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The Fulton Gazette from Fulton, Missouri • 5

Fulton, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CALLAWAY WEEKLY GAZETTE, FULTON, MISSOUBI, APRIL 22, MERE MENTION. (fallawag 5aette. MKRK mention. II. Harlan et al va A.

T. Epperson et al, electmeat. James W. Muir va Ellaabeth Muir, I divorce. F.

8. Foaton, agent, aold two lota on I Bluff atreet, one 75 and one 80 feet front by 340 feet, to J.Y. Smith and J. II. Buchanan for W.

8. Marshall at 81,100 caah; alao ten acrea half mile aouthof Com planting la about over, -Bit you noticed tha tree leaving? -J. W. Tlncbcr wont to Barkers vllle Tnooday. Tha sibilant winds art blowing, art Ilfll" Jm( got la a lot of mw iW iw-wriw.

Call la a ad mi Geo. K. Townley va Ella V. Townley, divorce. Fulton, property of C.

A. Davla, to Wm. 1 Backer for $2,000. ajoetmont. n.

Armatrong, Color A Co. va John W. -Dr. W. W.

McFarlane, formerly of I Baynbam et al, account. are now grtag your poultry tu B. F. Douglaa, blowing! laMaa Maw Id tha hlghaat caah I Tbe eommsrclal travellers jqulto active Maitlaad make a jpeetalty ei ehHdiuae pletum and he Mrs. Wallace Williams left Springs Monday.

VI vuuuii I abler new oapodally fo tftf Novelties in Dress Goods, and Dress Trimmings. Larger stock B.V.Bauglaa waataall your poultry Md wUI pay the caah. 4fiwl j. H. TaokerACa.

amreceiv-! tefthalr aprlag aad an maser Suita ft lea, Yeutka, Soya aad ehlidrea, which lU be sold very low for caah. 47 w4 Tor Kent A good 5-room, atonal teuae, formerly occupied hy Jaa. Mnr-ky, la the northern part of city. Ap-to to rnn.tir Barman. 47w4 UoTCJ.

H. Tucker A Co. for the leal White skirts and necktlea In Fulton. 7w4 Callaway County, Missouri -o- Joanns Wilson vs vorce. John Wilson vs T.

R. Gray, replevin. A. T. Payton vs Geo.

Mclntln, city constable, appeal. Mary C. Powell va Wm. F. Powell, administrator.

School district No. 1, township 49, 10, nftTfch and Lower Prices than ever. peal. Mayer Bros. A Co.

vs Wm. E. Stephens, aoeonnt. H. Qerdomann vs Warren Gee, note.

FIFTH DAT, FSIDAT, MAY 6. State or Mo. vs R. P. GUlasple, No.

burglary. Same va lame, No. 2, burglary and larceny. State to use of J. P.

Boll va Tbadens Smith, tax. Same vs J. 8. Ross et al, tax. Wm.

Tharp et al, tax. W. B. A S. Smith, tax.

Martin Dorris et al, tax. Julius C. Blemer, tax. Albinos Mannlus, tax. German Bnk of St.

Louis, tax. Wm. B. Miller et al, tax. Wm.

Wesaelhoff, tax. H. C. Whittington, tax. Z.

E. Jesse, tax. Carl H. Brandt, tax. Chas.

El ward vs Wm. Lawther, appeal. Thoa. B. vs M.

M. Melntlre, deceased, appeal. SIXTH DAY, SATURDAY, MAY 7. NO MISTAKE a call BlOTi MARRIED. Mias Harsh E.

Foster lor DIED. HALLEY At the residence Peyton Dudley, daughter of II. c. D. ley.

Incest. A negro man, Charles Keeling, was brought np from Cots Sans Domain by Sam Tharp and Geo. Farmer, Little Ethel was born 1881, and the aad event the 12th of the ooly child of the parents, the light and The undersigned extends a pressing invitation Is nS at hi I alora and examine bla Arst-clata atocli of Boots utf Shoes, Hats ail Caps. Be. of Htephea'el Good a represented slHcllj a they orr; pelts tresiaeiit sad ah 1 tenUon to olL The Notion sloes pnrrhaaed of Mr.

I- M. Rajfchaan, Slntlcs Having purchased the io-teiest ef 1 V. XlckeU la the grocery esmbllshment of Meador A Nickel, I Ssalrs to tbaak the public for past fsvora ad hope by a close attention to bual-sm and by keeping at all tlmca a frill Has ef groceries at fair prices to merit a ter share ef the public patronage. Very truly, a1 L. T.

sapor. Call nnd examine our plow shoes. Ws can suit vou. J.ll.Trcaua A Co. 47w4 I offer at a redaction of from 10 to co per rent.

the Celebrated Ilillmana Ladies, Misaes aad of the venerable Hailia and Olivia iiat-CMldren Fine Shoea. I am aolo agent for Soliciting a share of oar patronage, I mm Vey BwjerilsHj, K3AX KEt-LEFS. lit Building formerly occupied by Mr. II M. lUjobam.

8unel Smut LntherEbmole, VJ1U I Tuesday night. Ue was tried In Esq. W. B. Tharps court Tuesday charged with Incest, lie was committed to Jail to await the action of tbe grand Jury at the May term.

John Miller and Dick Vanghtcr appeared for the defendant and Tlncher prosecuted. Keeling Is about 45 years old. has a wife and grown daughter and weighs about 200 pounds. peal. J.

P. Crews ys F. M. Crews, appeal. A.

WUkerson va A. P. Wade et al, note. J. W.

Overton, vs Geo. B. True si, note. I. G.

Stedmsn vs John D. Perkins, attachment. Geo. M. Waters et al Wm.

T. this elty, mon recently of Mexico, now resident of Woodland, CaL, been elected Medical Superintendent of the Agnew Insane Asylum at Ban Jose at a salary of $380 per month. Sam Jones haa returned to aln-tricken Clnclnnatti, nnd the Commercial Oaaet. i welcomes him as a hurricane of rightecnaneu, a tornado of trnth and blizzard of sanctimonious sarcasm." F. T.

Lederberger, swell known lawyer of St. Louis, has bean Indicted and arrested, charged with complicity pension fraud. Ho waa a candidate Congress in the 10th District and waa defeated by Clardy. Robert Kirby of Gnthrlo writes to Charlie Fisher that he haa caught In traps ainee February 1st. 20 skunks, 11 ground-hogs, 2 coons, 4 minks, 8 opossums, 1 muskrat, 2 house oata, 12 rabbits and 8 hounds.

He recommends largo traps as the beat. Capt. Speaks was 80 years old last Thursday and la as polite and lively aa many a man at 60. He has been voting the the Democratic ticket In Missouri for years and voted that ticket In Kentucky several times. He voted for John Speed Smith in Madison county, for the legislature.

E. R. Snppe writes to know terms for breeding a car load of mare to the horse, Ben Lomond, owned by J. Sam Watson, and advertised In this paper. He says that he knows the horse and his colts are remarkably fine and stylish, will make good steppers and are unusually large.

Uncle Jim Craghead waa arguing with a man about the flatness of the earth. The man asked Uncle Jim If he were to go doe west where he would land. Uncle Jim said in the Ocean. The man said aa he had Uncle Jim In deep water he wonld leave him there. Then he asked Uncle Jim If he could swim.

r. 8. Adams left for New York Tuesday as a special agent for Callaway county to negotiate $350,000 of county bonds. Mr. A.

Is a thoroughly reliable business man and we wish him a pleasant trip, and have no doabt that he will succeed In the work In hand. William Snyder, a farmer 3 miles east of town, was telling a merchant Monday that the night before (the anowy night) he had seven ewes which had 16 lambs and two mares that had colts. The merchant asked Mr. S. if he expected any tarther Increase.

Buchanan, Smith A Co. sold 37 aged mules and 2 radddle horses to Crouch A Maxwell of St. Louis, also a saddle mare to a party in St. Paul, Minn. This firm shipped scar load of saddle horses to Chicago Saturday.

W. H. Davla went with them. Dick Smith left yesterday with a car load of harness horses for Kansas City. They sold to Snider of Kansas City last Friday a saddle geldir-x for $500, Snider wanted Smiths pair 0.

harness bays but the figures were too high for him. The constituents of Hon. Thos. W. Shaw of Callaway county wore so well pleased with the honest, earnest efforts he pnt forth In their behalf as a member of the present legislature, that they received him at Fulton with open arm.

Later they prepared a banquet for him at the Palace Hotel, and after dining him to their hearts -content made him the recipient, at their hands of an elegant gold headed cane. Mr. Shaw made an able, untiring member, as his work for the State Institutions at Fnlton plainly shows. And it Is hot proper that hu people should show their I i-itit October mb, of her death oe-curredon April. She was food and doting llfo of the boose-hold nnd tbs constant solace nnd Joy of her aged nnd affectionate grandfather.

Sbn ws sprightly and Interesting child, nnd her gvntlo disposition nod Intelligent utterances were a source of wonder to nil who knew her. The foul disease that carried her away was pneumonia, succeeded by malignant fever under the Influence of which herdellcate frame rapidly gave way. The grief-stricken parents have Ike deep sympathy of tho entire community nnd many prayers hnvt been offered for their comfort. W. II.

Drus an. DICUS At his residence In the April 17, at 5:43 n. m. after i months lllneae, Hiram Dims, about 73 years. Us was a natlva of Northumberland county, and has resided la this county 3D years; was a consistent member of tho lYesbyterian church for mom than SO years.

He leaves a wife and six children living: Funk P. of Mound Valley, Kansas, W. of Atlanta, Kansas, Mrs. Emma Renos, John 8. IHcos of this county, E.

II. ef Audrain county nnd Alfred of Mound Valley, Kansas. Funeral fromalresbyterian cbnrrh. Dr. Robertson officiating, Tuesday.

Burial at New Cemetery- Mexico paper please copy. Flour Sealer. city. I six- Fir Halo a No. 1 piano, little used gssd tone; will sell at a bargain.

Intake at this office. 47wl Gloves In endless Variety and superior quality ust received at 47wl J. II. Trcauu A Co. IKI, rralrle Mange, and Scratches of srsry kind cured In 30 minutes by Wool-tad's Sanitary Lotion.

Use no other. This never falls. arranted by tchols Cason, druggists. Fulton. Barbie Works.

Those in need of Cemetery Marble or Granite Work will save money by calling on C. Fisher, Jr. Bis stork la new and attractive and his Aligns the latest ana best. 40m3 smmmooMM lacileaeerlag. W.

V. Berry of Arm Finn, McGee A Berry, will auction sales say part of the county at reasonable Isa 30tf Far Kent. The Floral Hill prop-arty, belonging to T. B. Nesblt and totaled on the south aide of town.

The bouso baa twenty rooms and la suitable to be rented In flats or to two or three teulllas. About twenty acrea of grounds aad a well filled Ice house and a good bam go with the house. Will rent tarnished or untarnished. Apply to 35tf F. 8.

Poston. Fob- Iteat A house with six rooms sad basement, splendid location. For terms apply to J. W. Tiscnma.

33tf Stvipapw Law. When subscribers pay In advance for a newspaper, they are bound to give the notice to the publisher at the end of the time they do not wish to continue taking it; otherwise the publisher Is authorized to send It on, and the subscriber will be responsible until an express notice, with payment of all arrears, la sent to the publisher. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS? for Hot Dr. A. W.

Neablt returned from St. Louis Wednesday. Growing wheat In Bourbon township la looking flno. Jaa. U.

Guitar, Columbia, waa hers Sunday and Monday. A very ales, large, whlta frost Tuesday morning, April 19th. Trads la now brisk, with a flattering prospect for the ftitnre. R. B.T.

Oliver waa at Boydaville aturday on legal business. The turnlp-green-hog-jowl season la now upon ns In all Ita dellclouaneaa. Wo bavo no new developments In regard to the Mo. Central thia week.1 Utopian Orchestra concert, a rare entertainment, at Opera House the 22d. Judge Buckner has moved from Mexico, to a form In Saline county.

The state board of equalization met In annual teuton In Jefferson City Monday. Capt. Blount has recovered and la around pretty spry for a man In his 82d year. Orieon Greenway of Bourbon has bought 80 stock hogs he is giving four cents. M.

Robinson of Centralis bought 130 atock hogs In Callaway this week at 4 cents. The Utopian Orchestra home talent Opera House Friday evening, April 22. 8. T. ilarrlton, talks of locating In Dnluth and thinks of moving up In Jane.

If you want to buy or sell any stock the first Monday In May will be the time to be In Fulton. Beautlfal souvenir programmes at tha Utopian Orchestra concert Friday evening April 22d. F. G. Nichols visited relatives in Fulton this week.

He is qnite active for a man 81 years old. Miu Beth Falkner, who has been visiting Miss Nellie Wheeler, left, for Columbia Wednesday. Bear In mind that the first requisite to a big corn crop is a good stand; so now la the time to replant. Rush right Into these headquarters with your job work cheap prices, quick work and prompt delivery. Cards are out for the marriage of Frazier Neablt and Miu Stella Hart of Cedar City on the 28th Inst.

Dont foil to read our supplement. It is all home-made and quite wild and wooly, If It Isnt a yard wide. Thou wishing to dispose of cattle at the May stock Bales should call and see ns before next Wednesday. D. C.

Gilman leaves to-day (Thursday) to accept a position with H. M. Garlteh, druggist, St. Joseph. The boys on the raging Salt continue to whoop up their real estate boom.

Dont give the Mexicans ont. W. R. Weeks of Ophir, Colorado, undo us $2 to renew his subscription to the people's own for a year. Thanks The Harrlson-Patton Declamatory Contest will be held at the Westminster College chapel next Monday at 8 p.

m. The Utopians will present one of the finest selected programmes ever produced on the stage. Dont fall to hear them. Thanks to J. E.

Birch of Braid wood 111., for a couple of dollars to renew his subscription to the peoples favorite sheet. The Utopian Orchestra is composed entirely of home talent and should receive a hearty support on Friday evening the 22d. The Texas drouth Is among the things that wen. Fine rains have now blessed that heretofore jejune portion of the country. The Inter-state commerce law la declared to be a rich bleulng to the railroads by a number of prominent St.

Louis merchants. If a body klu a body, Need a body cry? Well hardly If some other body Isnt standing by. and baa In for 50 It may not be generally know to our dikm list tot twee than twenty year past combi nation of wall paper tnannfactarrro known aa tho Wall Paper haa existed for tho pstyese 4 keeping np the price on their product. Hoar well they has one-ceeded la thia I need bat call oar nitration to price paid by on for these good in the past and to compare ith lie Prices We Make This Season HOWWEGOTTWERE et vs Kemp, note. Nannie L.

Barrett, vs James B. Snell, account. Gustave Auerswald vs Jacob Fflster, appeal. 8. G.

Elliot vs J. K. Wren, appeal. Baakctt A Crump vs W. R.

Poerries et al, appeal. RKTl'BX DOCKET. Mary J. McShane va School District No. 2, township 46, range 7, account.

Thos. J. Brooks ys W. A. Brooks et si, title.

B. F. Chiles vs Wm. Smith et al, ejectment. Edward Cason vs Fannie Cason, divorce.

Martha B. Thomas va James II. Thomas, divorce. Ids E. Seif ker vs John W.

Self ker, divorce. John Y. Basinger vs Nancy J. Basinger, divorce. Eliza W.

Nailer va Fred Xallor, divorce. S. R. Bass vs Morton Bass, divorce. D.

C. Craghead et al va Mary 8. Craghead. D. C.

Chaghetd et al va Mary 8. Craghead, account. Wilson Belcher vs Riley Belcher, title. Geo. L.

Bennett vs A. H. Pitzer, partition. Henry Klages, assignee, vs A. O.

Robbins, debt. Geo. Kibby et al, ex parte petitioners for partition. M. G.

Franklin vs J. Wallace et al, ejectment. John Branham vs Geo. W. Penn, damage.

J. M. Walker A Co. vs M. C.

Gath-right, dower. BEVKNTH DAY MONDAY, MAY 9. State vs Geo. W. Beams, appeal.

John M. Glover, va St. Louis foiled derail im Hides, 99hep Pcltm, tallow, beeswax ate. bought for caah by 101 1 J. Mayfield.

T. Mayfield removed his office (temporarily) to Mr. McGregor's mer-rbant tailor shoo. Call on him. lOtf 1 Parler Balia.

Call and see the Parlor flnlta at Baceb, Gonraav A Co's. 13tf if Market Value paid In cash for hides, sheep pelts cte. by J. Mayfixld. lOtf Ornraor SrmwARB, MmLninrimrii protHMltewtii w' laTml I Daring this long period bat one or two (actorir remained oat of mums o'clock, I this pool and from their limited number of styles dealer could fool f'11 m-V 1 pool goods, eonseqnentlj nil dealer wet forced to buy from III qMuiy uiMuteM I At the Uituttul meeting of the pool ome Ate wait faciorir It ttmplt bl I Fioarro fo fonroroa yrokiy la.taiiaMuar I withdrew, among tbi aember two of the I argot I the oonnlvy end mm rosy bS fc tn1 1 0Q0 other Hobbs, whose decoration aland at the Lead.

Laving A.rinthnuUM rspalalioD thronghont the trade Hut no other factory Las rare UM to JftJinso. achieved. Learning of Ibis -break cortj in the eon, ld to fur- I er loqQjfj 0D ibj part, with more than satisfactory imJi nd I To Dealers la Bry Goods. I anre housekeeper wQl bear me oat ia this neriioii wbeaj havo or ookfd hrofh UrgYl Slock of Seated props ala will fo rorotie kg Ifo m- denlgseu aaul is s'rterk, sf Friday, Apr. 29th, 1887.

ter Mpplglig the Unito at raliaa. I Mo. with tfo Mloviag aitirtes ter Un noaika. Iron Mag Mk. i aiiwi Mb, as pa Min llorol tel tern Sfootiag Spa.

LomSbIo Riearb Maoiia. Is pa. mark Hmri ImiUas. mao. Clark O.N.T.

Spool CMtea. ISM. bearg mah. Dm. Uorktenl aorks.

Paroptes oferaak te fo rabsulted iib W. spplloe to fo mratefod ptosippO tow, boat oao-tbtnl of a boro arooMia to fo Oo Urrrod roooihlr al Ifo sogtero. rarnrosM to fo road roooihlg IU4a will fo SMitteroO sepsralelg oa earh antetet Ifongfcl to rJct asy as4 all M4 te iwh4. OaFtenfot lafbrroaUoa fonM will fo lar-atefod aa appliraUoa at tola oSine C.V. ATKIXSOH.

fowl Me ward. AT THE Sweew Retell ii Prices! It repreaenta aomethiug yon like and appreciate it illustrate onr method of doing bnaineas it means SQUARE DEALING. Dont yon aeef (Preach, Practice, Guarantee. Iloneat Values, Latest Stvlea, l'nt before yon Fairest Prices.) Onr elegant new atock of early spring styles In CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS IIATS, CAPS, are open every day for yonr Inspection. SThe Newest.

The Best, The Cheapest. Qualities, as yon like them Styles, appreciation of his able efforts in their behalf. Nevada Mail. Look at This! Gas Light change or venue, EIGATH DAY, TUESDAY, MAY 10, State va John Wilson. State va Frank Kelly.

Callaway Cireilt Csart Term, 1887. FIBST DAY, MONDAY, MAY 2. Craghead, trustee for Jane Ben- 1.0 Socket Maj DOCXXT OF PROBATE COURT Of Callaway County, WiRouri, May Term 1887. A true analysia made by expert showa the exact material uaed by ach paint mannCactnrer and on lamination yon see the Mound City itands at tha head. osa4 City Co's 100.00 per et Shnwla, Williams A Cs's, Pro Mamy's Railroad Color 90.01 Ltqsid Color r.

nr Devon a r. w. umi a co si.ii C. T. layaold A Co SS.BS C.T.

Rayaolde A Co 4H.9 r. Ilaamar Falal Co 41.88 The Mound City Paint la sold at To Ccalractora. Come and we will treat you right. I Bemember the I Tuesday, Mayloib, W7, ter tfo srortloa aad cwroptetwa of Ifo MIm lag Iroprovaaroau aad additioaa la tfo Mio-aoart state Laailto aeglaro st Fsltoa. Ms.

SiaectlraUoa So. For eateauoa of aorth 4 ao SQUARE DEALING, Nenkomm, Ebersole Pemberton Mad in tbi pnrcbaae for tbe xztsa of l. rmah all ay in thia, both to lb tock and pricra, for proof ef elkk 1 brad but ak yon to look at tbe elock and rompat price, and for Uti purpose we cordially invito every tiorkeefT ia Ca31ay Csnljr to vUit onr afore tbi teason and cc for jsnraelf Ikat Lite Tbe grealeat variety to float. Tho mot aljflisb tallcra ia tbe tnatlrL Tbe only romplcle line of rriliag and vail drtiiM i iLe rui). Tbe price from I -I lo 1-2 lre otker.

The laat year good are old a each. The good of former jest we bate none. The lool charge jo fl-SO for geode or ask rent. Tho Fool charge jotW real for good or ask ta ml The Fool charge jo 50 real for good wr ask 2 0 mis, The above redaction hold good throngtiooi. -SEE OUR BIG DRIVE.

Proprietors. Order of Publication. Ia the Probate Coart ter the ooaatg Callaway. Febraarg term UH7. Eatateof Moaroe Sampaon, deceased, order of pablicatioa.

Fraacla rand oa, adndalairator or Moaroe Sampaon, deeraaed. preaeau to tfo coart bin petition, praying for aa order ter tbe talo of ao mock of the real eatate ofaaid deceased aa will pay aad MHaV the Temamiag debla dae by said eatate, and get anpaid for waatof eaSi-cfeataaact by the and laTeatoiies reqniied by law ia each raee: oa oaantaaiioa whereof It la ordered, that all penoaa later- rated ia tha eatate of deceaaed, be aoUSed that appilcatioR aa aforesaid haa beea made, I perterniaare of hia raotr art hi. rterk shall fo and naloM tbe contrary fo showa oa or before I forf i tbe contrary I forfeited to tfo say lam others te, to fo rotonrod Miss Blanche Leintz, who has been Barnes Lumber ard I Wednesday morning. Thanks to John C. Boone of Danville, Contra Costa county, for favors this week, no sends ns $2 for the peoples favorite for a year.

B. F. Cason a box oranges from Pomona, yesterday. They were from John Casons orchard and as fine delicious fruit as we ever tasted. Joseph Cook, the great Boston lecturer, is to be at Mexico, Monday and Tuesday evenings, April 25th and 2Gth.

Subject Monday night Does Death End All?" Cards are out announcing the marriage of J. T. Johnson and Miss Fannie Cave, at the Christian Church, Thursday evening, April 21st, at 8:30 oclock. KfoVid Mr Stolen- A bald-raced horse roeo at tfo Mu Ifo to tfo bidder. Plaae aad apeeiScatteaa may fo oHcoof the aapenateadeot of Slaw Laoatis A.ylaro, Faltoa, Mo.

Tfo right to rojen aay or on bids Is erred. isporiateadeatsa4Fbysrioo Fsltoa. April It. trail tha ant day or the neat term of thia coart. to I fo held oa tho td Munday, being tfo 9th Day of May aezt an onlerwlil bo made for tfo Bale or tbe whole, or ao mneh of tho real eatalo ofaaid deoeaaod as will fo for tha payaroat of said dohtei and it la farther ordered that thia noUoa fo pabli.hed la aoma aewapaper ia thia Slate, tor four week foiora tha next term af thia coart.

A trna copy from record. Witness my hand and aenl or aaid coart. Itoaa al oSteo la Faltoa. Miaaoart, this I tfo 11th day of April, A. luff, KUDT.

MiTHEE ERS. dodge ol Probate. April 1, ItoT. 47w4 In Gold wall and celling paper at rente for dstVe foU, nctrr before known low, aad oar II -inch Gold IBoieied Stardrr for lie une price a nairow bolder. Sivrtrz fniuu anjionr application post paid.

Itemembcr wo want to psab these good, and rvety Loijcs; effort will be made by to do so at the Great Western Book Store. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS MEETS. 1ST DAY MONDAY, MAT 9tH. ESTATE. ADM.

Austin, Jane John L. Austin Boulds, Thomss Francis Brandon Bird, Macros Francis Brandon 2d DAY TUESDAY, MAY 10. Brown, B. D. II.

H. Brown Brown A Poage, No. 1 S. M. Poage Brown A Poage, No.

2 II. II. Brown Comer, John A. Wm. Ellia 3d DAY WEDNESDAY MAY 11.

Culbertson, Sarah A. N. F. Baker Davis, Matthew K. C.

Cave Day, Levi O. W. S. McCall Goodman, Lillie L. K.

F. Brandon 4th DAY THURSDAY, MAY 12. Hunter, Perry P. Alice D. Hunter Herndon, F.

M. John T. Besven I McKee, Joseph D. Francis Brandon Melntlre Morgan Mary A A Melntlre 5th DAY FRIDAY, MAY 13. Qulsenberry, Mary E.

J. Sam Watson Robinson, Maiy B. Walter A. Robinson Snell, John J. R.

A Louden Snell Scholl, Joseph Joseph R. Scholl 6th DAY SATURDAY, MAY 14. Sinclair, James F. Brandon Truitt Nathaniel Bobt.S. Truitt Truitt, W.

S. W. II. Truitt Velasco, Andrew Francis Brandon GUARDIANS AND CURATORS' SETTLEMENTS. lSt DAY MONDAY, MAY 9.

GUAR. OR CUR. WARD. Alien, Arch H. John A.

Allen Arnold, Geo. H. S. A T. Higginbotham Allen, Medora Theo.

F. Allen Brandon, Francis Millie B. Moore Babb, C. W. L.

R. Babb Blackburn, Thos. K.B.5L B. Allen 2d DAY TUESDAY, MAY 10. Blythe, Geo.

W. John B. Blythe Baker, Dr. John S. A Hancock Cave, Justinian Cheatham, L.

L. Bulah Cheatham Clark, Samuel John L. dark 3d DAY WEDNESDAY, MAY 11. Crews, R. A.

J. E. A J. T. Landman Crews, R.

A. Alva O. Plankett Doerrles, H. T. John R.

Boll Dozier, James H. T. J. A J. W.

Dozier Hall hail S. T. Meet J. O. 4k X.

B. Fhzmor iCRSDAY, MAY 12. Alberta Waller J. A A. Hotihamcr J.

F. Leoper Farmer, R. W. Ford, D. D.

Farmer, R. W. 4th DAY Harlan, C. H. Holzhanaer, Herman Henderson, C.

A. 11 naneoclc neocx Cave Selke to SnhMrlher le Ser Fair ItMClall. By order or tbe board of direct ora, Mr. IL A. Crews has beea authorized to collect all unpaid subscriptions to salt association on or before April 23rd.

17 and if not paid by said time to Institute uit Immediately for same. Wm. HakBJvoN, IYrs. E. L.

Epperson, Secy. 47r2 nett. W. A. B.

Craghead, trasteo for M. L. Kemp. Geo. T.

Duncan, trustee for E. Bruner. M. et al va Catharine Jones, partition. S.

E. Davis et al, ex parte petitioners for partition. Ibby Moore et al vs Wm. Dlshman et al, partition." Patsy Johnson vs Carrie McCrackin et al, partition. SECOND DAT, TUESDAY, MAY 3.

B. F. Pledge vs T. J. Pledge et al, partition.

Cyntha E. Bull et al va Jesse Ball et al, partition. Louisa Boulda vs Etta G. Boulds et al, partition. Jacob Wenger ctal va M.

Kremcr, partition. Kitty Harris vs Aaron Bradford, partition. Ida Bolton vs B. F. Bolton, divorce.

Callaway Co. Savings Bank vs Joe. T. Brown et al. Laura Smith vs Jas.

Smith, divorce. Martha J. Maddox vs Jas. F. Maddox, divorce.

B. B. Nesblt, receiver of Gilbert A Curd Tobacco Co. Robert Carter vs Chas. Harrison et al, appeal.

I. W. Boulware vs L. B. Babb et al, partition.

J. E. Hayner A Co. va Wm. A.

Hart A Son, account. B. B. Nesblt, receiver of Gilbert A Cord Tobacco Co. va M.

M. Broadwell et al, note. J. W. Craghead et al vs D.

C. Craghead rt al, partition. S. B. Griggs vs R.

A. Crews, admr. E. G. Sinclair vs Wm.

T. Pnlllam, attachment. Jno. T. Jacobs va Wm.

II. Jacobs etal, title. J. U. Freeman vs Edward Crowson, note.

R. A. Crews va J. M. Wheeler, note.

Wm. 8. McCall vs Truman Day et al, will. State to use of J. P.

Bell vsM. II. Collins et al, tax. Same va Mary J. Bailey, tax.

John Metealf M. Bunnell John Griaing THIRD DAT, WEDNESDAY MAT 4. Joe. Stephens vs Ira B. Holt, damage.

G. Auerswald ve City of Fnlton et al, debt. Thos. Smith vs Jas. E.

Watson et al, account. Jno. W. Togart vs W. F.

Wilson, debt. Jno. W. Carter va Jno. T.

Jacobs, ejectment. Lacy J. Kibby vs Jno. Kibby, divorce. Gussle Rtdgway vs Geo.

E. Northeutt, damage. Joshua Burdett va J. F. Wobb et al, title.

Jas. N. Robertson vs Joseph Donevant et al, title. State to use of J. P.

Boll vs Jno. H. Spencer, tax. State to use of J. P.

Bell va M. M. Huddleston, tax. FOURTH DAY, THURSDAY, MAY 6. School district or Fnlton vs Mary An-clrruon et nl.

bell on, 14 hands high, left the kiln near Anxvaaae about sun- Wednesday, 13th of April. Any hhrmathm leading to the recovery will tothaakfolly received. M. C. Cluttkr, Anxvaaee.

locking Maim, Itats Lunatic Astlcu, Fultom, April ISM, MS7. pmsis will fo race! red by Ms ea-am of Friday, April 29th, 1887, ChtotoUM Ms Slate Laaatls Asjrlam WaMart, IM eloMiaf WUhltoasi Stella anate sod vasts to bs mads MMawietio or rood, of similar Uoaia to Co cat sacks aad sad wall maila aats (aallasd). to ba delivered 1st aad daly paratelv ea peats, all bids. Tbe rljbt reserved. Aay fur-a furelaAsd appllea- aWesSUw.

C. O. ATaiHSOM, Me ward. im at three 1 Administrators Sale of Pis at, ESTATE. "OY VIRTUE of BBtbority of aa order of tfo I Probate Coart or Callaway coaaty, Mia-1 oari, mads at tha Febraarg term.

1 of aaid I court, aa admialotrator of M. K. Item, de-1 erased, will, at. tfo ml front door or the I Co art Haase ia the city er Faltoa, oa Monday, May 2, 1887, aad dariag tha sitting or tfo Coaaty Coart, after for sale, to the hlghaat bidder, al pnblla I eatery, for cash la hand, tfo foltewtag da- Witt Forty aerw. tho aoath-woai qaarter of 1 tha Boalh-wral qaarter of aectloa towaahip 4S, nags Si forty aeroa, tfo aoatfeoaal qaarter or tha north-west qaarter of aectloa to, townships.

nsgsBi forty acres, the aoath-wrot quarter of tfo aoath-eaat qaarter ef aectloa R. township 4S, range si forty acres, the northeast qaarter ot the north-east qaarter or aeo-tioaSI, township 4. naira: forty aad oao-foarth acraa, the north port of tfo west half of the Borth-wcat qaarter ef section SI, towaahip 4S magoSi eighty acres, tfo north half of tfo aoath-waat qaarter or aectloa towaahip 4S, raage twenty acrea, tfo east part of Ifo aeatk-eaal qaarter of the aoath-eaat qaarter of action 3u, township 44. roan I. to fo aold for Ifo payment of debts of aaid deceased.

JOU C- CAVE, Administrator. April 1M. I Winter Exposure Cause Cough. Cold pleurisy, rhenroatlaro. paramenia, non-raista, aciauca, lamhasw.

heck ache aad other allmenu, for which Rente Caprone Pli are admitted to fo tfo brat tomedg ki They rolicve aad rare la a few hear whea no other applieauan te sf the least heoeSt. detaed by Lo phyeiroaaa ood dfoilM war or Imiiouooo nodes etoulo ooo namra, each oa 1 oproenm. Caproron or capro sloe. Ak foe Heoaon'e ood toko no Ksamioocarofuiyofongonfoy. AUdrag a nEAimr Aikms, Proprietots.

SUCCESSORS TO riSIIEK ItnOTIlEES, new York. Mexico Intelligencer. All the saloons In New York were cloeed last Sunday and only well known customers were admitted through tbe aide doors. The police made a hundred and fifty-alx arrests. Tho official vote for school commis-mlaslonor la as follows: 8.

W. Blmooe, R. P. Nichols, majority for Blmeoe 120. Four districts failed to end In any vote.

W. T. Scott of Gaudaloupe, California, renews bis subscription to tho paper with tho largest circulation in this county for another year. Money received all right. Thanks.

James Leaeh, engineer at the D. D. Institution, nnd C. O. Atkinson of the S.

L. A. went to Nevndn, to assist In fitting np tho new asylum at Jhat place. Our sincere thanks ire due quite a number of new subscribers, also to a largo number of our patrons at home and in foreign lands for prompt payment of subscriptions. Attention is called in another column to the ad.

of Nenkomm, Ebersole A Pemberton. They are fully prepared for the spring rash with an immense stock of clothing, gents fornishing goods Ac T. O. Pledge's residence in Concord waa burned last Friday evening. Snp-poaed to have cangfat from a cinder on tho roof.

Nearly all the household goods were saved. The bouse waa Insured for $656. Mias Nellis Wheeler gave a very enjoyable reception Tuesday evening In honor of bor guest, Miss Beth Falkner or Colombia, Mo. It la needless to say Mias Nellie entertained tbe company about twenty couples with grace fieganre. Hord, John W.

Jones, Newton Syumt D. Jones Keeling, R. C. W. W.

Bowden 6th DAY FRIDAY, MAY 13. HU ehlldran Final SdtUdmdnt Motico. (in tfo estate of tracers. 7i Stats Ltsatic Astmin I a fblviir. April ISth, HM7.

Tll, by Ms as saui is o'clock m. of fra aCS V. f- OrlfiM at rsltoe. foSw sappllea of groceries aZSMetee. from May Mh, SS7, soger, T.

M. Qlendy, dictated, that tfo aadciainad admlniatraten Intend to Itlemenl of a aal aattlaawat of aaid estate, at Ifo to Bctpccffally inform the public that they bat bongbt ti rtldv lock of nber llro-. Hardware Store, 4 will rekiitte il bej heretofore at tbo ol4 a Land oppoaile the Foil Uffte bnOAiog We will always aim to carry a fall a4 complete alotk of 3 gd4a in onr liao iocladiag aomo of tbe very best roods mode follows: ilridge Deacb Superior Cook Stove ood lUoge. Ileotiog Stove, oho Deer Flow oad Coltlvoloro, Uo celebrated WKDER WAGON, tbo Uxktrst nubr sod moat doroblo wogoa made. Ye aeB both borne mode ood lor.

toiy modo tiawoie. All good wort-anted oa rrprroeoted. Mag term af tfo Probate Coart af Calla-wag oonatg, Mlnrori, to fo balden nt Pulton, I in arid ooMtg, on tfo Mb day nf Mug, tag. J. P.

SHARP and A. J. FBY, Admlniatraten Apr. g. MKT.

la A. Morphy, R. T. Moon, 8ml T. Nleksll, L.

U. Rice, Samuel M. Notice to Stockholder of DlzonKioward Clay Manafactnrlng Company. All etoekholden of Dlzow-Hewnrd Clay Maootactartog Com paay are hereby notified that a meeting of tbe Block-holdere or aaid company will be held In tbo banking room of tbe CalUwey CoRRty Saving Beak la Fnlioa, Mot, oa Uotli). April 25th.

I NT, ano o'clock a. m. to vote aa lacreaaa of 37A00tath capital atock of aaid IHsod-Howard Clay Maanfacturiar Oempeay. The prreent capital atock elf aaid ce pany le JI2.WU. i Simrba Thrrlbrim.

J. 8am WaTSON J. C. Turn! Board of Director of UIiod-IIowj Final Settlement Notice. NOTICE ia henbg given to all cradluca and other lateroeted in Ifo ratal of Elizabeth Mattcion E.

A C. J. Job neon J. A B.F. Moore Gilbert be in Powell bain 6th DAT SATURDAY, MAY 14.

Sailor, 8y 1 verier Moaley heir Sltton, 1. N. Debo heir Sheley.C. A. K.

O. A Annie M. Sbeley Sltton, E. M. Agnee Sltton Snyder, Yf.

John E. Shock A true copy. Atteat: Robt. McPnairraaa. Judge of rrohate.

SsfiJJfkero O. stank. mmf faa mast be aebaaitted RmjfcJS hn'atod aa ngairod et abeve ssMoat Is be deliver AsyiamT be made ateoMIr. eoaaiderod separately ea mSktiomtat say sad all bids is ro- tomui mjytoti men ms earn ia gw William S. Tmit, teat the nadaiaigaed admialatrater lataada to maka a anal aettlemeat ofaaid eatate, at Ifo Mag term or tfo Frobato Coart of Callaway eoantg, Mlaaonri, to bohoidaa at ralioa.

In said aoMty, on the Mh dag of Mug, leu. 1I. TKU1TT, Admlniatnror, With the will anoeied. Apr. lie.

mi ATkl vxyji, Clay Manutactnring (Vmpany. Krhrnary lsh..

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