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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 8

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

9 THE PANTAGRAPH, BL001HNGT0N, IUJN0I8 MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, WIT. In citlea. Johnson's orchesua tu lsbed tha music HE CARRIED OUR FLAG TO MANY LANDS Eirtartainad With a Danoa. I Ur. asd lira, Benjamin Warland Ranolph entertained with a dancing party Baturdajr evening" at Haana ball.

About TO guests were prassat. laeludlns; a aumbar af Hey. A. forecast the bean bi sen aad that the eold ef a week ago waa felt there too. Roy Long earn Thursday for a short visit with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. W. O. Long. Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Long have been living in Burlington. for the past few years, but they are now moving to Mon v-tnwry, where Mr. Long will continue to farm. ca this- Wbm tha Chfldmi Couch.

Rub Moateraltoa Throat and Cb Ko taUkf kasr boos tin srttpteaM may 4evdop ku fcrosp, or worn. Aa4 thn't when voa're rUd have jar Manchuria for IMS sUte, 11,4, tons can be saponm ih! year" attended and the sales very satts-factory. Mlaa Dollia Okeaon, wha haa been confined to the hoon for the paat week by Illness, Is able to be out again. Mre. J.

Hammera went to Chicago Friday evenin. where ah win visit for a week with frienda and relative. Visa Ruth Walker, who baa been vistin with friends and relatives wortn, Normal and other neiehbor- ai i LEXINGTON. kVol XSaoraje Soott, whe baa bean CI tor aevecal weeks is Uttto lm- JI'O'PlllL. E.

W. Edwards, who has been assnflaed to the house by tHneas Is m. little Improved. lla Mary Totxaac -went Thursday to unci InO. where she win Hvauain far a abort visit The Bev.

Charles Rork of Chris, nan. IB, will 1UJ the jwilpU of the iEaptfat chnroh Suday morning. Mlas BaJUe Smith of Holden, Mo, vistlna; with her oM friend and eehool mat, Mrs. Nettle B. Dement.

The Bale of A. Ambrose which "was held Thursday was very well 6IIUS ABE T8E OCCASION, NOT THE CAUSE OF DISEASE If nn InlaefAPAnM lih of Mosterle at hand to give "Pt there for several months returned to "pply (subluxation) at the spine all tha or' her horns In Stuttgart. the nrst of the week. Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs.

C. S. Arnold, who are spending several weeks In Florida, MINER. The Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church surprised Mrs. Jabes Lower, Tuesday evening.

Miaaes Louella Murphy and Tra Garrett will enterals SS of their friends with a six o'clock dinner this evening. Tha Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James Gamble died Tuesday even-Inrt aad ttm funeral waa held from tha home Thursday afternoon. Tha library board 'a arranging for an entertainment far the bene They are now in orianao, ana tney say that the flowers have been fro.

sure relief. It does sot Muter. As first aiil and a certain rtrnedf, Murterole excellent Thousands of mothers (mow it VoO fhonld keep a jar in the botue. It is the remedy for sdolta, too. Relieves sore throat, brooch ilis, toosilittt, croon stiff seek, ajthma, aevralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, ltsatAago, paou and aches of back or joiata, tprwus, sore ajuiclej, chilblauu.

frosted feet and colds of the cheat (it often arercau pntuaiooia. gans 01 tne ooay win ne working is tlojl, resulting In no collection of waste mauri als In the system, bo multiplication of ((lrni no Irritation et tissue, toxins or poiaons, t)ier by NO disease. I adjust the displaced bony segment (auhrun. tion) taking tha preasure off the nere, normal conditions are restored. fonsulUtlnn and examination free at Vrlle or call for ray freo booklet on Chimm Uc.

At 1 1 DR. LAM BE AU, The Chiropractor 305 People's Bank Bldg. Pboni2U7 J. Office hours10 to 12 a. 2 to 3 p.

daily. Mon.i.r, Wednesday, Saturday evenings 7 to 8. Examinations free at office. Calls by appointment. 5 Automobile Repairing Eeqixires not only First-Class Shop Conditions and Fa-ail-ities, but also High Grade Mechanics of Long Experience.

We have both. This department is under the, personal supervision of our Mr. J. L. Murray, who has had fifteen years' experience in this line.

If your car needs overhauling, better have it attended to now before, the Spring rush begins. The Murray-Medbery Co. Comer Washington and Lee Streets. PHONES Bell Kinloch 1483. fit of tbw librae" to he held.

February St. Mra. Ruth Shaw of Blnoratnston will be on the program. The entertainment win be held at the Christian church. Mr.

and Mrs. S. B. Tanner are home from Chicago, where they at tended the Illinois Woodman banquet, which waa the largest and most enthusiastic yet hlit bv tha order. Between MO and 70 Woodmen be.

lng present. Miss Alma Ewing to tor-tain ed Jn a deltKhtful manner over 10 of her lady friends Thursday and Friday afternoons. Progressiva Rook was played and a three-rourse lunch was served. A decorations and eohr sr.herrre. appropriate for Washington' birthday was carried out Railway trafflo in Ppain Is to be placed under the control of committees headed by the director-general of the public works.

AMEWCAN CHICLE COMTAkg ft fvi If is bp "PANTAGRAPH'S i -Ti JV- BIRTHDAY PARTY" The PuiUsnpk publusef every day the sanial ef the trad? acael pupil of Bloomine-ua sad ilvaial vkoet occur oa Ut la aelhtiaa af the wrest a "Birthday rtrtru iWkH aaa1 aaavrnir ui ia fivaa aaik pupil calling at tht pffic of The FaQUfntpa oa or folWwinc ha site hia nasi ia published. Tea "Hrthilt Party" ticket aatitlaa laa boy er girl in honor of whoae ktrtuoay it is Etres te the follewtaf One Free Admission to THE CASTLE THEATER 209 East Waehingten Street Extraordinary BBSMSaBBBB.IBilll.1 SI And Double Stamps With Each Purchase Except in Groceries, Meats and Phonographs GILBERT HENDERSON BATES. death for a northern man to show his One rree Admission ts 7.98 la Redncmg Oor Ready-ti-Wear Stocks, We Feature for Today Women's and Misses' Dresses That Sell Up to 15.00 for Gilbert H. Gates, better known taraout central Illinois aa "Sergeant" Bates, died on Saturdy afternoon at his boms In Saybrook.

He had bean in falling health for a long time, during which he had short periods of slight Improvement. Gilbert Henderson Bates vaa born in spring-water- alley, Livingston county, New York, February IS. He was descended from two of the oldest coliinial families of New Eng-lanu. At an early age he emigrated to the west and waa living la Wisconsin at the outbreak of the civil war. Ua and his three brothers entered the union service from that state.

At firai ho did what was called special service and after a while withdrew from that and Joined Company l'lrst Wisconsin heavy artillery, in which be served as a sergeant until the clone of the war. Mr. Bates waa married to Mki Ann E. Nob. of Albion, Wis, on December face in the sorfth.

Sergeant Bates was unharmed and afterwards he carried the flag unfurled thru the very heart of the confederacy to Washington, traveling the entire distance of 1,500 miles on foot, unarmed, and living on the hospitality of tho people. lie not only was unharmed, but be met with an ovation in many places in Mississippi and on to the Fotomac. This fat brought national fame te Sergeant Bates and en reaching Washington he waw publicly received with honors by President Johnson at the executive mansion by matabars of the senata and house and citisens and soldiers of Washington. Preached National Unity. Sergeant Bates did pot stop at unfurling the flag at Washington, but went before the American pseple as a speaker and for twenty years.

went up and down the country pleading for national unity and the placing of this principle above partisanship. He carried this kind of work ta both the north and the south. In Tvovem. ber. 1882.

he delivered seventy-five public speeches, most of them an hour long. Always on these occasions he carried the standard in his hand with the flag unfurled. He made his tec. tures without ady change and kept THE IRVIN THEATER 204 East Jeffereen Street rive Cents la Trade at the Confectionary Store of W. f.

KLEIMAU 4 SON West Side Square. And Hve Cent in Trade the Toy and Book Store of W. B. READ COMPANY West Side Square. All ef eheni are cooperating with the runt PlKTactim vt- tha cm ef fames" to sraoe arsool pupils of ste.

uictoa vat tiaraui a4 jaaa wilh THS PAN-VAUKAPU is eiatuic tseaj sua Sappy buisaavi. TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY Bartosik, Walter 1408 W. With- ington. Davidsen, Irene SOS S. Morris.

Huater, Allen 711 Front. Jones, Clara Belle 714 Millar. Koofle, Vsma 402 Oavie Avs. Lata, OanalaW-U01 S. Lea, Price.

Laura 404 N. Clinton. Rustetneyer, Ruth 1404 Main. Sav.sge, Esrl OS W. Monro.

Smith. Louise tt W. Olive. Walker, Miltert 1302 W. Tsylsr.

Goldhaa bee nd iscovored at 8 peeT-men Reef, Long Plains. Tasmania. A company wilt be formed to exploit the new fields. Every dress is an amazing value, the styles are charming and distinctive. The -silk from which these dresses are made is of excellent quality.

Every dress in the lot tastefully trimmed and finished. All colors and sizes are included, but not every sise in each style. Regular up to 15.00 values. Special for "Monday Second Ho or. 23, 1S63.

Six children were born to them, two of whom died In Infancy The living ones are Mrs. HatUa Bro- Hello, Kittie. Want a piece of Adams Black Jack Gum Oh, thanks, Billy. It's licorice, and I just love it. Yes, and when youVe got a cough or cold it fixes it up in no time.

My Ma gets several packages at a time and she says it saves her a lot in doctor's bills and medicine for us children. kaw, Oi Xcponset; Mrs. Klnora M- Means, of Bioomington Krank Bates, f.f aaybrook, and lira, Addie E. Means, Saybrook. His Great Nstiensl Mission.

25c 3.98 1 up his work until his health failed land he was forced in April, 1S8. to retire. GriMren's Bloomers, New Arrivals Separate Skirts, New Styles The thing for which Sergeant Bates is most famous is his carrying of the flag to many parts of tha United States and to foreign countries. Af Stylish Tailored new Spring Skirts in plaids, also blue and black. Special for 9 QQ Children's Pink and Blue Gingham Bloomers, in sizes from 4 to 12, also Black Sateen, in sizes from 2 to 14.

Special QC Monday at. UiUU Second Floor. for. CMU Second Floor. Made Trip Abroad.

The following extracts from a letter from Sergeant liatta explain the motives that actuated him in 1S72 In making a trip to England and carrying the stars and stripes from Gretna Green to Indon: "Let us units the patriotism and intelligence of England, Ireland. Scotland and America In the interests of humanity, and thus carry civilization to, and maintain it upon, a much higher plane of morality, politics and religion." He thus marched with the stars and stripes from the Scotch border te Ixmdon, making many addresses with this same He also spoke 3.50 A Monday Shoe Offering at Temporary location corner of Front and East Sts. Fred T. Ashton manager Victrols Dept. 98c Cat Glass, Sugar and Creamer ter the surrender at Appomattox the great question in the was.

Had the southern people given up tha contest in good faith? Many politicians and many northern people believed that they had net and that the southern people would not respect or assist in maintaining tha laws. Sergeant Bates, after studying the question, became convinced that the American people had three great and all-important objects to attain in which every citmen should feel a personal interest. First, peace to the community, state and nation; second, the restoration of fraternal relations between the two great sections of the country, and, third, the creation and maintenance of a great national brotherhood based upon knowledge, industry and loyalty. The prove his belief and promote the above objects be went to Vicks-burg and unfurled tha onion flag oa the streets at a time when it waa honestly believed bv thousands o' northern people that was certain "Women's Black and Tan English Walking Shoes, with flat heels, all sizes. Efl UlUU Monday, pair.

Special Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer, flOp a good pattern, Monday wOU Second floor. in other foreign countries. While Main Floor. engaged in this work he was several times offered largo salaries and frequent opportunities for acnumulat-ing wealth, but he refused these of 29c Mothers Buy Children's Hose Today Mop and Oil, Complete for fers and pursued his patriotio work without pecuniary reward. Chilrrren's Fast Black Fine Bibbed Cotton At one time Bergeant Bates and son.

Prank, traveled for a short time with r.uffalo Bill's wild west show. I Victor record Hawaiian week Feb. 19 to 26 Jlose, in all sizes. Monday special, Childnm's fine, medium and heavy ribbed rtCa.t.H::f 35c 30c and 25c Main Floor. llandle and Bottle of Oil- A irSv Complete 25c Fancy Ribbons, 35c and 39c Values, Yard WJh Monday 29c Pacific, the Victor has broupht the music of the Hawaiian people I- Jl-Jj.

1 special turecxiv- mio tue homes ot all music-lovers. All over this eoumn, the next six days will see featured the Victor records that pcr- Big lot of Fancy Kihbcras up to 7-inch widths. Tegular 35c and 39c values. OEp Monday special, yard sCJu Main Floor. 45c tectly Reproduce the exquisite harmony of the ukelelc nnl i- ix-'fii ton miitfiw LEROY.

George rayne is suffering from rheumatism tlfp'ge Shrigley expecta to hold a public sale March D. Ed Beckham, of the Gnsy Pes, Is thinking ft making a change In his resident. c. --Fremont Bishop was In Ijeroy on Saturday fnr the imrpose of packing 1 household goodp. itul I'atterson, who is leaching in tho Bctlfkiwcr township rush si-hoot, raino home for a visit w'n her parents.

The closing out sale of Charles P-rdles was held Saturday. An lm- niciue crowd of boyers was on hand. Everythluj sold at tho top price. i Monday. February 19, Merlin lodgo.

No. 20S, will observe tho fifty-third anniversary of the founding of the order of Knights of Pythias. Every Pythian will wear a carnation. There will je work in the third rank and a luncheon at nlgiiL Glenn Patterson and wife pent Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Reibe, of Ashtiry, where they were royally entertained. The chlcleens and cTeam always disappear ren Glenn gets out In the country. Flower Baskets at 50c and "ftunu iq una $10 Yonng Mens Overcoats, Renilar 15.00 Yalues Come in and hear some of the late Hawaiian records This season's most popular styles in Balma-roon Overcoats for the youDg man, mix Wicker Flower Baskets, in various de- iJCp signs, specially priced at 50c Tub Second Floor. Men's Night Gowns, Regular CQn 75c Yalues 331 Outing Flannel Night Gowns with pink or blue stripes. Regular 75c values.

KQr Monday special Clothing Section. tures in brown and grays. Kegtilar lo.uu values. Special for Monday If) Ml Well be fld to play tlidm for you just ask Mr. Ashton.

Miss Roberts or MI! Marqutxra lmvo the Victor reprorliiofl your favorite. Uoro folltiwg ft rcpr- IUIVU Clothing Section. WELDON. John Leavy la seriously W. Mrs.

George Goble la very ill with pneumonia. -r-Roben A Conn shlpt hogs to Peoria Tuesday. '-Willis Ay era has purchased a Ford touring car. Miss Sadie Galaway baa been quite ill with grip. Mrs.

William Swearingen, who haa beep very sick, is improving, Warner Hillman purchased a Ford runabout last week. Mr. and Mra. rover FoLston are the parents of a daughter, born February 13. The W.

C. T. U. observed Frances K. Willard memorifcl services at the church Saturday evening.

Monday was the birthday anniversary of Mis.i Carrie Marsh nd about twenty of ber Y. P. C. E. friends went te her heme thai night and surprised her.

Uamcs were played apd refreshments acrvod. peerTreek. Physicians are kept busy day and night waiting on patienu afilicted with the grip and other troubles. The Epworth League of tho H. chureh gave a shower fop Miss Ksther Rich, who will tie married soon.

In the basement of the chureh Thursday evening. Among the change that will take place among the farmers this spring are the following; Leslie Patterson, who bought the McNutt place at the northeast corner of thw village, laat year, will move onto it, and the Marshall brothers, who have been farming It, vlll move to one of the Robinson farms north of Qoodfield. Charles W. Durham, who Uvea on tho J. A.

Ellis place, in the north part of town, will move to Minnesota, and Harry JC. Kyater will move into the place vacated by Mr. Durham. More than 200.00ft.000 board feet of merchantable lumber are estimated to be standing in the 40,000 square miles of public forest In the Philippines. Nicholas, tha Christian name ef the cxar, means victorious.

George means faircc; Aiatk illutdrrioua. a rock William, a defender, and Frau- 19c Men's Sox, Regular 25c Yalues 25c Silk Neckwear, New Styles for Men's Black Cashmere Sox in all sizes. Regular 25c values. Monday special, in Men's Silk Ties with flowing ends, QC new stripe and figure designs, special fcJU Clothing Section. pair.

IOU Clothing Section. aenUUYe list selected from the 7i itor llamauan records: 65348 Aloha Oa (Farewell to Thee) (Ulloukalani) Hawaiian Quintette Knn Hon (Native Plantation Song) H. M. Kaiawo. with Quintette 17803 Aloha 0 (Gultara) Pale K.

Lua and David Kalll The Rosary (Nevln) (Guitar) Pale K. Lua 1W4 Canha Medley (Hawaiian Guitars) Pale K. Lua and David Kalll Hula Medley (Hawaiian Guitars) Pale K. Luna and David Kalll 1806ft Hawaiian Hula Medlty (Guitars, fox-trot time) Helen Frank Ferera. Song to Hawaii (Gultart) (Redding) Helen IMile, Frank Ferora 17767 HHo -Hawaiian March Irene Aest Royal Hawaiian Watlana WalU Irene West Royal Hawaiian! 17710 Honolulu March (Guitar Ducti Pale K.

Lua, David Kail! Kohala March (Guitar Dnet) Palo K. Lua. David KalU 18087 Maoi AlohaOne-etep (Hawaiian Guitars) Helen Ixmise, Frank Ferora Pau Carnation (Hawaiian Guilarsi ilolon Tulse, Frank. Ferera. 17807 Minnehaha Medley Waltz (Gultara) Pale K.

Lua. David Kalll. Indiana March (Guitars) Pale K. Lua, David Kalll 6534 One-Tww-Three-Four (WalU Song, In Knsllsh) Hawaiian Quintette My Honolulu Hula Girl K. Rose with Qulntotte 17701 Hawaiian Medley (Guitars) Pale K.

Lua and David Lalll Klllma Watts (Guitar Duet) rale K. Lua and David Kalll Any of the above records for 75c If you can't coma in and hear those records phone Kinloch 234 and wo 11 be glad to Bend some out on approval. Your record library cannot be complct0 without a few of the best Hawaiian records. CROPSEY. Grandma Ninemayer Is confined confined to her bed with a sever.

cold Miss Mona Meeker, of the Wesley an, spent the week, end at her home here. Virgil Nance, who returned ser-eral days ago from Hrokaw hospital, is improving in a satisfactory manner. 1 The basketball games resulted as follows: Cropsey third Uam, Colfax third team, Anchor high school, 10; Cropsey high school, 34., Mrs. Susan S. Thomas, of, Colfax, I entertained a number of friends and relatives at dinner Thursday, Febru-ry 15, to celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of her brother, John Sheldon.

Mr. Bbeldon is an old soldier, who formerly lived at Cropswy, and is In very poor health, and the fact that he lived to celebrate bl ninetieth birthday Is marvelous, as i his life had been of during his last sickness. ii 11 After the United States, Germany and France arc the largest producers ia, jreo, 7 1 of Iron ore amvni, the nations, mi.

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