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The Star-Journal from Warrensburg, Missouri • 3

The Star-Journali
Warrensburg, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jafifc. V. v. i v-- vrijp -c 4, 'a -v SV- fji -Xiw gohnsro (fountg Jftxr, WMtRENSMJMl MMOUftL -V -v to itod the blue vault of resting their reflection lu tho luluw. It wu them with many tli tt wa took our lure from this bal il uw 'sod turned our face tawerda the noiib, where the many gsa JaU wore culing lurid red glow egilnrt the hod-ion to guide me homa.

tor remainder. Divided by hu 8 for remainder. Divided by hu for Divided fly hu far Divided by hu for Divided by Shu 4 for Divided by 4 hu Star Divided by I hu 1 for Divided by hu I for Thu aame number divided by 11 haa an that portion of Pina elnet. a latter jurt received from Colquitt, ba pxprtuaa a dartre to be with aa thto "ww and It la-the! ha may be Induced hi five ua at one addreaa if no more noma til Tba contract for building the hotel at the Sprinphae been let aad tha eoutractora with a lane force of work-a will commence ita erectl It will be ready for gueata by June let and WE ARE NOW HANDLING THE CELEBRATED GOi Brand OF COLLARS AND CUFFS. Collars, 88 iier doxeu; CoiRa, 84 per dozen, B.

Loebenatein Sozl I will offar at BARE BABGAINB my atock of PiaDondOrguM, Galtani, Tlflllu, Flute. PleolM. Ilurpv, Et Ete. Hew PiunoA. 8SOO to 8600.

New Organa from 840 to 8188 -ThcMlastrumeutaaranui dioddv rnu s. Iu Hrat-rhiMi la every Repeat, with a aoa8 axlVIC-YKAE Vidian ami Hoars for 8d Araonleon fruw ltn gic Harps from 18 eoafta m' MuMeKollua. Moor ihau silk, Hniiuji. Clariuttas, Muds Books, Muds fi abael MiikIr, ffte. Uivs um a mill, ami anjthlttfC) Igst prleos I )ou may wail la lbs Jluslo Lfoat FRANK ELLIOTT, Warrensburg, Mo.

Jacob leberling BOOTS SHOES I lake pleasure in announcing to mv patrons snathe public generally paratlone for that all my A Big Business THIS SPRIIG SUMMEE, ARE COMPLETTE. I HAVE RECEIVED Fvly Immense Stock R. M. 8PENCER A COMPANY! HRSMIB dowi PKB mar 1 KttSirJS: MISSOURI PACIFIC HR TIME CARD FRANK M.TESSON. LooMEdta Mo Fry.

Tomorrow to Jtortar. Tnuna an all on Urns Takedown your The nibbloa an I Poll for soother I Tramps an nanaualy ream. TUl la tha last areek of Lent. UooilwrriM will aooa be in market. Early routine ear oorn la coming up.

Tha city waa crowded with fkrmen Bair Flower aeade can now be planted with more new lamp lure been re- belle your lriande to come to the priap. Tha fountain to be erected at tha rpringi a beauty. A hand organ bud wu doing tha Mnete Wedneedar. Several non naw canraae awningi an beta put up. The Wlndeor Review la faaulng a aemi-treekly paper.

The Johaeon County 8avinge Bank la being painted. The Fourth of July and red lemonade will aooa be hen. Mate than fire hundred people vUiled tha eprlnga Sunday. of alone am being being bunt tha city: Snipe hunten nic tor tha pact The ehurchae wen all flUad with congregationa Sunday. The toe enam aaaaou opened hat Hun- Let every dttoen of Warrenaburg work for the encceea of the epriagn The hue will commence making regular tripe to the eprlnga to-morrow.

Ground to being bnka tor Me. D. T. Every wooden awning ahould be ton down and nplaccd with eanvaea. Week ban been named on Jacob Beb-ctMuge Mock of buaineee houeee.

More boata for the lakea at tha apiinga ban been ordered from St Louie. The groan diamond the Foatcfltoe book eton ehow window to elegant Work will boob be commenced on Judgn Wot P. Hunfe elegant new reeldenot The gun club Indulged In a practice hot at the park on Friday of laat week. Tha pabten brack would add much to the appearance of aeveral buQdlngln thto dty. The member of the Quarry City cor not bend an talking of purchasing bend wagon.

Ro one ehonld fail to attend the concert tu be given by the Madame Fry concert company. -The Lexington Ragtoter to making war an the bor of that town fur naelng bean A large drove of eheep pnaasd through town Monday bannd far "bleeding Attend tha Madame Fry concert to he given at the Normal Ckapef on Thurnlay night April 90th. It to thought Out tha telephone Uae bom thto dty to Hoklon wQl be completed within a month. The Ud bcae ball dab of thto city cnee beta with the Knob Heater kkb to-day at the totar place. Don't forget the data of Mmc.

Fry'a euaoert at the Nornul Chapel, Thureday evening April Wth. Wm. R. Baker, the newly appointed pnelmaetmr at Booavllle took charge of the ofltoo teat week. An Immcnac congregation wu in at-at tha Holden.

(tract M. E. City portico have ignllled their Intention of (pending the MuaaMr at Purtte Springs. luneet Johnaon charged hto aoda foun-laia Tneeday and to now (applying tha damaud for ice cold eoda water. Tin anm1 -rp g1 Vetera aa will ha held at Pnrtla Bprlngi Juaalrd, dthendflth.

ThtatodBctoL Tha aaaall buy aad (too many not io await ipasd moat of thair time on Feat Dak and Black water angling for the tinny tribe. to being manlfeatadinlhe 1 conducted at tha M. E-, by the Kentucky evanga- iloada of our loud apurla-t Wedaaadar night aad Thure-- day on dear Fork. They went tor end they brought back flub. Lexington Iha aubacrlbad dxly Ihoua-aad dollara tor the Short Uee Railroad.

Than to lota af pluck and eaiarpcfae that old Mlaaouri rlvar town. eoid hb kooahold goode at puWV Tusadqf. Oa tha aoooaat of tha ill of Mr. Rlchard'a wife, they wUl WlagLae, a gaallemen of wean hto hair long, arrived tn eph Monday and opened a King bulldiag oa weal Caltoa Baa Hank and Sam Roeaathd have cored tha woodca awainga from WARRENS1IIRG. Information of Interest to tire Quarry Warrenaburg to the county seat of the fifth county la wealth aad population la the state.

Warrens burg liu a population of six thnuuniL Warreuburg hu fifteen ehurdsoi, via: M. E. church South, M. church. Flirt Presbyterian, Cumberland Preebytnrlan.

Baptist, Christian, Catholic, German Luth-erian, Eptocopallan, United FMebyterinn. Protutut Methodist, M. E. colored, Beo-ond M. E.

colored. Second Baptist cul-Earh of tho above denominations hare church buildings of their own. Wairensbuig hu tho otate Normal school one of the largi-at and ranat hand-aomv ic.uhiI bulbil ngs in Mlaaouri. Mure than fojr bundnvl rhidente attend this school evury year. Warrenaburg luu llu- Miaaouri Pn-dllc railway, and hu good prospects fur securing the Chicago, Burlington and Qtdncy- Warrenaburg hu two large and commo-Doue public wbool bulklinga, the Reese end Foster, both thru story bricks.

Wairensbuig hu a ten thouund duller Jail. Waneuliurg liu woolen mill. WerrenaburgTuu tiro merchant flouring milto and two ulevotora. Wtrreneburg luu the Enoch Clark Library. Warrenaburg hu a ateam alone uw pin Werrenalairg's slreela ere illuminated by I- Warrenaburg hu two banka.

Warrenaburg hu three nawapapere. Warrenaburg hu the hart and mat extensile ttone quarries In the west. Warreuburg luu llu famous Purtle prings which will at the end of the nca-on rival any of tha famous medicinal tprings wat of the MlsshuJppl nver. Warreuburg hu two building and loin Warreuburg hu many uf tho most handsome jirivato residences to be found In Mlaaouri outside of SL Louto and Kue-uCily- Wairensbuig hu two huge brick hotels, one three story and the other four. Wnirenebuig hu an isoxhatuttoble supply of cal, wood and water.

Warreuburg hu the moat beautiful park between SL Louis and Ban Francisco Wtrreuburg hu many beautiful reel-lenu elreete. Warreuburg hu eight dry goodsaloree, twenty groeorivi, five hardware, two agricultural Implement, four drug, two aad llary and barn css, two photograph galleria, two bakeries, Ihreo restaurants, three livery tables, one carriage and factory, aix lumber yards, two one brewery, six butcher alio pa, bool and shoe liouses, three clothing three wagon yards, one iiwl and wood yard, fonr barber shops, one I sue dry, two cigar factories, four millinery, stores, one foundry, three notion store ona camly fartory, three jewelry stone, ono gun store, two furniture etoroa, one tore, two merchant tailor ahupa. sne cigar and tobacco etore, two book end tore, two marble shops, Are blacksmith shops, live carpenter shops, one cabinet ahiqx Warrenaburg offcre more aud batter Inducenwnte to manufactures than any oilier city In western Mlaaouri. She In-vita all law abiding dtixeu to rane and dwell wllhin bar honlera. PER80NAL.

Goo. W. Patton spent Tueaday at Holden. Jno, Rhodes, of Kansu la visiting friends here. Miu Wllliama spent Sunday with the family of II.

T. Williams at Lamonle. Mm. K. Burnham spent Tueaday with Sedalia friends.

Mtoau Minnie nod Lirn Casey, of Clin' ton spent Sunday here, the guests of Mtoa Birdie Hughes. Ex-Governor T. T. Crittenden spent Wednesday in Ilia city. Ed Lamar, of Fort ScotL is visiting hb parents In thto city.

Joseph Lauphamcr an eld time mar chant of tho this dty but now residing City agent Wednesday with frirwls here Mrs. Mary B. Hanburn. uf Warreuburg, was at tha golden wadding anniveraarry of Mr. R.

(T Willliamaon and wife, last Wednesday nlghL Watern Dbpateh. Miasa Lulu and Birdie McCord of Clia ton apent last Sunt' ay In thto city, they vtolted Pnrtla Springs during tha day and drlightad with the Quarry City'i great health retort Birdie Hughes who to attending College at Clinton, epsnl Sunday with her parents in thto city- Ska vtolted Purtle Bprlngi while here ami wu delighted with tha Improvement! that had ban during her abaeaee. What tha Star Would like to Know Why a certain couple didn't go to tho pringa Sunday. If the citixana uf thto city ought not ipmve the mad to the Bprlngi ky private subscription from their own funds. What made a certain young lady ao tapoadent Tueaday evening.

If all tha property ownare will not remora their wooden awnings. If there wun't a laiger crowd at Pnrtla Springe Suaday than than wu at EMor-ado. Why Naquin Hlfert to no popular with promrnadcra. If tha young lady caught any fish at tha mill pond Thureday nlgiiL If Jim didn't maks a very eerioue mil taka Sunday. If the city council ahould not make tour of the allaya.

When the bead win giving evening rat door ora carte. If the boya that want to Put Oak Tuea-day night will not examine their "tackla" before they go again. Tha name of tha young man that lost tha rubber Wednesday nlghL How many town ia Johnson county will celebrate tha coming Fourth of July. If the young man from Cautrevtew lie lievad everything that Uw boya told him fhoitday tvaaiag. Tha Telephone Line.

At laat the abler cilia of Wurmtuburg end Holdra ere to be brought into closer relation aad fly that mart valuable and useful Invention thr telephone, Tha au-larprbiug men uf thto citr aad Holden who worked up tba scheme and made ceaa of it are undoubtedly entitled to tha tbanki of the two cilia tor their cu ergy and enterprise. Work will ba cool manced ra the Una Tueaday end will be puahad rapidly fowweid until completed. The capital abirkof the company in ft A' 000, all paid up. PreakUut B. C.

James. Secretary C. C. Tevla. Trraaum Wm.

Htcclc. arorK noMutu. III. C. Jamm.

Jno. D. Parfca, Wm. Hteek' and C. C.

Tevla, lluldrn: Wm P. Hunt, Ueu. W. I'aitun and II. H.

Hiuarll Huiwrintewlent Warreualiurg rxrhange -II. II. RuauII. In Mamoriam. Wa.

lba cwnmlttoa ajiiailuled by lba Warrrneliurg Auxiliary of the Womens' Missionary Society to prepern auilnble memorial resolutions on the deelh of our totar, Mrs. Mary A. Anderson, who died April 9th, UNS, desire tu submit lba fullow ug: Item lived. That in Uw dealh of our slater thto society hu tort an axcelleut member, tha husband devoted and faithful wife, the children tender ud conscientious mother, the church one of ita mat consistent memberi und the community one of Ito boat cilliana. Resolved, That ere Under our heart-fell qrmpathy to her lovaJonu in this sad and irreparable loas.

Resolved, That copy of lliaac reaolu-be furnished (lie family of tho de-pnnted In Uto city pipers, thr i'a Summit Journal, end SL Louis Christian Advocate and reconlvd in tha minutes of thto roctoty. Mu. H. CL Uii.i.i'n, Miu Cuiamn Si'xxcKa. Mux.

Wai.tkx mna. Committee. MflduTM Fry Concert Co. Mr. Frank Elliott, Wimriabuiga popular mualc dealer, liaa accurcd the Mma.

Fry and Daughter Concert Co. to give one of their tine concerto In the Normal Chap el no Thunday evening April fflfh. Mum. Fry liaa eetablhhed a world wldo raputr. tlon aa an art tot.

We copy one of tin many prow noticoa namely the Sioux City Journal: "Then waa a lane attendance at tho concert given but night at ilia Academy by tho Mine. Fry concert com pany. It wu a line audience too, an au i lenoe of Sioux Cliya cultured aad muelc- ovlng people. The ofthaoom- may an conadenlinue arttote, their work to legitimate, the lelacliona for the mat Mrt ware cfauwlc, and were rendered allhfully and aucceufully. The three quartettes, the quartette tor at rings, tin quartette for horns, und Uui real qunr lette were very lnteiesting The audienm took hardly loa pleasure in the lightei pacta; tor Instance, Dannie Dundee" and the kuinormta duett, "Mrs.

Proctor and Hn. Doctor. "Faual" by Gounod, and Koachat'a "Forwken" were elegant suc- fo secure llito suberb uimiNiny Mr. Elliott will be it considerable expense, and tha public ahould not fall to see thto com pony oferlbta. Mr.

Elliott hu been cor rupondlng with other flue comptnUia and tha success of this venture will determine im whether or not others will come. Tha price of adinbelon will lm fifty cents nod you can buy vour ticket! at Poetofllca Book 8tore and have them re-aarved without extra cbaiga. Our Waalthy Men. Tho Globo-Democral or last Saturday, among others of a long list of individual areallh of Mlaaouri towns, hu the following to say of Wanenibtng. Wanvuburg wu laid off in 18U Iqr John and Martin D.

Warren, after whom it wu named. Ito six wealthiest dtlicni arc: George W. Colbcrn, banker and stock reiser; ertlmatad urulth $500, 0U0 iwtr-aoeu. mulated. relelngfine Mock u4 banking; nature Mleeourtan Democrat.

A John T. Cheatham, atock reiser; utima. ted wealth about 900.000 about 0700; wealth ta land and atock, Inherited; native of Alabama; In city fifteen yean; IteMnont. A John Kucher, farmer; wealth ertiinaled at (300,000 WuBh in land seif -accumulated taxes about NCI; native of Ohio; Democrat three yurelnalty. A Dr.

George Stepper, druggist; intimated wealth (79,000 tolf-oea isolated; owner drug Ham, tad aa houea end raldeusq; native of the District of Columbia; been here over twenty Bapnbltcnn; not la favor of absolute maion of allvnr eotaagr, A Dr. W. C. Kobinsoe, physician catima- ted (100,000 Walth tn real estate, buriuoa and roldenw rapertr; setf-aoeu mulated; natlva of Mow ork; been here about thirty years; Demoevat A Harvey Hughes, banker; estimated wealth (79,000 Wealth Inlands, caah and bank atock; part ly Inherited and partly made by fhnalairi we County TWesmvr fear jrais; netlvn Xto oariu; raided tn this city about cloven years; Democrat. Two Hours At tho Springe- One evening recently a reporter of this per visited the wonderful Purl lo Springe, aad wu pleasantly surprised to note the vast IruprovemanteJhat hare been made laat summer.

On entering Ilia solkcd that all the underbrush bad been denied away leaving tha ter oak in their gmtaeu and glory, standing they hare for centurlo, entleils over tha moat wonderful apnugs yet dheorered, but when wa had arrived at tha springs proper the light that grect-e us wu truly enchanting Acres upon acres of the most beautiful scenery in imperial Mlaaouri readied out every side of ns, hills, lake! bluffs, rivulets, gurgling rustle brulgo, seals and the maay skimming omr tha lakes ware tha attractions that greeted our Oar reporter gnxed with rapture an thn scene before him util that prince of good fellows, Jnrnu Chiutopitar, tor of thto second garden of Eden, htoboatatthe Japaneu bunt hra invited to take a nil wltk him, are ae eaptad tha lavitatara and were soon out ou "the ocean ware Indulging la that which to novelty to natlva of Johnson county, after boot ridiag ta our utlafae-tira we returned tha boat to tha boat houae end the reporter wandered almtouly grood over the baagUfol grouadi Mll the Every dtleen of Wamuaburg etleaatoue dollar for the df Purtle Springe. Mr. Chrla doea not aakyoo to do It, hot you be willing to donate thto without being aaked. Thnraday night of lost creek Henry H. tgan.

In hto famooa Illuminated toun ipeand at the Normal Chapel and a very large audience apeU bound tor near raa well with both the viewi and Ilenry Tetlow, of Holden, up a atock nf tinware, gi adware, cigan aadkibaccoea In the building formerly nocupleil by the Enlerprbe ton oa Holden i tract. We welcome Mr. Tetlow to our city aad beapeak fur him liberal patruUage. The concert given by the Madame Fnr a I .1 He Dai.l'a II JJ, Coni-art Company at Ht. Paul'e M.

laat arenjug waa a worthy one. The marie waa of a high order end well rendered, andthoee who had tha pleaaurt of ltotanlg wen highly entertained. 3ii FaUaGanlta. and bb diughler waa played Hall on bat Friday night to houae. The mamben who par.

in thto moat aueoaaaful entertain all maiden tc of thto dty and It ua to any that they did honor to and their town. May they give ua another aooa. Hr. S. L.

Raraaey bought of Mr. Kick Fulkerenn the two load! of ly to at thto week. The cattle avenged bom Johneou county to thto printer hipment thto week. The catth UUU lba, ud prlc.pdd,L per. Quite a number of cattle and hop ban been (hipped at thto point from Jutinaoi ly einca the elrlke ou the Mo.

Pidf to R. Democrat Eaatar Sunday falla thto year on the it la paeelbla for it to fall, April 35. under the rule of the council of Rice, which decnce that Eaeter ikali be obaerved on the full moon following tha Slat of Uarch. Ita earlieat bin date to March tt. IttollUjaan Eaetar baa bean ao late, and ft will not occur again until IMS.

Dade county Advocate. Warroneburg had a foaet of rcaaon and a flow of poliuca Ihle week or rather a flow of politic (of the feminine gender)and of naaou: Hit. Lockwood lectured on Tueaday evening and Joseph Cook on Wed acuity evening. The re aeon" may have boon of tlie Boston. trmaoendcntal eott, but then waa no mtotake about tha poll-tict It waa fully up to the Woman' a Righto" itandard.

lHoaaant Hill Revlow. Laat week we failed to call attention to tha new advert tocrucnt of Frank Elliott, dealer In mualcal tnatrumeuta. Mr. K1H-otfa ii the only exclualve mualcal meat houea in tha dty and Ihoaa ting to purchaae a piano ur organ would lo well tocall aad examine hto large atock. He will ecll aa cfaaap'ai St.

Louto or Kana City Anna Than to a poadbUlly that pholera, tha oat fatal of all dtoeaaat may reach thto rontry during the coming inmmer and in view of thto fad would It not ba well for the dty council to order evory elnet and alloy in the dty to lie cleaned of llu flllh that kaa been accumulating for yean. of the allcya of the dty an In a tearful condition and ahould lie cleaned at once. "A atkh la time (area nine, and la thto jnatanoe may aave many hvea. We have learned than good authority that a wall known Arm from St. Joeaphhai forty acrea of land north of this dty and will at race open a new done quarry.

The gentlemen who an at the of Ihta eutarprtoe have the capital to work their quarrlea in a ayatemalic and inner, they have now more ten thoumnd dollan worth of machinery an route hen which to to ba und la getting out alone. One by one the Quarry City gathon them in. WlagLae, thclaundiymau, aayi that a niple of men vtolted hun Tueaday sight and advbad him to leave town or ba would bo murdered. Wing Lee in apeakrog of the affair to our reporter Wadncaday morning aaid that he did not come hen with the intention of taking work away from women in the town who do walking The work ha expedite gat to that that to bow being lent to Bl. Louto and Kanaaa City Wing Lee haijuat aa much right to live hen aa any other foreigner and tba law will protect him 1c doing ao.

Oae eight laat week a coal mlneT maiding near Mralaemt waa arouaed bom hto hem by tha barking of hto dog, ba darted out into tba yard to In' lba matter and on opening tha door with a (hot gun fired a load of quirrd ahot In hto face and then dto paired In the daikneaa. A phyaidaa waa who pronounced the wound not fatal. Tim wounded man had a wamnt ladled for tha aired of two mb who he believed did tha daatanlly act. Tha partial wen amded and prua-acutlug Wood went down to Mratoeml the next day lo proaecuta them, but upon inveatlgaling tba matter It waa evident that Urn man irmlcd wen not the ran wbq did the ahootiqg and they wen n- If we mtotake not there will be a good deal of buatllng among tha local clegery read the local column or the has they Imaa thto Not quite ago Rev. Devid Walk bought ofKana piaoa of Kanaaa City property "for a little home" for 1 500.

Laat Saturday be old It for Hut ehow what my udpitioDot cu accomplish In Kanam Citr. AUa minlatera deairinx to this pteeunt and profitable vine-ahould oonault the rail eatata adver-in the Tlmea. K. a Timee. Walk hu many Maude In thto city who win ba glad to bear of hto good fortune.

Ha now raaidei in New Orleana. One of tha'fineel concert ever givea la thto dty wu fUmbhad to nur lng people at tha 8nad open hi Years eve. Three present wrre than onlli liv Niw hj nary, tha Ehimi tha praiaea df tha diatlhgul "'to flodt that half Tha vaoal nun by Mma. Fry and her daughter! wara ply marvelaua for tha diaplay of perfect voke eultnra. Their anundallra, artlcn-lalira, aad ahadlag won all that could ba darimd.

Thair vdou ly, and Thaalagauaof of deportmeat of by all. Tha grand aucrank Leavnawortkudai. DaQyThnu. A Proto tom-. Chilbowve, April IMh.

I eoatribute to the Hr ax tho foUowiag A certain i divided fly 10 hu CONSISTING OF ALL The Latest Styles, Novel and Standard Goods of the Day. pre- Fnblio Square, W. K. Mnrrow, clerk of (ho Clrault Court Hhln and for thrcouuty aforeeald, do Inr ocrtliy that tlie fonvoinjrta a tnra oopy of the oriirinal thderof PubHeattou In thsoauaa of raeord tlie rein the mum Inmyoftes. Wltnasa my hand as Cleric ami the oral of saM Court.

Done at (idles In Wai xkaiO inirq. this thu ia Karen, A. R. INNk W. MORBOW, CM.

8. P. SPAKita, AUoraay for PtalattC Notica of Final SettlcrrMfit. fot lee ta herehy irirra to all creditors ami 4rn, Inreevatcd lit fh wtate of Pamoal D. ill.

dracuswl. that AUtos L. Wall, Admia Nottosta Wall. AmwMd. thiu AUtos Wi Istratrix nf said mtate Intend to make 1 ttamentthonaifat tbs next term of tho! of Mm court JuhniKm OMinly, State of Mtetoorl, te May! li Wlkrrv1Ulnr wa of O.

H. SIMPSON1 D.D. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID genteel tils to all suits passing tliro his hands. Gentlemen of all ages had butter prepare for Sant Jones' big meeting at the fountain of youth this summer. Dry Goods Items.

Gilkeann Brother's Handsome Exhibitions of Ladies' Ureas Goods in all the Latest Blyh-a and fashions in foreign patterns. Tho styles are elegant, ana in while goods they are snperb. Imilica hosiery, handkerchiefs, lace dress trimmings, buttons nil ribbons, all fresh new goods that will pli-use wlie are in want of Spring and Bummer outfits for either home, traveling, parties or weddings. LEGAL NOTICES own or state opjiiasonti. i Cbunty of Jobtuiun.

In tho circuit court of Johnson County, IM ruury (1011. KfhniNry Mb, A. Ik. lNd, TbvtMntvuf to IheuRcnru. W.

Cnlhlur nf the KurcnuuoT JobiPou ciNintr. In tho HUM of fiHwmrt, PbUntiir, MipUiwt p. Fux. do fdNlant, t.lvil Artlun fir DiIItHUfniT8Xi8. Now nt thinUiiy wmifw thu Plnliitlff liy hto attorney.

mimI ft iimNiiHiur to tbc Mtto fiurthmof tluuurt hin, llwt tho sheriff hiii uuukn iKHi mi return ns to nUI dvfcmdiints, nnrtthiUtbiy cwunot lm wmil with prutNM tho onliuury way: wbunMiima -ft wiiy: a (wdirvd by lljf riMirt iluit wild: Do that PI fetuUntM Imi iHitittud liy a.hllaiifun that Vhdu-(1N hM cmnuiiiMtol milt mhIiuK tboni In btoeuurt by Mtftffin.Nnl itflhbtvH.lho ofajuct und it(nml nnturo if whlub hi to rnforut tlu IU11 uf tlui Nalo of Min uurl ffr tho (l(lligunl taxes of the yMua WB, IAnj, Htol, imm mimI IMOL Mimnantinw tho ajminiti1 to tm aum of ninviNilhn wm rlyhljMilnrucutwVlUluUiNuthiT wllhlntrnwt, uohto. eoniniuiwimM mtd frinuivm tlui follow- ni tract or jum.l of lnnd( aitunto liu lh (touiiiy uf JoriiiMmwul 8tat uf MlNNwrito wit: uuc nen the uirtlMrvat unrmr of Oc muth-wmt iiumier of anctlon alxtccu (Uk tuwnahlfi foriiNUx (4H1 mn twniyfour yto nnd unliatheaMldUnhiMTiiiit ho anil at this Court, ttt tho ncxt Unu tlKTinr, brmm and holditi at tho euurl hunm. r-iuur iij k. In the towu of Wurmwliunii JofcniKMi county, stale Wth (bur uf Juno next, mtd IdnyofaiiMto nu, If tho ttnn ahull loiiKuontinuu, unit If not. Iwfon tho hut dny uf tho ttnn, uiunrcr or lWU tn ttu pot luu In wild muiw, Hhi auine will taken naronfPBwrt.and Judjioincnt will be rendered tKwonlfnr tu tho jmiyur of mU petition.

And it to furthor onkinl. that a copy hereof be pubttoliuri In the Johnaun ('Utility Ktah i uewmMK)r iwtutwl wmI pulutohod In I county, nw Tour irrrki wcwarftilly, the I aat Inaeruun to bo at hta fuur wookM before ihueomuumiouiLnt of the next form of thla court, until whluh tlinu thto imuik ta ordered to Im uoiittnnciL KTATB OF IMSul'HI Unrarr or Juhnnix I.W. K.Mimw,niri( nf tho Circuit Court nf Johnaon County WureaMbl, do horrliy cortl-fjr tUnt the fonwuliurlHHtruo copy ortbuoriio' nal Order of Publlention In tho enuao tluit named, aa tho oauae th(nlii naiucd, aa the rhino appenm of reeonl In my oflleo. Wltnvaa tuy hand aa Oevfc nnd thu aeal of Court. Houeatnmo In Wa Luul luinra tills the thirteenth Uunih.A.D.

ltm. w. K. NOKKOW. c.

W. W. 00 Attorney for PlnlntiK. FTATR OP MIWnUKr, I UNvtv nr JoHXUMf. In the Lhiirt of johnaon Pibnmry term, February flXh, A.

D. MM, Tho Mate uf NtoaourL ar the rotation and to W. Umi tho uw nf Uoonra W. Lemmon, CnUnetnr of theHtrenuiof Johnnon County, In the Htate nf Mtaauuri. PlaHitlff, airalitat jL J.

Nuzrta, ct al, IRofendwita. Civil Action for Delinquent Ihna. Now at tliU ilay on mna the ltaintlff heratn. hia atturnijjind It appparliqr to.the wUto faction of the I'ourt bora, chat tho Miorfff baa made an nun oat return aa tu wkl dofrndwit, and hcceniMit acwil with iimcem In ordinary way: whmwpon It ta tmtared by onurt that wild ttafombmf bo bo mitllted hr Uoatlun that plaintiff ban uouimenooas this court ly petition fldarlt, tho olijpet nnd ymend nature of to enforce thu ltan nf tin Aato of Mtawiuri for tha MiiMtKnf taxes of tho yuura MW and JNQ, antounlliijr in thu amrrrinitr to tho Bum of alx dol tarn and sixty bHit eeuts (fiutok to other with Imoreat, cunts, eommfitakuta and eca. upon the foltawhur oeoerllicd tract or pared of land, situate In tho county of Johnson, and Nate of Missouri, turrit: Inn twenty-four 194) and west half of kit twenty four (Hn urhrfiial town of Hijrrttovlllet Mo and untaSH tlio mU dvfendont bo ond appear at thto court, id the next term thereof, lobe bagnio aiid huhlra at the court bouse, fn the town of Wurrvttaburir.

Johnson cuuntr.ttat of Mlscouri, on the Hih day of June next and oa or before the third ita) uf raid term If the term ahnll so kmir nmtlnuo, ond If nut. then before tho bed day of the answer nr ptaod to llu potitlon In mild cause he wutiu will Ito taken aa eontbsawl, ond ludcmeut will lie nmkriNl oevurdinjc to the jrajrorof rakl mHItkm, And tt ta acoiy hmof be uubltabcd in thi Warruusbunt Wan, a weekly newwwi'cr riiitud and twldlsliod la aokluouniy. fur ruur weeks suuuusiMrety. this art inartlHii to In at taast four weoka before tho comuiim.itiienl of the next term of thto euurt, until which time thto uauao ta ordertal tn he cuntliiiMil. NTATN OK MINNirHI.

COtWTY OF JlNIXMM, W. K. Murruw. (lerknr flic Circuit Court ofjohiisitii Hmuiy aroremi. do hereby certify that llu laimcoluirta a true unity of tho orhrbutl Onbr nr HuNinuinH In two therein umiwd, as the aarne aiNn of my ollku.

ur hand as fVrh anil tlie seal of mM f.Vnirt. hmio at uffki in Warrant sa.u.1 luinr. iiaivh. hto, the thlrtooulh day of A.D. im.

W. K. MOHHOW, Cbifci W. W. Wo ou.

Attorney for PtaluUff. flHSfS $17 111 AOMfiMlta X. O. X.wfi rt re. lurum And if be will uk them fur informal la gain.

KhaIiim BrMiie V1ku limliclie joiiiM ueumlgiA, Uten aoma the tug of war." A wise General know very well how lo marshall hto for Hto Aral, lut and hut charge fa ouulu with a botllc of Salvation Oil, and tho doughty flics lie crinlng in the dust. Credit ta dua German woman and physicians for first using Bed Clover blomom a medicine. Boat rcaulta are obtained whan cumbimxl with otlier medicinal mob and hrrlis. as in Hr. Jonas' lied Clover Tonic, which to tha brat known remedy for all Mood diseases, sliunack and llvar Ireublrs, plmplea, eoatlveneu.

bad breath, pltoa, ague and malaria dlscuea. indigestion, lorn of appetite, low spiriti, head and all discasa of tbekldneyt. Priea 90 eeuts. For tale by Fred. F.

Miller. DM aim rursak-st tho Kt.k oMer. Iti'li, Irairlu Mange 'and Scratches nf evt-ry kind rureil in 30 minutca by Wool-ford's Manitary lxition. Use no other. Thto never fails.

Sold by Ac Eads, Draggl-ls, Wanviisliurg. fifiy Messrs Enibn-v Magi-is are luriiqt Ihrir Inis rciwliilcil and utlierwbo ira-prornl ami while It to In tlic lianils of tho workmen a ramugc will invrt all trains and convey imsaongrra to nny portion of the city. Sw. En-rgm-iiK Hint will wile by Wu. K.

Mom, kb. Judge of a gorcrniucnl liy llicjmen It prudiuvs. Judge of a innn by Ida deeds, a tree liy its frails, mnliciiu' by ita results, rime tried end true Hr. Higluw's Cough Cure, which unilaius tbc good iiualllicaaf ill I be In-st rough williout Iho dcfvrts uf any uf tlinu. A anfo and spceily reuuslv fur coughs, scobbiml all tbroal and lung troubles.

Sold by F. F. Miller In Orty iv id and iL illur laitili-s. Healing to tho lungs. Hnfc ami plrnsnnl for cbll-drvn.

Those who lailievc that iislurc will work off cough nr cold should understand Hut llito ia dnno at the expense of the eonalitiitton. Each time this weakens the system, nml nil know tlut the ter miration of this tluiigcnms pntclicu la consuinptivu's grave. Don't lake llu chnmva. when fifty rent (Kittle of Dr Blglow'a Cough Cura will subtly and promitly rum any recent cough, cold or throat or lung trouble. Buy the dollar bottle for cbronlc cases or family uae.

Too much live atock. "Why, Jones, what a ho(a)ne you hero lu your throat!" Yea, I raised It from a coUd)t in my hand. Tve too much live atock. Well, like cum Ilka; Dr. Bull'a (hiugli Syrup will care you.

The Bull will ware the hofagie nwiy. (nlrnllnn Oil to tlie grralest pain destroyer uf the age. It instantly relieves anil icedily aunihilatea pain, whether It arises from cut, bruise, scald, bum, hunt bite, or from a wound of any other kind. Priee only S3 cents a bottle. You will notice luiw quickly a til roughly successful article to imitated, ud also that tlie imitations arc without merit, aa they arc gotten up by unscrupulous parties.

Beware of imitation! of I)r. odss' Red Clover Tunir. Tba genuine to sold by F. F. Miller, cud promptly cures bad breath, pics, ague and malaria health, low spirits, headache, or of Hie kulnrya, stomarh nelie.

Priee 90 cents. Throat all seldom guts well ltaelf, but deepens until It umlerminea the constitution, wastea away health, strength and flah. isml finally fastens Itself on the lungs, completing the wreck and ruin of the whole man. Biglow'i Cough Cure to tha only safe, aura and speedy, remedy fnr cnaghs, colito and all throat and lung discuses. Hold by F.

F. Miller at fifty cento ami ona dollar. Pleasant to taka and safe fur children. Nyeetal SWUaf. Oi the Juimsua County Company will be beld at the Court home In IViurenaburf ou Chiturdey Kay 15th 1866, et 10 o'clock a.

m. fur the purpoee of revleiDN end amending the conetltntion end by-Uwa of aaid company. A corporate body wielding eueh 11 cap! Lei 1 9 worth looking after. X. W.

tat, Alical; H. Auem, FraaklenL Becrrlery. MM3 to Fusion, Bliail. ami water plentiful. Enquire of H.

1. Is-wis, 4 miles south of Warreasburg. Pwl ofliiv, Wairensliurg. ON THE BOOM. TAIUIKIKG DKPAKTMBITf Is tiirning out tlie Finest and Dress-ival suits of any establishment in the Great West.

Mr. C. N. Stafford, Fora mm of our Tailoring Depart ment, uovur fails to give artiatio TO MMACTOM Of BOOTS SHOES REPAIRING ITesttlycS: Promptly Done AU at BEDROCK PRICES. JACOB HEBERL1NG, Bonlh Side of LEGAL NOTICES.

or voauoxnov. St-. In the Ctreult Court of Jnhnwa rninty. Twin, Ki-hruarjr 171 h. A.

.1. 1KW. jtrr i. Kanratnr PialntW, aalnut Hararilua P. aud Kllaalivth A.

Unnrn, 1. X. and L. X. Itadlchcek, Deft-iwlant.

Xewatthladay unw the PialntW atora-Jd. by XX atturnry, and tt appMiriiui to tlu- ulafacttoG of tha (XHirC tore, that UwakcrlfiT feaaauulea aonnit return on the writof mun-inmu bareln aa to dufendauta J. X. anil L. BnUahMk and that they ran not ba aorrrd with pniMN In the usual wnrjt is thnvfUre ontered by the murt that puMaulon be nnl.

notify liw nld ik-rrolanu that nal plahitlff has oomniootod aolviL action annnit thvm by petition In tho llreult oourtot the founty St Johnaon, In the mute of Mliwonri, the ot-jret anl anmnl nature of which la to fUro- srtjsriffl? ss-tK smsM dcaenbrd real Mfllrln Johnson Umniy, Mta-uurl, UMrtt; Itaat Imlf of the siwiWfwt quartsr of the south-wuat quarter uf asififoa forlMJiraUorth ranpetwentyive wrat and tho north cost uoartcr of the smith-wat quarter aoutloti twdra, h. ramra twentydra uf south-wrat quarter of the it the anal quarter of aoctkm twontythrse and i sssl half of the soath-wost quarter of uoelh-eoet quarter of section tweolyfour and thsuorthhslf of the north rata quarter of OMttoa twenty four and west half of eouth-wasfi quarter of tho north-part quarter of section twenty-tour aad tbs woat half of Ifteen (18 aorsa off tho nortimst quarter of the south coat quarter of section thlrty-fonr, tow ash Ip tortytaeroa, north, nmys twpnty-Ix, writ ofttra prtuefpal msridtaa to scours tho payment of a note g( ran hy dsfomtante, Marrellua Drown and J7 WraUrefa A M. Arm, Aujruot Tth, vm for PMMUD duo ws yoan after date with ten par omC. tater-oat, and nntaM thoy ba aad appear at the nexttona of thto oouxtto be homa aad held berattdorad as psiroAbi. InroAmati of tho asst term tMa court until which ttms thtosams is ontarad lu UbwiHwmwI RATI Off imsOITIII, I Osiagrsf aooxcm, Vr OvsrX.

Kslhaali CJothiag Stem. Sweet Ckn bn toad hr arts tha- CERuiiunnnnm. Whoa two poreond af part -wiqrtt Hiora no thl had ana. rrta wag an re ooouelad dHferaM boda, aa ore apans wre otaBowthonwrtov wto iiQjnireS.

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