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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 2

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


I.c!d Police He Wat Kid. naped by Three. HOOTS AM) II Ml lly Martin TOWN'S ROAD PARLEY FAILS tas COaM a)ttaa A ktxi. aaat fra CM an' i tOOoavl Wa a tC to to Hta 4 ax 1 CO. fcarr, Tvajaa aatt OUT fVM aHX 0 QOaM (Ml 0a HilX, KMTta tVT A VTTaa vTt TftH.T&p lttOVia- MA TO Tr rAa kITt A taUT, a Tnf AS AaaA Cost of Graveling Stretch at san lou Point In Question.

tm ta M4T CO kOM TWO II Lvt I I lia' I rr I II tVCt Mw aJWVfT I lavT ottt. MaitSC CWfi 1 UVI I 11 'W'Nd I I ft laaia., i I rpytr. akcavo wavi 1 i 1 1 I I ''O fN urvt CVM "vXKi 1 I 11 AM JOeC-A mt l4 rw4 lbrw4i Je M4y 44 wna a e.f.i'e 4V fof lb r4. Ma eaa UM ffletald fad4 to raeb a agree! 4p iwtfir, fekui grf nef.

It4 Hx Tae4y niM that he aaasr k-y ihra a early in IM rvftIM rWe4 4la Pfttesrwl wfcera el bit tiH kty efe Aui koniM m4 I Hal Jai a- e. n.4 im lre eater) fcie eatek-ttekmeat fkw akwe a. futea-4 Mm lata aa aula, aa4 Mm an capital la "print- f. im mi left lk car wii let-irw1 (of Mm la wait fn I twin. a aa kM at ajoart sbii etreisba.

Tktae eawaiia) er ieroaia4 a Flwt of Sex Plays rom Three Pontiae Chapter E. S. Conducts M'Lean Chapter O. 5. Installs Probate Court Orders Central Illinois Death ia tb awadera gti r4 atvkk would toftnevt Iba Counties Selected 1 af 9m Jo wtib Officers ot 1935 for State Contest Public Ceremony If I I the tallUlf.

Jaergec tfrwea tb etat p4 r4 IS. fr a4 Mr. JaAaaaa liaf. away, and a arousM la polica ka4uaiirr ay affwar (a foaa; I'aTTtlUliVna Tb Mtawirg IU.XTIAC- Tare t-Uy by lJ- ID.YTI AC-la of IN Uiml aubJta Uvdallaltna Mrvtra kaa- him trtviiif akotM IM etreet IXAN -M'Lea (bat Ka 4.1. Oder of atar, hart a 114 IMS ffKee Meaday Wt.N'ON A Mr Jhaaaa Uaf.

II. la4 al bar bom ba at II Ingataa, imqooi od Letsa ewo-ty Home ftvr aaita i4 be raise Ilk cMaf ftkla Mir ignifl4 III tateatbMl af a balf Ua iMWtk of IbM f. Rue II KbtbaU af lb eamaiy eomilitaa. wbe) baa rsk4 for lb a4 for aevet al year offered eaeeeal plea la agreeing la mt read 141 far th at I lame fl ur i Maiary, affVac far Ifca IVfilta Of4r af Caalaia Hla war eeder wee en tared by Jo4. O.

Wblpa la Meaatd ewun'y ptv bat eourt Moadayi Laiaa af Haetry It. Hiala- lk4 filed and approvM, aolk lab- a. av Maaaar. bk b4 auflaf Mtalytia rimka Ul riklay. no fcere la a treat too oaf far.

ea niM and dreata eneileel eat albU Mr Faaal faker aerved a I a ailing tootf; Mr. Jnae- the guasnea ere telle la fcsv week at th eteta final Chasa- tkw Tarra Haul. Ia4. 7 ln4iKl4 tola effVf Taaaday alfht iba aortb aar(er sntui aeaitaM. IS, Ik-'O, aba araa a 4augblr of.Tt) anrr aa bal4 1a lUikNta paiga.

prila l-aareewe. Cbaplala: Mr bea Ik mm three wn forte4 Anthony We, Paring field, la drive Tba corpora ba af lb vib klkhaal an4 Johajtfca iMtA llr Mmbat of lb Waaunta fra- Tby war parked from lb eubt i. latter ordered. Jofca M. mmA 't4li4l it.

Mm. ly allowed fa 4 MM goaidlaa VI r. txrk then ta M. Loul. He etarrlaa te William Lauf aamrrad play la lb dbXrtcl eoaleat Te larnlllaa of lh rMjr.

tbabr faaillla lag ef baa Joe ie4 la wiihia a faerie ealla ib aad ei'k of at Itkklaa4. III. Ovl IS, 11 Ttr day at Paatiaa, Two Cat vara It af Katata af FrMa tkadbaai Their eri wee aaet n4 frlaad araaaat by lab l4 lhal ba ni la mm la front local flu aar vara aaranta af rhlldraa. ihraa liiiao) fartilty mam bar ar fudf b4i filed, approved aad ordered potfooe of lb ebe4ef, Varae mtmn. Mr.

Iran Rurlna) af Faorla, af arhom arllb Ihalr falbar, araraal- trig all play and knu.w la tb elate dli Iryouia. recorded. Proof of publM-alio aad Long wort b. Oawt aad avbiW-aim! af a4jutma af claim tte Munan. Folrowtog eong of I Mr.

Lauf In aih. PMitiUf lb Oik-ao hMar tbe eenmo Im. and lb low, hip Aba Oravo la Meaa an I Prairl Creak In lrr. rwld n4 free ra aa rbnf af tripe la earur fiv and one baf mile af at aid weaned I ha fcualne tloi TuaedaV night whea three ma. two af tkam trn4Uhlnf revolver, ord.f 4 Mm la ejriv la Eaet M.

Louis. Tn Itia len lh mar bin at ihtt point, Pa aakL urrtvlnf cklMraa Wi ran4 bwiuraf af I ha tCaalara blar Front lb beat In tl dlatrVi mada. iwalront by Mr ran la Tavetiaer M)rm n4 Laa. af Waitofta; n4ian4 mambar af Iba r'4 rta- lhay will rhonae Ihra for nasi aUI of IJUabHb Aaallat ft- Mm, Iwrnlc larb. lha war- Thursday' final during lb Farm1 th Inefail- dantlale committee, port of eala of reel ealale filed 'by mtron-l Mr.

Laxil wib Iwo aiapdauchlara, Mr. Italia Ml land. Marahalllawn. I. and Ml Anna Itlrhlar, Da Molnaa, lua r4.

inf nfrirar. and Ham week at lb V. Pi I If aa ob)ertirm filed within IS al lb altar by ber Tboa Who attended Ihe meeting Offirar Installed Worthy rt l4ie auanet rrorn trwgo: j.r, Mij ta ba attrovad. Mae email daughter, waa arareded matron. Mr.

A. MWdl.too. unit Uvtpgrtoa ewinty; the Men tjMal of bant baMlbl Thar ar four grandrhlldran. an raat-f randchlld. and ana alatar.

included Ceaiaty rommiwHwrr Elmer Mltrhet of Tswl counif ho baa built gravel road alnvwt worthy pa Iron, A. I la' par luari nvn rare) ravmr, ann Iba Mlaad ejuate. from Iroquoie tad of publk-atloa and f-oatlng eianme nuoy notice of adluatmenl of claim nudy lngworln. VraM Mr. Maraarat Bay of Maywood.

rial mat ma, Mr. J. It Irvla; a 14 Are Arrested in Drive to Halt Wild Duck Sales II Mr. Lauf bad ban a raidnt af a. entirely aver aw county, enrlate patron.

Joa Oreea; aerr county, and Iba Lang Point unit TMmto of Jaoaea I. n. a. I Mr hole. Jama Hall and Cy KH Mlaa Adal Hod.

Pb Wnona bO yaara. Ilh waa naro tary. Mr. Edward Read; treasurer, orr-beetr from Ijvtngrto county, was Proof knade of publlratioa and were other rrorn Teaeweu coun bar of tha Altar and Itoaary aorlaly Mlee Marietta) Tanquary: coodue ware all plrked for etala ronlder raeertted a brMKue1 of roeae by ber ty. Logan rounly repreeented and af bt Mary' church whar lha treaa, Mr.

Vers Laver; aaaorlate at km from lha mualral entrants poatir.g adjuatment of clairoa aotir. FatoU af MartJa P. tlroaboll: The winning playe ar: IJlnf by Loot flurwel! af Ileaenn. chair ma a ef lb state aid road commtu lee; Logan Cbeenut upervtaoe, daughter. Anna Jane, following hlrh Mr.

Tavener ang 'I Would Civ Thee a floe" Tb worthy palroa waa Installed funaral will ba bld al I a. Thuraday. Burial will ba la SI. Mary camatary. ton.

Telrb nmne Ialb Watrh." eonrfurtrees. Mr. W. D. fHarratl, chaplain, Mr.

Cheater Crabtrae. organ let Mr. Nellie Potter Defen-baugh; marshal, Ml Helen Da Proof mad of publication and by the Lung point unit; Irnqunla, po.ting of adjuatment ef claim. anl Tele Zimmer. road cnmmlaaiorw er.

Maseru Puller ef Bath. n4 In a similar manner, and pre- Tb LI that ark Built." Logan. "Th Valiant." by tb Harmony urniNorirLn. iu vn Additional arraal ar apart ad Wadnaaday la th fadral (ora piant 4rl to curb aalllnf af wild duck throughout thl (action. Pourtaaa paraofii war arraaiad by t'nltad blala marahal, Paul Rup- Mr.

Ialy Hiddbv mon: Ada, Mr. Harry Guneel Fatal af fieorga W. Laaleyi eented a boutonneir by Martha IxMnl WM Kriellng ef Havana, and buperrta Ruth. Mrs. Herbert Dart: Eather.

Community club Proof mad Of publication af final thm email dauaht.e of the MIMER-Mr. Uaaly Rlddl or William bmitb ef baa Joe. I1rl mummrn la Of lb ailed Klale Mil, llrlr Klrhry flaahe senile af a eojucf log be rain frea th rerkpil af bar air liner. MUa Rirhey, ro-boliler af lb viaeara's rntfur-Me flj Ing rerard. aaw bira-ilat aa th aahlnctaa fVie.

land )rt rait kAaarncrr and aaall rawl af tha tenlraJ Airilnea. Mr. Ruaeell Donn.ll: Martha. Mr eetllement notke. Imrlh m.lmn rtlbar rrirara In.

Mr. Albert Pltrber of Pontlac. as the diatrirt chairman for Ihe and four member ef lh dlad it II tt Tuaaday at bar R. MrWilllam; Electa. Mr.

Fetal af Armaada Leaky: 'stalled war Mr. Ethal Stubble- a and dapulla from hi Of fir board war alao prevent bom aflar an lllnaa of Ihra jraar Klnlngham: warder. Mr. 8. M.

eontaata. David I-lndntrom of tb Tuaaday. Tb arraata war mada of llllnola -7 Bowan: sentinel, Mr. T. Paul Fos innaiina id ufinuni rr ri.inia no.

duration. Joaaphlna Blanta wa bora In Malamora. IIU Fab. 1TJ bba waa unltad In marrla-a to Thoaa of tha Installing staff aa- earvlc I la have charge of tb ann, worthy patron; Via foulee Tnrey. secretary; Mr Haiti on lh bad of purrh of durk md Dae.

11 Sal of th durk. tire tat meet at Champaign. Morr.ll. treaeurer: Mr. Nine Wlb ft waa rportd, dtarovarad by Laaily Rlddla July 21.

IftM. Thay l.tlng Mr. Burton ware: Eecorl. Dr. A.

Mlddltton, Robert Nlv.n and Ira Erwln; Mr. A. E. Hen Hay. Falato af Aaaa J.

Wllbeat Proof made of publication, posting and adjuatment of claim notice. run. condurtreee: Mr. NHI I'arry and btaphaa Craarh. fadaral war th parent of pin rhlldran Sculptress, Art retiring worthy matron; the Re.

wardan from Paoria, and C.Kt Tonkin, raclonal director of of whom Iwo dlad In Infancy. Tha eldeat ton. Harry, wa killed In ftnwlM. chaplain; Ml Agne Vn-Nea. marthall: Mr, pern Ire Ivearh.

organls; Mrs, Flnrenc Me fatal of Timothy T. Irna C. W. Frick's Wife Granted Divorce C. F.

Kerr, retiring worthy patron; Teacher, Formerly proof mada or publication or ad- lh buraau of biological unry al Franc during lh World war. Mr. A. Burn, chaplain: Mr I of Claim nollr. Farland.

Adah: Mr. Lois Power. Winon, Minn. bh la arvlvd by bar buaband. John Dehm, marshal; eecort for CHICAGO.

eft Mr. Kathryn rrm.r"V. Ul. riale of Mary Cook, Proof, Vn ve. Eelher: Thoaa arraaiad Tuaaday war Charla Opp.

Frank Dodd. Olll three daughter: Mr. William Horb and Mr. Ruby Toung of Ml- th worthy matron, Maadamea ft St. John, L.

M. Shugart Fan VIoUNor- KKI.I1m Mr. Gladys Morin. Martha: Mr Frlrks received a dlvorc aa bar 23rd wedding anniversary preeent Tuaaday. Empty Your Gall Bladder And Youll Feci Like a Billion Hollar.

ejMfaaa airM tf nst, Bbm to tit W. Mr-Wliwal a. IM aw mm m' Aa Ma IKa 4f la aa riiaiiM ek raane s. be tL M. el at artfer mm imum pmmti im imma aa A.n.t ua I mm bavMf II itmi.

I pmm um rmr wMI la. Mlnra U. mm bmpmnmM tltm hlM anMff tmr MIOJ IIM laim an4. ur mum iiau u4 la. ikumjmI IrmK.

If tm IvM. mam I trmtr. Uma man. 44. eculptrea and art teacher of claim notice.

nler, Mr. Clifford Bcnnatt of Hopa- nie Trarey, F. Fos, Maurice Bremer. Louis Beler, R. P.

Arm- Adal Corthon. Elect ra: Mr. Mailt Munaon. warder; Oertrg Mor-rell. eenllnel.

MUi Agne Van Nea. retiring dale, and thre aon. Harold of lroy and Milburn and Oaman of Judge Philip J. Flnnegan allowed ber to withdraw a eeparate main bruater, Ernest Gregory, H. L.

Shaffer, Lloyd List and Gerald died Tueeday night at ber bom Klncald: Proof after long lllneM. m'd 01 Publication and posting of adjustment of claim notlc. Ph. cam. toClcagoaa young llarrta.

La and Oaorf fltokar and Donny Bharlll all of Brawnlnt; Harry Toat and T. Polntar. M'radoala: Jonah Land la, Buck Millar and Waltar Minor, all of Bath: Zurrll Pat and Mik High, all of HavanA Mlnlar: a brother, Edward Blunli of Peoria, and bin grandchildren tenance suit after Indicating he would not grant It, granted a divorce and ordered th buaband. worthy matron wa preeanted with a Jewel by the worthy matron. Meng; aololat, Mr.

Gwen Morgan Jon, and pianist, Mlaa Mary Fh waa a member of th Meth- woman. attndd th Art inututi from 11J to 18M. Sh. Uughl md publication and i mA ramiv poatlng adjustment of claim odlt Aid, American Legion aux Charles Wesley Fricka, head of a John. iliary and Royal Neighbor.

Pontlac III, accounting Arm, to barf h.r own erhooL In 1B2S ah notice. Tha funaral earvlce will be held Atlanta Masons gift from the chapter Mrs. Ethel Stiibhlefleld preeanted her with a gift from her corps of officers. 1 Paul McFarland, retiring worthy patron, wa alao presented a gift from tha same group. Mr.

Wilcox waa given bracelet by her four' Circuit Court Notes won th Dunham mdal for aculp- rul Jurgnt Proof mad of publlratioa of adjustment at 3 p. m. Friday at th U. E. pay S10 back alimony and 12S weakly for five yaara to tha former wife.

Fricka' dlvorc petition was alk-4 atw tai im arwinv Im mm grifl a tmiia tmmmm mmm mmm church. Burial will ba In tb Ml Install Leaders tm mhm dismissed. nlar cemetery. ittmUmpmm ana Immr w4 mat rt IK. uhM mim ml tif.

htmnmim otofcu. Ittil. a of claim notice. Old Retired armer proofmde of pbiion'of'fi'nsi Paalainak Caatral Dlaal reetaTea Caatral IBhMfcl aaiilaa. ATLANTA.

Atlanta lodje No. Th couple had been separated uncle. since March, 1930. and litigation Mr. Georgia Warlow.

raatacraaa relrl IHIeale amir. A school of Instruction will be mum imtimm mw mm aur. Tim mmii air.a pvrmj Uaa la. mit tmt fcrMih. tm Btf-wM ellT MtatoUiat In.

U1 him-UUr artMnkSM arkl'l aad tmmxm IbM mhihmIiI anvlatraa, T.k. Iw. iaiw fwr mm mmt im CU.NTON.-FUad In th circuit court an appaal from Juatlc court, Ida Laifarty L. 183, A. F.

and A. had installation of officers at tha Masonic, ball Hangs waa continued for two years. a Amelia F. Corson: STANFORD Mrs. Georgia War- conducted ii.

McLean by Mrs. Beasi Lldal of Springfield, raatasrae (eatral Ullut aervtaa. Prnof nf rmhllratlnn rtt rin.l Monday night ur low died Tueiday morning at her Lincoln Pavement Klrch.r, SO years Jan. 18. E.

W. Seeley of tha San Jose home northeast of Stanford, follow hi. IIM ntaa Work to Proceed old. retired farmer, despondent b- of Php proof caus of III health, hanged him- A ing an illne of about a week lodge acted as Installing officer and R. 8.

Mclntyra as Installing mar Mtrritft License. when suffered a atrok of par Paatesreek Cratrmi niaat Kar k-MB raw arauoV aenruaaaaM. tmt mm ar Walirwa Drag Starra aa a t4 drxiMta. accordance with th provisions of th statute In such case under self at the horn of his son. Fred propet directed and authorised to alysis.

LINCOLN The board of local nirrner, iio woop.r ireei, inoraj oroceed to aetUe aald aatata In nd approved. Mrs. Warlow was born In Carroll- Improvements Monday night In shal. Officer Installed are: Worshipful master, Orln Brandt; senior warden, Hardin Ellis; Junior warden, James Ash; treasurer, J. E.

Arnold; secretary, J. A. King; chap raatairaafc Mitral IBMmM aarrtra. CUNTON. Uaued Monday: ton, In Graen county, Illinois, on structed City Attorney Url Kls.ln-ger and Engineer Albert L.

Helt- rope Klrcher hanged himself to a beam In a shed In the rear of the March 24. 1M2, th daughter of To Thoma L. Bruce, 20, Bell-flower, and Margaret F. White, 8. George and Martha Taylor.

She mann to proceed with the North son's home. Jf was found by his lain, A. O. Haines; senior deacon was united In marrlag to Leiter daughter-in-law. Peaotum.

C. L. Slgler; Junior deacon, Paul Kirkapoo street Improvement Three block between Keokuk street and the Illinois Central rail He had farmed for many year in Schmidt; senior Stewart, W. C. Wallow Dec.

t. 1879, and to thl union wa born one son. Allen, who lives in Bloomlngton. Three grand Hollla township, -but recently had Relnmiller; Junior Stewart Roy road crossing will be constructed been living with his son here. He was born In Germany and hla mar Colaw, and marshal, R.

S. Mclntyra; tyler, Dean Clawson. by th aid of the city's share of children also survlv. Two brother and two sister preceded her in th gaa tax. The Improvement will cost approximately SI 2,000.

riage which waa to Sophia Reader took place in Peoria county. She death. The funeral was' held Wednes Thaw, Rains Raise Vermilion preceded him In death six years ago. Eight children, Louis Klrcher, day afternoon at the chapel at Mt Pleaaant cemetery, with tha Rev. Pekin Farm Home Burns reatagrapk Central llliaan aanlr.

PEKIN. The farm home of River Two Feet Above Normal Paatatrapb tat raj nihnl Sin lie. PONTIAC. Tha Vermilion river M. A.

Pearc In charge. Burial Pekln; Mrs. Mary Rose and Mr. Clara Smith, Bartonvllle; Mrs. INDO-VIN WAS AMAZING TO ME "What I Needed for My Deranged Organs" He Says; All the Misery Is Gone.

Mr. Claude Lane, 609 E. Tremnnt waa made at Mt Pleasant Henry J. Pfans. northeast of this Ros Hurst, Hollls; Frank Klrch stood two feet above normal Tues er, Bartonvllle; Mrs.

Margaret city, was completely destroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon. Nona of Wheeler and Fred Klrcher, Pekln, Mm. Mary R. Phillip. FanLirapk Central llllnat.

Srrrlr. PEKIN Mrs. Mary Rachael day evening as the reault of four days of January thaw denuding the the household goods ws saved. and Ben Klrcher, Mapleton, sur- 'vlve. The loss I estimated at earth of six inches of snow coupled Phillip, 80, died Tuesday morning at her home on r.

r. 8. Peoria, near Tuscarora, after an Illness of 10 with an Inch and a half of rain Monday night and Tuesday morning. Th water was rising an. Inch Champaign, 111., Ii now adding day.

She was the widow of J. J. his name to the long liat of well (ytaJidit an hour, breaking the four inch Ice loose from the shoreline. Creeks known people who are publicly were out of their banks and In 1 prilling the some places around Pontlac United mixture of Ex States highway 88 waa covered with water. a a from I Medical Tlanta, known aa Indo- Legion, Auxiliary to Meet t'an.

which la Phillips, whom she married at Lincoln, 111., April 4, 1902, and whose death occurred In June, 1932. She was born April 4, 1A35, and her maiden name waa Mary Rachael Jones. One grandson, Elmer Shay, of Pekln survives. The body of Mrs. Phillips was brought to the Kuecks funeral home and the funeral will be held there Thursday at 10 a.

m. Burial will be in Prairie Rest cemetery, Delavan. S. O. Plersnn.

Fantairapk Central Illinois amlee. LINCOLN. Swln O. Pierson. 83.

of Eminence township, a resident I now being 1 trodueed to the Thursday ot Chatsworth (SprrUI ta Tha Panturraph.) CHATSWORTH. The Livingston dally here In thle city at the Smith county Legion and auxiliary will hold a Joint meeting Thursday Drug Store, 101 night at the local high school. At Main St. Fol the conclusion of the business ses i Wallace UL-X BEERY lnwins la thla UMw- aVaaaaaauaKll lOW sion each poet in the county will of the County home for two years, MK, LA.L widely known furnish a part of the program of died at 6:30 p. m.

Monday at man's a a ement entertainment Edward A. Yeagle of Fairbury Is county commander, Deaconess hospital. The funeral was held at "Kor a period of about 3 years I had almost been a 'wreck in snld Mr. Lane. "I was and Mrs.

Mary Telford of Black- p. m. Wednesday at the County stone is county president of the home In charge of the Rev. Rob ALWAYS feeling bilious and slug auxiliary. ert Byler.

Burial was made in the i iiin n. glsh and Just didn't seem to have home cemetery. Brother Dies in Kansas rantatrapfc Central llllaelt BmtIm. any life or energy left in my body. I would get dizzy all over and I kept having terrible sick head Bud Hensler.

Pantairaph Crntral llllnoli Srrvlr. CLINTON. Bud Hensler, 28, HOPEDALE. Miss Katie Drew received word Sunday of the death aches from a torpid liver. My kidneys simply kept me in constant son of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Hensler of her brother, David, at lilts, Kan, formerly of Clinton now of Champaign, died In his home there Sun He had been in falling health for some time. For a number of years Mr. Drew was section foreman at day. The body was brought to Clin Florids mesm tunihine, relsxstloa snd fuel ton where burial was made in DIXIE! the kind of recreation that YOU need snd will enjoy.

Nothing like a winter vacstion Woodlawn cemetery. Illis and has since been back to this place on visits. The funeral The family lived in Clinton for to put you fit for the new yesr. Florida will be held at the home in Kan many years before moving to sas. Besides his sister here, he Is Champaign.

Mr. Hensler, father of the deceased is a train baggage survived by his son In Kansas two sisters, Mrs. Mary Tobln of man on the Illinois Central rail road between Champaign and FLYER ROUTE misery with pains in my back. I also had rheumatism in my legs and the joints of my knees were so stiff and sore that whenever I walked I would simply FLINCH with the agony." "I tried medicine after medicine and none of them ever reached my trouble at all, but finally I found Indo-Vln and it proved to be what I had ALWAYS NEEDED. This medicine certainly had a wonder-f uf action on my liver and I never have hilio'us spells or headaches any more.

It put an end to the soreness and misery across my kidneys. The joints of my knees are limbered up now and I don't have a touch of rheumatism in my body. This medicine is the most wonderful thing of the kind that I EVER Farmer City, Julia Drew of Kansas, and a brother, Edward Drew, offers you EVERYTHING bsthing. dining, bunting, golf, tennii, riding, racing they're all there waiting for you. The famous Dili Flyer Route provide convenient nd fast double dsily service with excellent meals and through sleeper from St.

Louis to Jacksonville, with connecting sleepers to the East nd West Cosst of Florids. The Dixie Route is the popular route to all Florida. Ship ymmr muufm Utm mricm mnm mm i mmrm HMwm trmml av of Atlanta. Kearney Infant Pantacraph Central llllnoli Servtr. PEKIN.

Grace Darlene, Infant "I like Old Golds because they like me. We get alongfo Why shouldn't I like a cigarette that's friendly to my throat-to my nerves and that suits my taste to a 'V?" TO STOPS ITCHING In One Minute daughter born at the Pekin hospital Dec. 31 to Robert and Grace 1 in. irmtm W4 mm Dikes Kearney, died at the hos For auick relief from tb itchlnc ol pimples, blotches, eczema, rashe and other kin eruDtiona. sddIv Dr.

Dennis' Dure pital Monday night She is survived by her parents and five brothers and sisters, Loraine, Virginia, Marion, Dewey and Freda. (Signed) WALLACE (Old Gold smoker since 1931) cooling, liquid, antiseptic D. D. D. Prescription.

Thirty years world-wide success. Iu gentle oils soothe tbe irritated and inflamed akin, thus aid in nature itself to Far furlkm imftrmm-iitm, hurmtun lr. aj to heal the disorder. No fusa no muss. Clear, greaseles and stainlese dries up simoit HEARD OF and I am glad to publicly endorse it to all who suffer." Indo-Vln is now being Introduced to the public dally here In Bloom-Injrton at the Smith Drug Store.

101 X. Main street, and sold by every good druggist in all the nearby towns throughout this whole section. Adv. HERRING, O'MRAt BEG YOVR PARDON. Monday's paper erroneously referred to T.

J. Raikes, sheriff, and Chester Riggin, chief deputy, of Petersburg as serving Mason county. They are officials of Menard county. mmeaiaieiy. diom immon intense ucning nstantiv.

Trv D. D. D. now. A 35c trial bot 1303 Boatmen's Bank St.

Louis, tle, at drug stores, is guaranteed to prove ot. L. 1852 Ry. Exch. St.

Louis, Mo. money by tbe is made owner of ITaUam Balm. See Wallace Beery in Thk Mighty Baknuk," A 20th Century Picture P. Larillanl Caw lac..

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