Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska • Page 14
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- Lincoln Journal Stari
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- Lincoln, Nebraska
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- 14
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Preatdcnt. W. MMcraat. Eauta C. H.
Oara. Entarad aa aeetmd claaa mattar tha ixMtorfica. Lincoln. Nebraaka. In av MAIL.
Nabraaka. North Bast Oolo. Sunday Dally Both Par yaar .................12.80 $4.00 $6.00 Htx montba 1.80 2.25 25 Ttaraa roontha l.OO 1.25 L75 One month ..................85 .60 To othar autaa: Sunday. 12Mi cents per month additional; Dally or Daily and Sunday, 25 canta par month ditkmal. PBICE BY CABRIER IN LINCOLN.
double 8KRV1CB aiNOLB SERVICE 11.00 month 65c month Morning Erening Evening Sunday Sunday ''Homing dallverad by 6 A. Phone B8S33 "Dedicated to the people of brosita. and to the development of the rexourcet of the 7. 1867. 'Oliere la no pkice Qka It is durinx the Christmas season that Hie optimist is certain the race of tifhtwads faces extinction.
as long as the senate Interferes. The failure of government enterprises is usually traced to the interference of this same evil, politics. midyear vacation because the summer school students take the places of those who leave for the summer. MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. The horrors of gas warfare were never realized so fully as since the senatorial fight began in Washington.
A Missouri town is boasting that while it has had almost all the other visitations to which helpless communities are heir, up to date it has escaped having a half pint golf course. It took decades for the crime situation to revolve itself into the tangles of today, yet there are those who complain of the slowness of the crime commission because it has not solved the problem after a few months of stUdy. The press associations found the fact that Lucas had sent a Christmas card to Norris of sufficient importance to warrant transmission to all parts of the country. Few Christmas cards are dignified with so much publicity. Speaker Longworth refuses to get excited about the rifling of his office and declines to attribute sinister motives to the illegal entry as did certain senators when the thing happened to them during the long session.
Petty thieves, or possibly souvenir hunters, are credited with the burglary jo5x Labor Premier MacDonald of ICngland named a prominent liberal as viceroy to India in recognition of the support that liberals have given his government Will this example be lost on Charley llryan when be comes to naming viceroys or will he forget that good many thousand republic- nns voted for him for governor? MERRY CHRItTMAS. Christmas is that season of the year when people permit, and encourage, the mixing of a religious ideal with their daily lives. It is always a pleasant experiment. Everybody feels good about it and the worse the mix up the better the feeling. And most people lament that the mixup does not last longer.
Yet few do anything about it. There is nothing cynical in this. It is just a plain statement of the situation. Along about the middle of December when decorations begin to appear on the streets, trees on the sidewalks and displays of gifts in the shop windows the so called Christmas spirit begins to make its appearance. People are less irritable in traific jams.
They shop in crowds into which they could never be inveigled at any other time of the year. They concentrate on the selection of gifts for others, on the dispensing of good cheer by means of greetings, and many take it upon themselves to see that less fortimate persons, whom they never give a thought at any other time of the year, are provided for. Imbued with the spirit the average citizen places his thumbs in the armholes of bis vest, throws out his chest and proclaims to the world, feel like a different man. I wish it would last But that is as far as it goes. At Christmas time he goes over the tracks with a basket and sees that the family he has heard about has a merry Christmas.
But during January and February he lets the Community Chest worry about this family. At Christmas he takes it upon himself to provide good cheer. Later on he even bother to find out if the chest knows the predicament of this family. it last? Because we do not go to the effort to make it last. Christmas requires a considerable outlay of energy and funds.
We go into the celebration of Christmas with the same enthusiasm and energy that we go into the celebration of the birth and other events. Our efforts are usually rewarded by a feeling of contentment and satisfaction. But it does not last because we look upon Christmas alone as the season of good fellowship and good cheer, and forget that such things are possible during the months that follow. In 1862, toward evening of a warm September day, John S. Gregory reached the present site 3ome of the students did not of Lincoln.
Herds of Antelope have far to go. A large number i roamed the land. To the west, on live in Lincoln, Omaha and nearby Middle Creek, smoke arose from towns. Many of them are able to the camp of a band of Otoe In- spend the week ends at home. For dians.
Down in the bend of Oak them the Christma.s holidays are Creek, where West Lincoln now deprived of much significance. stands, were a hundred or so wig- The two weeks are little more than warns of a band of Pawnees, a protracted week end. Christmas Nearby was the Salt basin vacation means the most to those touched and covered with an en- students who live considerable dis- crustation of salt an inch deep. To tances and who came to Lincoln the Indian the salt basin was a in September to remain until necessity. To the early pioneers Christmas vacation offered enough it embodied the dream of a great time to make a trip home worth i industry.
Thomas P. Kennard, while. i who as secretary of state had a part in locating the present site To this group, and has shrunk capital, lists first among the from one of considerable deciding factors the adjacent Salt tions to almost insignificance, the looked for- Christmas holidays have a ward to the time when there would meaning. The fres iman, after immense salt factory some three long month.s. the first stated.
of which was tinged with home- sickness no matter how hectic his xhe Stewart tract is bounded on social life might have been, looks the north by Oak creek and is in to the holidays for a chance i the locality of the Salt basin. This park at the family table and tell park, writes a Lincoln woman, about his triumph.s at the univer- might well be given a name Uiat is sity at gatherings of his old reminiscent of the Indian and the friends. Salt basin. We have the name to remind us of the thP an-' plentiful before the the Christma.s vacation pioneer located here, as the name nual respite from hard work and a rest which is short i parks. has been given provide a good I to the second of these parks in reiSL who braved the early frontier lation was in danger of starvation.
Clara Smith Hamon provided bond for her release a month after Jake L. Hamon of Oklahoma was kUled. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS. a job and working the education fund; "Would it not be ap- Good roads and an abundance of propriate to decide on a name of motor cars have made great historical significance for this third park whose location and changes in the routine of univer- sity students. Many are able to environment represent a part of madce frequent visits home, even i the history of our asks this tho they live considerable dis- reader correspondent.
Then she tances and Thanksgiving offers a chance for those who live in the farthest corner of the state to continues to find a name. the Otoe name Hove has been handed make a visit of two or three days posterity as duration. i name of our state. At that. Christmas means a lot was taken from the vcord, "Nee- to boys and girls from the western meaning flowing portion of Nebraska who are at- from the In we tending the university and to those i have preserved the Indian term students from other states.
And i for "a people living up tho their visits home may be in- The Otoe word for valley or low frequent they have the advantage land, was for salt over students from Lincoln and the was Why neighboring cities in that Christ- not a combination of these two mas has added significance for words in the name, for them. park, the word to be pro------------- nounced with the accent on the The Boston Transcript is privi- second syllable, and the long sound leged to make the first public an- of used This name should be a no more difficult to get used to that the screen name of the venerated is to be DAILY DRIFT. than and many other Indian names now in use and thoroly anglicized. There is a park name suggestion. It may not meet approval of all.
If it does not it may stimulate PORTERVILLE, Dec. 11. At home I go to bed early and search for a better name, get up when the roosters crow. Out here in the grove the boy Contract will be lot Dec. 30 for Dean Inge says that while another war might plunge civilization again Into a dark age, he has hopes that the comer has been turned and that the progress so for made will be saved.
He waat this to be 1 ailed optimism. He compares an optimist to a barometer stuck at fair, no matter what the weather may be. A1 Capone said to have gained control of the illegal liquor trade in Philadelphia, has made measurable prioress in acquiring a monopoly in New York and is now in Boston arranging for the taking over of that principality of booze. This is a developoMnt that ought to give pause to every citizen. There are only two ways in which any person or group of men can gain such control, by eplitting profits with the politicians in power and by patronizing violators of law.
The remedy is read to band, but who will use it? The residents of Monaco must be a hard bunch to please. They have been rioting lately in an effort to convince the prince who rules tha tiny country that he must attend more cloeely to business and spend less time in Paris. Monaco is so arranged that the casino at Monte Carlo eupports the government. The citizens are practicaUy tax free anif the casino furnishes employment for most of the workers. The only privilege denied them is the right to gamble in the casino.
That rule was established for their own good. But all these advantages do not make a contented people. Having nothing else to kick about they complain because the prince is something of a globe trotter. reads aloud, or the radio is kept paving of the new Comhusker going until 10 or later, and highway location which will carry the first call for breakfast comes thru traffic out North Tenth street at very near sunup. The harvest- instead of thru the east section of ing crew start work much 1 the city.
State Engineer Cochran before 11 because of morning i that work cannot begin dampness in the trees. Yesterday til spring because of the difficulty eleven pickers gathered 423 boxes in grading and excavating when of navnls, gleaning $42.30 in six the earth is frozen. A bridge is to hours of rather strenuous activity, i be built across Salt creek near a fraction above 60 cents an hour i North Twenty-seventh street, and for each toiler, if I stumbled in my mathematics. A PARTY CONFLICT. Senator Norris refuses to be banished from the republican party.
From this some might conclude that the senator has determined for the future to be an Independent republican rather than an insurgent. In the organization of the senate there is much at stake for the senator. He is now chairman of the much prized Judiciary committee. If the republicans control the organization and Norris maintains the status with the party that he had when the last organization took place he will remain at the head of that committee. If be loses caste with the party and the republicans succeed in organization and control, the question of his regularity might be a bar to his continuance in that place.
If he aids the democrats in organization he must deal with them for place. senate is no longer republican. as the people says Senator Wood of Indiana. political makeup la entirely nondescript. Senator Norris is not a republican.
He is not even a democrat. He is a consummate And that statement by Wood was considered by some to be an echo of the white house voice. Senator Norris crushed Listen to his familiar voice and judge: Hoover came from Great Britain a democrat, accepting office as a democrat. He remained a democrat until the republicans came in power and when he accepted office under the republicans he automatically became a republican. I have never found fault with that.
I concede his right to change his iiolitical affiliation every time he changes office if he wants to, but I have not found it necessary While in Nebraska the question may be raised by many party There are hundreds of people in this coast country who make fruit harvesting their profession and are experts in the work. Many of them are nomads, having abiding but pitching their tents wherever their services may be in some of this work can during cold weather. be done than forty years writes a Lincoln property owTier. "I bought fifty foot frontage on North Twenty-seventh street in the district which it la now proposed to pave without the consent of the property owners. I paid Q.
has become of the tri- mo tored plane, Josephine Ford, in which Byrd flew over the North pole and later made a good will flight around the country? A. It is at the present time in a hangar at Dearborn field (Henry field), Detroit, Mich. Q. How tall is the Metropolitan baritone and cinema actor, Law- rencB Tibbett? R. I.
B. A. He is 6 feet 1 inch tall. Q. Why does oil spread out in a thin film on water? F.
D. S. A. The surface tension of the water is greater than that of oil, hence the latter is out into a thin film. Q.
What are the prospects of my getting a job if I take a course in journalism? A. S. F. A. Marlen of the Editor and Publisher, says that 10,000, or perhaps 15,000 young Americans are preparing themselves this year for a career in some form of journalism, and that in his opinion the writing and editing profession will not absorb that number.
He adds that never in his experience has he encountered so many jobless newspaper men and women as at present. Your chances of getting a job, how'ever, might be better than the average (f you have friendly new'spaper contacts or connections. Q. What is an ergatokrat? A. An ergatokrat is one who believes in ergatocracy.
This is a new term recently coined to describe the new political philosophy of the left-wing socialists. It is derived from the Greek word meaning a worker, plus meaning rule or government. Briefly, it means administration of the workers, and by the workers. Q. On what date was the Maine blown up in Havana harbor? A.
Feb. 15, 1898. Q. What was the fire loss in the United States in 1929 E. K.
A. The total amount of fire losses for the year 1929 is estimated at $422,215,128. Q. When was the first compensation act passed in the United States? A. H.
A. The first legislation on the subject of compensation In the United States was a cooperative insurance law in Maryland in 1902. However, this law was declared unconstitutional in 1904. The first compensation acts were passed in 1910, but several of them were held unconstitutional that of New York by the famous Ives decision. The New York constitution was then amended and another law passed.
Congress in 1908 pased a law providing for a plan of compensation for accidents incurred by industrial employes of the United States. Q. How much radium is there now in the world? E. R. C.
A. There may be eight to ten ounces of radium in the world today, but there are no definite figures. COOLIDGE EDITORIAL day has boon imuiborloss times a birthday. Only a few are widely celebrated, for it is not the event of birth but what is done in after life that makes a natal day especially significant. For many generations Christmas has been joyously observed wherever there has been a vestige of western civilization because on that day was born one grew to be the only perfect man and became the savior of the world.
Xo other fact, no other influence in human experience has compared thru the ages He has borne the name of blaster. He gained that everlasting title not by the use of any material force but by demonstrating the moral and spiritual power of mankind. Christmas represents love and mercy. It was ushered in by the star of hope and remaitis forever consecrated by the of the cross. Christma.s hold.s its place in the hearts of they know that love is the greatest thing in the world.
Christmas is celebrated in its true spirit only by those who make some sacrifice for the benefit of their fellow men. CALVIX COOLIDGE. A editorial appears dally In The Journal. (Copyrighf, 1930.) I THE PUBLIC MIND NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. Ole Buck in United States Publisher: If customer is always policy is followed, then good customers must be compelled to make up losses caused by imrea- sonable customers.
BULLS, BEARS AND VALUES. BROKEN 1922, a large flock of values were ranging on a grassy plain. Here they were joined by many bulls, who gradually edged these values up the foothills. By 1929, they were on the sides of a steep mountain. As every one knows, in the high mountains, there Is much timber and rocks.
This Is the favorite haunt of bears. One fine day in the autumn of 1929, many bears flocked out and attacked the values, starting them headlong dowa the mountain. A few of the tried to defend them, but finally lost heart when they saw many of their companion bulls slipping off their bull skins, and exposing underneath it a real bear, claws, teeth, and all. The bears followed dnd feasted upon the values, while the values retreated down the mountain side, across the plain, and into a very low country. Here the values came to a depression lake, where many of them sank, in the fall of 1930.
Bulls are now said to be gathering the scattered values for a return trip to higher ground. Winter is at hand. Must not the bears slip off their bearskins, claws and teeth and become bulls, or else hibernate? EDWIN F. MYERS. be created by local officials at local request.
The members do serve without remuneration but they are empowered to employ a trained social worker. The board will then act in an. advisory, supervisory capacity. It will be the responsibility of this board to concern itself with the problems of the dependent, delinquent, and defective child as well as with general problmes of public Local preventive w'ork can eliminate a large percentage of commitments to institutions are resulting in such terrific expense to state tax payers and such wastage of human life. The act is purely an It provides a plan of organization to which counties may conform when enlightened public opinion demands the creation of social service facilities.
Any person interested in receiving a copy of the propo.sed bill or further informaiton concerning it may receive it upon ADA M. BARKER, President, Nebraska Conference for Social Work. demand. Many toilers craving to $550 for it.
During most of the set in the game where the winter time it has been vacant property climate is inviting, come from the producing no income. I have re- Senator Brookhart, supported by a group of insurgents, promises a fight on the newly named members of the power commission because, shortly after having been builders and workers as to where and when the senator has aided the party in this state and adiled to its power and prestige. east in their flivvers, with all the folks on board, thinking this a land of unlimited opportunity. A majority of these people are bitterly disappointed. The land of milk and hcney and roast turkey is on further, in a narrow valley, where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest.
California is a big state. Its resources are being heavily taxed to sustain its present large population. Just now its cities are crowded with "soldiers of having no vLsible means of support. It makes the going hard for them and for the community that must give relief or go to the expense of burying those who perish for want of food. In the cities of the far west.
AS well as those where walks are icy in the winter time, the souj of Christian philanthropy glows like a political bonfire at this time of year. As an example the San Francisco Chronicle is raising a fund for Christmas dinners for families In the city who otherwise know it was Christmas. Already the budget has totaled about $3.000, and more coming in every day. The same spirit I know prevails in Lincoln. Omaha and Sioux City, and I like to see it find expression in generous giving.
But I wish our statements and philanthropists would go a little deeper into the problem ot human brotherhood and out plan for helping the worthy to earn and enjoy three squares a day from one end to the other. If in a (Christmas dinner only 1 have hope, "1 am of all men most luise Monday 1 was shocked and pained ever the story from New York of how Hen Lindsey acted up in the church of St. John the Divine. I have always admired Bishop Manning for ais denunciation of dirt, wherever it exists, but the he gave the judge cll- maoced anything he has ever said against sin in Its most repugnant ceived all together less than $100 rental in the forty years. Three times during this period I have complied with the request to build new sidewalks.
I have paid the taxes regularly, city, county and state. There has been no time in the last thirty years when I could have sold for one- half what I paid for iL if the city paves this street and taxes up the proportionate share to this property, it will be more than the lots are he continues, I wUl be thru. If the city cgn find anyone willing to keep up the regular taxes and pay the paving tax besides It is better than I can do, and they will have to do it. The question that presents itself to my mind is whether this is not as defined In A WASHINGTON BYSTANDER. Lo! now come our feast! Let every man be jolty.
Each room with Ivy leavea la dreat, And every poet with holly. Now all our chimneyt And blocka are burning; Their ovena they with bak't maata choke. And all their apita are turning. SIXTY YEARS AGO TODAY. the must be made that placed in authority, three employes senator has always run for of- form.
And then Lindsey had the of that organization were retired, i as a republican. He has sought Incidents such as this make plain non-republican vctes, but as a ma Newton the reason for the failure of election record has remained interrupt public speakers and want to divide time when he wasn't on the program to say anything at all. The unfortunate thing about the New York episode is that it will stimulate the curious to read the book and smear their cmment operated business and for regrular. the weakness even of government regulation. The discharged ployes may have served well but if the new commissioners could not woric with them they were misfits The distressing thing is that if this country is to be governed by party action, the quarrel, which can result in no good to tbs party, will make futile all efforts to carry an4 had to be replaced regardless and administration poli- of their qualifications.
If the The blocking of legislation commissioners the men much needed will result. Not only ruthlessly, with no cause, even in- but government suffers compatibility, then the senate is at fault for approving these men for the places they occupy. Senator Brookhart promises to retaliate for the action. That means that the busi- (From The M. E.
church was crowded with people who had come to attend the program and get something from the Chri.stmas tree, a fine one twenty feet in height. Captain Baird and family sang and little Miss Jennie Gillespie sang, after which the gifts were distributeil. FIFTY YEARS AGO TODAY. The of regents of the state university decided to ask for appropriations to establish a college of college of law and $25,000 for the erection of a labo- FORTY YEARS AGO TODAY. The music store of Curtice and Thiers.
South Eleventh street, was entered by burglars and the safe cracked. The village board of Waco voted to license saliKins at $800, This was said to be the fiwt break made prohibition in York county oward high license. THIRTY YEARS AGO TODAY. The annual convention of teachers began in Lincoln with a reception at the art hall in the library building. Miss Jessie C.
Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, BY KIRKE SIMPSON. that one time devll-dog. Representative Maas of Minnesota, the only marine in congress, began his battle over the St.
Paul commercial station postoffice lease, he had some difficulty even getting into tho regular proceediifgs of the house to talk about it. The Bystander recalls that his first speech on the subject went into the appendix of the Congressional Record under to revise and What a lot of water has flowed under tho bridge since then. As a more or less direct result of the row the Minnesotan then kicked up kept committee headed by the stormy Senator Blaine of Wisconsin has been booming about the land inquiring pointedly into the postoffice lease business. Rumblings of disclosures still to come erupt frequently from the senator. The postoffice department itself has investigated Its own leases and found them far from satisfactory according to Postmaster General Brown.
A five-year program for purchase of all leased property where rentals exceed $6,000 a year, in- upwards of $50.000,000, has been presented to congress for approval by the administration. President Hoover found it desirable to urge that project in his initial message to the present session of Congress. Certainly Maas started something. Where it will wind up nobody can tell, at least so far as existing leases are Senator Blaine promises sensations when his committee reports. But so far as the to do away with all major in future in favor of government owned plants goes, it could hardly have been launched under more promising auspices.
The unemployment relief program which is the major subject the final session of the seventy-first congress should help the postoffice extension project a lot. Diamond Points the Trouble. the bad republicans that voted for Senator the congratulate the senator from Nebraska for the stand he takes in the Lucas investigation. The trouble in Washington is too many Russian. Ku Klux Klan and English diplomats but too few diplomats of the Norris ytpe.
Last July a year ago I sold my wheat for $1.05 and $1.15 per bushel. Last July, 1930, 1 sold my wheat at 61 cents a bushel with a drouth all over the United States. The farm board advised the farmer not to raise wheat if a good price was expected and suggested that the surplus be fed to the hogs. Our national treasury reports income taxes received during 1930 up to Dec, 15 as one-half billion dollars. How much of it came from the farmers? With soup houses all over the United States, the land of milk and honey, people are going hungry.
Is it a wonder that we are harboring communism, bolshevism and all other isms in the United States when there is no wisdom in our legislation except how to get into office, mostly by intrigue CriminaLs and crime such as have never been heard of in the United States before now exist. Government reports show billions of bushels of grain and hundreds of millions of heads of livestock in the United States, and still people are going hungry. DAVID DIAMOND. Embodies the Plan. LINCOLN.
In the Evening Journal of Dec. 23, Rev. Mr. Jurgeson of Ashland takes issue with Judge Rhodes of Omaha for advocating welfare boards, protesting that "a man is worthy of his Readers vrlll be interested to know that the Nebrauska conference for social work has proposed legislation which has been endorsed by the Nebraska Federation of clubs, the League of Women Voters, and the executive committee of the American Ijcgion. The proposed bill provides for the establishment of county boards of public welfare to Another Opinion.
much ha.s been written by Hall (ind others re the Lindsey case that I feel that something might be said on the other side. After Bishop Manning had heaped unfair, indecent and ignorant abuse upon Judge Lindsey from the pulpit and when the judge attempted to reply to the tirade of the bishop, members of the fashionable congregation of Christians assaulted Judge Lindsey, kicked and hit him from behind and cried in they staged a mob scene against one lone man trying to get a fair hearing when he had been publicly abu.sed. Judge Lind.sey had sought by letters and telegram to the bishop for fair and courteous treatment in this advertised sermon or lacking that to have an opportunity to defend himself. The bishop replied by asking for po lice protection and detectives were stationed about the church. How- it w'as not this Christian congregation nor this Chri.stian bishop that needed the protection.
The Christians were the ones that displayed the mob spirit and the police had to protect Judge Lindsey. Judge Lindsey fell into the hands of Christians. He thought he could get a fair hearing from Christians his mistake. The judge now realizes that Christian fanaticism is incompatible with fair play, and that Christians when ex- clted by morality and piety are not capable of common decency ward one whose views are different than theirs. His offense was.
it is said, that he interrupted Bishop prayer. Tha judge probably liidn't recognlza the mummery a.s a prayer. If the bishop wanted a real subject for prayer he should have prayed that he and his con- I gregatlon be raised above the evil passions of fanaticism. I GEORGE WEST. Gas Tax Exemption.
time ago you published in your paper an article headed Tax Exemption to Bother Now just why should we farmers pay this This tax is in the nature of a toll collected for the of repairing of damages done in using highways or the extending of such highways. Now how can anyone by any logic see any connection between the man operating his machinery, growing and harvesting the crops, that the very prosperity of this state depends upon, aiyl the man using the highways; True, vve sometimes get on th-' highways with our tractor, but do we lio so with machinery, with cattle, hog sheep, etc. Are the highways of more benefit to the rural dweller than the rest of the pepole In the that he should make this extra contribution to the road fund? We think not. Is it not just as important to tho business interests to have highways on which the country folks can get to him and buy his wares, and incidentally have something left to pay for these goods. Our neighboring states have recognized the justice of a law giving such exemption on gasoline used for farm power purposes and how any fair minded person can object to it is more than we understand.
That the exemption, if granted, would equal an of one cent per gallon additional tax is the worst indictment the opponents of this that could had. They thereby admit that they have sanctioned the collection of millions of dollars that should have been spent for other things, in many cases the necessities of life, from a source wholly apart, and in addition to what any other class is paying, which is nothing short of criminal, and frolfi a group of people whose economic plight is the concern of.the whole nation. Yes. the legislature will he as The Journal puts it, but we are only asking what shouUl have been done long ago, equality in taxation, and we trust that there are enough fair minded members in that body to see the justice of our contentions and give us relief. Why not bum kerosene? pay the tax kerosene just as we do on gas; there is a relative spread between the two and immediately after the in the gas tax enhancing the price of that fuel, the price of kerosene also»! by just that amount, so pay the tax on kerosene to the companies and the gas tax to tho state.
CAUL MAHR. PILES EJ- F. atha md Fla- sure, Pruritls Ani (ItchlnRi, In fact all Hertai tjaucsrl treated without Outtlnx. Burnlnx, or other harsh tnethiaia. No Iosa of time or laylnx up under treatment.
SPECIALIST 607 Federal BIdo. Lincoln. Nebr. FOOTNOTES. Dull days in university district! That usually lively part of time la very quiet during Christmas vacatitm.
Even the summer recess does not denutie the ordiii- 9 ot the commission will suffer arily teeming campus sa does the I minds with that which easily via-s married to John G. Anderson. i Rev. F. W.
Eason officiating. I TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY. Dr. Frederick A. Cook discussed the attack of Knud Rasmussen, who accused him of making false reports of his discoveries.
I Mr. and Mrs. James Heaton celebrated the anniversary of their wedding at their home, 1106 K. TEN YEARS AGO TODAY. Italian giivernment troops were I i in on Fiume and it.s popu- wsshed out.
If I had upon actnr 1 had nothing lesa Than hump on bean With all that 1 I thioh ht would to roar Biabop Manning had Poor. Ban a mortai U- To and order, 1 mat-t. wallop Would laid him tow, And full credit to i of than Had hBOwn how to diapuae ot Hen. General Brown that his department all along has battled for abandoning of the leasing method. department has repeatedly called the attention of congress to the extravagance of the present his annual report stated.
As an example of this the report noted that more than $2,000,000 in annual rebatals being paid on ninety-two properties valued at about $19,000 000 It was the contention of Maas, sustained by preliminary outgiv- ingd of Senator Blaine, that these i valuations w'ere far too high. I Clearly, postoffice leases will be a subject coming in for a lot of publicity this winter, which Is Maas was after in the first Beatrice Faad Products Meadow Gold Butler Southtide Milk and Cream Franklin Ice Cream and other Dairy No matter how we ail through the year, it good to take an opportunity to pause in our activities and devote our thoughts to the seasons gone and those to come and to send our sincere wishes to our friends and customers everywhere. We trust we shall continue our congenial relations through many more years. BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. Lincoln, Ne piace..
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