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The Parsons Sun from Parsons, Kansas • 3

The Parsons Suni
Parsons, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PARSONS SUN JAGE THREE MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1933. I I Stock Today' osing Soaetmibs veningElegance Invited to participate tn a search nr -Santa which ended at the home of Mix Florence Gaither iiiTC the annual rift exchange wns conducted about a huge L'lirlutmas tree. The Christmas atory of Tho Nnilvity." from the Book of Luke, related by AHaa Bever and ciibtrt Britton read a Christmas caroli mng throughout tho even for the HOLIDAYS DRESSES What Ara Tour Needs? Smart Street Presses, lovely artenmoa stylea, formal end rolorful after dark frocks ell ara here for your srlrrtlon. COATS Srasenehle redactions eu easts from nienufnetur era who maintain coat Iradershlp year after year. The Engagement Book TUESDAY Wi.iiiaii's comic .1 meeting C'lirlsllin chnrrh.

Iuki Noble Grand club of Sunflower Kebekah lodge Yule party, riillathea else Mantlet church. Hardanser rlub Mra. O. M. Murphy.

FYlendaiup Embroidery cluk Klnga' Daughter rlaae. J-Vmirwiuara ehurrli Mre. Kota Ann-. Moral Camp SHI. L'Allegro rlub Mine Marguerite Srhnelckirt.

Kueinees Girl1 Forum. lwughten of leaiiella meet Chrietmae exchange. Jitney flub Bill Thirlan. Regular Country club paity. WEDNESDAY Sunablna Quilting dub llr.

and Mrs T. R. La ton entertain lur ISnilllee. Woman's Benefit aeaoetntlon Pliriatmaa pnrty. Rainbow Community Mra.

Will Santa. Union dinner and meeting pf B. of 1. F. and E.

and Aualiiary. Portal Kinplorea auxiliary Mrs. Arthur Gilleli. Laf-A-Lnt cl'ih Mr. Ira Glbeon.

Poubla His Enibronlsry club. Center Chapel Circle inrala. Young Mother' Welfare club Mre. F. B.

Knarr. PIh-Mit rlub Mre. Glenn Barnre. Willing Worker rlub Mr. Lina Adama, Altamont.

Bo and Hew Art elub-AIrs. G. it. Butcher. Jollr Doien dubklra.

R. E. Widiip. Jay Re club Mlo Mari Blair. THURSDAY Woman's auxiliary, R.

M. A Mra. O. M. Murphy.

Valentin auxiliary, N. A. I'. Mra. Vivian Middli t' K.

II. 11. club Mr, la'tlie Merrill, Prah le Vailey ilollit-ix' Mr. W. J.

Kane. ('a Id m-ll cirt-le Mm. i-rry lii-nrxun. Hunlluwor IfeK-knli I--rim-. No.

ID. A. to (J. H. IT.

nieelM. Tunler Hill lonlirx Aid aiwlely Mrs. Helen t'ui'ir. I. Cm ut J.llerutiu yule pmty.

I), ot 1L T. auxiliary Intel. FRIDAY Antli tnm rln-lo, ladle of 111 U. A. It.

Hiili-M-l i-lnli Mildred Il'-a itl II. CIjIi Mien Ruth Krrrat. Lnilcd b'punieli Veterans auxiliary Mm. Nellie Crandall. government announced it had assessed r.

$90,000 income tax against the bond broker and fur-irer stock market operator. 'Hie $720,000 of bonds which Kinney is alleged to have forged, were printed, Goodell said, after Sept. 1, 1932. Boynton said that assessment of the tax and filing of a lien against Finney would prevent transfer of property ami would uiil in 'ovation of property which might be rrized not only for the purpose of collecting income tux. but also for the satisfaction of state claims against Finney on account of losses resulting from I'liicing of forged bonds in the alula treasury." VANITY FAIR AND VAN KAALTR KEG LIGKS.



I want to keep all thin quiet, nt least for a time. Tho English actress has kept morn nr less aloof from tha social awirl of Hollywood, rarely accepting dotes," nnd miking every effort to avoid the romantic gossip that floats so frequently about tho pretty heads of mo of Hollywoods single women. TOIEKA, Dec. 18 Ml Sen. Arthur Cupper, senior U.

8. senator from Kansas, left Topeka Inst night en route to Washington for the convening of congress on Jnn. 3, He exported to stop nt Detroit, Chicngo, Cleveland nml Pittsburgh, nt which plncca the Capper I'nblirationa maintain offices nr publishing houses. Pavement Pickups CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Lamps Glassware Rugs Antique Shoppe, 1413 Main. Daughter is O'Briens Mr.

and Mrs. Ed O'Brien, St Paul, ara tha parents of daughter, I xirn at 1:50 this nftem -n at Merry hospital. The luhy weighed seven pounds, eleven ounces. As jet a name has nu: been chosen for her. The Delight of Every IIonIcm beautiful I a bio appointments.

Foslerla" glauware exqulsiiu dinnnrware gay pottery. In a great array for Xmas giving at Wlilte'a Film. Co. See our windows for gift suggest ions. flash nn.ns and powder for your Xmas pictures.

For directions ses Morris Studio. Rant Claus Every Day From 4 to 5: SO p. and 7 to I p. m. White's Furn.

Co. Christmas Prirea For a short time, I will hang my paper fur just Vt price Phone 147 and have the sample book brought to your home Merman's. A New Policeman Mr. and Mrs. il.

A. Stephens, 312N Crawford, are Hie pumils of a sou, born at 3: in o'clock this morning. The liitlc fellow weighed six pounds, Imt as yet ho Inis not been named. Mr. Htcph.iis liefuro her mari'liixe.

wiim Miss Pearl Frew, daughter of Mr. and Airs. E. K. Flew, 2 ('HO Appleton.

Stephens is a member of (lie Parsons police force. They have unc other child, Marjorie, 3. Font ('riished hy Horse Justin Stnlfonl, Edna, is in hospital with I crushed right ankle, wliiclt lie 1 received ycslenlay nftei main, when a horse upon which tv: was; rilling fell and rolled on ltia He is npnrtcil resting as well could bo exiiected today. 1 'TALK OF THIS TOWN' IIOHtKIlY 79c and 98c.

Brady's Joe lfunlman HI. Joe Hardman, sou of Mr. and Airs. Ray Hardman, South Mix-tee nth, la confined to hla home by nn attack of bronchitis, lie la reported alight ly Improved today. SPECIAL XMAS OFFER lu fur your old rnnr.o on the purchase or new "Premier'' MARTINS.

KPF.PIAL for 2 weeks Permanents $3. tirosshuiiH. Phmio 2M9. Pay Taxes In Neeley. Curent (Tub Alerting Harry ijidbitry will spenk on crime nt the regular dinner of ilic Current club tonight at thv Malthewsou iiutnl.

Scarlet Frvr Case A case of scarlet icver has lieon reported to the city physician, Hr, M. C. Ruble. A 'inline has licen placed on tlm homo of A. W.

Daigh, 1521 Stevens, where A. W. Daigh, 12, ia ill of the disease. A GIFT OF COMFORT for Mother RED CROSS Klines. Brady's.

KODAKS The lusting gift for the ml Ire family, iairgo selection at Morris Studio. Ilera for Chnslmns Miss Dorothy Ijumcr, S. arrived in I 'arsons ycler-' day, to spend the Christmas holidays visiting her father, Waller Ijirnter, 1728 llelmont, nnd in tbft home of Air. end Mrs. J.

Dimple, 2311 Mam OLD TIMM XMAS COOKIES Delirious pies nml 3U varieties of cakes. GIFT FLIPPERS for every member of tlm family, 98c, $1.45, $1.95, at Brady's. Injured In Fall from Levi isevlnqtnn, farmer, living on route 3, Parsnnx, nuffrrrd a sprained Imrk yesterday, when a horse he was riding Jumped suddenly and threw him off. lie Is reported resting fairly well today. Nolice A.

F. A. M. A There will a Kfsvinl wCY ('omrnunicalion of I'urrens I sign, No. JI7, A.

F. A A. Tuesday, Dec. 19th, ul 3 p. in.

for the purfsoe of giving Mosonir burial to our late Brother S. T. Gillarl. All BmUiers urgently requested to attend. AI yer K.

Freshman, W. K. I sine, Secy. MID-WINTER OPENING Tuesday, Jan. 2, lit 31.

Parsons Business College. Find Kins Islley Knliliery lent Police had been Informed today by William Huxley, Kaly special agent, that a large quantity of brass milk checks, stolen In a robbery at thn Ilian Valley creamery, 2012 Belmont, were found in a box car In tlie Kan Antonio yards of tha Kaly recently. The burglary nrciirnd on Nov. I or and the train on which they were recovered ft I'uraons eat Her in the day on Hie latter date. About $15 In change and over milk checks were taken by tho burglars, Not all of the checks wire found, however, (jfirera believe that the "job" was done hy Jransclenls, slncn tlie finding of tho checks on a freight train would" Indicate flint.

NOTH! IJjCATION Thomasson Plumbing Co. moved lol 1 1 Ko. 211b. Plume 37H. SHARK PRICES RALLY NEW YORK.

Dec. stock market did little drift todny, apparently ignoring 5-cent tilt in tha domestic gob! rate. Tha trend was generally lower, although only few specialties wens under pressure and there wen some moderate late recoveries. The dose was irregular. Transfers approximated shares.

NEW YORK. IWfi. m. tun Fullrer-Ing ar nisli. low nml clnsiiiK ini-r of Mot'll ini Hi New York Mock axtlianx tKlajr: High Low Clou f'ltlrs Rerv.

mm 1T HtHinl Oil In. I At I'Uom 1 1.1 Hl4 Ill's, Am Om HU All! 1'rl A Tel Inn 1 1i. Anat-nndt Hi 13, Ati-liifein U'J, nl''li Auto Tiiit, I'Vtllll'IlMU Ml im Si', Chkc I'nniMl il 1-, III 1)11 Pi'l 17, I'll Punt IV k.i HI Pnw A LI it'll Lieu IDS Ccii Mn S3 IliiilMin Miilur m. IS't tut II.iivcm lilt Mck I 'mi Ini Tfl A cl 13 Atiintsiini Ward its A'J. SX'i St P-S 1is 1s MS JS 1'S Zts ts a JUS ID, JJS Ii za Xfi MS 'S t's IT JS J-'S IZS "A I'iS J.i's Nat Pnw A 1 1 i.

Nor Amerit'iin I'Hi-karil Slut Penney PlillllP Pet P'S llttlllll 7 tw-iirii III. I Jli Hliell OH Ho.iiiiv Vue mm I.iS Slit OH Curii S.Mj Tr.iiiriiiiicilia Mi'll WeMImHi I'M A XT CWA Problems to (Coiitinmil from Pnge 1.) unlay night Indicate that the county t'WA heady in moving toward Hie of the icrond that Is, hirin'; men according to their need. it wns the ciiici nsiin of Ihose pieriTit hero SaMtrdnv night tho county rcrmpliiynirnl office should dlslrlbntn work according to tho nml for It ii that can1 le. done without conflicting wlllt federal regulations for tlm CWA. In other winds, tlm CWA nnd recinplaviiii'iii nfflchtls reul-Izn that soino of th men Ing employed now srp not In sctunl need while tlicro nre others without jobs who really am destitute, snd they nrn going to do wliui they can shout It.

Time to Investigate Tho men lit charge of this pro grutn pointed nut Hint nnn of tloa ri-nsniia this condition lisa ro-sillied wiis I bill tint I WA prngrniii was put Into opera tin In a hurry. Orders were received from tho slum administrator to put men tn work si once, wll limit dn lay. Cunaiaiui'iilly, the county nt-lirlals did not have time to Invest-iguln every man end the l.ihet county employment quota wui tilled ss quickly ns piiudliln I ho county's quotii of payroll ilium could lie received. Alim hers of tlm ci.uiily reemployment rninmllli'n said liny plan in lie present nt tho meeting lit Allnnionl tomorrow night to iTm'iiks tho situation with tlm tanners. U.

S. Gold Price (Continued from Pago 1.) muted the government would rinse its fiscal year next June 30 with a $4,000,000,000 deficit. Treasury ofTirmlH, busy with preparations of the 1935 budget, bad no immediate ciinnnent nn ir.u league's petition to the While House. A mid-DeremlsT stntemnut of tlie Ire: sury's condition, however, showed a (leficll eloNii to (lie billion-ilolliir murk mid just about equalling tlie amount of expenditures classified as In five Hml one-liulf months of tho fiscal year the government's receipts were $1011105, 475, but $129,254,000 uf thin was derived from farm processing tuxes. Kprrisl luxpcndiliires Jump Expenditures during tlie sume Mriml fo" ordinary gnveniment operations were while tlm so-railed emergency ex-lienditures, including rurli functions ns the RFC, farm rn-dil administration, agricultural adjustment administration, the NBA, the civil works administration nnd public works, were 1,312.

The excess of expendiutras, deficit piled up in five nnd one-half months, was $908,254,144, or less than a million under the emergency outlays. The treasury's cash Inilnnn was rnnsiderablj boost over thn preceding dry's figure of $988,889,870. Mid-Dereudier financing, inrludliir, tlm sale of In I-yenr serurilies nml tha rati sr 'merit of in maturities, providmi of this rash inen-ase. Actual cash outlays l-y the Public works administration came to $152,214,385, only a fraction of tho ncarl" allotments. it wns expected thn spring months would bring a huge in-rreaso in public works cssh ex-liemliturrs.

Officers Fail tc Trap Illinois Extortionists fHIL'AGO, Ike. 18 11 -Federal authoritii'S sought the trail trslay of who tried but failed in an attempt to col-lurt $10,000 from Hulsut A. Gardner, wealthy Ijike, broker ami formr n'llional amateur golf champion, under threat of slnying Ileney Keep Gardner, Ids II -year-old son. A trap by fne federal agents acting under direrl ion of Melvin Purvis, chief of the Chicago division of tho federal bureau of inve'it motion, nml a (rnuji of her hkWii will furnish nest 1 for the invasion. Dance prices will be preaentrd and thoMJ in charge of the party will include Dr.

and Mrs. L. Darker, Dr. nnd Mrs. X.

C. Morrow- and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Head. J.

P. F. Club Yule Party J. P. F.

dub members met Thursday la the country home of I Mrs. John Minlor. fur tho regular December meeting and club party. An exchange of gifts was conducted and a covered dish I luncheon was held at noon. Chrisbnae decorations were used throughout the appointments.

Toe time was spent in piecing 1 tfuilt blocks and guesti picsent were Miee Veide Mintop, Mr. 1 Thurston and Mrs. C. W. Mole-ban.

Plans were made to meet Jan. 19 in the home of Mrs. 0. C. Field of Parsons.

The member, 1 were: Mmes. C. E. Molohan, Cnf-! feyviile; Fred AlrElwee, D. E.

i Minim, Dele North, 0. C. Field ind J. E. Minton.

Council to Meet Ail members of the Woman eouncli, Central Avenue Christian ch'irvb, are asked to meet for the regular monthly meeting at the church hal! tomorrow promptly 1 at 2 o'clock. The meeting will begin at once. of the funeral services of S. T. Gillirrt, to be conducted immediately fal-' lowing the council session.

Mre. J. C. Ewing, president, will preside. Members of the church and Sunday school department will conduct the afternoon's i Christmas program while mem-Ibers of the service department will have charge of the social 'hour.

Every woman of the Sunday school and church is invited to attend. A. Party Tuesday The home of Mrs. H. Falconer will be the scene of the annual Woman's Benefit association Christmas party tomorrow from 2 to 5 o'clock.

It was previously announced that the party would be given Wednesday. The' regu- lar business meeting of the group will be held Wednesday. Bereans Have Yule Party The Bereans," former class of Central Avenue Christian church, enjoyed a yule party Fri day afternoon in the home of Mrs. F. H.

Kreger. Thirty-two members took part in the enter, itmining features snd attended a 'abort business session led by the 'president, Mrs. Ida Geiesman. In the annual election the officers of 1933 were reelected and 'plans were made to give two Christmas baskets of food to I needy families. They also made arrangements to adopt a Red Cross family.

In an original game, arranged by Mrs. Kreger, I which was appropriate to the oc-, casion and which included the names of all the Beresnj, Mmes. Ralph Coons and Oliver Frame 'won prizes. Luther Cortelyou, accompanied by Miss Virginia McCray, a group of songs and a gift exchange was conducted about a large lighted ties in the living The rooms were decorated refreshments were served at close of the afternoon. The next party will be on Jan.

6 in the C. 0. Finical horns. ((uilting Club Meets Worthwhile Quilting club members assembled Friday in the 'borne of Mrs. T.

R. Smith, 2817 Washington avenue, for a gift exchange and informal pnrty. The 'rooms were decorated in keeping with the yule season snd a 1 course luncheon was servde. I Needlework was the diversion plans were made for an eve-jning party for members and families to he held the night of Dec. 27 in the home of Mrs.

George 'Butcher. 1 Members present: Mmes. George Butcher, Phillip Bohrpr, 1 1 T. Mahar, R. X.

Baskin, J. J. Ewing, T. R. Smith and ITedstrom.

Birthday Tarty Miss Maxine McCormick entertained in her home, 1526 Stev-lens avenue, Saturday night com' plimenting Wilbur Hill, who on that day celebrated his birthday anniversary. Gamas provided entertainment for the guests and a refreshment course was served. The hoaoree received many birthday remembrances and niter an inspection of each the tapers on the birthday cake ware extinguished. The guests wei 'Misses Helen Maksmson, Gail Croon. Baraiea Dye.

Frances El Jen Mundia, Hfen Clark, Corrine iJjineastsr, Edna Kelley, Maxine iMeComick, Messrs. James I Crooks, Max Ellis, Lyle Carson, Wilbur Hill, Mr. ami Mrs. Ed ji ward Fonricks and Mr. and Mrs.

J. C. McCormick. Minerva CTirlatmas Fern Miss Mamie Bsvar presided as 'hostess at Briggs ten room Friday wh0B aha entertained 17 members inf the Minerva elnb with a dinner end Christmas pnrty. Tha courses i were served at 7 o'clock from talk! cantered with polnsettlns and appointments inggestlva of 'tha ynle season.

Favors were noise-makers. I Affsr dinner th guests were mm Ijike Forest policemen last night failed to bring about thn arrest of tlie extortionists. The trap was laid after dummy package waa placed at the entrance of the J. Ogden Armour Melody farm in Ijike Forest, hut no one np M'iircd tn cnllect it An extortion note crudely written in pencil received by Gardner last Friday recited in the imsting of guarda at tho Gardner lunne. Gardner, who wns a star golfer nt Yale ami missed Hie British open title by one stroko in 1920, notified tho police immediately after tlie receipt of the threats.

Airs. Gardner is a dnughter of the Into Chuuney Keep, well known lawyer whu died in 1929 leaving par nn erti-maled ut Miriam Jordan Seeks Divorce from Mate LOS 18-An-Aci'using her husband of lnxi-ih'ss and prunigiu-y," Miriam Jordan, film player, lias filed suit for divorce aguimt Joseph Davis, of Now York and Isindon, Records of tlm duineslic relations court drclnsed todny the arliun was filed under the fnmily names of tlm principals, Miriam Ruby Davis nml Joseph Davis. Tlm couple married in Isindon hi April 14, 1925, separating on Oct. 1, 1929. Thn actress said lm supported Davis for three uml olio half yrnra ami finally seinrated from him.

She said lie often told her in the presence nf others that he hud no ih-sire to work. a jr'iv nf Imn-don, won attention as tbs beauty queen of tis1 Yi'imbli-y un nll-Hriliali empire trails fair. She played on the stage nml then went into films. Among the screen vehicle she has appeared in were "Six Ilmira to Live," "Sherlock Holmes," and Dangerously Yours." The petite blond hud kept her marriage a secret in the film colony ami always was regarded aa a single woman. But Hollywood was no morn surprised to learn that Aliss Jordan had a husband than Miss Jordan was tn learn Mist her secret wns out.

How did you find out about Ends a Cold SOONER pROVEQ BY 2 GENERATIONS Il 'ver was assisted by a committee composed of Mmes. Ada Taylor and Irma Edwards. The guests present: Misses Ethel uml' Laura Adams, Mamie Bover, Elizabeth Burton, Kora Carr, lima Edwards, Mabel Petlthory, Anna Perkins, Oberworlmann, Ethel and Alice Guild, Florence (inithcr, Mmes. Ada Taylor, Hess Wnrod, and Frances Corrcll. Th: next regular rlub meetng will be on Dec.

29 In the boms of Minx Carr. Family Christina Party A faiiillv party given In celebration of the Christmas sea-ion was conducted in tlm Ir. and Mre. Homer prudence, yesterday. A served at noon from qnurV't tallies decorated with motifs and rrlors, tiler dinner a gift exekang was featured.

Those present from included Mr. ci.d Mrs. 1). McComas, Mr. end Mrs.

ii. Iialhey, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Talbot. Mr.

and Mrs. O. C. Kslg amr riiiidren: Mr. and Mrs.

E. T. Wall and clilldreii; nnd Mrs. Ji. R.

Pnwnli and (laughter; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rloiie aud Mr.

uud Mrs. A. Brook. Mr. and Mrs.

C. H. Hunt and children. ltert Stephen, Altamont; Mrs. Tanl Casper, Denver, Mr.

and Mrs. H. K. Springer, t'of-feyviile; Mr. nnd Mrs.

E. U. Car-roll and daughter, lturlli srllia: j'lr. and Mrs. II.

G. Tanner, J. Tanner and daughter, Mrs. Man-nuh Wllanii, ell of riir-rryvale; Mr. and Mrs.

C. F. Lindh-y and children; Mr. anil Airs. H.

Rin-gle and clilldreii, Air. and Mrs. R. V. WaslialmugU and Air.

and Mix. H. E. Graven, Mr. and Mrs.

8. L. Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. O.

G. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Kira AlrCarney and Airs. Lydia Graves, Independence.

Pythian Slater Yule Frolic Sixteen members of the Pythian Sisters met Friday arternoon In Engineer' hall for the annual Christmas party and gift exchange. A special guest was Mrs. Alumle Giddeon of Independence. Plans were arranged In send a box of Christmas treats for those who live at the Knights of Pythias home In Winfield. Airs.

T. W. Austin, president, presided. A refreshment course wus served during the social hour from a decorated table in the dining hull. A yule tree was the central dcco-1 at Ion from whlrh exchange gifts were distributed.

Mrs. Boll Emery wns chairman in charge of the affair, assisted by Mrs. Jennlo Robinson. At the next meeting, to be held Jnn. 6, there will he Insinuation of officers.

Airs. Lottie Merrill will act as installing officer, Llhrrtj Mother Meet Mrs. G. W. Hayden was hostess in the home of her mother Thursday to members of the Liberty Mothers' club.

The president, Mrs. Brown, presided and tho scripture lesson was In charge of Alls, lluyden. Christmas carols were sung and 16 members answered roll call with 'Why Christmas Is so dear to me. Following the busmen hour an exchange of ynlt gifts was on-joyed and other entertaining features were led by Mrs. Compton and Mrs.

Linn. Refreshments suggestive of the Christmas season were served end plans were made to meet on jRn. 10 in the rural home of Mrs. Hiatt. Aliend Sorority Meeting Among the Parsons guests at the Slma Alpha Iota sorority hollduy party given Saturday right at the Kansas State Teachers' college, rittshurg included Misses Wllianora Pratt and Margaret Dioterlch.

This was In the form of a movld pnrty, each guest representing an actor. Miss Dleterlch, as Katherine Hepbnrn, received a prlzn for the best impersonation. To Appear In (iera Allan StewHrt, a Parsons pro lege, who recently wus awarded a scholarship in tlm Julllluri! Opera School, New York, will take l-art in a aeries of three operas to le given, hy the eehi-oi in Jnllliard Hall, beginning with "The Mar r'age of Figaro, whlrh will he repeated on, three ceonserutlv evenings. The world ni'eniler of George Anthell's TTeien Retires'' and a production Strauss's "Adrladne anf Nrxos" will complete the schedule. The distribution of peris in "The Marriage of Figaro" Includes Allen Stewart as "Bsslllo." Albert Stoeesel, director of the opera achool, will conduct.

D. of 1. Christmas Party All mombers of the Daughters of Isabella are urged olid Invited to alteiK the chrUKUiss party and annual gift exchange at Knights of Columbus home at 6 o'clock tomorrow night. Every guest la to bring a gift fur tha exchange not to exceed 25 cents. Alio each one to contribute a gift of food to tha Christmas baskets ta bo given sway to needy families.

Tha committee Is composed of Mmes. C. E. Chandler, L. L.

Willey, John Rcaletty, Emils Bero nnd Grace Carr. Birthday Party To eclebrate the birthday anniversary of Neil C. Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Don I Cleveland enter-tsineij Friday night in their home at 320 1-2 North Central.

The evening was spent in games of hriilge and pinochle. The honorec was presented with a shower of gifts from hie friends. After the card giinicz, un ice course was served from quartet tallies appointed in the colors of red and green. During this period, wish making rerc-m "ty was fcntuml when a birthday cake with lighted candles was w-neii. It was discovered during tho evening that Georgia IluggV birthday also occurred on the 15th so site also was honored.

The guests included: Neil Larson, Misses Georgia liugg, Hazel Cox, Harriot Rorschach, LnVon M.nwie and Inland Ny dogger, Melvin Nydogger, Finis Roi-s, Kri 1-une, Herman Korschsoh, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Cleveland. Host at Evening Bridge lien Sitile entertained a group of friends Friday night in his home at 1720 Clark. The evening was spent informally in games of bridge and daneing.

The Christmas theme with the colors of red and green wns used throughout all the party appointments. Bridge was played four tables and after the scores had been tallied high wore trophies were awarded Miss Marguerite Olienchain and Gordon Goodwin. At the close of the evening a salad course was served to Misses liiiu T. Armswoithy, Ann Cuddy, Francis Hawkins, Leone Ridgcly, Maxine Chandler, Hetty Irende-villa and Marguerite Obenrhain, Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Loth, Mr. and Mrs. Lakin McFarlin, Gordon Goodwin, Don Newcomer, Paul Miller, Buster lwis and Ben Siplc. Insull Stock Sale (Continued from Page 1.1 paper profks" of 6500,0011 nnd assured her that she would be a very, very rich woman." She said a very prominent Chicago business man rame to her in 1020 as Tnsull's representative and asked her to buv Insull i-tork. A', that time, she was at the height of her operatic career here.

I felt very honored thnt Mr. Insull should send his confidential mnn to me," she said. "Everyone looked upon Mr. Insull ns the god of American business. I went to Mr.

Insull's private office nnd rave him check for $100,000. He told mr I would become very wealthy. Every year after that my husband and I put $50,000 or more, nil mv earnings, Into the stork. Invested Liberty Bonds "One year, I dont remember which one. he asked mn for mn't money to invest.

I had no money but told him I had f.VI.OOr in Lijierty bonds. He smiled and sud: Good, good; they nre just like So I invested them, ton." The opera star said she snd her husband invested more than 5500,000 She rame here tn ap-pe-ir with a revived civic opera nmpiny. $14,270 Income (Continued from rage 1.) iiletinn of the opening statement by Gnodell. No witnesses yet have taken the stand. State Levies Income lax Goodell, in his statement, xil the state expected to prove information regarding forgery and disposal of 1720,000 of bonds by Finney, indicating it would require considerable time tn present the prosecutions rase.

With such alow progress having been made so far, it was considered unlikely the rase would bo completed by Christmas. Meanwhile, the state tax commission hail served notice on Fin-rey that it had levied a $14,270 income tax upon him for 1933 and that the tax would constitute a lien on his property. Announcement of the closing of the tax year against Finney and of imposition of the tax was made Saturday following a conference of Everett Stecrman, assistant to Roland Boynton, attorney general, with the tax commission. Ellis D. Hover, head of the income tax department, said the tax was based on a net ineome of $360,000 credited to Finney, Prevents Transfer of Property KnHior in the week 'he fodnrsl BETTER FOODS Clark Arc.

15th Street WEDNESDAY Brown Sugar, 4 Ib 25 15c Corn Starch Congress Not to (Continued from Page 1.) permanent basis with statutory power to settle disputes between employe and employer. If It should develop that this ran ba accomplished by further executive orders, Wagner'a plan for legislation may be dropped, 30-Hour Week More l.lkcly But two or more moves from outside the government are expected for modification of the law. Rome one is almost certain (o reintroduce a 30-hour work week bill. Congressional sympathisers with business are expected to try for elimination of serlion 7A, the clause drawn to prohibit coded employers from Interfering with the unionisation ot their labor. Hugh B.

Johnson, who Is going to remain administrator at least until ponxresslnnni storms re met nnd dpalt with, has warned against both courses. He told labor he believed hours would huve to he shortened but that a flat 30-hour work week would lie suicidal. Industry wus told equally pointedly that if It pressed to redure lahnr benefits under the law it could expert an unreasoning" rebound from congress that would give tho workers more than they have now and business less. Heady to Comiiroiiiiae. Another attempt that may be made is to legislate labor anil ron-snnier on the code authorities.

Johnson, fighting more radical advisers In the government, has insisted that NBA mentis self-government by Industry Itself, with supervision by tho government on behalf of all groups. lln Is ready tn effect some compromise to satisfy both the labor and customer spokesmen bus, In fart, outlined a method whereby "advisers" would help the gnveru-niRnt member of each code authority In prevention of inequities. Expectations of serious trouble at tho outset of the congress were seriously entertained by officials few weeks ugo, but, rightly or wrongly, now lisve raded, and there Is every Indication I hat llm Industrial recovery unit will seek the help of dominant Rongresslon-al elements for harmony. City Projects to (Continued from Tage 1.) Ing a retaining wall, (4 on laying nw water lines on West Ataln preparing for tho now pave mi-nt and seven as llinekfcpcrs nnd clerks. It Is believed these can he sdded to the payrolls Kri day snd then the rlty will linvs about 475 men employed un CWA projects.

The commissioners also am no-rlsed the purchase of water pipe to lay new mains on West Alain street. Bids on tho pipe required were received from four romps-nlrs, the low hid of $5,291 lining msdn hy the National Cast Iron Pipe company. Ira White, supnrlntendent of the water department, plans to put 64 men to work starting Friday nn the water lines. They wilt start digging ditches along the side of the street. The old water lines were laid In the center -of the street and they will lie removed when the old pavement is torn tip.

Meanwhile, work Is progressing well on the rreefc project, A great amount of dirt has been moved from the rhtinnnl of the creek and the landscape there his been changed considerably already. TOO I.ATE if YlASSIFV I18T Jtir.stl whit rurly bsircd do. Lllienil reward. I'lmn lilt In -nut-. IIi Wo.

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