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The Fresno Weekly Republican from Fresno, California • Page 7

Fresno, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRESNO WEEKLY BEPUBLIOAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 1892 TIWOOfTOfN Rumors as to the tlie NO ENGINE TO BE ORDERED Report That County Clerk William Is to Besign-- TViiere IB Tliat Keport? Tan city is in the hands of tbe Democ racy, Tbo delegates from the outsic diatricta had arrived in large number last evening and they must have realizet that their welcome iraa hearty and cor dial. If they didn't realize it last even ing they will this morning, for, "Oh What a difference in the morning," Ba the boys really bohaved veiy nicely tuu they had a jolly time, aa will their asao- eiatea who may arrive here today. TUB committee will meet in the cit hall at 2 o'clock, and the indication now are that the seBBion will ho a shor one. It is generally understood tht th idea of electing tho delegates to the Btat convention by tho committee bus bee abandoned, and the rest of the work wi not be dillicult to dispose of. In tb evening the boys will attend tho Ircqtioi meeting aud subsequently be entertaine at a banquet at tho Barton cafe.

I HEAR that the triangle is up in arms once moro. It scorns that Mr. Higgins chief engineer of the fire department has filed a bond that is not acceptable This instrument recites that tho chie wae elected by the board of fire delegate and confirmed by the council. This i not satisfactory to tho august city fathers Tbey insist upon a bond that will say that Ihe chief was elected by tbe council. As this demand has not been complied with it is tjiven out quite freely that the board will oa Monday evening declare the office of chief engineer vacant ant proceed to elect a Democrat thereto.

Mr. Grady mafces tbe startling assertion tba the board will not only do this, but tba it will remove all paid niembera of tho department and Bubstitute Democrats, This ia the sentiment. It is what the triangle has beon aiming at right along. This hag been the plan of campaign. II now remains to be Bean if they havo the nerve to carry out tho program.

IP they do an expensive litigation will ensue, as the fire department will carry the whole caao into the courta, even to the last resort. In this the bova will bave ihe sympathy and support "of the whole people, who fail to see why this rumpna should be raieed over the only really efficient department of (he city government. I DEAR tbat it is tbe council not to order an engine to replace the rejected Waterous. The Silaby will be repaired as best it can bo done here and the pre ent apparatus be made to answer another year. I am inclined to "think that there is no mnlice in tbia change ot program tbat it is not done to apite the firemen, but is a move in eood faith, There are same citizens who incline strongly to this idea.

I am satisfied, however, that they do not know tho real condition of the Silsby. She cannot be thoroughly repaired here. Tbe only way to pnt ber iu good condition is to Bend her to tho Bhop0. It should also be remembered that while tbe repairs are being made here the engine will be out of service and $10,000,000 or more of pioperty will be protected by an old third class engine. Is not, the risk too great a one to take? I HEAT! a rumor to the effect tbat County Clerk A.

0. "Williams haa determined to rfBign about March 1. a told that it the recent decision of the supreme court shall stand, to the effect that all county official a shall pay their own deputies, quite a number of county officers will resign. TheirsalarieB would not be sufficient to pay their deputies. Bat tbia does not eeem to cut any figure in Mr.

Williams' case. He seems to iiave becomo weary of office-holding, aud baa made a business connection 'that promises well. He has become the Pacific coast agent of the Pearl Steel windmill and steel towers. IF all the old county officials should re- aign wouldn't it wonderfully simplify the fall campaign. WHAT has become of tbat "supplementary report" to which the grand jury referred? It doesn't seein to materialize.

The report of the grand jury Bays: "We append hereto a partial report of these esperta (county expert accountants) showing tha relation ot the county to the various officers so far aa fees are concerned on June 1, 1891, and we recommend that proper action be taken to Battle the game." Who owee fees that should be settled? How can a county official owe fees without committ'ng an indictable offense? Where is this report? It is not on file and the most dili- fent search haa failed to bring it to light, would be interesting to Bee this report in print. DQX'T be too bard on the girls, if they Ere a little flirtitiona. Girls will be girls, just SB boys will be boys, nnd more than 90 per cent of them are aa good as gold. What they need is a little more parental oversight. It ia better that a mother should devote her time to the training ol ber daughter than to the clothing of the heathen in foreign lands.

Pretty, bright and vivacious girla away from their matbers and without restraint of any sort will find plenty of mischief to do. And if thoy do, the blame should be laid wheie it belongs. TIIIJ suit which hea just been brough against the Kings River Lumber company in San Francisco, by Valentine Gadsden for the modeatsum of $250,000, givca the ricb concern and its friends in this county no uneasiness. Gadaden flays the Kings river people agreed to deliver him some real estate in this county and failed to do so until be could not I atn afraid Gadeden will become a very "ohfman before he will own part of the King's Biver Lumber company's immense plant, THEATER GOERS flay that Bobby Gaylor in "Sport McAllister," a farco comedy which will appear hsre on Monday evening, is the quintessence of the ludicrous. It is Bald by (hose who haue Been the play tbat it IB the funniest on eartb, THE lovers of the old standard dramna will be delighted to bear that Miss Gale, tbe talented and rieine artiste, wilt soon be at the Barton.

Slie will bo here two nights, presenting "Inge-mar" the first night and "Aa You Like It" tho nest, THE Ohinoso. continue to make night hideous wltb their infernal exploding of fire crackers. Tho American 1 boyiaay not explode a single pack to aronae the eagle on the Fourth of July, but tbe Mongolians are permitted to keep up a continual roar for a month. Will Mayor Cole look Into this? I BBB that the Savings and Loan Society oi San Francisco bus bought 40,000 of 7 per cent echool bonds from the town Pomona, paying 5 per cent premiu therefor. This should bu a pointer the Fresno school trustees.

It indical tbat bonds tan be so'd. ine that beoarcti tbU is leap year eve woman in town haa her cap set lor you work. She knowo a thing or two. ODOHLTSBB whiaky is tho latest. Don' imagine though that because it canii be detected on the breath, the Colorad Madura stain in your mouth will be an loss pleasant in the morning.

In his statement imblished in Tii REPUBLICAN thfc morning, and which tiave been permitted to Bee, L. B. Whirter uives tbo lie to tbe invention of his enemies and proves it in the mos convincing manner. He strikes strafg from the shoulder and mentions name dates and places so particularly tbat an ono who may care to take tho troub can learn for himself if all be eaya ia absolutely true. A well known politician verging on SO, was heard to say iu th offitoof Robert Pwria yesterday that state senator bad actually bee doaed by Mr.

Mcffhirter. Th was not even charged in th report of the investigating committe The very worst thing said by the lobby ists being that McWhirtor desired drug a senator, Now that McWbirte ias proved his complete innocence any connection with tbe scheme, by th only witnesa wbo said one word to detriment before the investigating com mittee, I suppose the libel will be pe mitted to dio. It baa badly miscarriet and proved a roorback. CARLOS. F-LAG PRESENTATION.

Temperance Alliance in Possessio of tbe Banner. The long-talked-of event, tbe presen tatEoa of the prize banner won by Tern lerauce alliance at tbe district fair hel in Fresno last fall, occurred last evening The large and hnppy audience cam ogether iu the fine now hall that has )Een recently built bv this wideawake alliance. Too much cannot be eaid in iraise of this fine aud commodious hall Who can estimate tbe power for good 11 the community in this ball, where al an meet in common fur improvemen nd enjoyment? Notwithstanding the treasures of a close seaeon these people lave at a coat of some $1200 built this 'dificd and have nearly paid for it, ahow- ig what alliance people can do wben bey undertake any enterprise. Tbe program SB arranged waa carriet ut in every detail and was as follows Called to order by President H. E.

'rueworthy, Prayer, by Chaplain Ayers. Song, "America," Choir. Presentation of tho banner, J. H. Harding.

Reply by President Trueworthy. Piano eolo, Miss Dora Baker. Address of welcome, T. E. Maxwell.

Keaponee, J. 8, Dore. Speecbes were made by Messrs. J. L.

ilbert, D. T. Fowler, J. L. Traber and Then was sung "Tho Star pangled Banner" by a cboir.

The ad- ress. of presentation, given by Mr, Harding, was very eloquent, and the ther speeches were equally interesting nd thoroughly enjoyed by these present urnished by the members. Taken all in all, no happier, more de- social event baa occurred in tbe ounty, and shows what the social fca- urea'of thia order should and does mount to. WEST PARK NEWS. of Interesting Items From West, If the poet who wrote "What is BO re as a day in June" bad resided in the idst of Fresno's beautiful vineyardo ud orchards for a year he would have ndonbtedly his beautiful posm ith "What ia BO rare as a day in Feb- 10 bright, beautiful eunshmo, tho in- essant warbling of the happy meadow rks in the fields for the last few days, nd tbe budding leaves on tbe many rees adjoining our avenues, and the laautilul carpet oi green that covers other earth eminda us that spring is the year which generally witnesses any new and varied improvements in he general appearance of tbe country, ndWffll I'arkiflinthe lead oE all adorning colonies in this respect.

A large eawill be planted- to alfalfa, but the reaqe oi vines planted will be small in mparison to last year. The following a list of those who will plant alfalfa, th the number of acrca planted by cb: G. W. Manning, 20 acres; Mr. orenson, 20; G.

Pearson, 60; Hicks ough, 40; Grant Hudson, 20; Mr. ash, 10, asd Mr. Mason of Fresno- city besides several fields of smaller di- eusion. Many are tbe predictions that lere will be a large surplus of hay next liter. G.

W. Erooks celebrated the comple- ou of an addition to his residence by ving to Ma many friends a pleasant seal last Saturday evening. Despite the ireatening storm a large number of Ihe oung folks and several of tho old folks sembled early for an evening's enjoy- enfc, and 12 o'clock came rltogether too on for the pleasure of all present. The dies prepared an excellent feast of cake id coffee, and also had the pleasure of loosing partners for the same. Those esenfc wero Mr.and Mrs, G.

W. Brooks, Ir. and Mm. Barnwell, Mr. and Mra.

thea, Mrs, Parrow, Mias Annie Lewis, ieaaa Eva and Lena Scott, Misses Caro and Aggie Rice, Mattio Barnwell, ira Wharton, Achsah Barnwell, Carrie, ara and Hose Hudson, Alice McKen- in and Emma Farrow; W.B.Bowrn, udson, Grant Hnd- Will and David Barnwoll, William Caiser, Charles Hud ou, Arthur Hudson, eorgo Kico, Charlie Hcott and H. D. rooLe. A valentine pa ty will be given at air. lea'a residence on Saturday evening.

The West Park I.O.G.T. lodge was sever in a more prosperous condition mn at present. Tho newly elected of- era were duly kiatnlled at the last noting, and a contest, with Robert iea and William Farrow as captains, pas begun for the purpose of starting a lall fund also a grand strawberry sup- ier at the end of tha quarter. Il tba old age, "Where there's a will there's ay," be true, West Park will surely a ball in tbe not far distant future. starter of $1Q, haa been raieed by tbe dgo and tbe matter placed in the hands a special committee for further dovel- The Farmers' alliance is rapidly in membership.

There will be initiations at tbe next meeting, iere ia not too much Gilbert-Doro in eat Park alliance. The weekly spelling tehee continue be tbe greatest attraction to all West arkers. At tlie next session outsiders 11 spell against the pupils tbe public hool. A cordial invitation ia extended all to attend and take part. Boon E.

RAKO. Weat Park, February 11. StreeteoFIemlng. Last evening witnessed another mat- 1 among Fresno's young people. On lia occasion.

Jaivls Streeter, a clerk in le Freano Abstract office, a a young and emplary man, was united iu marriage Miss Alice Flemming, second daughter Russell H. Fleming, a young lady well nown by all Frosao people. The cere- ony was celebrated by Rev. Father ariga at tbe home of the bride's mother a street, and waa witnessed only by ie relatives of the contracting parties. May they Hye long and prosper.

ATTAPlf AW AlfTO AllAUv ALuii ably Discharged. GENERAL ALGEK DENIES Till Interview With Major G. B. Osmu Formerly Alger's Private Secretary. Tho telegraphic report of tlie altack the New York Sun upon tha militar career of General Alger waa read wii considerable indignation by a number G.A.It, men last evening.

Editor Dana Bays that there exia among tbe official records tho war partment a recommendation tbat Alge be dishonorably dibchurgcd for being a sent from hia command without leav In consequence of tbia lecommendation tho editorial continues, Alger waa di charged from the service on Septemba 20, 1804. It so happens tbat there is in Freen nt this time a gentleman wuo was one General Alger'a private secretary, ant whose relations with the governor wor )od still are of the closest, namely Major Gil JR. Oamuu, Upon being showr tho telegraphic report by a KEPbuncAh reporter, Major Osmun said: "I have little to add to the denial aaneral Alger himself. Tho charge IB an absurd one and by no means new, it may not bave attained aucl wide circulation aa seems the case this time. Why, if you wera to tell any Michigan mule tbat the general was no i gallant aoldler he would kkk jour rain3 out!" Here tho major got tbe Michigan Ret Jook, an official record oi tho Michigan organizations during the nar.

It waa compiled by Adjutant General Roberton from official documents both in ilichigau and at Washington. Turning General Alger'a name it waa fount liat bo had resigned on September 20, 864, being then colonel of tho fifth Jichigan cavalry. "Now," continued Major Osmun. Alger waa brevetted twice alter he hat eft the service-- brigadier general Unitec tales volunteers on October 10, 18C3, 'for aflant action and meritorious rank from tba battle of TreviHian Juno 11. 1804; and major gen- ral United States volunteers on June 11, for meritorious service during the war.

Dou't they see the preposterous- esa of tbe charge that ho waa dishonor- bly dismissed? Do they suppose he have been brevetted twice in the atter event? "Then if further proof wero wanted iere is I a i a being a member tho Cr.A.K, No ono can become a member of ibat aruaufratiun ho cimnor low an bonorable discharge. Again, ie geneial is a member of the Loyal and was onc; department com- ander of tbat organization. He could ever have becomo a member of it, how- ver, had there been the least blemish his military record. The rscord oi very applicant for membership is osely looked into. "The circumstances are just as stated ty the general.

The affair originated in 16 quarrel between General Ouster and Iger on account of tho former's irother, Tom, whom General Cueter rished Alger to appoint lieutenant in iis regiment. Alger refused to do so lecauEQ be did not think it just to pronto an outsider into his regiment wben icra were deserving men in tbe ranks, 'orn waa at this timo corporal of the 'wenty-firet Ohio infantry. Tbe reason uster wnnt him promoted to lieuten- ut BB iu order that he might have him rve on staff. There is nothing in he atory." PROHIBITION MEETING. everal NeferaBkana Will Hold One in This City, Messrs.

Wolfenherger and Huckins, nder the auspices of the commit- ee of the Prohibition party, will bold a eeticg in tbe Presbyterian church ia is city on Friday evening, February 19. A. G. Wolfenherger waa atato chair- an oi Nebraska for five yeara, and nee 1888 haa been a member of the ational executive committee. Professor A.

B. Huekins, also of Me- iraska, has been chanting the praises oE inhibition fur the laet eight years and ias sung to over a million people 10 United States and Canada, For the three yeara past the local 'omens' ChrMian Temperance unions Illinois have engaged Messrs. Wolfen- lerger and Huckms in the annual con- ate that state the home and iloon eo very successfully as to close by irohibition the saloons in one-half of lie towns which they visited. Mr. Wol- enberger is a fine Bpeaker and Mr.

Hucfc-' ns ia a fine ainger, and they will cer- ainly interest ell who may be so fortun- as to hear them. Two Lundred and orty-nine thousand, nine hundred peo- voted for the prohibition candidates the last presidential election. Tbe leople are requested to attend tbis raeet- ng aud hear what their representatives lave to say why EO many were 'Viiliag to irow away their votes. EMPLOYES' GRIEVANCES. sported That Railroad Boys in the Valley Have Some.

Eaya the Chronicle ol yesterday "The ainmen of the Southern Pacific in tho Joaquin valley are discussing a new of grievances against tho Southern 'acittc company. They declare that the (resent schedule of wages and run day is not a just one, and they want to mild it up BO as to make it more favor- la to their side. They assert that on me runs the men receive leaa pay than the Santa Fo or on the northern Pa- ic. Then, too, the division terminus been changed from Tulare to Fresno, lich they say gives them more work tan they had to do before for tbe same y. Brakemen complain, too, that they ave to sweep out tbelr csra, wbicb ia not emaoded of brakemon on any road in ie country except the Southern Pacific.

ie men will formulate tbelr grievances present them to tho officers of the ad in a short time. It is likely that ie new rules to be adopted by tbe rail- ad company on June 1 will do away th some of tbe matters complained of the trainmen. Iherallroadpeorilesay lero is no likelihood of any change in 19 employes lot the present, as raffle ia light." WE9X SIDE SCHOOLS, onds of tho Lawn Tennis District Sold. The bonds of tbe Lawn Tennis school iatriet in the sum of were sold a days azo to 0. Woodward, and ens and specifications for a new school louse for tbat diairlct have been sub- itted to the county school saporintend- for approval.

West Dry creek voted bonds to the mount of $2500 on January 23, but bave ot yet been passed upon by the auper- sors. These dietricta are on tbe Weat Side, tho action taken by them indicates at considerable progress being made er tbere. Oa February 27 Selma and five con- districts will vote on tbe propo- lon to establish a union hieh school, her flections ol tbe county are talking ji the same nutler, mm SOCIAL sin -n A Snggestion to Persecute Dames, THiT LOVELY INSTALLMENT PLA Woman's Knee and Brain Wels Rarebit Farty-- A Kovel Clnb. First to redeem my proiuisa made la 1 week to fell what a Welsh rarebit pail ia. There doesn't seem to bo muc poetry about a Welsh rarebit, wbateve its gastronomic charms, yet tho ianetio at which it figures can bo made fl ver pretty affair.

They usually take ptac abont 10 o'clock in the evening, and th party assembled ia always supposed he particularly fond of Weleh rarebi and BftEa' alo, for that ia all they get with the exception, perhaps, of eom olives. All the table decoratioua mna )e yellow. Yellow satin nbbon ahow through the open work of tbe tab! cloth, bunches of long-stemmed, yellow daffodils aro in tall, alim vases, while yellow-shaded lamp givea all tho light required. Usually the parties number about oJeht, and tho hostees standiug at the table makes ia the silver chafing dish the Welsh rarebit for her friends. What a boon the installment plan is such, impecunious members of society aud some very dear friends oino.

How bare our apartments woult ookj how dreary life would be! When Irs. Jones visits me and admires my ild English oak secretary little does she now that I have only paid J15 onit-- which doea not in the least prevent my njoying the envy I observe her oypK I wers permitted to give a Het of thuse who beantify their homea by the inEtall ment plan, THE EBPUBLICAS wonld have get out a supplement. I have no lompiaint to make against these peop'e, emg one of tbem but I do detest those mug aristocrats wbo try to purchase alvation on the installment plan. Thoy make their payments religiously everi onday, but the coin they offer is con- idered counterfeit by the good Lord. Why do we wait to get a'l our novelties rom Europe in miltera social and fash- oncble? The reason I aek is because 1 iave learned recently that there is in Vicuna a club of rich, men pledged to marry poor girls.

If member marries rich girl he is fined $2000, the money iBine presented to some worthy im- lecnnious couple engaged to be married, sn't that too nice for anything? Sup- oae we had a club in Fresno compoeec i such, wealthy and charitably disposed iung men aa Stony, Am, Johnny, Frank Will, Louis and the rest of lem-- with whata nuij they uoult themselves on and marry an heiress, eo that they ight present a thousand or two to same eserving young couple whom grim pov- rty separates. In about another week Judge Crichton nd hia charming bride will take up leir residence in the cosy lioma the ndge bas been having built. After be- iming Battled they will make a return the numerous calls tbey bave received, hich, I really believe, will take them a enr to accomplish. Tbo homo of Judge nd Mrs. Crichton will be a very hoapi- ble one, I predict, The meetings of the Clinton Social ab aro always exceptionally pleasant fairs.

The February one was given evening ct thn handsome reai- encp of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jncob Vogel. Mr. Mis.

Vogel bave no superiors as losts and the evening was spent in de- by the Clintoniaua. There were present Mr. and Mrs, 0. 'cociwnrd, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Rich Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Cattorlm, Mr.

Mrs. M. L. Woy, Mr. and Mra.

E. 8 an Meter, Mr. and Mra. W. B.

Hall, r. and Mra. A. W.Razey, Mr. and Mrs.

barlee Cawrey, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ones.

Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Lisonby.MrB.

L. Barrick andJUiss Lvn Vogel. Mr. Townsman (at tho opera)-- That dyie one of our 400; abb'a ia the Bsvim, know. Mr, Countrycousin-- In the swim, eh? that the reason ahe baa taken BD much her clothea off? iS Baby bridesmaids are all the rage at esent.

Little tots all bunched up with ort waists, big puffed oleevea aud a neral air of fiufQuess and big bows, 'hese march up tba aisle fn front of the ide, carrying baskets of flowers. At a cent wedding there was one baby idcsmaid in a pink satin Mother Hub- rd, witb yoke and sleeves of pink ape. A bioad brimmed pink Batin bat th wide ribbon tiea bowed under tho iin and covered with saucy pink umes. Pink silk hose and pink boots, ie ye'low hair was worn in a loaae raped innaa falling over tho shoulders, iere will be baby marriages soon iE thia rt of thing continued. Of all functions tho world the place least appropriate children ia at a wedding ceremony.

Young man, don't attributs the in- iorityol woman to the ounce or two ifforenco in the weight of her brain as mpared to that of the monarch of ieds. There ia really much greater fference in tbe knee, and it is to thia eat difference in structure that emi- mt medical authorities attribute tbe ijsical inferiority of woman. I should ve tbe views of these authorities iu full, 1 1 am in fayor of individual invesli- I never could bear people who rmit others to do all their investigating thinking. This ia not to be con- rued as a hint tbat email avora iu tbe of garters will be thankfully roved. 1 ain not in league with any rter flrm, We dear Californiana 1 Wbat we can't in any other way we offer to buy, difference what it is.

A certain Cali- nian sojourning at Washington failed get an invitation to tbe ball at the hinese legation at tbe capital. lie de- ded to go anyway, and offered tbn rberua who guarded the door a $20 11 in lion of an invitation, He was in- oriously ejected, Why do not tho women who, accord- to a weekly paper, are continually ilosted by wicked maabera adopt tho eat fad--that of carrying a Spanish 2ger concealed in tbeir clothing? Tho atom was started by a Spanish girl, ho always carried a tiny one thrust iu 10 front of ber dress. Thev are by no eana toys, for the proper caper iu ddg- ro is a very keen steel blade about four cbep long and a handle of mother oE arl. Though it is not designed tbat harm should be done theso eapons, a gentle ptobe in the ribs of me of these impudent fellows wonld at ast have tbe effect of making them ad- re one from a distance. I shall pro- re mo one, for I acknowledge I don't ke to bo too closely Bcrulhrndd.

Tbe ever popular violet ia tbe fashion- le flower of the season for both men women, and the warm apring air is edolent of them. At a business meeting oE tbe Cotton ub last Friday ght it waa decided to vo a dance on ThnrBday, February 26, the Arao'y. MLLB, AHSSHIC. MUBH IT mm Tlie Jury, BO Decided Yeete day Afternoon. QUITE SAFE TO SLAY A SEDUCE There Waa General Approval of tli Verdict-Sympatny Witli HnrpLy.

From lie Daily of Fa The final scene in the Murphy ca was enacted yesterday afternoon a about 2 o'clock, when the jury relume a verdict oE not guilty. The morning session was occupied Distr-ct Attorney Tnpper, wbo inado tb closing argument. It waa a maaterly fort, but the trouble waa that the prosecution had a weak case and no amount ot ability could havo turned sympathy against tho defendant. It was one of bat kind oE eases where men EEora to be guided by Eentimeut rather tban by strict justice in coming to a decision. The jury forgot or disregarded the fact tbat it waa the woman wbo pursued the mar, and uot tho man the woman.

They remembered only that the victim bad in addition to dishonoring the defendau alao abused him, Tbey held that an offense against the family was deserving of eath and acquitted Murphy. A largo crowd gathered in tbe court room when it was learned the jury hai ound a verdict. Tbe defendant came Bomewhat late. There was no sign ear in his swarthy, stoical countenance. lia father Gat nest to him and Geemet ouch affected.

His head waa lowered in is left hand, while the fingers of bis gbt twitched uervoualy. When the oreman announced tho' verdict makio iis Eon a free man he looked UD with a ook of relief upon hia age-seamed couu- enance. Senator Goucber then arose and ox- onded thanks to tlie prosecution and judge for their courtesy, am to tho jnry. It waa only when hi; rieniia came up to shake bis hand ant ongratulate him that Murphv tmiilei lid showed his satisfaction. The verdict meets witii general ap- HeDQNALiva DECISION.

Why Ho Declined to Hold Mr. Cureton, In writing to Judge Wiley J. Tinnin, ouneel for W. II. Curelon, in the case irought against him by Eiuil Bombard, uatice McDonald says: MADEIU.

February 10, 1892. W. J. Tlnuin. auee of the People vs.

W. H. Curoton, ud have written the district attorney to tat effect and gave him tbo conelusioni mt 1 drew from tho testimony, of whicb ho following is copy: ehown by the tes imonvtua oteton wem i. the car with the i'nten- on of attacking or that he ho was on tho car at "I conclude, from the mass of ony on the subject, tbat tbe exhibition hostile intent waa mutual and bard to iacern whofliat had his pistol exposed to view. "But I nm satisfied from the testimony tbat point that the defendant coulc iavp shot the prosecuting witness, or bat he had ample opportunity to do so leEore ho reached tho stable, "His withholding his flro until Bern- mrj stopped and faced around is prool tbe fact that be did not intend to pen the fight, unless his opponent BO esired.

"The firing then waa ao simultaneous at a number of witnesses contradicl no another in the point as to who Bred rat. "Quail's teatimonyia in conflict with I other witnesses, except probably "Bombard testified that the defend- mt had a pistol upon his person in the all of the Fisko building, shortly after first affiay. In myjudgm nt that aa disproved, and was 110 doubt due to ernhard's excited state of mind at the me. Yours truly, "ARCH MCDONALD, "ustice of the Peace, First Township," A PARDON FOB HERBERT, overnor Markliani Blake a Recommendation to that Effect. At a meeting of tho board ot prison rectors at San Quentin laat Saturday a lommunlcation was laid before tbat body rom Governor Markham in wbicb, ho erred to the board a number oE appli- tiona for pardons, ttrelve of which ho naidered deserving of investigation th a view of granting the pardons ked for.

Among those twelve was that of one Herbert, who was sentenced in Sop- mber, 1834, from this county lor rob- ry. The term he was to was enty yeaia. Herbert, in company with one Dilton Lee, held up the "Yosemite near i'resno Flats in the year msntioned. ley were captured and whew the trial ok place the defendants proved they breakfast at San Joso the following iming. The jury did not seem to con- er this sufficient alibi, believing iey could make tho trip between tbe mo of the robbery and San Joso in the erval.

Besides, Leo waa positively enhfied by one witness as an old ol- nder. Chere seems io bo some reason though extending executive clemency to Her- Sheriff Kay oE Tulare connty arrested ank Bell and Little Mike at Hauford Friday nigbt, for stealing two horses, art and harness at Lemoore. Tfee UelebratedFrdflcii Eure, POSITIVE G14ARANTEC BCft 1EFDRE iisooi BlSiifaBtsJ AFTER or Oplam, or through youthful on, overindulgence, HUM us Loss of Brain 'owcr, PilnBialha Seminal Weakness, Hjsterin, Nervous Pros- ea, Weak Memory, Loss o( Power and Impo- Id ogo and insanity. PricD a box, Gbwes 1500. SentbTmailonrecelptofpritQ' A WRITTEN GUARANTEE 'la given for err tCOonJerrecojTcd, to refund Hmmoney If Permanent cure la not effected.

Wo haui onMtidsoI testimonials from old and young. ihouaoofAphrodlttne. Clrcnlarfree. ASaiesi THE APHHO MEDICINE CO. I'ACmO BBAKCtt, FOB BA1H BY BBKBR COL8QN, DRUGGISTS, 1908 MarlpQ'a Street.

"El I JBS. CURB new and Comrdeto Treatment, consisting ol pposllorlea, ointment In capsulfl, also In Box drills: it FosiUvocnio for Kicternal. Internal, lUnct or (Heeding, Itculnir, Chronic, Eecenl or lereoJtaiy Piles, nils Bcmejy naa nover been SI per box, 0 lor K. Sent by 11. Why Buffer from tsij terrible dlsme when written rnRranice is pcsillrely giTCD with sea to refund tho money It not cured.

Bend aron for free Bunpla fetaranue, lamed by tfsTEB Soio Agonte, comet and Did you ever see a sickly baby with dimples or a healthy one without them? cate. Nobody worries about a plump one. plump, he is almost sure to be well. If you can get him well, he is almost sure to be plump. The way to do both there is but one way is by CAREFUL LIVING.

Sometimes this depends on Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil. We will send you a book on it; free. 15 TheDr.Liebig Co. Physicians and S'liecialists, THB REASON THOUSANDS CAN- ill ill tot eet cured of special pmate 111 chronic weafenew, losa of iAUJ.1 of abuse and csccscs which uuGt wing to eompl 'cations. Latest, imesi, best, pilous and repoiuibllitv imennnlcd Eveir- ilng sacredly confldemkl.

Call or aijilresa CO -100 Cienry et 3au Francisco, TESTIMONIALS. 39,769 Testimonials of patients cureJ In the l5m? 6 A tatTHE WORLD DI3PEN- Francisco, are pos- sslon of Tflfc, DR. 1IEBIG but, dcftr IBS your natnelr? i i or pko'OKraphs nra evel published Dr, Ueblg's Wonderful German InVlsointor, nog astest remedy for above complaints. To TOTC Ha purer a trial bottlo is given oiBeut SOTlCE-On account ol enormona Increase cf 'reotlco our dates at KICBUO will not bo legalar ensary or Dr Lteblg Co should tall or ad- 409 Geaty Uewa-o of LAHD CAN EE A I Alkali Neutralized Jly Using PLASTIC Nevada Gypsum Fertilizer loptione Bnlldluif Ban Fianciaco, Cal. AGEST3 Kutner- Goldstein Fresno Fresno Undertaking Parlors (Successors (o Taylor Crawford.) 1027 J.

Street. Telephone 123. BmtelHiliie a Specially. Persona! Attention Ghoa to all Cilis. Coiocer'e office.

CUREFiTe! men I M7 oa-e I dn not mean mon-ly to stop Usm adicolcura I liavo mvlo tbod EM. or FALLING BIOKM-SSahfo-Iniig I re. ScLdotocealorotroitiMBnilnricoBotllooI C. ROOT, M. IBS Pcnrl St.i N.


E. WALKER Passenger Agent. Webster Bros. DRUGGISTS. )rogs and Chemicals AT WHOLESALE ADD BETAIL.

Boriplions Filled Niglit and Day Mariposa and Sircots, Ear OH mm Biroo UitnMci rotllrtf ti, 1 I I 1 1 PrOTOdFe(fllamaIn llUl 11 MORE MONEY gHBgyfana ff required bj aba Walor Pelalua, Cal II I nAMBllGTMii The Genuine HAMBURG TEAispvlupii YELLOW WRAPPERS WthFaaimae Signature af EStlL FKEHE. FOE SALE AT A BAEGAII. Suction 33, township 16 south, range 19 easl, with good hooee ot 10 fenced bnaJ. 160 BOMB of alfnlfa water ditches and 4 ol stock in Ijbertf canaULanTM within 3 of Caruthsra ctation on the Tracv branch cf thoSoutber -fotfc ailroaj. For pBrticulnrs address JAMES COTTLE Fresno, apply to him oil tflQDrfmiEes.

COLONY lo 4 Magnificent Body of Land Offered to Home Seekers. Pcrrin colony So. 4 consists of acres of land especially adapted for raiflin, fruit and alfalfa, and ia eitnated eight miles weat of Freano, adjoining the celebrated "Frnit Vale Eafate." The San Pablo and Tulare extension of the Southern Pacific railroad crosses thia land, and the lowu HcMnllin ie located in abont tho center of the tract. Thia tract was eeleeted some years ago by Dr. E.

E. Perrin, out of a body ol 200.000 acres, K.S being the beat adapted for general vine, fruit and alfalfa culture on account of the abundant and Iniariant growth of natural grasses. These are the undisputed guarantees na to quality and fertility of tlie Boils of this valley. A deeded water right; goes with each twenty aero tract sold. The water right IB from tha Sreaao Camrl and Irrigation Co.

water), which runa tbe year round, The land ia level as any in the country and the Tinea on adjoining lands bave made aa One growth as any in Fresno county. The town of McMullin, boing located in tbe center of thin magniacent tract and foorteon miles from Freano, will in a few years be aa Jarge a town aa Sanger or Selma. This colony will be sold on oaay rerms and at a very low price when that it will produce $100 per aora the third year after planting to vines. Vincent, Obittenden, Dole, Sharp Gordon, dealers in real estate at Freeno, are are handling this tract. This firm mokes a careful eelection of landa before accepting tbem for aalo.

Tha tirm'8 af-andiuR'is each that every colony handled by ita members haa been a marked aucceea. PERM COLONY NO 2 m1 5 gn ficen6 is a portion of the CELEBRATED HELM TEAGT, and IB aitnated milea north of Fresno, on Black- Etone Avenue, and contaiua 6000 acres of anperior quality of red land- and is pronounced by experts to be of tbe same character and equal to the aoil oi tbe Celebrated Gordon Raisin Vintyard and Bichland Tract. The Richhmd Tract ia situated 8 miles fantheast of Fieano, and Bold recently, without improvements, foi $2GO per acre. This land, ia irrigated by the Fresno Canal and Irrigation Company (Charch water), and a water right will ha deeded free with each 20-acre tract Bold, TheeoUiauneqnaledforialBinB.flga.olivoa, oranges, nuts and all binds i of decidnons fruita. Thia ty will be offered at the low price of 5(5 per acre for a short time only; intereet on deferred pay- If- 81 cen erms ea9 y- KUTNER CoIoNT Situated one mile east of The aoil ia composed of No.

1 red soil and humus deposit, ol which th Temperance Uolony ind vineyards eaat of Freano are justly celebrated. Thia land ia well Bub-irriRatrod by watara from tlie well-known Ohnrcb ditch and Qoald. canal. A water right deeded free with each 20-aere tract sold. Priefc $100 per acre.

Ho payment on principal required for five yeara Interest at 8 percent por annum, payable annually in advanu THE ENTEKPEISE COLONY Situated eight miles northeast of Fresno. In the Fertile Dry Greek Basin, LEVEL SANDY LOAM AND HED At an elevation of 100 feet above the City of Freano, in the warm belt near tho foothills, where there is leaa frost more rain, and where irnite ripen earlier than nearer the center of the valley. Splendid land and climate for raisin growing gnd all kinda of citrns and decidnoaa traits, nurseries or tha growing of email fruita. It ia on tho line of the Oakdale Branch the S. P.

Railroad, for which rights of way bave already been purchased, CALEDONIA COLONY THIS TBACT IS Especially Adapted to Raisia Growing And was selected for that purpose by ItB present owner, ALES GORDON, propr'elor of a magniBcent vineyaid adjoining this city. Torma Ba follow: Interest in advance; no payment on principal for five yeara Both of theee tracts aio covered with water-right, guaranteeing watnr for irrigation to every purchaser. iPrioes HJCTW- Terms "ESeisv 850,000 TO LOAN ON REAT- ESTATE. For terms and fall particulars apply to or addiesa YINCENT, CHITTENDEN, COLE 8HAEP GOEBON Just Arrived A CARLOAD OF JOHN DEERE Plows mi Mnim John Deero Chilled Jolio Deero Steel Plows, Jolm Deere Steel Hows, Index Bsam, John Deere Steel Flows -with Chilled VplSB HI Jolin Deere New Deal Gang Plows, ijjp lili Jolm Deere Salhy Plows, John Deere 2 -Gang Sulky Plows, mil sml John Deere Grading Flows, HM) ffnfe Deere listing 1 Plows, SI John Deere Vineyard Plowg, mil SfM Fresno 2-Fang Plows anfi Ifl FriSP Cliilled Sliarea for all Styles of John Deere Plows, ttidtag: and Walking Cultivatorg, Korean Spading Harrow, Rotary JL Harrows, Scrapere, at Ipg in AUBiciJMRMj mm, Cpr. Tulare and Sts.


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