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The Parsons Sun from Parsons, Kansas • 6

The Parsons Suni
Parsons, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

nniii iA j. -t m-i r. -V "-i -f rWaiji kgj'fltaiiri'in tt" nf-frfri'E: yo i 1 iL i j-v PAGE SIX j. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 19, 19S. THE PARSONS, KAS, SUN i THE PARSONS SUN Yjll tUN fUBLlTMINQ OOMPANV Dont Dg.

Cheer Yet Mctcy, 5oe MARIE BLIZARD was to tho aaact frame at mind of a Uttlo girl who tost allowed ta go to tbo party. She peetlvaly longed to bo down there having fun. But atw toyed to bar room ohutting out the aeuode at awrry laughter until a few minutes before dlanor. At diaaar Joaa had ptoanad to wear a black orgsadle dreaa el nee tears wu to ba dancing later. Instead aba won a checked gingham and her best eperta shoes bailie proper secretary.

But aha tied a blue ribbon around bar hair little girl took leu and she had bar tongue her cheek when ebe did It She knew would moke bar look years younger teas Sheila sad that She) la ro-ild know It fibs want dowa tba back stairs and through tba kltebea to tho dining room, fihe waotod a tori minute Inspect loo at tec supper table She'd done a alee Job of flower and oandle rrangemeat ebe wu thinking pleasantly, aad did not bur a toot-toll until Sheila stood beride her. "Jaaa, Sbelto'a voles waa tow and penitent "I'm perfectly nuty aa. Please, will you forgive me? 1 didn't I really didn't muu to hurt you. In fact I wuo't oven thinking about you. I don't remember wbat aald but Julian told ma tt wu simply disgusting.

Please pteua will you forgive mat Thera wasn't much that Joan oould do about IL Ibe didn't believe that Sheila muat a word of tt but aha aald: "Okay, lef a forget tt." Joan tound occasion to slip away Immediately after the meaL The muata came up ta bar from the first floor and aba felt very miserable and very much alone until Dully, yielding ta the impulse, aba ence again lipped down tee back stairs and let barualf out lata tea ground ba didn't mind bring alona bar Tba murie aad the stare and tea fragrance at tea earth and flowers were ootelag and peaceful, flha wan-derad riowly dowa tea path toward tea towaet tome flhc wu not a There wu a solitary figure BtAHRIWft ta latef Mk He bald bis lighter, cupped In hie Md ta bta face and white ha lighted hia riguraL Joaa saw teat ba wu strange Ha aaw bar at teat UMinanL "Nice aut bar tost Itr ha add. Hte voice wu low and a alight Latin accent leaf a careering note to IL "Isn't Itr aha answered pleasantly. "Ogaratr Ha held a geld diamond aaeruatad eaaa toward be "Thank" she tote one and again tho lighter glowed ha held It to her toe It wu ever to on instant but aba aaw tba quick flub to hia dark aye photographing her toe "Can I persuade you ta rit this om out with mer bo ukad. Ha bod a way of saying It though ha were hoping to persuade Jou that Paradise would ba hia If ah would aay tha ward. She tried to remember who he wa He had bean om of the thru people la the bate aut of Alex Oarrlty'e cor and ho mast hero soon that humiliating soon Tm afraid not," aha aald quickly.

Tm Hloanoe aeeratary, you know. Md Ive Juat coma aut for a breath of air." "But thereto aa mute af tt, east wa abate Itr It wu all right with Joan, just so long bo didst think tea wu presuming. They talked. They bad a second clear t. lie told her ba wu a ranchmen Md didn't know any American girl Ha thought tha Americas business girl wu tha tuoet Interesting of oil types bo bad ever mat Ho asked Joan about her Job and ha asked bar all about Julian Sloan And many things about Julian and Shells a gen i lemon eould delicately.

To tbo totter question bo got moat uninformative answer Joan thought Pierre Pierre Durand ho aald his aama waa wu utterly charming but whether ba bad a pur-lae or not In dlecueelnx Julian. Joan waa not going to enlighten Um. Borides abo didn't know My of tha right anaarar flho had assumed that Julian and Bbaila meant a great deal to each other, flbella'o pooeea-rivo air toward Julian and Julian's familiarity with Bhrila meant something. Much Joan did not know, but they wore ta love or flhella waa jullan'e love, aho did not doubt. Buroly Bhrila wu privileged character at Tha Willow Joan hold her watch beneath the lighter.

"Good heavens, arrive been out hero at toast aa hour. I muet got back." oho eald quickly. He aaught bar band. "No, please. Do thou American employers demand that tha honra when you are not working ara also part at a scheduler "Ob.

no! Joan laughed, flh mustn't let Mm think that Julian was anything but the moat eoael defate of men. "But youre missing the party Md Iva got to be up early to tha morn-lug. Mr. Bloane to planning i luncheon at the Braeburn club for' all of you and I've things to do long before you leave." "But you haven't been dancing and I Insist teat you have cm dance with me." Wall Jom waa dubious but he loved dancing. Ha danced divinely- meet Latins da "Why have you not been at the party all evening? You will be with ua tomorrow, yesT" Joan didn't bother to answer him.

a he simply floated (to eplte of bar eporto ehoae) to this man's arm "May I cut to?" Jom wm transferred from Pierres bread shoulder to toeing teat oxpmm of Alex Gar-rityto breast pocket that waa tovrl with her eye "Hell" abo aald, "when did you OOIIM mr "Don't talk nonsense," he aald guiding her skillfully toward the Franck windows at tha and of the room. "In tea flret place I've base here an, evening Md youve been aomewboro up to mischief." Jom looked up at him wide-eyed Which expraericn on Joan's toca wai COOtCa "Borides Srhen came Inf Isnt hall as Important aa where you get oft." "Et tu. Brutus?" aba aald. "That Uttlo Latin number you Mucked to the garden to a grrreet Durand tho Mol of Parle, Md Sheila's newest acquisition. Hinds oft, young woman or you'll aaa fireworks aa is I) reworks!" "Really asked Jean with a happy lift of eyebrows and an Interested grin.

fro be coartavEDi Roaenatahl, Betty Rule, William L. Rule, Mr Nila Bewail, Cecil A. Smay, Paul F. Shearer, Bister Mary Voha, Haxel Wall ana Varn Willi Oawago Harriett Baker, Myrtle C. Brown, Evelyn Hackney, Marguerite Hackney, Fern Marshall, Janice Martin, Preston Louis Maxwell, Lucilla Ohles, Ellen Pago, Laura Wiggins, and Mary William Rural Cherryvala Anns Bella Canon, Corinna Carson and Leons Wallingford.

Chetopn Vida Biddle, Kathryn H. Dreaher, Georgia Goudy, Michael Odell Lancaster, Dora Morrison, Julia Mont, Ruth Ober-wortmann, Mary Wade and Helen Wilson. Altamont Marjorie Alena Ed-on, Walter S. Gray, Frances McCrary, Eva Schott, Ray O. Soellner and Esther Watson.

Mound Valley Ellen Mao Cor-ar, Vara Gaddy, Font Irena Goodwin, Velma Ollphant, Roacua Price and Louisa War Bartlett Hallia L. Hobson, Pearl Noble, Katharine Stanley and Haul Tulli Dannie Lola Ceram, Edna Kelley and Blancha PUkington. Edna Doris Belay and Flora McEntcrfar. By WILLIAMS RB4D rvf min Jean Shaaear, Iroakar, rocenlly dHappatotod la lev, la anfagad at aaaralary la glean naiad ptemerlpM Jaw NJbaa fear naia paatHaa and anfoya Ifea Wa at Means's lanortaw mmrnm feem wwmmm fee altar an anantny teHfe Alaa Barmy, friend af fleeae'a. Oat meratag Jsan ratanw tram Ifea afar ta gad a teen Wat warns smferaetog JsNea a Ifea Wraip Jean maata gfeafla Ms, an artrasa and atoaa friend af Han's wfee efeetesaly to fastens af Ma aia aeereiery, FWtowfei weekend In New Ferfe, Jean rataraa fa gat Jetton mash aeneernag saar dtoafwearanae at tka tan afeaglar at tka leak fee to wrifto A feafryto ia fear typewriter re Jean Ifeaf gfesfla fees token Ms ottos-tog awasssripf to make Ji aarataea gal Me pesiig eaaratory etoiply retyys fear nston Jaan'a rroadra fear to attend Ms at gtopfess Wtattso wheat Jsan had atrpeatod to watm Al a weak-and party at Julian's, dfeaito paNtofy mentis Jean.

mow oo on with ran roan CHAPTER II "IP TOU FELT the way Ida, youd kick It in," Jaaa said furiously but not leudly enough far Julias to feaar when ba kaaekad aa bar door follow lag Shot la's Insult, aba wrapped bar robs tighter about bar rilm figure sad made a pass at bar rumpled hair but there waa nothing aba aould do about tba twin Sanies af anger that la her ok burned redly "Tea, wbat ta It, Mr. gleaner aba asked, opening the door and speaking ta tho ter rotes eba would heva used ta Sheila True herself. Immediately aha waa aorryi Julian leaked un- 1 I'm frightfully aorry. Jean, about It all and I walL some an dews and tot IheUn npatogtaa. That wan Just her way.

gomatblag etas Irked bar and aba Juat took It out aa rVta, that tout It at all Mr. Moana. I thick aba was unapaakably rude but ul leant she wu bonaaL ifea believes that I wall, after all. I am your aaontary and net your haatoaa and aha to auita right TberaTa an peed ta apologias. juat dont happen to like tba way aha did tt.

"Coma, Jaaa, dont bo childish Just because Sheila In Bhea spoiled brat and that wu bar Man of how-lag off temperament. "Temperament, nothing! That wu juat bad masaara Oh, rm Juat bad she I Pleuo won't you for. get it, Mr. Bloaner "Certainly I will my dear. If youU come along bow.

They're all oft to tba pooL swear they dont nnf out bar to am me. It's that swimming pool they cam about. Come ainw" "rm sorry. Joss anowered firmly-but Tm not coming to tha poor and than because Julian looked ao uncomfortable I have is vernl things I've beau planning to do this afternoon. Ftoaae encuao ma." Tba things Jobs had to do were so mors Important thou think! ig bow much abe'd Ilka ta humUlata the beautiful dbatto.

and heap few of fire oa her head at the same time. By tbo time Jean had let' thaw tbouihU gat tha batter of bar, aba ed in the 2:80 trot nt thn nees that town this "Victor Sprague won first money in very race lent year in which hn wu entered ua hn in expected to bring homo good record this season. The Junction City baseball dub arrived in Persona yesterday and are quartered nt thn Mmtthnwnon House. They will piny a aerien of games with thn Persona team. Thin ia regardad nn thn atrong-eat team In thn ntete.

Mr Angall Mntthewnon enter" tai nod a number of ladies nt "Cat party" Thursday afternoon. Six-handed euchre waa played and tha afternoon wm very enjoyable otto for all guest Mr. and Mr M. F. Kohler entertained a number of young people at a dandng party Wednesday night In honor of Mian Blrdin Kohler.

If thorn la any thing that ilm a dignifiad man madg It for aome good natured old lady tell him that aha ramembera time whan ha wu a Uttlo ilow in draaaaa and played with dfllli lika a girl. Isnt it funny how aomo girls raise cain at home if their uttlo brothers and aistara pull at their skirts and than go to a party OUT OUR WAT passenger It is said one of the Parsons veterans didn't know until ho solved his bonus that Hawaii wu ef United I tales territory, Hal bad asked fho customary allotment for two years' service 'abroad." Ho had a lot of nerve, anyway, asking pay for.hla stay tba Paradise of the Pacific, if postcard views are veracious. Editorial of tho Day The Scotch Hava It Heres a story wo heard told at dinner tho other evening. It wee In tho days when chautau-quaa ware having their fling and a very strong man featured at the Chautauqua entertainment offered 60 to any one who could quaeao any Juice out of lemon after he had squeesed it. He would mount the platform end taking lemon in Me mighty fist would equeeso Ik Thai invito those In the audience to come to tho platform if they got a drop out of tho lemon ho had aqueexed ho would give them ISO.

For yean tho man squealed his lemons before tho chnutnuqua audiences, end although many hundreds triad to win that 80 no one did. Finally one day before a chnutauqun nudlencn the powerful man aquae sad his lomon and asked any one In the audience to coma forward and try to win the 660. A skinny, pda, thin little mag came forward, and mounted the platform, and squeesed four drops foom tho lemon. Tho Chautauqua lomon aqusanr wu flabbergasted. Ha took another lemon end squeesed It end asked the little old to try it again.

The little old mad did and got six drops, Tho Chautauqua lemon queerer amgrod. atunned, asked man who ha The little man, poekatlng the two ISO bills ha had won raplladt I am treasurer of Scotch Proobytorlaa church. Nellie Webb in tho Atahlson (Sob Kanwt Clip Cleveland la also the place whua the American league boM-ball term holds forth. Wicliits Engle. Gandhi lint heard from much these deye and ha may have retired, having bsan dressed for bed lo, theca many yean Starbeyne.

A farm plank Is simple. Jut ample rain at tha proper season, drain to ell hugs end war prices for crepe Wichita Eagle. Msawraa We brag greet deal about Tha Globe's classified ads, but they seldom find lost reputations. Atchison Globa. girl to a man.

All ah needs to do la make him think he la intelligent flint Hills Foggy. Soma paopla era lira a fin siren, says Urai follow. They make Just much fuse over a little trouble fclg one Saline Journal. A historian says there have bean only two important bolta In tha history of United 8tateo politico True, tho bolta have navar been as numerous as the nuta In politics Kansas City Kansan. Of course tha modem automobile goes foster than the old grey mart did in father's day.

But when you fed the old gal a burketfull ef oats there wu not a tax on it Bussell Recor i. A prominent authority says "for effectiveness in advertising, coma directly to tho point. Why then, will ho explain, do motor car manufaiU rsn list the fAb, price instead of how much per month? Altoona Tribune. The Indian population to Increasing. Washington reports, and by the time finally get around to giving the country track to thorn tho Teamen may bo strong enough to offer real resistance Topeka Journal.

Rufos: "Wo have fire department In our town that has only om heso cart and two doge." rows! "What do they use tho ro for? ilufna: To find tho hydrants. Western Advocate. A Winfield Democrat cells our attention to a itory that ia going the rounds about tho man who finally wu a'iceaaaful in getting Job. After several attempts tha man became daspenta Ha elbow- strive regain traffic. They are aome of the reasons for result like this: Hallway traval Increased mere than sis mllliea in January and February over till totals.

And the tread continues upward. The vacationer who goes forth sr than the next county might do well to look over the changes. Besides, the crossing crash record still is virtually unanimously In favor of the locomotive. How any eaadldaU can be a alnch trial perfect a public ad dress aystem which combines with It an automatic air-conditioning There Is probably no truth In the rumor promulgated by some that those advocating a coalition government desire only to add fuel to tho eampalgn fires. It'S 111 at feward, Alaska, naif almost as high right on the Arctic elrds.

But those Hauneska valley "pioneers" long for the cool lag 100-degree Umpsntnrea ef the great American desert. nnV ISM gHHVWMrTMIVMII testae (limbi han SMmi il Um Office Bl Pas Mill Kuai WM4 riese I iUMeITt8N MTH Wl ItoalS MontEi isnsnr (VarfMia rural routes Site HIM Dm rar la maaU hraa maalfie I EN ui OutelOo ma Pvaana IriM iarrii lory So Tka Mirons Dalle ION la a mm her of IM Aaaadafal raaa aal mm omvm the talaarapUa rapart of list praal aews arfaniaallaa al aeriurive flrrraaa paWlaa Tbe Aaaaiaaial Varaaaa Vaalualra Frees aalUM to Ike see lor ha reruMteo-llao af all aawa Hapauhaa arariue la or aal etkorwlso.areriua la UUajaaaar aaa alaa UM Haal aatra paWlaM FOMIM RIFRiaiNTATIVg tlvoa. TH VEMTUUNi City. Baa UIF, Ha, Member al I Circulation AaSN Mai ill wanes who rets In Xanaaa this year will probably gat tha chance ta express as opln-tot oa tba Mao of bomaatead tai uamptioa It an omoatt ot 11.600 to 11,100. It io snderstood that tba lagtolativa council will pro poaa to tba apodal saaalot of tho logiftatoro at sumption of Many bollara tbo asamptjon boald bo blghar and It la poaalbla that It nap ba extended to aa much aa 16,100.

Claranea Rica, praaldaat of tbo Xaniai City, Kaniai, Cham bar of Commorco polala out that raal oitata, which repreaanta but ona-thlrd of tho wealth of Xanana earriaa 00 par cant of tba Us load. Oa tho fact of It that la tot fair. Ha propoias man? waya to dlatrlbuU tho Us that might ba lifted off raal aatiU and nn audience of business men gathered hero yesterday his proposition bad a strong appsal. One thing It would do It would bo grant stimulation for ovary family to own a homo, and ean you, right off the bat, think of anything that would contribute mors to security and raal Americanism than to have a aUU filled with Umllles who own and prlsa their homes? There are hundreds of families In Parsons today who would own homes ascapt for tho high Uses levied against real estate. They own other property and It escapes Its fair share of Uses while real eaUte must carry the load, 6.

The real eaUte tas was a tab-I label as the principal aosrce of revenue for financing government away back there when raal estate constituted the big and of tho possessions of the people. 1 But It lant that any morn. Thousands of families own motor ears or stock or bonds or other aqiltlaa who do not own homes und who wilt not own house as long as real estaU must carry practically all the Us burden. It Is something to think about. Enterprise in Thin In Allen conaty 111 farmers have formed a cooperative association build an electric lino ap-proxlmately 00 miles long to serve their farms with electricity.

The cost ot the project is to be ap-proslmately Ml, 000 and the money Is to be secured as a government loan. The farmers are pay a month as a minimum charge for 60 kilowatt hours and over that a vary low raU for tho extra energy used. A contract at wholesale prices la to be made with the ChanuU or loin plant. Now that's sense. Tba Urmera of every county have a right to have the beaaflta of electricity oa their farms but at the usual coal of getting a line built from private corporation tba cost la prohibitive A buneh of faruora can go Mgethar and build tho lino at nominal cost, charge a nominal rate and pay off the loan In 60 years.

Is about the only chance farmers will have of getting electricity In the nest generation or lo. Allen county Urmera are setting a good example for Labette and other farmers In this section where we have high power linos and can secure the electricity at a very nominal rate If and when the lines are esUnded to the farm homes. Bo Wonder "Dirt-free, noise-muffled, air-conditioned can with all the comforts of a Insurious living room.1 "Dinners for 81 cents, deep-cushioned, adjustable seats, foot rests, deep-piled carpets, smooth sUris and stops, and the gliding ride oa faster schedules." "New type tourists alee per trains with a trained nurse as well as porter service." "Drastically lower fares, filtered drinking water and free paper cupa and modernistic reading lamps." Those are some ot the offers tf American railroads as they ne Maw at mmi mmim rams by ms utwr swat tm We never know tha driver veralmu of many automobile accidents. Mutt testimony has to toll tho story when tbo drivers never regain consdousnesa. Dont make your Mends and neighbors rand the account of your tragic automobile accident that ended your vacation trip, with brokon bodice and a crump led nr telling the only story.

Practice safe driving habits and eeme home to toll thorn of your delightful vacation experiences. If we don't how long will you end I bo lucky? ahou'd coma fuller and happier life which wo are all seeking." Twenty Years Ago (Dm Tho See Hies Headline Carrsnsa strengthens hi positions on the border. Call to arms a tire man to fly to flag. Applications for enlistment here have been increased. Men will not lost poeitiona.

Various corporations announce they will hold them until man return from the front. The following Parson I ana went to Erie today to attend the district Epworth league 6-day ion: Mrs. J. A. Stavely, Maude Btevely, Thelma Beamar, Ruth Catherine Wirth, Jewel Hsrrisj Marguerite Doiighman, I Lyle Ayers of tha First Methodist church; Dr, and Mrs.

J. Gal' iagher, Mildred Tillman, Bernica Slana, Thelma Dearth, Eva Lock-wood and tha Rev. and Mrs. O. L.

Orton of the WANE church. Tho Joplin trains era still da-touring owing to the cripplod condition of tha tracks and bridges in and around Joplin. Mrs. Roy Denton toft Monday for a 8-week visit in Sadalla with her mother. Ot B.

Dak an of tho International Harvester company arriv' od yesterday from Bartlesville, where ho had been on business. Mrs. Mary Fowler, 1427 Broadway, has aa her guests, Mix. C. 8.

Haakinaon, Stillwater, Mrs. P. S. Haddock, Shoshone and Mr. and Mrs, A.

H. Myers, Rosalia, Wash, A popular resort nowadays ia Dudley's natatorium whan swimming parties are frequent and moat enjoyable. A party composed of tha following persona spent last evening there: far. and Mrs. G.

A. Landaa, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Walker, Mr. and Mrs.

Conrad Cooper, Mrs. Aba Van Meter, Margaret Talbot, Jean Maaer, Mamie McFarland, Belleville, Mrs. L. Cfeipley, Piano Kimball, John Waters and F. P.

Self ridge Vers Libra Tha Pkaic Bed ante pimento sandwiches warm lemonade many children falling into tho lako gentlemen making off into tho woods with winks and motions toward tho Up pocket milea by trollay heat, dust, heat, dual, home again My! How nice and cod it fee la. Forty Years Ago (From The Sea VUae New wheat ia being marketed hara and commands 46 canta par ImsheL Tha dust is getting vary thick and a heavy ahower to badly W. J. Wirt left last night for Colorado, where ha will spend a month for tha benefit of hia health. Tho following persona from Parsons are in attendance upon the County Normal institute now in session at Oawago: Nettie Mickle, Maude Moore, Minnie Howell, Mario A.

Moaner, Edna Vanhorn, Lillie Dodgaon, I -ids E. Reeves, Curtia Ray, E. Cox-edge, Gracia Cook, Anna Lock-wood, I. r. Merrill ami W.

H. Caskey. (tone to tho Races William raff has gone to Chanuto with hia pfnmiiing young hone, "Victor Sprague, who will be ontor- Gels Navy Post REAR ADMIRAL COOK -Oetrsl Pros Rear Admiral Arthur B. Cook, who waa rommandmr of tho air-piano carrier L'SS Lexington until last April 6, is tha new chief of tha navy's bureau ef aeronautics, succeeding Rear Admiral Ernest J. King.

id his way through douons of up- pllcants, past rows of desks and to tho chief executive. He spoke forcefully and would not listen to protects. Ten minutes later ho elbowed back through the crowd, scornfully brushing them soldo. Ho was at last on relief. Win-flald Courier.

MJddla-Aged "What la gtauaoma?" This question, so fraqusntly asktd by mMdla-gsd psopla, Involves one of tho most urlous diseases of tho eye. I abstract tba Information below from Tbo Ilght-Saving Ravlaw, published by tba National Boeiaty for tbo Prevention o( Blindness, aa being their Idea of what tha publls should know about tho condition. Glaueoma la a serious problem baraase other eye ellmenta may make thamsalvu known to tho patient or to any euual observer, may lut a law days and ba forgotten, or, oven If aortoes, may net load to ouch suspense dread Involvu glaucoma. Glaucoma may ma on gradually in fact. It usually does making Itaalf known very gently, or not nt til, to tho petlsnt, and rateh a stags where It Is difficult to give relief, before the eerloue-nose of the problem la realised.

The condition should always be treated, neglect hastani the possibility of serious visual defaet which might otherwise ba completely eheeked or slowed in ita downhill prpgroao. Hardening of Eyeball Glaucoma to an abnormaly In-sraassd hardening of tha ayaball, brought about when tho fluid, normally circulating than, ba-oomaa blocked and Imprisoned and rannot escape, a congestion and high tension In tha eyeball results, which Increases a more fluid aaepa In, and tha high pressure dora damage to tho optlo esrva and ratine, sometimes ratting Intanae pain. It to far this reason that tho oculist, la aaamlnlng year eyas, alwaya teats tha teuton with bis flngsrs, over tho closed llda. II there ta aay marked or even moderate glaucoma, hie Angara wlU not deceive him. In milder or earlier caeca an Initrmuant railed the applied to tho eyeball, will Indicate the exact preaanra.

Tba condition to nlmoat entirely confined to peopla of mlddlo age, and tha complaint to nanally not about the eye, but aevare headache. If the area do give aymptomi there are peculiar dlatarbaacaa of vision conelatlng of coloration ring and haloa of different colored light about external object. Sometimes tbo patient footo as if be wore looking down a gun barrel. The treatment constats la giving something which will reopen tho mieroaropleally fine passages In tha eyeball and flush otil tha clog-gad fluid, therfby reducing tho hardness. Sometimes eye drops, nndar careful control of tho oculist, are anccaaaful.

In other caeca operation ta required. The moat Important lssoon fof the average person la that after tha aga of 16 yon should consult yonr ocullat an. regularly aa' you do your dsntlit. In order to check np oa tha general health ef your eyes. QUESTIONS FROM READERS w- n-! "It Is necessary that 1 Sallys Sallies Hit ca tana aonra pb keep a uppw Ijp wheatey' putting tpdick Wife Preservers When the weather ive hot, 6 you put die iadMiiiil bread and butter plater in the retrigmtor lor a rhort line before die meel il to be rerved, and chU them, the butter will not ro quickly mch on die piste.

Ssled plater My alto be chilled in this maintain low protein diet. In one of your articles you stated a man weighing 160 pounds needs abont 66 grama per day and hnlf this amount would bo contained lo an ordinary tomb chop, WlU yon plcaia answer tha following quratlona: (1) Approximately bow many grams of protein In a quart of sweet milk? (I) In a half pound of cottage eheeae? (3) In aa egg?" Answer: There to about 4 par cant protein In milk. An average glasa of milk eontalna six ounces or 110 grama. Thenfora, a glass of milk contains about Sevan grama of protein. A half pound of cottage cheese to abont 180 grama and contains 80 per cent protein.

An average egg weighs about 70 grama aed eontalna about II per eant protein. Your Children By DR. GARRY G. MYERS Leisure time end youth wu ro-1 discussed by tha eminent I 1-paychologtat, Prof. Kimbnll or Wisconsin ur' an institute for parent Young of Wisconsin university, at I an institute for parents, in Clava-1 land.

Many college students read- ing tide will aaeocinte his name with the authorship of the much used Social Psychology text hook, I always like to hear him apeak. He acid in prrt: "It reema to mo that while wo muat continue to train our young folk In anticipation of adequate vocations, wo must also prepare them for intelligent and healthful use of tho growing leisure. In short, we naat no longer look upon amusements, recreation and games aa mere fill-ups of time,) or as devices to mpko ua more effective workers, but we must come to reniiie tliat leisure tine activities are aa important for thomaolvea, that la, for personal and anclal development, aa to work. Rather than to center all ones major attention around preparation for profession, buui-eaa or an occupation, the individual of tho future muat giro attention to roc national activities which will Intrigue his fundamental interests, which wiU enable him to enjoy a richer and fuller life mentally, morally and spiritually Deplore aCmmardalisad Games Deploriqg tha paaairo and vicarious nature of eur common commercial amuEomonta ha noted that "tha various or such as 8couts. 1 CA, CYO, tha YMHA, and other organisations, are pointing the way.

Out thoir work ia nardly begun. Any number of surveys hero ahown, in fact, that thoir organisations still fail to roach largo sections of our population often tho very boys and girl young man and woman, who stand in greatest need of these aervi-es. Not only must these service agondoo secure our support for an expansion of thoir programs, but tha schools and churches muat mereiai nmuEomonia no noiea I i "tho various youth guidance I character-building agencies, as Scouts, tho YMCA, YVI incteaning responsibility, that orory child and every I adolescent may eat that training and that point of view which will not only aerw him ir. hia oeriy jean, but equally Important, will emotionally giro him -a set of I habits and attitudes in tha fmtolli-gent and valuablo use of leisure I as an adult. "Wo aro actually moving in this direction today, but not only must wo widen the services to ail, I but wa must siao giro a new I value to leisure time activities aal significant features of tho life or-1 gmnixation.

Work wil' continue a fundamental factor, but along with it, equal to it, I believe, must I he the leisure time habits and at-1 titudea. Out af tha coordination of I these two aims, not antagonistic, I but complementary to each other, 1 and amila Ilka angela when the young men step on their dresses and nearly tear thorn to piece 7 78 Labette Conntians At Pittsburg College PITTSBURG, June 1 Labette county to represented by 78 students in tha summer school at Kannu State Taachan collage at Pittsburg, Registrar I A. Gutb-ridgo has announced. Tha total enrollment nt the opening of tha third weak of tha summer term waa 1,706, with numbered in the regular college enrollment. Including 225 in the graduate division.

Training school pupils totaled 446. The Labette county list: Persona Lawrence Anderson, J. Lucille Bailey, Anderson Edmond Clark, Lacy Clark, Inea Cunningham, Dorothy Dent, T. D. Early, Leah Edward Bernard A.

Fitxgerald, Louisa Foreman, Wallace H. Guthridge, Card Hales, Lucille Haygood, Lata Howitt, Roberta Long, Hasal Lowry, Melba McDowell, "Benito McGowan, Jaaao Merida, Vivian Molynaux, Blancha Morris, Alien W. Neal, Agnaa Ann O'Connor. Arthur Fefiay, Frances Polk, Vincent L. 1.

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