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The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 10

The Index-Journali
Greenwood, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


1947 Pane Ten Midsummer, Food Prices Riegels Win 8-1 To Gain Two-Game Edge; Third Of OaiU Keanloa The'regular OuzU reunion will be hrld at McKendree Church. Edge-fir Id county, tomorrow. Tna speaker (or the afternoon will be Conirrr Hainan Bryan Dorn. Everyone i rWnll GckI Opens Tne phoenix SchoxOj willl open Tiurday. Br! 4, at nine o'clock.

upti irt sked to come prepared rent text" books for the next tar work. ON Hit New Peak Series In Ware Shoals Washington, auk 30 Ninety Six' Inili.iii.s failed to t-o'inr tin ULih with their today. He declared ha waa atlU an "America iiallonalut "tha ao'rt of natlollalUt that lovea hu country more than any other and all the othrr countries In thr world' and atlll a film adherent of the policy of "tending to our own bualnraa and Irttnm the other fellow tend to hU The former aenator aaid lie iut trying to aay told you ao bu liei drclarrd that "I Would like to have aomrbody tell me ju what wr got out of thU war He aald that thr he fUura Uie war had left thli Counta. billion dollar! In debt Hob Reynolds Says He's Out Of Politics, Still Isolationist CTtar'lotlc, N. Aug.

JO Kumier SenaU Ilobert Reynold out of polltlra for sikI. "I atlll krl around and 1 like to hear what tlx- fglka are aaylnn." he Mild In an Interview hrrr yeater- duy, "but inilitlia out 1 jut prartlcliif law Mn AahrvUlei yr, Hiat practlclnn law and picking ap-plea." Tin tornier Junior arnator -who went to Coiigrewfby drfratliig Senator Ciinirr in Morriaon for the lH-iil(Mratlc nominittlon in 1932, ohowrd hl old tlmr form aa he un-liNiM-d his opinion about the world Ilitlilix louu 0111 in an iare cm home (It tl) I lxV-l Ixli.le W.ilf Mlo.liS III r.M- I permit "Hd-Juiie I I hu, ivr.l mid-July, hlltnm a new peak, I ironH ronwriitlvr month 1 "Ml illlCMI .11111 Mill IIIIHII Hie MUMS II I If I I If lllfffi' ni- for thr ill iuit thr hi. iir 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 niilMilt tlir Bilieau of Labor SutlMIca aald (he li.i p.n Thud nf tl if scui K-i'if h.tiiiiuiiliii jiLivofls will U- run off in liifi-l Si.iilitiin Clnuilr Volvlle Martrd oirrhr hill nws or iki idom K. Able idll.T unit puhlMiir of il.e 8 Scnlmi. 1 tii.itiiiil.

(I he inakc. due 'Teaca and quiet la the lceynote of Greenwood Memorial Garden Cemetery. Dijr- nity and beauty reflected in the well- kept paths, lawns and shrubbery. Perpetual Care Plan injures maintenance throughout the yekrs." or information please rail or contact cither of the following hale repre-aentatives "And mind you. If you take an the reaoun-ra of our nation and ell them at Ihelr value thrv bring about Xii bllltoiu And brother, in my arithmetic thm ua 300 billion in the hole Uxhiv Ttir bureau retail food price Index for July aiC J9i I iM iirnt Ilie avernve ThU was l' IKrrriit above year aao and 1W litrcrrt above thr August.

19J9 In-ilt Jiitilur pi Urn fur ruu. dally product luid meat cic thr chief In tin- ii.v to July IS rVtf pi tecs Jumped 11 wrrcnt on r- uur.ucc a1" a Milt of strong ddii.iinl. j.lrlriK production, and low -I. i tx ks The Increase five xrcnt to 18 per-i lit III the Ml el' let. pi riui t.i ltmU-d nor fof- the Indialii but tout lird lrwiiuitlv lor Into which crr Lx--riiiniitf thr rxir.i-b.iv kind when he wim hIh1uuiv fnun thr name 14-fthaiKlrr rUIuriU rainr-ln to rr-llrvr VoIm-Hc mid.

ran Into aonir dllliiiiliv hlni.vir 'I'olllKht thr Mnrty Mix tllib lU ituniiuiK for a ln In Ware 8h'fcW In thr knowlrdur that a lotui would Ik- iltNUAtroua. thr Hlrui 1 but our win out of thr i.rt four to non them pluof chaiiiDH of tlir rlrrull If thr In Corner Stone Laid At Morris Chapel Th (iiimr Morrl. Cliapil ChfTTili Mill Iir laid li.nv in w'l'h an mklirvi by Maor Paul Kill- The hurrh lorutrd in-Hipit frtrrri rconlly brli krd Uji irdri'i nifrd It tn mr of thf (Iium lira In t.ivin, both from I lhr of hiuI nirnilirr-l ip A rilnx to the Hiv II i ir. thr chtirrh ha.i a nn-nilx ifhip of about buo-pcrvitu notice the eini in his column, IjiM.klrk' (Hi tin- Shoulder lie has ihi.t lo Theie a tune In the lilr of In. ill wlu-lljie kci wiuik up oil and f-iine vilv w.

11..111 h.nj imputed herMlI it man 'Ilia' the ine-r hti h.ipin The pictirre in hr enlfhcl week tt a certain voiiiiK I.tiv w.o. tollinoiiy of the truth of this ta'eineti(. Vr Kd. wiio had plld'd hlK ability to tnnlln a li.u In lor. finally Mji i lur.ia (I lie a mm krd man.

and Ills da of "fm ilom are numbeicd. But mim.o.1 I a lu.r in tmitim tli.di lour -iriit. r. flrrtiim liort (W1, m.r h(V and uruHonuiiy hiiu niNiii) in oiiuir ulli i.ulk Butter prlH Htadmm up more than la urul M1 un lhr rnmK. i nnlk thru- p.

rri-nt WioalrM Chror lu prill hi Thr fvrIimK paid I 1-2 pcMUlt 2., for W. H0LBR00KS J. Tw STOCNR DORNBERC Dr. Geo. W.

Parsons CHIROPRACTOR Announces Office Will Be Closed One Week Beginning Monday, September 1st Re-Open Again Monday, September 8th De.IColl Charlie lU'lvr a and tin lamiH a n) I Ue 'Aiilioii! It HIM.IS. UMl anu pouurj but Hirer would place them in ren hisii rv of the el'urt'h ujiiK thr more riisirable circumstance. Bold day and members of clmnh teama will br able tuiiluhl to Tlot will i ail. ux for coiilrlbu-the woiks more or rl with thr tlor.n to hi Ip )iav (or lhr improved wvekrnd layover following Una Miii Oui.ijv Cieek F. und A V- AVMVI ltV Of (Jt AKK I.

IK lie ftreel made hi to Tlu- x-Joiii i.lay to iu I (In he tliit 1 1 the iii'tii; of e.ift!t- a ur nip oi: ily i than June 1. AH l' cuts advanced 'V 1-J pern lit Poik and lainlj "kjc about onr iH i.riii unci fih lo p'iccnt. Ainci.h' the 56 title, thr family lA hKhi.r in 49. lower In cix. and iiik handed In one Tlx- ad-Mitu rt ranged from 0 4 percent P(.

Paul to 2 4 laitdit Ifl Mem-plius and 1'H percent In Pruvldencr. where a orte percent Rale tax 1 1 ret He ell July 1 k'aine This gHiiie mUhl raMiy the flerlding one In the arrlra Ab 4 3 Ware SIiimI Pitta. If Wllliiin s. Stiart. aa UkvP.No (iiJ.

a 'ed bv W.t. h. 'IliKli linil HcU.lehetn I and A I will be In rharce of the rner.stoive lav mu The follow Inn rtKt nm will br curiled out: ncrlpturr le.svm. thr Hev O.T Sheltoii; piaMl, the Rc K. J.

WiUoiue nddrc.vs. (iolsbV. cf tiuukr lilt Chai of the s'a'i Mr 1 that (lit i llle at the ime waa i nr I was pi a. 1, alfv i On tl; a i iv ran from to t' und the i- A rust 31. hr a In I ai.

1 i. in-t I. frst train en n'e on 1 lie Wats lu.iory of the I Dm lines riuiKed from 01 percent ivtoaky in Minneiipolw and Omaha lo on rf IvK int in I AiiKi lcs I IiiirU-ry. Ci.nip...ed with AukuM. 19'J9.

re- cf I Io pnir incK.ifr i.uiru iioui JiawtlU.rnc. I chun!) Charlie Fvtins; introduction of apeaker. Jessie Fortune; by Mayor Paul B. Klils, by Sander. Jr.

principal of Brewrr School Mendrlx. 3b 10 perc. nt in St Paul and VI la r-cent in Minncapolta to 134 percefil In Memphis Vt-flerdav' the Bureau of Labor 30 I 13 Tot la It's Happening on Main Street the and I i Id were tlvcn" to nil to go Mr. was a then and didn't ride the train, Mill rerlieuibers the Tlnie was drinking and fiihlin on tlx- train on the ret that riav. he nys bu' wl.en the earthquake hit jx-ople started pi-wini; tntteud Statlstii reported that wholeaule Mnrty Hli prices bImi continued to rbte to nrwAipn BUILDING gjjj MATERIALS pnatwar aks during tne wet-KgUnni r( riiai-d Aug.

23 Revival Starts 2 September 4 at Galloway Church At. i Corolcy. lb Nbtrua. 3b Alexander. 2b Forrrter.

Well. If (Irani, if C. Voiselle. Kifwards. at Bolton's Columbian 'Adopts' A revival meeting will bewln at Knirlish Bov For C.tllowuv Memorial Methodist-j Church Thursday, Sept 4 at i 111- meetings will continue, Seaboard Must Obtain S.

C. Charter, High Court Rules Columbia, Aug. uO oP) Seaboard Air Una ltullroad eompuny inut obtain a South C'urollnu clntiter to openile In the stale, tin- utate Supreme Court Iihk ruled. Sherard I It takei lots of planning to make a Thouse a home. It alo takes planning to build the house.

Whether for a new house or for minor repairs get your material here: Total 34 through Sunday niht. -Sept. 14, according to the Iv. D. 3.

Lee. piLKtor. The Rev James Stroud of Oran-ltevllle will preach. Ben Hughes x-Hit for Wclla In 9th. Ware 001 001 312-8 Ninety Six 001 000 0OO-1 Errors Allen 2 Run batted In: will be in charge of the Mngltig and Tin- Supreme Court, In a dec I.

alon fi. UhI hl-ld Out WU. WUUan Stewart. Pe- Hughe, and Jua Two base nita LUMBER CEMENT BRICK NAILS tokey 3. HendrU.

nita Hurt will be in charge of the playing. Everyone cordially Invited to attend every service. Ooolsby, Petosky. Home runs: Hen-' drtx. Petoaky.

Double plays: Wil-lliwna to Stewart to Peto.Hky Left on bases: Ware Shoals 8, Ninety 8ix B. Bases on balls: Hawthorne 1. C. Voiselle 3. 8trlkeouU: Hawthorns 3.

i Kin oft Ma wl home 9 War One Kindness SouthatnjHon, Eng Aug. 30 -A'i an aged couple gave a bucketful of miter and a newly-baked cake to weary Yanks trudging tfoiitu.impton on thtr way to fiance the Fust World War. a 14-year old boy was sulected today bv the dry's mayor to be "udi ptod" by the Americans' commanding olJicir. The by is S'unley PallTit of Violet Place.

a fnetory district of Southampton, whose father Is dead and wlibse mother is In a hospital. The mnvor. Alderman F. S. Smith, made the selection after receivii'ift a letter from James B.

Murphy, of Columbia. South Carolina, Indicating that Murphy, a former colcnel in he U. S. Army, would like to the kindness, shown to his field artillery battery 29 years ago thu month. Murphy's letter said he would sentj- clothing 'and "a few dollars from time to time'' to the boy or SAL Agent Retires; Interslate Commerce Commisalon lind 110 power to allow, the company to operate in South Carolina without a Mate charter.

'Seaboard, chartered In Virgin-la, claimed tliut complying with South Carolina luwa requiring railroads to doinenl hate In thU atate In order to operate waa "un- ne i HKry and undue burden on Interatnte cvinnierce." The ICC prevtoualy had declared the company could operate in for 1 run In 9 Innings; off C. Vol- SlTVed 47 Years selle 11 for runs In 7 2-3 Innings; Or Ml Any Item You May NeJl phone 5673 Dukes Builders Supply Co. DURST AVENUE EXTENSION Edward 2 for 2 runs In 1 1-3 innings. Hit by pitcher, by: Hawthorne, Aleander. Winning pitcher: Hawthorne; losing pitcher.

C. Voiselle. Umpires: Orrk and Lyles. South Carolina without charter. Even during the nobp and disorder of r-modeling our store, customers hivt continued to shop at Bolton'i.

We appreciate this, and promise you a truly modern store in the near future, a complete stock of men's and boys' apparel to fill your every need. Charleston, Auk 30 A' Herbert M. Carter, freight for Seaboard Air Line railrond here, retired t.xiay rafter 47 yearn scm-. He will be succeeded by J. F.

Lucas. Jr assistant superintendent of station operations' at Jacksonville, Ha. a Weather Records Charlotte, Aug. 30 iff) Official Weather Bureau record of the temperature and rainfall for the 24 houra ending at a. m.

Little Rock Begins Another Up-Hill Go Similar To Sumter girl selected by the mayor. Cash Chicago, Auir. So Jr. Wheat DORMITORY TOPIC T. J.

BOLTtN The LeadingClothier 2 red 2.61 1-2. Corn No. 2 yellow 2.47 1-2 to 2.48; No. 5. 2 3 1-2; No.

2 white 2 88. Oats 1 heavy white 1.17 1-2; No. 1 white 1.13; No3. 1.11 1-2. Soybeans No.

2 yetlow assorted 2.87 2.90 nominal. Field seed per hundredweight nominal. Timothy 4.00 4.23; 'red top 2.30 malting 1.9C 2.48 nominal; feed 1.63 1.80 nominal. Hollywood, Aug 29 The Hubert r. Bentley Post of Cincinnati marched into the finals of the American Legion's National Junior Baseball tourney with a smashing 11-1 victory tonight over the Manchester, lif Sweeney Post.

Earlier. Little Rocks' Evert Posters eliminated 8an Diego Post Six, 2-1. Little Rock and Manchester meet tomorrow night for the right to come back against tb.e powerful Ohlonns Sunday. Kermlt Tracy twirled Little Rock LIMITED HUMBEh JACUZZI WATER SYSTEM Deep Or Shallow Wells To supply plenty of running water for every purpose! PLANTERS HARDWARE CO. I Station Max Mln.R Abbeville -5 59 Atlanta 70 Aucusla 90 S7.

Birmingham 93 73 I Bo-ton i- 77 fto i Charleston -L SS "5 i Charlotte 6fi Chlraso 82 70 .92 (Columbia 90 68 Denver -92 63 .07 Detroit 7 1 .56 1 Kvuii.vllle 92 68 92 76 I 90 64 Jacksonville 89 75 1 Kittle Rock iSB 75 Los Angeles 76 69 Memphis -9S 67 Meridian 97- fO rMlaml 87 76 .06 Minn-St. Pnul 82 65 .02 Mobile 94 Mt. Mitchell 68 -51 New Orleans 95 76 New 67 Ralelprh 87 87 San Antonio 94 72 San Francisco "4 56 Spartanburg 88 66 'Tampa -91 74 .10 DO YOU SUFFER back into cotention with a four-hit lob. which stopped San Diego's high-rated Juniors. It was the Call fornlan's sotond and final loss in the double elimination tournament.

Two unearned runs in the first inning were all the Southerners needed to defeat Andy Stagnaro. (Note: Kermlt Tracy pitched against Oreehwood Post 2Q club in Sumter sectional tournament in the first game the local club played. The local team lost the game 4-3 as Tracy allowed eight hits for the three runs.) EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE Fl'NlfRAL SUNDAV AT 3 FOR MI.LEN IIIGGINS Liillcn Hlsgins died Tliursday afternoon at 1 o'clock at his residence in Greenwood county. He was a member' of Springfield Baptist Church, also a member of the chwr. He Is survived by his wife Lula Hipfclhs; five daughters, Christine Nelson.

Martha Hlggins, Cecil Mary Hlggins. all of Calllson. Willie Ruth Nash, and Bcrnlce Peterson, of Washington. D. two sons, James and Charlie Hlggins of Washington; four sisters, Nancy Peterson.

Ninety. Six; Suiile Settle, Washington; Magllne Fuller, Mc-Cormlck, and Annie Dansby, Calllson; seven brothers, Authur and Lonnle Hi'ggins, Calllson; Smith Higgins, Ninety Six; Hardy Hlggins, Augusta, Judge Higgins, GreenWdod; William Holloway, Philadelphia, and Johnnie Higgins, Phone 262ft Main Street l' rr mm with pain, soreness and aching in any of the various parts listed here? .6 Back to college. Let Brewer clean your sweaters and skirts, woolens, crepes and formals to perfection. Quality cleaning methods assure your satisfaction. Verdery Opens Verdery School will open Thursday morning, September 4, at nine o'clock.

All pupils are asked to. come prepared to rent text books. Build -Remodel YES, YOU CAN YOUR HOME NOW Washington; six grandchildren. F- ChlROPQACTIC WHJ. piVK YOU nCAlTH Trt-Slate Spartanburg, 82 Anderson 82 KnoxvlUe Charlotte 68 Rock Hill -64 Aaheville- 61 FayetteTllle 54 Reidsvllle -43 PCT .626 .626 .526 .519 .492 .462 .412 .333 49 49 63 63 66 71 77 86 We can build, repair remodel your home now.

There are problems to be faced in any construction large or small. but that's just where we come in! i-unerai services will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Springfield Baptist Church conducted by his pastor, the Rev. J. B. Bowman.

Six of the deacons will be the pallbearers and four of the asherglrls will be the flowerglrls. The body will remain at the Robinson Son Mortuary until the service hour. Interment will be in the church cemetery. I MEMOKIAM 1 Mmmm-1 1 Very frequently disease or disorders in these areas, or any part of the body for that matter, results from a failure of the nerves to properly supply the afferted parts. The cause of nerve supply failure Is due to Interference with thi flow of vital nerve energy produce by a subluxation (slight displacement) of a vertebrae of the spine.

The Chiropractor, by a careful analysts and proper adjustment, restores the vertebrae to its normal position, releases tha nerve Interference, and re-establishes a normal flow of nerve energy to the diseased part. When this Is done nature is again able to function normally and heal the affected, part. Restored health Is the natural result We like problems each of them is a challenge to us. Don't think we didn't face projjems when we went into the lumfjer business in Greenwood. We "did plenty of them but, by George, we are open for busi ness, and have lumber on the yard.

We'd like to help, you with your problems, too. We're never too busy to sit down and talk it over. If we don't have what you need, we'll try to get it for you. You CAN build now. To Mr.

James Madison Anderson On November 22, 1869. Mr. James M. Anderson was born. Five years affc today, August 31, he went to be with Jesus; Still his loved ones mourn.

It is hard for us to grasp with our human minds. Let Us Help You. We Will Do A Turn Key Job! CASE HISTORY 'Dear God in Heaven, I ask Thy sIV Shingles Doors Sash Hardware; Plastering Fixtures Lumber Class Brick Cement Nails Paint Let us help you take care -of your car! The cost is little the gain is much when you let us service your car. 1 wi ywivivi Woman, aged 39. suffered with Asthma and Sinus trouble for six years, was allergic to almost every food and lost thirty pounds.

She spent thousands of dollars, consulted many doctors, and atayed la hospitals for weeks. Drugs brought only temporary relief. Finally In desperation she consulted a Chiropractor. An analysis of her spine revealed tnat a pressure existed on nerves supplying the sinuses and lungs. Spinal adjustments wero given to correct this nerve Interference.

Nature was put back on the job. Relief began with -the rtrst adjustment Wltliin a 'comparatively short time, this ease had completely regained her health. She was well. The R. C.

Bolen Chiropractic Offices offer a complete and modern Chiropractic Health Service. If you hare a health -problem, Investigate this service today! The R. C. Bolen Chiropractic Offices RENDERING A MODERN SCIENTIFIC HEALTH SERVICE X-Ray and Neurocalometer. Examinations Palmer Graduate 8ph IH.1S-.W textile BUI.

Telephone Sv 2371 Oreenweod, 8. WE ARE DD IP? QUALITY OF TlFC II IV BOTH COMMON PRODUCERS OF UA1V1 ANJ scratch thru your windshield after ue fiCrvice your car will be done, not mine. Dear Daddy on this earth no more we ahall see. What Joy 10 meet him down by the crystal sea; While I ere on th(! earth we will live the best we can, (Told on to God's unchanging; hand. The separatfon here on earth Is hard to bear; What a happy reunion in the mansion Christ has gone prepare; Now we'll just have faih In Gsod and trust His guiding and.

For when this life Is ovee'U all nfeet Him on that strand. 1 James M. Anderson find Children. 131 Wr Street t-30-ltz If You Need Either Of These See Us Before You Buy! Greenwood lumber GO I EDCEFIEIt AVENUE PHONE 3261 Treph6ne 4721 Maxwell at Alliance V-.

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