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The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada • 2

The Gazettei
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MONTREAL, glnr THE HERCHiHTS wnnrati iri twelve years in cluirge of tho female lmsjd til. must at least jmssera a goodly riirawof llie virlut of aiua l.imight into her unfortunate pmutinn l.v MUiw combination or circumstance which in tlie light of nineteen -mvt atoneimuit may -lerarve-lly api-eal to public sym-l-athy. 1 fC CANA1X. called Tornella Fragrabs), bean fault. It belong tor tho Arum family, nf which Uie Caladium are the best known representative In cultivation, and Uw com-on Indian turnip of ear own wood among native plants.

Mr. Gorman, the gardener, will lie ready to show this llowet wonder to any llorista 1 -deslrou ff seeing it, on calling at thg pwL-hoso. 1 Tlii Friday) morning Devaaiy A Co. Mil at the resJiteiH-u No. Ill fit.

Famille street, all Uw excellent tuahogduy aad walnnt fur-niliim, pianoforte, flue Uue work, cnrtwte and general effects, together with good milch cow, lot of Mmuih fowls, Ac. Th hour Is ten oclock. 1 Focxn Dsxu. The t-wly of man named Antoine Boincrt wm found. In a Hold in Aeadsmy of Mul wrt-rftwraanee nt m.

Ai-kismr of Mn-le wlvrrarraanee si Theat re I toys I Wrfnoaliee al ll-n is tr iipsra lionse tvrfnrm at a pLin Meebat! Ilall-CbnOert, at 8 P- m. AUdTIOS BALE THIS DAY. uy jirjruv J. hiiaw. Aul-rtne sureet Kurnllnra, at AtnMtd.

I 0.0 UY DAVID PitAHKtl. I'nte Ptreut -Horses an-l Carrlagas m. 1IY UKVAXY A CO. Yamlllv Miwl Furniture, at At X-k Pi at At 111 HI. Iu an I1L Hi C.Ot::t:A!i uL-JlliVAl'IONS i i -iIIi-kii iliM-r ata-ry.

III sIn-cv -hi Inf ft.l. canunf year throe will be a quorum. Hi Worship the Mayer will act as Chairman. Aid. WrCuvri, Chairman of the Health Committee, wm rooMnawmted to purchase a ana to ensnie th prompt burial ef person who may die ef eoategleiM dimers, when circumstances necessitate such action in the sanitary Interests of sections ef the city.

Abfc Gxggiuu, who brought the matter up, called attention to the ess at oo(pu death having been due to smalt-pox which had been allowed to llo for two days in a crowded quarter. Aid. MoCoun explained1 that Immediate hartal bad her ocdcred so soon th cause of Booth was cMumunhmtcd to the Depot t-mcnL A rocemmendstion 1 bclng' imuk In favor of tlw peyuiriit of (be'sum of $100' to the Health tNeers, to be equally divided, fat extra ackvicr ronduiul in connection with tho Civic Sinall-lt-x IIiMrttel betwoL-n November, 1874, arid Felmiary, 1878, Aid. Childs enquired whether one Health Offierfi would not be setficisol to de nil that wm required In thi relation, an-l Aid. McCose replied la the affirmative.1 The Karon.

In th Interest of the city, strongly urged tlw appointment of oao physician of high steading and great experience; with large eatery, to act as llunlth Officer. He remarked that thi wm the course followed to the leading American rltice. A discussion took place on the subject, bat the Beard adjourned at 6.15 without taking any definite action. A large numl-er of the Brooklyn clergy re mihI to linve fallen victims to a Beat April foul hoax- Two irrevecent VaNlll joki-'H notes ta lAlJOUt liirty ministers, re-fit-sting tlicir presence nt am- of tin-Ixitcls at three o'clock in tlie afk-rimmi, tr tliepurj-oso of uniting in the Isuid- of. Irtatiiinony Jsiuisn B.

t'ampla-li mi-1-' fenliuiiml Is- Bristow. Some liirty re vercnd of all denomination resjam-leii to tlie invitation. and tho lintel clerk was culled to answer very numerous and pressing iag an. I iii-iuino- l-w Mr. 'Bristow.

Talniago Mum sent note regretting tiiat "circumstance oyer which tle-y nn-l no contort prevenlHl tln-ir complying. Ik-echcr, with tlie wiMbnu of the serpent, raw through the rail. Hie gmsl man, wlm )ue I forgotten tlie name and h-lt the not bchiiul, hunted through tlie hotel register fiir 0010 time in the hnje of finding ami rememt wring tin, name. Tlie graceless no an ii is, wlm looked innocently on while confiuuon reigned, certainly deserve to ie minus a clergyman when they want to get married in earnest. The New AmerlcaB re-Him I MMtars lower Ilian In Wi NuUwchMliif i-r iti-li-aili'a will nut raise tlw pries alter elL So says tlie Iximlon A'ltmrtittr, a free trade journal.

1 tlio Adefrlintr had rabl, So the I'nitetl State policy ol 'protefc-" tion liu not raised tho l-rieo to their lioiuo ronsiinM-rs alter all," it would-liam been more to tlie j-oint, though such fact certainly doc not ls-nr out tlie theory of Bee lent. Wo give cDcwlu'ii the Timer reiiort of the jii-lgiuent of tkiT-Privy 1ouneil in the Mutitrcal CHSorif Moore and Harris, whU-tl was ileci.led in Knghind on tlie 7lli hist. It will l-o' nnticeil that tlteir Ixmlshifi roste.l their jiulguicnt uion the express U-niis pi llm bill of lading, which contained a clause that no claim whatever would to admittml unless made lie fore tlwif-wibwow renwve-L Tlio Cniw, published fortnightly at lienti-ew, i a new candidate for.pojiular favour in tlw lino of cimU) journalism at least that i it character, if wo may judge froui the eon tenia of the number liefiww us. It has some spicy hit at tho Ottawa Government, whoso raying and doing ntfotii an inexhaustible field far tlw humorist. THREE HI VERB ELEOTIOH.

(Ism stlkfMI. Turcot Bom mand pf i ri1 sa ii ri ik ti i fa) ri t-y compure.1 with I V7I, in the ter year the exjujnditure- f.w all pur-j)es ing lsiii Jlnl.i'ISi1; iu I'i-' fnnn which may be divluclcil for purjipio not inclmloJ in-iler thus leaving a net total for tlie l.itter of 7 .11. The av'eriige nunilfr of I. convict. during the year wa lie coil lieail.

Un7. Imj' average value of tlie lain, head Is-ing the cwl of iiuunleiiaiK'e i M.liwwi to I Tl aveiage et nf each convict in Knghind. in I it M.d., or utjout H7.1; in Auluirn Stnto 1ri-on, hi.e7.. it was 1 l.i I in I Ililini- Penitent iarv, in State Prison, 1 l. The average cost lf each prisoner in the iVntral iVison.

T.Miuito, lust 'year' wa 477 int. which gnwtly exceeds that in tlie Montreal tool. TIiij- conlinue to If" well lii.Uiagiik-'Tho value of tie pits. I net hut year licing estimate I at I.i7'.i.l t. wklTi.

tlie Cush exf nditurc wa The sanitary condition ho Uwin favorably on the nurgiiui. iiw diet i is Jwliolenonie, ami nutritious. Tlie nclmol continue to Im a source of lwnelil to many convict. Tlie female ihartiucnt i raid to. be a of onhv, industry and cleanliness, 'ami tlie conduct of tlie prisoner ha J-en generally' gmal.

The nunilwr of alient remaining ip tlie lfoekwoo.1 Asylum on December 31st, I 7. was S7' on tlie eorresondint date in 174, wbilh wa also the avprwg 'numlier last yeari 1 these. 317 were male, ami 171 female. The number of death was tlie Mime a in the previous rittir, 17. The total eXH.mlilure for the year 1 -7i wa.

ll.i..Vs, an avenige of about 11 lie-1. In their 171 die Director staieil tlml tlu ahlmiuistnitHMt at St. Vincent do Paul liml not given antifac-tion and, when tho InMftnr visited tlie in SepttolJer last, a- brief inviitigiiiinn suflieeil to convince him of the. truth of tlie statement. In dhis opinion he wa conlirtmsl by tlie rejKrl which, lie received from no IVputy Wanlen, tin Chaplain, ami tlie ehlnf keejier.

There was, in fact, no di-cipline among convict or talT. Much of this demoralimlion-wiw owing to tho infirm state of tho Wanlen' health, ami tha cliief Llama which rested on that otfi-4r wa hi not fully ami officially making known tlie fact to tlie (Sovemment. Ac-cOnlingly certain diangea were imal in the rsonnel of tlie official, ami in De. eemlier lat Dr. J.

A. Duelionean entensl on tlie duties of Wanlen, ami Mr. H. B. McKay, formerly accountant, on those of IVputy WanlenJ.

Dr. Duchesneon spent some week at Kingston, to leant tlie system pursued In the Penitentiary there before taking large of the administration at St. and during a short visit recoiitlyl utiulo to tho latter pluco ly tho Ins of tor, ho bwl an ojiportuuity of seeing tiiat the exjierienco thu gained hal lieeir nsefl with iM-neficiol elfoct. The discipline now jroerly enforced lu-lie are regularly ami systematically aa-sigiiTl and lerlhrmol cleanlincM and onler pnwrail, and tlio place begin to assume of a well-regulated eual establishment. The expemlitura last year wa A against 2g 7 3.

Vs) in Tim averV numlier convict during the' fiscal year ending June 3utli was Uio average cost of each convict, 12 tlio revenue fnnn all sources, Tlie mall number of convicts, tlicre being only, proper ac-eomntolatkm fur 131, ami thoi necoraity hitherto of using their laLour exclusively far prison purpose, are adduced aa reason far the very limited revenue, ami, it is added, until the Pen i ten' liary 1 completed ami tho Wanlen ha tho bene lit of the labour of the Bill numlier of convicts belonging to the Province, of whom 153 are how in Kingston, no very appreciable increase in the revenue ran be looked for. work cf enlarging the dormitory hae been commenced, and it ia bopod that before long evils will be provided for 79 more convict, who can then bo transferred from Kingston, mlier change am either in contemplation nr iit course of noontn-plUlitnent, wliich will facilitate the pur-uit'of various useful hidustrio. The farm will be turned to-good account, and the quarries, brickyard ami lime-kiln will altbrd profitable employment. The school is now in full operation, and tlie chaplains are constant and aealotu in attending to their duties. The health of the iistitution la all that oould he desired, and no epidemic ha broken out up to the prerant.

The average numlier of priaoner at tlio St, John, X. Penitentiary ha 1874 wa SI la 1875, 98. Tho total number re-eeivtslin the fwiuer year wa SS7 in the latter, 249. Tlie tota! number under-guihg rantenoe on the 31st 1875, was lOM-51 convict and 54 common prirooera. Of thera 13 were fa male, 5 being oonvictoi Tho total expenditure in 1x73' wa' 429 9.

33 maintenance, material for manufacture, kr, 18,399.57. The niort a a to this institution i genvndly rati factory. Mr. -Tolui Hinn succeedod Mr. Itobert Dun kin a Warden of tho Halifax IVni- 1 uin- T-y way of which were 1 of pul lie further j-jint out that the ij ichiv lin-iul vr oniuii-nt ii a vi-ry il iiiip'ie.

that I hey ity I Province. hiiwelet. ili'ili n.f wen fan I Ilf Hiil it i it inui'li i. one hliich. Ui nrty, ennjiot I1 to.i We leyret very iv tone of tin hioiin now iroinp in in the colunnw it no of our con iniOrar'.

lietlier or not tlu'iv are rh. the lVovince of tpij'lai which il. I have iwen aMeil ))' have, oil fhe nfi lei, while Ollier of water iuipwlJuice in tho oilier lVn-e have Uen'i itil, we ilo not pro- wr coil'letiin llioiht ftrnply rtny attilint to make capital the flovejninetil on the proefni tlult there wwkij are in tlii Jfiirincf. Nifthinp can -lit' ifcore unSiiMtwn to ea-jie. i that tlie Milliiyfei each aeaaion will le iliviilej jlietweii lie Province on i he lANi of population anl a call far ini on of jlaCrcpir UnUtivea of any of the Prov itici' in ifls lion to Iviiuinion for the object muellin; the ex-IH-n-titnre of -uni of money within wliich every' man the Priivince, i a tv ho iiit- vlw inter, of at heart will hi I irovincialiin i it-i'lf to Hellenic of confe itixanee a letiou-mi -take which vt.i th.

wloption of tl to the Prov-inne. I'r a-nry. We.JiJ ill: rati. of tin from tlii afr ii.l that we hav thyiit. Evilf whiilfi.

lino-t to cMiileihn. Lite real ikiftger Witlclt iie well working llm lent ion. In th.f fimt tni-tak'e vm ttuili Hrlip' inevitable iir principle of f'nwn the ItoniiiiUni vc ha-1 woinc laiip likely to arino ami we. are greatly not ih-cii the lal of tinder any cireutn-tdnee are foleifilily cerfain to pre. th.

tiiiMlve' iiott I whichever party i lit er, fnly aggravateJ bv tlii cry foi Provincial union fiyr Provincial wlvan. ta anl Ini i noyrtend-to Cana, la wlm do not at (inf vijrymf-et. do lii Imt to pr rent the ucce of uch a movement. ISITEih TEK7IABIE3 DOVIK705. Ve Imre I eciivi-I the fimt annual re-t on the buiteniiarie of the Ifainin-and the if Ijinaiie Aiiylunl at kwnni.

i Lil.uiitlcl by the Incetor to of Lu.licc. in accordance itjii the lii ret I tilt of the PeHitemtliry Art of I -7 with the Utitieal return furtii-itcd b) II, rtflicem of the aercnil iu-ltitulioa. It remembered tlml during tho of Parliament preoel-the one, nt wed, a wa paael abrogating lin la under w'hicli a Baanl of piiHcUm hail liecn an I rtf wetor to pcrlonn al I f. wlu formerly ciA runts I. It Ucltuml tlmt ly thi' iicvr era rcruWljr luu been cfect, and that join important iriiproi inent have Ufn fcitro diloeiL Amo igthi latter i a more etldtitiuil ly-'rvi-ion than i.liat lieretofara existed, ovfcr the ex imli ire and other Oferalion off the vario mi hli-hiuenta, which, it tjitcd, will i in Jtur regulatctf a to liow.

at an moi rnt, whitber the cant of ally or an then i in jut report km to of onerv inaintaineiL At tlje wauie ti no tv i fault i fauml with the injinagvoaet th ha been roperrodeil, it Wing a luff 'ted bi the aevend Board filhfully ai ioualy discharged tlicir trust, and it i 1 tiiat 0 effective have been lie ei wtrf employed far the amelioration an projieT government of our crimin I ilation duitM nine yean, tiiat with tho exoep-in of tlui IVofU i carried out In I re lan there i no bctU yteni of mlniinistra-lion of con ict aon than our own. Due praise i al to c' mmIoiI to the IVaekni, wle, a a metly Mcanled tlte'ef fvruof Xir Tlie wile excep-I ion to tlii i gift ral axtwfactni 1mm wa I he IViiite vtiaf; jf St. Vincent de Iaui, i iHIm ailui iniati lion of which complaint ra inailc tb Irjert of I 74. tlii refai cnee ill le mala further on. Arcorvlii tlie Act of the viail to each Penitentiary, liuteml Of being, a iriei monthly or quarterly, are retriiiel i two annually other Yiit bein i.

however, when wcial occasion iljriiiiuilt, or when tlie Minister them adviaable. In tea. 1 it, which hard been monthly return are eetor by the Wanlen, information a movement, outlay and fhe four Fenitentiarie Vincent, St. Jolin and Ifoclcwooil Asylum, inspected one since April flit (when the, ed, fill December lt r. .1.

(I, Moylan, fier alotMt sing tlie latter ha lawn assigned to" llm organisation of tlie complete. inter, I 1, there were intiiriii convict in 1'7 tlm humlivwa. of I IX llie gras mt i iiuire last year wa 191, i anie year the earning of i nintM to 1 or of tie average numlier cont, wa I jier limeL fiev rwjwii of the Kingston Pmiu-n. year i liighly favorable lb cbaracterucd by privh'M-, Ju. Igmcnt ami economy, tlie li-idn(j liav hml the cloud, silisfi inisirtaiHie st-jl well liUtintainifd of tho pris-mers, aft the ry.

An event of mm tlie removal' during the of th inmato of Ht. 'atd to Kingston, ami was exiprknond at ing tlie ni-w arrival regulations, but, by ii u-ly stricinti, this wa sb No very grave crime year of Vincent son i OIIH- W1.S fir-t in. nial conforot- la th proj-er and soon surtuou was oofnmitlo. I by any convict. Tin-re were three The numlier On Dec etuis male and JL l-eeii reoeir In l75, IK received fjb an-1 158 j-e anti one re-capture.

prisotK-r on tlie register 3 1 at, 174, 'was 4M 35 male. (ls-se 15 hml t)ie ooursr of thn year, male knd fomalss were 'the1 common gaols, traiiafi-msl from SL Vincent. it -e, witli one rc.j-e. con- I .1 0 viet tak year, i a M--ro in rniifi feiiinl.H a lot I--, front tlii' tear, fiedi give a total of 7t'l far Iim 1st of lieceinber last, there n-nicntj 572 male ami 21 al iiVj.1, Msl inrn'iM. of sailin' -hilw in the previous -ting tlnf additions from si.

found iIimi tliero vn-n-1 itnrio llm, i in I 74. As we i ti'itii'b on a pi-rviiMfs n-s-a-nsiiiaitiiiifnfs to the com intariojin 175 armtuntc-1 to ns coulsy with Uiim- ol 5 im-t lit, it i-Hi- fim.i i-t sein, the ti I Ill-ill gltols II Il iyi7.i, whir Ii. I -bH, himiui (iug to 3j)s5f slmws a -h-plor ablo in urea- The fimgicb iu criiiu, in that I'rovinen. i i-is materially aifocied the Kingston Penitentiary, serious decrease in the re r-v --Wu i of there 1 uhig eeipt fer convict labor farmed out by eoatra aad tenders having been solicit- od in lie pci ripe! eitieewithoul practical result. The decrease invxpefiditufe, een I 0 diirino' on tlw pro: we mipiit at ill i-ollis-tioli wjion xiiliiiy the i1 1 One.

I i tlieir ll.lVO IK llllellil -'ll. 111 tlwe. pli 1M fi--t tliej jn; lniilimofiiy. Ilml nili I in lit iiiiv iuetKin TlieWeeldy Gazette, Now ready Price Cta. nwH cm llli- t4 WVllIv KlM I Tlu nv I 1-st rnry I -TI U'ls It.

r.irolui H.I- in a -Mir -m tlt HlaMitS Hvi HitraiMi i ll-k 4'hiipt r-reat a In I -Ill-Ill I ii Km Ait iiio-'ii Ti" rmt. m-Mii- urwi Tnnii. lnK-l News; I nllr lm UH Ai' 1 1 Vnr tlMiinm i -i Mmi.i i. 04, Irf-- i-iiaran-' 5Ti 4 lb 'in-iiH-i It--1 li iiMlUrl-Vf v-eni Kafifc- N. Tnnii and 1 r7iriV-Kn'f i -1 Mr''1 l-ah-si kr fro-l- Wlurii.

B-KTSu. VMM IV- IT 6 Advertisers. Ai Uw'fomBfnWnfflt ttf nether we a refer the l.uineJ com mumty to tin advantaj.v no offered Ti rrx a fgr advertising. luring the fiv.vRr. inr Th ttk hne'lifiert iwt'r 011 central, it hf si owliiy in eolation, until lo-fey i erety Irnsine mm In tfiis Province, Arul I a vm larce cinuiat'nm in tho Othflf Irarinn I- Wo lwsc l-efore mIe he JatnAeoiont which hen repeal thli the cirei Jation of Ttm.iituirj cOnjiidgnLiy d-w thin twice that of otlierwominf "J'P pnbUhcJ Ion llnral In cobhj torn tho ra.neof mw fi an a-lveriisinf! medium, tlio notation of tho close of rro-Drs to wlioin it inont is qui uniejrtsot a feature merO nunjl an-l ke-iitff tliU know tod gad fa in view, have Iwwi np, ehil era row tint iHhlention on the pert of convince Uiem of the (hot, 'thetTn 0'rp hi the bet mlvertiainp tneQum jn the PravittcOf while the rate, charged far hlvertictfnU very moilorale.

urr I T. I (fU5CttC, H( J.X w-iS FBI MT, APRIL 21 SFXTOXE ozj THE MiUtc negro 1m declared war asalnut Tnr- SEWS. irohM fcnr-l Tw OwVii fl Chcrlwmtg on her return to gagtiuul yratvniay. Xjir Quebec iic-brblge i to be blown JTLtm tti.r toward, the end cf ncif 1, wtUtrn --y Albany vwiic baa ailopUitl tha wi rnni-nl lwlnttfo ol the Canal Uwn! ftw a rtdtiltlaa af canal lHa- Owpaichr (A.m raftfwl and rthet place Ha(ilaUcTurk aliow that the plagu i q-rirrfiffg to an alarming cadent. Tfia war eUi ul hufu'lcf lif the Hpaaiah bwfCt, to ba la Icf.iw the Ccatc hatur- day( aownint to mmie 9 Dervhwlt Vkt lm ha Un appointed Mini-I tw bf Wat fur 1 tnkry.

Aceea to Ntcaic ia barf ail by a bd of V0 inanraent. Major Qilfotv i eiialk-ntra to the New York l. Yauht Clnb to mil the Conntem of Itafkifn yacht again the club, for thu (juron plate, wm formally acerpted Ut night. Tke ttory of Hecvrtary Briatow having n-i etiired money -fa connection withrrooked whiakey tmaiwetion la contmdk tM by the IKca who ia (reported to haa paUTH. 'Ji A AOITATIOH.

r. Bdrihe tho metnber te ltk-belieu recently innounced that ho ha aj iio entire contrrtl of tlie mli tonal nun meut oftrf C'ttdlf Svrti, ami with al tjohlncM iich a the Preutielr would my, iiaiing, iloeUrc tiiat hw ntnlr In held reap double all tiiat apficaljt mlitoriaBy it tho column of tiiat fci. Tlii anrtoun loniciitgive iinfiortanee to tle Uf terane of a Journal whioh Iia not liilhertocha lcngt-l much public attoij-tontion, ami Hint Uxwr afmlygy fttr refcf-tig tooim article, erblonlly intondott aei ft eerie, hick are now appearing iit uJj Tho arti le am upon tfio. political situation 'a wo under. tnI it," and a ACif.

Bart ha 1 a 1arliament ail onooftl oontbling majority ufion i wluch miniatgr have mini with eo much odnfklenoo during tlie recent eion, tint public will loubtle 'ho inlcrmted in knowing hot he under laud tho Joli ileal situation. Ourioveily enough, at a Moment trbi tha aggremive attitiblo of tlib French ('ana. linn. i tho rahjwct t.rorhu frdui newly-fled gl Xyotewtant champion, Mr. Bartbo' thin 'of anxiety i that hi rkce i ihikiiig out of rxitenee.

Both tho jaliility am! the (woe of the he, -wolati-l a they are. ijurraundc. I by lilrogcneou element, in the inceaii affirmation of tiidir very wel tho employ-'' jijitnt of tlie mean nH'wurjf to aure 1 tie them th ir -Hi lion in tho Confadera- tloti. I a great truth that niut i mit lm lo.t sight of, ami that it Wwr 7 always I rvpu into practice." And baling thu jioirjteil out tho nocemity' fn, grpat on tie. 1 part of tho French 1 Ml.

Barth1 1 emit inuc Tho taut. tlie evi, from which tin? Province of. tyuebec Ii uffrd, now iiuffcr, ami 1 kill still i tier 1 onr dUunlon. l-t epply tho h-lt us niito l-t tandicate i men th- right of the Pro- tiM ol and sii will soon have ja-tico Hhi-raie- will to l4 tak--fi IvnilU-: of, atl wo will le- smve to 1 he preseut Ministry i not tmne a a Wly than irerc it ir I hall will Is it Huccessm ei long as (lit. cause of the whii' i wo ban- oint4.

out remain. We are llnr victniu of i-irraui-tMiires wbirh wi nuiwlvos main ain. Tiiat the trull a 1 let ihoruforo utU-r alto gotlier sincorr i rutpa." The ru Of this wait is tho alwliro 1 that justii to tlie IWinrc of (Jm-ls-c ii tlie distri ailiou nf pit.Iul money withil tho IVovi iCe, which ii ju Uie MlbgCt Of so TUIIrh I ms forming comnw-nl with Mpme of our contoiujsimr i-s. Koferenrp Inmlo ill tlie d. Hie clow -I of tlie Ssainq (r, Mr.

bortli. till- inj-lht i-'f -lone ofpiU-v ill i Ho- or was tsiinUd ibj-pr'ijoiialMins loi Uk- -r was jsnnU out, and ii oil! that the jUMili-ei I I I.iove a ic-olutioii oil tb subject, vlncit iKHl'i i. tire-lso large I ol fl'iru th-- I'lmiMi. is to have l-cu s-Blbarru ami would haie fan I ijn f-overni dt ie. tre migl salit Out that Mr.

Bnttbe. was iiiliisclf and on tins subject, ml that eing beie. ho Ita-I ss good'a right, and it fi iutn aa mui a duty, 4 move this motion tw any ether member. might also jiooit out (hat ho ipays but a' left-handed ewiipSi- nent to Li own-' political friend, in intimating that union among I the (juebee mediber in the fn- in would terett bf JYovince here thia fillRIHE 'J'OP CAPITAL, Willi Power I IIEAI OFFICE, BOARD WM. DARLING.


OOUUI, v-1 I HAM. WADDKLL4 EsqJ OF JAM KM oHiaur, W. R. OMWALD, Jsi, Tide1 paraly CANADIAN COMPANY Uan of Inlaml and Ocean Marino Inxiironoo, out tlw Dominion. i Taylor Brottinva MaravIHa Taylor Hrothenc Ixtodon.

having the eneie-slvs supig of this eurlvalhHl Une, Invite eqniperlsou with an jf rHher fims Ore Purity fliw Armta MsneUve, Nutritive end Ms tain In lliwer. UmTiIsJ will mUbllsli II a Favourite kmwteir breakfast, luaebnsn, and a Mouthing ite fresh ment after For fovourabie oMnlona rayjyrtfrAferatag JM, JMfalMmi Taylor Brothers Mw gOOOa. This original preer radon, wl is al lid nod eaeh wurid-wlde ronetaltun, la manufoctnied by Taylor Mrothere, undegittae biert hommqsahte advhw, allied by Uie skill and expertenea arthe-lnventorn, and wilt he found la eoarb na In an eminent degree the jwlwjross, sort MBtrlUuM property of Taylor Brothoraflalubla Cheealato, ana Caeoa and Milk, ore made ii uriunle wltlwut boiUug. 1 tir lami Taylor Brathova Chocolate Ciaahta Ohaoolato Oraam Drapa and Maravllla Ohaenlataj are highly dellrtaa and wteilesnma Packed I superior and etegaal manner. Taylor Brothers Mustard.

-f The Chaiienge" brand (rtnnhle aaperHne md- Kx port Chicory Milk, Unman, Maiglitas. I SS CARD 1IB. TUOMAH CRATIIKRN iU inform his numerous friend puhlie generally, that he hae lose, tm BT. CATHERINK or Meainooltem Avenue), and In i soon the nlleratlone are A first-cLass family grocery Ifafi Raring esenrad the eervkM of Mr. WALTER PAUL (for many yean with Mr.

Alex. Me-Olbboa); MANAGER at the COUNTER! DEPARTMENT, he eon premise those who flrvar them With their patronage that thrir arefare tciU By rirtet psrennal Mpsrvlstnn.kssiilng girt. elnro qnallty good only, at moderate barge, he hopes to roerlt foir share or pub) is sup- pnrC April 13. -X- JUSX PUBLISHED. TUN BLbTpN1 TUB QUMO'S Or, iroiTlilTTLB BEN, TUB dEAD WAITER, CIIANOKD THR SION OF TIIE QUEEN'S INN TO riiES! HOTEL, LIMITEsL Author of Kainx's Baly.

i i i Prlea, 35 Oanta. ton OAUi BT DAWSON IIUOTIIKIM. April Ik, I I Tenders idr Bolling Stock. rriSDERfl, ENDORSED TENDERS 1 run KOLLINU MTUCK, will rived by th naderslgnod np to th IMh at May prax. foe the foUuwiog, via.


PtpectacatloM Will ti area the Conlrare tee1 omre, Flaee dArraes, Montreal, na and alter thu RMh instant. DUNCAN MAPDONAUh Montredl.irth April, IH7 .1 OKA.Y'S (lYlUjl OP CECUM, li I NR; VI Caught, Coldsl Lon of Voict, Hoar Bronthlal and Throat AiTsctionL iTheOem whl esndre from the ftm idnulit, the live la, wlf kUlvt Unm forlnif dletnal pnrpuspa roort velenhle III savers terms of Msower In Hrunehltls, and Itu i IM jin earing onrtlsmto hi relieving esrtaln k(mM rfehls nowjwril known In the publle i s- -lr inajs this ffijriup (Muvfnliy presared at jtw temps raiuSs). oiHitnlnlng a lncge qiuuiUly Id tho Sussi picked Gum tn complete sutnUon. II thvINinie KapertoranL Malsonile and Aate Kpnainfldls Sfteyte nf ths Red Hj-rnre jimu are THIS Montreal Warehousing Coinpanji Eoyal Mills." Lease tha above Flooring Mill will be received ep till WRD.UICHDAY the foih APRIL Inelnrivo. Proposals to Iresssd to tha Use rol ary, find marked Lre of Royal Farther partfaul roa to obtained at the ouipany's Offien i 1 TYKOrOStiLI A Flooring JOHNS HALL, I 1 Manager.

April 7-i SWEEP rq. WEadi. 1st 2nd, $75 3rd, $50 saoo DERBY 1 Dlvldurt Bmangat Bthar Nmm 4IBt placed. Abnvfi prlerepild I AUL List Onw open ter sshprifaia IE. XX.

IIUAND, I Ht James Rretaeraalj I mi. James Btrmrt Aprlflfe 'I i Who! 1 esalei Hardware Business OTt. rUllfl nn topsi gne-l wish to dikposo of I I uw hmrk. Lease aad uund Willi of their lirNrriil tldrslwarri YInmIi Thi Is aa enrivfillcd eppnrta(ilty lag. a nder Uw umgt favorable terms.

Into rotehltstenl bail neks carrying with It a flrgt-etoss rannsetlna. FERBIEBACO. Montreal, Tth April, imi 88 ZELL'S ENOYOLOPEDIA. BY I (' ILANGE. Lto Ik The experlcnm alf iva yoar has prove-l by Its iwmcns sslisi i Uw nnmaruu cummcn- dalury iMiUresrerellvrel, that IhlsreunlMWI and reliable wnrb fawrd Inf-rinate-n Is better tiaptod IntlwWa ilsig all slaw, of thu mm-nniiuy Hum ANY OTJIRH WrjltK OF TIIE klND EVER Il'HLIHHEIk The edition of 1874 boa fawn liwrnngbly re vlnad todsiisb nuntetna Uijmi articitw, WGul KNUKAVINGM.

And eighteen hskt-iM-mely engraved and ml-N Rin'llie, Agvnt. isk! mnpo. JIIIIX mu Hi-ii, SI ham ItO 1 UT HID Ht Cntliurlna Bt NOTICE. -Vi County, hie fauJaxM win be DlRINif THE ILLXEfH or JOSEni Macrkmit. if La Hale by theefaisrrigaed.

whefe i adlBhlsaghtsa JOBEtn BnHIOB pruffT. mtoKApflllAMIC In I I Ate said 1 very I such Tf If In Must nod mi Is salary April TV IT to 1LMCNL MONTREAL. DIRECTORS: W. OGILVIK, K-l. M.P.P., AUUDHTIN CANTlN, Esq.

,7 JAMK8 LORD, Esq. Horn PRBR MITTIlELft M.P. V- WITHALft Ksq. 1 TIIOMau.V, Ksq. Qualm.

F. M. ACpRT, Ifi'bsc. trow prorod to Wra evere deUto. on the mo favorable terms.

I wrragh- Academy of 'Music, be a'iiiSTiassji susssz Thursday, April 10th, Lori three nights of Ute great ntoral i I Ue pins re ef ths evnfory, UNCLE TOUTS CABIN. Rtvl to planiatlun Ufa th eslubrnted ULAVUCM OBItiUAL GEOMilA SIJ6EM. Wksura wh-wJ 1 hate? smTJh MWhia'uMLhs roost erowdad and luehtunnhle nwUsroL Uw Now list oimI H-snun Uwetrer-" itpeelr bis fi roilnl engngemunt of Mr. llRa rnstu fa fntnuua character ef IMLKTIIM.wilS ps, pnwsntod by him over fatUUtimk Reserved roalk at the Th-kct Offlw. aset Morgans Mime, hT SS jMkauns Ihing htere.

hi. Lolheriae ntreML BEX DE DAB OPEEA UOCSE. CitAfram of I'M oaxiiriry Thin Evanlna, 1 THE MONEEitT aibTCHM tn Ihrir aro eqnollpi PAM tut UOXOitOlMM. Mila. Aiiguatlna an tha Blaak Win, BAMLttT by RHOMB and CAMSIMML iGUmnIK IllHUflt.

Mira REYNULUN nd 1JNDLEY 'to new i- IflbvrulelsM. miS.iZZi?u'rv-Uu"r' Mprofay Lain AdmlMton (inllery, 1.1s: rnrssrtfa gyDraro pirate, We, urebestra, teilinug hsnU sored ntThsnlra Box THEATRE ROYAL. eyBby EVENING DCBING TUB Witt WEDNESDAY AD SATURDAY AFTU-' I The Great Original Iteemietranted aad with iaontira NEW CAtrPOF rifAKArtRfM. NBwliY 'fiKLKtTK Mt'i-uitn (lUuiiurrKA, and all THE BHOUANT SCENIC EFFECTS) Embracing la It repress ntattan TIIE LARGEST COMPANY IN AMERICA Onmldntn nil cl wn nf amnsemsuts, vtsd OPERA, RALLS PEAMA, ACJtOHATO, UVMNAMTM, ETC. Jarred fash for sols at mares Xwds Mure, during Uw day.

W. If. WlflTKNRfT, 1 Ihleiueas MiMPjt April HAME. iiAll, to-ni ci ii Friday; sit April KE YS' FAREWELL. BXTItt Jf HA.

TO It OP MOIMEEfl Commenrentiovinck. Admlasia, on-l tee Ttekste may to hsrt DryMrogs Huukstorfa SS TWA HOURS AT BYISOItsiXNXCM glUNuRj J. 11 AEABEUd ACADEMY. -RCDUCTKh OPTEIUflh II CENTLEMENS CLASSES I Monday and -Friday evenings. IVr farm, wltb two la-llssr iur Henson, iMCludlag Wsdnssdoy evening lay Bveniagt La-lies' Mmwnn Tlekrt, $U6, GsnU mens Msssna Tlefcet, gtfe I and Wsdnewliy al uoiur Haluntay afternoons.

tut Term, or gw Oir Mwsa PRIVATE LEraiONM every raurniag, 1 14 il I Hnll to Rent for Pnrtles. April it, ism. i JUctinpL NOTICE. Bar of Ihe Province ol Ssctloii of ths District ofMobtrssLl NlTicii IS IIKUKBY GIVEN thri Mreting of the Iter uf thi Hretlea take i-lasd in Uw Ouuneil the t)Wf IIGUHIS. At Muntn-ol, on kluNliAY, IbeM P.M..

to rerelve repnri eed proceed with the kcllnq at offlrere H-l 'Uep. r. JI. HUY Hccr tary. 8Hh April, ten.

VSAItLY MEETr.NG OF TIIE UEfb MAE hs be hi on FHJUAV evening, fi-l April, al p. lirv All roeathi-rs ore re-iureted to attend, Imisk'ant bnsincss is to be transected. ies plfrthrt nf urttrers. Or. I J.

TiiMHKI. it u. b. TO LITHO LITHOGRAPHERS. WANTED-A Getwkal LithgraJtef andikfograver.

April to iAirrx, ci.a vniN iiruro'-llauUiiuu, uub ANTKD-vBy a young Burn of 5 yreer itfk-ws a sHuoil-ui ns H-s-k-kuW H-s-k-U a Whuh-sale or Manuforlnilng lislmsl knows faith huiCUsgvs i arapefass rerumteva-doUnno. il (his Onto. April iWy WANTKD-A YllU.NO MAN, tlyHsrsof A-ulslanl Acre 18 it Acrenmlat hsvs be wlUIng in In onfall and giving ume Miwlrelifr nf fas-kk-urtei make himself generally iw- wnrahiHise. A M-ly hy retrem-ssi, toP. u.

Ibis 11. i 1, LNTED -A young Englinh glil to Ink choree nf a Ifaby dnrtns thedrit hUwrep li 7h1 1 ml Hu. Irt iurjjf W2 ast NAL1CH3IAN WANTEDy A FkiuNmaii cspsLle of-VV to) mg' chares nf I i-ritorjf Mara I MANTKD. ef Hlinrbr-Mii sttfarably i iVvr Mt JircM-iit dniiig i iff wm-kly. and! me busmsss en-wlii, will pl-a rlan-e lb.

liku lm-1. ileawi what espfr an-l whhl ai-u-unl nf rarlly Uu nn isi glv-' refen-ncr i. I iliMnwler an-l anlllly, ahd Slate what they will esp-rt. Applb-w iunwraiin fai received later Uu 241 li hfaast- UlrtM Pbirbrik Corft--rallv fi ILimltrel), KUIff. TGIO II, fbs-rrtary, i au, HI ier brooks, usa i I si April WANTJJD, A tlirydimij holy far Malrou to the.

ii IcaJIsss Mql run the lbi' Addiew fa kte.M;. Gglrs, .1 ik WANTED A Practical Bnckmakw. One who Iburwoghly smfarstsnds moto SbrrrfoUintot5 i Ilucbelaga na Monday last. Tbs dwwucd wa an old cunntry Mruuchman, aad wm slightly deranged. lie wm seen going about Uie plac soots tim previously, I ut had ten missing since Hatunfay.

An inquest held and a venltet rondmed of "foond Ad without mark of viuk-nee, aad exposed to the inclemency of Uw weniherJt--'Th. papers in connection with Uw Inqaust wera handed Iqr Guroncr Joued, to the French Corn-mil. huwiCKiwu Aaaocixvioa ov TH Pro vises so ifcxBSC annual meeUng of th Boenl of Kxnmlnera pf thi Araodethm, eora-pound of the following gentlemen, namely. Mu ra. N.

11. F. Jackson, Alex. Manma, J. I).

L. Ambrose, and II. IL Oray, wm held In their rooms, 628 Lagaachrttere strevf, Moutrsal, on the lath and 10th last. Fourteen young gentlemen puntod themselves for Uw examination for Certified and two for Licentiate ia Pharmacy. The folio wing, named In the ratter of merit, pass-si 1 creditably their examine-tion, and Uw fire friary authorised to place their asms on th register "Certified Clerk: IL W.

William, J. It. Wright, F. Mania, J. La Kochs, I).

W. Cook, D. W. Kiik-land, K. Bomtltm, II.

Lamourcnx fad Licentiate in lliarmacy, F.C.fiannder.- fils of the applicant for the minor" ami one for the examination were re furred beck for farther study. Partis wishing Air 'information respecting lecture, qualUteatiraw fur rxamiaatiun, should aply to U. Muir, Hegbtmr of tlw Pharnwoeutio! An Dos 804, P- HPL-iHUiT Uossxsv Uue of th most barefaced of highway robbery that It has been Our lot to notice took pined at ra near Kingston, on one of flw pewengoe vers of tho I -rand Trunk Uailway, re roofs fat Montreal. It Bj-pftars that Mr. J.

C. Hurst of fitmlford wm oh hi way cast, and wm quietly enjoying rtp in the smoking he wm amxwted by sharper, who asked him to Inks hand at Mr. ifnrat rvfaeud, when th man, aoooaa panted by tire other rat down and commenced to play among thcmaslve. Very' soon fat of Uw follows asked Mr. Herat what Ume it was; and the latter 1 palled oat hi watch- to mww th qemtion, whrai his iaterlorutar Mwtdted nod mode off through th cars fast he eOnid.

Mr. towed him soen be could oocopo item the other two raiwls, and netwtth Mending Blmoet eomplaM transformation nf thief dlagnhra aooostfd him and dumsndsd his watch. The thief assumed na Injured air, aad wm very honest, bat Mr. Hunt wm positive end peremptorily demand sstch, threatening arrest If the demos rofassd. The wateh wm given up.

But cpmes singular part of the story. Mr. Iluiat says be informed the conductor of the train, who fold him to keep quiet and he would have the man arrested by dutective Oulloa soon the train reached MontroaL Nothing of the kind wm done, and the whole action at Ufa conductor seem countable, when it is known that, there are several stations between Montreal and Kingston, nt either of which the men could havs boon arrested. The (Meals shoo Id hav Wen Ued hand and find by the pssssngsra delivered over to the nearest polka author, idea Perhaps they craal-l, if caught, tell something of the FUher robbery. i Tss liivwte llw ioe blockaite presented few new finlnras daring the entire day yes Unlay.

Tha most notable of theas several openings Uwt wera mads by Uw face tee bring taken underneath' and carried off by tlw force of Uw curnraL A large pace at clear water between the Vteiorifa Urhlgs and Windmill Point wm thus mad, and several smaller onr at Uw llimlranl side. Tho tee opposite ilochelsga Longneull remains nnbrohan, wall ns large tract extending from Ixipmirto xm Uw north shore of the river to Loagnsuil. Th shove of Monday and Wednesday' after. noon have 'piled Uw tmmens mn In pktmeqnelyeonfarod hsapfa and toward th MU Lambert shk of th river can easily lie dlsUugnbhcd the gram ice of tho M. fanw roneq from the datlwr tint of tho Ottawa lee on onr rid.

Flacks of snow-btoto ftnqfisnt the "damps, whom have oven deposited the ipe.wkra a non. the ora extremely pertly aad noiasUasly throngh th xnabeema roflnsUng th pare whltenesa ef their bodies in quick flashes ns they tom Awn Uara to Uni In Uwir flight from one point to another. During the afteraooa the usual commutes of ebeervetlea, whom members lias Uw banka, eagerly expecting Uw departure uf the tee, wm huge arid varied In appearance. Host sunt wera engaged ia rescuing the de-brif of Uw wharvsa, with whkhths ton plays sad havoc, and multi tads of email hoys paddled la the Water- tend Mates fur a eohi lath. Move ml adventurous youth 1 with mom hair than brain went out on tbs lee to mhU-haanol, Jumping occasionally' from piece to piece, and aff acting a nonchalance they did not fuel.

Many of them narrowly escaped getting a swim fur Ufa. ML Helen' Island tuns of los have hern raised Into curious shapes, and On the shoals above He Roode masm-s to Uw depth of 84 nr 60 feet have grounded In quantities that will require high water to float. The water at a late hear wm lower than It has been far the laiil two dayq end npprshenrirafa of a flood auem to have subrided. though It Is rather ceriy to be certain on this subject. JtiDonssvs.

Judge llackay delivered judgment nt raw oclock jreatenUy afternoon in tfc following mm Birch, plasterer, as. proprietor of real estate la tho town of ML lioarl tho former eoatmcteil tor Uirse storae and throe dwelling tadung- ISph. belraig. Ing to tho Utter wltlln four wesks from the 0th ef Mama, 18T4, binding bimarif to penalty of 30 'per day for every day ef delay bryund that period neraes claim wm entered for de mages on this soaotdlug to seme wltnr nntil AugasL PWtntiff ptended been dulsyed by dufombwt, bat thi. protea-ton wm set arid.

Ills Honor remarked that It might seem haul tosnforae the penalty, but If people wore so foolish to enter Into such engugiiqients they must tnKr the ceneo-us. Ji tonsri 'ri par day rol and for Uw wbul pt May, ItMfV dftll IB A- tlalffi -gg. totalling 060., Tha cota2 amuentedto $3,741 AO. other matters Ultra Into. anreant, Jddgnw wes rondeivd 1 far $1,051.20 sgrinst the plaintiff with Intertrt from date, miaul $330, the eentourt pries.

Nortuara. Jacques tbs former srisrd the latter, on wtuaro tevsru faroituro be had obtalnvd a taimt geyerfq fiir raaL In the deed, 111. Honor beenrcji leas and sal wera mixed up Jmlgnwni went fiir UwfflOMwd fur, mlnne $11.30. The st sura WM maintained cost sgainat the de. fhndanL B-danger m.

Damlunwd plaintiff sold defendant a mar fiir flop Tna tho strength of extremely flattering recommendations containing her extraordinary working power. Experience proved thatlhooepralaoe had no funis lotion In find, and payment being rofassd, salt WM brought to wcovaF Uw pur-chase muney. Judgment for Uw defomtont on the ground that the ado had tom JTOndn-leaL Charon w. Fortin, IhrfaH, and dar, Ufartidj Uis Honor ubssrvsd that those suit all mm ant of a mtoerabte little equabbte la the Iarish ef HLUcariaaL la rsr ef Laprairle.

Charron wm rawer at Uw municipality when, on the ilk of October, 1874, mm IDdoy wm removed from The insdUoa of sacrstary-troaMiier, bring is-placed by one lleanvaia The' furmeFs memto teuh Ip cudgito In Ur behalf and dispute neenned one area lug Inter ea in Uw U-qmrtl ttuuuber, when th lamp wm thrown down and extlngulshod. A action wm brongbt In tho Iuikw Court agaiost Unfny and several ef hi Irieteto few con-spiracy, Tbadefemtonte proasonted tiharran far perjury la having swam that na entry had hern mad of Hefiye dismissal on th minutes; but lb bill wm thrown out by the Cimnd Jury, aad Charron sned them to ro-enver drwfti the amount of loo. Ill Uaaar observed that Charron scald not be said to be guilty of perjury- the motion nnthlm liefiire -the Poike Irate, no dale wm s-ecifled; to point of facL the entry wm aot made ea the 5th ef Octo-U-r or on the 7 lb uf the. fidtowlng December but on tlw 0th of Droember, the mlautae hod been tinkered up in Mr. Don tie's effiot, ml Uie ratty made in marginal note.

Judgment went against, the defendants for rack with east. BOARD OF HEALTH- A meeting of Uw Ifaenl of Ifealtb wm b-l-1 on Wndnvsday aftrinni-n. ifrst-nl III It urchin Uie Mayor la the hair. Abler-nu-n McCtird, Fon-t, Child, MuUunhrUge, McLaren, Uivanl and Duhawel i also the health effice. The Mmi explained that an ExeraUve Committee appidntud by the Hoard bad tost yea transacted the buslncs which come nndur tbeir survullUnwi.wIth great despatch, tlie system having worked very mUaftwiarily.

AkL McOurd. Cbrinwa nf the Hrailh Cota-mittee, had been partteotarly regular in bis Aldermea VcOeid, CbfUfo jeeiflM QmliM rifanSgrtfi Tli bar. I tU.4kl ibt 1.4 a nr. 4.4 T.SS lot 1.4 m. 4.4 7.4 eraMreof 88 r.

Hamidlty rolatlro. mtaratfoa Mag MB Maxtiuuiii tafinlierawre Inlinuin d-k, il.a Uw 1Kb wa SAT; li-tAl'mi leege of wind on Weilnewlsy was 7V; rnalawl siUrsw ww hoar wa 21. Fotsnr TkOS. On thu fourth page of thi moruttig Ujizsttb will i ho found Uw report of Uu proceedings la Uw Court of (futvn's lk-nch, Ac. Tills inorning Mr.

'Kbsw will sell at tlw residence. No. Sit St. Antoine street, Uw whole of the lio-lwhiild furaitnre and effect, carpet, Ae. Kale at 10 Oclock.

liuriaxa Casai tcn Ac: TrotCy, 2 1st Inst, C. K. Klwe will roll at the new Ke-oitory, SI A 54- lfonavcatlhM trm-t, several very and useful horses, both fi sauljllu and carriage nse. Kale r( 3 o'clork, Wateoa fa JUhev hoeing eumplctei tbelr alfonrtitw rropectfiiUy invite on luapectioa of their new sring stock. UenUemenscaa rely tin an accurate lit and superior cut In b-dh Euglisk and Ameriuda stylo.

378 Notre Dame hlroet. Clotuibo L'uBTkacr Yesterday afternoon the Flro Cuuimittee ruoeired eeveral tender for the supply of summer clothing fur the firs furoe. The contract WM awarded to Thoa 101(00 A Bra, who hare for years supplied them with ratlsihctlaa, Lsbiib rorcno burr. Jh a am her of men who rood trad protection Ja tlw various police slot km tho sight before last wm 108, thu largest number of whom an from 30 to 40 yrars of age. Of this namlwr, thus fitiuat KtetUm gave profoctlon to 84.

Fins The reels were csJUid out at I0.A5 n'cloek yesten8y morning, IA conauquuiiuo of so alarm sounded hum Box 81, After a quick tun, however, tlw affair i-nmxl to he chimney at No. 347 Muntenlia street, of a luiusu ui-ui-k-d by a Mr. Coljc. There no damage dune. 1 HpsiUI atlc-taUua i csllud to tho solo of flnu china, crockery, glassware, vmss, figntex Ac, Ac to take place at Messrs.

Julin Isthin A IVt steroi this a(teru on. The sale lucliides sum of i finest part of the stock, and must all lw. siild without I K-rvc. Kale at 3 ut-luck. (lava Ilho-sur I'r- A awn named riutvs Dnbois, against wham a warrant for aa aw saull niM.n a conotablo Iwa been! standing fiir several inys, having hoeorae tired of evading Uw poiitw, fiimlly gave himself up yesterday and wm fiuod by the itecorder iu Uw mm of $20 or two month al hard labor.

Pour Cocsr. Before Mr. Jaatfee Dro-liaut, yesterday, Siapoleon and Joseph Boar-g-iiu hr narauiting Uulllaiuno Purraolt wi lined in $10 or one month. Loulm Mariinran, fur Lurany of good 'flora'll. A.

Kabroment, was sr I ikron for one'nwdith, and Horn Llg-iiurKwos seat fiir two year to Uw Uc-focm Hcliou. Fotisa Danwsso 1 Tho body of lad aged 13 Eugine Joutier, whu rosided at 170 Contra sliest, wm found in Uw sluice by th side of the Kognr lieOuery yesterday morning. 1 The unfortunate hot has been missing since Uw 1st of October and the body is very much! derompdtwd. An Inquest wm be Id aad verdict ratomed according to ti fio.7".- Cncacn ov Exoitsn, Cora Hv. Asroist.

At the anneal Vestry Meeting held on Easter Kondsv in Uw church, of whk-h Mr. Empaon luehmbsnt. Cute Mb Antoine, Messrs. John MaVParlan and J. II.

Kedfi-ra wars elected Church Warden fiir Uw ensuing year, and W. Wr L. CMpman, Maq, and Major weeny, dclagatoo to tho iWucoran Knod. Dmaviom. Tho Tnqnnr (Anlng Ibrti-ertaoa, of tho M-ntrual Uoncral Uo I tel ark now ledge with thanks tho raoelptof the following soma vis Twenty-two didlnn being elevrn Jurors tesw iqwcinl case, Lagan va J.

A Han, of tlw Alloa Uu, and $4, being witnesses fees from Mrasr. C. Hiinnis, H. IL UriwUny, James lopliam, and T. ft Uonlon- laud night, 8.30 o'clock, a young man entered Uw store of Mr.

Lrlcli-nwtl second-Muul dealer; No. 339 McOIII street, and asked to we gold watch. Mr. Lek-hmaa showed him Otis with amaU chain attached, which he no sooner got Into Ills hauuls than hs darted out of tho More and Mod. The owner ft -Hotrod, but Just saw enough of him to appreciate his running hlcb, ho estd, be did llks a doer." sr Lsso saa nssr Hocsss a ra tM gtraf want of Uw day aad tho only effoctanl remedy fiir the prevailing depression.

A villa, with an acre nf ground, on an ap-towa street, may I cost 30,000 ov mot; with probably flO a year taxes. Terrace and tenement are proportionately dear. An art of id good rveidcae can be bad at Mount Vais Air lens money than would be property1 with rr. enta on a similar the city limits. A taw sag's fists or flosses, Ac- On Batnr-day Mr.

Booker sells by auction il No. 750 Craig tract (oppodte the Yoang j( Building), by enter of A. B. fitowert, ht.r rirtS r- Ing So bankrapt eatate after numkwr of other borsra, a large noIlocUan bnggte and carriage and so miry roqniro-ment will be sold. CWiaignmcnte will be racvlvnd.

Aaslgnae, two vainablo boros, to Id tan Into ton Fisa Ouumivtsb la thi Commiiteo ireji-tenlsy aftern-wa rnntnurta were awfiidod to Mr. iiaibin for mists and panta for Uw extra 38 lartk-r, at $13 -and 1.78 iropa tivefy, and to 1 Tonsealnt Cievler fir roping f-r fitatlna and 0 at 448.1X1, tlw rope furnished to lie m-cordlng to qwclfi-cmtliius of r-mi tract. I'crmlsshm wm given to Measr. Plaut A Ikibne nml to J. Mewhort to rWt steam engines, while tho application of A fir leave to erect an engine In Ynllu strwt wm hehl over to await Uw n-pprt nf Aid.

Mullin, wlw visit and In-prf-te-tha premises. Arrinwv. Yesterday morning, while nf the Urand Trenh nnrard Ilnntel Mo- Kay, aged'itlwnt 40 jinn wm nnoonpllng a shunting train of cara hi foot wm caught brtweeu the brake igl and grontul, tbrowing him duwn, wlxin the con passed nvsv one of lii kra and smashnf Uw. ether, to a iM-sdtato nmimtatbin of both llmba The unfortunate man appear to have been riding brtwum th car, with one font on Uw brake til. and the other hanging, awaiting the moment to lln tlw coupling irta.

Th which wm hanging touched Uw ground, and tha heel caught nmur Uw brake rail, throwing him on the grnnnd with Uw above ro-mil. II wa token to hi home at Nsl Nt 'hollas, whew he ho a wifo, but no Dually, hsroMiM'a CufA. Tber were 10 la-fiira the lleconbf ye ten lay Mary Nulll. van, 37, vagrancy, fined $3.80 nr fiftoen days Ann Owsns, an, drank and flghUng, fined $2.80 or fifteen days Clando Mollnen, 48, lal-n drank, fined 1 or right days K-lwaid llamnwll, tl, drunk and disturbing tlw reacts fined $IJM or ten days; Napoleon Lapointe, it, fur oroamlulng on Imfoemt asmnlt on a little girl, woe termed to tw ninths at hard labor falrk-k McUuIre, an, bilmror, drunk, fined 1 AO or ten days John Hiiltlran, 84. laburor, drank, fined $1 nr right da; Jane Mrilnlm, 37, drank and loitering, firwil $2.80.

nr fifteen day i Margaret lfunn, 38. hrttering, flood $2A4 or fifteen days WII. Ilnm riper, 6H, drunk In Van aa MeUIII street, lined I or eight day. A Kisuixx Kmsil Thin Is st promt In (lie votary of Andrew Allan, Kq ym aliigiilar phu-t In l-loum. It i nllud Pblhw tklulion Klmali.

The flower la imntalnedin a shrliiL- or shell thn si Sr nf inuMnnl, hav-Ihg Ha onh-r rovering of dark grwn, with a lining ot light grrerrtril white. The (lower in ton and ria Is like a bulrush, hut only 4 laches Umg. It. mlratesfa m-itlwr I It lewntifal In errtur, bnl It i.annnt full to rurite tmr wonder and eurimiMy. The plant belongs to a small singular g-nos'd Month Assrima origin, mostly rpiphytal nr climbing In habit, PT ElHnH( IQ IMU Mssluo (aaiilfiff A1CU8E1CEXT8.

AciMxr or Ml-xic. It seems ia If the Montreal public never tire of a good thing, for the Academy tost evening wssm crowded upon any other, evening daring thn week, with the sxeeptioa at Monday. Uncle Tom' Chlrtn wm ptoyed with all 'the com and with wen an improvement on the first night, and Uw delighted audience frequently testt-M Uw pleasure experienced by frequent and praluagvd applause. The Georgia Jubilee Hingvrs were, ae ustul, a feature of the day, and so unique to the performance that it will bear listening to more than once. Uncle Tom' Cabin will be played thi averring, to-morrow afternoon at the matinee, and on Saturday evening.

Twx llocxs xt llux Mr. Kennedy gave the second of hi farewell series of concert In Mi-rhanicaP Unit tort evening, and we need ecnreelv noitoo that the great delineator of fiuotiisa life and character wm happy ever In narrative, while the glee, pert sad eoloexivea by hi talented fatailjqwere given In moot artistic manner, and heartily applauded. In fact, it seems If the audi ence find It hard to choose from among the variety ef ptecea produced, and fori If they ahonld.encura every piece. Thoy siwuld not forget that there to such thing asking ton much, especially in view of the length of the programme offered. The teat concert of tbs reries takes place this evening, and in Sbtirs Change of programme is announced.

DsBxn Orssx Donx A very respectable bouse tort evening testified to Uw Jndklons catering to the pablie displayed hew. whilst the parflirmsmtss are hnmonron nndatti five throagbouL The entire entertainment toeo varied that one must find someth lug to Monmrt Hlatera, Augeriiae and Mien Bey Bold are th reigning favorite. To-night change of programme iaaanouae-ed, when, nmongul other novelties, -llnmtol will be produced from a comical standpoint, and the Mnusort Ulsters will introduce ns new fonture some build dsneing. Then will be a Humpty Dumrty afternoon. Thr also In refaeoreoL Black aad Jen Ctook Tub Blow Cbomd Thto spectacle 'at thn Theatre Knyal tost evening rifatded it ufont to huge and! race, though a falling off on Wednesday evenings horwe- wm- notice-nfile.

Of th piece tteclf little can bn add, every ptey-goer i aware of the plot am make nic Thu specialities Intend need are among the flaunt and moot varied la Montreal aad Uw scaaerr well la a feature, th grotto end transformation the does especially celling fiwth thn bounded applause. Tlw nmnaonian march, In which number of females dressed In the military costume of the Blark Croak, pet farm nil kinds of marching ia platoon single file, wheeling pivot, 4c, wera executed with the Utmost precision, while the Mtacoe In thylr womkrfvl double tropvss preforawace exJul My den dial- tee have awn in Ihtsr specfal fiota Messrs. Harris and CsrroU, in Ihrir negro scocnt rid tics, are of superior onkr of bnrnt-eorktom, and the banjo sola of Carroll sounds the instrument to it ntmari cmupM, Homs Uw variatlaaa ef "llonw, fiweet bring toiUtoart In th extreme. To earn up, the Black Crook rural fo have lost not Us attract! renew, and preSunted for the hut few nights to one at Urn tort shows of Us hind ea he stags. umriHiuf.) Lines suggested ea reeding letter' from tody, eohnemlag the now Coneervnto nr of Musi for Montreal Tune from ths Overture of "The anB Mors.

Ar. Rida rue k-boras (A matter of eonrauL TO sro on old lady Iretk frlghlfulljr cross. Wl-holl her tea And nil her ten lues, hhowonteto teach muste (Na for ah him wan fipeetMular Chorus of Hpsetaclad Oh I oh oh I hat a fanny old tody wm she oil I uto I ah I hhe must tench to Addle de-due. Th ichorw to to be takan mm a tonle, a(l) rar It goes. 3IABBIEB.

WAHniwnvoir hook. At on the ISth hy- the Itev. Puttier John J. Worringiou, Jruf this city to Marie Kami Kvangcline, ruungss dsoghter of ths lute Prunrui Msrun, Eau. suVafta Al horns Ooxra Wxi.nns.

At eh Thnrsrtay. Moant rasa. Montreal, an ths mth bythl Istmlhy itev. H. tfraNr UB 1 rlnelpai MeVlear, Iwing, RA the Itev, -77 -w, in.

iw ay now. n. ng, H4. Pauls Chureh.Ttiumse Ulsn COnte, Ksq of Paisley, H-vKIond, to Kilos A daughter at Akg. Walker, of tela elty.

BIEB. ndneadai Hnmphieya, wlteof 1 firnfvm On Wednesday; TW ISth Inch m. wrijw.ku, at Hemnrlngfo cd. and relict of th Into May, Ki M.H.,af PtrlllipelMirg, in the TWh year uf her aua. rnnsrai ntKlUlpshng.a Frldnrfltot laek, nt Mi ta Drur dirntbrnettU.

811 NT.LAWJIKfliUK MTUKET- As fasrifaqui I My rhnnre ora 38 per cent, lowor, and ttjrta and wnrkteauahlp 11 orders sxuciit-Ml to defy sumps ttl April IL F. B. MONAMEE Gniippnl OnnitrnotctrN, 444 BT. JPBEBH STBECY McNMEIb A. G.

NI81L re.uw CAW. JAM EM WRIGHT. April SI. $325, $350, $375, $390. $415, $425, $450, $475, $525, $575, $600, $650, $725; $750, $800, $1000, $1250, $1400.

uuM-u, ail Bt. daman Btpaa April th I- ENGRAVING, Lithographing and Printing jr Kftcnnrri(Mv. Good Wolc Pramiiti unti filodorntri Ohitrgou. GEORGE BISHOP 100 M. Ml 4 CO.

somuto ft 4xdLi)V ii sty Pt At im 4 Id Iri 1 kriu ia to art bn to- ra kto id. tol 4 UI Be bn to km to I h. ibk kfii to fas ra it, fafti to hl 5foi ie ft ft! fi hi toh hifo SSL! SI kj Nuk S3! toi 'fit ra tol -h- akl 2 if ft1 "fa Si ts toh 'A Bi Ci'J 4IT 437 Majority foe Tavcolte. 203 COMMITTEE Or. THE COUNCIL, APRIL1 7.

Ki; linci Cviville, KlrnM Kir Mentagne Kofth, and Kir Itubiii wi.lri TMr Lonlship delivered Judgment! a rav-cral of wlik-h the firtlewllig wa tkouue of the meat general luterort hoom va. uwii. The hearing of this apcal wm concluded on the 24th of Uuvb. It wo Imwghl against a Jmlgmvut of the Court of Qnevn'a IIcim-Ii for Usn-r Canada, alfiming a Jmlgnient of Hie Superior Court of 1-ovrer Chnila, IHatrk-t of Muntfval, The ipeliaots, mi-rt hauls, of Toronto, suud the irapomk-nl, waster of a craw steamship, to recover a the value of 9vt puckagr of tea ahlppoi! la Lon-(km. The b-a arrived In a damaged state.

It ppa-'4d to have hern damaged by chlerhle of lime, orTouw Othvr rhemh-al. But the Mil of lading a provtskm that no iloiia whatever w.wld be ai-dUed uulcw trade before the giael wet lemoveu. Th merahaat foil-d la their action and ia llodr firs? flKi an-l, then-fiira lei Might this appeal. Mr Montagus Hmith lead the JmlgoieBl of tbs Corn mitt--a. The evidence fee the plaintiff that on the voyage fever broke out, chloride of lime aad carbolic, acid thrown about for disinfect lag purposes, aad that the tea wra damaged by those dislafis-ldnts damage whioh wa out within the wwspttoa of tho MU of lading.

It might bo owamsd that Uw damaged stato In whk-h the ton arrived wa thus induced, Imt it era unnecessary to discuss the evidence at length, hecanra tho derision would be affirmed jin other grounda. The. ten wa delivered to the (I rand Trank Hallway of Mmilrval paths 8th, Wh nml 12th of May, IHTO. and by tho railway to the appellant at Montreal on tho 13th, Mth and 1 7th. th the arrival of some of the pork-IM the plaintiffs clerk called tlio attention of im carmen to peculiar smell.

(Hi the 18th and 37th of May survey were held and the 4n found to In donugosl bat no notice era given to the agent of the ship till the 3lth of May. It was proved that the damage era readily ascertainable, and If a competent gent of the consignees had been nt the shipping sheds or tho milwfy stotioo, the complaint might have been made before the ro-l Moral. Their Lordships mated their afUr- of tho decision upon the express term of tho Mil of lading. It was made la England, and was to he construed by the English law. Without tho Mil of lading the delay won Id not have been an answer, and tho article front the Omndlnn cod-, quoted In the Judgment of the Ckimdbin Court, was only useful fur tlw parpens of Illustration.

Appeal dismissed with costa. Mr. ltolnnd V. Williams (with him Mr, Cohen, fitr the appellant Mr. Wat.

Ida William, Q. aad Mr. Lamley Hmltb the 1 apprarod to hear thi judgmrol (The dullvery JT' 8 ToronUh ant Mon; traal hut the error doc Mfocf the poi decided. Ed. OssSttb.) 8 PORTING R0TC8- Foov Battr Tho authorities of Uw Uymna.

stnm have Madly plansd th use of that la stltntiun at th tfispoeal of the team chesea play against the picked men of Harvard Col urge next month. Lscs-sms. The nM-mhrra of tho Karopeai Im-nnMw team are Justly 1 Demand at a pam graph in an evening contemporary whlt-l insinuate that Uw Indian comprised la th i t-ena to go to Europe are only young plsyen who nsvrr handlwt a tick;" The Indian i wlw go am among the brat men that could i c-hnen from the tril-e, fiir It must he n-mewi lend there are many qnallflcaliMi n-ii-essar to he consbli-fKI choosing a tram to i I sought in mil tei fw month tugeUnv. On i or two of thu best players among thu rol It I true, hav nut been- Inclodn I In tlie tram, but tbry have loom placed by men who make i up in -nthi' lualitlc grarabl, dlsHisitlon, utrailliin i in (be fivbl- and In ib-iairtBivnl gemtrollj Heven of the Indian on the tram weraontbi fomons turvlvo tiiat pbijml the Imllan 1 Mlirthroi-kr, an-l two ollirra have plavrd a I times on the first 'twelve. Tho rvwaiiiln men are vooulnal for hy tha oaptaiaof fl- tram and vetwao, Karoniarie, who had th i selection nt hi men and certainly tlw cap tain should know what he is about As to th financial terms of tho Indian that ia a mat for of il9 own.

It may ho well to Mats however, that tho Montreal team have aunt a most squltablo af gwmnat with them which mIhh aaite of clothe 30, the pro trod bf a beasfit game whem they letnrn and diver other agreements that will prove email fortune to the rod men. A morning (tint the Indian are not Uw find twelve of Uw (tenghnawaga, tlw Mnatroal men are But the find twelve of that rial. Nor wm It In. leaded that they should he. It Is loo laid that such NWagmpbs should bo Inserted In thu column of Uw fount prow hvfore Uw foci of Uw subject matter ahonld have been Inquired Into from Uw qnarten best Informed osllw ml joct the Mon (real lorpusa men tbuMscIves.

Dasvn ov Ms. Willis eons. We rogrot to hr of th rinoth tit Mrs. William sun, wife of Uw B--V, I'roC William son, nml slider nf fiir Julia Macdonald, which nwnnwl thi morning after a long and painful HIimss, which shs bora with Christian paifoora and rvi gnat inn. Mr.

Williamson pssisil much of the talent at her brother, with whom aha wm particular favourite, and had a mind well atnrrd with kunwli-dgs not generally iwse ed by la-lie. Ilrr cuwvcrmHon was at si I tlim- very ailrar-tlve. The annual visit of tli stOitetiU if (Joi-en' Colteg to HraUtfiehl Am looked fiw-waol to l-y then with tlie greatest Istnwt, awl It wm a matter of deep synt to nil that owing to Mm. Wllliaruaua ssrvsr lllm-aa that viail coaid hut be this year. The its-dent symartlrtet wry (Mil with Ir.

WII-I lam son In tlw lllneoa nf Mrs. Williamson, and on (bat acro-int abandoned the oonvrw rasbine with whlun wa proposed to terminate lbs present semkin, arid whteh promised to be nf more than ordinary brilliancy. The death of Mr. WlllUuneun will be fouhsd Mffilffi VI Nlto VM BV WWWII a peraunal foes by a widespread ditto ly beloved. Wra.

John eftosadaVy whom aha wm greatly iwtoradL will teJw ptooo from Mrs. John tentiory on 1 tlw of Juno last. 1 Tlio of prisoner at the cbm of hut year wa 62, of wiwin 41 wer oouvict and 11 military prisoners, if tlw former one wa a woman. Hi tlw name jLits in tho preceding year there were in all 42 priaoner. Tlie average cost of each, prisoner last pur was 871.

Tlie report, aa to efficiency of officer, attention of chaplains, management of sclimrt, conduct ami livallh of prison, era, is vary favorablo. Tliere wenf 17 convicts in tlw Manitolia iVnitentiary ion tlw 3Ut- of. Dkeciiiber last. Tlw total value of their labour luring tlie yt-ar wra enmiutel at $2415. Tlw surgeon reort that f-5 sick were treated in tlw hospital, ami that there were 2 let tlio.

Tliero were 4 lunatic among the prisoners. An Hilar in Coun cil ws -ass on tlie rnCommemlation nf the MiiiUter-of Justice, for their removal l-y tlw Ut i April. The rejiorta a to tlw conduct of the priaoner have been favorablo. jTbn ap-ro-riation niel for the upairt of tlw I'eniUmliory for. the present fiafjd year was 25,1 Ml, Only 175il are aske-l fiir tlw next year.

No ieni4mtiary lira jet been rotate lislied In British (Vrtumbia, but tha liuild-ing Is in course of construction. In the imeuitime, tlw bominion Uoverriment baa entero-l into amuigeuienU with tho local authorities far the maintenanoo of convict at Virjorii ami New Westminster at a rliargo of 75 rent per diem. Tlw amount oiqimpjiatod fiir the maintenance of cMiviet lor tlw present fiscal year wa VH and tlw same mm ha been Asked fiir 176-7. Tins I rand Jury at Kingston Spring A wise briui gilt uiuier tho nofiee of tlw Coin tiro ruse nf a fi-maln convict nsmnl IsMiiiw 'I'mioMunt, Iim been ronliunl ui the Peniu-utianr -Idriitg tiro fiaet nine-U- )'nr, an-l wlw li.i mn-liwle-l lu-r wlf Well tlwt slw lisa Iron rntrusto-J witli tlw charge nf tho ffinmlo linspital for twelve years past. This poor woman, limy nai-l, is snriaur to regain her lil-erty, an-l the (iran-l Jury expressed th opinion tlwt sho ia leenriiig nf Executive clemency.

They bojl, tlwt tlw Ju-lgM wouhl rvearuninnd th cone to tlw favorablo entui-k-ralionnf the Minister of Justice. Une would fain bear more of so singular a rose, and of the cause of her detention. A person reconciling hetwelf to tho dismal routine of a prison, and acquitting benelf so well ae to be Jvit far UaMS extending SO to- 30 fast. It UculU-Thsfunetnl rated chicfiy ea ascent at It eerioM pcrfoc. sad with namnoas ad vm tit Urn route mimw A- H84 i I 'I t'e- glsaiir v.

fa k4 i fc li.

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