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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 2

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PANT A GRAPH, BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY, "Sqffc'l Une Produced BEASON Tornado Smashes Path Through Area 1 1 i Laic RADIO Special Evcnfi IK. tl4Wtr. HBC af H. wr-r tf i fTA fei1; I'M V'4 fUy tJ race, chicken house were badly battered and the roof half taken off the barn.

The house was untouched. At tne lows utwiner larm me Dumo house and several other outbuildings were damaged. The was put out of commission. Orvie Martin's farm was slight-y damaged. A severe rain and nail storm accompanied the tornado.

Hail stones the size of pullet eggs fell in town and the surrounding area. Rock I Klnd I I I a Bloomington Mason City Mason City proper was spared, iany damage because of the storm's erratic behavior. After Confused Dog Owners Gc Fads Abouf Feeding Their Dogs OfTCACA rw 1 tA 6mii c5.r at -rv li e.lrr t-f 3 rU rxA pf l4. Mason Cty 1 SPRINGFIELD I l.Tcrrc 1 Haute ILLINOIS tsr sVtf l2 r. srtrw uvri? rv jr.

I fc -rTS? 'f fat I'r 'ar 773 ST.yE St- Look LOUIS Tvtidey Tornado M4 7f tiitv'l c-4 tract rvr tf fr" 1 fs rv-j ivna, crtiiM 5 K-ti eft r-rr-v 4A -r '2 CUSWT tt f-t IV Mt! t-Jt eW erT rr ry or fC-tl ftl la7 j. 30c r. 'vCampbKjII Hill Evansvillc I I linn ml' ll a a I I Wo4 tV UL I I -aK A firfl II AWTD ART A mark mion where tornadoes and wind ktonns bit Tmrdr lUinoU. MiMuri and Indiana. ap wiwpbou African Violet Special Beautiful Blooming Plants 75c "2.00 tfrt4TTTi m-vt cmoros 60c hi 75c tw- norni.n cknkva hkcovms r.

CIll IIS HIXOMAS lif-0- nnx unc onvnvi: 10 sr.w ntr.oMAS juco. CACTI SUCCULENT PLANTS 25c 35c PEPPERONIA PHILDENDRONS rum 4 4 ru where had been: struck tl Graff hitting three farms southwest of the community the twisting cloud lifted and sailed over the town. Alvin Shipp of Mason City, state highway patrolman, said the majority of the damage was confined to outbuildings on at least three farms in the area. The first place hit was the Fred Kill farm, 34 miles southwest of town on Route 29. The wind missed the house but demolished the outbuildings.

A galvanized! roof on a barn was rolled up like fence wire. A garage was smashed and a car inside was mashed down like a cardboard box. Outbuildings were also destroyed on the Edward Schaubs and C. T. Ainsworth farms.

The houses escaped untouched. Men working on a new home near the south edge of Mason City reported seeing the cloud lift and pass over the town. El Paso One man at El Paso said he saw the storm cloud as he drove a Ion the hichway about two miles south of town. He reported no extensive damage at El Paso but said it rained about one inch in 15 minutes. Lights were off for 3i hours and basements usually kept dry by electric pumps flooded.

Chris Miller of Carlock also was driving down 51 when he saw the funnel-shaped cloud in the southeast. As he reached the Ev- er-een farm he saw tne rooi sections scattered over the ground. He said there was a nar row furrow in a field east of the highway that looked like it had been freshly plowed. Lake loominqton A the Lake Bloomington area but the break was repaired and pow er restored by 5:30 p. m.

Tele phone lines and four or five poles were also blown down by the storm, according to Deputy Sher iff Curtis Gilberts. Phone lines between Hudson and Blooming ton were also down. Eureka A small tomado struck the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fehr, destroyed a machine shed, unroofed a chicken house and tore the chimney off the house.

Mrs. Fehr saw the funnel shaped cloud approach from the southwest. Most of the crops on the farm were already harvested so little damage was done in fields. CHILI SUPPER CARNIVAL At Towanda NOV. 15, 1951 5:30 to 9:45 Sponsored by Towanda P.T.A.

a 1:13 P- m. The msiae me lunnei out mai lurrj exacily Uxaue potrt was quiet outside tne cloud ll- r-r bnAcn uhen the rool.K'IX. and an eWUic Ore rrmtriicl cm ine of te storms slrik- lir.e mi I 13 on the of the Hlis 50 Mile Strip Between Mason, Hudson rwtarrt Pax 11 p-. Citj jr--J fvi rrmt at ft c-o tf. property ra -f it'.

4n rr-i it r-'- cut lo ft or br r-ar. 1 t.c rrr.vr troXm Crr.ifl tm1 rr cf -f Tt trr r.o H- tr arr-a t. -rrr. rr- r.rth Wwrx 5.vt ar.4 te other ttrtvrw t.t frum 3Ar CTy to Hdum. r-rr lln.

30 f-4 h-l "a i cf a t. rtv to of C.Tl;i UrTt cf i-t i tfniUtjo 1 iriV cf The TWrxw Mmr Lr rre d--T tl Mrtrtl rlifrt tr-f- of tn tSe thi Weldon A l-rVj to' I Td by Keiyy r.n mfi, fr tn tr rr a'. 3 33 n. T.t ty I -J tn tj r- lowr Ury c-. an i Urvlt -yt-'it cf ton rrn to At I-4 trr.r a ra ctt r-- tr tMt day.

A Ct r'r j-j ii r-- cf fiw.c.r' rr f.J cf-n- cf mjt strrr T- tvra hi! tf a lank i '5 ft jaw J.r.e i 7.e a tif Tart of tr tlv-n a cr3 ar-1 srrfij a arre If tn a i't) rie at tf.e hrue VaM-r farm cf rm rr'f un sfire fwH rvff j.s rjf a at Um off its rtml tre-i a ere cVart. arid 20 MTn of erm a at Ci lKir j. -It tttm S--e 1rrLaVt t'ftr d.rwn mf Ltp.frf.! n'U a re sVexw: vl ir-l a mm mb At -xj IVrf-snrs tt Vf? 1 TS tfers aft tar an e-; rv-n cr.5 a nrt-r tnrr.r.f.J a hrt in -r-i ar.4 ro dT--fe a a rTtr-l tn st riven rror a 41 cut e.f I prrr 1 siSrf a ere c.r tl I a cf. rf 1 hai t- ern 'e of at Tr-liicky." he'corn were estimated lost. it rml nmm 35c I ttottT tr Ttt tf PM 4 Mr.

and Mrs. Edsar L. Martin and daughter Janice, of Daven port, Iowa, came Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Schmitt. Vernon Rubenking, who is em ployed in Indianapolis, spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rubenking. RUMMAGE SALE Thursday, Nov.

15 Starts At 8:30 A.M. 917 West Market Junior Women's Club Richardson Rebekah No. 620 ili Supper and Bazaar Sandwiches and Salad November 15, 5 to 7 P. M. Odd Fellows Hall.

Normal The Aic WJBC 1230 on your AM diaL 101.5 on FM Music News ports For Central Illinois Programs For Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1951 EVENING :00 News: Sttrn'l 6:15 Music by Roth 6:30 Boston Blackie .7:00 Mystery Theater 7:30111. Wesleyan Profrsm I 00 RoguM Gallery :30 Mr. President 9:00 News of Tomorrow 9:15 Dream Harbor 9:30 Keynotes by Carla 9:45 News 10:15 Sports Report 10:30 After Hours 11:00 News 11:05 Musia by Lamplight 11:30 Music by Lamplight 11:55 News WJBC Schedule for Thursday. Nov.

15, 1951 MORNING 6:00 Rev. R. J. Zehr 6:15 Rhythm Roundup 6:25 Eddy Arnold Ralston Purina 6:30 NEWS and MARKETS Pfister 6:45 Farmer's Exchange Watkins 7:00 Martin Agronsky E. Oakland Ave.

Shopping District 7:15 Clockwatcher 7:25 Today's Farm Story Funks 7:30 News: Stern's 7 :45 Clock watcher 7:55 Inside News of Hollywood 8:00 Breakfast Club 9:00 Unity Viewpoint 9:15 Community Calendar 9:25 Edward Arnold 9:30 Betty Crocker 9:45 Against the Storm 10:00 Lone Journey 10:15 Classified Page of the Air Break the Bank 11:15 Blue Star Time Brewster Foods Co. 11:30 Kitchen Klub 11:55 Markets AFTERNOON 12:00 Paul Harvey- Banner Bread 12.15 Ted Malone 12 30 News Ha ins 12:45 Jamboree Leonard B. Hall 1:00 Juke Box 1:30 Family Circle 2:25 News 2:30 PTA School Time With Bent Junior High School as Guests 2:43 Evelyn Winters 3:00 Valiant Lady 3:15 Marriage for Two 3 30 Perfect Husband 4:00 News 4.05 CJamified Time 4:10 IS.VU News 4:15 WJBC Bandstand 4:45 Sir Charles Livingston's 4:30 WJBC Bandstand 5:00 Reed's Roller Rhythms 5:15 Sports Spotlight 3:30 Fun Factory 9:55 Markets Honeggers WJBC JAMBOREE 12:45 P. M. Presented by Leonard II.

Hall arn mK.uinnni in MILLIONAIRE FOR aaartag Cesaaart it THE GRAND GUY IT LANCASTER PHYLLIS THAXTER CHAS. BICKFORD STEVE COCHRAN I i nil III! ii it ill ijl 1 1 1 7. I I I TWO The Polonaise, a stately ceremonial dance, dates back to 1573 when Henry, Duke of Anjou, ascended the throne of Poland. PIG ROAST BAZAAR Saybrook Methodist Church Thursday, November 15 SerTinf Start 5:0 O'Clvek Martin's Restaurant 819 E. Grove St.

Serving Thanksgiving Dinner TURKEY and all the trimmings Serving 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 pan. HOME MADE PIES GOOD COFFEE Make Your Reservations Now For Thanksgiving Dinner PHONE 6013-8 Seen the new rooms? at thi Sheriiacj Chicago personality brilliantly rosryiod Moke Mm Shtmam yovr hotel fai ChicoffOt New room, dramatically dssfgwA Fasdnannfl restawranti, indwdfefj the beautiful i Coffeoe Ian ofarftoust, I Waif Sum. HondV-to-avTythlnj bcaMou, Garage in hot. HOTEL SHERMAf! Randolph and Clark Stoats CHICAGO frank W.

Bering, Board Otakmam Jams A. Hart, Prssident Pat Hoy, V. P. and Gen'l Mgr. Op.

12:45. 12c 37c to (plus taxes) -fc Feature 1:45, 4:25, 7:00, 8:40. A LOVE STORY OF TODAY'S IT'S STRIKING STRAIGHT TO THE HEARTS OF EVERYONE! pays: jzl 4Sa s. A PsrwiMsnt areMOtt MONTGOMFRY CLIFT TAYLOR WlUT WINTERS A PUCE IN THE lehr Op. 12:43.

12c A 28c to 8 (plus taxes! NOW! It's A Different Doable Terror Show Every Day! TODAY ONLY! "Night Monster And "Nightmare IS Thursday Only -PHANTOM of the OPERA aV "TOWER of LONDON" Friday Only -BLACK FRIDAY" and -BLACK CAT Saturday Only -HOUSE of DRACULA" "HOUSE of FRANKENSTEIN" Opm 45. 12 at 42c 'Plus Taxest -NOW! Gigantic M-G-M ENCORE Week Brinrinr Back a Different Top Hit Every Day! "TOHIGHT Only! Giant Technicolor Adventure "Kins Solomon's Mine." TfaonL "Durness of FrL "Wizard of Oa" Idah Sat "rUttlcfraund- NOV. 14, 1951. ton -jTs srr -w-w- ar- a m- Plus Irvvn Extra Dlsaey CarUaa "Get Rich Qa latest Paths News Vitrei'. of Vf Graff a ffjriie at the In in borne wa Mown m- j.vly aa frtm rkune -to.

Tr. cirki unJrrwccd ircj.t In mall dent anl cv- Tt unneU See r- th re were two in t.e at Minirr. f.nkine the t.rArr bu.l un iv-rw l.r.c-1 off the ground A half-itll the iurm in- of rain Danvers The r-n hirh struck In Mirier a l.v.:- 1 p. tn. dtrH rr.i aai iur mnf- cf Invrr at the Ar- Kufti frm.

TTe hirl-, S-f n.ntf d.injrrd brn i reriy 'r' )ot a mt- re 1 vrh-1 tn th. barn.) -h1 he hd no It rN4 I (Hr rrfmUw 4 Mt Mry A. M. HAUG GREENHOUSE (IC S. MK'M'N ST.

H- damage, W4t shattered by the winds. The 1 be iFntx Warsaw farm was also hit LW Dm 1 machine shed was blown down A of the darufr at the and several trees were downed. farm: machine: At the Roy Amador farm rfohih' tntj! kv barn race was blown to pieces and vm and took a sequence of pictures of the jnnel-shaped cloud. He kAii ne couia near me wma CuU Throurh field tomado cut a so foot swath The throu lul erett Voder farm. Ten acres of The winds then whipped into the warby Thnmas Dirks larm and splintered two bog feeders valued at 1400 each.

Skies cleared shortly after the tornado pasjscd but heavy clouds then moed tn and the Danvers area was 1 iiod by heavy rains mixed with hail and strong winds. Mansfield llsch inds ripped the Mansfield ara Tuesday afternoon. The Hrure Swartz tenant farm south-nt of Mansfield, was badly darruced. Roofs were blown off buildmrs and several trees were uprooted. Electric wiring was also torn down.

On the L. J. Bergland farm one rn(1 an airpiane hangar was out and at the Louis Lortg horn? tn Mansfield a garage was tnrn loose from the house and moved the foundations. On the Sylvester Pollock farm northeast cf town a chicken house if''frfd nvrr th lot. A earaeel and chicken house were destroyed at u.e Clarence wmmeypr I arm and trees were uprooted by the U.

EWtrie powct In Mansfield wa off for about an hour as crews tried to repair damage to unes by falling Lmbs. r-llirieon ar Hifn) ea rt tivni Uf.rd the rxxif from the horse barn nd scattered It alone the lane 'J'Vf Rou'e 51 and in the cf the highway. The Manaerr Clarence Jacobsma was in te biff barn with 17 horses w. it. ma le a noise Lke an explosion it nrpetl the roof from the LK.

dtjor a car but A. hurt. He had a acooo shovr his hand at the time and the se.ovel was brrken into two pieces and sent sailinar dotm the lane Mr. Creech is In Kentucky with racir.c f.otk. The U.rnalo was ridin fairly th the sky as it passed Hope- dle.

accordjr.e to Mrs. reil Al who saw the cloud. The darr.are in that viciruty was ror.f.ned to three farms two miles of tau. dmare as to the Arrx.s Setter farm where the -i 4 rvrrh lrr off tec t.rv-n evr t'i h-uv ticK mt. chimney r-l off; to h-hf h'-a-e am nd rafk-tl hffUe' i-int cf in tlf tarn The Prw.

CtMtTtT ttftt Itl SO MANY SCKCOULCS TO SO MANY PLACtS I CARinur RELAXATION SECOND a rr -vi! unhurt. Mr. Kauff-'done Tu- lay aftr rx--n He eyIair.rd that he ha mt to ck the aramal. 1 Tlicso travel -jjjjj-j ANNUAL DANCE Sponsored by Bos Drivers and Maintenance Dept. Local 752 of the Bloom! ncton-Normal City Lines at Bloomington Dub -210 Washington THURSDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 15 Al Olson's Orchestra Hours: t-12 Donation $1.50 Couple.

Ticketa May Be Purchased at Door tt sf.fa0 rl.lli A crfrl.r.e i dim aiC.n i 53 lori -arcs in w.m umimi mt- 'alTTCi tv-e of Dn- fi-k4 aj4 I'rp 0 the i-a-1 r-mrh Ilar.irTl rrrn i Twtsier TS f.nt. a ore', rx.vvrxi rfrth-t of I)antrs ar.d, te h-a-y black) clf.i It had thrre or in t'r fjnnel. Afvr Iff or tv mm Jf mirtm WMA TOMORROW! NATI0KW10C OCf INOAtlUTY A WtOt CH0ICC or scinic noirris FOR ALL BLOOMINGTON fvirrl a rT Kit -a or two at thin hi f.ri.. tt rrr ar.d more -ft an! -d -liar or rar.ucrap correnondnt. MImer LOWEST OF LOW FARES at rrvftcl n-tarrljr.

i tnt.r--a'.cxl to aujt frt U.L Wurren Arr.brrt wta Lvei on far-n ihr of saw fe arrroach! HOME FOR THANKSGIVING tfce- f'rwi at abwt I IJ tt. tn ar.1 csMi 4iff at 1-n- i f--ci -1 I r-t Cil t- r's? r'jtt. fcv-w in rf ever re-f Cf x3rcrr'JC a i i' ll. ii 't-' O. W.

2 R.T. i IT0 I Hit llAa I or) IJO a fta4 Trip TVtH MAIIO.N :4 3 I' 01 a ILOKIOUS AS CITY riivTi c. ii i. CI II CAM). Ill- i i.nh.

oiiio milh Kill, WIx l. ii j. sr. i.oi'is. Mi.


M. At Club Rooms. 107 W. Maritet St. AO Mrrobrrs ImitexJ to Attend aod Kajoj Themselves on crt an.j tr sre-l te -x 4 tsaLj fcil If rcr Graft.

tmrt ef t.k. saj dar-i f.J "-iM rtrTa: He tr. v-t lo brjjj rr-; tn rrr ci lv.e i ssas 1 tr cars to tr-. dA-Jfr-i If VAt Cf Two Meeaaatra far ape To r.r tn the fr.r cf t. 0e JutJ tr V- 5 ifertvfe sH ar Akuo aO I Teti ue j4 If oe 0.

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