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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 10

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I- 10 PUBLIC) SALES. LOCAL NOTICES M'INTOSH OUT YESTERDAY; DEATH RESULTS FROM FALL brought other things In Its train. Fear news of bsr lllnssa. FORMER NORMAL WOMAN and appropriat ssrvto waa oelsbrated by Rabbi Fox, who alao delivered a fitting sermon. Following the exercise at ths horns the oorteg moved to the Jew-la cemetery, where th interment took plao.

Tb following served as pallbearers: Msssrs. Abe Livingston, Harry Livingston, Abe Heldman, Louis Faust. Martin Homuth and Ratbeai Block ot Chicago. FOE A BEL1G10US CANVASS Number ol Assistant te Bs Named from seh of th Churches for th WorR Th house -to-house canvas which Is to be mad In this dry December one wvek from the coming Tuesday, Is receiving close attention, and all commit, tats In connection therewith ere working hard to make it the ruccteia It has bsen In other cities and to make II of such A nature aa will of permanent value to thoes sngaged In rsllglcus work In this city. Mr, W.

F. Bugle, general superintendent of ths oanwets and prseldent of th Blcomlngton Township Sunday School Association, probably ths busiest men In connection with the work. Th districting and vlsitlt committees are nleo having arduous Rev. F.W. Hiiwlcy, ohelrman of the districting committee, Is founding up that work and Mr.

H. O. Btone, chairman of the visiting committee, baa apportioned the churchee, una) aejsi will bs mads tomorrow In all churches when th apportionment luts not yst met. A largu number of vleltur will nsorenarlly have to be brought Into service, ss th canvass Is to be, mad In three or four hours. For th purpose the following epportlonmwt has been made smong ths cooperating churches: First Christian and First Mothodlst, 100: Grac Msthodlat, Second Presbyterian snd First Papllat, SO; rtiet Presbyterian and Second Christian, Park Methodist, SB; German Method ft.

Episcopal. Unitarian and Cbngresa-tlnnal. Hi German M. 10; Swedleb it. Th visiting committee, ons from each church, have had cards placsd In their hands hy Mr.

Stone, with blanks, for nam, sddrcs e.nd what church th visitor I sseoclated, and other Infcr-niallon ncesejry for th visitors to know. Them will be all returned to Mr. ton by th head visitor from each churoh. All ths visiter, will bs notified aa to which headquarter they are to runort hy 1 o'clock on th day of visitation sn1 wlU then asslgnsd to their feu of visitation by th districting Big ol earn no aaUo on all millinery at My Starr, Plpca ot all klnda. Cut imtoa at Duna'a drug and Jewelry aura.

Soft water delivered by the load. Old photr 148-R; new phone, 1540 -u Wa ar unloading ear Oooldcnt flour. GRAY BROS. Chlckana, duckj and other good thlnga to eat at Welch's grooary, 406 Eaiet Loouau Sava II 60 to t( by buying your bat from our $6 collaotion. WILCOX BROS.

DRT GOODS CO. Dunn's warranted White tfna Com pound will cur your ooltt 4 oa. lio; I ci. 40o at Dunn'a Drug Store only, Special aala starling sliver spoons; 86a, today only. CRO THEIRS, Wast gld Scjuara.

Most any article of second band furniture can quickly and profitably sold by using a Pantagraph for aala ad. Plenty dreased chlckana. 11 lie nound: alive, ivo. Plenty all klnda of vegetables and fieoh meat. a HBMMELO 4k SON, West Market.

Parorlta ranges, standard, staple, family and domestic No better goods mads for the money. HOLDER-ATHEY HARDWARE CO. Pretty strips and check affcota. In both light and dark outinga. Worth 0o only l-ls, II yards for 11.

J. R. Young. People's Bank Block, Men's best too overalls with Ing pockets go at lit; men's best loo work shlrta today at lloi and many other squally good values In our big new clothing department. MV STORK.

Quit Bualnass Sals at ths Baur. par cant oft on all goods at the Rummage Sals, Ml North Main continues today. Home-made doughnuts on sals Saturday. Kid Qlovaa -Cleaned to perfection by our French dry process, a phons call will bring on of our white wagone to your door. MODEL.

LAUNDRY CO, Phones New, 481 1 Old. Veur Clock Repaired Property, We call for, repair ana deliver your clock: oharaea and all won. emarntrf perfectly aatlafaotory, CROTHBRS. Expert Watoh Maker. OfBclal watoh Inspector for I railroads.

Thanksgiving Sal of Mlealon Clocks. Aa a special Thanksgiving offer, we place oa aale alerting this morning, a beautiful rotation clock, with alarm at-tarhmeut fnr tan Howard-Klrkpatrlok House Furnishing Co. Pulton Market, a-. vwniewtna aruoo to fac Baltimore tryatara Two pounda ot good steak, lie; other masts equally aa cheap. Live and dressed, poultry of all klnda, ol KnH U.I..

hi pnooee. hlpment New Portable Lamps. Abort the prettiest line of new style portable lamna It has ever been our pleaaurs to dlanlav ware rwnalvxt terday. The big shipment Includes the wieuviia, artieue in aeetga.wtth the new aquaro art glase elutdes la beautiful Color aahetneeL h.M shown anything quits ao handeome In ruiuaoie lamp, o.op in and aee them. Complete etock of the new Tungsten electric, lamps at lowest prevailing prloea.

In our fixture dleplay room we are showing many new designs In combination, gas and electric fixtures, ae carefully a eeleoted stock aa you will find anywhere. Make us a visit. OCT CARLTON. ENsrythtng Electrical. N.

Main. TRAGIC FATS OP MRS. THOMAS WILKINSON. Stumbled) Down Stairway Into Cellar and Fractured Her Skull other Death af th Day. Vn.

Ma rr Wilkinson, wife of Thomas N. Wilkinson of lg West Geove street. wa almost InstaaUy kUled yestetdar morning by (aUIng elown stair Into ths otllar at her boms. Th accident occurred at 6:40 yestur-day morning, if re. Wilkinson had arlaan before th other membnis of th family nd bad starts down cellar.

Her bus-band was putUng on hi shoe in hi had room, when be heard th.i sound of (all from ths oallor. lie called and re-celvlng no answer went out to the door ana found his wlfs lying In a heap at the foot of tb -ellar etalre. gbe was unconscious when he rvaohed her and blood was flowing from a wound over her left ear. Mr, Wilkinson called hla eon and ths iinconsclutis woman was takes to a oouch while medical aid wits sent for. 8h never spoke and bad stopped breathing before the physician arrived.

Thers was a Jeep wound In her head, sufficient, the physiolan In utterdano tteittfled, to hev ce.ued death. It was not known how shs happened to or how she struck to rereiie such an Coroner Ruglesa was summoned and wi. lunowing jury enpanelrd: Messrs. Hawk, J. p.

Mara, C. H. Law- yer. S. T.

Prelble, L. tireeti and P. W. Enslnger. Ths verdict to th ef.

feet that deceased came to her death by uccMental fall at her own houss. I Mrs. Wilkinson was a woman of robust I health. She was horn In Trenton, Eng. I lend, years ego and thsrs spent her srly life.

Sh waa married to T. N. 1 Wllklnaon In JST. They flmt mads their home at Spring Valley and buer cam to this city. Thsrs are seven ohlklren.

They are Florence, Alice. Agnne, Marian, Harry. Jo and Bmsr. Mr. Wilkinson Is pit boss fnr th McLean County Oai Death ef J.

me Lsnshsn. fr. Jame Lanahan, on of the ared CltlMnS Of Bloamlnrfni. AtmA b. eu ae sephs hospital yeeterday morning at I o'clock, aged 10 yeara.

He had been In falling health for a considerable ttm and the end wsa due to the general in-Brmltles of sgs. Mr. Lsnehan wsa born In Ireland and came to llils country when quite a young man. lor I number of year he fanned eoutn of th city on srhat I known aa tb Miller linn. His wlfs preceded him In death about five year ago.

Hs leaves ao Immediate rela- tlv. but ba sn adopted sua tiring at an. Louis. I rinsing Remain Her. I lf.

Ward F1I n.n. nK I. I 'w Jacksonville to taks charge of the remains of ths lata Jams D. Toung.wh died Thursdsy at one of the large hospitals In that city. Th funeral and burial wlU taks place Monday.

funeral ef J. D. Holland. A large number of sympathising frlenrts and neighbor assembled yesterday artsrnoon at I 'clock at th home of Mr. Charles P.

Oosleer. 808 East Jefferson street, and attended the funeral service held In memory of tlie late J. D. Holland, the young newspsper man of inlnago. who passed away In thla city Wednesday night.

A very Impreaatv IS SERIOliSLY BURNED MM. T. A. HILLYER IS VICTIM. Charming Musicals at Mrs.

a vine Home News th Normal Churches General Normal News. Word was received in Normal thla week sf a serious accident wiilcn happened last -eek to Mrs. lllllyer, wl(s ot Prssldsnt T. A. Hlllyer, of th stat nor- I mal school at mayvllls, N.

D. Both Mr. 1 nd Mrs. Hlllyer are former graduates ot ths Normal University, shs being lormei Miss Marian bnilth, aad both will be ro- uiembered by frlenda here. They weiiy.

entertaining the faculty of the adiool In tueur home at sioca dluusr ai sue was lighting tue cauules on ths table when sums of the decorations caught oa tlie ana sue It up and threw it onto a cold air regiater In the Hour and In doing tins bsr ctotlie vers Ignited and in an Instant shs was a mass of names. Borne une wrapped ber head In ajc. of drapery from tlie doorway and 'faved this part of rnsr body from tus Qamea, but before the Mr could be extlngulshsd ths remainder of ber body was burned very serioui), and at last reports It waa not cartalu whether aha would recover or nob Normal Church News. I -Rev, J. Dool, of ths Presbytsrlan churcn, went to Gibson City yestsrday to attend ths meeting of the Home Mlsalon-sry Society Worker of tills ohurch In this district.

lbs family of Rev. Richard Watt, who havs been qusrantlned on account of a light case of diphtheria, were let out of the quarantine and their houss fumlgatsJ by ins city beaicn officer, on Friday. Presbyterian Ssrvlcss. Morning worship at 10:90, subject, "America, Her Commisalon, th Co: options and Her Exaltations and Her Influence. A Pisa for Horns Mlsslona" Sunday school unmsdtatsly following ths mornluv ssrvtcs, at o'clock.

Christian Endeavor Society at 8:30 p.m., and evening preaching ssrvtc at JMO p.m. Rev. I. Dool, pastor. Flret Chrlatlan.

'lui services at th first Christian church tomorrow will be on th theme of Tnar.kstivlng, tb muslo and sermons both partaking of thla thought. Morning text, "Thou Crowneet ths Veer With Thy Goodness." Evening text. "Even the Very Hairs ef Vour Head are Numbered." The bible school meets In ths morning at o'clock: morning sermon at 10.10; Endeavor Society at 10 p.m., and even ing sermon at p.m. Rev. WtUlfm 0.

aacCoilsy, pastor. aptlrt Churofv Tb membere of the Baptist anurch have Just closed th first wesk of an In- terestlng series of revival aervloea In which mucb Inlereet Is bslng evinced. Rev. W. H.

Morris, the svanjellat, has been giving th people a line and stirring sermon svery svenlng and tomorrow ns wui spsak twice. Th other services tomorrow will be as usual. Th following are few point brought out by Rev. Mr. Morrt la his sermon on Friday renlng: "Wner art thonT" When we anawer this question falrlv and candidly In ths sight of Ood It will Isavs us no doubt how stand and what our personal duty la toward Ood.

The question wa addressed to Adam. Our text brings to mind soms of the first things In the word of Ood. First disobedience. Disobedience cut th bond of fellowehlp end Interrupts th anion between Ood and man. The flret disobedience eeemed a little thing but JLL I I I I I follows close on disobedience.

Then sslf-consclousnsss. Up to this tlra man waa too much occupied wltb Ood to thlnX of himself. "1 waa afraid because I waa naked and hid myself." Whan a soul sins against Ood that soul seems to stand cut In the presence of Almighty Ood with-! out any covering whatever to conceal him from Ood. Then comes th first shifting of respon sibility. A great many people are trying to lay the responsibility for their wrong doing on Ood.

This question has bean by a great many thousand American people, politically, within ths last fsw week. These people were not sshamed to declare themselves. Ths reformer aska th question from th standpoint of morality, the nultntor from the standpoint of society end God asks It from roe standpoint of eternity. Where art thout i. ao to California.

Miss Irene Bsssett. who has been visiting with her brother, Herbert, at Ma-eomb. 111., alnce the death of her mother a few weeks ao. returned to her boms In Normal on Thursday svenlng and Is preparing to leave at once for Pomona for an indefinite visit with her sister. Mra Colvln.

Masrs. Herbert snd Irs Baseetf srrlved last svenlng to assist bsr In sr-ranslng the home to leave and aha will return with her brother, tra. tomorrow afternoon to hie home near Tonlca. I nn inve rmm mere for Callfornl nsxt Tuesday svsntng. History Club Hears Musi.

Ths member of th Normal History i Club and a fsw Invited guasts Itstsnsd to a very delightful musical program yesterday afternoon at the home of Mra. E. W. Cavlns, on Normsl arsaus. Ths pro-gram was given by Mra Cavtna and Mra H.

Oosn, assisted by Mra F. B. Barber and Mies Constancs Cosn, aa readers, and Miss Oracs McCormlck, on the violin. Tne following numbers wsrs given: Concert Polanalss Mra Oosn, Mra Cavlns. Chant du Ruluaan (Lack) Mra Cavlns.

Ths Brook (Tennyson) Mra Barber. Bubbling Springs (RUs-Klng) Mrs. Csvlna, Violin solo. "A Llttls Coquette" (Fros-II ch) Or.e McCormlck. To a Skylark (ShellylMra Barber.

If I were a Bird (Hensslt) Mra Carina The Mountain Pink (Reverie) Orace McCormlck. The Butterfly (Levalle) Mrs. Cavlna Musical reading Conatane Coen. Notes on Edward Grieg Mra Cosn. On th Mountain (Orleo Mrs.

Coin. Bridal Procession (Grlew) Mrs. Cavlns. Peer Ovnt Suit (Grteg)-Mr. Coen and Mre.

Cavlna Illustrative notes on ham Mra Barber. Kntertalned HerVej Children, Th University Choral which gav ths concert In Normal hall last even-Ing aa the eoond number of tee Normal lecture course, gave their final rehearsal I of ths muelc In ths rhapel of the SolOiere- Orphsne' Home on Thursday evening for the benefit of the children and the attaches ef th. Institution. Th program was exactly aa glvsn last svenlng and It was a great treat for tne youngsters, who showed their appreciation In their un. bounded anplauee.

the singers being celled hack ea many of the aumtwra There wr nearly sixty voire In th eWu no renewing tb entertainment luncheon wsa served fnr them by Superintendent snd Mra McCautsv. This Is one of th numbers In the 8. O. H. lectur oourss.

CsllSd Hm by Death. Prof i N. rmsa of th onmmerctal department of fee Normal high school, was called to his horns In Tpallantl. last svsnlng by a messags announcing ths death of his mother. Death most bar ome very suddsnlv ss th message of ber death came, when ha bad had a all $7.50 Euys a $12.50 Coat Th Weather.

The weather could not be Improved upon for November, and no one haa rsg-latared any kirk with the wtstther man. A few liav eapreesed their opinion of anting litu rainfall, and It must said In truth that th precipitation la needed. The anaximum 80 is 10 I 41 Minimum Thermometer Barometer AT 1 P. M. Thermometer Barometer AT P.

It Thermometer Eammetar Clear; northeast wind. 61 29.1 nn Christian dclsocs Thanksgiving, Tb Flret Church Chrlat, Bclcatlet, wfll hold Thankaglvlng service In the Jewish temple, corner of Monro and Pralrl street, on Thursday morning. November at 10:10 o'clock. Th publlo will cordially Invited. Ths subject of th sermon Is May, a Major ey and Mra IL F.

Moloney of Mxnlto, epemt the week with Mrs. 8. Mobl of U07 North Cltn-toa streec LANDES OUT TODAY 8UPIRSB01AS QFtANTIO BY Ar PBLATeT COURT. By Terms of the Bond Purnlsterd by Pe fsrufanta, Plnaa WlirBc Paid In Cash If entonos ttanda. At noon vaaterda.v.

the anfkella.e court at Springfield aranted the aakad an. persedea In the case of Joseph leuidej and Oeorge M. Mcintosh, within a couple of hours, Mr. Mcintosh had given I bond In the sum of 18,000 and waa at liberty. The counsel for Mr.

Landes stated that he would give bond thie morning. Mr. H. at man nt rt ana Oglevee went to. Sprkngfleld yeeter-day morning with the abstract of the Landea-Mclntoah ease and preeented It I to the appellate la seeslon there, with Ms application for a supersedeas.

This was granted before noon and the ball of each prisoner fixed at 18,000. Mr. Stone returned on the afternoon train and Oeorge Mclntoeh signed the bond for his son at once and ths latter waa released from the ouatody ot the sheriff. I FollOWlne la the winrAIn- ah entered In this ease on the appeUate court record. "People vi Landes st el; petition by plaintiffs for writ of srror, snd to make writ of error supersedeas allowed, upon plaintiffs In srror filing bond In th sum of 11,000 each with suretlss named.

Knd of Jail Penalty. In ths can of Landea and Mcintosh ths giving of security at the present tlma rellevee both defendants from the chance of a future Jail aentence. The wording of a bond of thla kind, Includee the agree, nte-it of the surety to hold the defendant for future hearing and should the Judg. rnent of the lower court be affirmed to have the defendant comply with the aent. eno of th trial oourt.

In thla ease the setiteno of ths trial court waa a fin ef 11.000, whloh ths bondsmen thus guarantee shall paid. I Ths next term of appellate court at which thla cue wlU be oonJlu'ered meets Fit A CD IN SOAP GAME. Mr. John Crimes Draws "Lucky bsr," But Has Net Been th Peddler, end Is Out II. Notwithstanding th fustanee of fraud that are almost dally brought to light thru th newwphiwr, people will persist In nibbling au Ui bait that Is thrown out to th unsuspecting by smooth peddler who aanvase for orders for about everything known to th retail trad.

Ywtarday Mi. John a rime, residing on 8hendan treet. went th police station with a tale of Ue. It appears that during the morning soap peddler came to ber door with proportion to allow her to lrew a nun.ber tram an envelope that entitled her to a eaah prise of 1100 If she would our small box of soap for IS. The woman ordered.

th sosp. paid ever her 86 and then cast her lot fnr the prlss number. After she had drawn, the peddler Informed her that she had pulled out the lucky number and that later In trie day he would brine around the to. She das seen nothing of ths stranger it was not long after he had taken his departure that Mrs.

Crimes cam to a reeUiiatlori of the fart tha ah was a party to a bunccomke e.g. I Mrs. Masters and daughter Miss I Edith of Petersburg have returned home sftsr a visit with ths former's slater, Mrs. Inna Clark. I than day 9 a.

From made from We with This classed was these the and tailored Made coats. collars, others strictly Bmmm mmmmsssmEaBBaaMsammmmmmmamtm Th. Wrsok of th', -Th University Choral Club most muslaai nt.rti th. second numbc of th. In NormM hall st fctat.

Normal Unlv.rslty ujf 111 program was In two parte being -Th. Wreck of th. HesD.rSl"?'-Longfellow, with music by Anocr' the second was a eru. parw in "Ths Wreck of the Hi 8ol, wer taken by Miss Orsoe Dslmar a Gee, tenor. andnCdT11 Pun.

baas. Ml Orac. HuntoSon accompanist. Th fit I th. aeoond part w.

"Th. by th. S. N. V.

quart! posed of Kelih and QP" il0' and Lindsay and VanPottesi baa. other number, were Ph. a. l. Roeckem -Cbta "The ill IU-qu).

and "Hast, to kL -Martha" (Flutow). .11 by ns. Th ejntertftnmrut waa in. Just an hcur. but It wn, solid enjoyment, and th.

lar8. 01 wo. satisfied. 1 con "'l success of th. concert, much du.

Vmt. F. W. Wcethoff m.d 1 tor of th. university, who h.

hi th. work of th. clubrTm the" NOHMAL NOTES. -Mr. W.

A. Btan.bury, of berry afreet, left yesterday Granvllla where ahe will father and sister, for a week her Mra. John Proctor, of North iim. strsst. returned home ye.terda.

Heyworth, wh.r. She 'vl, ber daughter. Mra. Francis Mra J. A.

Denning, who haa th. ho.plt.1 for th. pa.t thr recovering rapidly end Is sxpsotsd to m. to hsr horn, on North School thu morning. 1 -Mrs.

Prof. Qeonr. H. Howe, 0, N. msl avsnus.

received a meec, ,1 terday afternoon announcing the other mother. Mrs. Daniel Stearne at 12 home In Kansas City, ysstsrda, st no Mrs. How. left 1...

v.nln, tlr KlZ Mis, Ruth Jhn.en of West lareeu uaeherlrf th Orov achooi mllea eearl of Normal, la arranirlng tor andal and basket snipper to be riven at th school on nvt FrlJav veni hort literary program will be given i partv of Normal people will go oyt to th, school on hi. rack and spend the evening. The members of tb Idler cinti wt'l meet thl sfternnon with B.n,,,, rrtt't at ber home at 101S South mi The following la the for th afternoon. Hlatory from KM 118. Msvmlllan 1, MIf Flo Dodga xr) of the fifteenth on3 alvteeeth Dver.

The Helbelrs, Mle Lllllsn esf. far. IsdscarsUel ChaHtl' Stsoni Thl I house elsanlng time at the Rooms of ths Bum of AiiwIstK Cbarltle and everything Is topey.turrr Th walls are being tinted a pale frees and the woodwork refreshed. TOWANOA. Walter Dodson baa purchased a ne ant.

Mr. William Cash Is visiting frier. In Paxtoa. -B. Oroess will go to rday morning to attend ths funeral ef his sleter.

Mrs. C. Veckhsr. Th aeoond number of th. )tMmi snur was given Thursday venlg Th.

heus was well filled and everyone pleased with the entertainment Ami Oreen gave a number of following thl by th Illustrated Ben Hur" and rloetng rh evenlnnst. tsrtalnmsnt with moving pictures $498 Euys a 17.50 Skirt mi Prices PLBUO will eell publle aale, without fcaerva, at tnr reaidenoe, niiloe ouCa reel ol Coiifenrllle, 74 mlm northwest el Dwvere, e'-i miles aortliweet ol Cerloc. oa FRIDAY. NOV. 87, 1KB, Oomaincint promptly 10 o'clock, tlx folio.

lug deecrlbed property, tu-wlt; 10 BEAU UK UoRSKg-One orell mm, jeer, old, bred to Peruherao bora I I all-work maree, 1 bay gelding, 8 rear, old, tired by Kentucky Foi, well brokei 1 black mere, I ma old, aired by Whereat, gentle; 1 black gilding. 8 yeare old; 1 Shire gelding, 4 yeere old; 1 black gelding, yeare old; 1 bay mar a veer old, end 1 black home colt. 10 HKAD OF JtncKY CATTLE Nine milk giving milk, other, (reeb eoon; ei.Ivcf, prdigrree furnlalied on day of aala foe li.e cligiblo to rcgiaicr; 2 Jereey bulla, one rc Mind, the other eligible to rogteter, eolid Yui (awn color, good eperimrnai one I yeare (ml. tine otlier 8 nionthe old. IlhAl) OF O.

1. 0. SWIM-FIr brood nil. iirdlgreaa turnlalird on day ot aala; it eio. liuxe, en ahoets, IN plge, mala bora, fit.

il. I to rea-leter. I'iHKIt PKuPERTY-One eell binder, mower, bay inks, etock rake, clover buncher. eeeder, aav rake, treat seeder, corn planter, two eleda. Bulky plow, 17-lncb atael bears walking plow, I barrow.

1 Deere pulverizer, 1 Tower pulver 'aer, riding 1 welklng oultivator, waitope, eurine- waeon. a burries. Mt kuule hemeae, 1 eaddle and bridle, 1 feed eooker, 1 bay fork and carrier. I Ue Valle cream separator, In prrteot ordert 1 Bentwood chum, a lot of pure white Wyandotte onJckena, about 15 tone of pure clover bay In the mow, Usual tarma of aale. LEE I.A.NTZ, Congervtlla, I1L COL.

J. KIRKPATRIOK-Auotloneer. S. L. nil-It PUBLIC 8 Al.B Having decided return te my farm In Kentucky, I will eell at public aale, at my nelrienco, known ea tba Luther Prioo farm, 8 mllee aoutheeat of Bloomlngtoa and mlla eeat of tba on the Laroy toed, on WKDNEflPAY.

K0T. to, H08, Commencing, at 10 o'clock a. m. aharp, the 14-lcwlng described property, to-wlti I1EAU or HORStS-A. follown One brown mere, weight law pounda, 10 yeare old; 1 gray mare weight ISM) pounda, year! eld; 1 brown bone, weight lino pounds, yeere old; 1 bey mare, ila' I jaou 4 yeara old; 1 epan of r'ec boreee, weight 8400 pounda, age IS yeare; 1 grey horee, weight lilO pounda, IS yeara old; 1 gray horee, weight )U0 pounda, a.

yrara old; 1 brown colt, 8 yeare old; 1 roan filly, yeara old; 1 roadat.r, yeera oldi 1 kukling eolt, end 1 family pony. 1 (Aion ILLCHjuW-aii (reah but ana, fBalch will be freh January 1. 1. HEAD OF 11009 Five brood am and 11 Bead of eacate. 14 turkeye and 100 ablckena, FAHMINO IMPUEMKNTt Oonalatlng of 4 lira wagons, one good aa new; 1 aurrey, 1 ran buggy, two "Little Jap" oultieetora, 1 walking plow, 1 double above), rata of double baraaaa, 8 aete of alugl hameae and etber artlelea toa numerous to ntkrittoe.

lui abockt of V-wn and sons beiieakoU end kitchen furultures l.ulO K.h.le of cent If ant Sold ter ef aale. the leuel tenne af aale. lunch nerved ca the grossda a. d. iALm, Bloamlagtoei, Roral Route a OOL.

CRAHJJhY UMMOrtB-Auottanaar. Bl8-8t CNOOt't BTOnt UUt-I win eell at public sale at my reHdenoa at the North View stsek term, milaa aaat of Atlasta, 4 Bailee aeutb and (j mile cart of He-Leas and aulat artbe wcit of Weyneevllle, on MM.3iAr, nov, at, Mot, At Id o'clock a. the following property i llfD OF (bay mere, li) yeera old, a gtod arorker and food aeddler; 1 black 8 year-old draft colt, 1 eorrel I railing draft eolt, a bay roadeter weanling ree colta, 1 brown e-vear-old gelding. 41 HKAIi OF of I 8-yrar-oij bull, reglateied; 1 Jereey cow, 10 yeare old. giving milk; 8 Jerear, ana will be freak eon 8 Shorthorn eowa, come ot hem registered and anrm with aalvaa ky their aide; 8 year-Oia Hhnrtnoni beifera, aoroa ref.

latcird; 8 yearling eteere, 8 heller celvea, at err celree, 8 bull celvea. U) HKAD OF III nil-Twelve brood aawc, moatly Duroc Jereeve, aoma PolandC'hlnaa; 1 8-year old Ouroe jeraey male bagi 80 young bog, we eling from 80 180 pounda, and aoma gmallr abulia. 'iiOlhTwelva metitba' time win He given a all aume over 810, pure ha ear firing note th eppn-ved eirity. Rume of 810 and un-aVr. rain ftr fter A discount of 8 per cent rath on time aalea, AU aetea not paid at nati.rlt.v to draw per cent Internet from dte.

Ne property be removed until tcrma are complied wltb. job em inook. A. C. ARWI.n, Auctioneer.

C. H. TTRNbH, clerk. Breeders' Sixth Annual Sale 250-Horses-250 At Bloomlngton, III. In Coliseum Feb.

2, 3, 4,1939 On Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 2, 3, we Will sell 130 Imported and Native Bred Registered Per-cherons, Shirrs, Clydesdales Horses. On Friday, Feb. 4, will sell 100 Trolllag Bred. Grade Draft, Coach, Saddle and all-purpose Horses.

Parties wanting to sell horses In this sale, should make application fur entry blanks at once, lories elose Dee. 10. Catalog ready January 10. Breeders' Sale Co. C.

VI. Burt, MrjT. ArroHsml.h, HI. A FRIEND OF THE LADIES 11 Corn Belt 25e Perfection 50c gjCold Cream Il irwires perfect oo-diiionofiheskln Nochsp. ping in cold, tlusterjr, changeable wtsiher.

A Trial Jar Will Convince You ol Its Merits. Now On Salt By Corn Eelt Drug stora Wsn Sotar. arttiar lisUss use. Oeia Meal rtou aVaTSSSala. Wonderful SI COMME.NCING TODAY Commencing today, we are going to place on sale positively the greatest assortment of Ladies ready-to-wear apparcll that has ever been introduced in the city at such unheard of prices.

Twill be worth the while of every Lidy in Bloomington and vicinity to see these special bargains. dollars that couisT-lwi Doliar spent to'a, will taki ttu of twj of any otinr miiw-YOUR choice today $12.98 Bays a $20.00 Suit. $12.50 Beys a $20.00 Coat. $1450 Boys a $22.50 Salt $19.75 Bays a $35.00 Suit. in.

to 12 Only $2.50 Stylish Mull Waists For Three Honrs, 89c 9 to 12 today we offer you beautiful Mull Waists, trimmed -very neatly, full length Directoire sleeve, and are of the vew latest design. Your choice, QQn 9 a. ra to 12 7..... OuC $2.75 Genuine Detherbloora Petticoats From 9 a. m.

to 12 Only, $1.10 Today we offer genuine Hetherbloom Petticoats, with genuine label made of fine quality and four rows of shernng. They take the place of silk petticoats. Today 4 4 fl your choice for three hours 1 I $5 00 Silk Lined Net Waists. 9 a. m.

to 2 p. m. Only, $2.95 Cherry silk lined net waists, with pretty medalions and trimm ngs- Cream and white. They are ac- today W0l1h 5'" Frm ro- $295 Coats. High Standing Collar and lirje Reven, $7.50.

have one beautiful lot of shadow stripe beaver, made the semi-fitted back, large directoire revers and beau-tiful high turned down collar, and full 54 Inches long. coat Is one of the best tailored garments and is only with the highest class of workmanship and left unlined to be a great value at $12.50 but to make the greatest specials ever attempted by any one In city we have decided to make this a record breaker, have decided to sell you this beautiful tn coat for the low price of UU 439 and S3S Salts. Tailored to PerfecSloa to go at $19.73. It seems almost Impossible to be able to give you this great value, but as we stated In the top of this ad, we are giving you four great leaders and on this account we wish to demonstrate to please our customers and give them the greatest values ever heard of we have decided to give you $30 and $35 suits In all shades and the highest class of tailoring, special for today at the GH 7 low price ijlc7. I S7.S0 and $9 SO Ti'lor Made Skirts SMS.

Just one lot of 64 skirts that we have decided to Include In these four specials which is the greatest value ever known. They have two extra wide taffeta folds with four rows of silk soutache braid and come in colors of blue, black and browa There are not many of a size In this garment and we advise you to come early to avoid disappointment Your unrestricted choice of this beautifully tailored skirt with all bound seams for this extraordinary low A QQ price for today only at p.vO Iti Stunning Broadcloth Salts and $22.51 BcaoIIfal Tailor Made Suits, IIUI We have Included five different lines of our $22.50 suits In beautiful plain cloths, as well as swell striped broadcloths, with buttoned skirts with silk or satin trimmed, and tailored to perfection. These garments will surprise fu'l length and of quality that comes only In $35.00 These coats are neatly trimmed, with and without some are neatly trimmed with beautiful satin, are strictly plain. Every one of these coats are man tailored, and cannot be duplicated for less Slyliy.

Salts Made of beautiful materials, of serge and broadcloth, trimmed very neatly with satin trimming. Coats are of a stylish length, and skirts are made very full and wide. These are a lot of thirty-five suits In all colors are actually worth $20.00, your choice 98 mm $20.00. We place them on sale for to 4 6 Cft you, as every one In the lot Is worth $22.50 4 A 1 t'UJ Special for tomorrow only 1 CH I CfloaiM IK NORTH SIDE SQUARE BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS.

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