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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 1

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Mary Pidfbrd's Own Story IN tHB SUNDAY STAR LARGEST MORNING AND SUNDAY CIRCULATION IN INDIANA, Mary Pickford's Own Story IN THfe SUNDAY STAR nttA as eccond-clasp matter Jan, .18, 1008, at VQJU. ut under tlio act of jtarch 3, 1870, WEDNESDAY MOIINING, MAY 25, 1021. IfjjSUKD DAY BY STAU I Dally, by Carrier, Wo Per Woek.y I'UBUSHING COMPANY, Mall, by Zones, 75 Cents to $1.00. EE CENTS. xj.

GAGO FROWNS ON NEW RULE OF CITIES E. M. Wasmuth Declares Commission and 6ity Manager Systems Permit Minority A Control PARTYfiESPONSIBILlTY LOST RICKENBACKER ENDS SECOND LEG OF LOffG FLIGHT BY AIRPLANE SAN FRANCISCO, May at Redwood City, a short distance south of San Francisco, shortly after 7 o'clock tonight from Los Angeles, Capt. Eddie RIckenbacker, premier American ace, completed the second leg of his journey to Washington by airplane. He will leave for Washington at dawn.

i THIS CITY ON FLIGHT ROUTE. Rights of Entire Citizenship Held Stinted Under Proposed System. 'M. Wasniuth, -Republican state chairman, Issued a statement yesterday Jh which he declared Himself as opposed to the commission or dommlsslon manager forms of city government. The proposed innovations In.

city government will hot be an improvement over the present plan, He said, but on the trary would permit of a minority rule with only a few of the many interests "of life represented in a dominant way." Elections to determine whether the 'commission manager form of government Shall be established are to be held a number of Indiana cities next month. Mr. follows: number of Indiana cities wilt hold elections shortly to decide whether they wiUabandbn the present system of local party government and, as state, chairman, I am personally very much opposed on the merits of the commission and city manager forms of government, to their establishment. If I 1 honestly thought that the establishment of these now systems of city gov- ernrnent would improve local -government, I should favor them and most emphatically. However, that such Is not the -most Itn'portani consideration of ail government that it must be responsible.

A party Is merely, a group of individuals who, by their collective action, insure party responsibility and in of our citizenship have Rlckehbacker Will Drop 'Legion's Summons to Memorial Services, Eddie Klckenbacker, premier American ace, who left Los Angeles, yesterday ori an airplane flight to Washington, will distribute the American Legion's summons to veterans to participate in the observance Memorial It was announced at national headquarters of the legion His course will-lead him over Reno, Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Omaha and Indianapolis, tie will attempt to reach Chicago by tomorrow evening. -Posts of the American Legion In towns and cities along Rickenba'cker's route will turn out to receive messages he will Saturday evening he will attend a banquet In Washington. He will return to Indianapolis to attend the automobile races Monday. POLISH INSURGENTS IN UPPER SILESIA. (Photo by International Film Service.) BRITAIN ORDERS 4 BATTALIONS INTO SILESIA Force to Be Increased, if Possible, Austen Chamberlin Tells Questioner in House of Commons'.

ASKS VOTE'OF CONFIDENCE TEMPLE PLANAPPROVED Masonic Grand Lodge Gives Trustees Permission to Make Alterations. Trustees of Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons of Indiana, which convened yesterday In the Masonic temple In'the 104th annual meeting, were given permission to proceed, In conjunction with the Indianapolis Masonic Temple Association, in making such alterations and repairs the present temple as they deem expedient. The master of the greater Masonic temple was touched upon In committee, and on report of; the, "plans are SHOWS INSURGENTS OF THE ABOVE PHOTOGRAPH, ONE OF THE FIRST TO REACH THIS COUNTRY. THE ADVANCi KORFANTY INSURRECTION, FOLLOWING THE RECENT THE KOrtFANTV-FOROTOTlii u'pPBR SILESIA SEEKING TO BLOCK THE ADVANCE OF -TROOPS- SENT, TO 1 1 b.i**i i A I i DOWN THE REBELUION OF THE POLES. THE PLEBISCITE.

THREATENS AGAIN TO DIS.TURS THE PEACE OF EUROPE. SHACK TURNS OUT TO BE MONTE CARLO, POLICE RAIDERS SAY their right to be heard and their Interests considered. Such is not the case under the commission or city-manager forms of Bovornmcnt The people shou always hold for themselves the right to elect by direct vote their chief executive on the basis of group responsibility so that he may be responsible directly to them and It Is not satisfactory to have the chief executive responsible to an Intermediary body which would be, In this instance, the. members of the commission, under either tKifeo plans. "Party responsibility means that an classes of citizens, regardless their views on business, labor, religion and kindred subjects, may find opportunity to have their Interests considered and represented in the composite organization of a political party, but under either of these new systems, the Individuals In power may consciously or unconsciously, represent one or more of these factors withbut representing the others.

Minority Rule Possible. The result is that, under either of the new systems, we have minority rule with one, or at least a few of tho many inL'u'CJta of American life noV when completed, will give ua some Idea'of tho possibilities and the probable cost of providing such increased space," continuation of work along these lines was sanctioned. Two plans for a greater temple are to be considered. Both provide for a replica of the present building at Illinois and North streets on tho lots immediately south, running to the alleys south and cast. One plan '-is to makp the new structure an addition to the with additional facilities for lodge and social rooms, and the extension of the dining rooms.

The other plan Is to erect a separate building on the vacant lots, separated from the main building'by an area way for ventilation, extend the quarters of tho Grand lodge and its. auditorium; afford desk and burglar proof vaults for tho secretaries and officers' of the Grand lodge and the eleven constituent bodies of the temple association, In which to keep the books, records and paraphernalia of tho lodges; several additional lodge rooms, and on tho top floor a huge assembly room for the bodies' which -'desire more than afforded by Tooms for their social affairs. Plans to Be Submitted. Plans for cither of the projects bo ready to bo submitted More Coats Than Men Indicate Several Play- ers Escaped: In a frame building at.Twenty-eighth street and the Monon tracks, which, from the outside, bore all tho appearance of "shack," IJeut. Cox and Sergt'Heim say they discovered last night a room arranged for gambling purposes, The poker games were going at three tables when they entered the When the men In the police uniforms there was a wild Scramble through windows and when It was over the raiders, had more coats In their possession than they had men to wear them.

The police reported they found $69.70 In silver on tho table ajul twenty- three packs of playing cards. Tho money, cards, three tables, nineteen chairs and nine men were sent to police headquarters. Those arrested gave their names and addresses as Mack Farrell, 2907 Cornell avenue; John Carmley, 825 Bast Twenty-fourth street; Harry W11-. son, Rushvllle, In.d.; Harry James, 233 North State avenue; WiUlam Ellis, 1523 Kast Vermont street; Fred Wilson, Franklin, James Baker, Colonial hotel; Harry Franklin, Connersville, and Jack Lear'J', Lafayette, Ind. 1 Farrell was charged with being' keeper Of a gambling house.

The others wore hold on charges of gambling and visiting a gambling house. Percy Ford Hurt As Rear Wheel Is Thrown In Speedway Sprint Arm of Driver of Chicago Frontenac Special Pinned Down, but Pilot Holds Wildly Zigzagging Car to Track--Elimination Trials This Afternoon. represented in a dominant way. "It Is my honest opinion and best judgment, without regard to the lm portanco of political machinery, that we may have a much mbro satisfactory form of local government, based on political parties, with a definite responsibility to the people and repro- ncntlng all Interests, than we may have by either of tho proposed plans which may bo controlled by a minority, may represent part of our citizenship to the Detriment of the other Interests space the regular lodge entertainments and BY BLOOR 8CHLEPPEY. The first mishap of the International Sweepstakes occurred late yesterday afternoon when Percy Ford, pilot of the Chicago Frontenac Special, doing nlnoty- flvo miles an hour, threw a rear Although struck by the flying wheel and dangling an Injured arm, l)Wd kept a level head and gamely stuck to the track.

Wheto No, 8, a Frontenac fresh- from the shops, took the brick oval fof a trial spin tho rail birds were elated with Its showing and there was doubt of Us ability to qualify In tho elimination ro'unds today. After -warming up for several laps oh tho two and one-half miles course, Ford attempted a lap for speed. At tho first curve he shut off for tho Initial skid. Tho Instant ho "heavy footed" the strain proved too much for a defective 'axle and tho left hind dog awung wild, clamping Percy's arm to tho body of the car and rebounding to the retaining wall. Keeps Car, on Track.

Ford hung to tho wheel, zlgzoglng wildly, but managed to keep tho track and return to tho pits under his own power. No other 'car was near film at the time. He returned from the Speedway hospital In ten minutes, his arm which have blllty." no fixed responsl- REPORTED KILLED IN BUENOS AIRES FIGHTING BUENOS AIRES, May 24--(By the Associated persons are reported to have been killed during fighting today In tho port zone when union laborers attempted to prevent nonunion workers from unloading ships. Hovolvers were used during tho lighting, and firing 'Continued In tho affected region this aftfrnoon. According to officials of tho Labor Protective Association, which sont the nonunion men Into tho port zorte on tho basis government guarantees, that freo labor would not bo excluded In unloading the police did not interfere in the fighting.

"Lato this afternoon' tho association gent a committee to the government authorities demanding protection for non. union workers. HUSBAND TO AID WIFE, ALLEGED "BLUEBEARDESS" 'HpNOL-UIAr, T. May K. Ormsby and his wife, Mrs.

Nellie Ormsby, deputy sheriffs of Twin county, Idaho, arrived today to return Mrs. Paul Vincent Southard, wife of a petty naval officer, to Twin Falls to be. tried on a charge of murdering her fourth husband, Edward Meyer, Southard aald today, that his wife Is BO weak and 111 that she is unable to eat. Southard hopes to bft transferred to mooting of the. trustees of the Grand lodge and'the" temple association, early In the fall.

Construction on the new part will not bo commenced until next year. In the meantime a number of changes and alterations, now. much needed, will 'be made during the mer months Awhile the lodges are on vacation. The. urgent need of both a new building and changes in the present building were made manifest by the trustee of the Grand lodge.

Consent of the Grand lodge was obtained that It should pay its proportionate share of tho cost. During the afternoon seKslon the the Scottish Rite bodied formally presented to the Grand'Lodge the $150,000 war memorial unit at 'the Masonic homo at Franklin which those bodies eroctcdi Reports of the activities of the Grand Lodge and its officers for the last year Introducing Recent Additions To City's Industrial Family Westinghouse Lamp Company and National Lamp Important-Part in Commercial Life Development submitted. Grand Master Schweitzer reported a successful year In. -for BY E. V.

PARRISH. Mr. and Mrs. Indianapolis and little Indianapollses, meet the Westlnghouso Lamp Company, and tho National Lamp Works, which are coming to join tho evergrowing industrial family of your, city. There are mani- reasons why you should know these concerns, as they are going to be Important factors In the development of Indianapolis when they open for business soon, and In Its future commercial life.

You are going to become better acquainted with them, too, as time rolls along, for their products are eventually going to find their way into your homes, Into' your garages and on to your automobiles; you are going to see them on your streets, and you aro going to his Jurisdiction and a largo, increase In membership. The death of Calvin Prathr.r, errand secretary for many years, was feelingly touched upon. Mr. Schweitzer told of his efforts to select a successor as secretary representative, of thybody and one thoroughly conversant Masonic law, and one also who, by long association with the activities of the body, had become conversant with Grand. affairs, and selected Past Grand Master William II.

Swlnt3 of South Bond as temporary grand secretary until the preseent communication. Reports on Year's Work. Grand Master Schweitzer also enumerated the visitations he made and tho committees appojntcd In' the Interim between the sessions. Considerable 'space Is occupied by tho Masonic home at Franklin as a demonstration of tho practical exemplification of tho principles of He said: "Wo have provided adequately and generously ffr tho aged' brethren and their widows, and are caring for the spiritual and mental, as well, the physical development of Masonic children. Through the generosity of, our membership wo them thoy in your everyday business, are going to manufacture lamps of many kinds and colors, some using electricity to light you on your way, others gas that you may.

avoid the pitfalls which darknenn covers with Its Impenetrable mantle. Recognize Advantages. Their coming to Indianapolis a recognition of tho many advantages of the city'aa a manufacturing and dls- why you should be glad to greet companies, and to cxjtond to them tho glad hand of fellowship. Hope to Open In June. The Wostln.ghouso Lamp Company, a branch of the national organization bearing tho name, 'is erecting a huge manufacturing plant on tho corner of Kast Michigan and LaSallo streets; from this factory'It will send out nitrogen Bas lamps, known as "Type C2" CONTINUED ON PAGE FIVE.

bandaged, to supervise the repair of the car, which, ho asserts; will be ready to ciuallfy among tho at the call of the starter at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Ford la sales manager of tho Haynoe Motor Company at Chicago 1 and Is the only driver from Windy City who has ever raced at the big sweepstakes. He was doing an average of 1.30 wltt his 105-horso power pet at the time of the accident easily. Ford and won expects to qualify fifth, place in the Klgln race last year, driving tho same make car, "My tough handa saved me," ho grinned, shortly after the accident. Ho exhibited two hoavlly calloused palms explaining that He kept them In condition by everlastingly tightening grip when driving, his louring' ear home.

Percy enjoys tho 'distinction Of tho title "National Amateur Ilaclng Champion." and Is "kidded" by his racing comrades this year because ho wears "speekB," the only man entered In the four-eyes Ho broke Into tho racing gamo'ln 1015 as a pilot In a dealers' race held at the ulncp dismantled. Chicago Speedway, Ilia most Important victory was In ho won tho 100-mllo nonprofcH.sion!il race In Chicago. Elimination Trial Today. The elimination trial to- determine tho ordfr of starting will be conducted from 1 to o'clock this afternoon, but earn falling to qualify will have a second opportunity Friday over the same pn'rloi of time. The rules demand an avoragi spend of eighty mllco an hour for foui laps or ton miles, requiring an per lap of 1, There will be no second, trials, for earn ihat (juallfy In thi first attempt.

The elimination nvcnu determine the positoln of' each fttarter HplliaTTTc barTcrl during thn try WEATHEK FORECAST trlbutlng center, decided 'to build for Us neither company huge plant horn CCTHJiTOnil.y San and to be granted have been able to provide every comfort tmtll Indianapolis had met tho, exact- Ing teBt required by theae organizations, both branches of grnat national Institutions, which send products to all parts of the world. Tholr selection also means a big incnsafio In tho army of industrial xvorkcrn of the city as they will give employment botwwui them to nearly V.OOO, the majority of which will and women. They 'will' give Indianapolis funthiir rncojrnltlon ns a commercial 'center for they will carry the, Indianapolis trade mark to all parts of the world, nnd with their products they will further phafilzo tho quality of manufactured wares for both are of absence so he may aid In his I of the the consuming public. CONTINUED ON PAQE NINE. I they give mw 80, 'all in all, there reason 7 Jim Crow If Japan gets out of Shantung, as a(jreed, It Is going to be, a great appointment to HI Johnson.

Forecast for Indiana for Wndnetidtiy and Thursday: a cloudy a i warm Wednesday and Thursday except poHHlbly thunder storms and rome- fft tm i mf what lower temperature north portion. In Fow.ast for IndianapollH and vicinity for Wednesday and Thursday: I'artiy cloudy and continued warm Wednesday and Thursday. United Htntis Wwitlirr Borettn port for Thr HUr. A A A OF THli! A ft 7 n. CONTUTIONR yKSTBKDAT lfttlvf! i i -85 i 40 Vnli.7 P.

50 pet twpnjy-fiur hmim l.fp!irnir from i W(it Wftt 71. 1 ft. Kor the 70 B3 I Mnxlmum 74 I Tom Hay will bo official starter and Charles I. Hoot his fiHsistant. Chairman F.

B. J-idwarda will conduc' the brake tost Saturday and no car wll be eligible to start the r00-mllc grim on Memorial day unless It mnetH th approval of Mr. Edwards. Dr. II.

H. Allen to Indianapolis, Speedway surgeon will conduct the medical from 1 to 5 o'clock this afternoon. No driver, relief mechanician or re lief mechanician can participate In th big race until he can make the exams It rains, tho brick track wll receive a bath and all praetlo tours will be banned. Work in th' la forbidden 8 o'clock Sunday evening arid mon can Bleep in the garages' only by special pcrmlfWlon Endurance Test Monday. Officials declare that tho flOO-mllo en durance tet will start promptly o'clock Monday and all -entrants ar instructed to havo their -earn In the al lotted position ready for the froy sharp.

The second of tho Deuiicnbcr Straight Klght Kpeelalii appeared ter'day. Albert Guyot. driving, tune up for a strenuous workout. This wl bn hip fifth trip to an Intoirnatlona ovnnt, but he has competed In but fou races, watching the classic last year from tho Ho Is slated to drive tho In the French Grand Prix at I-cMans, France, in July. Ira Vail i his chased the echoes to a pretty time yesterday and C.

W. Vanftanst havoc with the curves. VanRanst i lx-ar eloso watching Monday, for ho by a fftw of i.ho wise omi' dark horse with hlB Frontcnac.J Ho scarcely let tho boat yesterday, but dld standard time. Eyes Turned on Thomas. All eyes are turned' toward Rene Thomns, thoroughly Frt.noh winner of thi 500-mile' ftVjrmt tn JflH, While not driving aa steadily In former years, hn Is Juht as game and Is INDIANAPOLIS MEN AND HAVANANS IN PHONE Premier Briand Demands Stand by Deputies on Policy on Occupation.

CONDON, May 24--(By the Assocl- ted force of four battalions British Infantry Is under orders to rocced to Upper Silesia from thq thine, and It la contemplated, If pos- Ible. to Increase this force, Austen hamberlaln, the government lan, told a questioner In tho of Jommons this aftorrioon. Urgent' rop- osentatlpnB have been made at 'War- aw by tiie ministers oftthe three allied owers, acting In concert, Mr. Cham- icrlaln said, but tho evidence at tho British government's disposal makes It form a definite opinion re-, ardlng tho recent aggression In Silesia. German Note Satisfactory.

Germany'!) reply to the ropresenta- lons of Great Britain France for embargo against the entry of troops ammunition Into Tipper Slleala is. generally regarded official circles cro-. aa satisfactory. A-dlopoaltlon also Is noted! on tha part Poland to.attempt to" ecffltrol.thb In- urgents occupying the disputed area. These together with tho Itspatch of British troops from tlio Ihlno which tiro preparing to move, are Inspiring a more hopeful attitude oward tho SUoslan problem, A final settlement, howovc'r, a meeting of the supremo which wilt probably bo field In Boulogne at tho end Of this week.

Star Man Interviews Cuban During Electric Club Meeting. With 200 members of tho Eleotrlo Club of Govornor McCray, Charles F. CoHln, president of tho Chamber of a number of otlie.r leading citizens of Indianapolis, listening In on tho wire, The Star loot, night obtained an with J. Andrews of the Cuban Telephone Company as he sat in his office In Havana, Cuba, Greetings from, tho of Indiana wero delivered by Governor McCray to Mr. Andrews.

Many of those at the nicotine of tho club, held at tho Chamber of also' conversed by telephone with persons in Havana. Ovor 2,800 miles of overland wire And 115 miles.of submarine cablo came the voices from Havana and tlioao seated In tho, dining room of the Commercial Club In Indianapolis marveled, at tho distinctness and clearness of each word of tho co'nveraatJons that pass.ed. This was mado possible through tlio courtesy of Frank Wampler, general manager, of tho Indiana Moll Telephone Company, who arranged special long distance wire and prepared 320 aota of watch receivers, so that tho members of tho Klectrlc and their invltod Buwstfl might enjoy this unique experience. Calls Roll of Cities. opener to tho program arranged by a committee, composed of M.

K. Foxworthy, T. N. Wynne and Wallace O. T.eo, Mr.

Wamplcr had his guests place their to. their car and began to call cities through which tho conversation ''Hello Mr. Wampler, CONTINUED ON PAQE FOUR. 1918 EXPLOSION IN POSTOFFICE LAID TO REDS Police Chief Refuses Details, but Says Samuel I. W.

Leader, Will Be Under Investigation. HELD IN LABOR WAR Four Killed in Blast Following Federal Trial of Nearly 100 Radicals. CHICAGO. May The bombm ho Chicago Federal- building two yeatf, ngo In which four persons were killed, a core injured and tho downtown section if tho city thrown Into panic, has beonj Chief of police Charles Fttsf norrls announced today. Chln.f Kltzmorris refused to give letails but said that Samuel W.

W. leader organizer of (t branch of tho engineers' union, will be; under Investigation! Held In "Bomb Trust." Gibson was Indicted with others several days ago on charges that 'was a member 'of a "bomb trOaV' operating In behalf of labor ADJOURNS WITHOUT VOTE. Chamber of Deputies Asked for Expression of Confidence, PARIS, May Chamber of 3oputlen this evening took an adjourn- nont i Wednesday afternoon without having voted on thn question of confidence In tho government mler lirland with regard to Its attitude oward Germany. The premier rtskcd the Chamber for a vote of confidence on his policy toward Germany following n. heated debate In which somo mcinbe'rs demanded occupation of tho Huhr because of tho situation in Upper Silesia, Tho premier said them was no reason for tho occupation the Huhr region, nnd If tho Huhr wore occupied without the support of the It would bo ent to abandonment of the treaty of Vcrnnlllon.

M. Rrland Insisted that "the chamber must RHXuimi HH roMponnlblllty aa I have mine," If it wlohed the occupation of tho Ruhr. If tho chamber If), not satisfied be- r.auoo I have not Imposed Immediate penalties It will so," ho added. The premier made It clenr thnt unions there were $omf: flagrant thr dlfwirmanicnt or Claudes by Germany tho troops on. the Hhlnn would not fcuulvti i to advn.m.«! Into- ALLOT $199, FORSCHOOLS Commissioners Authorize Repairs at Nearly All Buildings Where Needed.

An extensive program Of building repairs to cost nn eatlmated total of 12, was authorized last night by the hoitfd of school comm'lu- Hlonors following recommendations made by Bert S. Gadd, chairman of tho buildings and grounds committee; Ij. building advlfler, and Carl W. Burton, superintendent of buildings and RrounilM. Tho program will exhaust most of the rppalr fund, leaving no surplus to.

meet emergency repairs during tho next school year. For this, reason momberH of tho board will consider la- milng about worth of Tho emergency repairs amount to'' about $90,000 annually. In undertaking the repair program, the board expects to have most of tho buildings throughout the city put In prnBcntabla shape beforo the opening at HChool In September, Included in tho list Is an expenditure of for thorough renovation of ShoHrldgo high iichbol bulldlngH. Other liirgo Items, aro J39.218 for ropalra to nchool No. ,16, and Hovlllo uvenue, -the- Ruhr, mid then only conditionally upon agrcomont with tho (Lille, 1 He.

contended that the mere presence of SfXJ.fXX) mon on the Khlno WOH '(iuflloloiit to make Germany fulfill her obllffatlomi. Concurnlng the Sljoslan iunstlon, M. Briand tho altuation waa clf'iirinfr up and did not nccrttnltntn I by tho French troops. Ho. satlaflod that thn Wlrth Bovcrnmont, would HVo up to MB prornlHOs, received to close tho i between tho ploblncllu zone and Ormnny, and also looking to tho -disarming tit the bands now In Silesia, find that loyal Interpretation ft the ploblBcltn would completely storfc order In Gormany'a X)inrnunlcatlon In rc- CONTINUED ON' PAGE FOUR.

tho basernent will be remodeled to provide for domnntlc Bclenno anj jna'nual tralnlnR departments and new comfort HccoHHorlea will bo Installed for remodclinK four hbuseii to seven additional dasBrooniB and Instnlllng new plumbing at No, Thirteenth and Missouri I'tii'itiiH streets: TH.lbO for 41, Thirtieth and Under strcotHi $7,987.78 for remodeling houses at No, 42 llader and Twenty-fifth wtrcets, an Piiliitlng Inpldo woodwork. Ucpairf iilHO are provided for nearly every school building In the city where they aro rtccded. Delegation Demands Action A dflogHtlon of almost 160 from tho Hide Civic Leaguo np pearcd before tho board to 'demand ImtnodUtn action on the proposed 'nnvs btilldlnrf at nchool No. 62, Tenth and Wallace ntrenl. fi.

vld preHldnnt of the orRanlzatlon, wtv lioaded the df.lcK.'itlon; diiclarnd that tho CONTINUED ON PAGE TWELVE. Tho motive behind the bombing of. the Federal building was sabotage, the chief aald. The explosion took place list after the conclusion of the trial ot nearly 100 I. W.

W. members on afternoon of 1 B.ept. 6, 1918. Gibson arrested at the time but waa released 'or lack -of evidence. TOLD TO "SHUT UP OR BE BUMPED OFF," SAY WITNESSES Counsel for Building Investigators Charges Effort by Labor Lead- era CHICAOO, May of deatfij and violence against witnesses who havo testified or been nummonod before tho Dallcy joint legislative committed, and the special grand jury Investigating building conditions here are being madia by labor loaders In an effort to stem tho 'tide of evidence against them.

Joseph B. Fleming, counsel for the committee, and George E. Gorman, assist- 4 ant state's attorney In charge of the grand jury, announced today. The labor men, Mr. Fleming Aald, have warned witnesses to "shut up or they would bo bumped off." The union agents, to Mr.

Gorman, In? vadod tlie county building today where the Investigation Is being conducted and attempted to Intimidate witnesses on their way to testify before tho grand Jury. Mr. Gorman announced that would appeal for police protection for tho witnesses. "Wo arc dealing with a desperate loi, of mon," ho said. "It Is astounding that these business agents ahould bri permitted, to loiter about tho corrldora In tho very building where wo are gathering evidence against them.

Men have comn to mo time and again with storied of made. Hardly a witness appears who has not been aproached. Met at Onion Station. "Ono who came before a few days ago testified that ho approached In the Union station, Just he lv 1 71 i i as a by the ri the other nnlrantH. The Menace of The Orient Is it Real or is it Imaginary? No problem facing America today is more vital to readers that which lies across the Pacific.

In Daily Star Beginning Friday Morning Charles Russell will tell in a series of articles, covering conditions in the Orient as they are today, just what the possibilities'are for studied Along with IN placed In team, iiesta look big money In The trark fairly ittiook with tho anx- CONTINUED ON PAOE ELEVEN. War Between U. S. and Japan Ord6r The Today! informed his homo would be blown up If he testified. We arc going to web that every man who cornea before U3 in assured of absolute protection." Mr.

Fleming announced that Indictments would be sought against labor leaders who are said to have attempted to. intimidate witnesses. Notwithstanding tho threats, the grand Jury and tho Dallcy committee 'went ahead with their work today. The grand jury returned, an Indictment. Joseph Moresehl, president of the Hod Carriers' and Building borers' Union, and prepared to etavt an investigation of alleged graft In connection with the erection of a larr recently, Morcschl was Indicted after Henry Wade Nelson of Mellon, Stuart and lv non, Pittsburgh i contractors, had to: fled that he had paid tho labor $2,000 to nettle -a Andrew I i Ion, secretary of the treasury, Is iiead of the firm which waa 1 eroding the Chicago Alton frcl depot when the strike halted work.

Georjvu K. Gorman, assistant attorney, said tho Dalley committee the grand Jury had received hundreds letters revealing Information. 'Most of them are anonymous," added. MAN WHIPPED BY MOB IN TEXAS CITY DISAPPEARS May about of John Moore, who wan klu naped from his homo last night ni severely whipped by masked men, unknown today. Mooro had Just bo.

released from jail under bond follow! his arrest Saturday charged with fiault upon a girl. Between fifteen and twenty men automobiles went to Mooro'a hor. their victim and proceeded to lonely spot near Dallas. Thoro hn utrlppcd to the waist and lashed wiu a then brought back to Dallas and thrown from an automobile Into a crowddtt downtown fitreot. promised His captora ho would to Granada, eald from, iNEWSPA'FERr VSPAPERI.

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