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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

2 IILOOMINOTON, ILL, WMDNlDAY MOKMMJ, MAWMI 31, WIIOLI. NUMHKK VA.ML VOL n. tvnry. Tha lumbar brt mart pwlllJ LiULil'uiilui bate thvif lumM TOKXADO TEHKOBS, DIKES GIVE WAY VOTE ON TARIFF BILL daaUMt bent ol despair to save llieif liou.e end properly I lie a hole machinary of lha laU aid of the Illinois Centra! la be! eg bruugbl luta pisv II la enrrenttv retiMt tniilght Uial lha levee) In ft of to jtnla rln le. In Arkanaa.

I bikea If llila true ail acr of fertile i-otton laud Will ba fl.nded by nrnlng Keirt frnin Vlcklurg. Ilelana, lir.wn Villa aad other town on Iba lower i-tM iuw that tba river la rising wltu la rroaatng rapelily. BUKNIUTO DIATH, fan teaal laee Their I4aa la Apart ei lluaaa. Nw March A firs heekaonl Ibia afternraia In Iba apai Intent bnuee 61 Weal street. Four perwins, who wera oa lbs top fljor.

Were burned to deatn. Ta nttn. hU(H I I.IZAHCTH llFM II and bei MX Mo.MIIH I IIII.D Miv, H.I.K.N Mils llloMAH lUllUM.IilN. aaw4 brraaap labuf bra It waa fr trale la labor aad prolavtiua fur tbe aaaa Its asModssaat a-ftdla aa a4 alaa aa aa! nwl lBrMin tae rai Ltm at.4 lotb'ta taaalnf l- iMlfear lrm. Urn Ibaa tairiy an liutiaa la war MaM4 tba dull ahta lial al aft (MU im rroN pair, and iwr rwit a4 altrai.

and or.r thirty aia InohM, at) eaela, and at MT Cat ad a- Ibta Outrplrtad Ina Ooaswltu aotaad-anwiia Milllo aakad that roaitalttaa aow pro- iwwd to tba tHnldfSlt of lb aufar atbodula bvvaral KvwuMlcans ob)vcU4. A Mar a.tua oiidrsikMi of lb aval aehsOula lb liuuaa adjuuraad. THI aUNATg. IUm Makraaaa Hwium Tariff far rrw I amutliatlMial. WttMtaunia, Manb Alloa, IVpa-list, of Nabrasaa, aiaU a iivli la tba Sanala, luday, ba Iba bbuuasututioa-amy of tar' 9 Usaa bryoad Uoaa ruUIM for ratmtua.

Ila eaveraly crillclaed Iba IraaUand combinations, which aadm-larod rd lha anala advanUMra of tariff utea. IbaavuaUir arruiarks wrra Is tha aalur of a Incal areumaut, showing lha dll-tullnaal limitations oa tba taxiug powar ooiigraaa. la conrlusl'm tba aaoator aald "I Uar mrwlf on lha ailld aad lniprr-Usui ground that undar our ronstltullno ixMigrro dia not pnasna tba powr lo lal tba panpia lo enhance ins pnvaia lortunaa of tba few, and that lha ull mnasura of taung powrr Is rrnhw wbsn a larifl for venue, with lucid i-ntal prutat-iion, la inind Any ooottriM'tiun would irad to cunOaratiun, and Ibcidnotaliy to anfnrrad rapudlatlon, two worst of tba conceivable furma of anarchy and dlordor In a civillad alata; and nu a dwlorlloo, when carriaa lo is xrt laiat length, would laad to tha subversion of all ordar and tba rtgbla of per sons and property. 'Me cannot serve tna pmpia ana tna mooay iwar al the aatua litne. 1 heir In- ku are dealiy aniaaMtiistio.

noti ta for tha outnui a wallara la against tba trusts and tools." Iba tiouaa amitadmanla to ins Kaosie jHtltit rraxiutlon appropriating for saving life and property along Iba Mlssta- sippl rtvor war agrerd to and tna reso lution now voe to ina president. Tba Cbhao quaaUoo waa brought for ward a vain by alocvaa of Alabama, woo Druaantad a resolution ranoeatina the nrral daol lo Inform Iba haoata wnatnar latlars bad omo rnoptvad by tne prsMot and ina fnnrr chinf exo'ullvs from -po Maximo liomex, oummsnder of tba Cubaa revolu tionary forooa. Adjourn ad. ONEIOA BANK SAFE LOOTED, IlllaoU Tawa VUllad by C'rarksaiaa, VI ba karara ai.OOO. Cti.xoMi an, 111., March 80.

The one bank in tba village of Ouuida. a town twelve miles east of here on tbe Chicago, Burling' ton A Qulncy railroad, waa blown open by dynamite last night aud lootod of all Its cab contouts The town baa neither lights nor mlice protection. Most of the money Is bold la banks here and sent for when required. Yesterday there was in lha bank M.ouu, all ol whlcu the robbers secured. The men went to a band-car bouse and broke it oimn aud escaped on tbe car.

Tbe burslarv waa not dutoovrrud until tbis morning. Two men giving the name of Connor and Salvlne were arrested at tha Union depot this morning aa they were about to board a train lor I "eons A ruport baa also reached here of tbe burglarizing of a bank at iiiegaviile last nigbt In a similar manner. Ttio amount secured Is not known. Tbe officers believe tnat there were four men in the party and that Ibey are expert bank robbers. P.

D. A E. TO BE SOLD. -To Ba A no Jsdga Alias Makaa a Daerea- tlonad at Lincoln SrmNorm.n, March 80. Judge Allen, of the federal court, today made a decree for the sale of tbe Peoria, Decatur Evana vllle railroad.

Uuless the amount due on the al.7u0.0lM second mortgage bonds and tbe Interest la paid by May 8. the road will be sold at Laucoln by Master in Chancery Brown, of this city, about the middle ot June. LEB RETIRES, Tba Cnbaa Consal-Oeneral Receives a Cablegram. Chicago, March 30. The rrtomw'i Wash Ington special says: Gen.

Fitzhugb Lee, consul-general at Havana, has been notified bv cable that his services win not oe needed after April 15. SUICIDE OF O. F. HOUQHTON. Corning, T.

Glass Manufacturer Shoots Himself. Gbniva. N. March F. Houghton, principal owner of tha Corning Glass Company and reputed to be worth $500,000, shot and killed himself at tbat place today.

Makes Death Sura. Chicago, March 80. To make sure of his death Reginald V. Schuyler, 19 years of age, swallowed a bottle of carbolic acid, turned on the gas in his room and then cut his throat with a razor. An examination of the body was made and It was fouud that eithor of the mothods he bad adopted would have ended in death.

it actor Bids Adieu. Pontiao, 111., March 80. Special. Hector Wilson, of the Episcopal Grace church, bade adieu to many Pontiao friends today, tie leaves tomorrow morning for Chicago, where he will assist the rector of Trinity church. Boathern Merchant Falls.

HouonTow, March 30. Richard M. Hoar, mayor of Houghton and a leading merchant, has made an assignment. Rheumatism Quickly Cored-Aftor having been confined to the house for eleven days and paying out 925 in doctor bills without beneiit. Mr.

Frank Dolson, of Sault Ste. Marie, was cured by one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm costing 25 cents and haa not since been troubled with that complaint. For sale by Corn Belt Drug W. W. Marmon, J.

M. Miller, C. F. Gaffron, A. N.

Kinehart, Bloomington R. It. Enlow, Normal. F. motis.

Tit Town of Chandiai, Oklahomi. Comi.lclnly 0 Fa'ul Cydona. KASV KHUO AND MANY IKlURtO Tl.a Vmdtlorn Waa FoHowaJ by Ha'l, flood anj Siyg an Dak. nets. Citf, March 30 -Tbe J.ituntl Uulhne (Okla I sixvlal says: Al tbla evatiti.g a Irrrlfid truaJa, f.d-loar-l by ball and ftuud, swept through 'handler, completely devaalallug tba town 1 hroe fi.urlba of Ibe rcauleoo and il-bes bouavs rf wracked, or badly dim-efd Senra of people were) Injured and many killed.

Itatkimi al one cam oa aud tha work of revue was carried on under Ibe graataat diftii-ulliea Tba telephone office was carried aay and al lo o'clock tonight a telephone waa entitle ted wlih the wire two miles away anJ a irnaun sul bora for assistant. Cp Ut Ibal lima, Mr and Mrs. Woodman, Mrs Henry MiU holl, Mrs Tboi-iaa Smith. Alt-irnoy John lieeaoo aud two unknown persons were found dead uiiy l'i were known to be badly Injured Mr llmery Fmlerand baby are thought to io falaily burl. 'handler la a town of ppia.

Ills built ou a bill in the thick limber and the maea of torn trees and wracked bouses make II ImpoMtble lo reach tbe injured la In the dark. Ou every side can ba heard groans and tries for help. A number of pliyalciana and other citizens bave left here for the acvue. A later meaaagn tla tea that a number of people known to have been In the bualnma building are mlaslng and It is feared they are dead under the ruins The state ut aSaira will not be kuowo until daylight. It la re.rlod thai only two building are l-ft standing-tbe Mitchell bote! and Ibe Grand Island grocery slora.

Hanaas alarm nwepl. Tee. Kiss I itt, March 30 Iieports re ceived Indicate thai tha cyclone which destroyed the town of Chandler, to night, also passed across Kansas, though dnatnictiva force Ilarton an h'loreuoe, hansa. report that a aevere windatorra blew down several frame build ing. lloml and Wichita also ruirl heavy rain aud wind.

MAY BB BRECKENRIDOE. Lleven Ballot al Frankfort railed to laet Henalor. March .10. The rwnlng rx( of Fraukfort, says that all during the morning prior to the noon hour at which the joint ballot for United States senator was taken the city waa full of sup pressed excitement. It waa generally uu derstood that tbe Kopublican nominee, Dr.

W. G. Hunter, would make a final effort today to win the race aud although the bolters no inhered seven instead of six, be onlv lacked three voles. Honors of bribery and corruption were flying thick and 'ant. It was assorted inal tbe Hunter men bought three silver Demo crats, while, on tbe other band, it was said the silver Democrats or the ililrd Con provisional district were willing and would vole for lluulor today in oruor to got mm ami his contest out or the way or Congressman John S.

Rhea. The anti-Hunter men said If Hunter did not win today Gov. Bradley or lloylo were sure winners tomorrow The sixth ballot for United States sona tor was: Hunter no, Blackburn Davis 18, Boyle and hlooe 1 necessary to a choice, 'U. There was no change up to the tenth, (iov. Bradley's mends on the iloor wore ready to spring him at the opportune moment.

On tho seventh ballot there was no change in the voting. A motion to adjourn was made aud lost, tne silver lenioorsts votiug with the Hunter men In ordor to give the latter all the balloting thsy wanted, i lie motion was lost laa to t. The eighth ballot resulted as did the sixth and seveuth. Tbere was evidently determination to elect a senator before tha joint assembly adjourned. The Hunter men were righting oesiierateiy, out a ureax lor his ranks was looked for at any time.

he eleventh ballot showed no changes aud the assembly adjourned. May ruse oa Hreckenrldga. FnANKroKT, March 30. In the sena torial situation the latest scheme tonight is fusion on W. C.

P. Breckenridge by tbe Republicans aud Gold Democrats. DEATH OF ANGUS CAMERON. Tba Venerable Ex-llnlted States Senator Passe Away. MiLwauaac, March 80.

Ex-United States Senator Angus Cameron, of LaCrosse, diod in tbis city tonight from general debility. Mr. Cameron had been In ill health for several months and on Wednesday of last week came to Miiwsukeo for treatment. He did not rally. Cameron held many minor offices and In IH7S was elected to the United States Senate, defeating Matt Carpenter In the bitterest senatorial fight ever waged in Wisconsin.

DEATH OF CONGRESSMAN. Hon. John L. Converse of Ohio Passes A way. Columbus, March 80.

Hon. John L. Converse, member of congress, died today. He was III seven months, was in his 70th year, and died in the county of his birth. He graduated at Dennlson University in 1649, read law, served as prosecuting attorney, was in the House and Senate of tbe Ohio legislature from 18f0 to 1BAS and again iu the House in 18T8.

Ho was in oongress three times and was a Randall protective tariff Democrat. uiawverjr ot modern years has been of greater btmeiH to manklud thao Chamber- liin'a fin Mr Phitlpra Arw. Tiurphm is Noiti of Inlawing Occutea WeJ F'orn Porl Central liilno't. fHACNtNTS Of THE MtSTO.TY Of A 0AV S'i0ui Acc'ilanit, Rata get of Des'h, Ctf'Out Happening, Polil'C i(J WeiKo. Ill, March -(Sparlal J- Mr.

Uislnfa, llvii.g thraa oil Ina awl of Uiwb, was lbrowa rnl the carrtag la which she was riding. Kulv aftraa, dll sting bar abuuMar and braahlng tba cviliar boaa Mia waa brought to tea ad a oW'turadjuUd tba Injurad limb. Atbllas tttaaalal lajary Tsui ls. March )-Kuoday fon-ouoB John T. IWI praparad lo lake a bath Ila waa lifting a large sled l4wkaille front tba slova, full of builisg wslr.

whna Iba bsndla gava way cauaii.g him to drop II. Tba) wetrr aplanhad over the far aud haad of bta 8U monlba old baba Maiding lbs faoa and ayas in a frightful aiananr It la baliovod lbs child eyrs i an ba saved. Il4 al Kaaaa. Ksrrs. Ill March no -Sclal J-Mr.

Jonathan Tbiraiaa Wooslry dlad tbla afmr-aooo. agadXl. Ila bad Ixwn ill with consumption for Mtvaral mnnlha Ila laavaa a young if an agnd fatbar end mother and aavaral brothers and sUtera. nlial Mlalaiara Maetlag. Ill March J- Tbe Hnptlat mlallrs ooaforcaca of tbe llloomlnglon diUrVl held an afwrnoon and avaumg s-lua al tbe Hapliat

AmouaT tha visitors Piwnl ware Itava Ford, of l.lnoelu; cuapin, of Normal; Htubtaml.of Ieitiigl4iu sparks, of Kurrka; HroomAnld. of lludaou; Liley. of Fairbury htainhoff, of Danvars: Chandler, of i'ukia; Wallace, of lirlavaoi Smith, uf Atlanta, Kirticv, of I'eorus; Howard, of I'J I'aan, and ifjJa. of liuupwaUHi louiorrow will ba bald the aauil-annual con veelioo of Ibe Y. I U.

Hioniiiigl'n AvclaluMi Thera will be from eaveuiy Dvclo luu visaing delegates proannl. aswalaaaoaa oaabmalloa. Mitahoba, March Spontaneous com boat Ion originated Insa dust saturated with liuacd nil In the cellar of Chaa Mraihman. 1 he Are waa discov ered in time to prevent damage. Hay frava ratal.

MiTAMoat, March SO. Special Mr. Abel, a young Gorman who la working on a farm west of town, came lo town Sun day, riding a colt. As be went to go home tbe coll became unuiauagaole, throwing the young man off, lauding hi in on bla head. It waa al first thought that bis nook was broken, but such aa not tbe caae.

Tbe accident occurred in front of the court house. A doctor waa at onoa summoned The young man waa taken to bis office, where be now lies In a critical condition I'ontlaa Democrats. Pohtiao, March 80. Special At the Democratic meeting held al tha court bouae last evening, it was divided not to put up a citizen's ticket in the spring elec tion, as was first intended, but to bave a straight Democratic ticket Instead. Tbev also decided to hoid their caucuses in the various wards early next Thursday even' ins and select delegates to the oity con vent ion, which meets later the same uight.

Endorsed Tim Beach. Lincoln, March 30 Special The free silver county central committee met tbis afternoon and endorsed T. T. Boach for circuit judge, and be will name bis delegates. Lincoln Republicans Lincoln, 111., March 80.

Special. Re publicans meet in convention, for the pur pose of nominating city officers, April 8, In the evening, at the court bouse. Ward moelinga Thursday, for the nomination of aldermen. The situation today Indicates K. Hill as the Republican candidate.

D. Turnbolt will, in all probability, bead tbe Free Silver ticket. rrohlhltlonlata at Eureka. Eureka, 111., March 80. Special.

The Prohibitionists held an enthusiastic conference in this city today. A number of prominent workers were present from other places, and addressee were made by Elders B. J. Radford and Chaplain W. H.

Holes, of this city; E. A. Gilliland, of El Paso, and O. W. Stewart, of Mackinaw, atate chairman of tbe executive committee.

Others were present aad made addresses. Must fay the Taav Pekim, -March 80. Special. The auranoe) agents of this city made a strung move last evening at the city council meeting to repeal the city ordinance that com pels all foreign insurance companies doing business In this city to pay a 8 per oent tax. which money goes to the fire depart ment of this city.

The attempt waa defeated by the counoU. rekln Republicans. Prkin, March 80. Special. The Re- Diiblieans will bold their convention to select their nominees for city offices on Saturday evening at Holland's ball.

They will select their delegates Friday evening, April 2. xne ueotwniu win uoiu taoir primary election Wednesday, April 14, when they will select their nominees. Pekln Water Woras. Pbkin, 111., March 30. Special.

At the city election this spring our citizens will have a chance to vote for or against the nurchase of the Pekin water works plant by the city for the sum of about 000. Hugh Crea Recovering. Ducatoh, 111., March 80. Special. Hon.

Hugh Crea la steadily recovering from his affliction and it is probable tbat he will again be in his office attending to business affairs within a period of six weeks. Mr. Crea is now In tha St. Eliza beth hospital at Chicago. -a, awnat tw9t9a t4t Campbell, merchant of Stafford writ on: urr.

Nw DUnrvrprv The G'eal Yoo Delia Land flooJtJ bf Gavattai in i tUg un of JOHSSTOnN HORROR MAY BE OUTDONE. Thoatandt of riood OounJ Peop CaugM and Panned Oatwtot lha lte U'ta. HOMES ABANDONED MAD RUSH FOR UU Tho mndi Upon ThoutanJt of Peopli VVo'k r2 With C'lt'gy Boin of Utlef Drtpair. a-iiwnaro. ara sfrr ara (eeer faaaed la M'lf tlttr wmllrllm: Omtlmi fae aatf (erafr-roar aaars fe Oaa, tamf erlaeg.

timr ami 4ra-sa rter a Ultra sfeaff and Ht4 tlttr aa rfaaa. Irmlfl SI. rl'mr mm rfsea Imm frrt sime SmlmUmf rmpldlf. Jmm I aawr t(ilstlpW raw t. tmul re Dabaaa aa rlrm sfigarfr and a nut fae ganger fa mt fa Co.

rae mtllMl aas Imllrm sfigaifr from Arose fa Imltm, mm4 mm rlrm trmm Hrlrmm tm Oilrmmx. ft I mtHtf tmt geegrr limt trmm Cmlrm tm Otlmmm. mn4 trmm mrmpmi tm Atmmmtm tltf mmotrn tmt eifreae aigk a'ar-aari mt mmf nretiea tmr. free Oaieaaorf fe SI. tmml mm rfaaa'Jnf mm attnrrrd aitepf mm tmm llm4 aad foa lmmt.

fa aa rasa aa tmm mmlmr raaiAre1 fS (aa af I mm Iff tm tml IrHI. mar I It liktlf tm trmm tmt aafer aoa fa lger. atrlom break In tm frtre eiCiirrrd Hklm tma af tort). If mt aoa fa mt Au. tralia, Sfapp's tmrnmimg aad mtHt, Mlt.

tm tltumllam mt arc I can. Sldrrvd flfremefy crlfnaf. UNTOLD DISASTER. Tbeaaaads of Human Live Kadaegerert A Mad stash tar Hafsty. Mls Mrch -The flood situation culmluatud toJay lu untold di- aater to the great Yan delta region.

This morning three additional break were reported. One was al Htnad'aland lug, IMIvar county, near Australia; tho aciind at Mound landing, tlfteeu miles above this city, and tbe third at SUipp'a landing, seven mile north of tba Mound break. The break at SlesJ's lauding is now 2,000 feet wide and tha lat breaks at Mound and Stopp's landing are now over two hundred yard wide, while the break below here on Ijike Iam Is about six hundred yards wide. These four crevasses are hourly pouring their torrents Into the bottom formed by the Yseoo river bills on the eat and the Miaaiaalppi river buuk on the wust. Ihoiiitands or ItoiHl oouiid iieopie wcro caught and penned in between tbe three liolivcr county breaks, and no communication cau lie had with them.

The refugees from the country this side of the Mound break report thai many families wera in peril of their lives on tb other side of the crevasse, as there Is ouly seven milusof country between them and Stead s. It is neat to lmKssible for all to escape. Two hundred and nrty towns win oe under water In three days and thousands upon thousands of families will be homeless. No losses of human life are yet re ported, but narrow escaie were numerous and the suffering of the a (11 ic ted people is great. i-Jvery lake ana atreom is out of its banks literally wea lth the bodies or drowned animals, many thousands of horses, mules and csttlo being swept away.

Homes and property were gladly aban doned in the mud rush for life. It Is Impossible to estimate the amount of destruction iu dollars and cents. Fvery town and village along the i mzoo A Mississippi Valley railroad is full of homeless refugees. Two-thirds of this en tire valley, which will be one wasto or wuter, Is a thickly populated region. GIOANTIO CREVASSES.

Mad Waters Hushing Across the Fertile Delta laads. Memphis, March 30. There are now three breaks In tbe levee that protects the Mississippi delta from tbe waters of the river. One is seven miles below Oreon-vllle, at Wayside, which is 1,200 foet wide one forty miles north of Greenville, at the bead of tho delta which Is over 1,000 feet wide and the third is opposite Ar kansas City. This stream is as wide as the Hudson, and Is covering the country for miles in the interior.

The water from the Perthshire crevasse tearing through the plantations to the south. The united wators of the three breaks will, with hourly Increasing force and volume, rush over the country and, finally, be thrown back into the main river at the mouth of tho Yazoo, a tow miles north of Vlcksburg. Back thirty to nrty miles rrom tne river run a number or lateral streams, wnicn empty their wators Into the azoo. Ihe whole territory from the main river east to these streams will be, for the most part, under water in forty-eight hours. The recion marked ror destruction is probably 100 miles long and from twenty to twenty-flve miles wide.

The country is a fertile region. Greenville is in great ianger. The water from the middle break will partially flood that town. If the levee In front or Ureen-villo should break, no one can conceive what the loss of life and property would be. 'robabiy 10,000 people are working with a UMSSM1 awl IMi condition.

The entire mass of lopm and ioe now lodged against the Wisconsin Cen- It W'H Bagin Tht Thia in Hoot a A'tof Oovnj Spawrhat. PARTY ftCLIXG RAN HlCH IN DEBATE. Dul on HJm it (a BantM ol 0a 4aMaro, im IN Kiltt rt mama fee's aall p. m. tmt mllammt tm lee MI fele atrtr I a.

a. aar oll aa flea at a cim la rMr. am aa iMt lf af left? ilttaMt Waisora, Mtn Party fcaling ran blgk the laatdsyof the tariff debate la ha llouaa. I'ullllral epaacbaa wara wlgd la at aver opportunity and thara as cotiilAUl Biamau rarmg lor political ad adage. The opposition, dirwlod lhair alTurta Mftr aa puaeible toward etirrluf Mp dUnmaloo oa tba Republican side, but lhiy stiordad oiiljr la eisUig a single Inatance of ravoll today.

Tlial waa on ibe uhjrrl of frwe aida. lha Ivmoeral praaand the qiiettlna of duly bldne fur lha brnrdl of tba farmer Villi auuh Igor that Hepburn. Kvpubti-can, of In was draws Into lha debate) and made a strong plea fur dutiable bid a. Ha demanded Ibal tba llouoa ba glao tba opportunity to aula on thia qunellon and thai every western Republican waa in favor of It. Cannon, of Illinois, alaa eve a qualified nitorw-meal to tbla demand 'l ha Kepublloaa loader defended thalr bill today with vigor Tbe aye and means oommllie bald lha floor with tbnir emaod-insula from 10 In lha morning lo lo tba afternooo About thirty live were offered and adoptod.

Among thera una mtttiug iraa of duly "bouk. aclenlitlo ap tieralu. chart, mape, olc fur ecleouno and educational purine. Aflwr that nva Bxire ttairaa of tha bill were raad. making twraty page In ail of tba IftJpUM of lha bllL 'I ho Deuiorrale displayed a food deal of amiPly today to irnt to an amondmpnl to alnka out tha d'(Trrolial on auar, but thT probably will ba frustralad in Ihla.

Tba only tnoliua Ibey may abla to arcura to vole on la lo rarommii wun insirociiona. 1 hl mollou haa biwn prnparwl lo lha ahapo of a raaoltiMna and la tha LKx kort anicud tni-nt to iutiand the duly oa artlclaa wnoaa (trioea ara ouoirullrd by truata or com bin a- I una uioiioo may oa nam oa nt of onlor under tna aot-cial order Tbera la aome talk of a numbur of Konub- lioau Totea being caul amtnal tha bill, bui, aflflr luveatiiraUon, It iwun probahla that tlio who uiay ba diauni wiiu par tirular nrot'Uiuni of Iba bill will line upon thu flnal olc, and that there will ba no brnak In tha Uepuhliran ranka. Anion the amrnumeuta adopted wore tha following: laprr not apoclally pro-Tided for, per rent ad ralorem; haU, bonuela, uubimched IS per oont liliiaohed 'M per cent; making duty on brushoa uniform at 40 per cent; linking out (mragraph ivu, Bxtngdulleaon oriental, lkTltn and aimilar ruga. Uinglny ex plained that tha efTnct of tbla anitmJinont wu to restore tba duliea of the act of IMH) on carKta. Uaanaad Tariff on Hldaa.

Cannon, Hepubllcau, of Illinois, prefaced til remarka ith tba dei-laration thai he waa for tha pending bill, ila waa not Ploaacd with all 1U features, lie had never been ulaasad with any ruvenue bill. lie appreciated that there must be a spirit of give and lake, ana lie as irana to say be thought that tbere could well be a duty on blilus, aa tbe impression waa doeply grounded in the weal that a duty on hides would raise tbe price of cattle a dollar a head. Slayden. Democrat, of Texas, expressed gratification that the dormant Republican conscience had been awakened In spots. Ho proceeded to argue that duty on hldea would be a practical benefit to tbe catlle raisers of Texas, Kansas and the Dakotas.

Dingloy defended lha action of the committee. Hepburn then came forward with a vehement speech In favor of a duty on hides. Hepburn declared that tbe wool interests were dwarfed in contrast with the vast cattle interests of the country. Iowa waa more interested in hides than wool. She marketed, annually, W.OOO.OOO worth of bides and not 10 per cent of that amount of wool.

He demanded that the ways and means committee allow tl aense of the House to be taken on the question, and affirmed, with poslllveness, that every liepuulican from the west favored a duty on hides. "We insist," he shouted, 'that the tanning and leather industries of New York. Pennsylvania and New England should not be allowed to stifle the demands of tbe west Vicious Assaalt oa Majority. Norton, -Democrat, of Ohio, made a vicious assat-'t on the majority. Instead of denouncing Cleveland on every occasion, be said the other side ought to be down on their knees at the foet of bis "perspiring obesity and ponderous ponderosity," thanking him for the opportunity he had given them to again "rob the people." Perkins, Kopublican, of Iowa, made a humorous speech of five minutes, deriding the Democracy and Its panaceas for the people's ills.

Henderson, of took oocasion to deny that the bill was tramed in the interest of the east. He pointed out tbat the west held the majority on the committee and that they were entirely competent to care for the lntorosts to which thoy were Tariff on Mexioan Cattle. Cowherd, Democrat, of Missouri, declared the tariff on Mexican cattle was a blow at the farmers, and the wool schedule also. In reply Dolliver read a lotter from Nor-man Gibbs, of Mt. Vernon, presldont of the Short-horn Association, asking for a duty of (10 a head on Mexican cattle, in the name of the cattlemen of that section.

In rebuttal of Dollivor'a lotter, Wheeler read a letter from Hon. Norman J. Coleman, of St. Louis, first secretary of agriculture, asking for an advalorem duty on cattle, so that Mexican stook might be brought Into this country for feeding. Hrucker.

Democrat, oi mienigan, uu- nounced the duty of on lumber as ro fr ntnTTsh. And thft tip I fHANK W. PALMER NOMINATED I hleagaaa haaiea far I'ablla Printer the I'resldeas. WHiirii, March 11, 4 tea Frank I'almnr a nomination aa public printer sent loth Senate al 3 o'clock Ihi after-bona General Palmer ws pu bllo printer under Ilia administration. and ms't-in a gl record lliat ba was linor-' fr Iba altlon not only by hi stale dele gallon, Inil by many senator and otbei public man.

PENU HkFUSEt TO ACCEDE. The laa Halaerf by MrHeatle Mej 'rae I.lHt, Peru, Mar-h an Tho leatir rai-i bet Keen Peru and the ('lilted Stale rrHct to the luipilaonmenl (It ICunaey an American sailor, is becoming a aermu matter. IVru refuaea to ac.le to ibe demand of Ibe StaUn miuialar to liberate Rainaey. tleealar Mrpubllraaa. Dm ti a.

Ill b-'W ISnrlal -Tho Kepuliluau primaries, tonight, declared II. X. Taylor f-ir mayor; John Reeve, clerk J. M. I ee.

attorney Mont IVnlweil, treasurer: Wairy, alderinan First want r' Voung. Jauitw Keefe. Third: AHrrt Aiumernian. Fourth; J. W.

KieiMlfu. Fifth J. G. Walaon, Silli, J. Irrakn, hxivenlti TEI.EUHAPHIC PLASHES Dtax, the noted bull fifhli-r al Pieilras Negras, waa mhboJ of t.M0,t0U ill bank bill.

In tho village of PlalnnVM, there have eight deaths during the week, moal of which were rauaod by pneuiii iina aud (It-alli came in most cnwt In a fuv days William Iannnd, of Areola, III who foil asleep ou a railroad track whilo intoxicated and lot an arm, ha brought suit set 1 1 it Ave saloonkeepers for damage of John W. I.lnvllle, aaaistaut lo ei-County Troaaurer Windmiiler, of l'aa county. ace need of appropriating county money, was given up by his bonds men aud place. juii. Dr.

J. W. Mitchell, one of the oldeat and most renowned physicians of eaatem Illinois ami Republicaii candidate last year for mem her of Ilia board of eoualiai ion. died at Mursiiall uf acute kidney trouble. Mrs.

Mary Giltrap, of Mexico, Mi, who Is very poor, has fallen heir to a nice fortune by the death of Patrick Dunlin, who was thought to be In muager clrcuiu stances. It has been discovered that hit estate ainouuts to flt.bho iu notes aud bonds. K. Italic), clerk at the Great North ern hotel, Chicago, was publicly cowhldod by Mrs. II.

A. Shatford, a former cashier of the same liouso, at 7 o'clock Monday eveuing. There were many 1 he affair took place in tho grill-room or the hotel in the liunement. Charles U. Gordon, postmaster of Chi cago, will take poxsession of tho office at 0 o'olock Wednesday evening.

Ho has reap pointed John Iluuuard deputy pontmastur. ml a young ou.Hiness man naniea iiaunit ns cashier. These are two of tho throe ap pointments left for the postinastor by tho civil-servico low. Reuben Richardson diod at Grant Park, 111 aged years. He was a pioneer of Kankakee count', and for many years was a leading Republican, until last campaign, hen hesupiiorted liiyau He represented the district in the lower House of Repre sentatives in lfiM and ISiti.

RopreseiitiitlveSpaulding, of Michigan, introduced a joint resolution providing for the annexation of Hawaii to tlie United Stales. Under the provisions of the resolution oongreas shall consent that tlio Sandwich Islands may bo erected into a new state to be known as the state of Hawaii, with a republican form of govern ment. The faculty of Monmouth collepo has restored nine susponded aophomoros to good standing. The boys had been sus pended until April tfo ror qoracing sent oi jroperty and insubordination. ine roaming spirit of tho faculty was probably materially augmentod in the alleged willingness of Knox college to admit tho suspended members, thus disregarding inter collegiate comity.

It is utatod that Presidont Mckinley McKinloy will send a special commissioner to Cuba in the porson of William It. Day, of Canton, O. It is said that McKinley wants an investigation maae or an the facts and circumstances connected with the death of Dr. Ruiz, an alleged American citizen, who recently expired in a Cuban prison. Consul General Leo is unable to attend to tho matter and this makes the appointment of a special commissioner necessury.

Indications For Today. For Illinois Cloudy weather and rain probably severe local storms east to south winds; colder by Thursday morning. RAIN COLU I sMUA Id!.

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