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Boone County Republican from Belvidere, Illinois • Page 1

Belvidere, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


78. BOONE "If yon bad given us only a pretzel VOODSTCCX FLAW MARK UP AIIOTIIER WITH CEREMOIilES. after His own heart, own, image. Tour given us men of perfected in His native land has government, of it would have tared much, suffering" aid one of the membera. We didn't expect pie and cake and 1...

S. THE SECOND VICTIM, Dlptheria Claims Little June llcan, Sunday Morning. '1 To Have Big Fourth, of July Cele-- bratLn. -1 CcrntrStofieof Sweoish Lutheran; On the Success feccre oi Sinieiippl Council. ChOKh is Laid.

the inventor ol the Monior. whom The variont committees having in charge the celebration of the 4th of Jnlv at Woodstock met Tuesdar eren- God raised up for us in the nick of time to tave our oountry Tour men i A OTHER EPATIEHT BETTERS i DOME III DRIZZLIHC RAIIKL0: ing, for a finally consultation and to AlIlIIYcKSAK UBSfcK tU. but most any old tning. The ealliesetween the looal members and Aid. Jackson and others were the feature of i the evening and finally to keep the thing quiet Aid.

Jackson promised to gire the Belri-dere guests a big feast and throw in a ohromo and giro each one a book containing a thrilling history entitled, "How we build Of course, this settled it OMa la tba Xafetaa Neighbor oonolode the plans tor this stupendous erent, whioh will be a record-breaker In the history of the county, says the Odd JtoUowa Han FHled Witn JoUj hood aad Pfayaleiaaa do mot Iok for BprMdv Moaa Girl waa Buried Sonday. -i There have been no new diphtherl Sentinol New" Designs, New Colorings In Carpets for Fall are arriving. When 7011 select a Carpet come and see our splendid assortment Be The amusement of the day will be Crowd Hot Shot tor Bock ford Vlaltora tka Talaef a Trip to Forest City Ooaaell. cases today, and it is hoped to confine the disease to the present cases. gin at 10 o'clock with a prooeseion of ragamuffini headed by the (Mirer Typwriter band, and will continue almoat steadily us til ion down.

ywttuu iuuij vi our Dormern country. We rejoioe with you in them. Above all we welcome the man who with only 'his strong hands and iionest heart comes to us with his family to make of them American ctlzens We welcome your church and your- ministers, We shall all come together we trust in that upper country where their is no sea, only the sea of glass. Zt, Rev. G.

Peters spoke in Swedish for a few minutes, and alter singing the Doxology In Swedish the serrloe came to a close. 9 sure when you buy a Carpet that you get the best for wear. LIVED AMOIIC LIFE Sinnissippl Council "made good" again Its celebration of the twenty- The little Moan girl, who eame down; with diptheria; at the same The program ia the park will begin i Sketch cf th Life of the time as her Margare Johnson, parsed away at 4:15 a. m. at about 10 o'clock and conclude be- i the latest In style the Kinds we sell the kinds that always please.1' i SAB I BROTHERS, 0X0 8.

It will consist of mnsio by Sunday, just a few dars after the the baud; prayer, patriotio song, Johnson girl died. reading of the declaration of indepen June Moan, the girl's name, lired dence, musio by the band," addreas Judge Gillmore and a patriotio long. with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter' Lyons, i Dennis Moan is her fifth annirersary of the order at Odd Fellows hall last night, The'attend-an ce was over 100 and the evening was most happily spent The grand officers, Messrs.

W. B. Jackson. Past Grand Regent, District Deputy Heald, of Chicago, and'. District Deputy Laager, of Elgin, were present and made speeches.

Dr. O. H. Brown, B. F.

Harnlsh and other local members wee beard from. Messrs. Bout-well and Martyn enlivened the occasion with singing. Before the social session began three candidate rode the 'w'e Give Green Trading Stamps, Best Quality Always 1 At 8 o'clock, the bone raoee and father. ball game between the Chicago Edgar and Oliver will begin at she Fair! Burial took place yesterday.

Two years ago the girl's brother AddrcMM and After Xxaretees Take fleet) to etbodln Church Kind Oraotiag From BalTldera Paatora to tha Bwediah Faopla 1 Tbeir Work. The rain jesterday afternoon interfered somewhat with the program which had been arranged for the laying of the corner stone of the new Swedish Lutheran ehurcn. At the building Bev. Ekeberg, the pastor, made a brief speech of welcome and introduction, after which the stone was laid with appropriate ceremony by Est. J.

F. Seooff of Bockford. In a cavity in the corner stone was placed a sealed copper box containing the following: A history of the congregation up to the present time. The New Testament In Swedish. The church A Bible history.

The church" constitution, both of the church general and of the local church. A chnrch ealander for 1902. A manuel of church music. A photograph of the pastor; Ber. Ekeberg.

One of each of the church Daily Republican of June 26th 1902. Daily Northwestern of June 27th, grounds. l'jet hisifs in a fire. Free dancing on a platform In the June was the life of the home and park, with good muaio," all day." her loss is a great' blow to the be Muaio will be furnished all day by reaved grandparents. Jacob Siglln.

The Genoa Journal publishes the following abituary notioe of the late Jacob Liglin, grandfather of George and Tayolr Marsnall of 'this city "Last Tuesday morning occured the death of one of the oldest citizens of this county, Mr. Jacob Sigbn, at the borne of his daughter Mra. Susan Shippe of this I 'He retired as usual in the evening, and as was bis custom took with him a cup of coffee and a lunch of which be partook during the ni ht. He wa heard to be up and about his room at about twelve o'clock. In.

the morning about seven Mr. Shippe, ixt hearing spy sound from the room 'he stepped ia and found him lying just as be had fallen Jacob Siglin was born at Chestnut Bill, Northampton (new Monroe) county Fennsylvana, July 19,: 1810 and was the son of Jacob and Susan 1 the Oliver Tpye writer band, of thirty- goat They were Dr. DeSobe, Herbert Hakes and Prof. Or H. LeVitfc Tbe Johnson girl is improving and Ave pieoea to conclude with a grand the two Chreitianson children sick After the informal program came to popular oonoert by the former in the i with the disease are also better.

a close an elaborate- menu was served park in the early evenlngf SUitDEII ATTACK Grand DUplaj of draws ka. I I At the grandest display of pyrotechnics ever given Ia the county. Years Calvin Horey, Ninety-thiee and the event was pronounced oneof the happiest of the season. One of the features of the. evening was the Interchange of friendly oratorical flings between members of Sin-nissippi oouncil and the Bockfora oounoiL It seeuts that the Belridere CRUSHEDBY -DOOR Unknown Han Who Left Belridere for DeKalb.

Engineer Joe McCoy is nursing a black eye as tbe result of two sections of bis freight coming together at DeKalb Thursday erening. His head was bumped against the engine window. r' Conductor John Innes had charge of the train which broke in two in the DeKalb yards and came together with a crash. The accent cause the death 3of an unknown man who was taking a ride la a box. ear.

The Dixon' Star gires the following account of the fatailty; unknown fellows, attempting to steal at DeKalb a ride from DeKalb to Spnag Valley at about 2 o'clock Thursday morning were in a box car in the east yards when the train broke in two, one end crashing into the other with such force 'that the three men were thrown about, two of them slightly injured and the to be operatsd by an expert; from Old, Very m. Calvin Hovey the aged Pearl street Chicago, will begin. In order to get a good view of the diflplay, without obtraetion from toe trees and with absolute safety to persons and property, the committee baa eoneluded resident suffered an attack of hemorr At'priccs that are remarkable, pricci that are about one-half as asked by competitors. Read V-V-T hage of the brain-Saturday afternqpnj 1' 'ti the Lst and remember we guarantee the-qualrty. to erect the platform and diachazge the fireworks at the- eaat end of the foot ball park at the eaat end of Eaat about five o'clock.

For an. hour bis condition was, most alarming and he was to his bed all day yesterday. Today his speech is mnch affect-: tdand he can swallow only with dif RrecracKers, 2c bunch, 3 bunches for. 3fnger) Siglia. Hu father was born in New Jersey, and settled in Pennsylvania with his parents when he was young.

His mother waaj also a natlre of the same state. "Mr. Siglin was reared on his father's farm, and lired 1 in his satire TVirnrrW. 1 narkc fnr ic. dnren 5c 1 1902.

-The people then ad joined to the Methodist church where the remainder of the program was carried out -Bev. T. W. Hey land led In prayer. Bev.

P. O. Solber of Bockford spoke in English in part as Washington street, almost excellent Areas umites have a grievanoe against their Bockford brethren of the order Time and time again 'the Belridere oouncil has royally entertained members from Bockford with fun and feasts and all the oourtesiea. on the calendar. Borne time, ago' Belridere Arcanumites accepted an invitation to "doings" by the Bockford council and nearly a oar load went over to the Forest City to enjoy the Bock-fordites hospitality, supposed to equal 1 Cannon Toroedoes.

lartfe size, full boxes. Der box. I place. ficulty, but he is tip and about the I boose. Last March he bad an attack --M i Nitfier Chasers ic, dozen.

JOc heart failare, but never anything of JOHN MEEHAIi DEAD fc3 Vesuvius Mines Icy the nature of the present trouble. He is ninety-three years' old and on ac "I am glad to be in Belvidere today privileged to join in the beginning of a work of this kind. The people bare brought from' their homes across the count of his age bis conditio? is very Pioaear Resident Ot Boone County 10c 10c 10c Flying Dutchman, Ic, Merry Go-Pound Ic, 6 Inch Serpents Ic, serious. zplxedaEarly Today. town Until he married in March 1853 to Hannah J.

Setser. She was born in Hamilton county. Her father was hoin ia Germany; and his wife was a natireof Paris, France. Both her rand sires were soldiers in the revolutionary war. "After their xoarrfage Mr.

and Mrs-Si glia settled on a farm ho owned at Chestnut Hill, which ha bad previously purchased, and on which they resided until 1835, when Mr. Siglin REACH AGREEMENT anything that travel downs the; pike, but on this particular occasion It didn't The Belridere boys were kept in lodge hall snti a late hour listening to the fulsome fancies of the friendly feeling between the two Bombs Ic, dozen. John Meehan, one of Boone Coun other who bad given his name to his companions as Fred Moody, was so badly hurt that death resutled in two hours. "The three fellows met in DeKalb Wednesday noon, coming therefrom Belvidere, and made up their mindi to go to Spring Valley. Consequently when the freight came In from Belri- ty, oldest and most respected resid rouferts in Congress will Rspsrt ents, died at bis borne in Bonus last 1 night at 8:00 o'clock, after an illness of about three I weeks.

He had been on the Phillipine BilL Washington, June SO (Special)' Roman Randies, 1 2 ball. 3 for Ic, Jozen. 3c 8 Ic, dozen. 12 "3c, 20 Skv Rockeb4 ounce Ic each, dozens. j.lOc sea among other things the church of Jesus Christ, and in His name we gather 'For other foundation can no man lay than Jesus Christ God needed not to tend His Son into the world to re real man.

We all know that is in man. God 'sent Him into the world to reveal Dirinity to man. "He Is the best we have as a basis of good in character. A cornet stone supposed to give to" the rest of the structure its own qualities. So if we build on Jesus Christ as our corner In poor health for the past few years, but bis condition was not considered aere tney Doaraea it ana selected a box car as their sleeping In The confer es in Congress on the Phil councils, until they were filled to overflowing with warm words of praise.

That's all the Bockford Arcanumites "threw into however, and that's why the Belridere members are sore. When the mutual admiration meeting came to a close at a late how the Belvldere party, soma of serious until: about three weeks ago, lipine bill practically reached an sold but and eame to DeKalb county. He bought a farm on sec 15 in the town Sycamore, of which tat 75 acres were broken to the plow; tbV place was provided with a small lg house. switching in the east yards, near the coal chutes, the car was given the when a' complication set in causing J50c agreement today. They will probably his ZZZ- crash that threw Moody and his com- present the report to the Senate this 8 5c 2 pound 10c 4 The deceased was born in County 25c pan'ons againt the sjde of the car.

Moody was unconscious when his com The understanding Glare, Ireland 81 years ago and came i panions reached his side and died in to this country in 1842. He resided in New Jersey a few years and then came west setting in Belridere firm a short time. stone, the good which we see in Him shall become a peat of our lives. A fctane in the quarry has little value. rides an elmination of the congress question learing it to another session for independent action.

The House Ha added to this tract of ld luntll it amounted to several" Lnndred of acres and was one of the model farms of DeKalb eounty. "To Mr. and Mrs." Siglin were born ten children, BaoheL' who married Thomas Marshall of Sycamore, Mary who married Boyal Wright and after AUSTIN'S BAZAAR South State Street We Gtvs Green Trading- Stamps whom had gone without supper in order to do full justice to a spread they supposed would bo laid before them, were hungrier than hyenas and had that "gone' feeling all "I wonder what kind of a supper they will give us" was the remark made in an undertone twioe every miauteby the Belridere visitors. which place he removed to Bonus A soul In the world away from God has little value. God is hewing our where he had resided ever sinoe.

provision for territorial legislature is retained in modified DR. PIERCE JES1GH8. Three children: survive', him, John and William, wh live- four miles west ot Belvidero and Kiohael of Severs Pastoral Relation with characters through truth into shape so that we may be built into the walls of his eternal church. "Ton noticed how careful the mason i were to have the corner stone exactly true and So our characters must be in his death married Daniel Gnstafson and now lives at, Bockford, Iowa, Jaoob who'was for a number of years a practicing attorney at Marshfleld, Bonus. Bat as they waited not a whiff of the TO 1D0UBT THIS.

The funeral will take plaoe Mon S6e? On Presbyterian Church Sunday. Dr. George B. Peiroe tent his resig day at 10:00 o'clock in St James church. Bev.

John GL Murphy will line, upright and level the plumb as pastor of. the, Presbyteriaa of God's word." IS TO DISBEUEVE THE EVIDENCE OF offiioate. savory and appetizing smell of cooking coffee reached them, not a sound of clicking disbes, and they began to look at each ntber in dismay. the horrible truth flashed upon tne hungry party from Belridere. They were to be sent home un-banquetted and unfed But they waited on ana church to the congregation yesterday.

He did not present it -himself bn' Ber. N. P. Sjostrom spoke in Sew- KIHC IS BETTER. London, June SO.

(Special) The King is occupying an invalid chair this afternoon. The morning bulletin tst-d I hat he slept well, last night dressing of the wound gives nth distress but there are no bad tiaptunu of any kind. The bulletin JS CO afternoon states that his i is maintained and that be is gala orcriTing an innvalid YOUR. OWN SENSES. requested Deacon H.

W. Avery to rta Oregon, died at that place on October IS, 1895 after serving several terms as State Senator. Susan, who married Albert Olmstead for her first husband and was again married to Mr, E. Shippe and now a resident of Genoa, Joshua, married Dela Dean, and now lives in this township nd ia our present supervisor. Isah, married Sarah WEEK'S VACAT10H it to the church and conduct li- our for Belridere proof It's Belndere people.

i dlsbT after which Mayor Swift spoke briefly. While I am glad to be here, said, "I will leave the addresses to others. I wish to congratulate you on your national Stwing MacMnt Works morning servico. Bev. Avery did as requested and It's local I endoraation for local If 'Will Close for Week.

The National Sewing Machine plant read the following from Dr. Peirce: still had a lingering nope that perhaps something delayed the supper. 'Cheer up, it may not be true" said Link Garrie" Begent Kn'cker's face of -You will want a lot Scott, and resides in Cravford county, It will stand the most rigid investi will be closed all of next wees: on aoooant of the taking of the annual gation. i 2 oz. RdcKets, Ic.

doz Iowa, Taylor, living at Marsheld, Oregon, Is an extensive dealer in real state, Michael who' mal-ried Lottie Lawrence and lires at Woodward. Mr. a O. Knight. blacksmith, of 609 Cherry street, says: "It afforded brightened up for a minute and nis wesoott grew tighter in imagination, but only that and nothing more.

The inrentory. enterprise and the progress which yop bare and. on the success wl sh thus far has attended yo effo is. The addition of a new church to it community means more than some people think. It means, love an rererenoe for God.

No one would want to live in a city without churches. A corner stone binds two cc me pleasure to state through the a TT 1 1 1 fflM 1 2c, 3 for Edwatds Dead. Belridere, June 27. To the Officers of the. Presbyterian church of I hereby beg leave to resign my pas' toral charge from this date and kindly request you to join me in calling a congregational meeting as soon as practicable to ask the Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relation.

Very Sinoerelr Yours. GEORGE B. PIERCE. When seen by a reporter for The Republican today Dr. Pierce said be Belvldere push were stayers and like the love sick young man on Sunday pupiio press ox -dbitiuoitj ia ioi uia I thought Doan's Kidney fHlls had OoL Isaac Edwards, one of the best p.

o. Pa umoma Mrs. Saicli ii Slfr-? died at her home in it June 27, 1903. ihe was buiu Jmoar 'Ji, 1845 in Brown County Jew Ylit, her maiden name being Sarah M. Hosecrans.

She was united in marrige to Jtfelrin SI after, January 20, 1864. She will be remembered by many in Belvidere having lived in Bonus near Jennie is the wife of "Harvey Barlow and also lives at Woodward. Iowa, and EUen, who married William Whipple and now -lires about cured me of backache, marked at known republicans in Illinois and a member ol the state oomxnittee, died 6 3c. 2 8 'V 5c, 6 6 Ball Candles Ic. doz 10 3c 2 for.

times that I was in perfect misery. walls together at a corner. The greater pleasure I Peorl Saturday night i It affords me still night, hung on like grim death. So they stayed and stayed and stuck. Meantime, it was noticed that the Bockfora crowd was crowing beautifully less.

One by one they sneaked down the stairs and presently the at the present time to say, that what was in Ben Bobertson Chicago three miles south of this place on the Sycamore road. "Mr. and Mrs. Sialin enjoyed life together full sixty' one 'years before had nothing to say concerning the 25c -1 then thought, is today a proren spend Sunday. 15 5c, 6 church is corner stone which binds together the walls of morality and government While you are building fox yourselves you are adding to our After the collection, the Augostana Belridere 1 party found themselves KINGSTON.

Jack in a BOX Ic lUC uOZ RCKXi health I am now enjoying to! Doan's Kidney Pills." Mr. and Mrs. J. EL Clark enter- For sale bv" all dealers: price 60 tained Mr. and Mrs.

Dean of Hinck Garden Prairie a numberof yeara She leaves a husband and two sons both of Iowa, also three brothers, one sister, Mrs.f Tibbits of Iowa, Peter of Iowa, John of Minnesota. James of Belvidere. She vaa a member of Methodist church of Bockford. The funeral was held "June 29 'at the M. church of that place.

Foster-Milburn Buffalo, quartete furnished a Dr. D. M. Tompkins spoke of the Grasshoppers Ic JOc Snakes Nests lc. "JOc Pin Wheels JOc Nier Chairs JOc ley, parents of the latter, over the Sabbath.

i death "entered their home and then the wife and mother, died" on May, 6 1894. The death of Mrs. Siglin and of thier son, Jacob, is the only breaks of the large family circle now, the deatn of the father last Tuesday "Since the death of his i wife Mr. Siglin had made bis home with bis sole agents for the TJ. S.

reason for his resignation. He said he bad no plans for thi Immediate future. The Board of Trustees of tie cnurch held a meeting afternoon. What transpired is not known. The I resignation was seat to Mr, Avery oi night, however, -Dr.

Pierce "probably will not conduct services in the -church again. His resignation was given under Saturday's date. Remember the nan.e--Doan's and being entertained by the janitor. That individual was a' good natured human being and gave the visitors some very agreeable entertainment The Belvldere boys thought perhaps the whole membership of the Bockford oouncil -had gone down' to the Nelson hotel to bring up supper. The janitor finally suggested a' new game known as the oipher poxzle.

He told Henry Landia is adding to the take no substitute. beauty of one of the village's most pleasant streets erecting a very JVhislKhV Bombs Ic r. JOc" Bombs lc JOc Whistlintf 5c. for 25c beautiful residence Ton his home lot FOOD FOR All EHCiHE church as an ambiguous phrase. It might mean a single congregation, the whole at Christendom, or a structure for the oonrenienoe of a single congregation.

The term Swedish Lutheran meant not the building but the church proper the, congregation. Tbe building only something like the shell on a turtle. It grows with the needs of the occupant, yet it' represented somewhat the character Genoa contractors have the job. H. O.

Burgess, wife and Gladys ficrt at Helson. Ralph Mackey met with -a painful but not a serious -aocident 'at Kelson Saturday evening. He stumbled on the track and canght Ibis arm between a mount of Coal Used on a Run from daughter, Mrs. at Charter Grore until last April when he came to Genoa with the intention of spending the remainder of bis with his daughter, Mrs. O.

Shippe; ind the short while he was in our town was a spent the Sabbath with relatives in Chicago to Denver. FIRE THREATENED the county seat. Stuart Sherman closed a very suc A railroad man with a penchant for switch point and a rail, wrenching Japanese Acrobab 5c. 6 for 25c Locomotives 5c 6 for 25c Fire Crackers 5pk. 6 for 25c Torpedoes 1 7 lc 5 and 10 cent pistols Paper Caps i 't The national's Chicagi Office Sun- figures ha sT just completed some sta the arm quite badly.

He will Begent Kucker to place eleven ciphers in a row, and then pointed out where to draw a vertical line or stem after certain ot the r- ciphers. The party, nearly starred by this time, watohbd the game and the result was startling. When the job was done the ciphers read, "goodgoddogo." Silently they filled out of the hall to the waiting street oar, and came home, a sadder and wiser lot cessful term of school in the Arbuckle district last Friday. He has been the tistics on the Northwestern's Chicago special, which are not at all dnlL very happy time to him. He-, was contented and cheerful to the last and on the day previous to bis death: he had taken a ride about town with Mrs.

Libbe Olmstead, and just before retiring for the night Indulged fn of fiose who worahip in it The new church Is welcome as a constructire element religion and morality. They are not another peo- laid off severa' day a. Died at Hospital. Leslie Pearson, the 6 months old instructor there for two successive years. 1 Frank Wilson is entertaining his He finds that on the daily 1.048 mile journey of the train from Chicago via Blank Cartridge Pistols and Flags pie they are God'B people.

In the Omaha, the six engines which pull it ndthe nlace you iet the most pastor I bare- found a brother in son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pearson -of Herpert died at Pti Joseph's hospi consume 81,576 pounds of coal, more day But Was Ch-ckf The National Sewing Machine com pany suffered a loss of aoout from water Jo its Chicago, office yesterday. Fire broke out la the A H. Abbott Company's store overhead aid ntxt door and the Natiooal's office was literally drenched with water.

Tbe fire was held in check by the than forty! tons, 57,260 gallons of noise for your money is at the Christ I can understand Dutch a little, Blnging a German song to Mr. Shippe. The funeral services were held Thursday. Eev F. F.

Farmiloe of Elgin and Bev. E. K. D. Hester conducted the last tribute to the remains.

sister, Miss Nellie of Pennsylvania. At the present writing they are the guest of Triumph E. P. Kepple of Beloit while the guest ofhis Mrs. F.

A. Bowan Friday made a number of his many tal this morning from an operation for stopp sge of the intestines. water odite enough to supply the wants of a good sizea community. After this experience and beliering in the good book, they decided to heap coal of fire on tne neads of the Bockford fraters and accordingly invited them for the celebration ol last eren. ing.

j- German a little, Italian a few words, French now and English sometimes; but Swedish me. Yet To prevent hot boxes on the cars as a NEW YORK STORE. Elgin Butter Market. -ElglD, Jane 30. (Special) No but result of fast running.

16? pounds of firemen. friends here a pleaantcaU. Mrs. A. L.

Fuller was shopping in cotton waste and 704 pints of lubricat- Ladies Can War Shots. One size smaller a ter using Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into Iter offered or Sold. Official -ma ket in speeches today I find an echo in my own heart; a sympabetic chord respond, and I feel at home among lns oil are necessary every uay in Genoa Tuesday." teadyst21i. WANTED HIS MONEY. Mra C.

Walker has added an addi them a Christian people. Some people says let's hare a church tion to her residence which makes a They came in good numbers headed by Alderman Charles Jackson. When the speeohmaking was oa someone made an allusion to the trip to Fork ford. Intsantly Aid. Jackson vaxa oa his feet tarring to explain.

He admit LOCAL- 1.AC0SICS. From Tuesday's rMilj the year. 'This means that in the twelve months more than thirty-two tons of waste and over 100,000 gallons ot oil are used. The figures given are taken from much cosier home for 'herself and family. R-cent Bde Sard by a Formei ll Well Drilling 1 Mrs, Frank Miles was an over San day visitor from Cnicago.

Liver Tcday unon. Let us not be- too rigid and severed but come- together on common grounds. There can never be a unity on such a basis except in hell wher all come down to the lowest ccmniou C. B. Burton and wife 'entertained carefui observatinos on the run of the the shoe.

It makes tight or new shoes feel easy gives instant relief to corns and bunions. Its the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures and pre-rents swollen" feet, blisters, callous and sore spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for sweating, bot, achint feet At all druggists and shoe stores 25o. Don't accept any substitute.

Trial package, Free by mail. Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy. N.

Y. tf the former parents of Elgin Sunday. special from Denver to Chioago, and Attorney Win. Israel left this alter- a on on a trip to Helena, Monday to ted that the high price of meat had had something to do with it and tried to make the Belridere boys think they had been treated all right He O. F.

Lucas and wife of Belridere are approximately correct for the P. Jobansen, proprietor of the North Side notion store, sued Mrs. Raymond Wheat, tut merly Mist Tanglen, for money and presents given spent Sunday at the home of the latter 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Chicago-Denver run.

The engines make an ordinary speed of from fifty level. If we wont unity we must get it by climbing higher, up to the feet of Jesus Christ It is not down bnt op, that we must go, Have unit. vl It his parens, lie has not en 'ome in four years and expects to Ircprn to surprise bis father and Taylor. to sixty or seventy miles per hour are told in glowing language the story of two farm boys going, down the roaa, one tired dejected and sore, the other Stuart Sherman made a business evert day occurrences. her before her marriage.

Justiot Appleton decided in favor of the fall defendant today. Mrs. Wheat was only in the best and highvs ratbei I am prepared with the best and latest machlner for Well Drilling and can guarantee the btetcf woik. Keference given If desired. Prices moderate.

Coult" me if you have any work of this kind Wells drilled from 1 foot to 1000 feet. I hare mccteded wh re othersV.bave failed. One drill 1o Belvidcre "and cnein Capron, III 'The railroader with the penoi trip to Chicago iioiber. Jle will probably remMo 1q tie west sevtral weeks. Prof.

A. J. Snyder and family ac jumcing like a rabbit imagining him than cast aside ihe higher and con- ngures that this tiain expends an Mis. B. P.

and daughter, self svJBen Hnr as he pranced into the cede ground to the lower. engaged to wect Jonansen when the presents were given. energy while running at its usual farm yard. Belridere brothers Frank Gannon Will Wed. The marriage of Frank Gannon, formerly superintendent at the gas plant and Miss Charlotte Enright, oi Cherry Valley, is expected to take companied by John and llnrd Com-i Mrs.

i Beatson of Belvidere visited Harry' Penny of Eranston the first of speea equal to 600. horse power, and should imagine themselves Ben Hurs, For this new congregation I have nly word, cf love ard Dr. George R. Pierce spoko feeling Came Here to Wed. at its highest bursts of speed as much he said.

the week. stock of Evanston, leave tomorrow for Colorado points where tbe summer will be spent. The partr will camp as 1,000 horse power. Dr. O.

H. Brown quiokly replied: ly of the occasion, M.l eometimc Miss May Taylor departed on the plao wiihin a few weeks. Miss Gertrude Dearhatnmer changed her came to Dudley with the assist "As I remember it Ben Hur was well evening train Tuesday for Denver, hink," he said, "that God is using his coontrv as as smeltirgTKit into Ii Yflo Use Ball Blue, mt in the mountain regions moving from point to point collecting peci-cier-s of insects and now and then fed. where he will make an extended visit Many 'are fond of Tapioca, but dis- ANDREW OHNSO ance of County Clerk Bowley anr1 Ju tlce Anplcton tfxJay The groom wa Claude Dudley and both partise ike the trouble of soaking it. Ust with her parents there, i Use Bed Cross Ball Blue, the best vhich He is pouring all the nationalities of earth, and out of which II This provoked roars of laughter and the Bockford aldirm.

vanquish. went way back. Ball Blue. Large 2 oz package only D. L.

Prince and wife were Genoa takirs ac.vja.tag ot tha ece int jshit eni hut t'nj. S22 Marshall Street Bolvlilere, III. Mrs. Austin's Qcick Lunch Tapioca, soaking. tf nailed from Debit.

shall finally bring a peculiar people tf shoppers Monday..

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