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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AK7.V. IS CAMMKLL HISTAKEM IL PASO FAIR. MIW ADVERTISEMENTS. Natdral Fruit Flavors. A Batch of Iilvorcs Cases, Involving Several New Department.

A Krvlrw of III Hltnatlua Puggrated by KIMOX COLLEGE EL PASO FAIR. Charges of Merlous Import Catharine I.ufl, wife of Nicholas I.tift, AUUIUT 9', 18 TUKiDAT, mi mts liXOX MJIUiUY, USUI ACilMMIl'i UALESBUHU, ILL. states that she has been resilient of Tur.e well county for twenty years past. and reside TBI THIRD ANNUAL FAIR OP TIIK Recent Interview Regarding Pro. blbltlna.

To the Kdltor.l In the Pamtaohai'U of laat week we find the report of an Interview with Kt'T. A. B. Campbell, the chaplain of the Kansas rent-tontlary, In which tbla occurs: "Then yon do not bulleve In Ihe Pr hlbltlon parly mnv.ment "No. Indeed: It will never ancctM'd.

No auch Kr term opn Neptemner 7, with Increased Crstked eggs, warranted fresh. IS'tc ne tftttll li. Kxhiim-ii cirt it loim ly low. Km rahilojriH' or ullior itilDrnuttou, NKW, at (iormun corner Kaai and El Paso District at Dillon. Hlio has been a faithful wife to Nicholas I.ufl, and has been a chaate, dutiful and allectlotiale wife.

Five children la the result of their In arrlsge. Khe avers that he was poor when they were marriid, und now be Is well oil In nronertv In Dillon. Bhe North streets. Mr. Win.

Sproul returns his slnrern tlianka to hli uclghbors mul friends for lUulr Agricultural- Board Monticello Ladies' Seminary, action waa ever lak In KHiiaaa; there waa no swears that since their marriage Nicholas kiuauias during tun illness of bit ton UOIIKKKV, MADISON ILL. third party In Maine; In Iowa the amendment lllarri was not esrrli hy a third party, and lu Illinois It i'i 1,. 1 cannot be. The loiuiailou of a new party Is a regarded his mairlage obligations. He has WILL BR HW.D AT THR NKW AND The DeWItt county fair onena tin Md vesr nnena Hi'tit.

1.1 Prensratorv. Cull si' tXJMMUiJIUUB UMUUKUb AT CllnUin to-day, and con 1 1 mien until the 'Villi, been guilty of extreme and repeated cruelty It. Mimical and klim Art Ili-iiHrl militM. loca siuiiihlliig block lu the way of tcmperauts scull liiclutlre. Bee thelradvertlaeiiient elaewbere uieut." tion, HpiHMutmeiita (tiid in.triu-llon uu.iirim.iM'd Id the Went.

K. P. l. A. I'rlnt'llial, In tbla paper.

to her and growu more brutal to her. Bhe has been compelled for fear of ber life aud limb to leave the house lu ber age aud Id the above Mr. Campbell has pleased El Paso, Sept. 12, 13, 14 15. Jacksonville, III.

jyxi-nu Col. Harry Cmwford'a I.tdv'a Chariot and encouraged all the saloon men, will make regular trip to the temperance ninetluira durinir the day and evenlnir. It li distillers and brewers in the Slate of Illinois, Workmen are row busy enlarging our store, When completed, about September 1st, we shall add an entirely new stock of ZEPHYRS, GERMANT0WN CASHMERES, SAXONY, SHETLAND AND GERMAN KNITTING YARNS, CANVASES, PATTERNS, EMBROIDERY FILLING, KNiTTINO SILKS, CREWELS, and all necessary articles that belong to this department, which will be under tho supervision ot an experienced salesman. fWe intend that this Department shall be SECOND TO NONE in this part ot the State. He has pleased and encouraged all whisky the ffayeat HiIiik on wbeela.

politicians and all sntl-Prohihltlon papers Kef. J. T. Davla. of Normal, i -reached on $5,009 Ilf PBEMIUMS.

TRIALS OF 8PSEU EACH DAY On the Ones! baJ-mlle track In the State. 8unday luomlnK and evenlnit at the Old MOHIIAI PAHK (near Chicago). A Hoarding seek refuge wllh friends on account of threats of her husband to kill her. In January. be struck her three times on the head while in the orchard without any cause; also hrew her sgalust the hot stove on snmedav, ijurltigbr arm fn tbe fall, "(lid ek" kuocked ber down with his list, and kicked ber several times wltb bis boots, from which she sutlered great pain.

She swears that, In March, 1HNI, he picked up a gun that was loaded and threatened to shoot his sons, Nicholas and Peter. One night he kicked her out of hid on the sir: at another time school ror Ulrln and Younir Ladles, for cata-orues address 'I'HAVKU, I.L. Morgan and people, and baa given them fresh hopes (jf defeating tbla Prohibition "fanaticism" In Illinois. It can only be regarded as an attack upon the great body of Prohibition jown Baptist rnuren. Al llio close or ti.

morn In if service the ordinance of bnpth I was aduiininU red to Miss Norma Harris, 1'ark, ur 7t Chicago. lyllMuwiai A letter received by the Pantaohaimi of Klnchvllle, the orkers In this State, and, coming from a from Hur.orllg Republican olllcebolder of another state, and firm who iiuri'liused from K. Dillon oi Co. the THK GREAT BICYCLE RACE, Open to all memberf ot the "Leairne ot Ametlcan heel Men," will take place ou Friday, Hcplem-her 1Mb. A siierla) train will leave Hloonilngton for Kl celebrated Norman stallion, Hjlret, states from a professed friend of Prohibition, Is In bad taste, ti any the lesst.

that the stock raisers end farmers appreciate he broke a chair on her. Bhe, therefore, prays Ihe court to grant hr a divorce and alimony. The caae was settled by both par. iLcti uuiae, auo aie LiUi extcii- Hut It is the duty of Illinois Prohibitionists Urfl EiMr am Mw. W.l'fl!l(l for sdrvoyitiKi Knur in city nr country, wilt re Cfive prompt HtU'iitlun.

Drafting of Mil kind, l'ursportlvu patent drawfuir' pUI for court cunt's Ac. couvvnclii(. Npwtril attention tfheu to the (lintimtiu of farm and road laud. OllWe, oti no.iih iilc ui miimru, llret slaiiway vart of cuter t. myilyJl sively.

t'aso at a o'elo a. and returning will leave Ml Paso at 6 p. m. Ouc and one-third fare for the to meet all questions that may arise. To-morrow evetihiif lovi'rs of first.

class IN MAINS EXTRACTS. Prtpand from tht Fruits, with-tut coloring, poitonoui oilt, acidt or artificial Eitenctt. tlwnyt uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impurititt. Hart gained ihsir reputation from thtir perfect puritf, superior strength and oual. t.

Admitted bf all who have used them as tht most delicate, grateful and natural flaror for cakes, puddings, creams, ttc, tlANUFAOTURBD BT STEELE 8c PRICE, Chicago, nd Bt. LouU, LpM Tftri He-ma, Itr. PriMt (Vwua fektai tam49, mm tor. frt' Ibmc fivfluM. WIMAKI NO 8KCOND CRADf GOODS i rjuud nip.

A good band of tnnslc will be In attendance. minstrelsy will have an oiiportunily of wit they did not, and do not, need any third party. Hon. Neal Dow says: "lu Thu board have slways paid their premiums In all. ties Monday afternoon, when Mrs.

I.uft was given some beds and bedding. He also pays half of her attorney's fees. Mary Lucy Crocker, of) Mlnler, Tasewell county, asks for a divorce from herbusbaud, David T. Crocker, on the grounds of desertion, Bhe has resided In this county for ten years past. Bhe was lawfully married to David at Kmineiiee, Lognn county, in Feb nessing, at the C)iera House, one of the best entertainments lu that Hue now before the public as well as renewing their acquaintance Maine the law la the chief plank lu the plat Ample accommodations and liberal premlams form of the Republican party, and tbe Demo lor all kinds ol stock.

For premium lists and tnrther Information ad lib tbe eminent comedian, billy Klce, who makes Ills tlrst appearance In Ulcmliilligton cratic party baa repeatedly pionotinced Itself emphatically opposed to any law of license." If the old partits in Illinois would adopt i) ince his return irom tni'latid. Beau may C. J. NORTHRUP, PEOPLE'S BANK BLOCK, BLOOMINGTON. ores, we Mcreiarv, ai bi raso, in KIIWIN IIODUBON, President.

8. Stitt, Vice President. J. U. Bw.hts, Treasurer.

atill-Swftl Wai.tbh Bbnnbtt, Secretary suck principles there would ho no need of a ruary, isru, and up to February, 1N77, ahe lived and cohabited with him as his wife, and lliliil party here. tie oaa at ureen s. The firs'. Peoria excursion (riven by the second division (I. 11.

of this city was attended on Bunday by a large number both of Again It Is asserted that KANSAS OHTAIMID I'KIJIIIIHTION those wno were members or me oruer uuu those who were not. Biz coaches and a baggage car went over and all of the coaches (OI I.A EY (V CO. without a third party. The reason Is plain. There was no need of a third party in Kansas.

The people asked the privilege of voting on DeWITT COUNTY FAIR. REDUCED! during all that time faithfully performed all her duties, Ac bearing her husband's faults and errors. David, wholly regardless of his marriage covenants and bllgatlona, on or about February, lh77, deserted and alisenlcd himself from her and only son, Harvey, without any reasenable cause, and has not provided for them since, and asks fur tiie custody of the child. She also asks that she be allowed to resume her maiden name, Mary Lucy Ewlng, as before marriage. The Peoria and Havana hall gauie resulted In favor of Peoria, score, 'il to 'i.

were well tilled wltb plessure-seekers Tbe people bad a irood excursion and a irood time. GRAND BARGAIN WEEK. while the excursion was quite profitable to The DeVVitt -OFFEltS TUK- LAST OPPORTUNITY To visit the Ik'huIIIuI country on tho North Pact lie till! StftSOD, on THE TWEJiTY-mST OF AUGUST, Leaving Bloomington at 1 16 p. at rati very nnlch reduced, to the following points be-jnpud HI. Paul: Bt.

Paul, Minn 14.00 Crooks) on, Minn 96 Grand Forks, D. 23 66 Jitnuwtown, D. U6 05 Bluuwok. D. 28.10 Mliea City, Won 68 10 It must lie remembered Hint thin If the shortest route to above points, following lip the west hanks of thu Mississippi and ttvlng a Kiaud op-portun'ty to view thu beautiful scenery that the order.

Mr. W. H. Major, for lone while a res TO CLOHB OUT BPRINO STOCK I WILL lilent of this city, has recently settled in lluehanan, and gone Into the hotel MA KB UP, IN FINE STYLE, tbe question, and It was granted. And though the Republican party did not formally adopt prohibition, yet the Republican party, under the lead of a grand prohibition governor, did foster and encourage the work.

IN ILLINOIS the Republican party took just the opposite course. petitions were sent to tiie Legislature, aud what did it avail Just nothing. 11 was one of tbe largest petitions ever sent to a legislative assembly. We happened to be present at tbe time. It reached twice around the chamber, twice around the clerk's desk, bung In strips from business, keening a botel known as tne TIIK COUHTY.

jor House. While in this city Mr. and Mrs. Light Summer Sailings at yen low prices. Major were exceedingly popular from tbeir honorable worth, and the I'antaoiiai'11 Joins COL13, JVOISY sSc County Fair.

a nost or wen-winners in Hoping lor mem abundant success and a pleasant borne in the Miss Belie Miller returned from Ohio last BOSiDESS Suits, $20 lOTIDer DllCS, $25. Mtt. Davis, of Decatur, Is visiting her I Desirable Suits, $22; formcrlF $27. city of tbeir choice. Mr.

Major is known to tnousanas as one ol trie most successful boot aairta mo hulks or tne miner oi waters. Apply In J. II. L'HAHt, auir-im Ticket Auuut I C. H.

Mrs. Mrtcalf 'it. urn'd'from her visit to Ui kWUlM SOUS, $25l SOld DCfON at $30. and shoe snlesman on tbe rotd, and bis excellent wife endeared herself to all who knew her by her wlnsomencss, beauty and rare ability as a musician. Jacksonville and Decatur.

Miss Etta Hurch Is back from Michigan. Handsome Patterns, $30; cheap at $35. NOS. 100 1 1 1 EAST oftor thla week their entire stock of Spring and Bummer Goods at cost, and Iobh than oat, to make room for our fall stock. THIS 18 A GENUINE ARK-DOW advertlelnr scheme.

Bargains tn Boelery, Handkerchiefs and Cornets. dames Duncan started laat Monday with I n.u. in. nTTtTTnlT TT A TTn or a- FEW SHOE STORE tne gallery, be hind tbe speaker, and lay upon the clerk's desk like great rolls of carpet, and yet it was disregarded. In tbe face of that mainmoth petition tbe question was not, "Is It Does the public welfare demand It But "the question was whether tbe Republican party could atl'ord to lose the German vote," wbicb, we suppose, wss Intended to mean tbe whisky vote.

The ci-se Is altogether different In Illinois from what in eight head of his Norman horses to attend Mlm UlCoiS dlillS, BU1U OCiUlB 41 W. UilllXJjUlN, AUU. mir. jib win men aumiu n- I. srn, jirr order the Lincoln, Decatur.

Peoria. Chicago pane ot ipju, luiuimj tijj, ylOWEN A BIHVENHON. 116 N. MAIN-KT A Hue Hue of Hiimuler and Fall Hhoes, and St. Louis fairs.

John F. Trimmer is back from Missouri for a few days looking after bis Money Creek and a lull Hue or Ladles' bllppers, Juei received, either Kansas or Iowa. NORMAL. Ucv. Knapp returned yesterday from a visit north on the Central, Mr.

M. M. Morrison, of Mt Sterling, arrived in town yestciday morning. Mr. W.

J. McRaynolds and daughter, Stella, are visiting in Bpnngfleld. Mr. Wm. Blxler will leave the latter part W.

P. BOLLES, HAHTS ATTEMPT. At the late Republican State convention. Mixed Paints Bi Remnant Sale. "Itemanants of all doaciiptlons will be closed out at a great unrrlrlce.

the following resolution was presented bv interests. Lewis Layer, of Oilman, Is visiting the Falklngham hoys. Marion Moats and G. W. Howard will run tbe boarding bouse at the camp-meeting to commence this week.

H. L. Anderson Intends to move to Texas In Capt. Harts, of Lincoln: 309 H. Hear Phoenli Hotel.

That the Republican party Is in favor In nil dewirable shades. The parent and moet rcohomtcHl iMtd tn Ihe mrket. Also tVMt of this week for a visit In Kockfoid. of submitting to vote ol' the people ot the Htate of Illinois a constltulliinal amendment prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating 25, INCLUSIVE. Twenry-siilli Aiaoal EiaiblttoL Large amount la stock and speed premiums.

Speed contest each day. Walking matches and tdal race df hounds Old settlers' Meeting on Tuesday. Preminm-Llsts Free hy addressing Hli I 'lit LEAD at atirncttve prices. DR. JOHN I.

JHOUKK, DniKUist tnH-y N. fi. Corner Main and Urovu-sts. Miss Lottie Clule returned yesterday LOUDON'S from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Dr.

Crigier, of Uibson Ulty. II II It TIIK I' I. A (' I Mr. Wm. Chamberlain, of the class of MACHINE SHOP.

'Tli, arrived in town yesterday to attend the E8SRAF IBBN MTEDi The hlhost cash price will paid for scrap ron. raiit, I ton as and metals, at tho Chicago I run quarter centennial. a short time, when be sells out here. Sam Sands Is back from Chicago. CHENOA.

Mrs Nathaniel Brown, sister of Mrs. M. Golden, of this city, died at Hornellsvllle.N. August 17th, of congestion of the brain. They resided ill this city several years ago, and Mr.

Brown was foreman of the railroad shops of the P. W. in this city. Tbe Chenoa Caledonian club will give their annual picnic at Uassett's Grove on Thursday, August 24. Games and amusements of all kinds.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller have returned -Mr.

J. R. Gaston, K. P. Tajlor.

Dr. Hub Cole, Lacey bard and Eugene Held returned on yesterday yarn, jc o. binomimrron, in, jeJ-lim B. i. UhBALM, Manager irom a visit to uuKiua.

liquors as a bevurage." And it was voted down by the overwhelming vote of 021 to We admit that was not the voice of the Republican party, but it was the voice of the leaders and bosses of the parly. It was done at tbe behest of liquor men. All saloon men favored that action. It pleased all distillers and brewera, and, I muy say, dough-faced temperance men, who were willing to cringe like whipped dogs at the feet of the rum power. And now we ask: How can we hope to gain anything from any party controlled by the wliisky elements of soclityf The question returns, "Will DON'T YOU STAY IN TUEOI.D PAKTIES and battle for prohibition and victory?" STEAM FITTINU.


Mr. Clark Gill and wife returned yester day troin a pleasure trip to Blarveu Km Kan NOS. 109 AND 111 EAST FRONT-ST. Wliolesale Qrocer! vicinity, wnere tney nave ticen visiting lor some time. W.B.

BUNDLE, Eec'y, Mr. Farmer and son, Daniel, arrived PEWER PIPE. SKA EH PIPE. BBWEU P1I-E. A full stock of hose and plumbing poods.

All work done by first-class workmen. Orders hy telephone promptly attended to. Proprietor Steam Coffen, Spice and Hominy Hills. Fresh Roasted iioiFi-PS. J'romjit attenliou 1'OI'I I.AH NIW YORK STORE.

home Sunday from California, where they went on tne Caitiornia exclusion some lew lo country u. r. 105 A lt)7 W. lll(Mminkrti)nt 111 CLINTON, ILL. CLINTON, ILL.

weeks ago to visit tbe country. JSTO EXPERIM'JSTT. from their trip to Dakote. Noah H. Pike la visiting his sister at Lacon, III.

J. E. Crew, agent of the C. A spent Sunday at Carlinville. BIIIKI.IT.

Zenith Hall, of this place, was made the scene of much jollity, ou the evening of the 17th. The young folks, to the number of fifty, held sway, and neglected no means of e'ljoyment, not forgetting an elegant repast. COLFAX, Mr. George Frank Miner, of Shelbyville, E. L0UD0N.

Proprietor. Shelby county, 1b in town, 'having arrived T. P. GARRETT. Simply because we have tried that plan for years and it has utterly failed.

We attended tbe primaries, did our best, and then voted right along with tbe party in the interest of wbieky year after year, while liquor dealers and political bosses would chuckle at our Is com- yi'stcrduy morning. He lias ubout decided Entrance to shop, nntll new building pleted, Cof) N. Hloomlngtou, II P. 8. Every attention ihemn to exhlhltnri of I I.

Jc3 not to teacn during tne coming year. India Inks, Aud Crayons. Photographs, Water Colors, Charlie Oliver, driver for Bert McLean duplicity. They would manipulate and con took some otlense at Tom CKeefe, yesterday LADIES WHO WANT TO PURCHASE LACKAWANNA Artistlstlc Work and Consistent Pricee. COR.

MAIN AND JEFFERSON. forenoon, and knocked Dim down. He then trol tne party, and tne nominations to suit the liquor men, and then apply tbe lash and whip in temperance voters, just aa they are went up anu coniessed judgment, ana paid MILLINERY, Ac ins nne. I I COAL. I I now trying to do.

Liquor men can resort to A tramp, north of Normal, near the A really durable SILK DRESU, perfect Cashemere finish, will please remember that It Is no experiment In buying ROYAL KrrVTVlVItI vile memoes to manipulate and control conventions, nominations and platforms that On Thursday evening, while Mrs. Panta-grass, Miss Lizzie Green and Mrs. Hayes were returning from a buggy ride to the country, the team ran away and, in turning the corner at tbe M. E. church, the buggy upset, throwing tlie-n out.

They were all badly bruised, but cot fatally hurt. Tbe horses ran Into the livery stable after tearing tbe buggy to pieces. stock yards, tried to hang himself yesterday SIMM WILL X. BUDDUTH, O.D.. H.

IN TOW D.D.S. DENTISTS. OtrDDUTH MoTNTORII (snccossors to Wilson A Sudilulh). Dentists. Oltlce.

Uurley Hall morning, and, being prevented, tried to On hoard ram, or delivered in any part of tho city, at tlio very lowest nittrkt't pike. I represent the Christian men and men of conscience cannot adopt. Hence they succeed and we fail, all the time. throw himself on the track in front of train. Policeman Smith was sent for.

fie lllnck. northeaMt of Court-house Hqnaro. liloom was brought to town, and got over bis die DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WEST WHAT HAVE WE GAINED BY STICKING TO THE Inifton. 111. Kesldence, iilo J.

Jetlersou-st. OLD PARTIES gust of life, and concluded not to die. NOVELTIES IMPROVED AMERICAN SILK. PANVERS. ERN RAILROAD CLMPANY, In Illinois? We answer nothing, absolutely nothing! Where in this State did we ever Mr.

Frank Hall went to Chicago Monday THE DELAWARE AND HDDSON CANAL PERSONAL. with a car-load of cattle. gain a single victory tbrough either of the Mr. Henry Mussleman's finger was broken by accident this week. Mr.

and Mrs. Ellcy will leave to-morrow old parties? Now look at It. Over 000 towns in this State have had, at one time or an rar uiear Lake. AT VBRY LOW rKICBS, INCLUDING Dotted and EmhrolderedNeck Handkerchiefs, COMPANY, AND LANGDDN CP 'S MINES, Your ordrn tor immediate and future delivery. other, legal prohibition and so far as we Mr.

Sliafer left for Fort Scott yes know It lias gained every time by Independ These Silks have been on the market for years; have attained a large sale, and have lustly earned their well-known reputation by giving perfect satisfaction to all who used them. We recommend them to our fr-lends and customers with confidence. We have a full line at POPULAR PRICES $1,50 AND $1.98. WAI.TIIKK M'INTKIC, Jercliaiit Xilors, i ftfl N- MAIN over Poston -4 AQ -L t7 Hhoe btore, Blooiiilujitou, J. Respectnilly announce the opening ol a lull Hue oi choice full and wiuu-r samples clothing of alt glad emliruclng French ad Knglish ditigo-nals and llnr-ket Goods, C'ahhmeri-s ol all gradcSj aud buttings ol a lurge variety We are picpurcd tcrduy to visit bis mother.

Fichnes, Collars, Ties and New Laces. have prompt atieutioii. Ofllce, 4 North Milium. I Mr. Charles Ollis has returned from Chll- ent action; by independent vo lug; by a third party movement.

Thus it has been at Lisroy, at Lincoln, Atlanta, Gibson, Saybrook, Hey-worth, Delavan, Petersburg ami everywhere cothc. where be has been ou a two II. Ill SF.NSENEY, LATEST STYLUS IN 1IU8TLKH AND HOOP weeks' visit. 271m Hloomtngton, III. bKIKTH AT KUDUC'KU l'BIUKS.

that prohibition has prevai ed. Where did either of the old parties give us prohibition? -Hon. Win, M. Smith and family, of Lex- ngton, are In Chicago, ana will be at Home jno wnere! Bteiner, Stuckey dt Co. shipped 0,000 bushels of new oats Inst week.

Miss Kate Scbertz, of Hilton, Tazewell county, Isspeuding the week with her Bister, Mrs. Cloudon. Mr. Win Hodge, will visit friends In the East about the llrst of Scp'etnber. He will also attend the Cincinnati Kxoosltlnn.

Danvers schools will open on the 2.rth ol September. DOWNS -A CAHI). As there is a slanderous report going the rounds of tbe country in regard to Alvun Null aud my daughter, Liza's Holdurle, I take this priviledge of letting the public know that the report is without foundation, and there is not a word of truth in it. N. F.

HOI.DBH.La. in i And they never will, until they And that few days. to make clothes at very low prices 1 strictly cash, und would ask an Inspection ol' our styles, samples and prices. K. W.

Walther, foimcrly of Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Silk Mitts, OUR FALL GOODS temperance people are not to be trifled with. Miss Florence Wikolf, a noted singer of Normal, will be glad to wcicruie Uls lrlenas. Parasols, Fans, Moslm Dnoerwear Cbeuoa, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. L. ll Pitigfcy, of this city.

Mr. Charles DeMange goes East to mor SPECIAL BARGAIN. We otter, as a special Inducement to purchasers during-the warm weather, five pieces Ant. Guinet Black Gros Grain Silk, at 1,00 a yard; worth fully (1.29. Ask to fee It, They know that when liquor dealers say they wont vote for any one unfriendly to their interests, they mean what they say, and their wishes must be consulted.

And, when they 3nd that temperance people have convictions Are now lu otore mid oil the way. 1 on will Hull lu row. Ho arrived from Denver a few days ago anil will return in about a week. si. MILLINE ft FINE SHOES FOR LADIES and principles that govern their votes, then Lackawanna fjoal I I am the only party handling for the politicians wm respect and consult temper- Mrs.

Wm. B. Roney, of Peoria, and Miss A very full line in all the newent ntyle. CALF ance voters, and not before. Llbbie Fav.

ot unicago. ner sister, are visi ing Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T.

Roney. Wm. Already tne salutary EFFECT OF THIS TnlKD PARTY MOVEMENT Roney spent Sunday with them. cny irauc me Ann i nnonuii CAiSAh COa COaL, acknowl-edircd to be the best. FEATHCRS, BONNETS, kl.

RIBBONS, PLUMES, FLOWERS, HATS, AN EXPLODED THEORY. Nutritions Food. Tbe pleasure of living Is increased by a judicious selection of nutritious food. The Miss Fannie1 Bishop, of St. Louis, la a guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Henry West Front street. Mies Bishop is one of the Hnet musicians not a professional that is being seen upon tbe tone aud sentiment of tbe press and of politl al leaders. They are much more in favor of submitting the amendment to the people, and even of prohibition, than they were. It is independent BOOTH KOK MEN and thu bunt line of VALV tSUUES FOR LADIBW yon ever eaw, and not any higher-priced I linn poorer goods, jfvery i air la warranted to give satlsfac- tion.

Our itock of KIP AND STOGGA BOOTS For men and boys ia selected from the most celebrated makes in the ountiy. All honest, hand made and warren ted. IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK US UP. A few late summer styles lelt, at very low prices 1 HAVING JUST PtTRCtlASKD, In addition to true epicurean will avoid a diet not pleasing to this polate and satisfactory to his stomach. Large and well-known manufacturers of Bilks never place the name of a retailer on the end of their goods.

It Is sometimes done by small concerns, as an Inducement to buy of them. the stock already on hand, 1,000,000 ft. Lumber 210 HOLLIES 210 An Invalid saffering from dyspepsia who finds this or that gives him greater or less stomachic suffering, heartburn, should organization and voting that Is doing the work, and nothing else. And the more that vote with the third party, the more rapidly will the work be accomplished. bus ever visited our city.

The Pantagkaph Is Informed that Mr. Charles Dcmange, of Denver, who is visiting his brother here, is soon to wed a very pretty and accomplished young lady of Denver. Bloomington wishes him joy in his matrimonial voyage. Chicago WM. BONE SON, i.

o. SIMMONS. CANTON FLANNELS. I am prepared to furnish straight grades at very low prices. WEST BIDE SQUARE.

choose the ones less aggravating to bis feelings. The writer cured himself of dyspepsia by a diet consisting principally of soft boiled egg, toost, beef steak cooked rare, baked potatoes and warm new milk, using as a XI EAST HIVE BliUAlf K. miO-ylJ LINCOLN. MASON CITY. tTA larm itock of Hair Nets, HoJr Wavos I.

KRUM, uouueues. nwitcnes. always ou nanu, a Those economically disposed will And this an excellent time to buy Canton Flannels. We offer entire stock at summer prices. They will certainly be higher later In the season.

tome Lir. liuysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsa-parilla, a medicine highly recommended as strengthening to the digestive organs. ytmcs very low prices. Sad Death The Teachers' Institute -On the Road to Recovery. Mrs.

Davla, a lady who came here some UorreKponaeni. GEATEFUL C0MF0E TING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. A Balch of Town and Country Notes Political and Social Lines. Cards are out for the china wedding of Dr.

and Mrs. J. A. Walker on the 28th inst. M.

C. Vanloon purchased on Friday, at two months ago from Florida, died on Sun day night, after an illness of several weeks' TWO MORE NEW FALL JACKETS, AT $2.45, $3.00 $5.00 EACH. William Johnson, the fellow who the track of the Northwestern near Milwaukee, one week has been duration. She was burled at Union cemetery atnral laws "By a thorough knowledge of the oueratlous ot digestion and nu wnicu govern the on Monday afternoon. sentenced to six years in the penitentiary, at master's sale, the property on Logan street, now known as the "Colored Bee Hive." ouru laDor.

trition, and by a carolul application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Enps has The Logan County Teachers' institute Wa-Hoo TONI O. Grand Excursions The annual Sunday school picnic at Lease's opened for a one week's session on Monday NEW CASHEMERE SHAWLS nrovlaca our breakfast tallies wun a aencaieiy flavored beverage which may save ns msny heavy doctors' bills. It is by the Jiidlclona use of such articles of diet that a conBtltntlon mav be eradu- at the Baptist church. Superintendent Outtery Is president and Miss L.

Dyer secre grove is announced for August 24th. These occasions are the most profitable and enjoyable of any of the kind in this country. OVER THE VS CREAM, I.K.IIT III.I r. fc tAUIlllfAlu tary. A large number of teachers are in at Mrs.

Maria L. Wintou, of Batavla, Ohio, writes: "I believe I srffjred more from dys-pepsia than any woman living. Ifouud that no kind of food would rest on my stomach. My haClts were very Irregular and my general health consequently broke down. Several medicines I tried relieved me at first, but I soon got worse again.

I was recommended to give Dr. Ouvsott's Jfellow Dock GWTIAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND THIS The builders of the board of trade tele nnm Ann AT rnnivr UniOAUU OS iHilUW priTTTA HOT PRTNTS. PERCALES. F0UIAEBS. graph line through this place are putting up tendance.

Dr. A. J. McGlumphy, president of the university, lectured before the Institute Monday night on the "Cbaractor'stlcs of the wires. to the CEET0NNES, in new fall coloring.

ally built up until strong enough to resist evry tendency to disease. Hundred, of subtle maladies are Hosting around us, ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape many fatal shaft by keeping oursolves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Made simply vtith boiling water or milk. Sold in tins oniy Oi-lb.

and lb labcld. JAMES KPPS Homoeopathic Chemists, London, England. jy4-eody8 true r.uucatiou." His lecture was very able Some reports of a damaging character are ninTr-co OTTTTnvo and instructive. nnrl f1r.nthTrrr.nt MW JSAJl, JluaiAAl, xanv own being circulated against one of the candidates on the county Republican ticket by the A reuort was Quite current on the streets and Sarsaparilla a trial. It bas now been three months since I quit taking It, and 1 have not suffered any symptojis of dyspepsia nee, and my habits are now very 1 ailll DUWUil.

DAILY AHRIVinn AT- early yesterday morning that N. P. Fruit, of Lawndale, had fallen off a load of hay and broke his neck. Such, however, happily Greenback-Republican Democratic-Prohibitionists. This cailow polynomial party hereabouts would do well to heed tbe lesson given to their great leader.

Finch, by Lieutenant Governor Hamilton, at Bloomington, and go a little slow in their charges against those proved not to be the case. AUGUST 21ST AND 29TH. LAMBERT MURPHY TURK'S UfiNOVATUil. The attention of the thinking public is directed to the noteworthy fact that Fiuury's Wa Hoo Tonic has acsompticnod in the city of Springfield, in the short sutice of pi'- months, what has never-been done by any similar preparation; it has made Itself tde to hundreds of families, and has become a "HoUMeiioidFiiend." Jn that, time over bottles have been a Id at retail in the city and suburbs For the cure of Dysncpsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Kidney and Liver Complaints, tskin Diseases, General Debiii'y, it has provtd Itself infallible. By its ednmlative action upon the tttomach, iwr, pancreas and lactealtt the food is property digested and assimilated; by its direct action upon the liver lvni kidneys, bouets and skin, the poitons from the food and blood are eliminated from the system.

It is an alley of Nature, assisting in the performance of her func tions; hence ita effects are certain and irs benefits permanent. Fn'l quart bottles, Sold by druggiuts. FLEUKY MJSDICIN CO Springfield, 111. John L. Evans ana aarry i.

none, woo ave been so low with the typhoid fever for As complaint has been made that there area large number of clerks in tbe Interior Department who fraudulently claim to have served in the army, an lnvesligaticn Is to be made for verification. the cast week or ten days, are both reported POPULAR ho may be so unfortunate as to be for- as on the road to recovery. ninst" them. unrrrn Trjtn itti as vnTTnwe I Avunv-AMn viajj I a Mrs. E.

H. Bikes will move to Blooming Flour! Flour 11 Flonrlll ton soon, so that her daughters and three We shall now sell the Electric? Light at sons niuy enjoy the educational advantages offered by the Wesleyan University. Her TntiunanstuTitrA Hill I $2.15 per sack; White Loaf at $1.80 per sack. We are manufacturing the above from the eldest son, tieoige, has already made his mark as a spicy writer. Forty Years' Experience of an Old Nurse.

Mrs. Winsx.ow's Soo-rniNS Syrup is the prescription of one of the best female physicians and nurses In the United States, snd has been used lor forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the SS NORTH SIDE OF COURT-HOUSE SQUARE. A child of ratrick vinton was mckea a horse on Saturday, so severely that recovery choicest Mediterranean wheat, and guarantee it the best flour told In the market. Try Jimestown.

Dak. 25 0ft I W.W. Harmon fells Flnrfv's Wa-Hoo. Is doubtful. Hlim.H-k Iltk 91 1(1 I it and satisfy yourself, tiloomington Mill Mlle.Cliy.Uak 38 "0 PlifriHIt ft niTIMWaV.

ISSFBASCR lAEim. Company. C. E. Perry, agent.

child from pain, cures dysentery snd diarrhcea, griping tn the bowels, and wind colic By giving CHICA Ob. raui. muu A child of Lewis Watkins died on Bunday. More than a Score of Elephants. Not many years ago a single elephant Price In our endeavors to preserve health it is AUGUST 2D.

TJKOPEA TJOTEL, SON'S) AA CHICAGO. neaua 10 lue cnuu 11 rests tne momer. twenty-five cnts a bottle. Ml Baxter Springs $tSM) (LATE ANDERSON'S) of the utmost Importance that we keep the secretory system in perfect condition. The was considered a great curiosity in this coun WJfi HAVE in store try, but now almost every small tented exhi line of printed cnter ju, Th, thaeomnanles we reoresent have great age; this argues btllty.

The choice qnallty of their JlSSSi 15 be eonfnu. ch at a d.y.notl'c; this ar. and ability CSH mm to pay. Their admission into every State of the Union: this argnes proirrvBS. Their honorable ana cneli is to anceeMtal career ot man) years as "nothing succeeds like success," this bespeaks the continued Huron 7 u'.

h.v nnitmlid tur.iiltie. tor Dlar.iior larim or small lines on the most dockets for Jufltices I Dockets bition has one or n.ore eicphauts, while the well known remedy Kinney-w on, nasspecuic action on the kidneys, liver and bowels. Use It instead of dosing with vile bitters or drastic pills It is purely vegetable, and Is prompt but mild in action. It is prepared in of reace and roiicc 163 and 115 8. Clark between Madison and Mouroe sts.

HEART of the city, convenient to all places of amnsetnent, Lincoln and south Park, and all ear lines. Mnuagemeut, furnishings, all NEW mo FltNT CLASS, fates, 75 cents to 11.80 per vy. VV. J. KUHNH (formerly ol Kutin'6 iuropeau Hotel), Proprietor.

Magistrates, after I inn riut I i.v.,mhi. trn)H. Corresuondeuc BOltCiU'4. gieat Forepaugh show exhibits no less thsn twenty-one of ttee reastodonic rivals. They will all appear here with that exhibition the most anoroved or iiiii unrueiiiBr.

prices. PA NTAUHA KH Ticket ornos. k. R. mokuan, Agent.

wtft RATHAWAY. HiECe 221 N. BUHL ODD. 001112 I VTTlMIIIflSlOV MRHf'HANTM I VCOMMISSION HZRCHANT8. both dry and liquid form and at Id by druggists everywhere.

Heading Eagle, uiu-tr i BLIBHHENT, Bloomington, III. jeMO? August24..

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