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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 8

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 KKTawatit, bloohinqton, mn.t thukhdav? morning, dctIKr BlfiC I FARM LANDS FPU SALE. FARM LANDS FOR SALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE, FUNERAL NOTICE. Ths funeral sarvloa of Mrs, Martin Homuth will lake place from the late resldsncs, West Wood strsst, Friday sftsrnooa at 1 o'clock, to which ralatlvss ire Invited. Tluri will be short services, to which friends a Invited, at Evergreen cemetery.

Let Your Eyes Travel Over the Real Estate classifications In to-day's Tantagraph and see the descriptions of the places suitable for your home, your office or your business. That's better policy than making your feet travel up one street and down another, looking for signs. These advertisers serve you well by telling you important things about the various properties. The Pantagraph serves you well by correctly classifying the ads and indexing them for your quick reference, Thone Kinloch 7 Bell Main 1 HOUSES FOR RENT. 10CAL WEATHER RECORD IdJolAuni MtMtt 47 AT 1 ML Thermometer Barometer AT I P.

M. Therm ome tec Barometer Cloudy; southeast wind; .45 lncn rain. PANTAGRAPH Classified Advertising ftsldsrAlssd end indexed for Quick ft iterance I According to I Buil L. Smith System. I (Copyright) OLASSIKIED BATES.

1 lMtrtlon Is per Insertions f-Se per word insertions per word Monthlr Rate (M llmM) 16c par word per month. No Ad Counts Lou Than 15 Words. OONTHACT BATES furnished os epplicstion st tho Pantegrsph office. OUT-OF-TOWN ADS, situation wanted ads and houatltold goods sds mint be accompsnied by flth in full pevmet't tor same. TUB PANTAGRAPH reserves ths right to classify all ada acoonling to its own rules and regule'tiona.

FKItoitS ant ths fault of the sdvsrtlser which elesrly lessen tin Talus of ths edvertisemeiit will bs rectified br republication, without sitrs charge, but Ths pantagraph will bs responsible for only ths frit Incorrect Insertion of ths advetisem'ent. No ellowsnce will bs mads whaa ths srrot docs not materially affsct ths value ths edvsrtlsement TELEPBONB your Want Ads whsn it la mors convenient to do so. Ths bill will bs mailed you, and aa this la an socommodstlon service. The I'sntagraph expects payment promptly on receipt of hill. Kinloch 7 Bell Main 1 All Went Ad copy and discontinue nee orders must reach this office by 9 p.

m. in order to be effective in the rtert issue. LOS. AND FOUND. HAG UiSf Drmeen Lloominftoa and Oibaon Our, a black walrus hag, nntair.lng papers marked (I.

P. Larricki return to or phono W. B. Read reward. PHNV STRAYED Sorrel, with wirs mark oa left hind If.

Phone J. W. Rteel, Ellsworth. 11' aRSF.S-st raved, Mad colts, 1 bar and 1 brown. bay hail webb halter on, fresh wire eut on left front foot.

Kelurn, la, P. Derp, ft. t. Bloomington. iliXiS RTRAYEDThrre; weigh about 100 lha; Hempwnre.

Notify C. F. Womack, Towanda, Illinois. PIUKETBOOK LOST On Park etreet ear, Mednesdav afternoon; reward. 'Return 206 V.

'Watrmt; phone left) B. PIfl STRAYED Whits sow pig: weight sbout 411 rounds. Notify lilt 8. Livingston or TRAVEL1NO bag lo, black, at Union Station Saturday evening. Liberal reward for return to rantas-rsph office, WATCH LOST lioM, on Fast atreet between Washington and Front; rcasrd o.

Return to Pantagraph. PtRTY who took bicycle from alley beck of Newmarket grocery, return to rrocrv. HELP WANTED MALE. BUYS wanted to pase billa 7:91 this morning; no loafers. Smith's Advertising Senile, all R.

Main. BOYS over In years of tor light, sasy work. Paul f. Pej.h Co. li il.U-jtTTOB-City collector Wain and (lime street.

esnted. Catch's, CORN HI'SKER Married man to bulk com by buibel; must board siuiris man. F. Ijrk'ji. Towanda.

11L. 1 mils eorth of Fletcher. CORS srantsdl Us dump and scales; telrphons or come. C. Powell, three miles soorncaw or r'anvcrn.

tX'RS IICSKER Fjperieneed farm hand with small family, good to commence husking a once. Bobert llayns, 1 Paso, Illinois. OORS 1IUSKER wanted. Have good corn, scales snd dump. C.

V. Cravett. Danvers, 111. COBS SHLCKEB Married man with no children; man to shuck corn, woman to aaeiat with housework. Kenneth Pyc, Mct-cnn.

III. COKS HUSKERS Ten centl per buahel being paid for corn buikera In Aurora county, Houth Dakota; corn going 40 I 50 buelieie. Apply immeiuatery to A. Buahey, Fiank-tiltcn, g. D.

CHK'KES PIC KERS wanted; ten men wanted, etperienced in dry pickiig chickens; paying cents each. Bloomiiigton 1'pjduco till I. Main. CHICKKM PICKEKS-Boys over 1 wanted to pick Chickens; sleaay lntoor employment piecework. Bloomingtos produce S.Walnr 12 DRIVER nl1 men ,0 unlsl Coal 304 8.

Robinson. 1AHM WOltK-Married man, vear 'round; husk by buahel; farm sdjoms IloMer. J. A. Murrav.

Hohler. III. FARM WORK Msened man sble to board cra hrlp. Slirley, III. wsnted st once; J.

11. Templin, FARM WORK Wanted, msn to husk corn. Apply U3 B. MullierrT. FRM 1UND-Married man with small family to hunk corn by ths bmhch Must be sble to board 1 or 2 extra men.

Reference. all "rsr, J. FARM WORK Experienced man by the month; alfo corn ahuckers to shuck br bushel; to beirin work st once, S. B. Van Horn.

Heyworth. III. FARM WORK Wanted, married man or man with grown son; experienced, with good referemei. Addrrss C. csre Pantngrsph.

IJNKMN Good waajri; slcady position. Ap-py to H. C. illarcl, st S10 an Burcn street, in. ilvN" to shuck corn.

8 cents per bv the month srter husk- R. 8, Hli-omingion. ing. Frank Wiet era of partial invalid: il.N wanted to take references required. White's place.

MAN wanted to do housewor. pitll. MEN Two men to work In factory: sll vear job. Davis Ewing Concrete 712 E. Em- pirs street.

ASHMAN wanted- good wages; position for capable man (at once). Soft Water Tanniirv. I rliaim. 111. WOOD WORKER wanted, good, liams' Garage.

Apply, Wil- lOUNO HAN wanted for outdoor won fore-, V. eare Pent ITaph. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CH kMHKRMMD wanteil. Reliable girl to do chamber work in dwelling.

8l E. Jelfrrson St. CHICKEN PIOKERS-25 women to pi' chick-en replacing drafted men; steady indoor employment; pieieuork. Bloonmigton l'ro- ing. Krsnlt iri.

J. tlna. 1 U. Lil.l-J or vv i (Continued.) Mlohiaan. IUOH MIOU10AN LAND only II tax 180 pat acre I to to 80 acre tracts produces tae wheat, eeta, eon, clover and ails 1 fa trult and poultry do well; email dowa payment, balance monthly; ask for free booklst.

Swlgart Und M12I9 First National Bank Chicago, 1IL Canada. OUR DISTRICT IN MANITOBA Where we farm and sell the best whist lands la the world, has anothsr rscord brsaklng erorv Oats, 76 to liS bushels psr acre. beat, IS IS ousneis per acre. Flax, 16 to 14 bushels per acre. Growa en 136 to ISO lend.

Our Service means success is sou. aare blip you get going tnere. ase er wn.s Crouch Brolbers. Bloomington or Jollet. HI.

EVERYBODY'S EXCHANGE HOME Good small home in exchange for good used automobile and payments, Cowau st Jaeobe KEAL'tSTATE WANTED. HOUSE Modern, or near modem house want-sd, about six rooms; north ot Washington and west el Main. Address T. 74, Psuta- grsph. OKLAHOMA LAND Wsnt to buy eaatern Okla homa land, prairie or ttuiuer.

anurias s. aw, eare Pantagraph. MONEY TO LOAN FINANCIAL. THli GARDNER COMPANY, dependable IB- vestments; municipal, county, imgauuo bonda; farm mortgages; csn place sums from 8100 up to net per cent to 1 per cent; send for list and details. The Gardner Cvira-pany, Jioasl Griealieim Blooming'oa.

BOND 810U0 bond for ssle, drawing 7 ir cent merest, secured by real eatats. Cowsu snd Jacobs. ON FARMS ia McLean and adjoining conn ties; low rates, prepayment options; can cloaa et once or contract in advance; call or arile us direct for terms. Hudson Burr at ground floor, corner Centerajudojirotwtai ON FARMS in Illinois end city property in Bloomington and Normal at lowest rates; best repsy options; funds on hsud; no delsy. llli Bois Savings and Trust corner Alain ami Front- FARM LOANS-Applications solicitsd, to 80 years: 6's per cent to per cent; up to 60 per cent of appraised vslue.

Illinois Trust snd Ssvlmrs Bank. Chsmpsign, 111. FARMS, LOANS In McUan and adjoining counties; best tsrme and options; thirty yesrs in fsrm loan business. Frank la. Buna, lavtngsTon mug.

LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST on fsrme ae city property. Call or sddrese Ixwis W. Panel 804 Corn Belt Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on farms; also city loans ia Bloomlngtoa and Normal; quick action. Fred B.

210 N. Center street FARM end city losns; quick action, lowsst terms; liberal privileges. W. A. rresee 40S People's Bank Bldg.

MONEY TO LOAN on Illinois farms aad bomea ia Bloomington and Normsi. A. D. Cowan, Livingston Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Oa city and tana Jaal asute, Sutherland Sutherland, Peoples Bink Bldg.

AUCTION 8AL.ES. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE, I will offer for esle at publio auction in Leroy on novamoer lDlf, tha John Bare er estate farm of tso acres; will offer separately 40 acres, 80 scree and 100 acrea; wnte for description. Frank C. Barley. Executor, Teroy.

Til. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Irroom modern house oa I. Grove street ass McLean street; large lot; sice shade; choice location; possession si once. tth lai a house at oor Msia and Chestnut streets; Una location tot residence, spartmentc or garage. I.

inlnirur tha sows eg Dee rere; only four blocks from mtexurbaa ststioa snd businesa center. Coed land; convenient truck and ehlckea tarm. adlolnliif Intemrban aution; email house, barn, chicken house, etc: can giva possesaioo 70-scre stock fsrm, only 1 mile from towa oa interorbsn! about 40 acres In cultivation. k.i.. naatura and timber.

This is a real bargain tor a quick sale. W1LBEB M. CARTER, with Illinois Ssvings snd Trust Cor. Main and Front Streets. SPECIAL PRAIRIE HOMES Wherever the hen scratches she expeebj to find the bug.

See my specisl fsrms before gone. in McLean county, Illinois, and aeartry, for cash and good terms. 80 close up, good, blsck level, tiled Und, food taprovemenU, J0 and no leas, iitu na Mine, wv. -us 120 West townihip, too. Larger snd sin sler to suit.

Specisl terms, several states. Wbst and where most inter- i ,,11 nartioulars. See our dees) black, level, tiled, prairie, clay aubeoU hom. farms not far from Lafayette, lud 17S sj-ji cannot be beaten, ror torn mA eitia farma eo with me to Craw- fordsvUle. Ind.

(10,000 population, up-to J.te city, snd investigste; stock fsrme with good in. auiO to 1140 oer acre, snd pay for ths ssme In three to Sve yesis. What for sale and exchanger tt. U. HUMPHRETS, Leroy.

111. A DOUBLE HOUSE ON EAST DOUGLAS STREET LOT 74 BY 115. "NVit If taken soon. -ux I For fsrm or sff'f AljoLF 124 Griaxlieiu Exceptionally Good Corn Farms in Iowa Prleed right, Terms esar. Kovr it the time to investigate.

HERMAN S. OCUS. (0o-90S Grlsshelm Bloomington, BL STOCK FARM. anssissrppi 1.080 acres; about ene-half In eultlvatloa, balance in fine pasture. Well located, well Improved and well watered.

Price 2A per sere. Box 23, Bloomington, 111., or M. E. WAINWBIGHT, Orsensrood. Vlss.

For Sale or Exchange We have a good lM-scre farm la the best psrt of Iowa for ssle, and to make quick sale owner csn be induced to take a smeller fsrm In Illinois or sums good income property ss We'bsve slso other farms snd eity property for ssls or eichsnge. JOHN F. vTELCH 00., Unity Bloomington, PL FOR SALE Troom house. Woodland 10-roora house. West room house.

South Center a.M,m hnnap. South .4750 tllKV) .13200 11V ecres, with 8-room modem bouse, Konnel. Also 4 seres with good house. ADOLF POSTELS. 124 Griesheim Bldf.

uncel.T. ARC; A INS FOR QUICK ACTION, liio scree in southeast Missouri; 100 in corn; food blsck dirt, l')0 acrea central Illinois. 40 acres unimproved in Arkansss, an tinimnmved In Flotids. Soms clesr city property considered ss part payment. Bee me it you want to buy, tell or exchange.

W. HEOKF.TBORH. Ffccr IK1J. 24 Oritahsia Bid. be for the ssd of In aa re of for at by ha a of of IU la (Continued.) Illinois.

IT YOU WANT TO QWM YOUR OWN FA KM AMD D0UBLB Y0U1 INOOafS too saoLTJ)NT5rnoATi oua oma-Asx about rt today. Every ambitious rsntsr should know all about ths proposition we have to offer, li you are ambitious, if you want to ewe and fane rour owa land, It Is to your best latersst to ssk us about It today. Mr offer in a nutshsll la thlat Wa srll) esU tou 20 acres of tbs very best Isnd la Illinois, ipiipped with sll necessary buildings, on terms hat sra practically liks paving rent. We isvs made tlis terms so liberal thst ths i crags renter will have no trouble meeting 'icra. rhsps you will say, "Why, I couldn't snake uy money on so suiall a farm." That Is bs-luso you don't understand lntsnsifled tarm-t, the business method of fanning thst taking ths place of ths eld wasteful meth-is.

Ws will ssy Just this: if you aren't iking st least ft a ysar for yourself iu should by sll means let us sxplsln what havs to offer. It won't coat you ons unv to Und out sll ths details, and ws prelty sura tliat you will be enthusiastic nut our plan when you fully understand it, titer renters havs gotten out of ths rut by ea method why csn't you! Ws would Has to havs you call st our offioe, but if tou csn't. Just dtop us a card and ask us to caplaiu our 80-scrs onsr. Do it today. B.

M. KU11N st Unity SONS, Bloomiiigton, Ul. SIR. FARMER snd Investor, Why psy HOQ psr acre or mora for land when you can buy the very best of corn, wheat, oats and clover land in Sangamon and adjoining counties for (176 to per acre, seeing ia believing, let ma show you, for further particulate, address Edwsrd Himemian, Springfield. Ills.

EXCELLENT CORN FARM. 150 acres. Greens county, Illinois; desirably located; good set of improvements; bo acres choice bottom land; almost immediate possession; a bargain; price trs per acre. Address Irving M. Clsrk.

Brighton, III. FARMS FOB SALE In or near McLean county; 40, 85. SO, 8S, 140, 148, 1W, H4U. eio, 400, and 610 acres; also fsrme le Ohio, On-tsno and Minnesota; stste location and sirs of farm wanted. Frank Stubblefleld, Stanford, Illinois.

M'LEAN COUNTY FARM. you are to the market for a central Illinois farm, write to us stating sue tana desired sud wa will send description. BAULKY LOAN ASP LAND Leroy, HI. ACRES of level, blsck com ana osia land; well tiled; good improveroerie; cioea to market; bargaio price on this farm If sold in a few days; good terms Write or phone Eugene Harrie. Bloomington, 111.

HALF SECTION, acres, of good land, miles north of Faat Lyun and hi mile east ol Fountain Creek, Iroquois cewnty, Illinois, for sale. Address George W. Howell, owner. Route Cisana Park. 111.

ATTENTION 1 S4 seres, 8'J0U; 20," close in, grain and stock farm; 4S7 scree, IS miles southeast Oresna, bargains. D. A. Barackman, 102 Fait Prairie, Decatur, 111. in-At II stoc snd grain farm, miles ol Bloominguin; spltndid terms; write for description.

Frank C. Barley, Leroy, III. 10 ACRES twit improved, three milee south ot Bluouiington. Uoodruk station 00 inter-urban. M.

L. Small; phons 2711-Ia, 0 ACHE'S for sale st per sere; also 180 seres at $100. Address F. 0. Box Findlsy, Illinoia.

10-ACRE truck farm, ti miles southeast ot city for sale. Apply 7('8 8. East street. WELL IMPROVED SX) acres near Bloomington. Sutherland, People'e Bank Bldg: I'a ACRES of ground, 6 room house, and bare, 1 block from city limits.

Call. 628 la IF INTERESTED in buying a good fsrm tae me. A. l. Cowan.

808 Livingston Bldg Indiana. 80 ACRES LOCATED ORXEN1 OOUNTT, DTDIAlf A. AU la high auta at eultlvatloa; ae waste er overflow; level as a floor; perfectly tied! just as black and ss good soil as the best of Illinois; will pnoducs ss much of any kind ot grain; handy to three good towns; on msin pike; no buildings except a good barn; adjoining farms to this tract ot land sra selling st 8:125 per acre; price for a abort time, 91n per acre; ba quick if you want a bargain and a real investment; If not ss represented will pay sll expenses, 'or lnlomuuon address g. J. Sparks, Lyons, lnd.

SO A CUES; well located oa hard roads; halt mils to graded school: two miles to town; land level; good 7-room house, good tenant house and dandy barn, Ach70, wind pump and tanks; several other buildings; good orchard; pries (165; 14,000 cash; terms; Ju seres good wheat; posseasioa December 1. S20 ACRES; level; mile ststioa and el vstor; buildings; on three hard roads; no better com land la eastern Indiana; pries snd terms right, to ACRES with atrax) dandy buildings; level and half mile high school; all best ot soil; one of finest little homes ia Wells county; price tlisl. Write for full description ot Uieae and other farms. D. Reynolds, Bltiffton, lnd.

FARM FOR SALE Kouts, 14 miles west of town; seres, sll farm land; cash price fl40 per acre; write me or call In person. I. De. Kouts. Ind.

Texas. SOUTHERN FARM HOMES Health Comfort Large Profits. Rich alluvial sol). Mild and healthful climate. Semi-tropicsl, Semi-srid.

Three to four crops per year. Tropical fruits. Live itock. Staple held snd garden, food snd forage crops, in greatest abundance. Ws own sml offer owners several tracts of the choicest lsnds in THE LOWER RIO GRANDE TAUT st prices snd terms inrfce lanua rJS7s aiirarlive.

selectw ssypaull, lncsted sr.d 'ar' 'titf relcrence to community wel- and market facilities. jPnuot 'i'l to sppcal to tha most critical rsngs fro 8 scrs cltris fruit, garden et 1.1a..!,. nhnlMBle tracts for subdivision or ranch purposes. Ask for particulars snd new ra.lroad rates now in effect, Wsrrsn C. Barnail-George A.

Egsa, Joe L. Henry, Mala Entrance Illinois Hotel LANDS and loana. George A. Egsn, Ulinois Hotel main entnnce; both phones. Missouri.

LANDS in the garden spot of southsast Missouri; price 5S to KJ per sere, sccording to improvements and location; have Improved and unimproved; havs any site tract you want. S. B. Railcmaker, Parma, Mo. SOUTHEAST MISSOURI improved and unimproved com lands; writs or call for lists snd particulars, o.

H. Ault, 212 Peoples Bank, Bloomintrton. 111. REAL BARGAINS" in Miasouri fsrms; writs for illustrated booklet and list. R.

Ia. Treason, Bolivar, Mo. Mississippi, llo7 AOKE8 for sale bv owners at a bargain; "00 sloping bottom land, balance gently rolling; well improved; well watered; on Illinois Central raiiiuku; SinjI oc auO on graveled National highway; telephone and mail route; 6 milea from county seat. Oar-roll county, Mississippi; an ideal stock and srrain farm. Address Kelley Brothers, B.

No. 2, West. Miss. Naw York. 130 ACRES for ssle; 17 head of cattle, four horses farming tools, hsy, oats, com end fodder; 16-room house, hot snd oold wster, bath snd toilet, tree gas to cook, heit snd for lighting purposes; ham 40x70, milk house, garage snd other buildings; fruit for home use; priced right.

Mrs. E. T. Hormi, B. R.

1. Collins, N. y. Arkansas. EASTERN ARKANSAS FARMS snd unimproved Isnils; these drained delta soils equal Ulinois com belt yields.

For lowest prices write Frank O. Hsdley. 705 Olive. St. Louis, Mo.

Kansas. GOOD SOUTHEASTERN KANSAS farma tot sale on torments of 11,000 to 12,000 down; also to exehanco for clear city property. Address Ths AUea County Investment Iola, Kit, VI ot (Continued.) REGISTERED SUOBTBORNS-Yssrling buU, roan, grsnd enampion at me atamoni isar, also first prlas sow and calls priced for quick ssls. J. A.

Hendsrson, ea ths P. P. B. trail. Den vers, III SHEEP Fsw good Oxford snd Hampshire breeding swss snd slao ewe lambs, John W.

Weakley, lVi mi lea wast of Lexington, R. No. 4. SOW Weighing sbout too pounds; Ive shoals, 100 pounds. Phons J.

SOW snd tsa pigs weoka old also five anoeta, weignt eooui IV9 pvUHUI. phone 1M4-X. MAKE YOUR PUIS VIKI.D A PROFIT. Feed them Purina Pig Chow. It Is high fattenlnc element, le natural relative.

properly regulates ths system snd Insures nisximura gain snd snorter penou. aoin oniy In cherkerlioard bags by F. P. Buckles Rons, ins a East atreet; Kinloch im. DOGS, CATS AND PET8.

PUP Boston terrier pup, female, IS if taken st once. Address M. I'll, care Psntsgrsph- DOG On account of leaving city, will sell perfect marked Boaton terrier, female, IS montlia old; registered. Mrs. A.

II, ttsgers, 1010 K. Waihington; Kinloch 1914 RAHIHTS sVegian females. 4117 W. hara-s; olive. two males, four POULTRY AND SUPPLIES.

COCK ERELS Ringlet Barred Rock cockereU for sals. Mrs. .1 J. Kellcy, Holder, 111. COCKEREL Full-blooded S.

C. Buff Orp.rsj-ton. Mrs, Frank athwart, Danvers; phons (arlork. Ct.H'KEHWJs For sale, S. (J.

Rhode ialand Hed cockerels. Robert tlsyne, El PaSW, HI. COOKERaXtV-Roas comb Rhods Island Rsds; excellent type snd color; order now before pries sdvsnces; f.M eacb or a for 11. Mrs. O.

II. Ehlrrs, Sarhrook, III. WHITE ORPINGTON cockerels snd pullets. Mrs. D.

R. Brlggs, Route 2, Bloomiiigton; jihons loll BALE Full blood Buff Bock bene, winter layers, 1.M) each. sirs. Lea Moore, McLean. III.

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. I J. Ml II TABLE for sale, in good running order. Pries right if taken soon. Address C.

E. Kek. Cullom, III. I'OTATUES-Extra buahel, delivered. fine potatoes.

Phone J.M-X. II 66 per vT ATI lES Early Ohio, 11.70 buahel; a bushel lots. Apples, $1.80 per bushel; fins, red onions 92.00 per buahel; rahhsgs tor kraut, 816 per lb. De Vary, JlH Lnden, Nornui Phone, arts-It. PlI'B-U feet of 18-inch galvanlied cold air pipe, very cheap.

B. C. Daavcr, 6.4 Waahlngtoa. Phone, 4t. Rl'NABOI One-home nnsbout, good condition.

806 S. School etrset, Xormal; phons TYPEWRITERS No. Olivers and No. i and No. 10 Smith-Preinif ts for ssls.

Psxtoa Typewriter new est ion, 1( Msin street. VEHICLES Bargaina la used end rebuilt bides, carrlagea, bugglaa, delivery wsgooa; sny kind axchangsd; bring le your eld one end see wbst we can do tor you. The Martens-Lea ry Co. UNCALLED FOR AND MODEL SUITS, trousers and raincoats tor sale; ae accumulation from our fourtssa stores, sfording yuu a erjoice selsrtioa at very (rest aav-tng. Joha Monroe Tailoring World's Lsnrest Tillers, Bloomlngtoa store Sll N.

Msle storet. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. BIOiCLE FRAME Second hand Dsyton, bicycle frame. J. R.

Tieman, 1C1J E. Croxton avenue. BU'LL Want roan Shorthorn bull, yesrs old, purs Scotch, snd of Viilaiter, Sultan or Cumberland breedinir; give description, breeding sud pries in first letter. Asa B. Culp, Eureka, Illinois.

COAI-Four tons or less of hsrd coaL O. II. Monroe, Kinloch 1417 J. Call CLOTHING Wa pay good caeb, price for seo ond-lisnd suits snd overcoats. Over 204 Front: Kinloch LTX)THINti Want to buy men'a and boya' second-hand clothing, shoes, overcosts.

lcd Rush. Newmarket basement: Kinloch HEATER Moore Air T.ght Ussier, in good coniiition. csii, im HEATING STOVE wsnted; soft coal. K24-V. Thone, LOG: Wanted to bur walnut logs 12-inch snd up in diameter, or standing timber.

Address J. O. Wbeailon, Box lii, Bloomington, Illinois. WANTFU To hu your po'llfcy, scrap iron snd rags st highest market pnee. Frank Arnold.

Shirley. III. SECOND-HAND GOODS All kinds cooking snd heating stoves a specialty. Kinloch 1W I I CA Ll NSTRUM ENTS. PLAYER PIANOS What's ths use of keeping thst silent piano? Exchange it for a play, er piano one that the whoe family can plsy.

Janaen AS JoosTen, 4u6 N. Main. pi.NO Good upright piano for sais, very reasonable. 2727-X. PIANO UpriK'it Victor piano; wslnut finish case-; good condition; traded in on plujer-pisno; will sell for caab.

G. A. En-en-W-Cer ei I' t-" F'vr. MACHINERY AND TOOLS. HolLh'Uij Two boilers, 8, 4 snd 4i inch steam pipe anel fltt.ngs; largs sewer pipe connections, stcsm punije, houtini; msrhincs, dump carts, enailace cutter snd other thiiitfs.

h.lear M. Heifer Co. CORN SIIELLEIS-One No. 4 Joliel corn sheller; good S3 new; writs for price. L.

Augs-pL'rcer, Down. 111. TRACTOR 8-18 Avery tractor for sale; in gfiod atiape; owner rented more land and has purchased larger tractor. Inquire B. F.

Ifr-F-i, OUSEHOLD GOO DS. BED lliild's bed, feather bed an. hi' W. Moulton. tji.

uuttrtss snd springs for sale. Phone, 1.V4-2 TTViernis Martin bed, work niTiTiiivr HI l' cabinet. Empire Hot chif.onicr. Blast stove, vlclroii, i SEED AND PLANTS, HKALTIKV VOt iiKSlOLNC-. "nd premttwn thii all by plinliiiif tomt of my ornamental nmU, rose and trcei.

FVank Jthn(ion, one block north of Brokaw K-r'Afh P7n T. BUSINESS 0 PPORTUNITIES. aH(JFa RF.PAIU SHOP For aale, th shop ((nnrrly known aa tlie St. laouia alio ihop, of lilooininKton; i well known, long sgtalili.hft. shop with b.g patronj.iri'; must be af-id arrmint death of proprietor.

CiJ or write Mrs, Harry Vriir'-, T'l. SERVICES OFFERED. BABY Bl'dClES and go carta re tired. He) Center; phone 792-tt. BUNDLE WASIIINIl, by experienced laundress living near Wcsleyan, Call lo75-J, mornings only.

CISTERNS cleaned and repaired snd built; plastering patciied, foundations pointed. Call ITATIIER BEDS made into mattresses; wash feathers; slso buy. Sanitary F'eather Mattsua lb East I'lolme: phone 2ir'2-J. UW'SECLEANINt; General housecleaning wall paper and carpet clpaning company, i'hone Pegues. Kinloch lllfl-X.

psper snd rug cleaning, woodwork wishing. Phone lrfrA-J. HEMSTITCHING Wo do all classes hem-stitebmg and picot edge work, 10 cents card. Singer Eewing alacbiue 419 Main. PIANO AND REPAIRING; work guaranteed; Kinloch o76-J.

Jsnsen at Joosten, 4fo N. Main. STOVE Rl.l'AIRIN'O Don't Junk your Btovea Bloomington Repair Shop, 2uo S. Center, will repair or buy; phone 7P2-R. WB ARE st your servioo on laundering cur-taina and guarantee Brat-class work.

JlitT Home Laundry, CALL for Kabecker's 'i-agon; highest price given for old metal, runlier, iron, books, papers, magazines. Kinlloch 170.1; Bell 42'j-W. SILL VOIR JUNK to the Boouiiiurton junk snop, Harrr Abrams, manager; highest cash prices paid for sll kinds of ju'ik. Call for wagon. (Continued.) WASH WOMAH-Woman wanted ts do waah-Ing, slsctrls wuher snd svarj thing nodsroi sood pay.

Oall J414 L. EXPERIENCED sltsratloo help to wore ea ladlea' garments snd furs; spply st once Itolinl. ttie etnre thit sella Woolfet. HELP MALE OR FEMALE. BOOKKEEPER, sipsrienced, excellsnt opp6r ttimty for advancement.

Address, Y-l LHCSaNaiiaiiHMiaHiieaMWieaMaaaiiH AGENTS WANTED. AUENTS and dealers wanted to handle A-Pschs self-rulranising cold patch, for automobile tiros; sold oa guarantee or your money back; liberal comiaaion for live men. A-Pschs Sal rVi IH4 VirhUren avenue, fTucego. TRADE INSTRUCTION. S.

GOVERNMENT wants thousands clsrksi mes-women; Blonmington eiaminations Dec. candidates coached tres. FranaJia Inati-tute. Kept, Rochester, K. T.

GOVERNMENT NEEDS 12.0U9 womsa clerks. niownington ssaminatlona Not. Dse. 7. Salary SI210.

Kaneriencs unnsceasary. Women dnirlng government positions writs for free psrtlculsrs. J. C. Ionard (former civil servicw eialmner), Kenoia Building, Waih- 1 SITUATIONS WANTED.

CARPENTER WORK wanted; laying hardwood Boors a specialty. R. r. nam, ormal; phone 18111. eoHV HI SKEKr-Uarried man to ahurk corn by bualiel; work by month; want good place to live.

Best references. Address, A-I, Fsntagraph. FARM WORK wanted steady. AJdrrye Willis Illinois. by married man i Atheni, Randolph, OTKADY positioa wanted by young man, reliable, in class three, with five years' shipping experience; 1 havs reasons for wanting to change; ante lenne, conuitions, sic.

an ROOMS FOR RENT. CENTER 430 K. Furnished sleeping rooms, stesra heated; two blocks from square. Phone Jlst). C'llKSTNCrr J06 W.

Fumlahed Lght housekeeping rooma. Phons PCi-R. DKWKY AVU, 41. Nonrul rooms furniah- ed or unfurnished for ngni aouseacrping. Phons, DOUGLAS 1S I.

Two furnished rooms; one slcove: steam heat. FRONT 1J W. Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping for rent. LEE 8. 411 unfurniihed rooms light housekeeping; reaeonable.

UKl. ST IB1 K. Furr.iahed front room and alcove. Call morninga. MULBERRY 101 E.

Ons two nicely furnialied rooms; housekeeping privileges; reasonable; (lie blocks from Sinisrc. ill J1KKHY SJ W. Two unfumislisd moms, grnund floor, privats sntrsncs; gas. Inquire, l'tl-'. RoosEKLT to Two tinfurnlahed front rooms, ground floor STATF.

smploysd, to occupy srparsts rooms free of charge for company for voting nimel lany. aione nignta. WAMIISGTON S06 E. Furniahed room fi gentleman or business woman In modern home. WASHINGTON for rent.

112 Furnishcl rooms HooM Moilem nom In prominent tome private familv; ccntlcman pretetreo. a- ilree .1. li'l. rare rantajrraph ROOM with lavatory in privats boms; five i.lnrl.. V7arr; cawt ai le.

rTione rjiw-u. ROOMS OR BOARD WANTED. RixiMS Unfurnished light housekeeping rossns, lucxiern, for two; close in; rsll beVsreen I and 11S7-X; from to 7, BisiMS wanted st once; unlrimihed rooms. Call, lia-R, 904 K. ClntpH St ROOMS wsnted for light housekeeping la up-to-date home; young couple; best of references furnished.

Address K. 1, care Pants- LIVE STOCK. BOARiiihiroc tioars tor sule; sired by-jCherrT Chi'Jl Tlie Giant, Improver, The King; dame rui the lavender and Defender Golden -aibTlel blood lines; April farrow; weight to i0 poiiiuls; phone ticova; write Aihert J. WeWier, Route 4, Pontile, 111. BOAH Imroc Jcnacv for sale; lit months old, eligible to register, Emanuel liver, Route 3, 111.

BOARS Large type, llurocversey males, Elgbls to renter. Aliiert Fry, Ctirlock, 111. pe. i boars; Marcn, April snd May farrow; good breeding immune; 't mile south of Yuton. F.

J. Basting, llloonungtoii. Route BOARS Urge tyie Du roc April farrow, cholera iinmuns, eligible to regiitcr. C. F.

Giese, Snrley, 111. HOAR Chester White mils pig, a few choice White Rock roosters. Louis Kamseyer, llud-son. 111. BOARS Registered Hampshire boars; large tvpe.

double immunwl. E. C. Rediger. R.

R. 1. jjOARS A few choice Chester White boars of April farrow; plenty largo for service; bargaina at ioO; immuiied; express paid; first heck gcta choice. Merls Stubblefleld, Sunford, Illinoia. BOARS AN IXJILTS Cholers iuimuned Duroc bosrs snd giu of most popular blood Ines; if in need of real up-to-date herd boar or gilt, coma srd look tbcae over.

J. L. Earner and J. Kemp, Lexington, HI. BOARS Pure-bred Hampshire spring bosrs, weigh up to poumla; immunsd.

R. I). Lemons. Bloomington, 111.. Route ft.

UOAKS liiff typs Poland lima boan, March litter; weigh 2'25 pounds snd tietter; satil-faction guaranteed: phone 27ti7-R; George A. Puriell, 1 milos eeit on Empire road. tjlie Duroc-Jerseys; Marco farrow: cholera immune. Joseph B. Garter, Hudson, 111.

BoAlii- bosrs; sll sires: the big-boned kind; all stock immune. M. I Wight- man. Holder. Ill, BOARS Big typo boars, guarantee1 pounds st teed.

.1 sYeariing registered Shorthorn bulls, nd roaua: prices rtasonsble. James X. blersleeve. HudiKm, III, BLT.LS Shortl-nrns; a variety in and individuality; aoms pure Bcotcn; priced to move. An 11.

Culp. Eureka. 111. BI LLS Shorthorn bulla, W. T.

Btautx, R. 2, S766 all ages and plicae. Bloomington; phone OOW A No, 1 cow; recently freah. 110 Weldon street, Bloomington. III.

COW Three-year-old Jenxev cow; will bs fresh in December. Call X. COW Jersey cow for sale, flue roils west Normal iiriirersity. a. E.

Russell. DtlcOC-JERSEY BOARS AND GIIJS. If in riel of a boar this fall now ia the time to select snd let him get accustomed to his new surrounditiKS before breeding time; we have tew cboics Duroc-Jersey boars snd gilts of different breeding that will improve your herd snd are worthy of your attention; we have the breeding that produced 75 per cent of the winners st the Illinois state fair this year; everything immune. Illinois State Normal University Farm. HOGS boarSj gilts and trie! sown; ben of broiling; pnoes reasonable; guaranteed; 8 miles esrt Mason City, 111.: L.

W. Cross, phone go it. HOGS Chester Whits male hogs, eligible to register; February snd March farrow; property of Lowell Kraft. Burdctt Kraft, Towanda, lil. Wo can furnish few loads mors of choice rjusllty, bie-Hor iejthy stves hogs, v.eigiing tKj to 180 pounds, st raesonsbls prices.

Iain call R. T. Ula, Kinloch Hi, USE-Work horse. Csll Kinloch 66U-J or IIOR-iK Three-year-old horse; works Single or double broke to ride; weighs close to 800. A.

J. danger, People's yPnoe House. IlOItaES Team, wagon snd harness, worth the money. Phone SciOd J. HORSE for sale; gentle, Allin; phone Tom Callan.

808 N. JACK Mammoth blacit jack with white points; big boned; good breeiier; priced right for epiick sale. William Webb. Anchor, 111. MRK mare.

Inquire of L. TT. Ilowji-d. Kinljch RAMS Urce Hampshire ycsrlings, each at farm, 6 miles southwest Griulev, ill. Ira Gregory.

ss3sEaaMsn. 1 1 i r' Str. BBKSer- c.nina ooara. vcicioii Snmnnlha: Iflt ilfaetinO Sliaran- 111 xw'r HI pi FUNERAL NOTICE. The funsral ot Baby Gregiry 1.

Pbillii. will be held from the residence, taXVs VI Grove street, tide morning st 10 o'clock. Private Interment, Fark Hill cemetery. FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral services ol Vsrgns Qrelnsr will held st hit borne, '70S North Prairie street, this sftemoo'i tt 1:30 o'clock.

Services pn. vats. Ths remains can ba reviewed at bis iste home until 1 p. m. today.

FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral of Joha B. Taylor will Inks place from the funeral parlors ol Fcrd A. Flinspaeh, 523 North Main street, this slier-noon st 1 o'clock. Services st Park llul cemetery by K.

of P. lodge. FUNERAL NOTICE. The funsral of Chris fitreena will take place from the funeral parlors ot Fcrd A. Flinspaeh, 621 North Main street, st 4 o'clock this afternoon.

lutsnneut at Park Hill cemetery. CARD OF THANKS. Ws wish to thank our friends and aeighbois the kindness snd sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of our dsughter snd sister. Miss Lorens Jasper, snd slao' for msny beautiful floral offer iigs. MR.

AND MRS. EDWARD JASPER ANIl FAMILY. CARD OF THANK8. wiah to thank our friends snd ssigh. bore, minister, singers sud P.

lor a kindnesa snd sympathy show:) us during our beresvemetit, the death or our beloved huaband, father, son and brother; also fi the many beautiful floral offerings, and thone who eo kindly furnished sut.imobiles. MRS. ERNEST KNECHT AND FAMILT. MR. AND MRS.


We with to tluuik the Red Cross committee, Father o'Cellahea and the sisters and friends aha helped us during; ths sickness and death Joseph W. Ingle. MRS. JOSEPH W. INGLE, MOTHER 'AND FAMILY.

LESLIE J. O.WEN Attorney at Law 101-1 People's Bank Bloomington, 111. Bloomington office every Tuesday and Fn-day. In Leroy office remainder of time. General practice of law.

Settlement of Estates, Examinations of Abstracts, Collection ot Accounts. Mousy to Loan. Sea ma before negotiating a loan aa 1 negotiate mora loans thaa any Loan Agent in Eastern McLean County, shown by tha records. Terms sad rates aaonsbls. If you have idle money, 1st me loss it for you.

Executor'! Notice. Kotlos Is hsreby given thst the undenlgnsej executor of the estate of Francis M. Jones, deceased, has tied upoa the Decern bsr pro-bale term. A. D.

WIS, ol tha county court McLean county, et BloomingtoB. Illinota, the edjuxtmeut of al claims sgainat the said decedent, and will appear before the said court on the- 2d day of December, 191S. All persons hsvinaj edsims sgamst the sstste are hereby notified and requested to attend mid term of said court, tor the purpose of having tha same adjusted. All persona indebted to said aetata are here, quested to make immediate pay sat to ths undersigned. Bated til- 8th day at October, Mil.

PRICE JONES. Executes, aWocneyS. LEROY, Death of Mr. Vlril Short at Ha Horn en Wednesday Other Notes. Mr.

and Mra. Jams- Dolly North Dakota arrived In lsroy Monday evenlnj to spend tha winter beret, Dr. and Mrs. W. R.

Moon received a card the first of tha week at-ting that their eon, Israr Mocyn had aafely arrived 'somewhere." -Julian KincaJd of he-dqusu-tea-a company 835 ba-ttallon, Cwmp MWv been proioted i uii at glial sergeant. He expects to sail soon. Mre. Kate Law son le la recelirt ft letter from her eon Hoy Lstw-son eaytal ha nasi been transferred from Camp Dlx to Kelly Field, an Antonio, Tex. Mr.

and Mra. Pearl Vaaosj ttt the flay yeeterday vlaiuaf Mlsa Minnie Vance. They returned to their home In, Mo, thla momlnic after a daye visit with relatives ana frlenda In and around taeroy. Corp. Glenn Gllmore, who la raw membered by many of our reader, hla havlns been reatdont ot Lroy, for man yyeara, wa wounded to action in France on Aug.

2. His brother Emerson who received the word was not informed aa to the exten. hla wounds. He was nase? on prevloua occaalon and It la quite evident from certain information that he received hla wemnd shortly altar hla return to the battle front- He haa been in the tblclt ot the Imy etnef, laat April. Mra.

Virgil Mhort who haa bf from Influenza for the past wcck dled at her home In Leroy at n'ivk vi.trrla.v Sirs. Short was born September II. li near DeWltt. iter JIary Catherine dauKhter aw, ariin. She AJartlP John and Ida tance h'' sfVier mother died in 1S93 and Stner In 1301.

After her mothers luh she and her only brother wh' was then a year- om. mauo -home with their grandmother, Mrs. Ann Story. In 1310 sho was married to Virgil Short at the Christian churrh of this place by Rev. K.

V. Brown. To this union were born four-children ranging in ego from one month to 7 years. us. ouon u-came affiliated with the Christian affair she was marnert and remained strong in the fal'h until called by ucsiura n-' husband and children she leaves one brother Charles Martin to mourn her departure.

RUTLAND. T.lsmtL Iieslie Boyd, who was commissioned a second lieutenant at Camp Gordon, last week, was CiHIJV nome on oatui suica while on hia way to hla new assignment at Camp Sherman, Ohio. jean Charlotte Mateer, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard V.a'ecr, of Cleveland died at tts home of her grandparents, Mr.

an 1 Mrs. T. W. Mateer, In Rutland, on Tuesday morning. Death was caused ly pneumonia, whicn toliowed an attack of the influenza.

Mrs. Mateer and little Jean came to Rutland about a month ago to visit rclatlvea. Jean lacked Just a few daya of being year old. having been born Nov, 4. 1917.

ARROWSMITH. The funeral of Mrs. Ruth Ami Keith, who died at midnight Monday, will be held from the residence In Arrowsmith on Thursday at 2 o'clock, and will be erlctly private. Rev. Carlberif of the MethodH-church will be In charge.

Burial win be in Greenwood. In addition to tlie relatives mentioned In the account of Mra. Keith's death In yesterday a Pantagraph. there were two Mrs. Burke, of Saybrook and Mrs.

John LyonB of Colfax. The husband. G. Keith, waa a veteran of tn citll war, and lost an arm in tnai etrurglai. He died twenty year ago.

HEATING AND PLUMBING. PLUMBING If you used anything In ths 1ms ol radiators, vslvs. pips, fittings or anything ia ths plumbing line of sny land, ws have it; bsvs a large stuck snd can maks immediate delivery. Frank Sulllvau, 103 W. phone VI.

AUTOMOBILES FOR 8ALE. CADILLAC EIGHT 1918; guaranteed like new; this car ia in excellent conditioa and can be bought cheap. Cadillae Garage; Steve A. Errint. DAVIS six-cyiindsr chummy roadster; new; has never been used.

Call eg phone la, la, tiil.lev, 81918 VT, Washlngtosvi ELECTRIO Woods slectne tot ssis. Call Hays, 701 N. Mala. FORD 1P17 Ford touri" oar, ia tae coodi-tion, wita food V-A I. K.

Uajs, 701 M. Main. FORD O-e Hl Ford roadstsr, one 1914 Max-we" rosdster. inquire Arnold 10 fPront. FOR "i touring csr for ssls; le fim class coa-dlthm.

Csll at tlO 8. Center Ford Smith Forte A truck. Dodge 1H7 touring. Republic truck, thrce-ouerter toe. Malons Motor 411 W.

Waahington. FORD touring car, nearly new, WIS; tirea good as new; baa good lights with dimmers. A. R. Crouch, 4JJ Main street; phone OAKLAND 1817 Oakland Sensible Six touring car; ISIS Ford touring car; Ford touring car; 1918 Ford roadster car; 1U Jack-sou ave-piuenger.

Singley Galiord; Kio-loch li33 W. Monroe atreet. UVEltLAND. i paaseruter, electric starter snd 1 'glits. ewly uvei iiaulcd.

New carburator. Bargain. Hit W. Taylor. OVERIJtND one Overland tourinf ear, in A-l condition, good tires.

T. llajs, 701 N. Main. bTLliEBAKER ijtuclebaker six-cylinder road-ate clectne luthta and starter; also Ford. C.

W. Frey, corner Washington snd Msdison. STUDEBAKER, Hie passenger; Grant Six cylinder, 1917; Huproobile, fivepaasenger, 1917; Series Frsnklin, nvs-pssK'ngcr; Jackson, flve-psasenger; Ford roadster. 1 rauklia Motor Car Co. STUDEBAKER Seven-passenger, 1917 model; run less than 2.uoo miles; wsnt smaller car.

A. H. Carlock, Hudson. III. USED FOUDS FOR SALE 'o mors Ford cars will be m.ule until after ths war.

sed Fords sra iicreas-ing in value each day. Ised Forde at sue price will be hard to get next spring. lil YOURS NOW. Runabout, It 18. evieblnt condition SiiS." TiMinng car, 1 vear otd, All models sii vears gwd condition, pay SPOT CASH FOR YOLK FORD CAR.

Bring iuur car snd get ths money. DAYTON ktlTII. FOLD DISTRIBUTOR, I se.1 Car Department, Roosevelt snd Jeiterson. Both Phones 801. USED CARS USED CARS.

STCPIBAKER SIX. 117, all good tires; food mechanical ccui'Ht on. Ligut lour car, in dandy condition; aood t'r'S. FORD Ibl7 touring, in fn snaps. FORD 1918 toiiri practically new tires; A 1 condition.

FOHD-191T roa lalcr. BLOOMINGTON AliO EXCHANGE, 415 North Center St. Two lllocks North Court House. AUIO SUPHLI ES ANG REPAIhS. tLTO REPAIRINfjr Motor overhauling a specific: lirst class cauting snd top work; vcori gfai-anteed.

W. A. Bpnnger, V. Front; Kinloch 800-308 llHFa For sole second hand auto tires. Fords and others: 13 snd up.

Morris Tick fc (enter. flSS; Ct)3 E. Nine-room dwelling. W. A.

treese Co. EAST SIDE A room modem house. Oowan and Jacobs, 21 Livingston Bldg. Phone 214. EMERSON 402 Seven-roosa house for rent.

Phone fHO-X. ELM Hit) 4 room cottage; well, cistern, cellar, gas for cooking; two lots. 8 Nine-room modem bouse; bam; rent reasonable. Inquire 12U7 8. Mason.

tit W. Seven-room house. Phone K.nloch 700. CKOIE 14( E. Eight rooms snd baths; hardwood floors and garage; in most desirable T'Srt of east end resident lection; Just vacated by leasee, who bought residence directly opposite; immediate possession snd attractive terms to dcsirsbls tenant.

Kinloch 2l.i2it or call 1407 E. Grove. JACKSON tOM E. Seven-room modern bouse; garage. Phone 1070-L.

Jl.FKEHSON. 622 E. Modern 10 room house. Kinloch 2137. JEFFERSON Hi E.

Modern h-rocsm; well arranged; electric lighted house. Inquire 613 E. Jefferson street: phone 210a. LOCUST E. Eight-room modern house, S'5.

B. Frye, illume 2ci2. LOCUST h'tt W. tuae, slfl. 'i! 8.

Seven-room house; strictly modern; haMwood floors, garage. Oowan -Jacobs. 202 Livingston: phons 2H4. MARKET house. lis) w.

Eight-room modem MONROE 214 Eight-room modem house for rent. E. J. Rowley, phone faWt-X. MONROE 1121 E.

Eight-room modern house snd garsge. Call Brooks Oarlougll, Peoplrs Bank phone 1S. MULBERRY E. Seven-room modern furnace heit. Inquire I4.

OLIVE 6i1 E. Seven-room modern bouse, close in. Phone 2il3-R. WALNUT 614 E. Nine-room modem house for rent.

Inquire Stone Dick, Peo ples Bank Bldg, WESTERN 28 S. Modern 6-roora house to reliable tensnt; call mornings st house; phone Vi 11,1. Ahl) 4o2 Six-room modern boiiee. Inquire L. Chestnut; phons A.

Rofera. a ItTtUiSDII 1 I "I i i sail II a aalaeajB JjtZ1 -T -I -Ltff HOUSES FOR HEN fa (Continued.) STRICTLY MODERN Omen, house, chesp. Csll 8n2 8. Is; Ssrah Frsnk; phone It. FINE, modern residence, E.

Grove; modern room cottage, 8. McUan for ssls or rent; terms to suit: poseissoa at ones. Homer W. Hall. Sis) Unity Bldg.

FURNISHED HOME near business district; will rent winter. Address 101, csre Penta-graph. UOUSE Fight room house, eity snd cistern wster, good garden iiot. East Chestnut. N.

M. Campbell, Fnt stonai Bank; bote phones. HOUSE 4) room modem house, furnished, close in. Cow in and Jacobs, 201 Livingston Bldg. Phone S34.

HOUSE Eigbt-room, modern, good location, 834. Kinloch IflHJ-fU NORMAL For rent, 11-room house with 8 acres of ground, known ss the Watson homestead on S. Linden street. Normal. Call 4'i0 Mviiv APARTMENTS AND FLATS.

CLINTON 808 and 810 a Two apartments, second 1cr; possession given immediately. Apply 1 Livingston Bldg. EAST 1(6 8. Five-room flat; never been occupied only by owner; 815 a month. OAK 614 N.

Four-room flat with all modern conveniences. Call evenings FIJtT Eight-room fat, 822.50; also 8-rooro cottage. 11. Inquire at Joha Stapletons BUSINESS PLACES FOR RcNT. WASHINGTON 9ui W.

Three-fourths of store room for rent. Write C. F. Memruan, Owen, Wis. WASHINGTON 4 8 W.

Ons-hslf of our attractive salesroom snd office. Uackett-HarvcT Co. EAST 403 Building for rent; three storiee and basement, with electrio elevator. a r.r.eo iv MISCELLANEOUS FOR REN i SPLENDIU storage room for automobiles and gaa tractors; corner Grove end Madisoo, J. M.

Pis---. I'eere Bldg. WANTED TO RENT. FARM Experienced fanner with complete equipment wants SO or l' sere farm, with good iroprovenienta, in central Illinois; references furnished. Address 2, care Paula- grap KARM liaj or lot) acre farm wanted in McLean county; will pay cash rent; thirteen experience.

Address r. 1, nmagrapa. FARM Want to rent snout 120 acrea of good corn land; have had 13 years' experience in all kinds of terming. John F. Hanson, Route IVkin.

III. Hot SE Five or six room bouse, close in; modern or partly modern. Csll 1047-J. FIVE OR TEN seres, with house, barn and soma pasture. References exchanged.

Z-l, rare l'i''y HOUSES FCR SALE. CEDAR CREST For Sale, my beautiful horns in Ceder Crest; sieo, sll household furniture, sll new; call snd scs for yourself. Office furniture slso to bs sold at once, going to war. Ir. Bchrendt, both phones, si office snd residence.

CEDAR CREST. We have ons of ths most beautiful homes In Cedar Crest for sale; Just finished snd lew. B. M. Kubn tc Sons, 405 Unity Bldg.

CEDAR CREST Beautiful home for sals. Cowan Jacobs, 202 Livingston phone 234. CHESTNUT 804 W. Strictly modern house; 7 rooms, bath, hot and cold running water, electric lights, hardwood floors thru-out: hot water heat; large garage; everything perfect condition. CLINTON BLVD.

New and very desirable home. Jacobs, tt)2 Livingston phone 2iU. LuC'Lsr house; will ll on payments. Cowan A. JacoU, Lit-inttston Hlilir-: photie 234.

3 PLACE Seven-room house lor sale. ilX-ier. Criesheim BNIff. lii. New.

morlcrn house; White's I ivinc-sLon WHITE'S heat. Cowan V- nhone xS.J.ti; C01TAGE (llTAOK Handv ti I. 1T rK (Jt terms. Cowan ft Jacobs. HOUSES Two modern bouses snd several ad-Joining- lots in Normsi; bsrgaiu.

119 li, Beaufort; rXil-L. HOUSES Three houses nesr square; good piece to rent snd livs; tlrat-class investment; cheap; easy terms. George F. Jordan, Ones-heiin Bide. LOTS FOR 8ALL.

HIGHLAND ADDITION Very desirable building lot in Highland Addition to Normsi for ssls or exchange; 76-loot east frontage, pavement, gas, sewer, water; all imprjvementa paiad for; fine location in one of -ho city's best residence sectiona; will be sold right. Address 113, care I'antigrspb HOVEY AVE. Between Park snd Fell avenue; Mivlrf Call FARM LANDS FOR SALE. Illinois. CORN FARM BARGAINS.

80 acres; fair improvements; 4 milea to market; all level, black loam soil; price 2I0. 120 seres, sll level, black loam, not a foot of waste land; near school, market; fair improvements; for short time. 120 seres, l'i miles from msrket; ford Hit; a small amount slightly roiling; fslr Improvements; s-'iO. 1 have several large farms, 800, 44, 20, fiO, 200, SOU, 383, 370, several lflO'S, any size you wiah down to 10-acre tracts. Wbst bsve you for ssle? let me hear from you.

If yon wish a good farm let me show you some of the best ths stats sffords. A. BAILEY, Uroy, 111. FOR SALE: 4 ILLINOIS FARMS AS FOLLOWS: liiO acres at I1S per sere; 211 acres st S1.I4 per sere; S2 seres st 81'SJ per acre; Iti3 seres st $125 per sere; House snd bsrn on ea h. Rich first bottom ILLINOIS VALLEY LAND In com snd wheat, Main line C.

and A. Railroad. 3 miles irom elevators and town. One-fifth, down and ttn yesrs' time on the balance. 90 percent of land now in crop.

Address, E. Brown, Hill-view, I1L T.Uj IMPROVED and well located 86 seres rich, level soil for sale; 60 seres of growing wheat; on stste euto mad tietiveen snd St. Louis; new 9-room bouse, cow bsm, granary snd new silo. Addreaa John killebrew, Jrrss ille, Rout 4. It SO 1 4 -r i swS7i-eissesj coiiit -s.

Oil I I i. PlI.IHM, 1 SrSWS (jij(VK An experienced cook; no laundry work; good wages. Phone 643 or call st 407 E. irove DISH A SI I ER Apply Cafeteria. G1RI, for folding.

Ceo. IT. Adams, Printer, 19 N- Main. C.IRI-Tivo girls wanted st The Model Laundry. orltl.H Bloominyton Soft Wsler Uundry.

GIRLS wanted to sew. Apply a W. Klemm -Wholesale. 812 N. Center.

OIRLS wanted Brokaw HospitaL HOUSKWORK G'rl wanted for general houso- work. Mrs. George 1'. Dick, 70S E. Walnut; phone HOUSEWORK Girl Wanteil to assist with housework in modern home, country, not far i from town.

Phone 1410-X. HOUSEWORK Experienced girl in small family; no waalnng or ironing; best of wages. ei7 K. Washington. HOUSr.VWiHK Competent, reliable girl for general bouseworit; no washing or cooking.

Apply at once, tvti N. Prairie. HOI. SLU tilth Girl for general housework; vnall farmtv: good vvaires. E.

Chestnut. MAID and cook wanted at. Hamilton Hotel. E.MM III Vi waited, a woman to do plain Ait1 fl' Ed-lr Klilf. V'tSHWOMAV for waihii.g and for part of t.

ifonini. Einlorh Kit 1-.

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