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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 2

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TTTE PANTAOnAriT, BLOOMTXOTfW, ILI1, TfTURSDAY, MORNIXO, NOTOfBEIt 7, 1918.1 Pekln Points News Notes of Clinton Happenings at Lincoln THE VOTE IS CANVASSED MAT NOT GET NIW JAIL Two Death at Roanoke. Roanok. Nv. I'rank Oassnr gd 10 yea, 0,, this morning following an Illness uf pueuiuunlo. stlie Is aurtlved by her husband, her parents Mr.

snd Mr, August Hrhuller. The funeral will b. held 1 riday. Joseph Merge. 4 It Han mlntr dleo at th emergvney hospital tudey noon of tineumonla.

Hm la Urs. Danforth, who baa been a crip, pi and Invalid for tersral years, undertook to turn out th gasolln lamp, but mad mlstak and turned It th wrong way and the flame st Hi to her clothing and also lo the bed of her daughter Marrella, who was lying III In It wlih Inriuensi. When neighlxire arrived they found Mrs. f'anforth burned loiit ths face and le ly. Th bed and bedding wer thrown out of th house.

Dr. Chap, man attendrd to th burns aa best he could and she lingered In a camntose condition until abnut noon todsy, when ah past away. WOMAN FATALLY IUNNIO. Mr, J. A.

Dsnferth Deer Crook, luceumb to Injuries. Peer Cre'k, Nov. iHpeclal.) lire. J. A.

Danforth died about noon today, a a result of burn received last vnlng. An Inquest waa held thi afternoon. Th flr at th Pan-forth horn wa discovered between and ie o'clock last onlng. Mr. Danfnrth wa at th bank, having gone there ti do soma unfinished work of th day and In Ma absence All PropoiltioDa Carry bj NEWTON E.

DUrr DIES Brother Expired Oct. 21 Much Speculation Indulged ia fard-flf New Deputlei. MUCH MAIL HANDLED, Msseei City Rural Carrier Mak Pleperl fee Octebr, Uaann City, Nov. e. (Upeelal.) Under a ruling of th poetofTlc department th rural carrier ate required to count the mall bandied by them th first month of each quarter, th month of Ocotber being tho first month.

The following report bv each carrier will glv the public- an Idea of the amount of mall handled at the local poalufflr each month. The month of October I not considered on th month for heavy mails: Indication! Art That Proposi Large MajoriiUci Uutj Bouiton Killed In Action tion Wa Dofcttid Other KmuUi Two Deaths. ty his wife In Italy. BY THE BRITISH Are Continuing Their Advance fast of MormnI Forest, Releasing Towns, Ttitee funerals wero held t4t. Henry lUmrh.t, Mrs.

Joseph Bnv, snd Loo M. lll.t which Is a Uncoln. Nor. (JpecUU-tvTitl ess In thla city. th return from th county en th Pekln.

Nov. -(liclsX) Thi vote ft In Taiewell county was csiivaeaed ibis afternoon, and ther wsjs a dlstovery of an error In th tote (or Koltennan, county clsik. In tabulating lust night a vol In on precinct hud been added twice, making a nta'orlty 22. Thla afternoon Clinton, Nov. e.

(Ppeclal.) Th Joalu of Newton Karl Puff aged II of influent pmumonla occurred Friday at I o'olock at th Joht Warner hospital This la th second dath la th JJuff a brother, Uioliard Lrnest Liuff. dyll of neumunu lu lulicr 21. ls- Kill ImIm Imh W.n In. Vnltl UNLOADING TODAY fi! I'M MiKts i ei r.J w. T.

k-ea I sue ra ti r. W. T4t ewe ie 1. W. he lets sett M.

IvH KI tne CJiivatlng board (v the jorlty as 124. C. I. Martin, fur lerintendini of achools, gained on food road, the tuberoular sanitarium and the new Jali war not riven much attention by th election Judges and th unofficial receiver of th returns, Indications ar that th tubercular sanitarium for Lccui county carried by a blf trota, while the new jail looks aa tho It were lost and voting in favor of rood roads ws very heavy. Other Eltction Result.

L-eeeJ was called recently In the dtalt increment but was rejected be-eaua of phyau-al unfiinese. 11 In 'iotas Uiwnahlp. Deceased nit cu tsrwiv! Toul tuts, inakiiir his majority over r. n. leenberg.

tl. Itoliert Clay, fur rJberlff, CANADIANS GO AHEAD King and Qtecn of Belgium Pay Their First Visit to Town of Courtrat. BATTLE AT LEQUESNOY rt-rilved the highest vote, with II. is survived by bis parents ana me fnlluwlnc I rotiiers and sister: lwi, tl. To nnlngs, Irtasurer second.

Tn Irvsn DIMsnbaek Die. Elliott, Nov. IHpeclal.) trvsn Dlllenbsck died at eo'clock thl morning after an Hlnee ef two werl eit of i l.ntun; Willlsiu, near link- hard road protoslilun carried by a vole of four to one, as did all of the lest of the proposition oa the small bck; lsiie at home; Mrs. l.thcl Will i. mis of M.

l'uii AiU with double pneumonia, lis I ell' ha out. Th Republicans elected, pmuer of Walker, Mieees Kva vlved by hi wife and two sn 2 More Cars of Potatoes EXTRA FANCY EARLY 0HI03, nil ncrernetl (Fmnll ono taken out), white and mealy cookers, good keepers. Five-bushel 1 lots, (0 for VliHJ ROUND WHITE POTATOES Splendid keepers, hize stock, kiiow white and mealy, CI very fancy. Five-bushel lots, 60 lbs T. Prompt Deliveries and Nu'lie at home and a n.r orotn- Charles 8-haefer.

county Judge; Hop-ert Clsy, ehrrtff; II W. Toennlnga. children. Ills fath is very 1 funeral will be held Thursday. Th Republican state ticket, headed by JJfdlll McCormlck for I'nlted tates senator, piled up auch bug pluralities la Vogmn county Tuesday that only two Democrat escaped th landslide.

T. were Deputty Hberirr Ui-oige Arnold of Creek township. (If tHMtlM Pre.) treasurer and C. I Martin, superintendent of schools. The Democrats Will Return to Mem.

Mrs. Lillian ttlegler, widow of the liondon. Nov. Drltlsa ere elected Turner I' sioltnrman as county Ju.U-e. fJchaefer lll KHlff, late Wilfred Zicjicr, who suctumb.

onttnulnf their advance to the east ed to an Inf.urm.i pneumonia attack A. C. Albert, who was victorious over Jnha It. Parke by a maturity of UTjH; t-ounty clerk, ttoietrmsn, lest week, la disposing of her bouse i 3 1 3 1 i of Mormal forest, aoeordtnt lo now Harsh) IUli'a report tonight from ll-ites, 3il6, sheriff. Clay, tl; Mu 2.2, and County tfupei intrndriil Sofemilc Infnti'aa4 InTsllde HORLICK'i INC OM01XAL headquarters and have ocuplcd hold good preparatory to returning Toennln.

Hll rr.i 117: Of will make her home lilt ber Mother. 'J JMi. 11. Lukenblll, who waa re-elected by a majority of 171 over A. K.

Ienny, Ijierrms vlllar and the Important who polled a surpriMngly poavy vote, I I- i. fy Diseussmg New Deputies. ltoad Improvement, for, 4Zti, emllwa Junction at Aulnoye. The 1'aW'l Muwrey ran well up with the artilnst. 1151.

Amend hanking law, stats ticket srd obtained a lead of 0 lltammt aeym i "Wo prorreet eJonf tho whola bat over J. K. lluaiun, present county for, no, Constitutional con- ventlon, for 2iSi; no, 1.0. Tuberculat or Ifi in, for. Ml; no, 111.

MALTED MILI tie front today la spite of a Harry Houtten Killed. m.trarl srain. in nowder lore 'ontuiuous rl. Sharp fMhtlnf hi Much speculation Is rife ss to who will serve as deputies for the vurl-ouu county officers elect. County clerk-elect Charles H.

Ur.fftn has tw0 deputise to appulnt a first and second deputy. The dnputiee who ga out with County Clerk Kemp are Meno Mnstln and Miss Carrie llry.nt. liuth have buen very efficient, sa wsll as Mr. Kemp, who govs out with the good will of all. There are several rsoiis already In the field takts plc at a number of points with Oirmu rear fuarda end some clerk.

Hubert Klmerman and JI. J. Mayer had the hardest clash. Mr. Meyer emerged In the final county returns with a lead of It over Ms strong opponent As a result, Ignn Oounty eletced Judiie titrlnger, I'rrn-ocrat, without opposition.

PherllT A'berts and Supt. Iukenhlll, also lemorrata, and two Itepubllcana, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Houston, of For North Third street, received no- pur nutrition, upbuilding la whole body tlee from the war department this jnVigorste nursing mother mi theeged efiernoon that their on, Harry Butrjtiou than tea, coffee, ate Houston, bad been killed In acti.m mnd. Kequ.resnoeoolxing on lictober tth.

He wo wounded by a shell on Juns 27 and was In tin Substitute LOlt IUU Same fllM County Clerk Mowrey and Treasurer Mayer, kundreds of prisoners hava boon taken by us. "tin our naht eur troop, pusMns forward, captured Caxuank and Marbalx. In the center, driving- the enemy from hie hastily constructed defeneee on the raft bank of tho fcambre, we have crost the river 'bout Herlalmont end have raptured i Leva! and Aulnoye, where we have as candidates for these doputysliiiie. Mienff elect J. W.

1'ersuns has one deputy to appoint. It is quits possible The county tickets were badly yilllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIMIIIHIIIIIIMIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIlniMIIIIIIIIIIIHIIlllllllUIIM scratched, otficlal of th election lay. that one of the present deputies un- Lxiwn thru representatives in the dur hhirlff l-'orbe may retnlnel but as to which on it la not yet general assembly there waa little scratching, but when the county ticket was reached the party lines taken prisoners, jne important ran- yet been made known. The present deputies are tt. Dunbar and lel.

way Junction of Aulnoe 1 In our ftoieff Melon. ticspitai tor lure muuins. just a few weeks ego he waa able to rejoin his company and shortly after he wa killed, lie Joined the marines aa a volunteer, and was sent to t'arl Island. Mouth Carolina for training last rJeptember, a year ago. Three Deaths.

Harry Tates dlsd this morning at 7 o'clock at the family residence, 11: Ann KHia. street, lie had been con. fined to his home for the past thru weeks suffering first from an ot influent followed by pneumonia. wer wiped out. "Kurther north we hare Croat th Lost Entire Fsmily.

Penlamln Wlnkelmeyer, a former j-j SHOP FOR CHRISTMAS NOW! America's Gift Day Will Be Here in 7 Weeks Beautiful Furniture In New Designs for Gifts and the Home Aveenee-Nevay road eaat tit ior-mat forest and reached the rsjlwav to the eouto and wsst of Kivny, whore iharp flirhtine Is taklnK place nutr D. Lryant. Mr. Mary Parria Vry W. H.

Tarrla was called to Champaign this afternoon because of th serious Illness of his mother. Mrs. Mary J'arns, who resides tn this city, PAXTON NEWS NOTES. mm resident of Lincoln, who wss employed by the Uncoln Collar Company, and who was quite well known here, lost his whole family recently of Influents. The following clipping within short distance or ine wn "on Die left the Canadian troop are continuing; their progress east of the Scheldt and have captured FeJiieux and I from a Kansa City paper has been received from Lincoln friends.

The letter accompanying the clipping and later afflicted with heart ex- haustlon. lie was born In Uroveland i township thirty years sgu. Hurvlving I him Is one sister, Mrs. Junius Y. I Drown, Corpus Chrlstl, Tex.

lie hod been employed at the Wells Fargo I stated that Mr. Wlnkelmeyer was 111 at the timet SPINET DESKS I express office at one time, also Kat Wlnkelmeyer, th Resume Mailing of Questionnaires Men Hsld en Forgsry Charge. Tatton. Nov. I.

(Special.) The Ford county local board haa resumed ths mailing out of questionnaires to reirtstrants between the axes of II and 4j years. These questionnaires are to be filled out and fourth person of th Wlnkelmeyer family to die of Influent in the last month, died t-t. Margaret's hospital. Joseph, a sailor, died a month apo: Edward died at ft. Joseph.

worked for a local Insurance company. Ho waa a young man of fins character, and had the esteem of all who knew m. The body has been taken to the Noel Funeral home. The funeral arrangements have not bee a a week sko last Monday, snd Mabel returned within th next week. A complete I.

lnkelmyer diet? last Monday at Ht. IN ENDLESS VARIETY i-i iuss i men ore uoing hospital. Mrs. Winkel- ineyir, the mother, v.aa to years old. She Is survived by her husband.

Xetr Oak fl Floor lUhog- tfTp Lampi nj m7P VfC Neir And jjC iOb. tTT Shades Fibre. JT iT The Spinet Writing yT) New jjjj Buy Desk i decorative in A I I 1 1 appearance, useful IT II Designs Sj Now A 1U ia ervic, Rnd HI ll good taste for gift II Cj purposes. Triced benjamin Wlnkelmeyer, and her Great Joy in Courtral. TTIth the All4 Armies In France and Belplum, Tuesdsy, Nov.

I. (by the Aaaoclaied 'r .) Tli and cufm ot the lielylar.s thla afternoon their flrat vialt to Coiirtrnt alnr the city freed from the enemv hy the rtritlh second army. There no trend procession, but thou-anda of Kxlrlnna lined the treet and their welcome wa on of the wildest enthusiasm. A heavy rain thruout th day failed to kceii tliem Indoors. The crow-da stood patiently under the downpour until the approach of tho kins- and queen, then exprest their feelings In mighty cheer.

Fighting Around Lequeenoy, Vlphtlnn yesterday centered arounl th walled town of Leuuesnoy and In and about the Krent Mormal forest, a etronKhold of the enemy. Karly In th day th Br.tlsh pu-ld their line forward on either sid-t of Lequeenoy and It wa plainly een that It fall win a mat tor of on1 a few hour. In order to avoid flrht- father. Andrew Leyne, of Evansvllls. Indiana.

Blasus Jspuncio. The death ot Hiatus Japuncta. a Ruth Lyra Hansy. Ruth Lyra Haney, daughter of E. O.

and Mary liayley-liuney, died st the emergency hospital In South I'efcln at 7 clock; of rneumonla. Ehe was born In Atlanta, 111., January 1101. Those surviving; ar her parents, two brother, Jueeph Jlount L'nlon and Iayton, In Franca; two sisters, Mrs. Kd. Hendricks, Urbana, and Sirs.

Roy Klappv Chicago. Bbe was a member of the Methodist church, and took an active part In the work of the young- peopls of that denomination. Adslhside Block, caned -this week for physical examination. Ballots Are Returned, All Of th members of th county board of supervisors were In fax-ton today to return the ballots and poll books of yesterday's elections. The fifruies on complete returns as given In today'a l'antngraph were approximately correct.

Ford county sustained Its reputation ot being one of the banner liepubliran counties cf th state. Will Wed British Officer. Mis Mildred Fmlth, daughter of Croatian, occurred at I a. m. today at his horns In North Kherman street.

The decedent had been sick a little We hare Just reeelTed and placed oa tale a number of these popular Desks for the home. They ean be had in rioh 2 brown antique, mahogany, Am- arlcaa Walnut and in most of I ess than two weeks with Inlluensn, followed by an attack of pneumonia. II is survived by his widow and three children, aged 6 and 4 year nnd 10 months. Th deceased was 34 year of age. He was employed Rev.

and Mrs. 8. Howard emlth, left Mlrs Adelhelds Block, asM about tie desirable period design, as a blacksmith at the cullers' Mln- this evening for Toronto, Canada. nd w-no naj been an ng Company plant and was a mem- ior of th local union at that mine. where she will spend several weeks invalid for the piu.t five years, died with relatives.

hmlth en- lhi, at the family home on Th funeral arrangement sure cot iraKrment to a younir officer of the WINDSOR PHONOGRAPHS The King of Talking Machines COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS A Complete Line for Your Inspection. in; th place the daring th forenoon eent on airplane menture to the defenders, dcm.indlnrf their surrender. Thi message wa Ignored and the buttle continued. Later tt wn reported that two cap-tured German officer. by two Now Zealand officers, n-tered Iqneanoy nnd airaln demanded lt capitulation, but the Harrison refused.

When nlpht came the Germans, realising the hopefulness of their situation, surrendered. About ortn i-north street. She Is survived by one alster, Mrs. Friederkks block. WILLIAM MOBERLY DIES, Passes Awsy at Home In Wtpella at Age of 86.

liritih naval reserves was announced some time auo and while in Toronto ahe will meet her future husband, whom she has not seen for three years. The youns; man Is second In command cf a fleet of U-boat destroyers whle.h has been operating around the West Indies durlnf ths war and he Is now having a temporary leave cf absence. Forgery Is Chsrgtd. Allen Day. of Piper City.

Is held Wisdom suffgests that yon make selections early. War condition make late shipments uncertain. completed. Ruby M. Schoof.

The death of P.uby M. Schoof, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Wluun Hchoof, occurred at Edgewood Tuesday, of pneumonia. The child was 7 years old May 10, 191.

The remains arrived at noon today from JCdKewood. acccmpanled by the members fthe family, and the funeral services and burial will occur at Union cemetery at 2 p. m. Thursday. Severely Wounded.

Sfr. and Mrs. James Ilalley, who reside on rural route No. out of a thousand of th enemy were tslien Wapello, Nor. I (Special.) William Moberly, a highly respected citizen, died this morning at I o'clock at his home In tine city of blood poison and other nllments.

He was born In Richmond, In ls38. and was married to Ijuey Ross In Thev came prisoner. Tank Mop Up Machine Gun, TVithln th neighboring forest of under a foul) bond to await the action of the December grand Jury on MormnI the Prltlnh puhed forward the charge of foeteery. lie cnargeano Illinois in JW, settled near Fhir- rapidly notwithstanding mnny ma ley and followed farming. Thev chine (run nests.

Sevcnil Mnks were with having f'TRrd the name of, J. 11. Dixon, of riper City, to checks which he cashed or attempted to cash. The transcript of doeket waa ent In with the lnf.nntry end ren-dered ureat Service In mopping up lr fc i a 'f iil batteries of rapid flrers. My evening Lincoln, have received a telegram announcing that rioyd Georire Mc-Mahon, the brother of Mrs.

Halley, who always made his home with the Bailey family, had leen rwveroly wounded In action. This Is the second time the young man has been wounded and he was Just recently discharged from the hospital. the Itrltlsh had worked ha'f way filed by Magistrate A. Miller before whom the preliminary was had thru the wood nnd thla momma- con Day's bond was signed by William tinned tholr advance. The town of Oatlllon.

on the western aide of the moved to Wapcll i In IMC', lie was a member of the Christian church for more than sixty years. In politics he was a staunch Republican. He leaves his aired wife, one daughter, Mrs. George W. Glvens, of Clinton; three sons, James J.

Moberly, Bert Moberly. living near this place, John Moberly of Webster City, and a number of grandchildren. Funeral services will be held from the Christian church Friday morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. R. L.

Cart wrlght of Clinton. Interment In Wapella Long Point cemetery. Dur-Ins; all his sickness, more than four months, he never complained of his canal offered considerable resistance, but the place wm enptured at an earlv hour. With this town aa a ST. Day and S.

H. Johnson as sureties. One Change 'in Court House. The only change In the personnel of the county officers at the court house Is In the sheriff's office. The new sheriff is A.

T. Carlson. T. A. l-'lora, tho retiring sheriff.

Is the new treasurer. Sheriff-elect Carlson and Treasurer-elect Mora have not announced the selcgtion of deputies. Canadian Soldisr Spssks. Stason City, Nov. 6 (Special.) Prlvats James M.

Robb late ot th Canadian expeditionary forces, addressed a publio meeting tonight at the Probvterian church In the Interest of tho Cnited War Fund Work foothold the Hrltiali got some pon toon across the canal. Enemy Resistance Weaken. Am th dav wore en the enemy re Istance weakened along the Mor ial noctor. The Oermans had not expected an attack on auch a hip I Lamps 5 for the r'ij Table, Library Bedroom. jw" campalfin.

The speaker told or his experiences A New and Beautiful Line of Japanese Importations In a very Interesting manner ant and were not prepared to wun-etand It. County Clerk J. S. Thompson will re tain his daughter, Mrs. Lott, as his deputy.

DIVIDED IN MENARD. on account of youth, being only 20 Land reel wa protented hy the William and Mary Design Windsor Phonograph teanal and a flooded area to the nortn years of age nosv, the audience was particularly sympethetlc. and It was necpssary to outflank the place. The Germans here foupht Four Democrats and Two Republi condition and bore his affliction with (Treat fortitude. CONDITION VERY GRAVE Germany Has Mortgsged Mor Than Two-Fifths of National Wealth During th War.

London, Nov. Wireless Service.) Germany's financial position is desperate and rapidly op- Creenwsy Chossn Judge. Mason City. Nov. 6 (Special.) Complete returns from Mason county givea the election of the entire Re publican ticket with the exception ot Ldward Wilson, county Judge, who This Columbia Grafanola is a sound reproducing machine built on scientific lines.

A big yalue in a Talking Machine. This is but one of the many period designs of this wonderful musical instrument. A Windsor in your home will give Christmas a new meaning, To avoid disappointment make selections early. 5 was defeated by the Democratic candidate. John Greenway, of Mason No investment will give more solid and continuing pleasure than a good Reading Lamp for your table.

cans Were Elected Tutsdsy, Petersburg. Nov. t. (Special.) Frank lilane. Republican candidate for congress from the Twentieth district, carried Menard county In tho election yesterday, but the vote In the other counties in the district is believed to have elected Ral-ney, the Demooratlo candidate.

The vote in Menard county, with all but one of the precincts heard from, gives Wane 1,220 votes and Ralney 031. This Is Blane's home county. The county ticket returns, completed this morning, show that four City, by ten votes. John C. Stoddard was elected county superintendent of schools on the Democratlo ticket, there being no opposition.

Btuhhornly and there waa considerable hand to hand work thru the atrect. Opposed by Seven Division. The first British army was opposed by even Uermnn divisions, with two In reserve alonif the Valen-ciennca sector. Tiie desperate condition In which ome of these enemy nnlte had fallen waa atartlin-f. Th total atrena-th of the 111th r5Jerve division, for example, wa only 211 rifle.

One entire Baden regiment -jcas captured near Prescau. These troops had been sent In for a counter attack, which they carried out, and then eurrendered in a body. Denounoes the Prussian. One officer was most bitter In his proaching the breaking point. After siie rained her eighth war luan her national debt, it is estimated, ap-proached pounds sterling OuO.

It Is assumed that since then It haa reached pounds sterling On June 23 last the relchstag adopted a vote of credit of marks, which It was then declared would raise Germany's WOMEN ARE HOPEFUL Believe Changes in the Sensts Will war debt to 139,000,000,000 marks, or 5 we nearly pounds sterling, Assure Adoption of the Suffrage Amendment. Washington, Nov. 6. With changes Assuming that the debt stands now at 142,000,000,000 marks, Germany the senate membership made by denunciation of the Prussians, especially General because i rea-ular army offlcera have been held Democrats and two Republicans were elected. The Democrats elected Judge, county clerk, sheriff and assessor, and the Republicans elected thoir candidates for superintendent of schools and county commissioner.

The vote was as follows: County Judge A. Degge, Rep, Jesse Ott, 1,338. County clerk Fred Hennlnger, 1,1 Albert Hartley, 1,367. Sheriff Jessn Rpears, back from the fiR-htlna; line, while naa tnererore, more than two-lifhts of her national wealth, estimated at pounds sterling 000,000. NAVIES VERY EFFICIENT yesterday's elections, woman suf-raR-ists believe there Is hope for adoption of the sufTratre constitutional amendment, which was defeated by the senate October 1 laat by two votes.

Of the new senators taking their seats Immediately, two I Anticipating the demand for Karpen Upholstered Davenports, Chairs and Rockers, we are ready with Christmas shipments. They may be deemed the luxurious necessity of the modern home. Turkish, Tapestry and Yelours, Oak and Mahogany frames. Losses of 8hlpplng Under Convoy system Have Dropt From 10 to 1 Per Cent. Marry umnstarr, 1,401.

Assessor James Watklns, Will Power, lira, 1.3S5. County superintendent of schools HAPPEN DAVENPORTS I Gay, of Iiuislfina, succeeding Guyon, and Pollock, of South Carolina, succeeding Benet are counted on to support the resolution their predecessors opposed. Oermsn Ships Belied. Santiago, Chile, Tuesday, Nov. B.

civilian officer have been sent Hi to lead the men. He said: "Emperor William will have to tro. We will have no more of that bre-id the throne." The forest of Mormal wn the acene of an unusual event. As the British advanced 200 German Infantrymen were aeen fleeing In reifular formation toward the east. Captives Stream Back.

Captives were streaming back to the prison cflijea today. Amonfr them Were many fresh faced youths of the 1920 class. These seem strong and healthy. Valenciennes is be London. Nov.

6 (British Wireless Service.) Since the convoy system was successfully adopted, some William Small, Mrs. B. Batterton, 1.23. County commissioner J. B.

Crawford, R.n., Sam Greenwald, 1,231. The government today took posses 000.000 ton of food and 85,000,000 tons of munitions have been brought In convoy to this country and the food ships lost have been reduced from nearly 10 Der cent to 1 tier rent. sion of eighty-four German ships in All three small ballots carried by terned In Chilean ports, to prevent UJH ma -nil! the crews from sinking the vessels after ha.vlng destroyed vital parts of the machinery. Dempsey Knocks Out Lsvinsky. This summer 307 ships of a tonnase of came with the Argentine wheat crop for Great Britain, France nnd Italy and only one ship waa lost.

This may be compared with the worst period for sinking the week ended April 23, 1917, when 119 ahjps were lost. The volume of traffic to and from the United Kingdom in less than Philadelphia, Nov. Jarfc Dempsey, heavyw-elfjht knocked out NEW RECORD IS MADE American Shipyards in October Delivered 77 Vessels of 358,100 Desdweight Tons. Washington, Nov. American shipyards acaln established a new record In October by delivering; sev ing rapidly clenned up.

The grim nature of the fighting In the outskirts of that city may be Judged from the fact that more than 1,800 dead Germans have been buried there. More than 1S.O0O prisoners and a large number of suns have been counted by the Pr.t'sh government this From the French forces on the lieht came a report that S.O00 of the enemy had been taken there. Battling Levlnsky, of Iew York. here tonight In the third round of what was to have been a six round a- bout. three-quarters of this year Increased enty-seven t'hips of 398,100 dcad- weium tons.

Tne shipnlncr board also Tables, Cedar Chests, Magazine and Book Racks, Waste Baskets, received during the month two ships of tons built for its account In Fibre Furniture in Charming Upholstery for Living Room and Sun Parlor MM by one-third, while the risk of lews is one-half of what It was. Aa Spanish Influsnza sn exmnrcrttrd fnrm of Crip, LAXATIVE UUOHO TablrU siiouid I Ukrn in Japan. Washington Coupled Licented. Nov. 6.

(Speclnl.) A marr.Hce license was issued today to Kenneth Welsberg 33, and Mabel Lnson, K4. both of Washington. The diet durii.t' and after Horlirks' Mulled Milk, cuuiitliiuB, Adv. October dellvf-rics brlnir the total Auto Bandits Rob Bank. Nov.

Three automobile bandits held up the JCiles Center, etnte bank, today, and eeaped I'h in euiremy and U)0(l ill litem of completed (ships since AuKust 30, 1V1T. to of tlead- Windsor Chairs Iflrpr doftf tfcm is prsrrihrt fr orflinn-y linp. A sood plan not to wait until tom OS NOJ2TH MAN dellvsred la th, treeent yv. Tiys' 'eapMO fti TffWS taj. ilJII 1 II i II I II I II I III! II II II 1 III 111 III II 1111 1 1 1 Jl llllill IIII II II IllltlluilUsllI 111.

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