must be brought oqt or some Beau Brummel of would carry off the prize before him.

Accordingly she has done all she oould. Eariy last tall Lady Beresford. whom the-duke has devotedly followed since his father's death, suggested that he write a history of Blcmhelm. In her own possession were many books relating to It since its building 800 years ago. and in Blenheim library was a whole row of volumes on toe house.

Queen Anne gave the first duke money to build it as a reward for brave conduct In the war. But it was not fiilly finished until Lily completed It with her American money. dnfce is naturally literary, and he set to woik to write. Waldorf Astor gave him a commission for the article, and he worked upon it faithfully. lASt January it appeared In toe Pall Mall Magaslne, and was very favorably reoelved.

Scarcely necessary to say that "Blenheim and Memories" was sent by the dosen copies to the friends to America by his stepmother. It is that XAdy Bsresford will come to toe Btates shortly. She could hardly remain at home when the boy whom she so much admires gets married. He will shortly be years old, but he Is eo yqung In appearphce that he must always semn Uke a boy until he grows a beard. Lady health has not been goodtef late, A seml-tovalidism has kept her at her country place, and has prevented her from taking an active part to toe pleasantest pastime of her life-matoh-maklng.

If She does oome over she will be aooompanled by Wlnsted Leonmrd Ohurtolll, son of Lady Randolph Churchill, favorite cousin of the Duke of Marlborough, end possibly by Lady Randolph camrehiu herself. treasurer. prises the following: Major C. C. Emery of Rbxfcury.

Comrade John S. Fay of Marlboro, Captain C. W. Wilcox of Milford, Comrade Theodore L. Kelley of City Hall.

Captain Milton Ellsworth of Rowley and Comrade C. H. Colgate of the State House. Major Charles G. Davis, of toe association, has a record of which any old soldier might well feel He wM born in New York In 1889.

The year following his parenU where he received his early schooling. He inherited a true fighting ardor from his patriotic ancestors, and the itost of the naUon found him buokUng on the panopUes of war In defence of the he loved 80 well. He cast his lot with peny First Massachusetts Cavalry, the first company raised by the National lAU- cers of this city. The objects of this body are to strengthen the ties of fraternal fellowship and sympathy, formed by companionship in arms during the late war, among the survivor- of rebel military It la intended to perpetuate the name and fame of those who have fallen in -prteon pons of the anu In the line of duty, These are toe ends at which elation alma Its is to bind together in the most frlendjy mt- vlvors of Confederate prisons by Joint tlon of In any which will secure justice to the livingm to the dead, and to oxtend the widows and orphans of those htora fallen. CITY RREVITIES.

Sverr penny non Salvation Oil for 25 cents. liniment in tbe market. 40 to 7 SoYOd on Glottilng. to 75 per cent saved to oksAlns If they boy thu week ot tim Mie clotbiBS hooM, Bnauner who are stock of the Wm. MU UtMSOA'S U8 MWtEN.

At 10 last nigllt Fillipd Lacas- cla. aged living at 207 ghth street. South Boston, fell on Corn hill as he the sidewalk to board a car. boaee of his left leg were broken beloR toe Ttnfse. Bfh was attended by Dr.

Doiin at and then removed to toeClty Hospital in toe pdUoe anbuLanee, few weeks Goode i tho beet ouaUtr trade by tbe Goode are te be of and tor this sea- Le by tbe neat tetlora Bbre eie a tew on tbat every man needs now: Men's re-elected. A committee wae then Solntedto bring in a Ust of standing committees next J. F. Tobin, president of the Boot and flhos Unions of America, was nrSSmt wS addressed the delegates on the question of the boot and aos label and other labels of organljwd trades. President Tobto, in an interview after the meeting, zald: "Never before in the history of the craft has there been such harmony as exists today.

The organization which stands today, is much larger than the former organisaUon known the Boot and Shoe IntsrnaUonal Union, as oiganlzawon Includee the old ganizaUon, together with the L. P. U. of America and District of the Knights of Labor. I have Just returned from a trip West, as far as St.

Louis, where the agitation for the stamp is much greater than in the Bast There la a great market In the West today for union sUmped shoes, if manufacturers in tho Bast are wise enough to take advantage of the fact. Western' manufacturers. ate falling into line and realising iheir opportunity. In future the working committee will be known as toe label committee, and will work to create a demand for different laheU of crafts." SEEKW 8 AN ALIBL Bow Xhrnraiit Tried to OUtaln Leotare From aOlassmate. Anthony SulUvan, a preseman employed by the Boston Herald, was cylinder in the press room Saturtoy night, when the heavy of Iron fell on Ws ankle ami eoverely fractured the bones.

A fireman sounded an alarm from Box at Sunday morning, for a blaze in the basement of the brick dwelling Imuao unoccupied at 64 Kneeland street, owned by Lillian Pierce. Damage. 125. Offlcere of Dlvirion 8 arrested Idzzle Phillips yesterday for toe larceny of from Betty Humphrey, at 95 Grove street. The theft was ccmmltted some prior to Oct.

2. William Laventure, 21 old, was taken Into custody yesterday for toe larceny of from a Mrs. Martlndale of Fitchburg OB Sept. 27. The prisoner was turned over to toe Fitchburg poUoe later In tho day.

An alarm from Box 12. at yesterday afternoon, for a fire in an old twd on tho first floor of the dwetong 35 Cooper street, owned by Eben Stone. The blaze furaishtoss to the extent of SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. paper here Dr. Graham, a of pur- rant.

has Infonned the prosecutjcin toat the accused had helped him to loan him his notes on Dr. leo- of April in order toat the defence might obtain a copy for the prisoner. "I have no notes of that toctorsu" re- msxked Dunsant to Gi-aham. "and 1 bnly need them to complete my After Durrant had failed to seeure toe notes In the manner described he re- NEW EieuiD HMrania quested Graham to mmnorlze them, and rmoat the substaqpw to him in Ali. oell.

ROWLEY, Oct Q. A. Carter was probably fatally injured early this morning from being thrown from fils buggy by a runaway horsa CAMDEN. Oct. cafe took flre about morning.

The reetaurant was gutted, and clotoing stock and buUdtng were damaged. iKJW. tosuraace on olothiag. 16000 on building, on cafe, The flre from a cocaOng stove. pr.

Graham Pur- propoiltlon. UMnOWII MAN KILUD. Oct. body Ot lot and Overcoats, worth now mail wa fou 113 'isr Btvllak BusineM Suita, worth bow Fine Strictly All-Wool CsBslnssre Chov fa unfound lying beeide the at midnight, having been run and killed by a train. Bx- aminatton of the engine showed that he -wm struok hy toe train hero at lyelodit Bh mm ahout SI ouu Tobacco is Always kept up to the Standard ii tm Leotnm PHHNtTETOIIEMmYi sf Great laportcaoe to All There wlU be a free private lecture to m'en only in Music Hall Tuasday evening, Oct.

A at by tho great Socialist in Dr. Greene of 84 Boston, ieoture wiU he splendidly illustrated dtssolviac ermwsa ocuttaln valuad bto advleo Upon tftosa important subjects of a private nature which an men should know and under- hut too often are ignorant oon- Qsming. The doctor will also discuss that terrible disease, nervous debility, so ooihmon among men. Admission is free to parts of the house, and all men should attend this valuable lec- tmw' They win team aewetoiiui to fkelr adrkiltAfto STONERAI UBHT INfANTRY FAM. STONEHAM.

Oct Storieham lnfanw. tujfl fair in Aitnonr Hall. Stonelm Nov. lA Governor GreenhsOge has been tovfted to be nreeeat on toe opening IiGUtaty companies in the towns and rities Willjbe asked to In a big mintary on the Woburn Baim bea been to furnish music, mill be for every evening of and are many other attOMtHre We Troubles Of Our Own; Tell Us Yours; Get a box of SslVSHJeS..

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