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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 12

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Apple by the aur toai are eom Live News of Central Illinois Towns Mlaa Ruby Potter, ef near Li a. coin, waa a week-end guset of WW lag to Baa eon. Lola Stafford. A number ef man kar arrived ta hurt corn. OONT FOrlOIT THt LITTLI ALLOT.

Vot for th good road bond. Vote for the Constitutional Con ven tlon. Vot for the new banking law. House of A. L.

Horner Is Nearing Completion Tha new home of A. la Horner of PAXTON. The quarantine against the influenaa will be continued la lit A eard from John 8 toll atate ha Fulaaki until further notice. SORETHROAT Cold. Cough, Croup aid Catarrh Rollav In Tw Minute.

I rear ifcrxel tore! retlhe Bel rnti rsurrkf nreilhe Rtewei to emuii Breathe Hmx. Maie tmt eeutr retihe HoMe i Chriatmaa I coming and new I th problem, what shall it bet Or lather, what aha 11 they bet Don't worry and wonder ever a thing like that. You want enmethlng novel don't you If possible son. Ihlng useful and Inexpensive? Well the Patriotic League girl have eomeihlna that I both uniuu bag arrived aversaaa. -School and hui will Mr.

and Mra T. A. CaaeeU and aon Ward, of Decatur, were gueeta last week of Mr. and Mra. W.

11. main closed for another week at least. CRIENVICW. Mra. alary Gaddle ia visiting la St.

Loulf. Mr. and Mrs. R. S.

Rtblnaoa vlalted their eon, Harry, and family Sunday at Beaxdalown. Mr. and Mra. Fred Conover. oi Tallula, vlalted ver Sunday wllU Frank Weat and famlW.

Doth banka now open at I a. m. and close at 4 p. Instead of I p. nL alnce the change of time, Stafford.

D. W. Earl and family, af Per eyth, are. spending a few day with end uavful and very Inexpensive. They Invlt you to mm lo llonneti'a Mra.

Thomae Moore and Florence, and Mra. Fred and daughter. Mlaa Orena, were Saybrook la nearing completion and Mr. Horner hupee be Installed there with hie family by Thanksglv. Ing day.

Thia new beautiful resi tnena. drug atore and find out what that something Is. George Johnston ehlpt en car Lincoln vtaltore last week. of nog Monday ana two car on dence will do much to add to the attract. vrneas of Lincoln atreet.

Mr. and Mra II. W. Rodger and all lli.l MASON CITY. Mr.

XV. T. Alnawortb baa aona to Deland, tfa to apend tha arlnt.r.. Tbomaa Wlble. aeeountant at Camp Grant, haa beta bona en a tan days' furlougb.

Mlaa Vara Smith haa taken a position in tha office of City Attorney tttward Clone aa atenographer. Mr. and Mr. John Stone received word last week that their aon. Howard, bad arrived overaeaa, Mra.

George W. VanVelaer vtaltad her father, J. C. Olllham, and sister, Grace, In Jacksonville Uat week. Mr.

and Mra. W. T. Alneworth received word last week that their aon. Harry, bad arrived aafely overaeaa.

Mra. O. W. Ellsbury, who haa been vlrttlng her alater In Kansas city den August, returned home Friday. Tuureday.

ti itiruum Kodgrra, and Th building i large and contains MI HtUn ri, C'a no Reea Othr Nottt. Dr. g. Wytle of th local mptlaa board I attending banquet In Chicago In honor of returned phy alclana lo Franc and England. Mr.

and Mra. Charles Thompson and Mr. R. O. Thompeon of Dwtsht vlalted at tha homa of County Clark J.

I. Thompaon ovar Sunday. After a momh'a eonflnement by quarantine en account of tha pl-demlo, Chanuta Held oldlr wr Ubaratad laet week. Bit daatha c-urrad during tha apldarolo. Tha churehaa of Patten raaumad anrlcee Sunday and tha puhllo achoola opened Monday morning, af-tar thraa waka suspension on so-ount of tha pldemlo of Influent.

A Jury was relied In tha county -O. W. Ilath and aon. rorreat. dunr' "uin want in Macounln count Munda eon, Wilbur Itodgera.

Th wheat I looking vary well of Uecatur, la meet rielde round la com called on friends here Sunday, look after hla farm Interi.ta twelve rooma. Part of the realdenco mad from th old horn of trig Irr slaiere and waa purchaeej wli'i th tot from them for Coal pletely covered. Th But Cough Syrup 3 4 firm I. lwi.h V.r Mr.

and Mra Julius Myers and daughter and Mr. and Mra. Walter About three Inch of rain fell Mra. Homer J. Tice euffered a stroke of paralyala at her home on Thursday and la not Improving ery last Keek, mad th road of th new construction Is 17.000.

bad and hindered farm work. Within, Ihs house Is furniahed with hills It awi 4 llmeiel e.a ".1" esa se kume tnm atwj'u. rapidly. Hommad era' aa eaay sss ee aave at, mm4 tt awe she eeaea tr erer irua, Edward Relent has purchased a Fred Nlchole and Harry Edward all modern conveniences. There sru a kitchen, breakfast room, dining rordeoa farm tractor and la plowing went Tueeday to Cleveland.

Ohm, th ground en which corn grew thi room, library and large coinfortah.g living room which axtrnda across ih here the former charge uf a aeeaon. Lulu, ef Clinton, arrived hare sun-day to vlalt Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Myers. Mrs.

John Herphey and ehll-dren and Mrs. F. U. tinyder and children bad a wiener and mereliniallow roast at the Bcroagln-Voile cabin on Suit creak Saturday. Mr.

and Mra. George Beekene, weat of town, gave a o'clock i'a-ner Friday In bonor of their cousin. dredge Una, Workman are putting the ma Private Herachel West, who la entire front portion of the house on the lower floor. The stairs whlcl lead to tha second floor beam by an chlnery la the new elevator and bunding a furnace in which to burn court Monday to assess enema ana damaree In tha mat tar ef eub-dletrtct No. of tha Tour drainage die.

trlet. Thia ditch runa thru landa Tha publlo school pro gram which waa to have bean given on tha night of Hallowe'en waa postponed until th corn cob. ascent and landing In ths center of this front room. There Is another Th Influenaa ta eubsldlna In th flight of atalre In th rear Friday night November near Elliott. vinag and eurroundlra country stationed at Eagle Paaa.

haa been promoted to corporal la the W. M. signal corps. Mra. Loyal Cook le trlaitlng bar husband at Camp Grant.

He expecta to be transferred at an early date ta a Texaa camp. Mlaa Marie Golden, who haa been Another kitchen and dinlne- roun Tha Ford county local board la Out of about sixty case none ha Y'r probably heard ef thi wl. know) plan ol making sough rrnp at I hom. but have you enr a ted ttf i VVhra you do, vou will understand why tboutanda ol famillea, the world river, feel that they Could hardly keen house without It. It aim pie an) cheap, but tbe war it take hold of a rough will quickly rare at a per I manent place is vour home.

Into a pint bottle, pour came of Piaexi then add plain cranulsu.1 urar ayrup i fill up the pint. Or, it desired, use clarilW tnolaaeee, honey. The churrhea were permitted tn have all aervicee Sunday except proved ratal. placed, at the back of tha large clean baeement, wh'ch eitenda under the entire house. Mlsa Lola Ulcknell, and her fiance, who la aoon lo leave for a training camp.

Mr. W. IL Stafford met with aa accident the latter pai of last ek Sunday school and these may be held afier the public erhoola have bee s.f LAWNDALC. Mr. Horner will niaka thia real.

ary buey romplllna; a report wnicn la a complata claaa rlcatlon of all registranta Into irroupa by ages, nether or married, whether af claaa 1 or of deferred clase, and showing all lnductiane from lVrd tounty. opened for one week. -Charles Long haa recovered, after at home for eeveral data, returned to liloomlngton Sunday, where ahe denr hi permanent homestead. He when a chair on which aha Th basket ball eeaeon of the big! a week nines or influcnu. a grain buyer and hold a ha'f standing toppled over, throwing her la attending school.

achool will be formally opened L. Prootor of Wllllamsvllle apant acroos tha ihalr back and crack'ng Mlaa Edith Reed, who haa apen' or corn yrup, instead cf ugr atrun. November It at whlcn time the loci team will play Green Valley la the tha past eummer nvar Loveiano. o. Intrrest in the Hurner-lllle Grain company of liloomlngton.

II ha fiv grown children, four of whom will live at horn. Sunday at th bum of Mr. and Mr (t. K. Laxu.

a rib. Capt Jacob Myers, ef Chicago, A. T. Carlaoa of Patxoa had hie farm registered under tha name of for her health, returned home Bunday cy-mnaslum. Mlaaa Vaahtl Huffman.

Evelyn George Toung. who teaches morning much improved. Word waa received from Dr. F. Th residence Is being mada oult and Cecil Mayfleld have returned to atractlv without.

A large porc'i who with his family were recent gueata of Mr. and Mra Ferd My era. Itaa been transferred from Camp Hancock. Oglethorpe, Ga-, to Camp aiiner way, it tastes gnud, never i spoils, and glvra you a full pint of better cough remedy tha ynu could i buy ready-mids fur tare times it rust. It 1 really wonderful bow quickly thi ode-made remedy conquer a cough usually ia hour or If.

It I achool In the aouthwest part of the county, and who haa been home for P. Eldrldge, who la at the bedalde erf with a concrete floor extend anroit Blooming-ton. after two weeks' vara tlon on account of influenza. hla aon Homer, and wife In Colorado, tha past two weeks, returned to hla ntlr front. Th color of thi that they were improving.

house art of a light green trimmed achool bunday. Dr. Royal W. Ennle waa In Mr. and Mra.

George Owda and daughter. Dorothy, are spending a in whit. Th lawn I beina levels I "Carlaon Homestead rwrm- on ri-ordsy at tha circuit clsrk'e office. his farm la located tn mile nat of Gibson City and Mr. Carleon'e father.

C. K. Carlaon. bought tha kind fifty-five ytara o. Fenator I.

M. IJ'h of Faunemli and Circuit Clerk J. O. Whltann of font lac, wer In Tutton Saturday In tha Interest of tha candidacy of Col. L.

Smith for conaresa In the Kavanteenth dlitrlct. They reported Mr. and Mra. Claude Hatch and aon. Phil, and Mra.

O. W. Hatch (eeui to penetrate through evrvy air rnuiM l.iaMA a Arm k.iArft Champaign Friday In attendance nd terraced. A garage will ba built few days at the boms of spent the week end In Springf.rld Dodge, Iowa. A letter from Welby Moore Sunday rays that he la stationed with th 15Jd aero squadron near Bordeaux, in the aouthern part of r'rance, cloae to a eummer resort.

He aent a newspaper published ta th upon a meeting of the publlcatloi ocnina in nouse with v. hitman, after which they go to a driveway cough, lifts the phlegm, heal th mem the gueata of Mr. and Mra. James along th right aid of tha homa committee of the rtnnol Cen-tennlal commission. bumpier.

their new horn In North Dakota CARLOCK. Plana lor thia bouse are original Ith Mr. Horner. It offer ever Corn ehuckere are at a premium During the enforced vacation camp called the Fly Paper. branes, ana give almost immediate relief.

rpleadid for throat tickle, boareeneae, croup, bronchiti and bronchial asthma. Pinex is a highly coareotrated annv pound of genuine Norway pine extract, and ha been used for generation for convenience that can be found In a residence. Alva Schad I able to walk te the Per eouatrr water anrn that condition over tha district look try encouraging for Col. pmlth Steven Col was Injured In an around here and some of the farmers who own their own farms are offering 10 rente a bushel and board for A-I men and cannot get them at stor again. auto accident Saturday evening.

He was helping Humman Brothers move Beovrina From Russell Stutiman ha moved to lection. The wedJlnsT cf Mlaa Helen Fred of the high achool all electrlo Dghta have been pi.t In the new building and other work done which waa Incomplete at the opening of the new high achool building. Penjamln Frank. John Freeman and W. A.

Haney have been drawn that. Dwlght Moor. n. rv "1 Thomas Lunn a household goods to erlelt of laxton to Clarence) W. Ron Park Honn and Mlsa Florence Moor, th.

noutb Center "u.a'"TP'"m TonI Drcatur and when out of town sod tara, eump e.thw al a eery lee ail rttlinrt it n.irt I i. ant part et tse bo uat, lust hit nt attar wrtlr. Ross-Johnston Co. 603 N. Main et May Eilner were married In Chicago little ways the auto truck stalled.

Bf D.C., took place fat-Urday at tha homa of tha brlile's Camp Mead. Md. C. E. Srhsd la building an addition to hi garage.

Mr. John Zimmerman and daughter, Ida. attended a funeral of a friend at Morton Sunday. a few days ago, and will make their mother. Mra.

Kmma Frederick. He Mr. Cox got out to aavst and waa working near the rear of the car a few rt.i ii thing else, guaranteed to give abeo covering i Inu eatisfartion or money refunded. The Pinsa Co i i. Wayne, C.

Y. Lova of tha I'nlted. I'resby- when the driver backed up and the home In Chicago, where the former la In the employ of the government aa mail clerk. Mayor McDonald waa In Springfield Friday and while there held a terlan church officiated, uring the doubla rlnir ceremony. Mra.

Hone car past over mm. rracturing nia hip. He waa brought back to town from Mason City township to serve on the petit Jury for the November term of the circuit court. Leslie Keen, of Camp Funston, who waa called homa on account of the death of hlr sister. Mra.

Itoy Hlbbard, reports 14,000 soldiers s'rk In that camp and that 1,400 have d.ed and tnelr bodls sent home. Dr. and Mra. W. P.

Walker have. las been a teacher In the public erhoola of Olmmramn for a number and la resting eav. PANOLA. Henry Buss Is 111. Mtssr O'Connell have th Influ conference with the atate board of of veara.

and Mr. Hum engager in DELAVAN. tha a-overnment theological aurvey. health in regard to raising the quarantine and waa told not to raise It unless he was ao Instructed by the and at preaent la encased by the rovemment In war work. Tor the enza.

Henry Blmpert, who baa been rlously 111, I improving. state board. time beln Mr. and Mra. will moved Into their new home on West Word haa been received here of live In Texas.

where Mr. Ituss la Chestnut street. Tha place Is known1 Mr. Charles Bryant haa bean very sick, but I Improving. as tne vvalKrr homestead and during stationed WASHBURN.

the summer It was made completely the death of Joaepb Klncald. who formerly lived where Homer Hughes now resldea south of town About thirty years aro he aolj out and "What Our Customers Say modern. Mlsa Dell Carrithera ir critically Frank Mehan. who fa In the em IF BACKACHY OR II ploy of the Abbott Light and Power I Born, to Mr. and Mr.

Ray II. Ulllbrldge, Friday, a daughter. Mrs. W. W.

Jackeon la patient at the St. Francta hospital, Peoria, where a surgical operation for the removal of her foot was performed Thursday. An organization of Campfire Girls will soon be perfected in this city. A meeting of the girls for the purpose will be held at the Methodist parsonage this evening at 7:30. The campaign fur the collection of phonograph records, known as "slacker records," which will be eent to the training campe for the use of the soldier boys during their recre KIDNEYS BOTHER August 22, 1913.

Company, and Miss Lena Roll, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roll, wore married at Havana October JO by the Hev. J. N.

Jerman. pastor of the Methodist church. The young Eat lest meat and take a gtaai ef moved to eouthern California, where be has made hla home until callcl by death, The Garden closed It doors Friday and a aign on the door rea "Closed v. hlle the proprietors, Spauld-Ing K.ce. are helping whip the kaiser." Mr.

Rice le on the way over, while Mr. Spauldlng haa bo.i over aoma time, and the atore haa been In ciarge of Miss Mary Spaa'd-ing and Miss Grae McCleary. Salts to flush out Kidneys Drink plenty water. The Martens-Leary Bloomington, Illinois. Gentlemen: people will rejldo In Mason City.

111 with pneumonia. Rev. L. V. Zinaer and family were railed to Kl Vaso Monday to attend tha funeral of a relative.

Quint ramercll. Mra. Wll-llam Warner and Miss Kmma Jeell left Saturday for Alabama, where they will visit soldier aona and friends In camp. Mr. and Mra.

J. H. Moechal. Ulsst Imogens Buckingham and Eura Hood and Harold Mar mot-red to Lexington Sunday for a vlalt with tiie latter a parents. Tha body of Mra.

James Ra ef Crlc acid In meat exeltea th kid TALLULA. Dr. R. E. Valentine left Satur neys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel Ilka lump ation hours, met with immediate success in Delavan.

People owning Vic- day for Chicago on a business trip of lead. Tha urine becomes cloudy; Mr. and M-a. L. L.

Martin and daughter. Fay, of Springfield, are 5 trolaa gladly gave aome or their records and a hundred or more were easily collected and more are still tha bladder is Irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three visiting relatives here. Pr. Ellis, who has taken charge of Ir. Valentine's practice here, la times during tbe night When tho kidneys clog you must help them flush off tha body's urinous waste pending a few days at his home In coming.

Howard Neblock, son of Mr. snd Mrs. Nell Neblock, suffered a broken leg Friday noon, by being struck by an automobile owned and driven Augtistu. or you'll be a real sick person short- The schools, which have been iy. At iirsi yuu leei uuii misery LEROY.

Mra. Cora Vandeventer. who haa been quite 111 from an attack of In-Duenza. is able to alt up some now. Mrs, Leo dinger, of Waterloo, who has been tho guest of Mrs.

Jerome Craig and other relatives for several days, haa returned home. The annual meeting of the Red Cross will be held Thursday afternoon at the Red Cross rooms for the purpose of electing new officers for the ensuing year. Mr Mra. J. B.

Johnson and closed for three week? on account of Innfluenza, will not open for another Penver, reached here tfiinday. Mra. Itaa was 85 ears of age and spent many years of her life in this vicinity. Her daughter, Luella, accompanied the body and her ton, Will, of Davenport, Iowa, were at the funeral. Tha body of William Everman was brought heie Sunday from Peoria, where ho died at the home of hla brother Thomas, lie hud gone by Nanke Harms, of tmden.

at the I in th kidney region, you suffer from corner of Locust and Fourth streets backache, sick headache, dizziness, In Delavan. The lad was playing In l.tomach Rets sour, tongue coated and weeK. the street with some boys on his way The Influenza epidemic la about you feel rheumatic twinges when the over here. There have been no new home from school and tne acciaeni seemed unavoidable. He waa taken to a hospital in Peoria for examina cases for several days, and nearly all weather is bad.

Eat less meat, drink lots of water; I a. who have had It are out again. Private Monroe, a Canadian who spent two and a half yeare aiso gei irom any puarmacisi inur ounces ot Jad Salts; take table-spoonful In a glass ot water before tion and treatment. FLANAGAN. there for a visit, was stricken with acute Indigestion and death followed (julckly.

Deceased was 45 years of age and was born and reared near As I hare been asked to state my experience in doing my own threshing, I can truthfully say that it is the best way I ever threshed. I have a 12-25 Tractor and a Minneapolis, Separator 24-46. As I farm 6G3 acres I keep four hands and have two boys. During threshing I ran four basket racks. One man took care of the Tractor and Separator, while my 14-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter took care of the grain, also the straw.

I had 200 acres of oats and 40 acres of rye. We threshed from twelve to twenty-five hundred bushels a day, as I have three barns which I filled with straw, putting from twenty-five to fort acres in each one. During the two weeks which it took us to thresh We had no trouble whatever, although we were all inexperienced men with a Separator. My oats averaged fifty bushels per acre and rye fifteen bushels. I have six good reasons why I think it pays to do one's own threshing: First, one can save more grain than with a large machine; second, the straw can be put where you want it; third, it requires not one-third as many men; fourth, it is easier on the women folks; fifth, you are always at home, and sixth, you have the thresh bill in your own pocket when you are done.

Tours truly, WM. BAKER, Shirley, Illinois. Lain Road, in German prisons, gave an address here Sunday morning In tha Interest W. H. Hill entertained Prof son, of Chicago, arrived Friday even, ing for a visit with the latter'a pa.

rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers. Mrs. Johnson and son expect to make an extended visit but Mr.

Johnson will return today. The funeral services for Stanley I his brother from Champaign a few of the War Fund campaign. Dr. It. E.

Valentine, who has oreaaiasi tor a lew nays ana your kidneys will then act fine. This fa-1 mous salts is made from tha add of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys been commissioned first lieutenant of the medical reserve corps, has donned his uniform and will leave an1 arlmnlnta them tn nnrmal aetlv. days this week. Mrs. C.

L. Wilcox attended ths funeral of a relative at Urldley, Henry W. Andrews. Mr. and Mrs.

E. Lister have disposed of the.r property in Louisiana and will reside here. The epidemic seems to be abating and most of the serious cases are reported Improving and no new cases for Fort P.lley, In a few days DRY GROVE. Mason will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home, conducted by Rev. C.

S. Hoyd, of the Methodist church. Interment will be mAde In Oak Grove cemetery follow. Ing a short service at the grave. lty, also to neutralize th acids In i here.

Interment was at tne jit. Vernon cemetery Monday at 1:30. News was received Sunday of the marriage nt New York, Saturday evening, of Miss Georgia Itlackmon of thia place and Ensign Covey of IVeorta, now In tha United States navy. Miss1 BlacUmon Is the daughter rf Mr. and Mrs.

U.K. Hlackmon of "Washburn and la at present holding a government position In the Insurance department at Washington, I). C. They are expected home Tuesday for a short visit. urine, so It no longer is a source ot Irritation, thus ending bladder weak Mrs.

Palmer Is slowly Improving. Thre were no services at the conducted by the Knights of Tythlas. ness. West Twin Grove church Sunday. Jad Salts ts Inexpensive, cannot Roscoe Rees, who submitted to injure; makes a delightful efferves Mrs.

C. C. Staubus left Friday an operation at the Brokaw hospital and then returned home the middle of ror a visit with relatives In Iowa. Mr. and Mrs.

Ferdinand Hol- last week, Is able to be about some. cent llthla-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keop the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of It haa been requested that a cor derlcy, of Carlock, were visitors here ARROWSMITH. Corn husliing Is the program, anl have been heard or r.f several aays. Both doctors are now able to bs about and ars eating for those needing them.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Collins returned Thursday from Odell, where they attended the funeral of Mr.

and Mrs. Ivimer Collins, both being buried at the same time. Mr. Coll.ns was a rectiun be made in regard to th nature of his operation; he was op reports are that corn Is good. i eratcd on for varicose veins, instead Mrs.

Hughes has returned to her Jad Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. Advertisement. of goiter. half-brother of C. J.

Collins and YUTON. Mrs. Collins was a slater of Mrs. J. Collins George Nafzlger had all of hi sheep killed by dogs Saturday night.

Miss Amelia Roeschley, daughter The Joy of Center achool opened Monday, of Mr. and Mrs. John Roeschley, Munsell, Dry Crove and Center schools reopened Monday of this week. The East Warlow and Twin Grove achoola were In session the past week, after a vacation on account of influenza. Word has been received ty Mr.

and Mrs. George Williams from their son Jay, who is In the navy, that he had arrived at Newport News, from his fifth trip across the water. Mr Mrs. Valentine Nafzlger, of Lawrenceville, arrived here Thurs-day for a visit with their daughter. after being closed lor three weeks.

The MARTENS-LEARY o. General Agents past away after an illness of about two weeks, due to a complication of home at Columbus. after a rew weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Nettle Webber. Mr.

and Mrs. E. T. Elerbower and daughters. Velraa and Leta, visited their son, Cleo Llerboner, at Camp Grant Tuesday.

"Grandma" Payne has been sick the last week, but is Improving, but owing to her age she may not recover soon tho her condition is not aerious. A notice was received here Saturday that school would not reopen The Home and School Asaocia Mothcrtocd a Tall How TW Matb Erent tlon will meet Wednesday afternoon diseases, the wa 24 year old and spent most of her Ufa on a farm two at tho home of Mrs. Ferdinand Bast mile east of town. Funeral ser lug. On ef Great Happinaaa.

I vices were held from the home on Private Ralph Bramwell returned a Thursday afternoon. COOKSVILLE. to Selfridge field, Mt. Clemens, Mich Friday, after a forty day farm fur airs. Ldward Henry, and to be at the bedside of their daughter.

Mm. until Nov. 11, and tho boys and girls lough. Mrs. T.

E. Stanger la at the Kelso Kuward Palmer, of Normal, who hjd will have an opportunity to help husk Wesley Tucker, of Nebraska, ac. sanitarium for treatment. more corn. companied by Mr.

and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Plummer Speer Mrs.

Mabel Jones received a let. Sill, of Normal, called on friends here are the parents of a son. born on been quite ill the past five weeks. TWIN GROVE, Schools opened Monday morn Inc. There were no new cases of in la stary part ef th land there are woman who tell bow, tarouch tha application of Mother's Friend, that entirely avoided ter from Sergeant M.

W. Thompson, Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. Ferdinand Wollen Thursday.

the first she has heard from him th tuffarlni usually Incident te motherhood. Miss Grace Brown has returned alnce May 15. He hopes to see th schloger have received word that fluenza and ail afflicted ones had re to th Kelso sanitarium for further QniEh before Christmas. They relate in no uncertain terms now rrom Its use tha days mad bright and their aon Ferdinand had arrived covered. treatment for her eyes.

The Influenza patients have been oversea. Mrs. Elmer Hatton and daughter numerous and some of them pretty WAPELLA. Wllma and Marguerite Newton spent aick, but Dr. Johnson has not lost The Home Improvement Association of Daie township will meet on Thursday with Mrs.

Homer R. Johnson. Miss Prian will be present and give the first of a series of lectures baturday with relatives in Chsnoa. No school this week In Wapella. chatrful snd th olghta calm and restful, how tha crisis was patted without th usual suffering experienced when natur Is unald-d, sad bow they preferred their health and strength te devote It to th rearing of thatr children and te the thing life aoldt for then.

Mother'e friend ta a ssotl penetrating any of those he haa cared for, tho all are not entirely well. As many Th publio schools open this J. W. Jordan, C. J.

Riddle and Owen Andrew rhelled corn last as ninety cases were reported. Th morning, after being closed on "Tha Relation of Foods to Health weeks on account of tha prevailing week. doctor has been aick himself and had to refuse a few night, calls, but me tiea cross win not have a epidemic. remedy, prepared specially for ex pectin Tho husking of corn has begun. Mrs.

Elmer Hatton haa returned Some reports so far eay It la making mothers from a formula of a noted phral-clao. Strain, upon tha ligament ta avoided, and Intteed ef period of discomfort and constant dread it is a tea ton ef ealm rt- 40 to 60 bushels. from Cherokee, where sh haa been with her sister, who recently True Ives came Friday from naa a seriou operation. Camp Dodge on a five days fur meeting this week. They have no work on hand to do and thought best not to meet for two weeks.

They recently turned In aeven email and two large comforts to the Belgian Relief which they had made at their meeting, besides helping up their lied Cross quota. The Belgian Relief committee have several more small comforts not quite completed. These Dr. E. C.

Becker and wlf leave lough. He will return today. po. Tit hours st th crisis are leu, and Mother's Frlsad anables the moth" tr- retain her natural grac, and bar akin la not cracked and doe not become hard or dls- I Dr. Fred Willis and wife came figured.

I today for their new home In Baune-min the two boys having gone last week. Their many frienda regret to have them leave. down from Evanston Sunday and spent the day with his people. Ho rit te th Brtrtneld Rez-Jlator Comnanr. Dept.

Lamar Building. Atlanta. Geeraia. returned Monday morning. for their Motherhood Book, and obtain a bottl of iiotber'i mend from tbe druntat Rev.

Mr. Jupln, who had lnflu comforts are gladly received at headquarters In Bloom! ngton. be la on the Job aualn, busy as ever. EL PASO. E.

A. Laughlln of Port Arthur. Texas, Is a guest at the home of Mrs. Phoebe Schafer. Wade Wolk, of the University of Illinois S.

A. T. was home for the week end with his motner, Mrs. A. II.

Wolk. Services were resumed In the churches here Sunday. They had been discontinued for several weeks because of Influenza. The remodeling of the Campbell house Is progressing rapidly, and when completer! It will be a complete and well appointed passenger station. Miss Sarah M.

Gough has returned from Springfield, where she has been In a sanitarium for several weeks' taking treatment for eye trou FARMER CITY. N. Bates and family visited In enza, got out too aoon ana took a today. POTATOES TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY WHITE MINNESOTA POTATOES Fine Winter Keepers For 60 lb. Bushel $1.44 For 2Y2 Bushel Bag of 150 lbs.

$3.60 Don't compare these Potatoes with" common ones. Comft tn tho nnr nn Rio- Four city team tracks, near relapse and was confined to hla bed Maroa Bunday. for three weeka or more, and Is Just THAWVILLE, Mason was In John i W. Turner Is Improving after Watseka able to get around the house again. Tuesday.

an attack of pneumonia. ELKHART. Corn Is of excellent quality, but' Guy Hathorn was In Gilman on The Easiest Way To End Dandruff Wednesday. is not turning out ss well aa ex Only two case of Influenza have been reported in town up to this pected. Miss Daisy Wallls was In Gil- time.

Charles Dos and family of man Thursday. Edwin StaM, who attends the E. Haroer anent Sundav with Monticello, visited at J. Q. Jonea' Sunday.

Western military school at Alton, Is home folks in Saybrook. home for a few days. Word waa received Saturdav MiES Iva Rutledce arient tha hist ble. She Is visiting at the home of lier als er, Mrs. 1'ark Barnard, rear Flanagan Miss Mildred Stahl spent Sunday mat jacK aiccord.

who went to ranee aa mounted polios, had died uctooer s. of the week in Gilman. R. Diercruff and Miss Paddock were In Gilman Saturday. Mrs.

Maddin, of Roberta, visited her mother here Tuesday. Leon Paddock, of the naval training station at Newport. R. is via. in Springfield with Mrs.

Dr. Wood-ward, formerly of this city. Little Lester Lannlgan, who had his arm severely mashed by catching it In the corn dump, is slowly improving. Frank Buttcll purchased ths SO ROANOKE. Anna, the E-months-old dans.

Thera Is on sur way that nevei falls to remov dandruff completely and that Is to dlssolv it This destroys It entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten tbe scalp and nib it In gently with the finger tip. By morning, most If not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find.

too. that all Itehine CONGER VILLE. The churches were open again Bunday. Gertrude and Elsie Irion motored to Fisher last week. The carpenter work on the ter of Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Oren- dail, died Friday. Burial was made at the Roanoke cemetery. acres of land belonging to Mrs. H.

T. Brust, which was sold at public auction Saturday at 1312 per acre. Mrs. Joseph Lauriot aired 44 years, died at mldnir'U Friday. She Big Four passenger depot, and look them over.

Bring your container. U. S. Food Administration License G37212. CHAS.

McDANIEL as neen an Invalid for twenty years. She is survived by her husband and iting home folks. ROBERTS. The death of Ellas F. Gullett, a well known merchant, occurred Sunday morning from pneumonia.

Ho was formerly a farmer, but for nine years has conducted a general store here and was popular with a large circle of friends, lie was aged S5 and leaves a wife and two children ve cniiuren. Burial was mada at HOLDER. A party of young people from Bloomingotn motored to Holder to tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stauffcr Wednesday evening and held tha Kcanofcs cemetery Sunday.

Charles Reiferd house is complete. School Is closed for another week. Miss Cooper, the intermediate teacher, is aick. Elmer Sharp, who is at Camp Grant, wa home on a twenty-four-hour furlough. Mr, Millar, who is living on the Ed Kalror farm, will move to McLean.

Joseph Utiinett villi move en xhe farm. s. and digging of the scalp will stop Instantlj, and your hair will be flnffr. 1,1.. Leon DoIIett.

aired 18. a member trous, glojT, elli; od toft, and look aodili of tho Kfcanoks city council, died at imi a nuuorea times natter. a wiener and marshmallow roast, the i the emergency hospital Sunday at II is Y011 tan got liquid aiTon at sny drug re. It la Ineipeiuivt. and four Hostess acrving nor conee.

ne lat. p. of nneumonla. The funeral will be held from the late tesideute at 0. u.

Xueedar. eyvuv ia Muiteu ma wire anu two cnil ia all yos will need. Thia staple itmed Lam Dimuis Jttauowsea samea, V9S. ill, rather J.U..4trt..fu.

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