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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



nutuD. TERMS i by the Carrlm', lu the olty, per Bout by mall On V.r, payabl. la advance, Sent by mail Six JJoullie, Bent by wall Three Monthi, UJU 10 00 6 00 3 60 OFFICE HOURS Counting Koom-From A. M. to 1.

from 1 to KJItorlal lUKim-Krom A. to 11 P. M. Ad.rti.iiieiit for "aily should be In by P. M.

and aarZ-M I fur Weekly, on or Infer. Monday boud of act week. MCLEAN COUNTY IMON TICKET. FOB SKNAI0K, TK.V'TH HENATUKUL UINTBIVT, WILLIAM II. CIIKiNBY, Of McLeaa County.

ruu uum jim.K, A. J. MERRLMAN. Kim Com. I'LUKK.


iuixtv scnuuw. DANIEL WILKINS. FOB form NTBVM'OB. OEOHOK 1. ELA.

FOB fOBONKH. MARK ROSS. T0B UKGISTBT, Our friends must be aura to attend to the Reistry-of Totes next Tuesday, one week tli eleotion. Every voter who did nnt vote at the Presidential election, must appear personally before the Board of Reg istry next Tuesday or Wednesday, unlest be knows hi name to be on the lint. Our friend" of the Union Diirtr unit look out fur their intere.t or they will lone Tutet.

SOLDIERS. RK01STKR I01RSKLVES. Soldiers who have com liunie ainca la.t November must appear before the Hoard of Reniatry of their respective townships, next or Wednesday, and aee that their names are placed upon the liat. Do Dot hue Tur vote. Thev will be needed to dcvide who shall be Senator in pises of Hoo Isaac 1'uuk, deceased, at any rate Tote, to be on the sure aide.

M0KR LIGUT. At lat we have the Treaidentt' Tiewa on uiuro lie i in faror of it a. anon it can be reached legally. He alao fa Tor. white representation in Conjre on the haaie by the local These two positions will be the meant of hi condem nation by the cup p.r who will now are that they hare made little by "eodor uiir" JubiiiHin.

The democracy will now fliid llietuaelves "oiinosed" to the President See the leleirrtphio dispatch. Hurrah for Andy. Til 1UTH 8C14TORHL UlSTBUT. i ill of November it will be decid ed whether ih chair of Isaac Funk will be filled by win who to see. the glorious deeds of our brave aoldier announced to the world a the highest and nobleat the world ha yet tetn, and to lh.

deed made of eternal Mr vice to the Kepuhlic and tlie cause of human liberty, or by a man who ha blllcrl? opposed lb war, or who i. unwilling to finish up lb atruggla by satin to it that the luture pea of the nation i. by the mml ample guarantee. A man who ha bn Identified for year with lb loyal aid of th question, who ba. iil bi.

tim and money in and ruipiiig aoldiert, who ba letl 90 stone unturned whereby he eould assist th Oov- rnt it In the hour of it peril, who ha. fought the firo-ln-tlie rear Democracy with II the Tigr of keen intellect and an untiring energy, can surely sail out th united Tote of the l'liu Senator Dutrict. Sui man ia Win. 11. Cheney, our Botuiu.

II poaeeaae all tb ba th ability In rprcnt th district with dignity and honor, and for watching the agricultural Interest of Ibl section of the ba not probably an equal. Uul il 1. aolely a a aound I'nion man that bar now to mention lb nomine. Mere local ijueMinii. will Dot and Dot affect men 'a Tote on tue.thna of great national importance, and it it important that our Senator a inund and reliable Union man.

There are Iwslv or thirteen Senator holding or, wbtw term will not expire until I1'. Should two or thro of the member, by any ebang of opinion, happen It be found t.galn.t th loyal aide of Ih Dalional il would than throw th Senate Into the hand, of our opponent Ih next t'laaion. Th batanc of th geo-at will liwtd next fall. It i. nnt therefor, that Ih raaull of oar elrctloo fuj th turning point Id th organiiaiioo of th tint Legiilatur.

and perhaps lurn tli mala in tb electioo of t'. 8. Senatnt. It i extremely pmUbl that Ih eleotion will reult in our faror. Tk foperheadt hat becom terribly paralyied and momlixed by their defoat U.t ih are not ery likely to pnd mnnT on lhcaint gn.

Il iw.ter. weXcl to a onte.t, either by th nomination of om luke-warm I'nion man. a etralght out Copperhead, or onu ambition, officer running for th eak of nolonty and Ih ebaooe of our friend itaying away from Ih poll through a Ul or eeourtty in Duiiiher to loa th tleclion. The following ubl will th rot of the di.triut in 14 1.,.. iiil P'all M.

Ltaexl McCUIIaa 4 i'l I l. tit jw l.fl lil tt Taal aajs MaMliy. t.Mt It i not at all pMhabl thai th tot will at lull at th November tctino. Ther uot th lif. aud viur iu political tnalltrt WWUtlUM S.

B.1 WulaxaocU mrvas fttt tkSafSoalk dsaarla tat Ji datr tsM t. enr 1 I waunlbAaiiarlaltlJl oiut a.altr. 0atji.aJi A-JVaiyM- a. aia-x. B.aVaV.

I XaJ. Malaga oln I J-e- pfJY COODS. DRK90DS REDUCED 'PRICES JOHN SCHBRMBRHC1N. ror iaa year, kaowa aa a Dry fluti Ml at Sola aaw lav le sat SB kal trle.ts. IkaS Is.

aba whole Ir Itnf publlo, I ha, hs ks awrehased Ik saaara lorkoT TTZY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, CAPO, Of E. 11. Steere, Reduoed Triooa, Aadlarkas Ikeaa sa asraSsI aoaasi astleal sSaaafe. Ua. eaaraaea sa

Mra.1, waH paklla HSM 014 Jail, lw taar. traa. avrtk Toe oibe, ealrsaee ea JeaVereoa Mree. yt sasw as fill UD IIIIUR GOODS la as sobbWis. wet raretred, Itsaxt SEASONABLE GOODS, Whi.bweekeU always leaf tail.


CLOAKS, SHORT SACQUEil, CIRCULARS, BASQUES, SCARFS, BRJCAJCFAST SHAWLS.tto B01 net TrUBAlift, KmbritltierM frtlnn. can. llouim Furniahii) Gootia, Jim- LroidntHl CuxUint, Lsmw c'us taint, Uouietjtio Quod, aNoUotva tif etery daaciipticu too namaroua to mention, CLOHINO OUT SHOES Hats and Caps. Ws Shall saasaa Children taoet, SSe, warta S9 to II.SS. Take roar ckolea.

LadiM eair ilia iZmm, waro Ladle Ul JtUffl, tUO, M9 fl.00. issl alaasl tasatt kt tta af rilaHlM. Thai hi swree Tkawakfwl tat as Asses, tsallatt. Ibeeaaaa. tWasaaa ebell Vatastaartra afak taWa W.

woi eaal rsw akaa aa safea tssai BMaMWt aweyer s.aalb.a ias --wa-. W. sajai as SIIIW ail VOL. IX.N0. 197.

that there was last year, and we need not ex pect a heavy vote. Taking our pant expe-petience a. a guide, we ean rely upon our opponent turning out to the polls in greater strength than might be expected after their defout of last year. It will be well, there fore, for the UDion men of the district to work as though defeat stared them in the faoe. Let us put the result of the election beyond a doubt.

The tounty nominations are generally very strong indeed. Iu this county we have gallant soldiers on our ticket whom the peo" pie will delight to honor. In DeWitt, and Macon the soldiers also have the best places in the oounty tickets. Piatt eounty gave a fair Union majority lust year, and may he doponded on again. We are informed tlmt Moultrie oounty will be likely to give a fair Uuion majority this year, and tlmt the return of the soldiers will keep the balunce of power in the bands of tkjse who have always defended their rights.

We hope that are loyal newspapers, and loyal committees will see to it that no fair means are left untried for the eloction of our nominee. The bar fact that the result of the next Senatorial 000 teat in the Legislature may dopend upon this election should stimulate our friends to great exortiuns. If we work oue half as bard as we did last year we shall succeed. If we labor not, we shall have the mot titication of seeing a copperhead elected. Hy th Illinoii MUtiutppi Ttlrfravh fkmpany.

Ofik on Mmh St. A. T. HrK.LIII.MKr, jrlr. Xiw Yoax, Oct.

23. The euhatunoe of president Johnson' remarks on the subject ol reconstruction iu the southern States du ring a recent private interview with him, is givenlwith the president approval, by Maj-lien. L. Stearns, of Mass. The president in reply to the remark that the democrats claimed that be bad gone over to them, intimated thai the Dem ocratic party had diaooTercd that be wa.

in edveuce of it, and that it was Dow trying to com up to hi standard, and bo hoped it would succeed in doing so. He reiterated bit doctrine that, notwithstanding th so- called tecesaion of certain Slates, they wer never out ot the Lnion, but, by their rebellious they bad forfeited their civil government, to reconstruct the machinery of which, a soon a. practicable, he cornid ered th chief duty of the times. Tlii, he cannot be done in moment, but such great and happy progrea is being made in il that the reult sometimes appear to him like a ilteiuu. Ho did not expect to forever deprir of their former civil rights even a majority of those who were excluded by the amnesty proclamation, but be intended that they should sue for pardon, and thus realise the enormity of their crime.

He is iu favor of allowing the oegroe who have served in the army, tk wliu can read and write, and Ihoae who are posweaed of err tain other qualification! to Tote, but doe. not think it 1 policy, or that be ha. the right to fore tho. on th white Puile of th South, though ba believe. Ibat they will ro long concede Ihi.

priv leg 10 tne ireedmen, 1 tie president also favor baaing representation ill Cutigrcaa on Ih number of uualitied voters, instead ol 00 population, a. at present. Ntw Yoaa.Ocl. Herald' Ita- leliib correspondent aay of iba C. conven lion, a lingular announcement wa made by the chairman to the effect that alter diligi'nt search he was unable to procure a national nag to bit over tho eap'lid.

and bad lo send lu New York for on. Nothing, it i said, but the timely re ceipt of th lelegratn (ruin President John- ton, saying that Carolina al once and forever repudiate every dollar lb indutilrdnea. contracted to asiat the rebellion, prevented Ih Having off by the eecaion members of Tola on Ih ordi nance completely ignoring thai debt, ae they had their plans very adroitly laid for Ih piirpn, but on the reading of the Preaidenl's dispatch the ordinance was im mediately taken Dp and paaeed, amid cheering and great enlhuaiaam, there being but a few negative Th propoaed amend mntil to submit it to a vote of the people wa. not adopted. The ordinance which wa paa.ed for th organisation in om counties of a militia frc to suppress out laws, it ia underalood, th approval of th national military fore.

Keaolutintie wer adopted rUetinc th I'reaident restore to th ptoplt of North Carolina all their constitutional right, lo remove tho military, and lo transfer civilian priaoner. to civil authorities. Ntw Yoti, an. 2.1. The Herald's Jackson, Correapondonl prettnt an unpleasant picture of lb political and social affair in that Stat.

Th Legislature which met on last in-day, ba mm difficult work before it, the woralof which probably will be lb reaur-rection of Ih Stat finance, which in shucking onndition. Th debt of the com- iwnw.alth ts lrg, but though many of in peopi tavor a rrsotl to tli ex nedienl of repudiation, it is thought that MiMiaaippi ha. bad enough of this, aud will not again try il, except so far a regards thai portion of her indebtedness contracted to ait ih rebellion, all of which, il is believed will be ignored. Another knotty question with whip. Ih members will have lo deal, is that in relation lo admitting oegro testimony A majotlty of them ar said lo be iu favor of Ibi eonrinn, a iodicated by their election of Uovernnr Sharkey, who insists cd it, to in poaii.onof r.

s. Senator, and by thtir clnMsiing for Slut Printer, a gentleman who aim favors it. ThMt ar only two of th many difficult-i which this will have to con-Tend with, as industry genra; ihroughuut the Stat paralysed by the war. and Iher i lack th nal.v. cery In murrect il.

9or ora. tical, but cruel, joker bat boated ih Mississippi negroes with a story that on next Christmas day th intends lo giv tacbnf them a tract of land, and bene many of them rtfus to enter Info contract with th planter period tltaodlog beyond that tim. TO-DAY'S It L. I 1" TO Till AFFLICTED! 'piJK CELEBRATED INDIAN 1 Ptiyiiclan will ba iu Blooralngtoa at tba Prom Wadnsaday, Oalobar 2Mb, to Saturday, October a'h. Tba Djcl-r Irsal all forma ot Chrtnic ltu a of succeta altofolbsr unparalleled, ra Jectlnj tus.aeof all polauuuua draft and miueieU, uaiuK aoilitiij but roota and berba.

Boliclta your aliea tlon to an siauitnailon of you eaaa, wlilrb will be in all caaaa glreu free of cliarga." Let nuna that ara afUiolad with chronic dlaaaee fall to Iniprore till. oh poitnultyj aud Ifarter an iinlualUn of your ca.a you ara not eatla'ed that the poclor thoroughly nnitr landa your caaa, It will at laaat hare oat you Bulbing 1K. A. J. HOAL.

1450 11131 'OP CHOICE MULE A AucrnoM 0a Thursday, November 2d, ls3, If JIMS limy stm. BLOOMINCTON, ILL. 1 WILL PELL TO THE bidder, for cash. IbU brad llorernnienl ksaiiiKion Ksnllli'lly, rei.lurs.1 Curlns'. Hald.

Kl.hls-lr. brad of said Malsaare t. uaiur. n. tbrea lo IIS years old, and lu good order, Ku'e lo eommence at IU o'clock, A.

M. Aad couliuua Iri.m day lo day nil all ar sold -Tkrac wain Bjaalke Mil wuksul mervrta A lao, at Ihe eanis lima, I or 10 bead of IlOIlSilS MCES; Aatvn lbs la una epletolld SADDLE HORSE. T. D. KOHEKTH.

aio-wslairloa. Ortoba Mlh, lU djlw'il LA SALLE cntm OTTAWA, ILL. krsstkoatcr wllk I. m. UlnT, Drallsl, Mm Site Pskllr MIIS COMPANY HAS liKKN IS oos'slesi tsar, lie bu.laMa cutitasa la laeieely le line SI ale aad la lkel.s SI I llkselluuof aeaale lui eeary III uu rlek, wltirh ts larasr aasoanl uf aeeele la ins peouerie .1 nek, U.s aul ulusr Oaoiasae 1 the tliiilsd Stals Thsitf cl uf Itisa au.e la llo.

tot Iba baat tea leaie. baa bsww oav r.i. rne.neu p. I new ol Ihe alwes eis: Thai title le a Host losraaii Ik munll frtmlt then utlis. gnmwm asksaei ine ana a.sJ-s wna wblsb laaaaaaniaellledi aad iba of ibaCoaiuaaywe fsai eBlllied I-Mart uf the palranass al IS.

saulie, w. si Aa-rfaTf. S), II. Ccasa.s, rWdrsrer, Jilll.t A II'IKA, A.

II IswmI Da. A D. fATTDM, Asal JlleasliUis: kloossii.a l- a. lllin.Hs Tb.y rsl.r lo I. Olal.

Iteallel. Hoi, sr uailea. ha Sr. I. C.

M.H.11.. l-rof N. Jubs Deai. ailAslIf Wf "rtlertjtl In rtarntati t.ttU HTlMltl. iMttt lr in Slot ttm nlUlf m4 i lu om bmimIu! (.0011 KOI OAK AMI Hit KOItl WOOl, but; anil irM COAL OF THE VEST QUALITY.

Tafd os Ihe Mid miiuul.l.t llntlSK HT Corn-t Ortrte and rrubi lresta liftloa Sem'lid lhs.1 4 Uoaiholasi'a Uruaary St.a. oa llissi. llilns Rollins' Not elir Mill tl.Mir Ssls by Iba tAI'K nt AKNI. ara, Uats laar Urtera k.

is -liisiO WKIUIIT S0 INeiD MaAt- LANl'KR MeMASTKR. (XI. aj SWEENEY GERI.1.IH ILL I AY TiiK uinriKST Market rrlee. lur klaaa of rarwere' fro Wheat, Corn, Oats, AT TI1KIK WAUKlIOlhK, WESTERN DEPOT. OOAl, WOOD, IALT, tUtVK, as, ftsr sale tl lb lowaal sxrkal teiaa).

rroMUD to ba bad al all II at lbs a.nat ratis. Aleo an klsdt of rarasrt rato. autd ruMMIMIVf. I). H.

HWEENKY CO. Will Say Iba blab eel Bvkkst be tea .0 vij.0t Urals ASHLER CO. FALLCAMPAICN NEW-i'ALL GOODS S.Sk.aa 1 I DRESS GOODS nun wu svr bffir ria ny on tim bjr txnioero iu loom. otf ton. FnrohkMiri of 'I GOODS This Pall will ooaaull thalr lutoreats by eolng where goods run foand.

Believe SB adter tlseaeuU ami see, lliou Mima and eea. ahall prate all wa aay, Uutli aa rsgarda quantity, qaallly and prlcl. it M'l-KNDII) STOCK OF NEW DRESS GOODS Hi. larssat of Ihe DUST OOODH and VI.KS wa bar. ever had.

or that can found lu 1 til. cliy. HfllltMSC DIloSS tOODS ItMa sa.l.l Pltxtn Hlaik ftatifU'lt ftlUoUK I It'll-. il IiiimI uit atv 4-irbU ikU. ttltHr 8wuml BLACK' SILKS, y.w lot u.t reralead, la all kind, sad auallils.

FALL SHAAVLS rT tli ttMt Amtrlrn ninnfkrfnr. ttid Otrinva Hhwl in fall luuk. I Will tVl tfi Iba wmvm bJiurUrB tr iBliig in Ui uf COTTON LINEN IMUKNSK STOCK KOW WTO. WOOLEN GOODS AND 0 pes. irfntH cheek and Mrlpe Miirunx rianneK itfpcM.

li wide llonet very heavy. pr. wide Flannel for Ladle Hklrlt. isu pen. all mat hi I qualltleH.

Pounds Providence Yarn, 'ALL COLORS. (irntx l.inn lUndkercliifrs. from 25 cmiU up. (fonts' llriiwii and Mixntl Cotton 1 imtl W.MillloM), 1.0 to GOu 1 1 puif. GenU' L'nilirwt'nr, all tiriofjn, mid largo variety.

(Jfiitei 1'jrifl White DreMM Shirts, from $2.7 up. Any Lady in want of a (H)OI) Mhould not fail to look at our htock. LADIES' UNDERWEAR, LAifJt Vtll.S. Tt-SI' VKtlA. lortlSTir WAIaVrt, tll.stK yl'itaau nai.

siuuwins all ehedea and alae rrcrich Embroidered Comet, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts of every make. AUfrsskand dseusMe r-le, earohaawl saOUa Ibe 1st aol lU evld a Ihe emallee, na Wa lly rarlM all aa.tSeeara aa seasii Uw 4na4a. leaar Iba aeloe. and we ebell lejea la.a as nd wbeeslielkeUall'sala, Iba awst of the, aad si lit. lowaal ueatea.

i Wholesale Retail. 1 IUspvotfully Your, ASHLEY DRY COODS. Large Reduction mm.oous V. H. JOHNSON RKPUCKS $50,000 WORTH or DOM EHTIOK FLANNKLS! tw .1 has $25,000 WORTH OF Handsome unci Xewly lm ported DRESS GOODS, Amoou; which will Le foil 11 mini of th wry baat I'alirios ami tyh that hav cvur biii liroiinlit mil tliis Haou.

A I i-li idcHln lllft I jVOIIH HllltTM HOSIFRT iHD E10YES: tiffc tli llloet Piimpli-tf! tliis lin SllK'k Bwth and I.Hdles i.immK ever in tins market. House Furnishing Goods, LlUM? OlII'tfllllM, IilM'll I fllllIlMlt-, IVftpklllH, lVliM, CLOAKS Our sli It of Clou I a is imiW Tlie most romplelr wt'sl, In Ihe Itutli our own ami Knsli-ru itiauiifdrlur CMIIisAJ.S, and rhlidrtiiN' earn' nlmin band m.d made loorucr. CARPETS AND 011 oiorriiN, hTt ntlrtly new pattern of HarV fori tnl Lowell Hemp and Rax Carpets Id a variety 01 Mjie. Particular iDduowintoto Wbolctal IraJ. g1vo lo tilt Teef aWtwstfsU, MM, Xxw York, Oct.

23. The approaching change in our relation with China, if des- cussed with earnestness in the English prexs. The Shanghai correspondent of the Loudon Times states that hitherto the American nationul representatives have been treated with ill ooncealed dislike, and iu some in stances with oontenipt. He attributes this fact partiallv to the absence of an Ameri can fleet in Chinese waters and partially to the habit of making oonsuls out ut mission aries. V'w tlmt tlie V.

a. tteetison tlie road the China, an extraordinary change is anticipated in the mutual diplomatic relations of the two countries. The Times speculates whether the first introduction of the American fleet will not be of a hostile character. The American eitizon, ISurgeoine, for whose restoration an imperative demand has been nnido by the United States Consul, is believed to have been either starved or executed. The Liverpool Post believes that in future English uhances in China will be considerably alluded by American rivalry.

Kaktuih Point, Oct. 23. The enmer Uileruia from Liverpool, Oct. 12, and Lun donerry, 13, arrived off this point, near five days later. Liviki'ool Out.

13. S.ilcs of cotton for the week ending Oct. 12ili, 1 12,000 bales. The market opened upward, but became fiat. The marketclused with an advance ol hull a penny on American.

A correspondence between Mr. Adams, the A iiiericun MiniHler, and Kurl Russell, i 1 relation to the repoualliility of England lor the ravages committed upon American ininerce, by rebel pirates fitted out in Knclaml had tuken place. Karl Kusxell repudiates all liabilities and refuses all arbitration. The paper generally comment on the correspondenc. The Times cau hardly iloubt but that a eoininiaaion will uliimutely be, accepted, and sayn it is the i--t, it' t.ot the only solution, and the candid and friendly tone of the argument between Karl Kussell and Mr.

Aduiua, iustifiea that expuctation. Other hope for an amicable solution. IKiiN, Oct. 13. A nieeiiug of the At lantic Cable Company has authorised an incrcuae of capital, by issuiug IGO.IKH) share, of five pound, euch.

Niw Yok, Oct. 23. Tl Herald' To ronto oorreapondent sav the members uf the provisional government aud their sup porters in unu'bi are in a state of great sgitalioa lit regard to the rcniatr move- L. Tho t'eiiiati onlei lias been known to exist there for years, but ha. nccaaioned little coiio-rn until the occurrence of r- rant events.

Owing to what lias IraiiMiired in tine oountry, Kuglniid and Ireland, the Canadian government has, it i. said, organ ucdaiid distributed through the provinces a force ol spies. Ureal cuuy 1 repurleJ to prevail in military affairs. Changes in tliu disposition of troops are being made, and garrisons are bring strengthened in regi his here the Irish people live. Investigations regarding the loyalty of sailors and Sohlior are being institiiled, and arms bsing dratributed among the citizens known lo be oppid lo Ffiiiuu design.

Tb cus tom authorities are nervous over the recent large importations ol war munitions, which il i. believe 1 ultimately find their way into the hand, of Keniaua. and it is rumored that the present moveiuxiit 111 lPnlaitd is merely a roan, and that the grand design ia, when Knglatid has throw 0 her troops into thai country, thai the armed force, of the ordi-r on this side of the Atlantic shall eite Canada, declare il au independent Mate, and place 11 under the prutsotion ol 1.11 lu teil Slates. Ntw Haxm, Out. 23.

The Journal of In-day says Lat night I construction train on tl ew and Aew Haven Knllroad cam in collision with a milk lrin on Ihe Dan-bury and N'orwalk Itailrosd and 'wo a.aen-g'-r cure of the latter train were smashed and both enginos drin ili-hcd, A hittr Iroin lli-tliel, named Hurlhurt was killed. Mr. Parsons, eondulor the milk train was I ailly hurt. The engiueer, Mr. T.yman, of New York and Haven Itnllrovl who was on th milk train was also injured, but Dot dan gerously.

Mr. Miller, of Man-field, track superin tendent hi sw Haven. ID'bron Doug-Ins' Mr. Daily, John IMil, and some oth ers in all, estimated by some at thirty, and by 1. them at 1.1, wcro Injured.

Fath INujit. Oct. 2.I. Th Hiber- brings information thai th loss of the American ship Kagl Sneed. al th mouth of the Mullet river, afme liatinv hen asln r.

is cmrlrmel. Two hundred and fifty ooliers ar mie. ing. Ntw Yo, (M. -Official diH'umsnts from meuibi'ra and aunnta of th (lorn.

men! of the Hepubilv of Mexiin ar puli-lisliisl this morning, thoroughly ptotaetiug against imperial tiialerao country, and warring catisens of the in ted Stale, as well aa other the validity of tin grams mad In them by Mnxiiuillian ol Kailroad, telegraph, milling, and other in lernal improvement and monopolies Nt Y.iita. Oct. er yealerday delivered a aermon, in whioli li gave Ina unqualified endorsement nt I reanlenl Johnson and Ins r-conairuction p-iliey. urged forbenruiic snd kindnaae to- warq inn insisting Hint they must reginat negro sullrage lor themawlve. die ooutileiiaticed northern intorlerenee, claim- that we must hay confldenc in th lojal proleaaion of th Southerners, and hat their sell-respect must Dot be offended.

He sis 1 put forth kind words for Uenerei l.e. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HUdlt VON KIsHNEIt, 'KArilKH ON TIIK PIANO. Vbill. Ilullar.

and -lera lnawai.aa. as Tsoer ai.J of all kisda of Mneioai -nta. Hstsrsiire. el al I'mtu A Ce'l Draw tlora. Rasa T-ianls of Music.

ortlv-llf YON lvLSN'KK'8 f-Li'KitlOJl Ki.h tr Sarnllar aad tiane. whlrb vises UaskMllf) bX eisedie dries la SMe. atol le ssy aolis'l, la ofHisd sr esle al Tlli 11 paow Or, tola Aseats lot BlMiiatva tad viclalr, Ashley House Block. seueVliWtf al Shlrler. llUawas.


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