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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 8

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


FOR RENT. FOR SALE. or Classified ueh wants, for sale, for rent, etc, first insertion, 1 csnt a word; subsequent consecutive insertions, Vz cent word; no ad to count less that fifteen words. Cash down. Copy should bo in by 9 o'clock p.

m. North farms pnceo i-wnera irnt member isluattc ha" ity K) acre hi no i3 acrt Real 1 snd ste lit rn bur Accaor Mar Li uie, 1.0UIS I For 1 Illmoia as Mate. limber A barg tion To ti 1 pul ullage I ill" i 0 state, lies miles I ion. Lied, ia irom TKR FilUll 1 Finn nke 1 Reco Kile a i rop 1 Thir March itnd imr if Man Mill I urate Sal1 I INt a. n.

Tf ati'irt Inly as dn fir 11 i'o tl 111 ties. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. WASTED I'IPILS FOR THK SCHOOL OP cutting and fitting; mothers, see that your daugliiera hare Una much-needed education; learn dresinakiiig and do it at home. MRS A. tiOsaAKD, Diatructor, 2u2 West Emerson.

alSlmo U'AVTt-'ll Ol lfX r- a nititl- eat cash price. E. K. CltOTHEHS, Manufacturing Jeweler, West Side as-lmo WASTED BOARDERS; G(K)l) HOME COOK-ing and modern room, ft.oO per week. 6U North Roosevelt ftvenue.

WASTED TO BUY ICS COOKINO AND heating Mores, secood-nanii, furniture. Phon. UM8 JyM-lmo' WASTED-TYPEWR1TISO TO DO AT HOME by experienced, skillful operator; will do work promptly and correctly. Address I'. E.

cars PantanTaph. LOST. LOST-RATTHDAY KVENTNO, ON PARK treet car, coin purse, containing about 16, with uw tier's name on ticket. Return to orfii-e of A. Livmgston'a; reward.

al8-3t LOST-GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN WITH silver pencil on end of chain, with initials S. II. H. lost in or near YanDolah park, near Islington. Liberal reward given Under upon return to llurlan Hart, Bloomington, lil.

18 3t I.OST-AITOMOBII.E CRANK; REWARD. Return to 414 Kant Locust Btreet. altt-St LOST-SI MHKR FROM MY AITO, 7908; leave at Illinois garage. WILLIAM MILLER. Dam-era, 111.

al7-3t LOST-NAVY BI.I LADY'S COAT, is'l. per pavilion at park, Saturday night r.1' Al Finder please return 'MS North East street. LOST SOMEWHERE NEAR MILLER PARK crank and pedal off motorcycle. Ketum SU "est Monroe street. LOST-PARKER CKY CI RVE FOUNTAIN gen, gold trimmed; reward.

Return to Mrla-an lounty bank. alS-St EVENING, WATCH FOB monogram H. E. B. reward.

Return to man-niier Hilla huteK a 15-SI" FOUND. FOIND- SM AI 1'OCKETBOOK, CONTAIN'-ng clinio; owner mav have same by paring for id. Cl'l Kmlor-r. I 1,. TAKEN UP.

TAKEN I'P-A fHOAN MARK WITH WHITE spots, bald face, blind in both eyes; owner may have same by paving expenses. CHARLES B. HIAHY, Darners, 111.. R. H.

No. 2. all 3t ANNOUNCEMENT. For County Judas. I AM A CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION FOR County Judge of Mclaran county, subject to the Democratic primary, September 9, 1914.

DONNELLY. jyltf Stats Representative. WE AUTHORIZED TO A N'N'OUNTT. A. C.

THOMPSON, of Piper Citv. Ford county, as a candidate for the Legislature from the Twcntr-sixth senatorial district, on tl.s Progrea- ve ticket. Personal. WIDOWTTt DESIRES TO CORRESPOND with respectable maiden lady or widow under years of sge, an children; object matrimnnv. Address H.

V'i, care I'antagraph. al7-3t" Auction Sale. Well and Cistern Cleaning. DIGGING, BUILDING AND REPAIRING; water saved; prices reasonable. JOHN HOB.

SON, Kinloch SOtil-J. stj-lit" Cisterns Cleaned and Repaired. CISTERNS CLEANED; WATER SAVED. J. B.

JEFFERSON, Kinioth phone 1S4B-X. JvlS tf General Houssclesning, WALT. PAPER AND CARPkT CLhASISO n. Phone Pegues, BU6-X, mlt tf Wanted 1,000 Old Feather Beds. AND PILLOWS; WILL PAT HIGHEST caea prices, Call Kinloch 170; old, 422-W, ot address South Main.

JU tf General Carpenter Rapair Work. POUCH WORK A SPECIALTY HARDWOOD floors snd sny kind of repairing about the home; pnri-a reasonable; call new phone Mii-U PETER C. DUFF, 107 West Poplar street. Normal, 111. 27 0ka FOR SALE.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FOR SAI.K-A SQUARE PIANO, IS GOOD coii'iu inn. inquire iroi r.aat tilive. sls-3t MlH SALE-ELEVEN filial (JRADE LEATHER snd i am- oak iluieni. spnug seat iaa rK4er, one kit' Inn range and lalunet; outnt cie-l inj, prn l- it takm at once.

Addros H. 14, tare Pantograph, all 31 I OR SAl.E MONDAY, TUESDAY AND vveilnesilav, cumplete househnid lumiBhinMs of o-rimm cottage; sscrincmg for muck sale on account leaving eity. 4u Last Jefferson. 17.31s FOR SM.C-BABY CARRIAGE; LARGE brown Engli.h cab; also sewing, iheap. East Jetteraou street.

17 it FOR SAI.F.-CtlMBINATlOS FUEL AND GAS range, nuy. oou Soutli Huoacvrlt svennii an 3t FOR SALE-BROWN LEATHER COUl II, GtioD aa new; small green yelour davenport, oak no'n oaa nan irce, aitt nrn tanie and gaa nxiorri. ii i lunton; ft.lllwh 1IJI-J. alJtf FOR SALE-TWO GOI'ARTS, ONF. BABY bath tub, one laundry stove; also pianoplsver.

I all Rinlorli abt-flt LIVE STOCK. ItlR SALE- FAMILY HORSE AND BUGOY i iul.licii aii drive. Inquire at Hist iirgmn avenue. Normal, LI. al If roR M.h Fol YEAH OLD STANDARD br.d marv.

Lot it It Al M.A.N, (vutb enter. slsil Foil MLE-TW" A 1 JERSEY tiS, FRI.SlT, Willi isltes. kail l.a.t Walnut street. al7 Jt liiR SAI.E-SMALI, liRIVIM) MARE; SAFE wi.iren or iuirin to drive; cheep for qinek aale. jj.

alT a Ff Ml FAMILY HORSE AND SURREY Hr-l It'll SALE FAMILY' HiiHSK, A g-awl one, slso ncarO new biiggr srr) extrs'good harness. J. M. kKAIIIIY, Slanlord, III. SIS It F'lR SAIL-FINE.

RED HOI.STFN male ralves, well bred. TOBIAS at MIAMI' tVu North fa't, Bl'-om ingtii. SI4 St 1'iR SMC. RAMS AND a- Jr-y M. EI.KIN K.

I. II. No. llbxaningion. 111.

ilg-lf Hilt MIL-SIX HMD OF H'lHSIS AND ps of nnsVs, theap. In pure Maddens trsn.fer uarn, i r.aai street. SUlf MiR SALE BAY If AM, Wi BROKE, i and years old, we'gnt iwn. WII.UAM MnllH, Kernck, III. SIS ft I OR AII TWO 4 i AR OLD YFARI.INGa C.

c. Bsll.f Uroy, R. R. o. aA HiR HEAD RF.fifwTf RED m.oriliorn t-ulls.

rrf terviresl.le age, prnew res-aoralle, (IIAItl.U M. PI.IHCE, Hloommgton, Illinois. imo FOR HALF-ANGUS BULLS; TT rlFtD, reg arrviiealde sge; priced right, ft, R. ongerville. 111.

Hg tf FOR as A I FIVE OArTCD, MFGUrTFRKD gentinky sad Urea; let ens know your wests, BASK MIRIAIGII. Chsttwortb, III. Te AUTOMOBILES. FuR M. IIXUiiAIN, i.m; IN Rt .1" t.

I til o.M ttwllliuN i fry IXI'Hs vU.ia. ii and .1. n. im. ala It FiiR ktl.l i Vt A 4T! El NEW tnnt ele.

a N.w si" Jl Fun Aif tn sunn TTiVnivl esr. g-l i hi Dwo. tat AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE TWO ROADSTERS AST TWO light touring cars; all in good mechanical condl-tionj bargains. ILLINOIS GARAGE.

al5-3t FOR SALE MAXWELL RUNABOUT, IN GOOD condition. Apply M. H. Z1KKLE, tAvokaville, Illinois. slj-3t FOR SALE FIVE-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE, 1914 model; sll latest equipment, lights, starter, bas been run only few hundred Dilles; owner leaving city; a bargain.

See it at HOT North Clinton street or phone 1484-L for demon-atration. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE AS I'SEXPIRKD TERM AT Brown's business college, st reasonable reduction. Csil Garver a drug store. tlb-3t FOR SA1X GRAPES.


IM! West Grehsm street, slb-St FOR SALE-F'ULTOS COLLAPSIBLE GO-csrt, slightly used; reasonable. Inquire 404 East Beecher. ttR SALE A RUBBER TIRE BUGGY, IS good condition. Call A. D.

Banter, Esat Croi-ton avenue. al7-3t FOR SALE (TaDVER SEED: BUY IT SOW snd save from 4 to 10 per bushel; the wa win surety msae that much sdvsnce in price; 1 have some nice timothy snd mixed hay st prices tiiat will please you; write for samples and prices ol aeed. P. COLEMAN, Paulding, West Perry street. sl7t FOR SALE A QUANTITY OF AVO0DEN boxes, various sizes gjid shapes, suitable for snipping books and other articles so shipt.

Call at shipper'a office. Eastern Moline Plow Cs. slS6t FOR SALE-BARS OS HIGH SCHOOL SITE; partly torn down, balance to be torn down and removed; best of lumber in building. Call new phone e.Y or address Lock Box 70. a 18 St FOR SALE OR TRADE SANDWICH HORSB-power hay press, cheap.

F. Is PHILLIPS; Kile, loch R. H. 3. aU-St' FOR ALE-STEVENS HORSE POWER engine, Minneapolis separator 40s60, Minneapolis corn eheller: bargain if taken soon.

AMES ft I.YOS, Hudson, 111. t16-3t FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS BILLIARD TARLK, practically new. Inquire Hills House billiard parlor. aia-St FOR SALE-BARGAIN IS GOOD CuOSED CAR. riage.

THE MARTESS LEARY 00. FOR g.AI.E-BIO SIX BIRDSELL CLOVER holler, equal to new, at a bsrgain. THE CO. sl5 FOR SALE STANHOPE, RUBBER TIRED, snd set of single hsmess, 10 for quick sale. loo3 North Main.

FOR SALE SINGLE BUGGY, GOOD AS NEW; cost 4K) when new; will sacrifice if taken at once. Address D. 91, ca.e Pantagraph. al4 FOR SALE-ATLAS ENGINE, SO-HORSE-power, in exr-ellent condition; also Blake boiler pump; bargain price if taken st once. AKEFIELD MEDICINE CO.

SI4-M VCiR KALE TWO 8 FOOT GOLDEN OAK floor show cases with plate glsss top ends snd front; cost glio each; 110 cash will hue tnetn. CHARLES A. TAPPE, 108 Main ttreet. all tf FOR SALE CHEAP. SEW WESTERN EI.EC trie motor, 6 H.

alternating current. P. BUSICK, Hudson, 111. a5 tf FOR SALE A NITVBER OF USED ASD RE-built csrriages. surreys, buggies snd spring wagons: bargain In ball bearing ails phaeton; any kind bought, sold or exchanged; bring in your old one.

THE MARTENS LEAKY CO. letf FOR SALE-FOUR VOLUMES OF CYCl.O-pedis of Applied Electricitv; a bargain. Call evenings, A. E. Peterson, cart Pantagraph.

ly 31-tf FOR SALE-TWO CHESTS OF TOOLS, BUTT, able for pattrm msrker or csrpenter; can be seen l-'lS North Morris svenue; will fell cheap, EDWARD BYRNE, Executor. Jyll-tf FOR SALE HAT PRESS BARGAINS; ONE 111x21) Porter boras-power, ISO; one 1SW Saul-wich horsepower, equal to oew; one 10x20 Kb, Ij belt press, in good working order, real cbesp. THK MARTENS-LEAHY CO. til FOR BALE NORMAL PAVINQ BONDS, llfsj denommstion, two to nlno years; Interest pel cent. FRANK ILLIAMS, Moan a hotel.

Nor. maL CITY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-RESIDENCE. CASH, t40 iiiuntlil.t bunifalow, t-seh, gii Uiontlilv tottagc, suit, Sij niontlity fi mi, gju uiontlilv. II.

t. Mate iuiI ell if FOR SALE-NEW MODERN HOME IN ONE of lie nnt popular ireighlMirboods the tit; exiTllrut loaatiuu, on car line. Addrviw R. tr cate Pantagraph, als-tf FOR SI.E-irING 111 CI HID TO UH'ATE in Chicago, I will si ll my room, striillr modern home.

ToM McvEY, tot West Ws.ningtou street; phone bsa L. Ft)R SALE AT A BARGAIN, ROOM MOD-ern hnuar, first class condition. Inquire Pail South Madison. al7-3l FOR SALE-NICE, MODERN, 10 ROOM RES, Ideme, Br.dway, Normal. BLTHERLASD HENRY, People's Bank Hlug.

alo-tf 1VR SALE HAVING DECIDED TO LEAVE the city, I will sell my residence at bargain; nvalern, in r'-om atory and a tslf, on paved street, comer lot, at sej East Monroe street, tor tennt inquire of Dsnus H. Pingrey, Owner. alMI FOR SALE MODER J-ROftM HOUSE; rLR-nsce, gocal barn; nesr Weslevsn; bargain if uken al once. 120S North Prsirle. sl-tf FOR SALE NORTHWEST COR.

ner l.orust snd prsins streets; jot or Inquire owner, W. tl. Brown, Fint Bank. jrlt tf FOR SALE BEAUTlFtX NEW RESIDENCE, almost completeil, corner Clay and Woclland avenue; part down, balanee-wionthly fisvments; doeit' overl.ik this you Intend to biiy. Inquire 111 Tsilors. FOR SALE OR TRADE-FIGHT R'ViM HOUSE near sqosrs for vsiwnt lots or improved proper! also goo lot on Fast l.roie street. GEORGE r. JORDAS, Griesheim Bldf. lyW-tt FDR SAl.E-AT A SAR0AIS, I ROOM HOUSE 1104 Franklin avenue. Inquire E.

II, Crursn, Bouth Us street; shons tfUI. j'lltt FOR SALE OR RENT A BUSINESS BITIf) Inc. 4( North Ma street. Inquire 77 Kinlea-h. If! tf COUNTHY REAL ESTATE.

rtlR SALE- BY OWNER, MO ACRES IN aortliern Illinois, miles from al market gutj.1 stork snd grain fsim; laras tism, iod Iiouae snd other buildings; twn grrml wells, wind-mill; IT a sire qui, sale; will take flt.t miirt gaga on part price us to 1 4 of amount. A U. S07 Btosdwsy, Normal, III. sll St FOR SALE AT ll.W PER At RE IF TAKEN In ten data, the tet Improved Mi a re farm tn White Indiana, near Monticello, riamtv aest, new 7 room Lrn, ailo, woven Wire feocea. Ihorolr toed.

tlerp pump. A't'ireas owner, William N. lvt No pi.ons ls, Mulitietllo, Whits roiinty, Itidisns. S17-21-' FOR HAIF svAAIKE STUCK AM) f.HAIN farm in aouthesatrn Iowa. IA Oarrra un-ler i).

tlvstion, balame l.mlwr and twature, fenred h-ig light; g'a improvements, 4S miles railroad; pine tl'J per acre. tor terms or ether in! formation address Willsm Eurmurhlen, Mat West svenue, Burlington, Is. sli-lmo FOR SALE-SMALL IIII'M rAMM, sctes. mile esat of Marklisw, on I lad IH ht lSlM. Msikiiisa, UK tli 111" FOR SAI.F-tdME TO Msnl III ANIlTiitiK over the farms we are offering; good land at nghl prlrew: ws have some of rhoirest fsrtns nortbeaatem pro rd frims fvin to titi iwr why pay 1,,,,) IN and l.wa when ws ran urni.h Missouri land of gieer value prices mnvniee.) vw r.ffr ti in sals two sect.

one r.f l.n at f.j r-r sere; some equallv gon, smaller farms; rome See us; r.r. fill your needs in oaTHIIfH WOODEN, Re.l r. Agents, Ursy, Me, 4 imt COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE CARROLL COUNTY, THK ILLI-nota of Aliaaouri: level, black land, just like yours, st one-half the price; will produce just ss many dollars to the sere of corn, osta, mors wheat clorer or blue grass; map free. J.

L. Bo YD, Nor borne, Mo. slS-30t FOR SALE-TEN IOWA CORN FARMS BY the owners, (ended in eastern lows near tlie Illinois line; good prices snd essy terms; drop me a line snd I will call and see you. D. LOUD, 1220 East Grove street, Bloomington, Illinois.

alt lift FOR SALE 100-ACRE FARM, hi MILE FROM msrket; lo2-acre farm, 2 miles from market; both A-l com land, well fenced, tiled and extra good buildings; priced right; send for description. THOMAS J. WELCH REALTY Dclphos, Ohio. al4-4t FOR SALE ILLINOIS FARM, SEAR MEN-dota; good buildings; all good, level, ri(h oorn land; black aoil is two feet deep; good clay tub-toil; thoroly tiled; good neighborhood; a bargain; good terms. For particulars applv to owner, Lock Box 293, Mcndota, 111.

al3 tf FOR SAI.E-SM ACRES. POCAHONTAS COI N-ty, Iowa, land; two groves and orchards, one set of good improvements; easily divided if desired into two or three farms; has 45.000 tile, is enclosed woven wire fence, on eourry road, rural mail route, telephone; one mile of town graded school, fsrmers' elevstor; Protestant community; no better farm anywhere; price per acre; purchaser can pay all March 1, 1913, or I will leave up to in firat mortgage. I. M. KIM, Owner, Rulfe, la.

alS HI' FOR 8AI.E-180 ACRES, LEAN COUNTY. Improved farm for sale to close an estate. Address Frank C. Barley, Executor, Lcroy, 111. aT tf FOR SALE VIRGINIA FARMS, IS THK BEST sections of the ttate; excellent aoil for all crops; good marketa snd best shipping facilities in the entire country; if interested write for a descriptive price list.

L. JACKSON, 319 321 Monticello Arcade, Norfolk, Vs. a8-14t FOR S.AI.E-120-ACRE COUNTY farm; mile to good market and Interurlain; will consider Bloomington residence and take mortgage back for If desired. HITHER-LAND i HENRY. ai lot FOR SALE OR RENT lfiO-ACHE FARM, Paulding county, Ohio.

Address owner, K. 12, esre Pantagraph. ao-tf FOR SALE CENTRAL OHIO FARMS; GOOD corn and alfalTa land; good pikes and markets; write for description; prices $100 to 1150 per acre. LINK ft LINK, Springfield, 0. ai-12t' FOR SALE FIVE LAND SNAPS; WE HAVE Ave well improved, nigh grade farms in Clark county.

South Dakota; we are offering them at decided bargains with good terma in order to close out an estate inside ninetv dava; splendid crops. TAVI.OK-JO.NE3 INVESTMENT Crookston, Minn. a7-lmof FOR SAI.E-l.V) BEAUTIFUL SOUTHERN Minnesota farms in heart of com belt in Watonwan, Blue Earth and Brown counties; will improved and locaard; rich soil, sure crops; Illinois and Iowa lands that government statistics thow raise less corn esnnot be bought for less than two or three times the price of our southern Minnesota land; write for our list and beautiful booklet, "Southern Minnesota." C. K. EROW'N LAND AND LOAN Uadelia, Minn.

al-lnto FOR RALE TO SETT! ESTATE AT ONCE, the Tipton farm near lleyworth; also Normal property, rnnaisong of the homestesd on Broad-wsy, several verv desirable lots on Rroadway, two houses snd ground to suit the purchaser on Virginia avenue, one lot on Dale street; prices right. W. R. BAIR, Executor, 401-2 Griesheim BUIg. jj31tl FOR SALE IF YOU WANT A FARM IS THE famous blue grsss and corn belt region, send for list of 600 lows farms.

J. E. IHMII.ToN, Winterset, la. Jvat-lmo FOR SALE A ACRES; PLENTY FRUIT, TWO good wells, 8 room house, eurtern. good outbuildings, fences.

GEORGE A. T.AY, 1.M2 West Grsham street. Ji SO Imo FOR SALE TO SETTLE ESTATE. FINE dsiry farm. 2I0 seres, 40 miles west of city hall, Chicago; 14 miles from town on Fox river north of Elgin; IK) acres tn crops; rich, blsck Isnd; good buildings; bam for eighty rows; horse bsrn snd numerous outbuildings bsrgain st $1Sd.

II W. DIETRICH, 114 South Ls Salle street, Chicago. jijOlmo FOR S'lE-120-ACRE FARM. ONE MILE from Paxton. pries f210 per sere.

KERll LIN OLE Y. Psxton. I1L 1v231mo FOR 8A1.E-M I.E.AN COUNTY FARMS; ONE IWl-eore trart. one ITSacre tract, two 10O-acre trarta, one 120-acre tract and two S0-ecre tracts; also 240 seres in Logsn county. Call on or address William Scbwullt, Basement Livingston Bldg.

J.V-S7 tf FOR SALE-BUY THIS GOOD FARM WHILE the price is low; 160 seres. level, well fenced, sversge Improvements; priced $15 per acre under present market valuation for quick sale. For particulars write 0. A. Brock, Peoria.

111. 124 tf FOR SALE TO SETTLE ESTATE. 1 1-ACI1E farm, mils sooth of Anchor on gravel rosd: pnaseesinn given March 1, WU. For Informsnon Inquire 1. H.

Nsfiger, Administrator, Anchor, Illinois. JvM-tf FOR SALE 1110-ACRE CORN FARM, WEIL located, are improved, fertile, nearly level, mostly Ijlack Isnd, that has raised aa high as usi ouaneis or corn per acre: balance rich, fertile loam; drained and fenced to perfection- no open atreams; huiHinga. Including tenant build. inta, worth tto.ijou; on pike road, one mile irom growing town with two railroads, elevators, mdla, atock varda, big milk condensing factory and first grade high erhool; fins water; idel dairy farm; have grown too old to handle farm; low price of $11 per sere, terms suit purchaser. Foe further particulars addrra O.

Elliott. Rida-rwar, Jv4 Imo FOR SAI.E-n ACIOS. M'LFAN COUNTY; good Improvements; plenty of fruit: well lo-isted; for asls chssp. Address P. a Rarlev, Leroy, 111.

tf FOR S4f MICHIGAN Kt(M AND FRUIT in atari, tee, use smj wexforq rountfen; fin.nfiO seres to select from; prices $10 to S.Vi per sere snd seven scars' for 7 Page iltuatrsted bcKiklr-t, frr-e. SW IG ART, Owner: A. W. WIVBFIKI. Genersl Agent, 601 People's Bank Bl.lg., Illinois.

y2Stf FOR SAI.E-140 ACRE ILLINOIS GRAIN FARM will take mailer farm aa part pay. 8. P. RnR. INSON.

Hannah building. v14 tf LOTS. FOR SAI.r-VF.RT REASONABLE, FINE tiuiuiug nnrtheael corner Fell snd Fniertm; 1 'O feet; avej streets. Iinpurt N. J.

SorgjnL aiS-tf FOR SALE-BEST BUILDING LOT ON SnlTH Bros.lwsj; pries right JOHN A. GOODWIN, Normsl, 111, aot. OR EAY PAYMENTS, SICK, llrgw buil'litg lot on Sruth Oak and Stewart atreet. is, i at Jobs atapleton a law ofi ee, Griesheim BUIg. mis tf FOR SALE VACANT LOTS ON ALUS AND also on low snd Summit streets, fs'ing Miller park.

W. T. M. MILLER, corner Wood and Allin. FOR SALE-TWO FNE Bl ILDINrj LOTS ON v-aat sow, an Itrer avenue.

Jut nf Grovei low urice, easy terms. F. esre mi tf FOR atl.F-EASTHOI MP: A Fl CHOIf i en on riti'os street, three on Linden street, three on laslhulme sienue, three on rl wany svenue sc one on Cotton stenue; mall csah psiment or, I BO lh 1 I nidg. ,4 tf F09 RENT. ROOMf.

FOR RENT-Fl RMSHI RikiMs. M'iIiERN house, git Went ire hinhah Hwi j. als J4 FuR RENT Fi'l I) RiaiMS sr. n.a.r; mnneaal. Ahlr.aa D.

14, late Pantagraph. alK HR RIVT TWit MlTxT HimTms, flltii.lird tot ligt.l irriVSle Phon. aul West t.rai ais tf FOR RENT TWO SI.FEPINii Rimvfa. S1HHT Iv modern, very convriuent, eaj la Tatlof phone litis X. ale (H HiR RENT ROOM i.

MoDIHV IHlMEi" neigl.l.rh... car line. A.l.lreai esre Pantagraph OR RENT THIIIK KMIII II UiHikt light first private wsier in liru tiilili WILLIAMS. ll sis, It Full MFVT lillltttlllF I altrit- ejowri rn, rirmahstl; (iriitts etltl.lits, HH ,4 SU H' The funeral services of Mr will be held this l'i. ai.

i.ou 0 Clock. 1 vneu. nn. FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral services of Mrs. 1-.

S'UU 1 "a ana tnia aitiriloon In the A at o'clock. Friends invited. at L. ct CARD OF THANKi We wish to thank the friends wi, sssUted us during the tickneas and deati brother snd uucre, Mr. Henry Clay for the floral ofcrino.

A r- bTASTOX AND BUSINESS vaANCET FOR SALE-BEST REMTal uVt7r fectionery iu Uibaon City. Addrt derson. Mill BALE HESTAPBavt. tionerv. doine: orotitalile liN action in a town of about l.ouu.

earn Pantagraph. air FOR RENT 1A.ROOU uinrri near Hroomington. GEORtiE Julliji1': FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-SIM KnTnT htlainaiM naar that health cause of selling, c. 'a. ton Horth S14-, fob flai.r Rtroow Tr-T lUnts, on the principal atreet: giiie JSil health tint iroo.1 a' 10 "1 are FOR SALE CLEAN STOCK CFSniTTv chendise in good His town; harea-n once.

Address X. care Panugnni, 10-l(f wavrpn srmrsra nr chsndite for cash; stste lowest rnce aJ taw. D. A. KIjiFTIIR li '1'Vl V.11T, 1 J.1 2co' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE lrJ-ROiiiTiT tel.

Mltlw ftimiah4- ti, Ington. GEORCt; F. JORDAN, lJl FOR SALE-GOOD STOCK OF DRIiSwT rtsinaar itsfionanf asnri .1.. 1. HAlUi RIIU IIIOW WBIK-ssV III PIVvl Ing 60 feet long; rent $15 per month- only one other store In town of iJ mnA i.

I 1 chance foe a I In bHh. llt V. bsrsrsln. B. bTRAVER, Leilngton, 111." siSK $33-60 ROUND TRI AlU 18 TO tAKR WALES AND WIST For fumirier Tieati'oB amonc the 5X) lihm climate ii equal to Miebiffan' F.shmg, ana auromoDitt tnpa tree.

J. B. BRIGGS, a1 hi but nmidii j. Kinloch ire. DO YOU WANT A SNAP We have some new, modern, f) ar.l ir-l nouses on casv aiae tor aale and tra e.

tt. make terms to suit. If you want to lv, k. ucnaiige properly 01 any sino, aee us. F.

MQSTOLLER Livingco aj GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY We hare several thousand seres good, level, prairie corn farms, tiled, with graj arovements in McLean cocntv. central 1 and other states to meet all competitiua. tor no low terms to sins, ear l.ercy. ft, sr-f r--r; inns. -'-'o; mn, rS; ir3a.

provementa, S2Ja, two Km 50; 1' i miles (mm Leroy, Urge, eslusble can carry or more. 6 tier cent, ten optinnaL Also bars larger and smaller tn-J write. Dswsna township: Two ana traos. 1 terms. 6 per ewnt to suit, Twn ty for remal.

I1S4; IPOs, nothing be' et. and others. Have good northwestern der cultivation, and good lows finri, sniauer larme here, and mswt you big Whst bsve yon for sale or HL'sll-nREY st HAIR. lerei. ILLINOIS FARMS MOtcre farm, mfles from town.

eoiintv; fins Und; two acta improvem.i fl, Snd inurrb on fsnn; esse terms of pairer: reeiKinsibls buyer. Investigate this if j.u a flrti-clsss farm. snrvsree prairie farm, 's miles from Crvf-good improremetita. tnfi sces farm, north part mr good stock snd grsin farm; lair A seres, 1 mils from ststloa on Irtrr-w one ojll ia cultivation, balance paat jre. I scrw poultry snd truck farm, a-l'i-i'-t tioo on interurlain; small bouse, barn, house, etc, fW SCre farm.

Eilwarda eeainlr; eearlr good, well drained bottom land- rood irr-' mente: will eirrrsnge for farm' In noia ea lows. I aee me If yen wsnt to buy, or ei-'rr real estate. WILniiR CARTEL IC4 First National Bank Bldg. Kinloch phone OM. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN OCR lASIr" AT LA CROSSE, fNn.

Stand more drouth than McLean or I county lareta, also will atand mors rain. 1 ran be bought for half the money. Finis 1 sue you wsnl from luo up. Corns see item be convinced Fine location ftw sweet ci" fl loev. He.t sweet, com Isnd one can fin 1.

1 FATE, Und Mai, reettsc, Illinois. FOR EXCHANGE A valley of prairie Und. onenisW Its due srtesitn, ptire, cold drinki' sn I and an slnindsnrw of water fr 1 Grande riter for irrigation st little evra that has merits and wwr 1 vetnsatioa hy anions Intrreeted. Free bs" Railjosd fsrt, rmiiid trip. 1 6.

FATE, Poetise. FOR SALE AT A UARGAIN A rwora mndera bouse, ea pared street, the nle)tn, foe M.riio. a mil. aie, gaa, etty and rial ern wster. cement "i and psved street, for n.lOOl nesr the V) Unlock I.

J. A. ml 1 1 Room mi l.liirgvton MONEY lM. 1- 10" A oltsl FARMS la as Safe ss r.rtt's nviut nrvvna nd nsv a 1110. belter rate of Interesf; ttlee (OU get the Inrrrsss in vslues.

Glv. ira so Orportunilv lo prtns II: cS'l lir.ltM w. 11 SS Grlaahelm Rlaorwintion. 111. FOR EsXCHANGE Have 1st) scree and tn scree la eeelrsl l' sols, gone) blseg rorvi Isnd, Is esebs ge frw ansns, or ebesrwr land, Also anene good busis bulMinwa.

vefl rental, lor latvd. rot full Istormstva sail or tiMrwat joim r. 'fuh 00. Bkaftatl-wtea. IU GILT EDGE MORTGAGES for tale, hearing VJ, end per cswl leeiire.1 he best IIMno.t farme end ami Rnryosl rlly fietnerty, la smounls A' m- up to suit fHinhssrr.

TVss I'wiw anode a Met raeefiil lespe-l ebad Willi one owe wioney end rerrM st isnwenin by as asntll enld. We tea mas amiriiy at West double the leas, eollea-t Inlreest snd resset to kol.lse Svorigsge wilbnil ebsnre, It desired. IStl ST tnCM SAVINGS In borne ar.el't wliere vo.i know the aeriilltfl Iher sre usierie, into rwah uirsom Mvsee and TRfn co lws Main snd Ems airwa raoaasi sUakck Tutj tell ROOMS. FOR KENT THREE FURS1SHED ROOMS for light housekeeping; modern conveuiem-vg. Inquire 801 West Chestnut street.

3t "FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS, PRIV1I rsj' of light housekeeping; reference. 413 rvejrlh Mldiaon street. al7 St FOR RENT THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, downstairs, sod West Grove. In quire 204 South Leg, ale 3t FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED FROST rooma with kitchenette, ground floor; private entrance; gaa for Phone 4A4-X. al5 3t FOR RENT-SUITE, OR ROOM; MODERS conveniences; grate; facing Franklin park.

Phone T7U-L. Sl6-6t FOR REST TWO ROOMS AND ALCOVE, ALL modern. Inquire 406V East Douglas. slj-3t FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS, MOD-ern, for light housekeeping. Inquire ln8 Kivst I uiversity avenue.

FOR RENT-TWO HOOM3, FURNISHED, FOR light housekeeping; modern conveniences; ground floor; close in. 407 North Grulley. all-tf FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping; ground floor; close in; reasonable. 310 South Prairie. al4-tf FOR REST THREE LARGE DOWNSTAIRS rooms; partly furnished; modem.

Inquire 002 East Grove. al4-tf FOR RENT-TWO ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR light housekeeping; modern conveniences; close in. Call mornings, North Gridley. al3-tf FOR RENT-TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED rooma on first floor for light housekeeping. 407 East Chestnut.

Kinloch llto j. tf FOR REST TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED, suitable for light housekeeping, on ground floor; modem conveniences; close in, 407 East Mar-ket. 12-tf FOR RENT A SPLENDn FRONT ROOM IS modern home. 401 East Douglas. all-tf FOR REST Fl RNISHED ROOM, REASON-able; two blocks trora aquare.

420 North Centet. SIS-tf FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room in all modem bouse. Kinloch 2264-Lf- 4io East Grove. slO-tf FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM MODERN conveniences; 401 East Grovs street; gentlemen preferred. s7-tl FOR RENT-TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms.

Inquire 608 East Douglas. aO tf FOR RENT LARGE, AIRY FRONT ROOM, atrictly modem, six blocks from aquare, eaat tide. Inquire 211 South McLean street. sttf FOR REST FURNISHED ROOM IS STRICT-ly modern house, close in; to gentleman or nurse. Cell mornings, Kinloch 21-X.

s8-tf FOR RENT-THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, sll modern, for light housekeeping; first-class. 303 West Union. ,6 tt FOR RENT A FURNISHED FRONT ROOM In modern house. 302 West Chestnut ttreet. eo-tf FOR RENT-MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS, three blocks from square.

Inquire 107 East s51mo FOR NT Fl ST-CT. ASS SUITE OF THREE furnished rooms with kitchenette for housekeeping; new, modem concrete house; three blocks from Wesleysn, same from C. A. railroad; phone service; two private entrances; tint floor-referencca exchanged; no children. Sirs y-n Emerson.

t5-tf FOR RENT ONE MODERN SI EFJ-INO ROOM; nice distsnce from square. 1312 North Main atreet. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE room, 405 South Evana. Kinloch 2018 L. I30 tf FOR REST FURNISHED ROOMS; ONE large modern room; also amaller, comfortable sleeping rooms; 200 block Eaat Washington, Kinloch 744.

jj-j, FOR RENT-LARGE. PIEASANT ROOM IN private f.milv, suitshle for two gentlemen; modem; rcasonsble. b20 East Jefferson; JySJ-tf FOR RENT DFSIRARI.E. ROOJs up snd dnanstsirs; sll modem: hot snd cold wster. 820 West Washington; Kinloch 143 Z.

L27tt FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN ROOM' gentleman preferred. 406 East Monroe street. 3ttf bZlrf ROOMS, MODERN; board if desired. He) Kan Monroe. Jy7-tf LARGE MODERN T.

outer. Wear Msrk fl-tt mouses and flats. FuR REST-sEVES ROOM MODERN HOI sp Inquire Harry Slu s.ith Main. slMf" FOR RENT FIVE Room CoTTMiE. MoD-eni; 303 South Prsirle atreM.

Inquire South l0' Bl.t FOR HI NT- EIGHT ROOM HOUSE; PARTI mo.iem. 41H North FOR RENT MODERS (AlTTAGS AT lb. West Iront. Kmloth 4 K. H'R HI.NT-M.I RihiM BUNGMilVV.

jil 1 lion aenue; 10 u. MoN. US) I xdton avenue. sl FOR KENT-SEVEN IUNIM Modern lb sit fine lord it W. II.

REEDY, HM( FOR I 7 room sacs clo c. A. alx FOR Rl NT-EIGHT ROOM IUiUf I cr IZTnZr- B.i, SlMf loR RINT-NEW. sritllTl.l Mi till RN, 7 mom hoiiar nr tnents F. Mi in I ol.l.KR A (,,.

"ENT-s. MllDERN HllKiVf llol SK Ttreet 7' rark' atreet. 7. II. new alatf Oi.

fi.e Ication. FOR RETT-Fot RiKivl FL AT, SU SI MIV tn; eity g. J. HEN SMALL CirrTtOE, ONK Bl 1 fnm ti J. P.

Ann, hi North Catherine. 3," FOR Rl NT-- SI VEN ROOM MODERN Inquirs hp, Vnnn sl FOR F. NT KEPT MToTrt TrTiTuT strut, fl of too esr lines. VI I.MP rail 'llenue. Normsl, III.

.16 si IOR MINT-NINE Notlli rsuge Cnrs with lon.r I AMI'til 11 N.ti..l Bank Bldg. F.R IIINT-MOIURV SRixiM ILATTl fj a-i Jefferson; hinio sllH RENT SEv rN RonMnn, rvi snd waiw, Call M.mnw nr phons X. sl4 FOR RIAT MODERN R'MiM ftiTTAI.F Sh "km i. SI4IM' FOR RINT-FATIREIY MODI rT" s7 cJ loou.r. of IT.

W. E. Guthrie, 110 Utfk R(l sll 11 1 "r.ST"?MK r'vr IHilBIF Heecbe, s. e. ebd SO children.

710 1 Urovs; rsll ITeaj for r.n r-five itia.M modem's" n.f. 7., West Js.kaoll strrel. slVfit L.O.' a 1 wt vt prrmsKs of lt. Us.ks, gll Orieahelm Hi-'f sil II nuus nnu rLnie. FOR REST AN ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 601 Esst Douglas street, at J.

A. MILLER, 301 Livingetoo Bldg. sll-ll FOR REST-NEW. JUST FINISHED, STR1CT-ly modern double residence; sis large rooms snd bath on esctt side. Corner Olive snd Gridley; phon 707-L FOR RENT EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE; MODERS.

80S East Monroe. 1 FOR BEST-MODERN ROOM COTTAGE; newly papored thruout. 810 East Monroe atreet. FOR REST SEVES-ROOM MODERS HOUSEl furnace heat; possession September 006 East Mulberry. Call st 604.

FOR REST-SIXROOM MODERS APART-ment on first floor, $40 per month. CsU Kinloch 1762 L. FOR REST NISE-ROOM HOUSE, STRICTLY modern, eutt tide, six blocks from square, Inquire 211 South McLean street. -tt FOR RENT NISE-ROOM HOUSE, MODERS conveniences, 1006 Eaat Washington; houses and lota for sale, monthly paimeuta. E.

H. AL-DH1C11. FOIf RENT NEW, MODERS, 8-ROOM HOUSE with tarage; 1620 Esat Grove; phone r2S9. sl-tf FOR REST FIVE-ROOM COSCRETE HOUSE, lust completed- lot 250 feet deep; Colton svenue nesr Emire street. DAVIS EW1SQ COSCRETE COMPANY.

frSO-U FOR RENT SECOND AND THIRD STORY fists, over 410 North Msin street, in business center; stesm heat, modern conveniences; baths and closeta both Boors, Inquire E. H. Miner, Griesheim Bldg. Jyo ti FOR RENT EIGHT ROOM MODERS HOUSE, good location, 816 East Jefferson. Inquire 801 West Jefferson; phwe 101711.

Jyltvtf FOR REST MODERS 6RO0M HOUSE, 415 Woodland svenue. Inquire $16 Ttilo.a, Illinois Hotel Bldg. JyI6 tf FOR ROOM FI.AT WITH bsth. In Stevenson building; two blocks from squsre. Inquire ol IL T.

Hummer, tit Esat Front atreet, J20-tf FOR REST FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT. ON ground Boor; strictly modem, close in; line location. Inquire M. Fnnkeberger, 104 West Front street. )-U FOR RENT MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE, 711 East Jefferson, $S0 per mooth.

JOSEPH BEAM, oOO Esit Front street. A jv7 TOR RENT FIVE-ROpM APARTMENT; GAS range snd stesm heat furnished; stilctly mod rn. SU Esst Mulberry! call mornings. J6-rj FOR RENT SIX-ROOM RESIDENCE, MODERN 4054 East Front st-eH. CsU Stone, Oglevee Franklin, State National Bank Hldg.

JStf FARMS. FOR RENT A SMALL TRUCK ASD FRUIT tratt for next year; litieral terms to suitable tenant. For particulars sddrcas J. 13, tare of Pantagraph. sl3 fit FOR REST FARM IS TAZEWELL COUNTY, 10 seres.

DR. B. W. Mackinaw, 111. 712t' FOR RENT CHOICE FARMS, DEUEI.L COUS-ty, Nebraska; Sedgwick county, lolorado; grain, cattle, pit tilca.

Address T. til, esre I'autannipli. s710t FOB RENT-GOOD H00-ACRE FARM IN Icwa; right price to right partv; fine location; good schools. Bog 138, Bloomington. III.

atVrf MISCELLANEOUS. FOn RENT SECOND FLOOR OF WEST Front; auitable for lotlire or manufacturing. Inquire W. H. Llbricli, Harness Store.

jSl tf FOR MENT FOR ANY LAWFUL BUSINESS, the buffet room, Chatterton opera house. Apply to 801 Livingston building. Jyiyil FOR RENT-TWO GOOD BRICK STORE rooms, one in tvlfax. snd one st Ssybrook, well located and suited lor moat any kind of business. Inquire John F.

Welch Btoominsrfnn. III. J24-tf FOR EXCHANGE. AlSAM.AeSMat.aXiAJSAaVaFll FOR EXCHANGE Mm BLooHlNGTON property. slmo.t new, strictly modern bouse tn rHiringnei in lst part ol town, cloee In.

Inquire S. J. Sorgard. slitf FOR E.l(lASGF-A GOOD GENT'S ROAD-ter. in good mdition, for good team, mares or horses.

237 East Front. sli 34 MlR EXCIIANGK-llW-ACRK VERNON CflUS-ty, Mitaouri, stock fsrm; wsnt small, well Mi ean county. Illinois, farm in ex. change: tins is good propantion fianr desiring lame stork farm; give full uVvription snd prne of farm; no agents, Address W. T.

Bur.L Carlinville, III. all.7t for exi hvni.f-w ai res 1 mmpruv in, eastern Illinois farm; worth mortgage 6 -r cent interest; want downtown property or store for equity. Addreu S. 01, care Pantagraph. FOR EXCHANGE-FINE WIVACIlK FARM IN conntv at $l'2j per acre; wsnt a stork of genersl merchandise; also will buy slot snd genersl mcrcltsndise for cssb; tend on your rie-srnptirma.

II. P. HAZl.E CO. Jj5-tf FOR EXCHANGE-ROADSTER AITIMORIIK, Hi good condition, for accord hand electric Ad-dreaa ft. s.

csee Pantsgrsr h. jvrt tf MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO I1AN-I AM IOANING $0 PI sere on central Illinois fsrnis st A ner rent. 1 RANK BUSS, tot Corn Belt Bank Bd. Jv Amo MONEY TO lUN-AT REASONABLE RATH' fsrm Insns with options to pay lux sll any day; money oa hand; pmnqit ebaing; eity losial slso; borne wioney a feature; estshlisl.rd nisnr vesrs IIKNRY CAPES.

SOSS, MS HortJ Center stieet. allsl MOStit TO LOAN-ARE TOD IIFAITATINO piirebssing bom. oe building sew 1. 'IL. H' 1.1 money to make 3 'a li cent Interest.

A. FKEthK Bank Bldg as tf MONET TO LOAStS FARMS IS ILI.IMOIS snd city property i. Bliwrningioei ssd lom "Ptleal; fuels fund; so del.v. ILLINOIS SAVI.Nli AND I HI 'T Wirnet Msla end Fronv dl tf MONET TO I.OAS-OS SALARIES, property end ckstt.1.; monmir or wsesi, Jf-mints; lb. lowest r.ies; lb, J- easle II.UMHS A aiTt." l-a Ika.

Room. WMl" fij. HONFY TO LOAN-OS FARMS ND fifties! e.te; Urm. beet; H.nne loor. in laran Sixi Sll Silolnili eMumas; lo" as.ras?, Vl as tvore oe emitrset in direct 'f.

iiiisj. rHk corner Ltn, mai Moaro Bldg Cwa Iblt RFASONARI TKNMS iaissssss-s lf MONEY WANTED. ANTED-TO BoN HOW snMiTiTrT rese. eity 1 MM. I.

IJ. ear. panlag, COMIi TO NORTH DAKOTA AND WJY A l'l 1bl. We hg.e farms -r tl.m i rvs bi sue. 1,1 Vyr.

'A'-rMNa, ilf.4'A ns ''IS Kta lissela, 01 WANTS. DOME8TIC HELP WANTED. WASTED MIDDLE AGED WOMAN' A3 housekeeper on farm. V. T.

8TAITZ, Bout Blouuiington. ala-3t WANTED DISHWASHER OR ill HI, FOR general homework. Apply at once, West Washington, alell ASTED GIRL OR MIDDLE AGED WOMAN, ltfc mile south ol town; eapenenced. fall H10L-2. S1S3C WASTED GIRL FOR GENERAL llol SB-work.

MRS. E. DICKINSON, 116 East Horrhor. lS-t( w'ANTED-EXl'ERIESCEH GIRL FOR GEN em! housework. MRS.

fltOBASCO, 907 North Main. "IStl WASTF.D A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOISfi. work; small family. Address A. C.

Ertel, Gib-ton City, III. als-flt" WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOl'SE-work. 804 Writ Market. all 3t FEMALE HELP WANTED. ANTED MILLINERY SALESLADIES Or eipentncc.

A. LlvlNGSTOS SONS. slbilt WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SALESLADY who understands the German language anil ia exorienced in wiling hosiery and underwear. Apply at My Store. als3t WANTED LADY WISHES LADY COMPANION to atay nights.

Address la, Fantagraph. a 18 3t WANTED TWO YOt'Sd WAITRESSES IN ire cream atand Leroy fair. Apply C. 11. Ed-ingcr, Lcroy, at once.

all tl WASTED 8EWISU MACHINE OPERATOR. Apply L. B. Merwin St. North Eaat.

JvL'3 tf MALE HELP WANTED. WANTKD MAN AS SHOE SAL Ionian with some experience; permanent. GKK-HART SHOE CO. alS ANTED jfXl.E WHO CAN TAKE STOlK and act as manager in comiaiuy doing I.umiiciw in Bloomington and surrounding) territories; good chance lor live man. Addrcrai U.

14, care l'antdgrapli. ale-Gt WASTED MARRIED MAS TO WoRlv ON farm; must bo experienced, having small family', capable of taking cure of all kinds of atock; reference required; call in perai i two miles cast of Hirnct. JOHN KELLEY. als-3f WANTED FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH AND hnrsealiocr at once. A.

SKIRY1S, Fanner" I ity, lliiuois. ads tf wasted two canvassers for leading soap powder; house to house; per dav and commission; call before 8 a. in. GEORGE (V.ARKE, Commercial Hotel. alS-lt WANTED MAN AND WIFE WlTHOlT CHIL-dren to work on farm; a very good place, with good wage: none but reliable partu-s ned answer.

Address T. 13, care Tantagrapii. WANTED AS EXPERIENCED CLOTHING talesman; permanent position for a good man. Address The Continental Clothing Gales-burg, 111. alT-at WANTED MEN ON MILL STREET, BETWEEN lt and Mason.

P. F. M'DONALD. elj-tf WANTED LABORERS FOR ROAD WORR; cen'e per hour; three montVs' work: board in ramp. M.M per week.

Writs or applr to G. W. Robertson, Wstscks, III. si tf WANTED FIRST CLASS FORM SETTER, per day; three months' work; board in camp, st.M per week. Write or apply to O.

W. Robertson, Wataeka, 111. s5tf WASTED-MEN TO LEAR THF. BARBER trade: easy to learn by our svstem of espert instruction! and free clinic; positions waiting at top wages; mnnev earned while learning: write for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, Chi-.

TIL JyCJ Imo' WANTED RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS; BLOOM-fngton eraminatlnn soon; gTft month: sample ejuestlnns free. FRANKLIN ISSTITLTF. Dept. Rochester, N. T.

Jv Jmo WASTP.D GOVFRSVFST POSITIONS ARE esse to get; mr tree booklet, vr.t. tells how; write today, sow. EARL mrfon, P. 0. jri-Mt WASTTOLIVE WIRE TO ORGANIZE COM.

psne, take tome stork and general management for proration that la a winner: be quick. Ad-dress Hot Rlnmnlnrtnn, III. f7 tf BOYS WANTED. WANTED BOY AROIT IB OR 17 OF S.GE for wrapp ng pa kages; jicrmancnt poailii'li. Anplv at Vfv Store.

alMVt POSITIONS WANTED. ANTED STEADY POSITION BY MIDDLE aged lady tn.aaeit In housework; country or city. Y. 13, rarr I'antagraph. aI7 3t ANTED-POSITION IN WTOHF.

OR WHO! aale house, by eoher, industrious young man; no experience out willing to learn. Addrrwt W. 13, rare Pantagraph. WAVTFD-POSITION BY EXPERIENCED Itrm hand.seinglr. A.

13, rare Pantograph. airjt sNTED- POSITION BY EXTKRIKNI MN as farm foreman; bet of references. VMrcsa t. 13, eare Pantagrapli. al7 sNTED-POSITIOS WITH SOMF TIF.I.IARI.P dentiat in I rave bad twelve tear esrr enrr; nismcd; no tis.l hjhiis.

M. 2t7 Main elreet, Ralraliirg. 111. 17 it' sNTED-M UtltlED Mt WANT STFVMY work on farm. E.

G. I'll Ell, arl. ik, III. R. t.

slfjl ANT I'D-POSITION TO Do GFNI boiiariork bv ticrnnin girl. Call Kinlti II or 'M North avenue. 3t ANTED-PUCE nv FRM NFAR Rl ooM Ing'n by young niarr ed man, aoher and afraid of work; mv fumlli beet reference. VI dreea 13, rare Paufagraph. WANTFD-MAN AND WIT.

WANT STEADY work on farm. Addre.s P. 13, Pantsgnib, la WsVTFD -BV MsHRIFD Vtf. pnmoN I fs'n; gocl Jn tire if I re ai'd irl. I ie A I'lress F.

esre Pan'sg'sph. I't ANTED-PO'iTof IKil'sFRI FPI fere.t. evperieni rd el lerle 'r il, 13 old: email fsmih; gne rcf rcr. es. Addreea F.

care Pantanph. al( 7t WTEIV-posiTlOV Ae STATIoVAWY tieee et-d flremsn by msrried msn. ran r're first reference. A'ldress I'. fr rare Psrtarrtph jji MISrELlANfTOli.

WANTED. sVTTD- Bl vINESS (JIRI.S' Wsll Irmiu all kinls fs work A 1 I rs 13, tare slal WANTll-A l.shY, ONE IM UnltKsTp fown. for coiniutv at nitrbt for rim id'-must of g' rsll In j- "Tl eWiuth Isdard. if WANTFD-nVr. Yul All MEN To ll'mxi a-d b-aid.

pr.vate pfurn" 411 son Street. tl- lt ANTED-TWO Oft THIII AFI IINIshTTi rooms f.T Itgbt bnuw ke. i east or north le Address V. 03. esre pantograph.

ii farm iio thsres; referenrr irtu.lie I A'l Irea, n' rare Pantsgraph. alt ATFTt-TTr FSFITNMlfn Vght norili er INI erred; een give r-ferencr. Ald'eaa fj Pantsgrsph sATin-t O'SnflY WriftK TO Do "kj brvme- Ise eurisuis, alt kinds fancy si-drewi ft. 1.1, I'anlsgrsi h. It" WTFD-Dtll 'OMAKIVti To Do AT Mnviii fall Fast front or kulnh fJiart.

alt hrio WAVKD-TO flFVT FsllM OF To i'tm tn rrrw bait l-y rsper.rnrrd f.m.rf. teefrence. Address B. rare I'sn'sgrai wvrFn-To nrv rsrn aiti; riTr all 11 sure ass 1 iailui 1 TI F. 2 hoii, tiful plen aa 1 lias Tl este Km, of 1 Tl to I lien i Ms Err.

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