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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

sal be INDICATIONS foil TOOAY. Dltnnla Knlr asd llght)y nmv v. Wednesday usaaltlad, with pruMbir howwrn and ouok-r by ALWAYS TIIK -SHORT Hot.1" mnlt fa tfe PANTArtRAPll f1.ARSIKri ADEOUTR. VOL. 230.

BLO0MINQT0N. ILL. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1917 FOURTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS OEWET KNEW OF GERMAN CROWNPRINCE much aa ihe Judiciary rommfltaa pi.uuii-,1 to retH.rt the anteiulmeiil r.ei'luU..i rT In the bel aeasion. Mis ItAiikih.

of M'ttilaiia. anl llrtirraetitativ i.ii rl. airman of tl STEEL PRICES CUE 50 PER CENI snrialad Praa. op to I o'clock fhl manlni ebM la discover, th caauaJUa. nw few.

A vol dad MUrtarv P.u-ta. That Onrmana did sot attack any points of ajuDtair Irnpomuxw bat dront their bombs, aa usual, an th rejrhVstitial distrvas, motif upon reHirted Ilia rLAiid run la-incipai darliri-d HAKES MORE FAILURES nt Villa. had wrlilen hiin German Naval Officer, at.ihmk the president errf hs.i mjoie rmsiaent Approvei Scale 01 such a s'alemenl. Mr I'O'i I Ida wer la n(tne autocracy uixW tha Gwnian fUa thruout the world by Ihe altitude ha I now taking toward the war. He la allow-lag hlinaWf tba wurat aoainy that democracy haa now aUva.

"I read a couple of daya ago of Hanalor I AKi.lletlr uttaraua aa hu for an organisation out lu Minna-apnlla and hrrrafiar any urmini latum that aaka Henauar lailiriia ti ought to be iruada tn allow con. JiisirrJy why It aftould ha ei-aidrrrd a patriotic organisation thernHrter MaJ -tlen Wil, following tha former waldeiit aajd: "II la font-iahnrwa to aay ARiarlr ran win the war In th air or with ehemu-el d-yieew. It ran only ta won with men and try arnflos." eat i ma at At lane. Tea. Abilene.

Tea, Hrpt. Member GERERALUPRISINC Forty-Eight Organizations Were To Join Revolt Set For July 27 WHAT PUNS INCLUDED Manila, In 1893, Told Ad violations Pixed in Sereral Vigorous Attacks on the French miral Germany Planned It Voluntary Agreement tb dwelling, of the poorer claasea. Tn Raid On Land). Tba raid oas lioiMtiia ocrwrrvd between I and trrlnrk and laatrd abowt forty -ft so tnlnntaa. KnlUn aJrrnen engaged th raid-ara, bu with what remits not yet known.

Ttio Germane used a number of aerial torpedoes Net in Cam pact Formation. Tba German eaxaea eppraared over tha southeastern district of London aona after 1 orba- and tha ancaa-rrasot lasted until nearly half past I i the letter It aw not read. Four Pickets Arreated. I I While tba ho.iap waa voting, 'of lha Wonuii'a tw.rl' ao I pirketa w.we amsle.1 dixplnying I I. Wlll.cs before Hie VI hlle ttoue.

I Tbay wraa r-ltaaed on t.aid to a)- pear tomorrow. i Forces Monday, Were Repulsed and Heavj Losses Inflicted on the Attackers I Take. Vp Irtevranra Bill. jCONTlNUE TO JANUARY 1 Contnct rfovidei Thi! All Shalt Treated Alike-No Wage Keductieai WORLD CONQUEST IDEA Slid Tnit It Would Be Stifled In About 15 Yeirt Seniter lewis Tellt Congrait Tha raider wra acaitarad and did not nana In ennirt dmaUm Many alar abatis wer. aaad by th defense runs, giving tba appsnranrnr WitnMtn it tht Anti-Drift fltar-ing it Inid, Oklahttni.

Till of Scheme WISGINI MUCrl ACCUSED or spectacular fireworks. Tha Waabinrtnn. Sl 1 W.rk on the adiiiinairalM.n iloirr' and Bailors' inaurarire hill, rwntlv I aet by th. bouan, waa berun I a annate finamw aul-mmllie. le.

tor hmoot prewited a aulieliliite fi Ibe nplunial Inaiiranra ilaue. which would give member nf the of lha Vrmrttt and la.h.e'rra' I'm-AalaUMs forty -nine nf wbura ara on trial hare for runsplr-ary ajiainst lha government, were instructed by itH llambr bnX to prmur rifles and paal eunvnp-Uon. according to Wwtimony today of tba uaad br tha tier mana waa dimmgnlahahre easily from RUSSIANS CAPTURE A POSITION DEFICIENCY BILL IS IN WILL 6ET A GOOD B8FIT tha aipkielona of gima or Pepl. Bah.vad Wall. Tba people of London behaved at 'military fop- f.

rmarnnwnl In. I suramw of during aervlee with Insurance up to lha ll.tsl llmll mivid-d In tha bill for men disabled or otherwlae iinlneiirnhle at tramriy wail Tbay followed police InairwUnna for taking cuff and by Yll Goodnuwi. who anid l-rana Unit una irf the defaaabuita, ao advised membrra. Another defimdant W. T.

Jem-Igan. lha witneaa leaufled. adviaed Ihem to "go whan called." but to kIxhI down officer after Ihey were Asoorlatnd I'raaa. I Washington, hrpt 24 Prediction there aa no panic. Mobilization of the Argentine Navy Has Been (Aaanrlated rrraa.) Bnld.

Kept That a uprising In all slate, of the that i rniany would wage a war for the end of tba war Gorman aJao appeared amis, tha cisint of York-Sure anil The latter poll lAaaocJatrd lraas ashington, riept 24. rUi prioan In the I'nited Mates wars rut la half today, when iTaaldrut Wilaou a ar.le of quotations fill lu a voluntary atirnruieat nuule by Unrnlnahlr Tha result of their via union was planned at Ih aam. lima and then Mum home. Today world ruiiqixat in about fifbu eam clea would le at lha rnl.w i.vided waa made to the Ule Admiral I wry by tha bill, but would N. romimniea.

thi it haa not yet bean learned. Thaatara Cantmuad the anil-draft riot, occurred in court ordered a mistrial In tha ik. hniinr Ham K. who Is not able to at- private Insurance Ordered and There is Unusual Military Activity Thruout South American Republic at Manila In ts by t'aptum Von Ihe dlffrrwce. paring lend etiurt for aevenU weeka owing Performance.

In tba majority nf trisKa, of lha Ornian Jmpnrlal nffM would ba avoid entah- producers ith the war lilduamea of the testimony given In the antl tha playhouaea proceeded without break. Tha second night of tin-grand opera In lrury Lane waa on and tha program wa carried thru draft hearing la the federal court here today. Witness' testified that "Rube" Munaon, atnte orgamxer, and Home Hpmica, at at" aecretary of the Working Clan. I'nlon which, tbey aaid, waa to an operation. Ho will bo tnen later.

Rumania Didn't Gat Them All. Sacramento, CaU rWipt 24 I'r. rtiarln Kmne, state veterinarian, declared t'tay than an epidemic of anthrax affecting rattle in Vol i county, baa reached an alarming to tha and. only a few people Ipuv boaid. The geunrai, as well aa the American and allied govern -inonta, will share In th reductions, loch go Into Immediate effect and the a reran cut provide that produr-ir.

not reduce wagna. Obtain Until Jan. 1. Ui tha bfMiam. navy, henator la-wla t.lay told the Mahmml nf a iiervnanant in- eenata.

iranc depart men t. No action waa taken today on fna Captur, Pan. F.rat. wMrh be aP- Wuutlng a port foin Admiral private Inaiiranra eom-Hry tu the nat dcpurtn.rni. nlea.

The iib-mmmlll-n hope lllinou ernawr said that Von to report th- hill tn th- tH told th. American naval officer that ceanmltte. Wednesday or Thur-day Germany would captur. I'arla aa the Chanoo Inaurane Section, flrat atep to aublugating Kept. 14 -A new GERMAN ARTILLERY IS VERY ACTIVE In ona thaatrr, whra an Amarl cut play waa betng praanntcd.

the directly affiliated with tha Karnirra' audinnra afpuudxd tha arturs an tbuaiaaUnaliy and tha company rr- and 1 borers' lYolea-llv organiaa- Th. prloca will obtain until Jano stare and ha feels cnnnuem s--n. aonmlod 1 alvlnc a rharrful round if tion In Texan, had told them th. or-I are bng spread by agenta ene- ary 1. 11.

to b. revised than I mien of the rniien r.iai.. in Aserwtated Pres. Violent attack br th Idlers of ho ma and bO.Ouo atrong In Trias. The taking of New iota ana suraUia swuon lor toe they ar.

ingtoa to follow, in order th.t ZJX, lu.tabl. tKrmany migla secure an enormous mm rr Ji. year against lap-l Apportiowod by War Board. taien ariinn Immod fairly anainat applauao on tha atua (or tno an-him. UMU-a.

Quaatien Not Claaad. Anothar Umalar lowrrrd tha flrr- Tha rablnrt and drputlaa do not' proof curiam aflT the flrnt act. conmdi lha aurnUon rloaed and The manager mill to lha front and NAMES WATERWAY BOARD, Oerrnan crown prlnc against the Forty-Eight Organization. To Join. orKanizationa.

wit- French position northeast of cash indemnity. Toe wiping out ol forfmture of Insurance poiioiea, niir. output of American there ta widaaprrad dinarp'oval hyiaaid the Interval would br lonrrr niasaa test lb ed they wer. told, were Governor Lowdon Announce Corn- on Monday wmi cheeked ilh naavr lossea br (Imoil fa to Join, under the 1. W.

W. in a na- position of Body to Take VP Uon-wide revolution. In which was' Connection Between Joliat the Monroe Lioctrine and the eon-; agreed on today at a conrnrince clants will b. dlatributed under tro. of South America by Germany ofar X.

'l." LupnrvUlon of board, wbb-h. also were predicted by Ihe Gorman and sen-! MBri laing the pjwer of priority of offu-T, declarid hcnalor Liwia. who which ff.jpupiion given the fwrarnmrnt the uewapaprra and deputira of Ihr1 than usual and rrqiiretad the audi-peraonaj Kf-irantee arnt by It. rnco to iro Into the pojuawrowiiya Molina, Arirpntlne mlnlaler at liar-1 hre It would he anfrr than In the lin. Ihat liermany would kern Ita ahlrh thi-y did.

They un' men and th Germans gained l-niMng. included plana to arise small towna, I Lasalla. attack cltlea, loot banks, burnj Sprtngfleld, 1IL. Sept 24 GoTamor bridge and rut telegraph wirea. t.rf., todav announced Th.

aseaolt began with an attack prom uo. waa dua-usalng peace negoliauona. rrow win rwunm congress. Will apportion It In by congress, will apportion returneu to thnr "ata after baif an hour. Muin tha Koternuienl of the bill.

front of aout a mile and a rv'M war 1 of the larirret muflr balia nan rpeiice. a witnee. said, told th. no ni- i Inaurane men bar protested uuii way -t to aarter north of th. I.

Chaume SEEKING LOST POSITIONS 1 the creation of a board of water re- had not given the wide cir- iH-ra of the union that two rarloada time urrliestm of 0 women. requireraenls. the aecl.on as originally drawn, re. n.innir Ihat Ihe eoniranl.w them- of rifles would be ready for Iheir use. i source advlaors.

and aptwlnlrd to the i( Senator leui continued. Thui, i.i.imI ihe lo 'niy in renter oi me umumiM Store, were to be burned, after new body K. S. Conway. Joy Morton re tha German ahle to reach rrench poaition.

tha artillery bung Iwted for provisions, according and John T. line of Chicago. George to th. plan aaid to have ben out- T. l'axe of wria and Chart.

lined, and railroads were to be aeiu In of Kast St. Ixuis. The oncanl- them elsewhere. The eneh fought valiantly and re for mobilising r-belllnus orgnnixa-1 ration of the new boird Is regarib-d but in the fate of it now. any a-na- keep K)lirles in Prce, inum.r-t hr and waa unconaotuiion- tor who here or Us.

wber- 1 gainst any measure of ti in old one, would aftect Inauratic Itmda hluiarlf to tl.e emmy." c.ntrarta not iceecing a face va'ui Pruaw.n Paac. Hypocnay." of I 00, Ih. governmeut would dr-Characterumg Germ.n reply ownt-" to I'op. Bcnrdicfa peace not. a rt Mrn on vaiu.

of an and an tions which would greatly outnumber by state officials as marking the gained master of the situation after illlcttnf heavy losses rn the fier troop left lo proiect I'realdent Wll. I. rut step of th proeent admlnlstr.i-son and Gov. lllUms. of iklahoma, Hon toward securing a waterway and defend Ihe Mexican liorder.

iconnertlon twtween Jollet and the l-iwis. German Make Strong Attacks the arts without interruption. Many Ag.inat Ground Won by th. l.n. Ilvin th.

of the underground railway vk Bntiah, But Fail to Retak. it ln ttl, Thu work of J'nliah rYont In 1-Yanr. and llel- tho r'Hre. firemen. rlvl conatables Bium.

fepL (Hy tha Aaaoriatod "'d wr" he in'i auniltartna waa prompt. German gun. wer. e-j "UJr any raoualty have cw'dinft-ly active during uuit night on tirvn tin- ajiancla-thc northern half of the recent bat- tion, altho the aiU'iirl have not tie front and at time the artillery yet been heard from, duel reached a bIuko of great ln- Cam in Threa Squadron, tonally, rieveral envmy barrow' r)m tHlrHi rrpnria Indicate that were put down on the llrltih front (hf tl three aquad-line while on the extreme left con- ThJ f)rlt warnn)r waa given aioerable gas waa employed but no. nutlvimz diatrlct at 7:10 Kimoltanenusly, the German crown Waat Sat foe Jul- i Illinois river at IviSalle iM.llt'V ruasiun p'ace lilpwru) if Ihe board of advisors three I Tine threw forward two secondary The war risk Insurance board ind IT The uprlsmK against the govern affront both lo the pope menitter.

Conway, line and Kox, are fox. are, i ilmlnutlencc ment forces, one north of Heon act for July 27. witnesses lUsiubllcan. tun cage ar- gnicnt lison, rn ntor th declared. The anti-draft rioters In Basis of tho Price.

Th price agreement was reached after months of negotiations be. twarji atari producer, and govern- hmuU officials. Th. price, wero based on coal o' production estimates mail, by th federal trod ooromlsalon after an Investigation conducted at th. president dltev 'afflciaia aaid tonight prices P-; proved by tha president wer.

"haral and would allow fair profits staoi Planu and that some of thn largar concerna. would niako hnd-aomw prutlU at tho prices named nl pnalucuon ahould be auinulated. Coat of Sba.1 Plat. Coat of prodnoUig tel mTot thTTarge, plants la now rUout 5. or 13 testlm-my of Juwepb K.

L''5' chairman of the federal ade cmuudon. before th. -snt. -mltt th. mux.

aouth of the Hols le Chaume, 1 nmot rats. hat be ternieti Snmlnule Hughes and I'ontoioc Coun are said, however, to have been given liad th other southeast of Iteau- San.U Adepts Confwowo. Report. and those who ntue ties began their raids August 2. The jont northwest of th wood.

Her u. ana nmriy in nu W.ri.n tir. Washington. Hept 24 -After brief debut, the aaruMO today adaini the be French did not wait for the Ger infantry action I reported a hav Free bpaach Defined. tllHuHIF nan to reach their trenches, but the walerwav nronoaltlnn aoUilv a.

o'clock and Hie police anpouncea "all clear" about 10:31) o'clock. ramlllM oonferenca report on the trailing wl'b -Th. country sniarantoe. tree, bi w)(h aI ing taken place. Newport I Bombarded I'ont oat to meet the attacker, ho I W.

W. To Start It Th Industrial Workers nf ihe speerb to every American. There were unusual ceno in xne business proposition with a view tn! the greaJast public service. 1-slie l. luterhaugh, direetor of' ler driven bark with I

World warn to launch (ho UDrialn Trie and FarrvAfoiae- the public works and htiildinrs dr- according to one witness, who aaid till row. oa nw. apeakef "but that iwu who, tomoTTOW usee against America mmMan lo prudent not Hie American to whom Tree peach Is guaranieed. ln thi. coun-l a'gnatur ni.c-a.-.

try. there can be no free to Center of 0i.eira.ion. itube Munaon. almged state onran. partment, and I hackrtt, suiter- Later in the day the crown prince two new attacks against the ser of the W.

C. ao told a nicet- Intendent of the division of water ing of the Krlendshlo local In an nu 1 ways, will ln eharire of the active I t'bauma. only to meet furthsr torn field rioar Susakawa. organisation details if the work fa.lura. Again the French drove the I anv man to destroy me ireooum to( iiiscoasion toiiay imw his fellowman.

There ran never be ainnndmenl ailded by the confnrwia, m. ai.wh tn an American nmhiblting the publication or duitri- All Kutraaaful loll. TDll WIO fc" ierman back with casualties and In I' many tnaege. Against Wigqimv. a ton under Hie price of 55 1 i.resident In The men appointed or all sue- Hiunrov the liberty of the.

bution bv anv mean or matter made ll', Mdition captured fifty prisoners. On Furthrr north, the I-rench also underground railway uittn. wom-were 'mi'aCr'TiiIncfeafed fire and in rn i evenlnit ch'thra rublwd nhonl-the cooe; aectoT, the enemy' arlll- iifn with workmen homeward bound Iitv fire likewihe wa heavy, Meu. kit of tool. Many per-tort belnK made the objoctiva of a sons dwn the atairwm and severe bombardinent.

read news-pppera while waiting; for ln the toiithrrn section of the field lirnaal that all was clear. Uth-of the recent offensive conditions VT riK anme danced, were more quiet. Jtut there was another aide to the British Mak a picture. Mothers, unable to pet A hard local hattle was fought at home, were distrcst about the safety ..1.1. 1" lust northeast of their children and wounded sol-'7Xr je.tcrday.

as a result mn hobbled to places of safety on 'ra attempt to ream lost attended by their num. nemona The outcome of this, Afr the raider, had Kone, the was that the German streets where N.mbs hd fallen were not only wa. broken up but cniwded with many iM.K hurl- 1 mrnm WPll Biter IlIlO- eraiun, Kent. Zf. 1.

ceSMrill nnslness men. 1'nn. tv im tO he Alsne front there has been only Wiggins, alleged head of the "Work i.resideni of the w. vimhnii nauon. non-mallADla Dy uie eepoMiasn iw-w The provision Is designed to suppress smaller I imwies' tesumon).

ing i lass i an anti-draft imuiv of Ch cairn Morion la m.l.l activity except for the re- nt Urgent Deficiency Bill Reported, entirely senuious puunrstaons oaw-ri, bii.ik:. Ninety per nan nation tnat caused much trouble known for his connection with the fnim the malls, but still cirrulatlngj runs inuen at inn by the fYench of a German "jrpriee attack north of i i I "I T. i Ti Vt ha inland water- -r express or oUierwIaa. Swiator, of Ihe plants. i.nd he city lail here last Thursday, i ways, lMrle Is head of tha Chloaco I OOO.OKO tw the Norru," CurnnKna protected rig- time, could sell pltra at Is charged with a seri.

of cnnies in mercantile firm hearing his nsme.l ficiency bU said snmnt th action of the con- make a profit overn- dispatche received by f(Jeral oftl- lae is a successful business lawyer I appropriation measure f-V detOarlng It would permit the It Is the Intention of th. gov rial, here today, it Is alleged that he and a prominent waterway, booster ed in any uatlon. was favorably re-i in a to the utmost lis pow dynamited the water and and Kox Is general manager of the1 ported to the tmlay by the conrol steel dlsribntlon. mains at llenryetta, Aluminum (ire Commnv of Amer. am.ronrlalions commlltee.

Senator 'fTI a t. Thmesw Clww- German Fire Hvy. In Flander there hua been no great in a counter or ve to nfantry activity, altho the opposing agaxl 1 4rtillerieB still are busy. The Ger- i ail ed the enemy iotiii a nm ion which he had held since the normal. Emu Martin King.

Kanadell, Metchar spring, and later set fire to a school lea. house, near lienrvrtta. and ihm h. lnuui fire la reported neavy on both tomorrow. hpeeoy caii.Hi up offensive began last Thursday, and Vardaman upheld tho provision.

V. 1 1 a alr- 'nk of the Pcarpe, east of Arras. lnrlon. SeDt 14. Hostile trong nfiict cenierea in I Lena and northeast of Vpres.

must finish camp dodge obstruct the draft law. i planes attacked the southeast coast of Knglnnd this evening. According to the official announcement trie Rusaiana Captur a Position. On the niga-Dvlnsk sector of the Zl ad.led I I77 600 000 insisting that publlcaUrms violating week, most of the Increase In ing tor wn th bUI totals 7.i9!.-! with little oppoaltlon. forbids trading vtlggina was a waiter sixteen I Until defense trench near the lxuis farm.

The British occupied part of these defenses on Thursday, but the Oer-mans had clung tenaciously to sew eral hundred yaTd. of ftround. It I Rdy For Them No a Iowa Soldier Will oaiiionuient at Iwis, 1 order issued 1 aL directing Ihat try into thTe. iron preference In VJ roducts b. steel nd inf-ir i 'he con-imlirtance as 1BI A cmprls- duct the war.

On" A. ln(r war wo8; r-cmprlslng industries lntetl to the war. industry. At her I astern front, the Russians continue heir effort, to drive the Germans I iar, anil his con duct while so employed I. being in vestigated.

14 uoO. Including actual appnipria I iiacit toward the In lna In the region hroneht Ul southeast of Riga. I et- Sent Thar. On Oct 3. Pes Moines, Iowa Sept 24.

Governor W. Harding today received a telegram from the war department Informing him that no more Iowa drafted men would be' Irograd report tha capture of a Ger-laan defensive position In the sector 4 Sllaome. tion. of IS.606.0C,nuo ana uaoiuoom. authorikatmn.

of 2.SH6.46t.00. of 'mr "mds, for regulation of A new clause aud.1 by the sen-' "Um lnsorance companloa, for ate committee to the bouse Item of reusing foreign language newspap- I OWMt 7 regis.nitlon and selec-' ers. for censorships of all i.irvo,v.n i.ii communication and authorizes -he rroops and yesterday launched a fur-lou. attack in an endeavor to die-lodge the British. German Loa Prionr.

Brief, but bitter, fighting follow comprising I m. -ri not a fret Inst. LAFOLLETTE IS FLAYED Col. Roosevelt Give. Hi Opinion of th.

Wisconsin Senator in Speech In further comment upon the booty alien at Jacobatadt last week, ller- Tho reou. ,1.. in nr n. i nresidnnt to embargo imports. sent to Camn lxdre cantonment un- UTmv under the draft act would lim ti officially makes the statement raiders came In different pia.e.

Kent and Kssex. A few of them i fol-owed the Thames and attacked Ixm- dBomhs were dropt at several points. The casualties so far reported are six persons killed and about twenty Injured. German Charge Refuted London. Pept.

German official report of September that during the borr.baidment of Belgium. Saturday shell had "truck the cathedral, killing seven Pns and wounding others is refuted an official statement from the Brit- which declares ed with rifle ana -strongly did the British meet th. on. i rwwi riio men at Kansa City. navy purchase contracts retary Imnlel al prices for 600.K tons Thi.

than those named toiaV nel Wrn. lauKht that tne romuar tou-srains. it wan uiiurr- now auuonsea oy rVLU UuUI flllt. L.AIlULn hack leaving benino stood, were sent to tne governors, jn approving tne nouse n. -t AaA AAA ennNlrilC- hat quantities of provisions, inciua ng bread and flour, were captured here.

On Aitro-ltltn Front. There have been no further Infant-, Kansas City, Mo, Sept 24. "If I were at this minute a member of Half an houT nuinuri u. UI Oilier n.aiKB TlonS Ol Dodge. Tho telepram received by; tion of torpedo boat destroyers, the International ntitirt of Agriouitur.

191b-iii ton ir.o the the Hnu On The navy short ton for, ftovernor Harding follows: committee Inserted a clause numor-t at noma issue, rig urea snd a for shapes "No more men wil be sent to I imB. tnr president to taite over inu.i World Production. the United State senate, I would be ashamed to sit in that body until 1 found out some method of depriving Senator LaKollotte of his seat In tack on the section redYor'velTours. troUrinally diving the enemy actions on th ISaJnslixa plateau, northeast of Gorlzla or on the t'arso. Vorthwat of Trent, In the region of Marmolada.

Austro-Mtingarians have plates ontracU will Camp Hodge from Iowa, on October S. because the camp Is not ready buildings snd other consirurt.ou facilities that may he required. Kuture mlrM. Secre Washington, Sopt 24. The world's wheat crop this year for the principal countries which have reported.

isn aamiriijr uhototraphs taken after the out and securing i mat chamber which he now dis 'Hied In an attempt to dislodge the Confar Near Agreement homhardment show no sign ot me including the united Stales, Is Italian from their recently graces by hi presence there," Col Theodore Kooscvelt declared ln a -am. tlon. Weather I Idaal. The weather continues ide .1 for them. A oon the ramp Is completed and ready for the men, they will be sent on." Rock Island Soldier Die.

Cyril Carpenter. 25 year old. a conscript from Rock Island, lit. In tha second increment assigned to cathedral having been hit HURRICANE 'KILLS NINE talk today at a luncheon given for Major General Leonard Wood and Washington, Sept. i Aitno 4SS OtiO bushels, an Increase of 3 1 per the verge of complete agrcemen rent OTBr I91)! according to reports on tho war tax Mil many times to-lfrf)m international Institute of day the wviate and bouse conferees; Agriculture at Home made public to- V.

an. I Bit. a Paris, Sept. 24 The Germans made made at the ury an els for thn Isf.ed with tn "H'the public will future inasmuch as me i in then. intense Conc.ntr.tion.

Intense concentration or Uimgh In an Issued by P''tr dicttns himself as a part of the middle khof coaldatiot, thruou, -epeated attack against the French western patriotic celebration of this again ralioo U) set ny uie I'ejnu-imeni oi Agncui- hne today north of 1ied at the camp: inurned unUl tomorrow wun iw iunv city. tnLt Waning the Ocrman. made a Verdaa, where they wer driven back Col. Roosevelt assert od that if hospital yesterday. It became knownj hope of concluding their long strug-i The world' barley crop I 4M.2M.- Many Ship.

Ara Injured and Banana Crop Badly Damaged by Storm Whieh Swept Jamaica. under the French fire along a front of today. Carpenter was taken 111 Friday, and Major Craft, hospital com naH-ri ih war gie men- i i. Conilnued disputes over war ex-rent: the rye crop bushels, cess profits taxation and a few Increase of 10 7 per cent: the or matters blocked the agreement rr.p l.Si!iO..,.04.000 bushels, an Inorertw cases prernrrncu local attack on an aavancru rTt northwest of the city of In. It'er heavy artillery jl this port back to int.

British front nne.lKar,y today the --w that in all Kingston, Jamaica, Sept 14. Nine hout a mile and a quarter. Secondary attack north of Besnnvaux and near Beaumont were aJso repulsed mandant said ne was aunt-ring nui "Acute FIRST PRIZE TO NEBRASKA expected today by many oi tow W-r emu. ajiu com crop ferees. The senate members wcrej bushels, an Increase of I with sanguinary losana, according to Priir't's' be glf to concerns turn-ing out materials actually ne.

the war's conduct. Thru Us power to rnntml an -portaUon the priority commiu 11 reported ready to accept tne com- rent. nromise plan of graduated war ex- Algeria, thn latest country to recess nmfita rates proposed hy the port, shows wheat production of representatives when further 715.000 bushels, an Increase of 1.9 per dispute arose over renewed attempts cent over llnr ml crop Is Ha statement of the war office tonight ACTIVITY iF AR6ENTINA Mobilization of th Nevy Ha Been Was Awarded 300 in Cash and $500 Loving Cup at Peoria Soil. Product Exposition. sitifs und tne I'u nu v.

Kovemniont per onnt, and her barley crop 3.1. ocr cent of invested corporate capl- 208 000 bushels, a of 7.7 pr Peoria. I1L. Sept 24. Nebraska, ceni.

nrsftv asreed that any at tempt on war excess profits wBl not materhvlty change the "ens. te' a pro Ordared German An Financing Railway Strike. Buenoa Aires, Sept 24. Mobilisa PLAN FISH MOBILIZATION won the first prize of 1300 In cash and the silver enp at the International Soil rrodtict Exposition here today. Out of a possible 1500 points Nebraska led all other exhib lie issuing certificates on which o.

-lie, similar control neccsarr. Profound Changes Foreteen. its of agricultural product with 1,216 points. Other prtse winners wero: Kan congress had taken the action three years that it has since the declaration of war, tho war would have been over. "If we take heed of any peace utterance Germany prepares we will show that we are not prepared yet to go out ln the world without a guardian." Should Declare Mora War.

The colonel added "America, must make good the words of President Wilson 'make the world safe for For this reason, we should declare war against Austria and Turkey." At the conclusion of his talk. Col. Roosevelt was presented with a gold quill with the reminder that the pen is mightier than the sword. "But I would rather have a sword." the colonel said. "Thi la a very exclusive war as far a 1 am concerned.

I was black-balled by the committee on admission." Goes After LaFollstte. After praising MaJ. -(Jen. Leonard Wood. CoL Roosevelt Bald: "Now that I have spoken to yon of American who stand for and are representatives of America, I now wish for a minute to speak to you of an American who represents the worst of American characteristics Senator LaKollette.

Senator La-lett la at this moment loyally and efficiently serving one country Germany. He la acting ln such fashion as to make him one of the most potent enemies of this country and a most sinister enemy of democracy. He claims, and it Is the emptiest of all claims, to stand for de-mocracv. He is doing everything In tion of the Argentine navy has been ordered at a rendezvous thirty-seven kilometer from Buenos Aires. There is also unusual military activity ln th Republic.

Altho thi is oaten-ably due to the general strike, a high official said today the general staff its eye open to "other I i persons were killed and much properly damage was caused at Port Antonio, in the hurricane which struck the Island of Jamaica yesterday. The custom house there was destroyed and a large hotel damaged badly. Coasting vessels at various points around the island were injured by the WAdvicfia from the Interior and north side of the island indicate that considerable damage was done to buildings. The banana crop is believed to have suffered great damage. CIVILIANS NOT ADMITTED Candidate for Third Srie of Offi-cer' Training Camp Mut From Enlisted Men.

Washington, PPt 24. A third scries of officers' training camps will be opened by ythe war department early In January. Locations have not yet been announced. Candidates for commissions Adjt-Gen. McCain announced tonight will be selected from enlisted men of the regular army or those called to the color under the selective draft law, no applications from civilians being considered.

Establishment of the third series of ramps Is part of a general policy of the war department to continue the making of officers by special training to keep pace with enlisted strength of the service). Two Conference Open, in Washington to Speed Up ProductionPopularize Frozen Fish. Washington. Sept 24. Mobilization of the fish Industry, with a view to aiieedinir up production, Is the purpose of a two days' conference begun here today between wholesale fish distributors and the food administration.

A campaign is planned to popularize frnren fish. sas, second with 1.14 points (200 tn cash and a silver cop. and Arizona third with L048 points, awarded $100 to cash. Minnesota bv oil ii Profound chant; 1 urcsi'. fUry auaca ha been report-ed.

AIR RAIDS ARE REPORTED Hohenzotlern Bomb Dropper Viit-d Severl Place in England Last Night, Killing Six. Ixmdon, Sept. 25. There being perfect weather Monday night for air operation, Londoner expected a visit from German craft and their expectations were fulfilled. Shortly after o'clock gnns were heard firing in the suburbs and the motropoll had a repetition of the experience to which it has become accustomed.

Between 8 and 9 o'clock the noise of battle was heard thruout the city. Anti-aircraft guns were being fired from numerous points and bomb could be heard dropping. Searchlights played over the city and th rocket-like bursts of shrapnel furnished an Interesting spectacle. Purpose Waa Murder. The purpose of the Germans apparently was the Indiscriminate snonmble for putt ins ihe urd i fourth with too points.

MllMllfliCtUrerH 921 chili. katchawan. Canada, nrtn wiui clast aa luxury with 3 Will i'" and as tlie points, and Wisconsin sixth German Financing Strik. German Influences are believed to feel its opera. 920 points.

posed gross levy or "w- Houaa Order. Suffrag. Committae. Wasiiington, Sept 24. Creation of a committee on woman suffrage waa ordered by the bouse lata today by a vote ot 181 to 197.

The way and means committee will name the personnel of the new committee which will assume charge of ail suffrage bills, now handled by the strongly anti-fruffrage Judiciary ooTranittee. Creadon of the committee, tor which the suffragists mei Img contended, assure an right on the thrsan B. Anthony suffrage amendment at th next session of congress. Baaia of Opposition. Tha antln, headed by Chairman Webb, of the Judiciary committee, made a hard fight today against the resolution.

They maintained that its adoption would be taken as an Indorsement of Whits House picketing and that it was unnecessary, lnas- ernment's reo.uircraei.. a.v. The judges www i. a. xuunnoo.

of Manitoba; A. N. Terteyerk, The ennlorenon was told tnat wun war time conscription of ships and nmy Industries us-oo. eiimmatctl enun-i'. was biRnetl by s.

Rock ford. Ill, ana tJianes mcjai-frec, of Sooth Dakota. with Intensified ocmanri ror risn io Tie onj I-vett. as chairman or reioase more meat to the allies, ail-verse conditions have developed which must be surmounted. May Avert Epidamic Chicago, III, Sept 14.

Health Coro- bs behind the railroad strike. Thruout the day It has been ascertained bJ the authorities, strike agitators pre offering strikers orders on a Gwman eleetrtc company with which 'o pay grocer and butcher bills. The question of rupture with Oer-many still being discust hy confess and the public, Germany's recent notes. Many d'Ptitie say they have no confidence tee. with the approval of tl.e 1 taries of war and the r.svy.

Divided Into Three Classes All nroduction in the n'i inirv I misnlooer Ro4aitsou oectareo away thai thn enmtng of cool weather will Robert Peabody Die. Marhlehend, Sept. 24. S. Ieabodv of lloston died at his lee: a which consumes iron and probably avert a avion.

eiuouio infantile paralysis, which within th be divided inic past week claimed twenty-seven vic summer home at reach's I'rint today. He had been president of the American Institute of Architect. A will comurise a I the production or" art "i Berlin, because if the German tims, wnui sixty-six new caw-w imported, for a total of 2W. rovernment disapproved of Vonl siaug mer oi Wburr denpatcha. it ahould have As far as Investigations of the A.

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