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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 6

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PANTAGRAPH, ELOOMINGTON, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 1910. 6 FATAL QUARRELOF BROTHERS-IN-LAW piirsiciona onb Surgeons Office, Hamia Rl.lg. Hours, HI; J. C. MoNt TT, Y.

D. O.eneral vimtiutt practice. Special attention given to ronhnenifiiu ami ilieraaea of children. Office phone, Kiuloco 2421-J; home phone. Kin-loch Elai-K.

local Vote for Maurice Kalahar for assessor today. Smoky City wall paper cleaner, cans, 25c. 11. S. McCurdy.

Those fine ball bearing roller skates the children are UBing on our streets come from W. B. Read Co. DR. FRANK DENEEN 606-23 Griesheim Bldg.

Practice limited to Internal medicine and dlaeaaei Aimer C. Mikel of Downs Killed by Crushed Skull in Fall Caused By Blow From Floyd Craig's Hand, Following Dispute. Price vs. Quality of children. Art in Moving Pictures.

Vachel Lindnay, Wednesday, Aplrl Bth, 8 o'clock. Woman's Club. Non-members, 25c. Hours: a to 4 p. PANTAGRAPH GIVES RETURNS Results of the Election Today Will Be Given to the Publio as Fast as Received.

In accordance with ita custom at every election Pantaarraph has made arrangements for receiving and giving to the public free of cost the returns (rom the election of today. The main Interest locally will center In the result of the vote on the saloon tastie in the township of the city of Bloomington. The polls will close at 4 o'clock this afternoon, but that does not mean that the result vttll be known by 4:05. The public will be given the figures aa quickly as they can be received and compiled, but there will be nothing gained by Inquiry Immediately at the closing of the polls, for It requires a reasonable amount of time for the Judges to do their work and transmit the results to the newspapers. The pantagraph will display the figures on the bulletin boards outside of the office, and will also give out the Dr.

John L. Yolton GENKBATj practice Dr. Rhoda Galloway Yolton iitvir nv women Special All This Week. Beautiful blue and white stripe pudding bowls, 33 cents a set for nest of four. The China Bore, 105 East Front St.

Reatdenca and Office Ea.t Jeffcron Street Both Parties to Tragedy Highly Esteemed Residents of the Village-- Craig Recently Returned From Arkansas Life of the Yictim. One Call That's All. Send your laundry and dry cleaning to the same place at the snme time. We have a complete, up-to-date plant. Men's suits ck-aned and pressed, 11.00.

1'hone call brings our wagon promptly. Klnloch 218, Bell 6. Troy Laundry Co. All garments are first minutely inspected, and then carefully re-examined before delivery to you. Perfection is our watchword.



Offlc. hour, at the Helen Sanitarium if North Mln-M from II to 11 a. m. and to a p. DR.

HOMER WAKEFIELD Gtnersl Consulting end OW'f and ciutoNin diseases. Special attention to Oigsnlc DUeaaea Blood. (Heart. Stomach and Non eerviree. of Women and KoWfflMre.ltr facilities for Be.plr.tory "uonra.

10 to M. to 4 and hT IM North Main atreet. New phone No. the county Jail, awaiting the action of the coroner's Jury today. 8a Him Fall.

Mr. Forest Cole, a business man of Downs, snys that he saw Mikel fall: saw his head strike the walk, but did nut see the blow struck. He states Fate draped a somber mantle about the quiet village of Downs yesterday forenoon about 1:30 o'clock, when death came to Aimer C. Mlkul, a prominent resident of that place as the result of a fall on the sidewalk, occaaloned by a blow struck by Floyd I results, as usual, to Inquirers at the office by telephone or otherwise. Just how soon the total vote on the saloon aueutlnn will be known will depend Fight San Jose Scalel The most effective enemy of San Jose scale yet discovered Is properly prepared Lime-Sulphur solution.

If you are concerned a'lout saving your trees, buy this ureal scale destroyer at Chris Uarver's drug store. We sell any ouantlty. Southeast corner Front and Main. With us it is HOW GOOD we can do your work not HOW CHEAP. When you send your pown no matter how costly nor of what delicate materia1; it is made to us to be DRY CLEANED, you know it is going to be returned to vou looking as nice as when it was new.

We stand for QUALITY. Prices: MEN'S SUITS (dry cleaned and pressed) $1.00 WOMEN'S SUITS (dry cleaned and pressed) $1.50 upon the swiftness of the work of the election Judges, but It may reasonably be supposed to be known by o'clock or The election commissioners have Instructed the Judges to count the saloon vote first, and then the vote Bloomington Township Election Notice DR. EDWIN P. SLOAN Division line Is the south line of CrulK. his brother-in-law.

The skull of the unfortunate man was crushed and deuth was Instantaneous. What, at the outset, appeared to be a fistic encounter of the ordlnnry type, terminated fatally, and last niKht while a Krief stricken young man peered from behind barred doors and gazed upon cold aruy prlon walla, a sorrowing widow and six small children were held In that subtle spell which follows In the death of those they loved. the township and follows Morris avenue to Six Points then along the Sprlmtfleld road to city limits. Those east of these limits vote In No. 1 at the ball park nn.f those living on the west side of this division vote In No.

Prance limited to ClOirRT. nvNr-i-niou. cosfjn.Tvnoiia Office Crieaheim Bldg. 1 00 To W. DR.

GUY A. SLOAN IWIe. Orleeheltn to W0 At tealdenoa. Main and Walnut etreett. moraine and evenlneeet7 GE0.1B.

KELSO. M. D. on the township officers. Flections are also held today In every township of the county for the choice of local officers.

Tho Klnloch Telephone Company has made special arrangements for gathering and distributing the returns of todays elections, and Inquirers of the telephone central office will receive the latest information on the vote, witnntit bothering the newspaper offices, which will have plenty of troubles of their own. We dry clean everything. Ask for prices on other articles. 2 st the Corrugated Metal Company building. E'r DATES NAMED FOR But One Blow Struck.

It appears that the brothera-ln-law had not been on friendly terms for some time and there seems to have existed a sort of family enmity, concerning which no tne seems to be re COUNTY BA8Y CONTEST Try "the Mode) Way" ASSOCIA- BY CHILD p. m. In tn t'BlteBld. J. W.

FULWILER. M. D. 'physician and Surgeon JCaprnpcitri dr nettiecTpritchett Nii'mrvnt. WELFARE TION.

liably Informed. It la known, however, that only a few days ago they had an argument and that since that time, more trouble had been expected by the rein Ives of the men. Floyd Craig, who hns the reputation of being a peaceful young man, and Sat For May 4-6 Inclusive Open to New Concern Incorporated. A new concern to be known as the National Heating and Cleaning Company was Incorporated yesterday at hpringtleld with a capital stoek of 110,000, and will have Its headquarters In Moomlnfton. The company will buy and sell al kinds of ventilating equipment aud will operate In Illinois find Indiana.

The Incorporators of the new company are I. H. MaOIrl, Hen Cones und Charles I. Will. The officers of the new concern are: P.

H. MaOIrl, pres. blent nnd treasurer; Charles I. Will, vice-president: Ben Cones, manager; J. It.

at! irl, secretary. Model Laundry Co. 210, 212, 214 East Market-st. Phone Kinloch 3G2. Established 1892.

Phone Bell C9 Mti ning. McLean County Babies Between II a. one possessed of excellent hnbl's, returned about four weeks ago from Arkansas. He fi'und employment at once ferns Klnlorh 111. llmirv nno.

at McConnells' gnruge. Al. Mike 6ix Months and Five Years Committee Chairmen Named. as he Is familiarly known, also hears a rood renutiiticn and so far as Is (Potcopath CUNNINGHAM. D.

O. ,1, 1 A At a meeting of the McLean Coun ty Child's Welfare Association, held In the public library last evenlnic. It ALMER C. MIKEL. known, bius never been In trouble.

lie. of late, has been buying stock and kept his horses in a burn on the opposite of the alley and a little to the rear of McConnells' garage. Engage in Encounter. Mikel cam out of the livery barn Just to the rear of Mrown's barber shop and across the alley from the gR.rui.-e, currying a couple nf buckets of water for bis horses. Craig stepped out of the Karaite about tills time and TRY THIS FAMOUS HAIR TONIC FREE iS.nrtod...

by appotntni.n. Be-penes call made. Charles P. Hanson, Osteopath SM Orleahefie Bldf. nea.

reatdenc; OraduaU American ftrnonl of OWeopal J. Klrhe'tlW. Mo. whs decided that the date for the hold-Ins; of a baby contest should be set for May 4, 5 and 6. at the Second that Mikel did not move a muscle nfter his head airuck the walk.

Messrs. Frank Cowden. M. I Adams, hai Ktsher, and others who were sen oil on the opposite side of the street from the roene, saw Mikel lyin on the Presbyterian church. All babies In McLean county between the agea of Parisian Sage Won't Cost You a Cent all months and five year are eligible DR.

B. C. ROBERTS Osteopath for entry. If It Doesn't Stop Falling Hair and Eridicate Alt Dandruff. I Right away, today', ve want you to try on" of thj most delightful, refresh Otlur business transacted at the til "H- Wetneolae and FrU.f.

mei-tina; last niKht, which was attended by about of the members. tntarh Mond. was the namiiia! of chairmen fr the annus committee, the rhulrmen hav SYSTEMATIC FINANCE Life la thoroly Interwoven with the Ideas of money and Its purposes and uset. A child that li taught to save almost Invariably makes a success In later life. A man who handles his finances avatomniirally, whether they be personal or business finances, can be counted on In most any emergency.

The head of a great mercantile: house says: "In employing help I always give the preference to those who have already saved something. They have a fixed purpose." We would be glad to have you start an account at this Bank for yourself and each member of the family. The Officers of the I lan it tuke a personal Interest In every dopi'sllor and assists them In every way by giving advice and counsel. The McL ean County Bank SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SQUARE. ing und Invlgnra'lpg hair tonln tho world ever known.

I nderstand this li not a five, but a DR. W. E. ATKINS Osteopath ing the ele tion of their respective coiiiiiiittieiiiiii. 1 hosp nunied are; v.

unity i no. F.xecutive committee, 1 T. Harry L. ItMtitenes CI. A.

Howell also president of the ground and rushed to his side. J. J. Craig Talks. J.

J. Cialg. a hik-hly esteemed resident of Downs and the father of Floyd Craig, was seen yesterdny afternoon at' the home of bis daughter. Mrs. Ml-keL by a Pantagraph reporter.

He stated that his son Is 21 years of ave and that the latter had been home from Arkansas hut a few weeks. Ills mother died five years ago. He staled that he knew bis son nut been having some word. "1 said to Hoyd this morning. Let.

're he went t' work." said Mr. Craig. "Now. Floyd, don't have any trouble with At Floyd said to me, 'Ikm't worry, father, I won't t'other bun unless bo roini els me to' and I know Floyd will do what he added the fiilher snd here he Dcniiott DR. JAMES G.

BEESLEY Dentist real, genuine, onh whl'e hair tonic anj t-aiml Parisian Sae. I If yo.i hsvt latl-ult 4UI Parisian Puro U'H'sn't remove every trace of It money bark from your druggist i If your hair Is falling or you have terrible scalp Itch. Parisian Sage will top both or money back. There Isn't auy two ways about It; Parisian Sage la one of the most efficient hair preparations, and ever? Publicity. Mr.

Harry Fleming. CbililH Mis. J. A. I Finn lice.

Will Moore. JudKe. I'r. T. l.

Cantrell. Mci Mis. W. W. Wbltmore.

Fntnes utid vnrolliiient, Mrs. Mabel Bill. Ktn.ort. 11 tm-t 11. Heinour.

As bus been previously explalne.f. thin is not to be a beauty context, ouch us is often slutted at church fairs or i lurtners' tntiluns. The scorliiK of I he bHbles IS to be alullK Si lenllflo lines, ineliidiiiR niKiiy factors uulicutsd In tlie seiierul thlld wrlf.ire study si- DR. H. C.

RODENHAUSER Dentist mt rron bin ill. Itorncrj. peirceTveatch ttoreera at I at Lee. General Law Practice II lit oneebetni Bt-lsj.

sixlHtloiii) thruoiit the country. The exhibit nf link- yoiihtfuleia will doubt lens U- ulie of the limel lnterei.tini af- punned, a 'ear Klii-t'iung In his eye snd bis voice qoaver-d with emotion. Then, continuing, be added. "I know Floyd Inietiiled to do Al. no harm.

He didn't strike him I enough to hrtve killed him. It wns ay be fe'l hie head striok walk" Hesidea the fiitrer. there sre two brother. Chenev Critle, lll.mlns-ton. Forest frnlg.

of Im.wik. nnd two sistera. Miss Crnig snd Xrn. Charlton, of Hloomiiigton. (aiis rut 111 I urtik'giki wiinoiii an bio 10 grini wni tell you an.

I It alms to prevent bahluest by put ting lire and nourishment lino tin hair roots, and the first application makes your heal feel ao good that you will at ouce realize why thousands of users are so enthusiastic about It. Parisian 8age Is women's favorite hair dressing because (Ives to the hair a si'finess a ii 'I luster that faa-1 1 nates and admiration. A generous iHittle em but at gooj drug or toilet roonters. Sold and g'inrnntei-1 in Itioon t.rton by V. T.

Short lioae. Advert isemenL CHIROPRACTIC kiatovraak-Ti llins-at reenr-te that then- la ksnlle rTtiieM leewi et A thai Laa mt bee eumt by tVorotnvtuf iiil Abualisetil. latl ami ln.Mile. DR. A.

T. KPATU, Chiropractor Jiara M. Bae I 1 ls Wutnf St, 0er De iter's Vivt 2- I- In If a nittala s. ant la a Meai.tree T19 a f'entee St. LAST MEETING OF DRYS.

Rally of the Anti-Saloon Force en WESLEY M. OWEN Attorney at Law erurttt LAM PRACTICE. South East Street Last Night Was a Quiet Affair. The bint meeting of the campaign SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES Imh fllT fm rVnple'. San! P.

aiMmlntfttm. III. Brie Sketch of Deceste-l. Aimer C. Mikel wns born at Ikmns efemlier 5. l'e. there all of bis life. He is been eng ine I In stock tuning sn.l fur'niog rrsnv yeara. He whs married In to Ml Kntle Hlue. d.iushter of Mr.

and Mrs rv. em mot-e- OS fit e.t. arruHt a s-aae ea.i'!e in fvn ai'. Hea denee. ev nhitft.i IIF.RBF.RTWT BLANK.

Landscape Architect by the dry contingent was held 1H Might ut the chapel on SontU Ft ali'i t. now iH'cule, by the denomination i ailed the Church of Christ, which was the llnptlal mission, "be biilbllog was well filled, and the lueel-1114 was Interesting one. The predicted disturbance which wss feared In soiim quarters yrsteidsv failed to insierinllte. and altho a police officer Wus 111 ntletolitiire. tlie orrHSlon wns iletool of racitiiierit of any kind.

1 be ririikets were Itev. A. (lep-f'iril a stor of the rhun h. and Hurry C. Kend and James H.

Hhnw. The si ea wen. all temperate In Ian-giiugf unit ell calm In argument. and City Planner fnon iiagneih Uaia Wlilliiln Hlue, pioneer resnlsnts n. To Ibis union one child wns born.

Miss Fern Mikel. of llloom-Inteon. Mrs. Mikel in 'O and on rleptemlier I. lak, he wss married to Miss Nettle t.

Ctsig. of Is.wns. this union sis chlld'en were born. follows: Ituth. I.

Ik.rr. thy. twin babies. nod Nettie, who are now most a year old He la nlso survived Iv bis nved niotler. Mrs Hinnsh Mikel.

and a sieter. Mrs. Klttl Craig. M'th of H'ld-son. nod two brothers.

Herlrt and Fdrii. f. Mikel, of Clinton. Kentucky. Inquest TMt Afternoon.

Coroner J.nne" notified tbe f.iinlly tbnt I be lll i held at FLOYD CRAIG. the men Indulged In an argument. Mikel, so tli slorv goes, harked sway from Craig toward the west and toward lie enlrtiue of the allev. Just ss he waa a few away from the sidswalk et I be mouth of tbe ellev. ring, li sin'eil.

sir uck him In the fine ilh bis list. Tbla 're Slrtl.k b'lt It Slgkered Mikel, and be fell backward. Htad Struck Walk. The back of Mikel bead ptrurk the edue of tlie ciicrele walk snd bis skull crushed lr. C.

waa s. on tbe ene. but itned rsNee. thr fnct liistiintaiieoiis. TODAY IS SCOW DAY In Our Victrola Parlors 2:30 to o'clock Antonio Scutti, the ciftnl baritone, has won fame in many operas an! in many lands.

Scntti nukes rernnls exclusively fnr the Victor, am this afier-nta-n yon may hear him at his het on the tTeatet instrument of all time lite VirtrnU. His solo records are very fine hesiilcs. he sinus in many ducts and other concerted numbers with the world's mot trifled artists. spli V. F.

MORATZ CO. Architects. tea Pexple'a f'-'f Mr Mii icH.k up the tenet mill John illiliiei miiiin III lust eirliins's 1 1 tin. niiil answeied some if the A. T.

SIMMONS. Architect OTO lloWFI.I. tlsWtr. aaeHiia "I fleat fittoeil Rani Kids. SlHlillielltS DiSde Ihetein.

be ili a contrast between the dunking plucra in 1 1, Mill Mini Hie s.lloon I'ralir II Is il. s'ool'e'l U'wn I t'wiii i.iii. evsn- Conatnble wns hnsv 'nst this country, savihg tbev weie n. I In be cotnpsrid with e.n oito-r. ARTHUR A hitect erri rt one proet i a pi no me totniiv different and ileimanv sod looked Ii l.i Vikel a ru.

an.l tnn t.ifiili'g to I'r said: "Is tiiers 'inv rli im Heine sn. awered In tee nesatlve. I'ralg siarled 'llk lr'l III" Sl'eet. ben on-Slllble Ire.l I trier "II the Ing summoning the eev rnl nera who konw Sinn 'hire of tbw di lulls nf tbe sflalr trivelmg who la iid to bse seen tbe encoonter. left on tbe tru which in Is wr has ho sui thing sa toe Alueilrsn bsin.

snd would not toleisie a thing. few nunnies sf'sr Hie em oonier. Ilia Setie I I a 1 1 rite riros.Mi -it eti'i I rooeht to libwimltiKton end placed In Identity baa not as yet been learned DRESS-UP WEEK BEGINS. i. c.MtiiL&so "vrr.i Rooftnir ami Metal Workrr Wan fetluf-re 4 la.tanl'l lrn ecrie and ahv-I't-eia. a.ale. lis. Ill sa4 tttt Obaeevanee of tee PreteM Week As tueller, llrry Fpayd and Man Kurd. Te Cincinnati.

Frwnk VerrsHh mi le a susgesllnn ROTARIANS INVITED TO DECATUR FEST I. Quartette. "Come Where My Ixive Meg Presm- Ing" Foeter I'eerlesa Quartette. I. Harltone.

Th Hrayeol Heart Fhall Bwetr Oouno4 Antonio flrottl. I. Paaa and Quartette, "tltg rsas rWihsnsoa rrank Pianl.y ao1 I'eerlesa Quartette. Violin. "Gondnleria" Haar Maud Tow alt I.

Duet, "Rwesr In This Monr" Verdi Cam so and Pcottl. t. Quartette, The) Pay noses" Rulllraa Orpheus Quartette Time For Beautifying Meets With Hearty Rsspento. The olMierxsnce nf ilress-nri week PIANO TUNING OTTO It. ERDMANS tsvmiM.T-ii fa.

that rortr or nrtv me i.ii, ein- lra who have niitoiiiobilea sl.tul,l take I In 4 Ina igoraled without any but It promises to ivr. r.Mivn ft rip 19. Eduratlnnal fU Uft'e PhoemsVer." (I) Hons of Iron." 3l "The lllacksmlih Klsle liaker 11. Duet, "Mlml. Thou Mere?" from Poheme Tucclnl Geral line Karrar and Antonio Rrottl.

It Qusrtelle, "Honeymoon Hells" rtotsfurd Amrlrn Quartette. 11 Violin. "At tha rrooks" Maud Powell. 1 1. Rarlione.

"Prologue," Tagilaccl. Ioncavaila Antonio Kcottl. This rtecoH waa asnl. first prize at HuffaJo, RL lunula and rortland KMsions I IS. Quartette.

"Hack To Hle" Tel'an American Quartet ie. IS. Orrhestra, "Midsummer Klghta Dream" Mendelssohn Victor Concert Orchestra. Any reeorej In the Victor Ca'alog pUyerl on retuct during conceit. Program umler direction of Pred T.

Albion. CITIES IN CATHERINO rivE I one of ll.e moat sue, earful la-raslons the.r isrs ar.d in ttm i'ininMsi convent ion In Jmy ai. lid l.iike.1 to al.tnt twen'y different members sed ennlsMlv waa In faior nf It and he tliongbt that If Ihe nmiter was prt'i-erlv posted a Me rooid in Hie business history of the city fur Ibe yer. 1 he spiru nf drea. up week seems sent (.1 the rnnvenllon nnd II would I Ceeeir,'.n at OH.ed.

M.t.t Decatur te luelyd Decatur, eor.a. Sprina. feld end li te an the tety r. and there will a general rommiiiilty effort to primp Rrhumann FRAHK MORRISON PRACTICAl PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTED Dealer In Bath Tubs, Sinks, Water Wah Bowli, ll Ihe ono Iti.tartnn from all river the country know that latir wss soma town, lie wna sullmrued to keep pushing the protect up In person.

In tba home. In Ine streets and In the city In general Violin. -Traumerrl" Mand rowolL rtarltnne, "Mart. Msrl" Antonio Rcottt. Tli'ia la nothing to be b-sl In 1 1 1 a r.n.rt, snd tbe spirit of tna week la I.

Quartette, There are U.009 geeda In bushel nf wheat. Fvery rloud ha( a silver lining Fn failure duesn have tat respond In an encore. "Orandfathefa noca" llaydea Quartette. Itevlew A decision a five-cl'y convention as de. rlll1 on a the last action at the re Force and Lift Pumps, etc Mail ordrrs for material and re Mv.oiher weeg meeiira club at nreider-s Mnndsr.

This tilnr etv rkelv to last le)uid the neat Mubt. 'lb ttietcbaiita nf tbe city tisve made ajie, lal preparntioli for the trade heNB.up Week. Slid providing II, in. it. rmis li a b.rtiment of the leis.ois lioiiiea and sure" inlles of Ilia i Itiarna.

I be ulnl idea of Ibe week la not a toiiuoer. 1 a I but the ols. name la l.ti'lerlaken in the Spirit of friendly rivalry In beautify. Ins the whole ent iroiimeiit In wlurh we are living pairs receive prompt and careful ld be iy Purine this program we will use The New Victor TunRs-tone Stylus or Needle, nnd the VirtrnU will he operated by the Shelton Elect Ic rhonostaph Motor. rotivetiiion amee-iinn 2n Fron-t eorla.

memt't rs from Hsnyllle and ttecstur. CASTORIA For lafasts sid ChlMrra In Fnr Over 30 Yean nsle.1 urg may be milled to come and nr. of II rltlee Invited may not rrJ.a Uwsys tears IhlllV nr foflv represen- of e25fc there Will lato es ft' I wl'l be I.I rll. The session I Khl St tbe nr. the SIgaaiure a Funeral of Jsenes Dswsen.

The funeral nf James A. Hnesnn was held Monday afternoon at tb lesoltli. lit Slolllll l.jsl Stlret. at it Tba seru. es wrie ton- lulled 1.1 lie! II II lliirch.

The palUHMteis were Dust Claude Mi a iiitl I'beiiu. lleoive end Fred Tbe II. nf It. T. rnmlm-ted tlisir ritual er-Vb-es at tbe gl.ile In lll.wxtillial'.n remeiert.

wtota iiirm-iil waa nnid The fa. that ilttue la Pa own re-Ward iioesn nifl'ietiif a man to be a li saj thing. Dooming ton' Dry Coodt RsioDrrt Iin.l.t pio.bll Ilea. Fn.h rl-v I et eeied to iw.n'y minute, of tb- The pr. ronnreled with Itoiarisn principle Ceenmitteo In Chaeoe.

Th in have Ibe convention waa mide 'be of Ibe en. lerlilninrtit i It IM eS SVEET POWDERl FOR CHILDREN. imi IU. i.i a) I s.iiriisa, it ii a k. ataiaa.k 'i 1 Jaswayessasts tfCK C0MPA1T 116 South Matn-a A.

Unrlertakets el Is It a a t. Pa'lre e.s,i. Is.s 11., weseautrla A. OkMJTCO LsRev, kea ea sail a nan Snelk H. i etassL laawal eaelFet.

awkulaaea. ele wet put in to. that roininilt, whkh Is eompoeed of.

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