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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 4

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ENTERTAINMENTS. NKld'IIBORHOOI) NOTES. THE TUOIJir.F A UMIY MMK 1 jpnntaflrajrti. WANTED. Titrl tod" general h- The ft HULL'S ')'. 'S. oxer L-. at tested 1 .1 ,1 'ii and 1J8INKSS CHJ1DE. la Itmt or Ut mndtt tht ii9 1 tBei or 60 MKfcI 1m ai mm nu, CuA ti .1 1.. 1 k-r UU't O.d t- 1 wrjm--" 7 iT3a si WOT fcrrcd.

n.lisoiiil.; l.emiait oi ANTEI II you want to buv or II second- hand tiirniture, or ood. of aiiv kind, call a. and Ka-t 1- rot It. Al-o bu ra- and metals. I or hand INH 4 t'O BOARDINC.

VVllAKlllNti-Two celillelnen, or eelilleniali I and le. can obtain hoard and lodi-irg at Ml W. Jellersoii J' 1)(iAKP, with room" adioh t- ohliiin. '1 viiii IT HI LOST. uM'-A twct.H Cold N't ween 1 l'mitairaph ami four Inin-e Hn.Vr will be liberally rewarded by ieiunimg him nltie NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.

CEIG1G0 IRON YARD rv. tJSno per ton for heavy cast and wroiicht 1 1 rem. tier hlllilred. PHOTOGRAPHS T. P.

QARRKTT, oornur Mtln and vo.p nrt tuoHt elotriint soen- itriwii-oto. ery iind nocwfworlfs Just reoelvort. tin nf haitdnom. tnrtin. 1 HAVE opened up at ill'.

North ai 4 1 will 11 a lull I 1', ctaity. 11 1 opy-11 The be.t aborted stoc't ol HOOTS, 81IOKS and lm1KUSlor.hel.-Mm,m.y.TEvENsoNi him Minerva YOUR MONOGRAM. rr win to anv ad- drers, tree of churue, 600 Delicious) Cltfur- ettert, earn lieauuiiiny 1 or name, mamiiaetiired from Vanity far tobacco. Also a small size, with or without mouthpiece, ex-presslv lor I'leae bu curctill ill giving direcuous. 21 W.

Sevi I'lnciiiiiati. 0. B. F. HOOPES, Wriole.aJe and Retail Orocer, and Proprietor Dloonilngton Nleam come, npice, aiwm; Koed Mills.

Headquarter, for liesh roa.ied lee. and all kind, of ground feed. Noa. and llTi West Dr. W.

H. EEINHAET, ETEKINABY SI'H- KOS, AT HAIv r. It l.iverv Stable, l.eroy 111 eYiipriellce. .1 avauy ur riner i Chronic rase, a laltv. No cure no C.llorwrlln.

pav. Sealed bid. will he received until i o'clock p. m. ,1 A Fi 1 1 1 1 1 si, I ir 1 11 lug the McLean County Jail Han.

and peel I ca-tions can be seen at il. A. Miner architect omre, where the bid" will he received and opened. The committee leseives ihe rlil to reject any and all Imls. IW order ol Hill.

diiit'Comnilttee. A IOC Cli'ili-noin. BROKERS. riimiurw.H nnr Hfnrc In 1 Tj nar rruunn ivti llilnlt'Hl ntvlf, hihI Inn- Jiint rcreivjMl Urire coitdi nnit-nt hjinkriipt utock.Hll ol whtj'h uill he mli! clH'Hp, Mr. alker bt-fii in the i.

1. .1.. .1 If I'hII hiii I't- r.Mfl MIHl INI- ttiiiint- l(r vuurM'H. thini; ynn ran UU Ti' I i I'l'm' 1 1 II'll. Ill IUIII K.

"iWltui ran moiu'v ruluudi'il. buy Hnylhiiikf in I lie 1 'u i 1 1 ....1 1 L.t nou' utori' liriiKtT- lin. van on'i nt WiPt WttHhint-'ii-Kt. HiLMi-lMHHiia wHtrl'i. null u.

i-'I'f I Illl I k1 I I II 111 IM A li fL I a i imn' city Bliss ttp AND SPECIAL SCHOOL FOB YOUNIi LAD1KS. ItOY( UI.O li. IH.OO.MI.'iTOX, II. Student, may enter at any time. Send for Col-ege Journal.

C. BAKER, M- President. W.P.MA Rljl'AM Se.reinrv. ovri-r HastemeyBr DRESS SDItS and WEDBIHG OUTFITS a SPECIALTY. Lsrge stock of tlie LATEST PATTERNS lo select from.

PERFECTION FITS, It II Fashionable Merchant Tailors, 107 S. MAIN MLOOMINOTON. I SaI.K of- nimmmiummrammmmmnimmmmmm mmm mmm SSS BOOTS SHOES EES uimtn to ui ui mujmuiuimmuiLuiuuiinuimraiamiamui Hsving agreed to trnnfiT my Rtnck of boot and phouw to other on Ihe tirft day of t'chiu-ary, 1 nbftll, until thht dtUi, offer fiitrial prices on all ctahft'! of good in my tine. Everybody inter-eted In buying bootn nd nhtteB will find it to their interest to come and see me. 0.

CADY.I iHS.SiSS? 1)E. II. D. FLOWEK, 212 West Gtotc-sL, BloDDington, Can be consu'ted im the treatment ot the lung moo-i-h. Iridnev mid coliinliiint-.

a- wed as all nervous ai cluoulc direuses. lir. K'ower lias devoted Ihinv-lwo veur- to the study and treat-ineut of chronic, diseases, snd has cuiecl inany thousands, and it has given him a repulatluu that FINE GROCERIES (ft US' UOUY a vi The Wedding of Mr. T. A Hialsy anil Jllss Cain Talks, and of Mr.

H. anil Mll.lli' Spencf. two matrimonial alliances were formed that for Hloouiingloii society have more than a passing Interest, rour prominent, popular, and highly esteemed members of the best social circles of this city refuse from the weary loneliness of the single state by joining fot tunes with a true and trusty mate, In the presence 01 warm friends and relatives, well pleased at their re- spcetlve adventures. IlKAI.KT-l'AllKK. -At twelve o'clock precisely Mr.

Theodore A. Hraley and Miss at Tie li. mrki ioor their positions in the elegant parlors of the bride's hume, on West North street, before a re few relatives 11 Del Very particular friends, ami in the presence of Key. Dr. Heed, pastor ol the Baptist chun who in words solemn and iippropriatejolned tliem In wedlock.

At of the ceremony, earliest con- Kratulutions followed by those pres cut, of whom there were mumi thirty. The bride, who is a cbanniUK brunette, wore a brown traveling suit of ladies' cloth trimmed In brown plush. The groom wore a plain nusinesa auiu 1 uioU1i.1t. a were bestowed II UVII Llio up the parly repaired to the dining room where were tables umpiy ourueueu mi wHildiiie- dinner. The Intervening time was spent in charming social Intercourse suttea to un-uapp.

Pion, and at two Mr. and Mrs. Hraley departed lor HI. 1.0111s, cxpecunif 1000 four or live days. lioUiniiuit tin will re-ide with Mr.

and Mrs. I'arke. lhis young couple needs 110 Introduction to itiooiiiiiiKton society. Mr. Hraley dales his resideuce in Blooiuington nine yeurs ago, being a native of New York.

He was then but a lad, and, cuteriuK the High School, graduated in inn! with. the (rood will of al his classmates and teachers and an excellent record In 1T7 or 1ST he became a reporte on the Kr, then just started, and a few months later took a similar position on the Uwhr, and after developing unusual newspaper ability, was promoted to the city editorship of that paper, a position he now holds and ably tills. His bride is the only child of Mr. Oeorge W. I'arke, one of the older citizens of Bloom-iugton, a gciitreinan of intelligence, culture and public, spirit, who, though wealthy, I- known as a true, practical philanthropist, who is ever ready to promote public and in dividual and who, wilh his excellent lady, an- very highly tstccmcd by a lare nuinberol friends.

For Mr. and Mrs. Hraley their friends anticipate a ileligb'ful life voyage, and uniting Ihem the I'A nt ai.ka I'll esteems it a pleasure to be reckoned, and joins in the general benediction. CAPBN-SPKNCE. A short ceremony marrying Mr.

J. Scy- inotir Capen and Miss l.aura A. Spence was said al tlie Second Presbyterian churcu, yes-lerdav morning, ut by Kcv. Dr. Dins- more.

As witnesses of the mnrriage, about two hundred friends and relatives of the 1.. I.I.. uml irr.10111 bad congregated. At the hour named Mr. Capen and Miss Spence walked up the middle aisle, unattended, to the music pi Mendelssohn's march, and immediately alter the ceremony Mr.

ami Mrs. Ciipen walked out, entered a carriage, and Here driven to the H. A W. depot, where, in a few minutes, they took the train for a tup to Indianapolis, Ciiicluhali.jl-oulsville and St. Louis.

Mrs. Capen wore broad, dark-hat, and a bottle green ladies' cloth dress, lleruttire was noticeable for its simplicity, which made the natural beaulv of the wearer the more apparent, while all vulgar display was in. stiiictively avoided. The groom, was dressed in the customary business suit of dark cloth. The bride is the daughter of Mr.

John A. lu wil.Lnnwii and popular young lady, having held a recognized society of the ..11.. iu for Irer manv tnii womanly virtues, vivacity and charming conversational powers. ine groom 1- junior member of the linn of lieed, (11 pen wholesale and retail crockery linns in the State. His family Is one or the oldest ami most respeeiauic onu in in, eoiintv Their residence is to be witu Mrs.

noimes, ou street, when they return. The Panhukaph .11. is one ol iiunareus wisning mew THE XVIIMM. USIVK11SITY. Possibility that it may have to Close for Want of Funds Resolution by the State Hoard of Education.

A very important meeting of the State Hoard of Education was held yesterday at the Normal i niversity. The school, as is well known, is controlled by the Hoard, which is composed of prominent educators from nil nana of the Slate. The following onicers and members of the Hoard were present yes terday: Hon. B. (i- Hoots, of Jatunroa, President: Hon.

Jas. P. Slade, of Sprlngtleld, State Superintendent of public instruction, and ex-otlleio secretary of the boatd; Hon. Thomas 01 mis ciiy, Mr. llronias Slade, of Normal, resident mem ber; E.

L. Wells, Princeton; J. cope, Flora; A. L. Comstock, Henry county; 11...

-T A. Knsnder. of Chicago; Prof. K. A.

Oastmnu, of iJecatur, aud li. Bonwooa, 01 The board held two sessions one In the forenoon and one after dinner and reached a final adjournment about salf past four clock. Coiisiueraoie routine uionio" ...1 A All rl nurnpst. discus- wao iiaima. iu.

sion grew up out of tacts shown In the report ot treasurer, win. no correct aud ordered placed ou file. The troublesome fact which that report brought out was that before the General Assembly will meet again in regular sesmou oijjj.o-priations will have btcu exhausltd. The received a long and care- fill discussion and enaeo in me board adopting a resolution tliat it would keep strictly within the bounds of the spirit and letter of the law forbidding the boatd from exceeding the appropriations A if uoeeoe was not. obtained.

inaue, 1. close ui) the school when the funds become exhausted. The secretary was nouneu to m- form the faculty Of Wis decision, miuiuiniuui 1 1.1 I. a rAoniislblo tuellt II1UL ine ooniu T.O...V for their salaries ut ter the fundB are exhausted. The serious iireuiciuueui school is placed grows out of a clerical error made at Springlield last winter, as the Pan.

taoku'II's readers have been advised. By an error of an engrossing cierK voted to the support of tlie I niversity was lost The attendance nt the. I niversity is very large, and the receipts lroin iiiuioii in the model department are greater than was expected. The school lacksabout fl.lBOeach term of being self-sustaining, but the current receipts and the available funds will sutllce till the close of the present school year in June next ine nope 01 tue cuv if Con ess pusses an apportionment bill and 1 tu rtr.n,.nerl in Kueciui lUH OUUC I.CKian.i, ,0 session to redistrict the State, then the clen- cal error may be corrected anu mo appiu-priation restored In time for the university to open next fall as usual. The university was never in a more flourishing coudition aud never did more effective work for the cause of public education than now, and it ould be a gieat public calamity should it have to close its doors even for a short time.

Bargains, Bargains To-Day. This morning we place on sale 5tK) pairs of sample hosiery purchased at a big discount and offered at :) per cent less than regular prices. The lot consists of all grades and sizes from the cheapest merino to the tinest cashmere. In this lot will be found several dozen men's merino, cashmere and cotton socks. Come al once and make your selections before they are all picked over.

C. J. Nortbrup. Alw ays avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave you con-stipated.

Carter's Little Liver Pills regula.e tbe bowels and make you well. Dose, one pill. For sale by W. Marmon. 11 II A ONB, NIGHT ONLY SATURDAY, JAN- HYDK BRKKM AN'8 CiOMKDY UhhiKMAN'tl C'OMhlU THB Ft'NNIKST OF ALL COMEDIES, lutrodiiclug the Following Htara: ERN ELLS.


SOc and Reserved seats, at Wawell NEW AOVERTSEEjNjrs. BULBS AND COT FLOWERS. Choice Imported Dutch Bultn, llyacliilhs, Tulips, 4e. I have also a superb assorliiatil ot dowers In bloom. Elegant signs for weddings, funerals and parties on s.hort police.

F. A. HALLEH Florist, lllooiuliigton, III. Send or tor a retail nox uy expron ui me bestCandbs In A in.irlca, put up elegantly and strictly pure, suitable tm presents. Refers to all Cincinnati.

Ad- dress 1,. LI CEKNK eo, dti 21 218 W. Meventli Clnclnnall, O. TRUSTEE'S The trusters of schools of township 24 uorlh. range 2 east of ni in McLean couuty, will sell at public auction on BATIKDAY, JAN I'A RY TWENTYKIGHTH, 1SS2.

at 10 o'clock a.m., at the eat door of the courthouse, the iiroperty described as follows, to-wil. Lot seven (7), lu a subdivision ol lots seven aud twelve (7 and 12), 111 section sixteen (lb), in town twenty-tour (24) north, range iwo (j), east of 3d p. containing live acres ami a fraction, more or less. Purchaser may mortgage the propeity lor two-thirds ol the purchase money. By order or the Hoard of Trustees td Township Treasurer.

A HE TIIE- UAND30MEST, THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST. Il- sure iiimI Hi-iii the lao-tnry, H. at Srl Kli Music iiimI lli-liiri'-lriiii Htwr-, 115 FEN WICK C1AKD ANU lABI.ltl rimiu.tnni Group Pictures. Elegant Scenery and Appointments, satisfaction guaranteed Children piciures laaeu Souihwesl Corner Public Square, quarters ('lolhine-hoiise dl e. iVui4N Lumber, COAL.


Given Tf alnm or any injurious substances can be found in Andrews' earl JUaklng Powder. Is positively PURE. Being endorsed, aid testimonials received from such chemists as S. i lana Hays, Itelanttine, otChicago: and Gustavus Bode Milwaukee. Never sold Inbulk.

C. E. ANDREWS A CO. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, 4a Wabash 287. 2 it 21 Water St nil lim 3 pi mm jwYING TO HOLD DOWN lbs Second Day PioceediiiK i ths HolfinaM Case Presumed to Have Brought Mm li of the of the I'roscentlon.

Tlie second dayr, proceedings in tin- investigation concerning Kef. H. 0. Jlolluiau plodded steadily along yesterday, und tlie whole day consumed with tbe examination of Mrs. Koblnson, the mother of the girl, ZetU Kobiinon, and 11.

gia" Imoth Tof the little waif, whi'! has already caused a great commotion in this region, und seems destined to attract a large rhure of public attention for some linn-to come. Mrs. Kobimon is a farmer's wife of rather more than the average intelligence and mental force, and bears an excellent reputation In her own neighborhood so far as is known. She was accompanied in the secret council by Norval Dixon, Es.1.1 as a family frieud. 'Ihe tediou.ncss of the taking of evidence I- due to t'ne fact that clerks are ou hand who are required, to lake down all the nuestions ami long band, and Ibis consumes a great dea of lime.

The Pa staoka rn out something of tbe naiure ui Init without sue nuns lunuimiuj nn. cess, and only learned that it was undersbuid among people uu. maintained her original ory was true, anu inai sue -j--" rigid crots examination without sensibly Of tbe details of Mrs. Kobiusou original statements, made before it was known inai mere wouiu the Pantaoiui-h was at the pretty fully infoiined. This lamentable all air where bus now reacueu uo iu niitiossitile.

and the ca-d must be fought oul to the bitter end It is one tbllfcc cases 111 " .1 nH aland on. If Mrs. Kubinson lias concocted a false story lo bleed a P'Oiuiueut and highly ubi-iui number iu. mv -lew paluy dollars, persisting in the attempt toVompass his ruu, she is a wretch of the vilest J.rl and a dangerous loe to the peace and happiness of any And if her story is true, and the accused guilty of the great transgression the greater sin mut lie at his door ol seeking tue overthrow of the character of a wronged and outraged mother, in order to shield himself fi.uu deserved ceusure. There Is uo escaping the conclusion Ihat there is a grave culprit somewhere, and before the trial is doue it may appear that Mrs.

Koblnson ami her daughter arc a in as much on rial Mr. Holluian. It i.notuing but justice to p.csume lliat ail parlies to the case are honest and truthful, und Mr. lloll -man is especially entitled to tins presumption il. view of h.s personal und professional position and standing eminent public services and conspicuous ''l'''ltes-The case having lakeu such shape that it can not rest till "II the lads possible are du- oul, anil sooner or later exposed lor pub.

he "inspection, there is no apparent good to be secured 10 the lamily the church, and certainly none to Mr. Holluian by longer -picsbiug the alleged facts iu the CVhe following is a synopsis of Mrs. Robin. uu to a PiXTAlillAI'll which art. tlt'iule representative a In ihe belief that tbey substantially uccoid with her evidence given ji-'" ')- time during the month of rebruary last.

Mis liobiuson has slated that, becoming uu-easy at not hearing from her daughter, workiuir 111 wuo ,1. 1 1 .11 a fiiniilv as his hoi'l-ekecper for some months previous, Came 01 .....1,... I.ei- duiiirhtcr. Mr. Ill IlllililUIHKn',) Hollnian met her, grautcd her 11 privat .1: l.A tbti au dita! uieuee, us one 1, uu inse f.

and iuv that he hud sent her to Springbe.d, where she then was una nan oecoiuc The story is embellished with sensational remarks, iu extenuation of the guilt altacu-ing to tbe utlair which would only color the narrative, and are not necessary to tell the plain story. Mrs. Holiinsou then states that she listened to Mr. Holliuau's arguments why tho affair, being uow past, should be kept a secret, and that he pro. posed several plan.

One was about like this, to have the child it as a waif at his door, he to take and care for it as his own, and it young mother to come back and be its nurse. Another, that he had a salary of per year, and would pay a competence monthly for tbesupport of.ettie and the child the paternity to be kept a secret. Ivlrs. Robinson finally was convinced that Mr. Hoffman reasoned well atiout the propriety of secrecy, and accepted twenty dollars per month as a continual stipend.

I'nder this arrangement Zeltle and the child were tmmgbi uonie 10 Holder aud the secret kept till the stipend failed to come. Documentary evidence might be referred to, but will be omiueu 101 the present at least. It is expected that Zcltie will go before the committee to day, when interest iu the prosecution's evidence will be at Its greatest. Especially will the public be curious to know whether they will support eucli other's evidence, as neither is allowed to hear what the other testilied to. Il must not be presumed that even strong prima facie evidence in chief establishes anything.

Mr. Holluian was eertasnly fully aware that just this evidence would be offered. Knowing this, he protested Kin innafuniPP fltil 1 demanded an iuvesti- Al.i.h of Interest millit be the ilelense but tbi in 1,.. uut come for nreseutlng piupei lime it Tho now has the floor. Ine defeuse will have it by and by A Watch Thief.

Yesterday afternoon aslieklookiugyoung man went Into Mr. Jake Kainey store una asked to examine some watches. Mr. P.auiey, all smiles, showed his stock. The stranger, managing to divert the proprietor's atten- Hon, deftly transferred a gold watcn to nis pocket, and soon thereafter left, the shop without making a purchase.

After the fellow had gone, Mr. Kamey missed the wath, left a description of the man at police headquarters, and last night Ollieer Hoffman caught the man at the B. W. depot with the watch on nis person, togeiner wuu sovc., i.t..

Ha" his name James Dewey. Mr. Dewey is likely to go to Joliet. Thanks. Mr.

and Mrs. Augustnie, of Normal, who met with the misfortune or having tneir house burned on Tuesday, wish to acknowl. edge tht ir gratitude to their neighbors and irienas no responueu so promptly 10 fire alarm, and assisted in doing what could be done to save their good. IX THE COUXTY. Occurrences of Note Within the Borders of McLean.

Dennis Hitter has bought the Duling farm of nt) acres, near Bonz. Price $32 per acre. Last Saturday some persons got too much whisky at Colfax, and one man wanted to knife Mr. A. Harpole.

He was arrested by Constable 1). M. Mitchell, and while waiting for trial one Joseph Hazelwood onencd the door and pushed him out and held the door to preveut Mitchell from following him. Hazelwood was bound over to court in f'i'sj tor his fun. The other man is still at large.

A brakeman by the name of O'Neal was killed near Culloni by the evening freight train. He fell between the cars, cutting off both legs. Some contemptable person moved the switch tit Colfax Saturday night by tak. ing out the lever-pin and threw the eleven o'clock train off except tlie engine. No damage done except the trouble of getting the cars back on the track.

Tennessee Floods. Nashville, January IS. The river has risen six inches since last night, and is still rising. Most disastrous results are anticipated on the fall of the river. A large amount of lumber had drifted away from Nashville last night The best form of Inspiration to be taken by cranks is that God commands them to eat nothing.

A strict adlwren. to the delusion saves a heap of trout, le. I HAvtl AloN. of Peutleld, in Hi's county, are now wiesthng Willi ac.ise of small pox. A ell 01 1 is made prevent tue sprenu o.

ai I'Mln In this countv. tin-re Hie 11 is also a idespreud excitement over a bad case of the scourge, a Mr. Bjuiavtt being tlie victim these are ine only cases as yet re .1 1,, 11, i eiiiintv. and th, occaslou IIUMIU 1" I. niuch alarm anil thoiisaiids of sore aims.

a it TI v. The linal suit of the i a-es against Frank sr.ol this plate, and l-'iank of DeWitt. was a idea of guilty by each and a tine of I eaeli, aud cost, making the hole thing some J-tn Alder Alder have sold their stock of hard-ware to J. C. Kichaids aud Mike Conucr.

(tMid luck to the boys. lee men's forces have shortened very materially since the weather grew cold. THE MARKETS. Oklto Piodtoe Bark st. Chioaao, Janii try is and Trie Mliowinit UK-inj" shipments ol the undermentioned articles lor lue uours.

Wheat, bu rd.lnW 4'''1 Com UB WHKAT-No. sold at fyr rut ii; ji.1 4 i- iixs (rtl.v'.i-, seller February, and 1 yl seller -clo-ing ai jiww arv- aU seller Feiiruary, and bid Feiler No. rejected. Market was at-live auu Iiigner tuau ylFLOUrt The following are the quotations: r1r.i.r nTt.ras 17 5 C7 aO Common to g'Mid do 6W 2.i aucvWusturn spring extras Ml 61 1, 'Irt l.iain an si- ,7 Choice to fancy Minnesota 0 ''l Common to alr do buckwheat u.i, .,,111 uurti no. a ai fit ic seller Januarv; tia.V;c seller 1-ebriiaiy; HI seller March closing at nfufitiilUe ....11...

iu Kii.r.iitr Heller February, and bid seller Rejected, tiilUWil'o. Market was nnner anu nigner inau yesieniu. OATS No. SF.ild lorcasii; 4.1 1 .11 1.1-1 tftl.i seller uaiotary -1 --j. and seller March-closing at lorcash.

fliaraei. liruicr ami ntuei jvbiu.j, KVE -No. 2, H.V-JC. BAKLBY No. 2, 1 OK.

IHiKK Closed at $17 -JO 317.25 cash: seller January: seller Febmary, ami S17 seller March. Market active, ami shade higher than yesterday. I. AUD at iUIViHUU ill for rash; ft 11 ill 10 seller Jannary; Jli.liH1.12!-i seller rebruary. Market active.

Chicago Live Stock Market. CiticAiio, January is. IIOCS The market wa unchanged. Conimon to good mixed sold at J5 heavy packing anil shipping, $11 light hogs, l.VJi.V; skips and cubs, $1 The Iresh receipts were heatl. CATTLK -The market was active and stronger, but closed weak.

Exports sold at $ri gomti 7U; giaid to choice shipping, 7. limtfii UO; cointuon to fair, fl mifijMruj lnixtd biilchcrs' slock steady at HXit4 'i; sliM-kers and reeders, itul in. The Iresh receipts were head. r-toRiA, 111., January IS ttORN-Hlch mixed, Hew, sold at (idJ4(iiillc; mixi'd at UATsj i wrfn. 4riC.

KVK-No. 2,, January 18 II RAT No. 8 rod. for seller January; 1 411 seller February. CORNNO.

IWe bid. OATS No. 4ic. ihk January IS WWWAT- No 5 red. 1 for old.

aud lor new. UUrWo. l.n'c lor new, auu for old. OATS Mixed Western, western while, Kit Me. PiiKk New mess.17.

LAItU- 1 25. MT Louis. January 1S WHEAT No 2red.1.4rai.41'i cash; J1.41t February; $1 March. January; 05'ic hebruary; tiol4c bid March. OATS 4.V444tir cash.

PORK bid cash. LAKD Juuiiary 18. KLorn-ins(idC'i. winter Wu.u..-uia -Maids ltd surlna.

us tod ClUs lid. conii ris inn FORK LAKD 'ijs. THE tll.OOM IXUTOX MAUKETS. Country Proditne. BicHiMiNuTOii, January 18.

Prires paid by dealers. -Tit. Eirgs, lr.c. L.u. Lre.sseil chickens, tic per lb.

In-i ssed turkeys, iAWle per lb. Potatoes. $1 I uml. 1 fiper bu. Apples, 7 at Till 111 ps, per bll.

hweel pumpkins, 113 1. 01) per doz. hweel potatoes, jl iHI'til per bu. 1: squash, $1 HJW.1 per lluions, lieets, perbu. Kuta buiras, uTKt.T"c per bn.

Hahbils, dressed, $1.00 per dozen. Celery, itri-loc perdozeu. BAT. Clover hay, $10. Ttmoihv.

no tlie street, btraw, JTitS per ton. BrTCIIIKS' STOCK. Fat cows, $3.51 M.7fi Very choice sleers, Calves, weighing from IM JiKl pounds, 50; over nonntls, $4 0O(3MIC. Sheep, llogs, BXUIS Green cared, 8c. (ireen, 7c.

Damaged, No. 2, 5c. Dry, ltJttl2HC. Sheep pelts, 50ia7tC. Tal.ow, 5V4c WOOL.

Fine, unwashed, iri2bc. Medium, unwashed, 22i25c. Coarse, washed, free from burrs, 21 Oc. Medium, washed, Flue, washed, 2HjJ3.Sc. Coarse, unwashed, Burry aud cotted wool, 2(Bloc off.

HORSES. Heavy dratt, weighing 1,:100 to 1,550 lbs, $140 Streeters. light horses, weighing 1,050 to 1,200 lbs, Mules, weighing 1,800 to 2,400 lbs per span, $1ti0i4-ri0 per span Te Urali Maraeta. B1.00M1M8T0N, January 18. 8BAIN.

Corn (old and yellow) 1 S3 White corn 5raiti Torn, new mixed, 70 lbs 52 Oats, mixed, a. lb 4:1 Oats, white, 45 lbs 45 Rve MM Winter heat 1 2541 80 UlTR. White Loaf, from best Mediterranean wheat (one half $2 00 Pure patent (Electric.Light) 25 Choice family dour 1 8 Graham, per 12-lb sack 35 Bye flour 1 r5 White meal 1 HO Tellow meal IN) Table meal, per 10-lb sack. 20 Scresnines, per 100 lbs 1 00 Shorts, per 100 lbs 100 Bntn. per lim lh 1 110 We desire, as the Execnttve Board of the Illinois Wesleyan University, to iuform the public that the i'ollt'ge ol Commerce was established by Ihe Board ol Trustees of the univerFity, and therefore enjovF, iu common with the other colleireF of the university, the full incorporated powers guaranteed tn trie charter of thai Institution.

We have full ennndene In the ability and met hods adopted by ProlesF.w Cross, as dean ol tliat college. O. T. REEVES, JOHN KEED, J. 8AKOENT, P.

WH1TMEK, B. r. FI N. N. WINSLOW, xo.u:lve Committee.

JAM A IU, I--'. Tiiii cm, A VQl'STK iV.r,HKl.. Ttvo Yoiiiiu Kuimeia Near l.fmv llomi'l ver to Keep the I'rnrr 'IowhuI All Miinkliid, and li. I'. He ynolda In I'arliculiir.

du January Tt li, ln.rle. VanW inkle, uiid tiouM 1. lii ing in the nelgtiliorliood uf I.ero), luiiU.iiuir-eiiliir fiii-iimkrslmnlinif. Alter lis com liiMoii Hie tlrit two swore to be uven-ed on lleyiiuldi nt the tlraf by "it oul -f Kej nulils' lilile." Tliia In a wl.k'li, if taken literally, mean-, something ef pecinlly to one peraon If there are two on the opposite Bide. HcynoM (nought fo, and nnuld up 'ind t0 kl'' tin! lioriznn Fianned for dmig-r.

the loth of ami VaiiWlnkle left the plow in furrow, lu Puliiaiii, of revoliiliotiary fame, ronvertt-d themselves into walking arsenals ntid started out f) murder meek cotton tniN." After Hiileriiig u' for soine time, their optics be. nine ul -tired by the l.iriu of )ii'ild, who was working I ti ly In bis Hi Id. Thi-y inlied hi. fcnc. accoated bv no wntiti i In know hy tbey In bunting on bis farm in direct to li-s wilu-t.

Kit her or Van Winkle are Mild 1 In' ve Inliinuted tlut the iiiery did not iailiculuily i-olici rn the. inlei i ogiitor, ano to nuve fol--' lieLte.r ci i in, for the "tale of lie) imlda' pliy-dml iuabilUy coiiipan Willi the i-oiiiliiued tmisclu u.l.l. liitl in me in. Owing to the tact, ft. Keynolds alleges, tliat Botnciioiiy was in sigiri, i iliu nut attack the llllic ant, obitct of their vengeance, hut they 7 1.1 nf 111.

ill maieo in i.e. 1. 1. .,1.11 Black WoUHl lie lion cniniuei.o n. ins ltv for moving alioul.

It-ynolda thlnka that I a foiurt. l' a l.illl HUl ineie i. -i away, Ku. rr and Van Winkle would have tmiuiucll -u nun nu me snupe oi ku.u. 1...

1. II, la what Hie siieiiK.ii they might do lu the fulun-, he applied for a pea. i- ai ram. OT, l. 1 1 I'll 11 I lie ctlllipiiio I an tin, ik in 'S(iiiie Kulwilei'a mull, T.

Keirick. Kfi appearing lor ine ionuii .1,.., Mil of l.erov. for the The case resulted III ine i V'hii Vinkle in moonlit ovei -isi bonds euc-h to keen the peuee to all the In people ol Ule r-lilie, urn uiwaio ..,111 A iilUril of the evidence wu. tliat the prosecutor and the defendants swore oiaiiieii- iiiij nniible to recollect the meeting und thetlui als hicli lie) nol.ia sworo occurred on January IU, more niaii NEWSY ITKHS. The Cliicngn A Alton pay-car nrrivert In the city yesterday, with.

Mr. Hubert Hell layiiiuster for I lie nrsi tune. A r.ow.rtei- lm lieeti il iriiied of the an- proachiiig inai iage a 011111 physician of the eltv, ami 11 brilli 1 I'dy. who liua lilooiu.iitoii oeieial umea from hen tucky. Mr.

Thoinna us-pliy und fisa Julia Drew-, well known young people of Slaiiliini, came t-i tin- cilv vei-terdav morning and were married In the I 1 of the Holy iriuiiy by Hcv l'u her Weld in. (iflieprs und Flavin found a Danish trnmn Iving der a lioutding liou.e north of tl Vtesltyiui last night. The fellow could spunk but little Knglisb ami was numb with tun co. (I. lie was liroiigtil uowu to me slalion house.

Mr. Horry Maisel a well known (iertiuin resident of Ibis city, who came up from Spi Wiglield to iillend tin- fiinerul of hla wlfe'e father, ilie late Anion Miller, returnnd to fp'ringlield lust night. He buried hie own father, (ieorge A. Muiael, there Inst week, who wus an o.d resident of the State capitol, and ciecinlly well known in luuaical circle. lion.

Joseph Filer und wife, Hon. Hudson Hurr, and Super, T. J. Cox and Mi-s Cora Cox, Mr. uml Mrs.

Hrown, Mr. and Mis. Horace McLiikI.v, Miss Neltie Mcl'iirdv, Mr. und Mis. t'hiiries Jones, r.

Dickie Tempi, tin, Mr. I. hie UYUI011 and Mr. Win, Hrown. li were among thuae present at a mei-tinir of the Home Circle club, which was held at the resilience ot Mrs Holmes' on West Jcllerson si reel on Monday evening.

The club was entertained by Alls, lloiiues and Wall. Hog era. I. nst Monday the family of Mr. M.

E. Pehiiniii had a leunion ul the old hoiio-stejil 111 Oak lirovc. Tile oecu-iiui ulao celclnateil the IStb iinniversarv of Mr. I lenmnn's youiig- c-t (iaughter. Miss liclle.

The reunion re- -ulleil wilhniuch to those pres. cut, who were: J. II. Heiiinan (son), from Oilebolt, lown; Mrs. I'.

M. Carloi (daughter), and children, from Howard, Minnesota; Thomns 1 in an (soil 1, of Vermilion county; W. Jl. ti.Uttap (son in law), wife and two children; two homo sons and one home daughter. I -Mr.

IlattL'. the West Side shoemaker, re- Lites that, he has just, completed the making of a peculiar high heeled boot for a tjiol'ea-sionui beggar. The boot was made according to oruer, with a heel twice us long as us-ual, And a very wide luce too, so that the fraud who wears it may enclose pantaloons and nil in Unit boot-leg and luce It up. The long boot heel 111 iniike liini limp as though le had a still' knee joint. 1 he boot was.

-ailed paid for as soon as completed, and is now doiinilesf doing duly in in niission ol fraud and sham, its owner having as souud legs 1111J feet as anybody stands ou. PKRSONAL. Dr. Dunn is critically ill. Mr.

and Mrs. George r. Parke will prob ably pass the next month in the South. Mr. Peter Jacobv intends lo visit Hot Springs soon, his health being; impaired by rheumatism.

-Mr. C. E. Ti ll, fa'her of Mr. Theron Fell, arrived borne last evening after a year's absence iu California, We are informed that Dr.

T. M. Major will soon resign nis position with the Ottuui-wu, Starch Works. -Mr. Charlie Hagi-maii.

a farmer Bloom- imrtou clerk, now down with small pox iu Chicago, is likely to recover, according to a statement of li's physician. -Mr. A. W. Terry, the Associated Press operator at the Western I nion telegraph ollice, is confined to his room by the etl'ccts of a recent vaccination, not being able to at tend to his duties.

Manager Mchlhmey and a day operator, C. P. Wardlow, are attending to tlie press report, workirjg largely over time lo do it. Alll'SEMKXTS. mi 1.

hoi, n's l'lcyu-Saturday evening Hyde Hehman's superb company ill appear nt Durley Hall lu "Muldoon's Picnic," one ol the most humorous farces bef ire the public. Tlie piece lias attracted crnvd houses eveiyn here, und never fads toqirovoke a storm of applauding satitf.i-. tiou. TUB lion km 1 ax 1. Kintna Abbott and the accompanying (irand Kngli-h Opera Company appear at Durley Hall next Tuesday eveniiilf in the ofora of "The Hohetnian (lirl.

Mi-s Abi'o l's co. 1, puny is one of the lurgest ai.d must mn-ieal attractions traveling. Tt.e is ihe cliitf inusicul at. IriCli 11 of the seuMMi. Attention Teamsters.

Ice hauling begins tomorrow tFriday). Oct ice racks your wagons to. day. Mon- roe Bros. A tripple coure of bappiness a good business, a contented mind and a Imtile of Dr.

Huli'8 Coi gh yrup. SPECIAL NOTICES. EH olr tr'h'lF of cliWr ut ou Hi -II ULIIM to-day al l.l'n.v TkHt crnf'r rillFhnry's Hest Minns- Hour, which 10 ipls. ALDUKU BROTHERS. bwH LAKFlUtUliniotiilnc A1.DHK11 lino.

Il It stork of canned and dried fruits embraces I ry thins, O'f 1'sme in mm uut, 1 a hki lu the city (itoto AUJ.UCil nHiS. CHANCE FOR A PHYSICIAN. (FINE opwHug ior pood hylf n.u, roi.i-drnca. uiue siore and an praciit e. im- l)B.

U. DRAKE, West I ulou, REMOVAL. Wtir. all KlLEK ha removed to MoT North Prairie where hi- receiv.s pupils In I'lani, mud cult-ire. 1 1 FOR RENT.

OH RKKT- AiiMe of untarnished rooms, on the nr.l fbx.r, lor board or Unlit also room aud board tr geUciimu. K. Grove-si. HKNT-HoUFO. No.

W. Wslllllt-st. For narttrnlrF inquire at premises, or N. PL'bKV, Hoyw Bio. 1 -tu kiK 71 s.

rx r.n., cloiwu, panlrv, cellar, barn, two Urns FiouJauu.ry iStb; rent, Ji-J Vi per month. Amc C. K. biACEY, No. 115 N.

Mam si. in-u nn.w, the ntmiT ut Main In Liberty block. FOR SALE. rOH BALE. jin.non 1,011 S.i" f.u on K.

lu'- oathwt urt o( city tiM, 11 room. la Baiur ccuici IHOD N.CfOtlT-M to Borthewt part ol city lo Mi mf ITU vii; trr in uowni" Blce." lfte boose ud 5 crf, bunt ii vtv PF I Loan nd lueurance Ag 1J ill Building. KOK 8ALK-OR KENT A new nd drlhl I rwidruce, mnaiea on i uim Nnlte nd Apply to llNOEK, No. 607 L-nemuumu HII1WIIUMI, (J t( (SOU SALK-My property. aittiHtcil I in the bu-lliee- enter th.clty.

Ai my ol urocene-, cah trade, lint may ne thr ahov chc-sp. tall on or nuiLif" I- pLNC'IMt. hvR HALB-Larw number nt Wftklr fantsgrapn. 'UK BALB-LOTS-A lew choice reu bjtS with nauve treea, iM ius. L)R SALB-Nice reaideuce property uortli- i n.nai Fell.

L-reiil unrnim- lT? 01 flit. "even Pn of Valuable and acre, of around, Mnuc couaee, norm i ,7,, .1 leu central l.Kllon, Lot, tu of 5 u. ou lime, jnuij 1 icafoundatiou, cellar, 11 ue t-ner lot, C4iae ol .1 room-, with b.i. V. toil nda- DYEING AND SCOURINC.

Bluu.lut.D um live Ny; S-flU Aliu Jntliii-Bfc. BOOKS AND VALENTINES. KING vru'er le eipen.o than any other LJ atore tu wwn, uo iu make pnc. uar mow In icbool book blank book-, li paper, none can po-elbly compete itu "ay "hat they will. My prices and (food; Vk lor Will have a larKe lot ol a.

BloomiuiHou ha. noi seen i.e- Tat ooe-haif the reaular p. Mark the i IM-H 1111 N. AlHlU Mt. 'inner.

SEWING MACHINES. -ALJtaTlKE hoSSflAHUT, 41J N. Center at. (hloCK norl-U Aaioej Machine r.imired ail'1 Eited: 8 yeare' Uo not trmte off uld machine, hut Favo money by having Lm reoaireo. atche.

and clocka repaireu. (inis-yao ABSTRACTS OF TITuE. NO LOAN BMOKEKI. io ol a boom, poavea ny uiue.c.o -plete Index, Insure, accuracy lu uig abatracw of title. J.

W. COMPTUN rn-T. 8. B. Cor.

Couri-uuuse ituweroont. MUSICAL. Mr. and tin. Zimmermun.

ITOCALlbTS AND VOKB TEACHEHS-V ANNA LILLIAN ZI.JSEKMA,oprttuo, iaHLn.1A, lite voca "noa La of the ula meihoila without tue crletl tnuuciattoE 01 lue bul-ntu u.o, ul accept couceri anu eutt- loir traiumir a specially, jwouic, it and Normal. CONTRACTOR AiD BUILDEH Lao ail kinds or jobbing done neatly ana promptly. Work wuirauled. Olve. nie a 1.1 A.

bVKKLY, shop 016 K. Mam resi- knceWll E. Kurin-at. DENTIST. K.

Ja. 6TKVtS6, Beutlet, baa returned 10 nim City miu rat door norih ol over Dunham f- fcA flfflD MUIU. 111. CjAROJAELSVVJ.NTED delivered at the oil mill 01 me headquarters ol he niauiiard Oil Co. JiNOCil J.

iluoltt. lAb AbK TTlIiKToto and from Europe ai the lowest rates, and foreign exchange. C. pCNNKUf aisent, lib N. MUSIC A.

UU AK1J, leacnel 01 piano, J. vocal culiare, guitar, paiatli.g us drawing, L. 0S Bast Horth-Fi. ji nVLinr Ann CLEAKIKC. tsioomingT.oa rieam 7 ln-at.

Established 111 ls-8. ARCHITECTS. A. JUNBh. Oflitx with Blouininirtim Cba'r V'U iiinni iuit Vnr Wl'l jjlinr-'f PAPER HANCER.

fjLAIN AND work none Ait wiirK emniM'-u mt 1L Hi IN SR. re-Welicc over II kMl Kr t-' OR ESS MAC INC AND CUTTING. W. MkJliV riiar Hisleiu ol Soaure Meas- J. kmrmhi tor cuitiui.

and children'. p.ihlni Uut-hi and sold iy MISH .1. H. 4 1 I IS. 41" .1 MO YJTO LO A tl UNI! TO LOAN At aeven per n.u t-tX.

mu paid once a year. Loan nn.y he puiri In J. V. A CO, ofice OMiV TU LNln all curr -nt ria and ni.xh rate R- tJfiM'VliK rvj, 0KT TO LOAN In "'J to XT 'n'eresi. "II a-r .1 lal SLAOS ll A n-nn.

If vKIT TO LO In laraTe or Final! at S'V1! ol lBlnwt. TH.LC-M til I wrir tufirt ton- i' ii.iMtfttl. bnr tin- ot Couuns, C.oltls, 1 luarso-ne'-s, Asthma, in rf Co.v.i'tiM 'i .11 nii'l fiirthe relief of consul ii 1 1 1 1 ni'i it a'n am cu D'l '0f Fait? i.x-nil 1 cents. BAKING POV7DER. ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL.

BF.8T AMil MOUT ISO 31 1 CAL IX TI1K UOttlll. An active element of this powder 1s pure Holnbl Phnsphale, winch adds to the bread a valtiable principle iosi iu -j ciaus use and reconinieiitl il. tor sale In soaiea cans only ny orocers gem iuiit. CUAUM M'F'U New York and St. lawn Mf HUMPHREY3.

NEWTON CO, will supply the trade at manufacturers prion. BARGAINS AliE OFFEIiED I'J Shoes FOKTliK NEXT Till DAYS AT JOHJS W. RODGERS', NO. H'-i MAIN SHIN OF ITHK GOLDFIN BOOT.J HARD SOFT COAL. 1 veins of coal, both 01 snpe-ri(ll 1 Willi oilier biiiiiiiiiious 1 1 its to each other.

In Hits ease We me p- 10 suit Ihe most particular cus-onier, ss ciih: i- one or the other vein Is suru to Pive salwlactloii. We also keep a supply ol hsrd oal, of the besi ipiauty, at lowesi maruei prn n. Office, lot. Last 'Am (Eagle Block.) J.B STEVENSON, Secretary, B4-V 1 tr fmmmi CORNER OF MAIN AND JEFFERSON STS. 4 sxw.i'-ji.F.asteru prices and work duplicated.

guaran teed. Send lor prices. BAILEY TLUiMli, WASTER PAIKTEH, NO. 404 NORTH EAST-ST PATNTINU, GILDING, GRAINING, GLAZING, MAKliLING, UALCLMIHING, c. HJ-DOSK TO ORDER -DONE TO ORDERS i'ATARR nn ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, IUI consumption and all throat affections cured I by a new method.

Inha-II II latlon combined withJJ ment effects certain cure In the severest cases, end for ircular. Dr. BATE, 103 State Chicago. After Cards, Reception Carris, Calling Cards. Address BuMiiess engraved in eMpii-.

and printed ut NCR AVE DAND'P the latest sti les of type. Our fiu-iliilVs arenutenvlled by any hou in the inted Mates for furnihing best work at lvwt iri.v. i t.nsuit our st furw onto-ing. Kainf-i-- nnJ t.j,i, THE PANTACRAPH l-ilMUU, LlTHouStl-Hlxa. KlM.Is.-, i.u I LAXS bOOI l.MAtfLJ.lik.

mmm ca t- 1 11 IPAINTJNGI world-wide. Klow.ircan be consulted on Saturday and Monday of each week, at his residence, Uli Vi est liloomingtoii. Dr. Flow r's tieannrnt la oniirelv' tinlike anything you have ever irted, and hunCreds once in your condition are now rejob-irg tliriuieb his In-sriiiineiit-iliiv, iu the eiij.oiii.-ui of souud health. It is to vonr inler.

-t to cull 011 biui, as he wlli voll iioihing lor consultation, and If your case is considered hopeless he wiil tki.l nit' so, lor be does not wi-b to neat any case here Uo re is not a reascliable jinpect ol stli-' ess. Tlie beneficial efTjct ofDr Flower is nol eoMined to anv nn- or sen. The feeble girl, ir uilini! tlie li-tles and enervated youth, the ever worn in. .11 ot lni-iin-s, the victim ol uer-vons depr, -si. 11 or ihose from general ilelciiiv, wiil nil Iind in.

mediate and perinaueiit r. In ilii- iLeM-epaialde pr-K-ess lor ciirtna the sick. Score; -u-nnds ot persons have been cured or relieved bv bis treatment. 1 a. I) i'LOWtlt, M.


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