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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 2

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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Ju.t Practical KILLS WIFE, Central Illinois Deaths a tMO fc3 01 TO A Oa.11, VwV toX H'MTkt rtt UVO vwmww THEN HIMSELF ruMn4 MMtal Mt aaaata. ON Alt' A (mi Mmith, prominent farmer of Ihli irlnltv. idled at Thuraday at Family Quarrel Said to Have Preceded Tragedy Near Pontiac Friday. hum about a mil weal of Omr( II had horn In poor h'l'H fir SET FOR OCT. Pleads 'Not Guilty When Arraigned on Charge of Assault.

riMaarae (aural Mm trla. MINONK. Mika Donovan. Ml. nol Central railroad datertjv.

arraigned bafor Judg Horse It. Hkr In Iha circuit court at Eur. aka Wednesday, on chirf of Jteja.u! M4 H' Ilf CCfMTlvtta WOOtlOi VaM -V MW kioiai' loo. Vtuk XkT AVJt OooOfWl, to VuQl HIM a months Th funeral eiransemeni In enmpleia. II mvlved hy hi talf.

Ju lla. and fiva Hung rMl.lien Mrs J.a,l) Lati.v Mi. Plea. ant. I Mia Julia Maann.

Houth Hand Ind Mr Jannia Hullhran, Chk raaJaaraaaj eaaral I amtra. MINT! AC -William UTrw farmar ti vine about four mil aouih of Pnnilae on Iha Varml.lon rir. hot and klllad hia lf. Mary tf-faw, about Iha itml ac. at IS m.

Friday, than eommlttad aulrlda hen HhanlT Edward Kammarman denutb- raarhed Iha arana. Lfe- la, id; Mra. Vliidrad Wilson, I'aru. aad Han. al horn; aon.

Trarajr. aault will) deadly weapon upon John Howard Vlaaerlng of Minonk. died in th World war and la bur- lad In r'ranr. A daughter. Cora.

Farmer Kills Wife, Ends Own Life Beside Vermilion River Mr. Donovan, through hi attorney, filed a motion lo requlro th tat to tlrt which of Ih Ihre dlrd in Infancy Alao aurvivinf la count agalnat him they woul I prest. Th motion wa arjfurd and After fillllrtf iiarrry ai. oi un.rii. l.erT.

II. aon of William Ufl.l It a member of Iha I'raaby. an I Kl.lrn Wurnnal. 2i. half terian rhurrh.

blotter of Henry. Iha coronet Jury riuinrd verdict of mmdVr and Mrry loan, euind al 7 JO P. rriday al Iha rl ewr.1 Mm mnw. Harper Itoth funaral homa her TLA.NI.-Mra, limy Winant Kv yx 41 2 a Hia! AIIV. Iluharl Klar.l in-idird al 4 30 a.

m. Friday at Iha "It iha lurv Mra, lffa and hunia of har nephew. Karl Mullln her Mia had aufTrrrd a a'lok nf paralvl rept. II "uneral aervlra will be al bar loo anna had apoken la hirn Thuia.lay hUhl about plarln Jt-few under arreat beeauaa Ihry wer of him. bul rrfuxd to apply JuJt; Maker ruled againat him.

Donovan then plra.lrd "nol uull' and lh trial waa fir Oct. 4. DAVIS' DEATH IS 'ACCIDENTAL' DeWitt Coroner's Jury Returns Verdict in Davis Death. D. m.

Sunday at Mia Wlnan homa nrar Rutland Tha Itev. a. iiuri turnd. Kdaarda aald ha I Ilurlal adviwd Uffew to r.m.ln lnK. I'ayna will cfTtrl.t..

town If afr.ld In to homa for Kutland camaiary. Ulfhl. According lo Iha alorlaa lold to Mra. Adal a Ulaughler. raajaaraaa) I "eal liaejata aaniea.

ATLANTA-Mra. Adalyn Dun ham Miaiik'hter. l. died al her homa here al 10 34 m. Friday following aeveral yeara lllneaa.

Sheriff Kammermann hy llanry I-ITaw and Klvin Wurmrwat, LefTaw nor hia lf whtla aha washing hr hamla. Tha two boy, who wara whan Mra. LafJaw wa killed, -aid lhal aha prrparing birakla.t llrad lUown Off. Tte boy atatrd that Immrdlalaly tha ahot, IrTrw ran out of Kunrral aervlrea will be al the reldenra at 2 p. m.

Hunday and r.ala rasa ratraJ IlllaWla Battle. CLINTON. An Inqueat Into tha death of Charlr Davla, killed at burial will ba In Atlanta remetery riha wa a of tha Hon W. M. and llarrlaon Iuiv $10 p.

m. Thursday when struck at Snell's croailnf by a Railway Terminal freight train, waa held at ham and wa born In Atlanta Aug tha hou. down Iha rlvrr bank Into lVA fha waa married to Mark Wllllamaon. a llloomlngton attor Iha llmbar and bruh with a ahot 'in In hi hand. ,1 Hllll.m l.rr.yr aaoaaej t.rmlllnn rltee al llila nnllll anil hid In III hrilah and limber lonC it ney.

Hha wa then married to 2 p. m. Friday at Ih Pullen fun. eral chapel, with Coroner Claud rV bank unlil arrlial of lite part) liirluilliig Sheriff Kilward hammer ma nn and Hrpulie lavi and Tha bnya aald Ihry ran into tha Thnma Ilyne Slauirhter, an arlot Crum presiding. June.

hu and fuun.l Mra. LarTear lylnf on tha kltrhrn flmir Tlwy darlrJ Francis Owens, sn employ of and mualrlan. at Lnulavllla. Ky Mr. Ulaughler wa a retired ae-treaa and world traveler.

Hha circled tha world twlra on concert tour a a mualclan. tha appeared In London twlre In playa by "hakeapeare. had 'cuwmTngs gets tha undertaking establishment, te. tided first as to tha position of tha body when found, and th results of th (lamination made to deter Tha rriil-nre along I lie hank of Hie Wrmilion ritrr, alntul fit mile aoiilh anil eaM of INitillitr In whirh Mr. Miry Uffrw.

4.1. wa IniI ami killed wilh a 13 gaugr aholgiin, in II" hanil of her hii-hmiil. William Irffew. at m. rl.U).

CYCLIST HURT IN ACCIDENT DeWitt Officers Report 4 Arrests on Drunk Charges raalairapk ratral IIHaala aanlra, CLINTON. The following arrests were reported by county officers Fildiv: aha had barn allot from behind at ioa range, tha diarharga blowlnf tha tup of hrr hrad cff. Thry than ran lo a neighbor' and nalllled the herifl. Tha Iniirr arrived at Iha homa with Harold Liavia and Robert Jone, ami had Juat atepped from I la rar when Ihey heard ahot In tiie biuah on Iha river bank. Upon aerved a aacratary to the NO BILL mln extent of Injurir.

Ha report, ed a skull fracture and broken right leg. Woman'a fluffrak-a party In Chlca go where aha made her horn S2 If. N. Meanard, motortnan, of De ye ra. Hha wa a member of tha Atlanta catur, wa tha aecond witness to testify and dated tha victim walked across th track in front Elmer Humphrey.

2S. of South Defowpr Yfjuth LOSCS Con-Clinton and Russell Rice were DUII'UWtl I UU III UUoCo vUH Haptiat church and waa at ona time they found Leffaw'a DeWitt County Grand Jury Declines to Indict on Murder Charge. trol of Machine-btrikes Head on Pavement. organlat and choir director. 8he wa alao a charter member of the Atlanta Woman' club.

She had ra-atdrd her all year with her 1 I til of th train, wa knocked clear of th track and not run over. Tha train was estimated to have been traveling at about 23 to 30 mile per hour. The signal for th crossing waa being sounded and tha body. He waa lying upon a tree lump with Iha gun behind him. He hid been ahot In Iha back of head, apparently diarharflng the Kim with a ahort atlck.

tha aherirT klped Nrhool. Ci siionin of Henry by the "herlrT a id hy coroner Juror revealed tnken Into custody by Sheriff J. E. MrMurphy and City OlHcer Still-man about 4 p. m.

Friday charged with drunkenness and fighting They are being held In the county Jail. Kenneth Jackson and A. Ko-zart were arrested by State Patrolman C. Orr about 10 p. m.

Thura- nn rhnra nf drunken rtrp Cralral llllaala Vrnlrr. daughter. Mr. Glady Parvl. She I lurvlved by tha daughter and one granddaughter.

Ml Ellia-beth I'arvi. There I a great grandson, William Kenneth Williamson CLINTON. States Attorney headlight war on bright, he laid. A Jury composed of Guy Jones, Emerson Williams announced Fri-1 raalarapk aalral IlllaaU flank. EELLFLOWER.

Jack Innls, son of Mr. and Mr. Fred Innls, was critically Injured, when lost control of the motorcycle he was riding at 4 45 p. m. Wednesday on route 119 near the Elmer Kumler day nlsht lhat a no true bill wadliv An foreman, Paul Williams, Fred Meachum, E.

H. Hoke. Ward Wil- at the home Thuraday night! John (telger. returned Friday bv the PeWItt driving. A hearing wa conducted raalarap iaalral llllaala Hrnlra.

on and J. Long returned a verdict of "accidentally killed whila r.KIDI.EY. John Oelger. 99. resident of Grldley vicinity for the In county court, Rayburn Harp Wilson prooiding.

and the driving privilege of Jacknon was suspended for one year. county grand Jury in the ease of Robert H. dimming held In connection with the death of Earl P. II. 1 a walking in front of extra 1577 on Illinois Terminal railway.

last 35 yean, died at 1:30 a. m. Krl Efforts to locata relative at Ro- day at hia home aoiilh of town LJiircny, wno ni-u irm chelle, the addres given on the sn. after an lllne of about two week cial aecurity card found on th farm. He suffered a possible skull fracture caused from hitting his head on the pavement, broken nose, broken bones In hi right hand.

Internal Injuries and other lacerations. He was given first aid at Say-brook and removed to the Roberts Community hospital. a YOUTH CRUSHED wound Friday. Auff. 13.

A no true bill wa also returned on the case of Howard Hall who was charged Funeral service will be at the homa at 2 p. m. Sunday with the Rev. Kdwaid llllmllna of Argenta olllclallng. Burial will In Blue with an auto theft.

Twelve true body, were unsuccessful, and a men-sage sent to Macedonia, regarding the case has not yet been heard from. Fingerprints wera taken and sent to Washington for a posslbia Identification. bills were returned by the grand BY HEAVY VAN title?" '-'s 4 1 "N-' Mound cemetery near Cooksvllle. Ha was born at Ottleberg, Germany, June 1, 1M7, a son of Jurv Frliiay. Mr.

Williams also said Cummlns had not been released from the eountv Jail, but gave no p'mi of Special Committee George and Marl Gelger. He came a. er Henry had been releaaed from Jul. Ha had been held In default bond on a charge of hitting Mr. Itm-harl Johnann over the head.

The boy told the Jury, when questioned, that ha had been absent aclioo, for all but threa and onr hnlf dav alnce Iha term opened In ih latter part of Auguat and Mn! he had carried a gun to arhool ra. "Juat for onerlne." While iring hookey apent hi time In the timber along the river, he rill Tha boy told official few word were apoken Thuraday nlKht ef'or the quarrel or Friday morning af rr ihe family had arisen. A ro found by official hnng-lu over Vy llmh of a tree near the hou-o wn asld by the boy not to bi'nn there Thursday night, nu.iinj olTlclnl to believe that Lef-few planned to hang himself Thursday nlnht only to lose hi nerve. Mrs. Lefft'w was employed at the I'rntlac laundry, Severely Cut to the United State when ha was any future charges or any time for pas ppm pgop 0f XriC 27 and moved to Towanda.

Ha also The stump on which l.effcw plareil his hi'Mil ami fchotguii to riiniinit aiiiiiilp after fatally hliooling wife, I if few hhot himsi'lf soon after the sheriff anil otiirr officials arrivril at Hie farm hniue, after hrlng notified by nclghti'ir at Hie remicil Henry l.effew, II, anil Klvin uriiinest, rliildini of I lie ilirrasril. PanlAcraptt Ontral llhnol arvlc nis oeing reifa'cu. Mr. Lafferty died from the effects ItltO rath Of I TailS Confers on Pending Logan Gravel Suit rantasrapk Onlral llllnola Sarvlce. LINCOLN.

A special committee from the Logan county board of supervisors: Thomas Hanahan, A. D. Short and Elmer Lelmbaeh con- a.rr.H with nf? trials of Corwtn port Vehicle. lived at Cooksvllle for aeveral year before moving to Grldley township. He had been a farmer until the last few year.

He wa married to Mis Frances Weber In 1887. She died June 20. Chicago Electrician Burned to Death by Hot Wire at Pekin PEKIN. UP) Charles Nyman, 31, of Chicago, an electrician, was electrocuted Friday when ha touched a 110 volt wire while working on a boiler In the basement of the Super Power Company of Illinois plant at Powerton, two miles aouth of Pekin. panlasrapk Onlral Illinois rtlf.

Tint FiDTUDD wlll be held. Burial will be In For- mfj -I 1 I 1922. He Is survived by two sons PETERSBURG. Hemchel Vice i Emer Laon of De- of a head wound received Aut. 1 after what wa described as a "drinking party" In the Inquest that followed.

Cummine was arrested Aug. 18. charged with a state warrant citing murder. He had testified at the Inquest that he had been drinking a lot of liquor and that he knew nothing of the events leading up to the fight In which Lafferty was said to have struck his head on a sidewalk, causing a cerebral George' of Touy, and Henry of Grldley, and two daughters, Miss Emma and Mra. Lizzie, both at Calif.

The body Is expected to arrive In California Saturday. Mr. Rowcliff was born March 1. 1882, on a farm near Melvin yheie he grew to manhood. He married IS BADLY HURT 18, was crushed to death at l2-30! catur.

contractor who apread gravel p. m. Friday when he fell from a on Corwln township highways, In moving truck Into the path of a cffQrt tQ differences In heavy transport van aouth of here a jut Harts, acting for on route 123. I the township against C. A.

Davy, The transport van waa driven by et aJ Joseph Emeett of here. Tne ut because of alleged He was accompanied by several! rllvpl whleh Hid home. There ia one sister, Mr Charlotte Autterle, Brooklyn, Miss Mary Bonnet who was reared 10 grandchildren and six groat in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Allison Is Releaser Fantafraph Central llllnola 8rvlre.

LINCOLN. James D. "Speed" Al-lison of Decatur, promotor of tha hobo race in which Charles Hensori in Auto Accinent 4 rnlral llllnola Mervlra, LINCOLN Lester Starr of Mt, Foster west of Melvin. Following 1 HtO TeiCOhOne POlG 'hemorrhage. He also said he re- companions who were riding in thej nQt mfet gpfrificatlong on the Cor- membered nothing of the fight, that their marriage they lived In South win roads.

Albert L. Heitman, coun rear oi ine hulk. tunmn a juij returned an accidental death ver- With Load of Wooden Ties. was killed last Sunday, was released Tulaskl sustained painful Injuries about the head and arma Thursday nlghi when his car and a truck grandchildren. Mrs.

Hurry loans, rantafraph Onlral Illinois Bertie. RUTLAND. Mrs. Harry Winans, 78, died at 4:30 a. m.

Friday at the home of her nephew, Earl Mullln here. She had atroke of paralysis Sept. 14. from the Logan county Jail Friday. he had awakened in the yard at the home of his sister, Mrs.

Russell Givan of near Lincoln. Cummlngs has been confined to the jail since the time of the inquest awaiting action of the grand lurv Oi-vIHa Vfarirlf pan. who testi of the John Wakler company, Chi diet. He survived by his mother, Mrs. F.

Kllngbeil, his father, Edward Vice and several brothers'. ty superintendent of highways, had refused to approve the work. It was suggested at the conference that coarse gravel be placed on the roads as a remedy and that this would require approximately 2,000 cago, collided In crossing the Salt creek bridge on atate route 121. Attorney R. R.

Humphrey took Pnntafrapn Ontral llllnolf Marvire. MARO.V Manccll Hall of Wapel-la Is in the John Warner hospital, Clinton, with a broken pelvis, a Funeral services will be at 2 p. Starr to Mt. Pulaski where Dr. C.

I. Ut, v. fied to being with Cummlngs the Qiijqq Farmer Hld i rt E. Hlldreth dressed ere cuts. The "T'tZ w'pkvn Tot Dakota and for the last several years in Bishop, where he held a position as master mechanic in the state highway department.

He is survived by his wife and five children: Alvln and Cecil of Bishop; Merwin and Nathan of San Diego; a daughter, Miss Cesta of Los Angeles; hi mother, Mrs. Sarah Rowcliff of Melvin, who is 85; two sisters, mentioned above. Mr. Anna Kllck. Pantatraph Ontral llllnola Nrrvlr.

MT. PULASKI. Mrs. Anna M. Klick, 81.

died at m. Friday in the Deaconess hospital In cnt or the "arinmne party, naa Over to Grand Jury broken le? and severe lacerations truck driven by James Chaltella yards. The special committee of supervisors made a tour of Inspection of the roads. However, the case stands i at it did before the conference. Rangon will officiate.

Burial will caused when his truck loaded with of Armington was hauling a ditch wooden ties crashed Into a tele ing machine to Union. be in Rutland cemetery. As Mary A. Wadleigh, Mrs. Wl-nana waa born April 7, 1859, the phone pole on route 51 In Maroa late Thursday afternoon.

I'antasraph Onlral Illinois rlrrvlre. PONTIAC. William Funk Owego township farmer, was held to action of the grand Jury when he waived examination at a hearing before Justice of the Peace J. Dr. J.

A. Moore Dr. Tom Moore Dr. J. B.

Stannard DENTISTS 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Telephone 2343-R Corn Belt Bank Bldg.

Hall had gone to sleep while daughter of John and Pauline Kimball Wadelgh. Her father and uncle were the first settlers in Rut driving, it was reported. The truck was demolished. Family Reunions Hrlef rwiiril'iiit ot the gather IriK ot tin family clans In Central Illinois. been held In Jail as a material witness, but was released on bond a few days ago.

The true bills that were returned were: Daniel Castell of Decatur, Indicted on a charge of incest; Albert Wright, Bloomlngton, two Indictments on forgery charges; Robert Johnson and Jacob Edward Schmidt, both held In the Peoria jail, automobile theft; Roy Coon, Heyworth, burglary and larceny, and two indictments were returned against John Tucker, charging A. Sutherland on a charge of burglary and larceny, Thursday morn land. They came here from Exeter, N. in 1855. Mrs.

Winans was BROTH FR IS INJURED, runtagraph Ontral Illinois Sfrvlrr. ODELL. Mrs. Waverly Stoneci-pher received word Friday of her1 brother, Robert White, 24, of Salem, being 6criously injured. No particulars were given by the wire.

Mrs.1 Stonecipher left Immediately for Salem. the fourth white child born here She attended the Rutland schools and Illinois State Normal universi ty in Normal. She taught school several years. She was married The body was taken to the Schahl funeral home In Mt. Pula.ikl where it will remain until Saturday afternoon when it will be removed to the home here.

The funeral services will be at 2 p. m. Sunday at the Methodist Episcopal church of which she was a member. The Rev. P.

Kneebone will bo In charge. Burial will be In Mt. Pulaski cemetery. 7 Indicted Men Appear in Court pantmrnph Onlral llllnola Servlra. LINCOLN.

Seven of nine persons Indicted by the grand Jury Thursday appeared before Judge Horace H. Baker in circuit court Friday. John McMann of Jacksonville, indicted on ft charge of larceny by bailee, requested appointment of Dec. 18, 1880, to Sheldon S. Winans He died Dec.

28, 1931. After their In Thoso facing charges are custody awaiting trial. ing. Funk was being held In the county jail when he was unable to furnish the required $1,000 bond. Funk, who is charged with stealing chickens from the Cornelius A.

Reiwers farm in Pike township, was arrested by Deputies Davis and Jones. William Funk Jr. confessed the thefts when arrested with his father, implicating the latter. The 12 year old boy, who stated the chickens were sold in Chenoa and Pontiac, was released to the custody of his mother. Moses Grisson, colored, implicated in the theft by William Funk, appeared before Justice Sutherland marriage they lived on farms In this vicinity several years and then came to Rutland.

Their home haa been here ever since excepting a 1st Logan Motorist We are in position to trade Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas Cily CITY REAL ESTATE BONDS CERTIFICATES OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST for M'LEAN COUNTY FARMS CITY PROPERTY She was born in McConnelishurgh, few years on a farm near Tampico Mrs. Winans operated a millinery M'CANCK KKI'NION. rsnlMgraph (ntrnl Illinois Mervlre. LEAN.

The fifth annual Mc-Cance reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William McCance here. A cafeteria dinner was served at noon. Mrs.

Emma Reed. 78, was the oldest member present and Dianne Bailey, six months, the youngest. Members were present from Barrow, Alton, Springfield, Roodhouse, Hopedale, Pekin, Peoria, Minonk, Bloomlngton, Normal, Farmer City, Del.and, Lincoln, Atlanta, McLean and Waynesville. The 1938 officers e'ected were: William McCance, and Mrs. Helen Newby, secretary.

MITCHELL raiitsgriiith Onlral Illinois Mrrvlre. I shop in Rutland several years. She was a member of the Rutland Loses Driving Rights rantafraph Central Illinois Service. LINCOLN. William O'Hara of Springfield Friday w.ia ordered not to drive his car for a year, sentenced to serve five days in the Methodist Episcopal church.

Mrs. Winans was also a member of the Geo. Hatzenbuhler July 23. 1856. Oct.

19, 1908, she was married to John Kicck who died In 1928. Surviving are two brothers, William Tutwllcr, Mt. Pulaski, and Scott Tutwlier, Lincoln. Thompson Infant. I'antagraph Ontral Illinois Xi'rUi'f.

MORTON. Nancy Louise Thompson, 4 weeks old, died at Rutland Woman's Relief corps Thursday afternoon on the same Real Estate Investments eountv iail and fined 23 and costs1 She was the last member of her I i cnarges ana had his hearing con 100 North St. Bloomington, III. family. See our classified ad.

an attorney to defend him. Bond was placed at $1,000 and he was remanded to the county jail. Joseph F. Quinn furnished $4,000 bond. $2,000 each on two Indictments charging taking indecent liberties with children.

He was represented by Atty. E. C. Mills. Harry Hefter of Chicago pleaded Kiiilty to a charge of larceny for the theft of a bicycle from James Tuttle in Atlanta.

Sentence was delayed until next week and Chicago authorities have been asked for a report on him. Alfred Wrench, indicted on a charge of rape, was remanded to the county jail on. failure to fur court on a charge of reckless driv tinued to Sept. 28 at 2 p. m.

He had not furnished his required $1,000 bond Thursday night. Surviving are two nephews. Earl Mullln, Rutland, and Lee Wadleigh, ing. O'Hara was arrested Tuesday night after his car had collid'-d with 3:45 a. m.

Friday at the St. Francis hospital in Peoria of inanition. Wash. Chester Rowel iff. runtmiraph Onlral Illinois Hrrvlrr.

a truck of the Emmerson and Cum- LIVINGSTON Funeral services will be held ming company, driven by Rolla ROANOKE. The second annuai Itiichrll reunion was held Sunday Nieukrip of Peoria on state route in Grant park, Washburn, with 27 Sunday at Highland, with burial in the "St. Joseph cemetery there. The body was taken from the Noel Funeral home here to 121 eight miles southeast of Lin present 2 coln. The following officers were President, Mrs.

Dan Steffen of FIIKSII! Mrs. Slovens CAXDY SPECIALS TODAY Missouri, the former home of the O'Hara became the first motorist in Logan eountv to have his privilege of driving a car taken away from him under the new state parents. She was born Aug. 21 in Peoria, the daughter of Herman and Lor-etta Thompson of Morton who sur vive. Patririge vice president, lira.

J. B. Greuter of Roanoke. The reunion next year will be held in July at Starved Rock. FUNK REUNION.

I' ntnjraph Central llllnola Mervlrr. ROANOKE. The descendants of tn Funk families held a reunion at Tingling Assorted Caramels Assorted Creams MELVIN. Chester Rowcliff. 55, of Bishop, died early Tuesday morning of a sudden heart attack in a hotel in St.

Louis en route to his home after attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Edith Kel-lar, here about a week ago. After arriving in St. Louis Mr. Rowcliff posted a card to his mother at Melvin at 7 a.

m. atating he arrived there. Around 8:30 a. m. a maid discovered him ill in his room.

He died en route to a hospital there. At an inquest held Wednesday it was foind he died of a sudden heart attack. His brother In law, Ray Kellar of Paxton, and two sisters, Mrs. Carl Nylund of Wllmette and Mrs. Lottie Wochter and An- nish $3,000 bond.

He asked for appointment of an attorney to represent him. Kenneth G. Holderer, indicted on a charge of rape, is at liberty on bond. His new bond will be $5,000. Holderer is to be arraigned Tuesday.

Gary French of Springfield pleaded not guilty to a charge of larceny by bailee. Bond was set at $1,000 and he also was returned to the county jail. French is represented by Atty. Fred I. Edgell.

Ernest Hunter Indicted on a Announcement TKAVIS A valuable aid in the relief of colds ImVMav bo purchased al All good Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzpatrlck. LINCOLN. Mrs. Elizabeth Fitz LB.

THEATER CONTRACT LET. Pantagrapa Ontral llllnola Sen-lee. EUREKA. The contract for the new Eureka theater Jias been let, and excavating work has already begun. The building is to be of brick.

In a modernistic design. It Is to be completely air conditioned, patrlck, 73, a former resident of this city, died in Chicago Friday the Fred Moser woods, two milea morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Lucas. She Is survived by the follow CHOCOLATE NUTMEATS AND CANDIES Century Mli Aut. N'nta and fruits, CtwMuljt roveird 2fte lb.

Chocolate Goodlr. Fruit and remnnts, ChoroUte Covered 19c lb. Chocolate Covered Rrailli Sftc hocoliit Covered Hoi nuts Chftcnlnt Covered Pecan Jte C'lnrolftte Covred 8 He Covered east of Roanoka Saturday, with 95 present from Chicago, Gridley and K)anoke. Mr. and Mrs.

Rudolph of and will have a modern lighting sys-. ing children: John and Joseph, Chi cago; Robert, (jienarm, Thomas.l charge assault with a deadly tern of new design, as well as the1 latest in sound equipment. The architect says there is a seating rapacity of 600 The btiildin-r is each 80 years, were the Lincoln: Mrs. Jane Ann Perry. De-; weapon did not appear in court.

present and their grandson, i drew Arends of Melvin attended I'rnest, 13 months old. son of Mr. the inquest and made arrangements roit; Mrs. AlarKaret Lucas. Judse Horace H.

Baker ad-The body will be brought to Lin-; iniirneri court Fri.1-.v iliprnivin expected to he completed by Dee. 1. Phone 2380 and Mrs. Ficd of west of for the body tn he forwarded to the Goff funeral home pend- until Tuesday when he plans to The manager is to be Robert Por- ivuanoKe was ine youngest jpiroeiiv.i raifnop, wnere tne luneraiing lunerai arrangement I have a trial calendar arranged. ter..

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