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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 13

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MASONIC CLUBS HEAR HARDING President Voices Hope for Settlement of Disputes by Conferences." WASHINGTON, May hope was expressed by President Harding, In an address tonight at a banquet of the National Masonic Clubs, that he would see the day when men in responsible positions, speaking. of their people, "could gather around conterence table to adjust their disputes." "If 'the peoples of the world can only understand each other," he said, "and if men in authority can only face each other in speaking for the several peoples of the world, there will never be another conflict to block the progress of civilization. Rasher than to. contemplate a conflict or' to enter Into, one, I would. rather sit at a table and settle it in advance." 4.

Admonishes Audience, In suggesting that the probiems. of reconstruction were. more serlous even than those of the President admonished his audience. that "It's up to you to put our republid on the straightforward track peace and constructiveness 'again." In a tribute to the principles for which free masonry stands, Mr. Hard: ing declared that.

'all America respects the Masonic order." have yet to see or hear or. know. anything in Masonry from first to last," the President said, "that has. not made me a better Gen. Pershing and Maj.

Gen. Lejeune, commandant of the marine corps, were among the guests; L. H. Troutman of this. 'city was elected president of the league.

and Atlantic City, N. was chosen for the 1922 convention. Resolutions adopted pledged support to the administration of "Brother" G. Harding; indorsed the movement to rebuild the village of Belleau an American France, and get 4 as "Washington's birthday." A' resolution calling on Congress to purchase Mt. 'Vernon falled.

after indignation had been' expressed many visitors who had to pay 25 to 'enter "the 'shrine of the nation." JUDGE APPROVES SALE OF CANOE CLUB PROPERTY Judge Carter, in Superior court 3, yesterday approved the sale of the club-. "house property of the Indianapolis Athletic. and Canoe Club on river 'near the Emmerichsville bridge to F. Wocher, trustee; representing. G.

L. Davis, Ray C. Fox, R. O. D'Albert, Robert.

Wands and himself, the consideration being $84,500. Only: one other submitted by G. 1. Davis, who offered to buy the property for $33,830.43. The receiver for the Indianapolis Athletic.

and Club, Russell Wilson, reported claims out. standing against the club; together with receiver's obligations court costs, amounting to about $32,200. It was the purpose of the new owners of the property to operate it: as high-grade club; where Arst-class 'dancing, athletic and canoe: club would be maintained. Approximately twenty of the old club members will asked to join the new club. The Isham: Jones'.

Or.of Chicago will the music for. the club's COLLEGE "GREEKS" DECIDE TO CO-OPERATE IN DRIVE The Interfraternity Association dianapolis, which is made up of representatives of twenty-stk national col-. lege. fraternities. having: alumni in Indianapolla, has decided to offer its cooperation with the movement to aid In-; diana.

colleges during the week. beginning May 22, in accordance with a proclamation issued by Governor Warren T. McCray. The made plans. to, a membership campaign in which It is hoped to enroll the majority of the 4,000 college fraternity.

men in and near: Indianapolis. Plans were made for smoker to be held June. 24, at which undergraduates from the various institutions throughout the state will be Invited. National fraternity officers will address the members of the association. The smoker' committee, appointed by Judge Charles Remster; president of the association, includes the following: H.

W. chairman; William R. Stuart and Bruce H. McIntosh. FUNERAL OF '61 VETERAN TO BE HELD THIS MORNING Funeral services for Dr.

Harrison. 1 Peaches, a civil war veteran and a resident of Indianapolis for forty years, will held this morning at 10:30 o'clock in the chapel of Shirley 946 North Illinois Burial will be In Crown HIll cemetery. Dr: Peachee died Wednesday morning at the ago of 78, after a lingering illness. He lived at .1468 North Alabama street. Surviving, aro a son, Reynaldo.

D. Peachee, and a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Roldy, both of Indian-. apolis, and two brothers, Mack Peachee of Indianapolis and James of Rockville, HOMEOPATHS' CONVENTION OPPOSES MATERNITY BILL Three technical addresses formed the program yesterday afternoon of the annual convention of the diana Institute Homeopathy at the'! Claypol hotel. Speakers Included Dr.

Lester E. Sieman, 'Cleveland; Dr. Emma G. Holloway, North Manchester, and Dr. William King, Indianapolis.

A banquet was. held in' the evening at the Columbia Club. Resolutions were passed ponding in Congress as transferring to condemning the maternity: bills now I America the very extreme of the now discarded Prussian plan of universal state control of the citizen in every. walk of life. THIEF TAKES RIDING PLOW; BURGLARS STEAL 3.

A thief with agricultural instincts entered tho barn of Joseph Stort, 237 North Warman avenue, yesterday and plow, according to information received by the police. The plow was one known as "riding plow," the police and could not have been taken without a team of horses or a tractor to pull it. Mrs. Madge Henry, 34 Meridian reported to the police that who entered her rooms some timo yesterday, took three rings, valued' at $75, from her dressing table. ARGUMENT WITH HUSBAND CAUSES SUICIDE ATTEMPT Following an argument with her husband, Margaret Tippy, 20 years old, wife John Tippy, 2731 Cornell avenue, attempted suicido by drinking the a bottle She of poison, according to police.

was taken to the City hospital, where she 18 expected to recover. According to Mr. Tippy, the argumont took place at nbout 6, o'clock' last night. Ho left home and returned at 10 o'clock, when his wife told him that she had taken poison. FIRST MAY DINNERGIVEN BY TRAFFIC CLUB The Arst annual May -dance of the Indianapolis Tramc' Club was held at the Athenaeum last night.

About Bev-' onty couples attonded. In honor. of the twenty-fourth wedding. anniversary of Mr. and Mra.

F. Butler, the board of directors presented the Butlor couple with a largo noral piece. Mr. 18 presldent of the club. The date of the next monthly banquet was net for June 2, at the Claypool hotel.

THREE-I LEAGUE. Torre Haute Moline 113 3 (Fourteen innings.) Rock Taland Evansville Rockford 12 16 Bloomington 10 a a a CLARA HAMON GETS $10,000 OF ESTATE OF MAN SHE KILLED. LOS ANGELES, May settlement was effected today by which Clara Smith Hamon relinquished all of whose alleged murder sho claim to the a estate of Jake Hamon, acquitted recently by an Oklahoma It was announced by 'her attorney, B. Champion. "An agreement," the attorney been 'algned between Frank L.

Ketch; administrator of the estate of Hamon and Clara Smith Hamon, whoreby, In consideration of $10,000 estate cash, she relinquished all claim to the of Hamon, the agreement recognizing A8 valid cortain 'rights the records show are vested in The said these rights were specified royalties and lenses in an oil feld and other interests, from which Clara Smith Hamon is now. drawing. revenue The attorney added that "present revenues" from these holdings were ample to take care of his client. MINE UNION TO FIGHT CUT SPRINGFIELD, May L. Lewis, president of the United: Mine Workers 'of America, expressed belief that "we are emerging.

from the most momentous' crisis in history and shall soon witness. a substantial Improvement," in a circular letter received by all Illinois mine locals today. The international union, Mr. Lewis intends that. there shall be no reduction in miners' wages.

Says Cut Wouldn't Help Public. are not unmindful of the many great hardships enforced. Idleness to the mine workers but a in their wages is not the solution and not bring any relief our people," far. Lewis said. "'The present condition can in rio way be attributed to the wage scales now.

In effect: "Our organization has maintained its solidarity and' discipline in what might be considered the most momentous crisis in its President Lewis Declares Lower Wages Will Not Benefit Suffering. Public. KANSAS CITY MONARCHS MEET A. B. C.S TOMORROW The City Monarchs come to this city tomorrow.

for a five-game series with the A. B. Last I year the: Monarchs finished in third place, tied with the local team, and 'are old-time rivals, Currie, their star' pitcher, hurled three extra Inning games against the last season, "Dictie" Johnson opposing him each other time. The Kansas City team has three stars In Crawford, Morgan and Their Infield. consists of Portuendo, 8 Cuban, at Moore, short; Fagen, second; Blatner, the shortstop, is one.

of. the -most valuablo 'men in the league, being a great fielder, good hitter and tast In Donaldson, McNair and Hawking, the Monarchs boast of one of the hardest hitting outfields in the circuit. The are making every effort to bolster the club. Manager Ben Taylor left. Wednesday' for Pleagant, 0.,.

in an effort to' sign the veteran backstop. Powell is a great recelver and knows how to handle young pitchers. Kenyon, big' right-handed Arkansas pitcher. col- also will report from the Baptist lege in time to get into the coming series. the' games played so far in the regular: league schedule the A.

B. C.s 'have won four and lost It looks' 88 though the right combination, 'hag been struck with Clark on the infield and Manager Taylor reports a great deal of confidence among the players. The game tomorrow starts at a 3:15, whilo the Sunday affair begins at 3. ARGENTINE PORT WORKERS. TO RESUME WORK FRIDAY, BUENOS 'AIRES; May -The under an agreement reached with representatives of the labor ora labor In.

the. port area. Work in the ganizations, will not permit nonunion major section of the port of. Buenos Aires, which has been at a inactivity standstill for the some port time as workers, a result is of expected to begin again the Friday. The was agreement reached for a solution of diffculty at a conference last night' between the minister of finance and the representatives of the various unions Involved.

In the more than 130 vessels In port remain idle. Several pasBenger steamers are among those which have been compelled to delay. sailing. As soon as. work is resumed in the port area the discharging of the United States shipping board 'steamer Martha Washington will begin.

TECH AND MANUAL NINES PLAY AT GARFIELD TODAY Toch and Manual will meet again on the diamond today at Garfield park. In the last game between these two teams the East side school 'carried off tho honby 4-to-2 count. Payne will be on org the. Aring line for Tech, with Baden doing the receiving. Today's game originally scheduled with Lapel, but the lattor school canceled of the Ineligibility of two of its mon.

Coach Black's team will put in Anal preparation today. for the sectional meet tomorrow. Glenn Gray. dash man, la expected to be the East alde school's big Jack. Velacy also in will come In 'for some consideration men entered the in hurdle, eventa, The Tech the sectional meet Bates, Blakesly, Carlylo, Coneway, Crowder, Davies, Maxwell.

Gray, Graham. Gross, Langlale. Lewis, McVey, Nipper. Snyder. Sommer.

Velaey, Wioderhorn and Woods. YELLOW HORSE EARNS REGULAR JOB ON PIRATES PITTSBURGH, Nay Yellow Horse, Indian who Joined the pitching staff 'of the remain Pittsburgh with the team Nationals AL8 this season, will a when regular. officials of the club announced that This became known today the Littlo Rock team had the purchase money for, Yellow Horse's' relen so. Barnoy Drey fuss, president of the Pirates, said. today.

the pinyera club limit" would rule. not affected Under the rule nil. National League toama must their. rosters to twenty- five Pitts- men by May 15. Mr.

Dreyfuss, only said the twentyburgh tenm now. has -Ave players under contract. PADDOCK GIVES UP PLAN TO GO EAST NEXT MONTH LOS ANGELES, May 12. -Charles W. Paddock of.

tho University of Southern claimant of four world's California, records, has given up plans to in the East noxt month, it was anraco nouncod Paddock had planned to run in An today. vitational mect at Boston, Juno nt 15, or Chicago, the Juno 18. Inability to Arrange his univernational Intorcollegiato meet slty study work to make the Eastern abandon- trip was 'announred as his reason for Ing the Eastern trip. WOMEN ABOLISH KENTUCKY RACE BETTING DANVILLE, May The State adopted Federation here today a' resolution urging of Womon's 'Cluba unanimously the 1922 Logialaturo to repeal the present state Jaw legalizing botting on Kentucky race This action followed a lively discussion tracks. on the subjoct which has been one of the outstanding propoaltions its.

before state the federation since it began convention horo Monday. PRESS OPERATOR DIES. MUNCIE, May H. Schramm, years 66 years Associated old, for Press more opera- than sixteen for the Muncie died'. at his tor home here this afternoon.

aftor a long Illness, Funeral services will bo held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The widow and four children survive. Mr. Schramm had worked offices in both of the. the Chi-, CARO an dNew oYrk ARSOciated Press.

REVIVE APPALACHIAN. KNOXVILLE. May 12. The palachian baseball League of several years was revived today Johnson with teama at Knoxville. Cleveland, City, Greenville, Kingaport has and been Bristol.

arranged. A schedule, of 104 Rames COLUMBUS HIGH WINS. COLUMBUS, May 12. high mour high here thin afternoon, 8 to 8, in baseball tram defeated Boythe Anal the Southern Indiana High School Baseball 8 8 8 THE AMATEURS SEMI-PROS and their SPORTS The Pierson Specials of Bloomington would liko to book a few games with out-town Address John. Schram, Bloomington, Ind.

GREENCASTLE, May, The 10- cal American Legion ball team 'will open its season here Sunday against the Coatosvilio Bluos. Greencastle Ladoga last Sunday, 5 to 2. The North Side Vota will play their. opaner at Quincy Sunday and will tackle the Seymour Reds the following week. All playors should be pres: ent at a meeting of the club rAday ning.

games. address J. 0, Brinklo, North Sido Thirtieth and Clifton stroota. The management of the 'Ill-Mose, ball club of Joffermonville would like to range games with clubs in or near played In Indianapolis. dress manager Hi- Moso club, Box, 55.

Jetfersonville, Ind, For games with the second team of the Connersville Reserves, address T. Dudley, 1119 Grand avenue, Connersvillo, Ind; team representing. Knights ot Pythias Lodge No. 56 will play In the new Saturday afternoon league under the management of Barney Wright. A meetIng of 'the club will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock at 119 East Ohlo street.

The Arlington (Ind.) Red Sox would like to arrange a few games away' from home. City; Edinburg. GreenNoblesville and Acton, preferred. Address Howard Hank, Arlington, Ind. Through.

R' misunderstanding the Now Palestine ball club will not meet the Indianapoils Lions Sunday, but will clash with the Morristown nine. The Riley. All-Stare will journey to Danville, Sunday to play the Soldiers' home team of that town. For games. with the All-Stars address 'Robert Jonne, 443 North Bancroft avenue or call' Irvington 0125.

The Capitol Stars, a local colored team, will play at Bloomington Sunday and at Greenneld for the following and 30. week. Address Games Jack are May 29 Brooks, 2631 North Capital avenue, or call Automatic 42-470. The Federal Athletics will stack up against the Mooresville Spectals Sunday. at Mooresville, "Ind.

All of the players Foderal. should build- meet at the east entrance Ing Sunday morning at .11:30 o'clock. 'The I. 0. 0.

8. baseball team has a few open dates for June and July. Hope, Acton, Columbus and take notice; Address Ray Pitman, 1144 South Senate avenue. The game Sunday between the Merits and 'Lafayette has been can.celed. The.

Union baseball team will meet' the at Riverside, No. 8, Saturday afternoon In. the. City League's schedule: Players. will please report -A8 early as The usual meeting will be 'held tonight at the Atlas hotel.

Southern Association (First Game.) Birmingham Chattanooga Batterles-Eberhardt and Gooch; Noel and Graham. 13 Birmingham Chattanooga 6 Batteries Morrison and Whitehil; Morris and Neiderkorn. (Called seventh Inning: agreement). Atlanta 1. Littie Rock Batteries-Markle and Robsinch and Land; Kohlbecker.

At Mobile-Nashville; rain. International League. 8 8 8. 8 CO 0: 13 Batteries -Perryman, Tipple and Smith; Winters, Reise and' Devine. rain.

Other games postponed; College Baseball Penn State, 4: New 'York university, Michigan, 7: Michigan Aggios, 6. RAIN CAN'T STOP BOILER MAKER BASEBALL LAFAYETTE, Ind. apite of the rain several days this week Coach Lambert has his baseball team ready for the gamo with Waseda, tomorrow, after. noon. The men were given a long drill 'in base running yesterday while today's a practice called for batting practice, base run-' ning and flelding.

Wallace will the game on the mound while Wagner will. saved for Saturday's in the Chicago teat, W. Fawcett will tho receiving. The track squad went through their last workout in preparation for the dual meet with Northwestern on Saturday at Evanston. Conch O'Connor had not decided this afternoon how many mon he would take but hinted that tho squad would be composed of about twenty-five men.

CASTING MEET. The Indianapolis Casting Club will hold its Arat regular Saturday afternoon tournament tomorrow afternoon at the castIng greens, College avenuo and Fall Crook boulevard, The city park board 18 constructing casting platforms and putting the greens In condition. These events are opon to all who are interested in artistic angling. THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR CLASSIFIED DEPT, Bell 4000 Automatia 3468-29 CLASSIFIED RATES: Per Line. Datly.

Sunday, Ono time :15 Three times in one week. .13 Seven consecutive .10. Situations wanted, 12c: per line, cash, order. Contract rates on application. The Star will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion.

The Star will receive Death Notices til 1:45 A. m. for Issues and 11 p. Saturday for tho Sunday CLASSIFICATION CARD. 1-DEATH NOTICES.






C--Apartments. E- Suburban. or Exchange. ESTATE WANTED. LANDS.

FARMS WANTED. FOR SALE A--Houschold Goods. B--Coal, Ice and Wood. -Musical Instruments E--Pet And Live Stock. F- Miscellaneous, MISCELLANEOUS WANTED, 7-- ANNOUNCEMENTS.


TO LOAN. AUCTION BALES. -LEGAL NOTICES INDIANAPOLIS BUTLER-WASEDA TICKETS ON SALE AT SPALDINGS Tickets have been placed on wislo for tho Waseda university, Baseball game Saturday nt A. (, Ayalding's, 130 Pennayl. vania atreet.

The game be played Irwin fold and will be called at 2:30 o'clock. TRACK COACH REJECTS CONTRACT. May 12-llal Id. dings, track and bankot ball coach. at Car.

Tech, today tendered his resignation to the athletic committee. effective at the ond of the present school year. A contract covering 1992. offered the conch, but Iddings rejected it. Haying he could not accept the salary mentioned.

DEATH NOTICES. EWAN--Anna passed away at 9:30 a. m. Thursday morning at her residence, 1541 Ashland ave, Funeral at remblenco p. 111.

Saturday, May 11. Friends Vited." Burial Crown HIll cemetery. LOW--George 080. 60 years. passod Away Wadnesday, May 11, at his home in Delano apartment.

Services- at the Planner Buchanan chapol Friday, m. Friends Invited. Cremation will tollow. -Jennto. wife of ilenry Monniger, died Wednesday at 3 p.

m. Saturday morning at 10 m. at Ilisoy, Titus chapol. Burial Crown HIll. Krlends Invited.

004 ULRICH- John 88 years. died at the residence of his son, Harry 01- rich, 3921 Park Thursday, at 3:45 m. He SL' member of. the George H. post.

Surviving Mr. Ulrich ATO his son. William Trich of this city, and Mra. Corn Ebert Berent of Seattic, Wash. Servicea Saturday after.

noon at 2:30 at residence. Burial at Crown HIll. Friends invited. CARD OF THANKS. -Wo wish, to' express.

our thanks. to the many friends for the sympathy and courtesy shown us during the death of our beloved wife mother, Mrs. Mary M. Sales: we almo thank Rov, J. D.

Garrison and. Shirley Bros, Mr. C. Sales and Daughter, SCHMIDT-Wo wish to express our 'sincere thanks to- our relatives, neighbors and friends for tho kindness' shown. u9 during the alcknesa' and death.

of our dear husband and father; And also We thank every one for the benutiful floral offerings. Wife 'and Children. IN MEMORIAM. HUNTER--In -memoriam of May Hunter (nec Barnett), who passed away. three years ago, May 13, 1918! Evening abadows are.

falling and we are all alone. In our hearts there comes a longing. it you only could come home. Many times thoughts may wandor to a grave far away. where we laid our darling just three years ago today.

A weary. heart had ceased to beat before we know that you were gone. You always had cheerful Prords, your smiles: we see them yet, your tender voice for every one. We never shall forget, for' all of us she did her best. God grant her.

eternal rest. Sadly missed by Mother, Father. Husband and Sisters. O'REILLY-Thomas who 'passed away 3 years ago tomorrow: Gone, but not forgotten. By his Wife and Children.

MONUMENTS, SALE STOCK SALE STOCK MONUMENTS, MARKERS. Reduced prices. Real bargains: BROCK MONUMENT Largest and beat equipped retail, manu. facturing plantain Indiana, 647-49 MASS. A'VE.

CIRCLE 1960. Special discount offered Saturday. CHAS. G. BLAKE the old and reliable designers and makers monuments.

and. mausoleums. Fred booklet. 108 8 Chicaro. FUNERAL DIRECTORS.

JAMES F. BAILEY. KREGELO BAILEY 532 N. Penneyiyania st. Homelike Automatic 21-650.

Old. Main 0250. -Bert 8., Prompect st. Phones: Drexel 0422; Automatic 52-878. W.

T. BLASENGYM 1625 Shelby st. Drexel 2570. Auto. 51-114.

HERMAN SONS, 620 N. NEW JERSEY. Main 0911. Auto. 97:601.

FINN BROS. M. 135 2176, A. Markot. 27-781.

FLANNER AND BUCHANAN Funeral directors to the people of Marion county 1881. Indianapolis Crematory Mali. 0641.1 "Auto. 32-641, 820 N. Illinola HISEY TITUS 951.

N. Delaware most modern funoral tablishment, with a service: and equipment that la unsurpassod. Automatio 26-664, Main 3680. GEORGE GRINSTEINER. Main funeral director, 522 D.

Market. 0908. Automatic 27-208. McNEELY SONS 630 N. Meridian, Main 3907.

Auto. 21-178. WILSON--J. 1230 Prospoct matic: 51-671. Drexel 0322.


Automatic 21-154. 1402 N. I11. Drexel Wald Auto. 2551.

52-11 Parlors, 1222 Union st. FLORISTS. INDIANAPOLIS FLOWER BLANT co. CENTRAL AVE, AT 34TH ST. We grow cut flowers and planta FUNERAL FLOWERS.



E. 8-Naomi Masonic Chapter templo, No, 131. Friday Stated mectinx In ning. welcome. at 8 o'clock.

Members worthy of the order M. Belle Cope, matron. Lizzio J. Smythe, MEMBERS the Ancient. Acceptod Scottish Rite are requested to attend the (1) neral of our.

late brother, George J. Low, 32. at the Planner Buchanan chapel, 320 N. illinois today, Friday, May 13, at 3 p. m.

Interment at! Crown HiM. Edward J. Scoonover. thrice potent master. Robert G.

McClure, secretary. PERSONAL. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern: will not be responsible for any debt or billy incurred by my wife, Mra. Mar.

garet Tarman, now living at 610 E. Indianapolla, J. Tarman, Shoridan, Ind. MT. JACKSON mineral water 18 an lent table water.

It 14 also recommended by many physicians for ita modical ertiec. Order Cago today. Belmont 0421. Automatic 39-821, HAIR DYEING and facial work A clalty, Done privatoly, day or night. Guaranteed wrinkle cream.

Years of perience. Formerly ol 8t, Louis, Ma Drexol 3239. ABSOLUTELY reliable, dotective work performed; reasonablo ratos O'Neil Secret Service, W. Wash. Circlo 5656; night phono, Ran.

6785-6069. SUGGESTIVE therapeutics. massage. Circle 7471. 31 W.

Ohio, Carl E. S. r. Helen M. Bunko, 8.

T. Swedish mARAnge, Inineral baths and eral Denison hotel, Apartment 136. Noura, 10 a. m. to p.

m. MR. A who went to Peoria. recently. will call 1206, after him interest.

VAPOR BATH. with massage. Clark. 1i bide. Lady attendant, Circlo 2576.

for liver trouble. Gibson Cordingley, 114 N. Delaware. Circle. 7374.

RATTLE CREEK TREATMENTS. Swedish massage, live and radio-active baths. 105 W. St. Clair.

VAPOR BATH. aciontino mARMAKO, United 9 N. Illinois, Circle 6032. BATHS of all kinds and massage, Dr Anna Kirk. 36 When Circle: 7116 Mahinke given and taught.

W. Market, Room 12. Main 8873. DR. DOROTHEA STOWCK.

618 K. BELMONT. CIRCLE 7497. BUT.PHUR BATHS, nn4 violet rays, Jennio Finlar, 10 W. Ohio.

Circle 8180. LOST AND FOUND. LOST or atrayed. north of Broad. Ripple; 'wore an old not of doR harness; 10 nano of "Buster," Call Washington '2311.

Reward. railroad ticket and currency. either or alivor matte containing (all. Randolph 3352. Keep currency And return hAg.

LOST Either on Fast Washington car lor on PentAylvania, Washington and Ohio, 8, fraternity pin. mond shaped. Reward. Washington STAR, FRIDAY, MAY LOST AND FOUND. LOST -Brown leathor pocket book, on Hiinoly street, between' Washington and Ohio, or Ohio theater.

Thursday oventur. Keward. 2206. Gold pencil, valued keoprako of departed: lost on, Oiney Boar Brooksido park. Finder plenas phone Cirelo 6698.

LOST- -Open -faced, gold, Elgin watch and loather: fob, Tuesday in 300 to 400 block 8. Meridian st. Roward: Circle 0449. STRAYED or stoion, brown and white male hound, Tuesday, answers to name of Bot: Call Webster 3204. fur nock pleco.

one pair glovos, lost. between town and Speedway. Archio 624 Capitol. LOST- Bunch ot keys. Return to C.

C. Cray Water 113 Monument circle. LOST wrists watch, works. Reward. Capt.

Scott, Room 506. Claypool hotel. LOST. Ladies' Eversharp poncil. -graved 1.

Reward. Randolph 7656. FRATERNITY mall gold arrow set with pearls: name on back. Finder please 1172. 1.08T.

-A box of Westinghouse tamps, on 5. Tenth and Call Main .1433. Ark. tor Lance. LOST brown purse, on College car, 4 mn.

Main 0756.. Reward. BLACK, white and tan malo beagle hound. Call Belmont 1513. LOST -Shell.

rimmed glasses with in Auto, auto tire holder, painted red: Reward. Webster 3956. LOST--On "South aide, femalo Atredalo, name Reward. Drexel 820, neckplece. Call.

Circle 4970. LOST -Package California pictures, Reward, CIrcle 4896. 108T blister lavalliere pondant. Reward. Drexel 1197.

715 Harrison At Drexel 8906. HELP WANTED- -MALE. BARBER. MACHINERY AND TOOLS. 1 MORSE 20 11.

kerosone 1 International Harvester, 25 11. 'P. korosene engino. 10 K. W.

Western gonerAtora, with switchboard and all attachmonts. These aro all as good as now and can be bought at bargain. THE NEWTOWN ELECTRIC LIGHT NEWTOWN, IND. SHEET STEEL WORK We make all kinds of sheet steel work such as tanka, stacks, brocchings, eta, We will glad to give. estimates on any work kind.

the SINKER DAVIS CO. GOULD and Everhardt 16-Inch shaper. 'Ind. Metal and Mach. 814 E.

Washington at. Drexel 7660. 6, 10, 16-TON Holt' tractors; boilers. Contractor's and rock crushing pumpa etc. Ross Power Equip.

Co, Main 6788. WE WiLt, repair. or purchase your old electric motors. VONNEGUT. M.ACHINERY CO.

Indianapolla, Ind. SERVICE PATTERN WORKS. W. WASHINGTON ST. Bank Teller We want wide awake Indlanapolla bank cashier teller.

caally present salary, Work pleasant and If you do not now earn more than $100 per week phono at onco to -Main 4470-4 COLLECTOR. A-1, to travel stato of Indiana, $35 per week: steady. work; $100 cash bond. required. Washington 0925.

Color Varnisher 'Color varnisher for automobile body work. Good working conditions. See Mr. Stafford. E.

W. Steinhart Co. Meridian St. at Eleventh. COOK, middle-aged single man proferred; night ahift, Cali Harrison 1028.

LINOTYPE operator in about two weeks; permanent placo: good pay; conditions good. Dally Times, Brazil, Ind. MECHANIC. one -having some motal pat.torn and toolroom, bench oxperience. Address AG No.

492. Star. MOTOR TRANSPORT 0 MEN' WANTED Largo concern has steady Long time contract, Ideal' working conditions, big 'pay for high-class mon to drive their own trucks. Splendid Income with comparatively small Investment. ment, Excolient you own opportunities a good for two con truck or will buy one, this 18 YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY Give full details your employment part three years, whether married or single, age, nationality, etc.

Three references, to your capabilities and intoxrity. Write today for Interview. Address AG No. 239, TIMEKEEPER for building contractor, Stato experience, reference, Balary pected and telephone number. Address AG No.

491, Star. MEN wanted for administrative staff, Quartermaster Indiana National Guard. School in bookkeeping, accounting and business administration: Taught by competent instructors. Classes held once each week. You will he paid while learning.

Call at Armory, 16th and Senate--Friday evening 7 to 9. Wanted--A Big Man A largo Illinois manufacturer, whom. plant covers nearly. acres, connection with A live buniness mAn to CAtablish him In An extremely prontable business which can. bo operatod in any city of 35,000 population and upward.

Your income SERI start immediately and the pronta should range from $25,000 to $75.000 per year. You will be required top Anance end of the business 'and you will control: the expenditure of the money von invest. Not often 13 9 profitable busineas propo. fon like this: open. but si bellove ft to our bout Interest.

owing to the nature of the business. to Interest. local bust. DOR8 man in each city, who will own and control hir business Communicate with' promptly and 'you 'Address will Rot AX No. quick 388, action.

Star. FirstMetal Finishers 1 on Closed Bodies. Nordyke Marmon Cd. Kentucky ave. and Morris st.

OPPORTUNITY Investment banking organization la of the of A man who is ambidons: honcat and rollable, to hell high -cride En Prefer man with experience: however. if you are over 23 and want to, enter the boat paying profession known, wo will train 011. Phone Main 2639 for appointment. EXPERIENCED, foreman capable man amali- for. work: In factory' operating doing light Write full' punch arrow about in latter and -mallont WARGS you ran accept.

portunity for advancement. Address 'AG StAr. WANTED A fow R004 house to hOURS Apply second Moor, 229 N. aak for Mr. Cutroll, from 2 to In.

afternoon. 18, 1921. Volcanizer 611 N. Capitol. NIGHT WATCHMAN for furnituro factory.

Give age, HELP TO WHOM IT' MAY CONCERN, We will pay $3 on all In taint in 30 days and 10 per cont commission on 1.1 cleaners. Closed personally by salosmen. Hubbard. HOFFMAN' ELECTRIC 168 N. Alabama at.

ANY Intelligent porson, sex, mAY earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for $15 to $26 weekly in spare timo; experience no CAnvassing; subjects Sand for par ticulare, Nntional Proms. Bureau, Buffalo, N. RAILWAY mail clerks are uttered $1,600 entranco salary with promotiona to 300. Postomce -clerks, $1,400 to $1,800. For full particulars and a special course of preparation call or write Indiana Civil Service School, 157 N.

Suite 207. Phone Main 0596. YOUNG men wanted for out of -town looting on Installment accounts: only those willing to work hard for advance. ment need position permanent: small bond required. dico Mr.

Corscot, Hotel Linden. LARGE corporation has opening in 80V- oral northern counties for competent men to manage station. Mon who cam: advance $300 cash For particulars 406 Sir. Burton, 305 Merchants' Bank bldg. Saturday only.

WANTED, first and second cooks for nratclass hotel: must leave city: excellent pay and working conditions: white or colored; state 'experience in first lotter, otherwise no attention paid to application. Address AX No. 354. Star. EXPERIENCED city rent estato InAn we car.

INVESTORS BANKING SERVICE PORATION. 302-303 Sake building. Of'T of. Come in and let un tell you how to make $30 daily In rubber tiro vulcanizing: -we pay you. 35 a day while learning it you buy.

Anderson No. 487. Star. MIDDLE AGED man capable of solling accessories and taking, care of garage. hours, 1 p.

m. to State expertenco and salary expected. Address AU No, 490. Star. MAN to answer service calls on light bloc: trical machinery; must mechanically inclined and have some.

knowledge of 1180 tori. Address AG 495. YOUNG man to manage established bualnoss, good salary to right inan; must havo. some capital. Address AG No.

244, WANTED, automobile top trimmer for work; must be exporienced. KINT? SERVICE AND MFG. 1035 Third Terre Inute. Ind. EXPERIENCED truck driver; one who has GREGO SON.

1004 Madison ave, MAN who can ropalr and wreck: cara; must be experienced. Indiana. Auto. An 436 N. Illinois at.

WANTED ANGLE man on farm, $30 por month. Address R. T. Brown, Huntington. Ind.

CHAIR shop, shaves 200, cuts 40c, shawer and tub. Now. Lyria barber 'ahop. N. Illinoia.

or call City Bakery, Union City. Ind. Cakes. work. WAgGE A $20.

Write WANTED- -Second baker on. bread and STEAM TRAVELER man for stone work 916 Harrison Drexol 0279. TWO. good coal shovelers. Apply 1026 N.

Sonate. EXPERIENCED boy for grocery. 506 N. Delaware: SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN.





If Inexperionced Chia la an lent opportunity toi learn a. good paying bualncas. Assistanco, given beginners. For. Interview 800 Mr.

Buchanan, 101 cidental bldg. SALESMEN, opportunity, big money, Call today Room 630 of P. bids. week: can draw monoy each day: something on the market and never sold in the city: no phone calla answered. Apply Room 208, Morton 'hotel, Monument circle.

SALESMEN, permanent connection direct with largo manufacturing corporation.selling ILA own 8 per cent first mortgage, gold bonda, liberal commiasion for high-. grade man. 'Phone 8800. BALES Preferably with auto for our -advertised, InK real estate subdivisions. BIg money for live wires.

760-62 Bankers' Trust bids. Main 1409, SALESMEN- coupon; always thing now. National Studio, N. sylvania. Will $200 Help You? Live salesmen can 'earn big money arilIng our high well-advertised, fastselling proposition.

Interosted. No atocka or bonds. We help those willIng to work. No experience necessary. Work all or part time.

You may a8 well Kot of this big money; Anuwor, quickly, 760-62 Bankora Trust Main 1409. ATTENTION SALESMEN. If you have IMAGINATION, EN1 THUSIASM AND COURAGE, 'aro In the neighborhood of 40 and an a OPTIMIST, 11 believe me today, We have something proposition la right, come and 600 cAn ho gotten now if the you can well and anake $100 a wook and up: Ank for Mr. Wyrick, fourth, Noor Aetna 23 N. Pennsylvania st.

'Live Salesmen Make big money selling our high proposition. No stock8 or All cont rated by one' of. the largest trust compantes In etty. No experience nocosaary.

Work All or part time. help' these willing to hustle. Answer' quickly. 62 Bankers Trust bidy. Main 1400.

you are A honest. even Compared, autotnobite mechanic. one that. In capable of handling: me and know your buninoss, you can' secure. a good.

agrady portion forcinan. State WA preted in first letter: job 19 ready 4rn mediatoly for right party: married man preferred; 35 yearn of ago or over. Do not want. white collar man. A.

Moorman. Oak' atreet garage, Inion City, Ind. STOCK hero -la your nity to got in on the Aniah in salo of our common atock, in enterprise leads not affected by hard times, Good live to work and Lon, Incu for city country. I you are in the $500-a-weck clans And mean wo will be Rind to mort you. AG No, 248, Star.

devote full time to our own product; high tonalon Ignition -for (ford cATR AnA Fordson something absolutely new, 110 competition, manent position for those who qualify. Distributor Jenition 801 People's Bank bldg. company handling two popular lines of motor cars will ronalder ormanizing separate company the for tho of handling one Man with: $5.000 10 $10.000 and AL good. clean businea record to act. manager.

particulars AF No. Htar. HIGH GRADE. well appearing hustler to Interview auto OWNArA for A long established' 'organization, Must have referances. Apply Room 846, Claypool hotel iF you have or know the fundamental principles of Aleamanship we make you $5,000 to $10,000 per year man; rot out of the rut; no competition, tant sellor, factory operating: we co-operato, no mission split.

10 to p. m. Q. M. Carr, 216 Meridian life bide.

AT malesmen of proven sales ability with past. record to A INARt popular line of Mix cylinder motor cate. This 18 real opportunity for live wires. Good references. Address AG No.

242, Star, $40 TO PER WEEK Nibco sanitary brushes: unique: plan; cash or required: opening for salon. manager. write for SILVER -CHAMBERLAIN 802 Kahn Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED experienced collection agency, policitor clienta. to In work Indiana ritory: 4,500 nircady; good to high -grade H.

M. producer. State experience in reply. Box Warren, Ind. POUlTRY And salesmen wanted.


capital required. W. H. Walker, 134 D. Washington st, OLD- LINE manufacturer wants' specially sulnaman: Inuat automobile.

penae, commiasion and bonus contract. Splendid opportunity for producer. 1-3 p. m. Saturday, Circle bldg.

WELL KNOWN Chicago investment banking house has opened an Indianapolia, office and A tow Hu of the higheat charveter. 800 Kahn bldg. STORAGE battery salesman to. travel In(all diana 569 or Claypool man hotel no later than Illinois: with car preferred. Friday noon.

WANTED. A tow rellable house-to-house good proposition, new selling plan. Call to 9 mornings, ask, for Mr. Kool. .58 w.

New at. MAN with ear who can 'sell and prove real eatato; ARe opportunity for good man. See Mr. True, Farmers Trust bldg. AGENTS AND SOLICITORS.

ATTENTION, agents and mail order men. can build up a good buafness which will' monn an Income for Bond for free booklet of unsolicitod testimonials like thin: Fort Dodga, Sept. 23, Rheumatiam Herb Company. Dear SirsThe man treated with your rheuma. tiam herha only used it Ave daya and he walked.

dowatown two milos to 800 mo lant Sunday, and now. his wifo 18 also taking the herb toot baths. 50 you ane I got results the Arat. time. Respectfully, A.


ALTERATION lady, experienced. Pants Store. .48, W. Ohio'. at.

BOOKKEEPER and typist; experienced; permanent position open now. 27634, Star. COOK. colored, experienced. Phono Circle 1700.

101 E. Fourteonth, COOK, lady, about 50 years. 763-55 8. Delaware. COLLEGE woman or teacher.

Opportunity to travel In Christian work (Protest. 383, Star, ant). WIll assure income ARe one qualined. Apply fully. Address DICE.

AK0 35 to 45; city work; experience unnecessary: new proposition, never sold in before; $20 week. No phone calla answered. Apply Room 208, Morton hotel, Monument circlo. SALESWOMEN. We have openings for, women with lots of ambition and pop our real estate department.

Experience an assota but not essential. Our method of training and will help you succoed. tarestod B00 Mr. Buchanan, 707 dental bide. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, 251 general Walderaft N.

Tacoma. MANGLE GIRLS THAT CAN FEED AND FOLD. APPLY CITY HOSPITAL LAUNDRY. Stenographer Bevoral at $20; permanont positiona: no rogistration BROWN. OFFICE EFFICIENCY BUREAU, 210 Hume- bidg.

STENOGRAPHER, A-1; keen on lot of Apply in person Hobaler Motor Club, ninth floor Claypool hotel, WAITRESS. experienced. 361 ave, GIRLS between 16-18 years of AgO to Alet In handling stock: must bo neat pearing: personal references required. N. Pennoylvania.

Apply the third. office, Brosnan's, 21-33 HOUSEKEEPER on farm; one used to farm work, capable of the full ment of the houso; objoction to a lady with one or two children; $3 per week. Addrea R. T. Brown, Huntington, Ind.

STENOGRAPHER, -town position; town whore living expionsos aro reasonablo. FIDUCIARY 'EMPLOYMENT M.3343. 436 Lemcko bids. Eve. M.

7407. EXPERIENCED alteration man's and rendy-to-wear clothing; must be experienced. Apply In person. Monter Clothing 111 WANTED- Reliable Indy In every town, through Indiana to take orders for money maker known; no exportonce required. Write M.

Bow. man. 30. 8. Capitol, Indianapolis, Ind.

WOMEN over 18: clerks and typiata. for the For full particulars and a special course of proparation, call. or write Indiana Civil Service School, 157 N. Illinois Suite 207. YOUNG WOMAN- Married or mingle, 16-30 old.

to in for business Call afternoohs, 502 Lombard bids. COMPETENT woman to do cooking and downstairs work, referoncea: 25 Hampton Court. Circle 4525. WANTED- -AL once: lady barbers. Apply City Barber Shop.

610 8. Walnut' Muncie; GIRL for rooking and general good wages; room with bath. 2432 Central ave, WOMI white, to work in pantry. Apply Court entrance. STEWARD.

CLAYPOOL HOTEL Grief, tor general housework, wages: only competent woman need apply, 4423. GIRT, for cooking and general housework. Washington 4417. EXPERIENCED wall washer, and paper cleaner. Call Auto: 40-931 after 6.

YOUNG girl 10 asslat with no cooking. 3236 N. P'onnaylvania, EXPERIENCED waitrons wanted. Apply 26 COOK, white, tor Institutional work. Ran.

dolph 0782. WHITE housework: woman good for WARGA. cook And Randolph FORGET WOMAN for general hournwork; two in family; no Inundry, 1257 West. for cooking and carioral housework good wager. Randolph 9316.

WHITE COOK: references, amall family, 1610 N. Delaware. Randolph 1710. SITCATIONS WANTED--MALE. public accountant, experienced in devising.

Installing devices, pot manent connection 11 public accounting or Industrial Aria. 139x Star COLORED man and wife, fanitor work: day service and housecleaning; good prone Mr. Davia, 2131 Cornell. Automatic 42.786 REGISTERED pharmacist, 24 years' perience, graduate: capable of now employed. Box 27661, BY EXPERIENCED farm hand.

Address Bridgeport, Routo Box ATTUATIONS WANTED -FEMALE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. M. 3343..136 Lomeke bldg. Eve. M.

7401. STENOGRAPHER 3 years' experience: capable: rood references. AdNo. 340. Star.

wight years experionce. Main 2851. LAUNDRESS, frat-clade. with 34-117 reference; work dens at home. THE Industrial Employment Bureau Announce the opening of their omce at 715 State Life bldg.


COMBINATION stenographer and bookkeeper, five years experience, gOOd pornonality. CALL 1361. OR ran anawer telephone and can take mare of offce in abaonce of her. FIDUCIARY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. SITUATIONS WANTED--FEMALE EXPERIENCED bursa, physician's once, A11 cases taken; massago Circlo 3519.

INSTRUCTIONS, Royal Typewriters for. Rent rates Latest models; quick service; special 'to students. 1834. Royal Typewriter Inc. 401-4 Ponnway bide.

OUT of work? In and let. us toll you how, to make $30 daily in rubber tire We pay you $5 a day while learning you buy. Anderson Steam Vulcanizing 611 N. 'Capitol. and jazz piano playing taught.

RAG adult Advanced beginners course in for 20 players. lesspns. Booklet free. Christensen School of Popular Muric, 106 Pembroke- Arcade: Circle 3034. LADIES.

to attend day and evening classes of complete course hair dressing and. manicuring. Prices reasonable. Central Beauty Colloge. 203 I.

0. 0, F. bidg. Circle' 2161. MEN and ladles to learn barber trade, Tri- Barber 309 E.

Washington Indianapolla, Ind. 'Circlo. 757. 20 PIANO LEASON8 RAGTIME PLAYING Clark's 9 N. Ill.

st. Circle 2576. FRENCH AND SPANISH. LESSONSCommercial translations. Parle School French, 20 N.

Meridian. Main 3923. PRACTICE on A Remington; student. rates. Remington Typewriting Co, ROOMS FOR RENT.

ALABAMA, good aleeping rooms, to walking distance. ALABAMA. 1816 one modern room, sultable for two. Harrison. 2103.

ASHLAND 1603; completely: furnished housokeeping auite; thoroughly modern. Don't. call Sunday, dolph-0295. a after 6 p. BROADWAY, 2110; furnished rooms.

CENTRAL: FURNISHED ROOM. 6093. CAPITOL, 842 Apt. nicely furnished. front sleeping room, modern; private famIly.

Main 8507. DELAWARE, 1649. nicely rooma, with best of table Rotorences. DELAWARE, 1001 nicely furnished room, central location, gentleman pre-" ferred. Randolph 7717.

DELAWARE, 607 large comfortable front rooms suitable for' 'two or three people; rates reasongble, Nelson hotel, HENDRICKS pluco; modern private home; one or two rooma: gentlemen preferred. Webster 7539. ILLINOIS. 1023 modern sleeping rooms, MERIDIAN, 840 Knox apartments; beautifully furnished room, bath, two large closets, southern exposure; exceptionally desirable. MORRIS, 123 desirable furnished sleeping room, Call Drexel 5286.

NEW JERSEY, 618 single sleeping room; middle-aged lady preferred. NORTH 419 modorn turnished room, sleeping or housekeeping; gent: pre-! ferred, 6 Gullford. PENNSYLVANIA, 2030. front room furnished, near bath, private family. Harrison 2373.

PENNSYLVANIA. 2142 front room, employed couplo or business men. Randolph 5622, TWELFTH, 652 nicely furnished mod. ern, front room, WASHINGTON, 1826 modern furnished room, opposite Willard park; suitable for. two: Droxet 9394.

ROOMS. all modern conveniences, gpod mald service, hot and cold running, water and telephone in each room; weekly, rates (one person), $7 to $10.50 per week; weekly rates, two persons, to: parlor, bedroom and. bath (one or. two persona), $17.50 to. $21..

Hotel Linden. and New York sta. DESIRABLE room, north of creek, CAr line: Christian Scientist breakfast if desired. Box 27809, Star. FOR RENT- furnished room in apartment; easy walking distance.

Phone Circle 6692. CLEAN, desirable room, modorn, adjoining bath; hot water: private family; distanco. Circle 3275. BLEEPING ROOMS. $4 and up.

HOTEL ROOSEVELT. Capitol and Oblo. A LARGE, airy front room, men preferred; this is a frat -class room. 856 N. New Jerney.

Mrs. Hugh Andrewa. PART.OR. bedroom and bath, two or three porsona; $15 per week and up; Lorraine hotel. A GOOD outalde room with hot and cold water: every modern convenience; rates.

$6 to $10,50. Stubbine hotel. NICELY furninhed room. modern: with home privileges; gentlomen preferred, Walking distance. Circle 6818.

furnished sleeping room Brivate home, walking distance. N. Alabama. ATTRACTIVE room with kitchon privlogos and broakfast. room, walking.

distanco. Circle 6144. Ing. distance. 313 E.

Tenth -st. Call FOUR unfurnished rooms, modern, p. TWO connecting rooms, furnished, modern, use of kitchen, privato entrance, employed peoplo. Circle 1142. FURNISHED room, private, modern home, gentlemen or married couple: Main 7572.

TWO unfurnished rooms in modern home, 115 Neal ave. Belmont 1942. ST. 320 nico, large, front room, private family, Circle 1248.. NICE light sleeping room In privato famfly: modorn: Circlo 4988.

FURNISHED room for gentlemen or couple employed. Randolph 1193. SINGLE In modern homo: garage. 0833. FURNISHED room with private family; homo clone Circlo 4431.

BEAUTIFUL, clean, rooms, walking distance; gentlemen pretorred. Circle 2995. THREE nicely furnished, modorn rooms. Call Randolph 1035. MODERN front room; no othor roomers: :1 or 2 ladies.

Webster 8021. DESIRABLE front room In apartmeht; housekeoping privileges. Circlo 0523. ATRICTLY modern room: clone in; gontlemen. Address Ad No.

482, Star. MODERN front" room, $3.50 for one. or $5 for two. Circlo 5304. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS.

ADDISON, 231 three vacant rooms. Call Belmont 1080. BROADWAY, 1808: connecting rooms, clean, modern, furnished In Ivory; Ane location; adults. CAPITOL, 1102 one room and private bath. with kitchenette.

COLLEGE. 1440: modern private with kitchenette: $5. DELAWARE 2541 2 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping: modern hoine: kitchon privileges; couple 'proferred. Randolph 6562. DELAWARE, 611 two connecting modern, overything furnished.

CAPITOL, 915 2 furnished, connecting front rooms. DELAWARE, 606 two newly papered light housekerping rooms, one' single room, also aleeping rooms, $2. Circlo 2994. DELAWARE, 904 two nicely rooms, modern, private family. Main 7360.

DELAWARE. 408 2-room suite, modern, very pleasant. ILLINOIS. 3120 unfurnished, two. largo rooms, kitchenette: garage, Randolph 6064.

two-room apartment, modern: everything furnished: light housekeeping: $8 por wook. ILLINOIS. 814 three morern 'houndkeeping rooms, private entrance. ILLINOIS, 812 2 rooms for light modern, suttable for a aeries TIBERTY, 719 TArKO modern excopt bath: private homo: $6. MERIDIAN, two pleasant rooms; modern: references.

Main 7510. MICHIGAN, 120 2-room suite. ren: al sard sonable. NEW YORK. 350 E.

room exchange; rooms In all parts of 'List with Circle 1111. OHIO. 418 modern light housekeepins: adults. PARK 1655: suites of light housekeeping rooms. furnished: running water; STATE.

116 2 furnished front rooms. modern. Drexel 6376. ST. PETER ME.

221; two. housekeeping rooms. Drexel 2419. TENTIT, 3609 2 modorn rooms for light housekeeping. furnished or unfurnished, 2 large clothes preksca.

WALNUT. 425 furnished, two connectins housekeeping rooms, modern, 8366.. walkIng distance: no children. Main LARGE, airy 2-room aulte. HOTEL ROOSEVELT.

Capitol and Ohio, FIVE, nicely furnished TOOmR Randolph for 6818. light housekeeping, modern. FURNISHED light housekeepink rooma, modorn, Harrison 3194. ROOM: and kitchenette. North Aldo.

Cali after 5:30 p. m. Randolph 0541. housckocping rooms, modern; RAn TAngO. 434 K.

Michigan. ONE furnished, light he housekeeping. and modern, Maln 8597. 319 N. PESTiONE: housckeeping rooms, suitable not modern.

BOARD AND ROOMS. PENNSYLVANIA suitable ,2164 for modern. nished room, gentle. mon or business couple. Morning and evening meals.

Harrison 2917. (Continued on next Peoria 4.1 Image serial: 8959910.

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