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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 7

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Tt Laundr hot weather col--New Swiss cheete, lb 20c; canned beana Ola Noritlue Hot aa I 'nswpeoted I'luuce at WHAT TUB CHAIRMAN OP THE APPDO. PU1ATION COMMITTEE OF THE ILLINOIS HOl'hE OF BrPOH. ate. Raakla was Grand Master of tbe (111-ttuta Uhd rellowa in I87. Hob.

Geo. C. Rankin, of Monmouth III is Chairman of the Appropriation loninilttee'ot (he lUicole Mouse ot Hepreseotatlves and In lliln portion direota ibe vJniJlvureof llveor E. W. BAKEWELL PASSES AWAY Teaterduy ou Aneoaiit of a (Series ot Kgregloua t.rrors.

-Tht second game of tbe Torre HtiuU Honghton's. but Vaa iot Seriously Injured, Last Night- -Olo Nordine, a brick maker, whose li A A 1 Otr home la at 810 South LivlngBlon street, Aged Resident of Koroial W( for a Qnar. series was very 'much the warns aa tbo first, with the exception tout thla time the home team made the errors while tha to a long stop. The passengers were, as they always are, Impatient at the delav and the telegraph operator was bombarded with quetlona. Now, this operator, like the orttrators at most small stations, was the wanlt thing.

He had everything to do sell tickets, load bagKage, dlHpatch trains; tn fact, there waa hardly a railroad depart' ment that ha did not have bis hand in. And, of course, he wss not In the most amiable frame of mlud from the question that had been asked htm. Albert Ingalls who, by the way. Is now superintendent of the Indianapolis division of tbe Hlg Four became Impatient and went to the telegraph office to s'Rer- Water glasses, per piece 2c. NEWMARKET.

-Take your watch, clock and Jewelry repairing to Miller, the Jeweler, 810 N0r.B Main street. i Wa can sava i fell Into Houghton's lake last night, but waa rescued without aerlous Injury. He is a good swimmer and would probably BASE BALL TODAY Terre Haute Bloomington Game called at o'clock. Ladles free Tuesday tnd Fridays tar Century Triad to Kcgaln I nlverulty Iud Ulad at tarboudale. iwm7 uie pur- cnaae of a good refrigerator thla monih.

visitors wers exempt. Tbe hits by the loeals yesterday were tbe tame as the day before, but as one Hackett wtt very tame and gave but two baai-s on balls and in add 1 1 ion pitched on of beat games seen here this year, the iJlopintngtoua bad no more show tbau a rabbit to win. Mt cLh romlnent men of ia'-r Winds I hid Fellows lu ItfJT, is alu Komiuent In tbe Ifasoulo FriuerttHy In MotmouiU. lialeeburir and ColoaKo, 1 a Knight ot r-ymias and an Elk. He waa City Clerk of Monmouth (wo terini, Clerk of the Circuit Court ol Warren County eleven yearn.

Monmouth under President Harrison, and la editor and owner of the Monmouth Atlas-Republican." lie la alao president i tha Illinois Banker a Vita Inaurunoa Association und one of the director of the I. O. O. V. Orphans' Home of Illtiiolt.

For four year ha was Atelstsnt Adjutant General of the Illinois National Uuaid und for 11 yean he has been secretary ol the Wurren I'ouuiy Ka.r Association. Mr. Kanklu was a member of tiie Nutional Kditorlal for four years and hua beeu a member of Ibc Illinois l.eiita.lature for two terms. Under data ol Mania St), lUOl, ha writes as follows! FEPMN SYRUP Matiufactuiers of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, Montlcello.

111. not have allowed blmaelf to drown, even bad there been no help at hand. Nordine had gone out to the lake to cool oil iu tbe evening and aeated himself on the bridge or dam at the north end of tbe water, big faet hanging over the embankment. He became drowsy aa he tat there; iwid probably (ell asleep. At any rate, be suddenly toppled over Into tbe lake, in plain sight of several people passing along the bridge, and others In tbe boatii on the water.

There were startled tutcrleg from piany ludles present, who thought perhaps another drowning was to he recorded tight before their eyes. Tbe sudden ducking thoroughly awak A telegram to tha Pantograph yesterday aupouaced. tha death at (Jarbondale, Of E. Uukewell, (or many yeara a cltiien of Normal and Bloomlngton, and who had gained a reputation throughout the atate fyr the remarkable struggle he made, extending over tweuty-flve years, to gain possession ot aertgln lunda deed-ed to tha Illinois State Normal University in lSu7. Mr.

Bakewell (Had at tbe home of bit daughter, Mrs. Erret, who grew up In Hui.uiiiK-AT.HEV HAltDWABB CO. la th9 tbl building will not be torn down until next week, i. remaln our present location until Saturday night. Roberta' barber ahop, 17 West Washington street.

At the Model Laundry." pattern''1' machiae new 81111 of lhe latest The Troy Laundry Co. Are the orlelnatora of purlfled city water for laundry purposes, being the first to lusis.ll the Monitor water purifier, eight oiUQtUa ago. taiu tho cause of the trouble and learn how long the train was to wait. Some, thing in his tone or drcBB did not please lhe operator and he Bald things to tbe son of the road's president that sent 1 in back to his father's car In a hurry. He explained that ka could get uo aatllafac-tlon from the operator.

"Perhaps, you were to blame," said Mr. Ingulls. kindly. "Maybe you did not spin ouch him lu the right way. You ought to remember that the young man has a t'aftorty was clearly out of condition, By curious coincidence, tbe bit of the visitors wr also (he same as the day before.

McCgtferty gave tlx baaea on balU and thla, coupled with billing after the men were ou baaea aud costly errors by the infield, rolled up nine large runs, he crowd naturally grew disgusied over the dider-ence from tba previous day. It la ill right when the other follows niako the errors, and all. wrong when tba home team la Curls to Stay Normal, and was lately married to a Christina minister. He wai tl yeara of GENTLEMEN: 'Vbav used vour S.nm great dual to do, and he has to b4 very particular, and the leaat thing will annoy him. Now I am satlafled that I gone he would have told me." "Suppose you try it, father." remarked ened Nordine, and although the water was very deep at the point where be fell Good Waists Cheap.

Peutlu and oonsidcr it Invaluable as a tuuio and an aid to Impaired Hornsea and dlfiestive oruuu. Your lemedv pruniolea health end age, and his death was a result of a pa tural breaking down of bis bodily pow in. on recovering his senses lie struck out young Iugalls, seating himself to await fir shore. At tbe same time several MarquUe wsiats. In fine percales nmdra and l.ennufet, wonh 1, 1.1D and $1., for 75c.

We have iii Curlene. Guaranteed to keep the hair in curl a week to ten days. era. Deceased waa born at Bethany, and lived thero during bla aarly Ufa. On uupu.uaas uu Huoum ue in ovcry tiuuteaoiu, Very truly you ra, UKO.

C. KANKIN. Dr. Caldwell a Syrup IV pi In and Herb Lax oarsmen In the boats pulled for the sup potuuiy drowning mau. and help was ex guilty.

King. Brown and Qulgloy had an oft day aa regards fielding and batting. Too visitor got their Ami run lu ill" secoud, when an error by King, three lilts and a bate on balls aeut two homo. but. for the fact that Umpire ('ox stood in front of tbt pitta aud was bit by a ball thrown from center by Klnlock to head off Halrd, but one man would have scored.

Anutber worked around lu lhe fourth uu an error by King aud a bit, The game wat clinched In tbe scveiub and eighth. Two bases on balls aud a JuiJjIu uud a "i.s you want ttieiu. STEPHEN SMITH'S SONS tended him from the bridge above. Young Mr, Balrd. who did heroic aeivlce ou the live compound is sold tv all drukvlsta.

Ask yaurs It hoses oil dauiierous sickness a-d attaining manhood ha married a sister ot Rev. Alexander Campbell, founder of developments. An hour or more pasaed tnd tho prciU dent bi'Kan lo get a little restless himself and concluded he would aee if be could get any Information. So be went up to the telegraph omce. The operator wus "pecking" away for dear life.

His face rod and it was plain to be seen that bo Low I'rlcus on Hash l.onds. night of the double drowning. July was again on the fcenu lual night Rud the Christian church, first called too Oeotora bills. Ml-oent and II bottle If your druavlNt hasn't It. we will stud sample and Intrusting book free.

Pepsin Syrup Company. Montlcello. III. We have reduced the nri.c. Cnmpbelllte.

Mr. Campbell owned come ma ireutt or assisting Nordine to a place of safety, it was reported at first that bis atuck and are showing excellent valuea land In thlo county at out time, and j.uu vue tiesi putierns. See the ic gloves ier was Broken, but examination by a through thla means Mr. Bakewell waa first airrei winnow. surgeon found uo seriouw Injury.

Mr. Nor- single nutted three and In tbe eighth Quigley'a errur tud lucky hits by tbe next C. J. NORTHRl'P. attracted to Illlnola.

He acquired what af diue lost his wife only a few months ago Eauene and Aanla B. J. pitta, REOISTERED OSTEOPATHS. Graduates under the founder, A. T.

Still, 17-HlB r.buv UI.DU. Hours-10-IS a. 1-4 p. m. and has been somewhat despoudent over A Hl Cut on Wash floods.

C. W. Klenim offers i.una bit bereavei lent, and this led to the rumor that the plunge waa ith suicidal In terward became known aa tho Gregory farm. At one time be took up bis residence In Bloomlngton and built a 0ne atyllsh dimities ut 5c. about WKI tent, but it proved to have been purely See demonstrator this week at Corn Belt Drug Store.

South Side Square. accidental. yarda good, wide and tine dlmltlea au baliale at 9c. and at 12e a snuerii.r was not In a very good humor. Two or three trainmen were standing around and they had been ptstered with questions until they were uboul ready to fisht.

"Hay. young man," said Mr. lugulla, lu his softest and most courteous voice, "will you kindly tell me how much longer we will be detained here?" The operator conllnuml "pecking" sway snd at lust, after several minutes' wail, turned around and blurted out: "How nmny more of you auyt are eom- lug In here lo devil me with your questions How do I know when you trt going to ttart? Uo you suppose I ni hold-lug you here because I'm stuck oil you?" "Old you find out how toon we would three players drove In three wore, Quifc-ley had a hard Inning of i. Hu was playing ehort for the plate and a fly ball behind could not quite be reached. A line drive by Uaird burned bis Angara, but be could uot get that.

Tba home team had but out clmuce to acore and that waa iu the fifth, when tbe Ural hits came on double by Qulgley and a Bluglu by licit. Kinliuk struck out. There waa some remarkable Iteidlug. Connors had aix put outs, at leaat two being apparently Impossible ralcbea. Carter of elegunt printed goods, never offered for aucb inouey.

house en Cbeatnut atrcet, between Main and Eaat. Ot late years be had made his borne wllb his children. He leavea two aona, Campbell and I. 11, Bakewell, of tbla city; his dauMUler, Mrs. Krret, of Carbon-dule, and another daughter, Mrs.

James Dr. Thomas W. Bath lata Capt. and Aa.t. targ, Amy.

OFFICE -Ovar Shorlbdao'i drug (tore. HOORS-I0-1J, 1-t RESIDENCE Mjg Eit Monroe-it. Both phonoa. Kansaa lloapllallly. A gentleman from this city whs was out In Kansas last week told of sample of Kunsaa bospitalltty that was unique.

He was on a Hock Island train which waa ordered held at Marlon owing Vour Wl'r'e Judge. Let ber look at tha laumlrv work Uawson, of Chicago. Ilia other sun, Mel-vin, waa killed ou a railroad coin years do. She knowa mora about it than you do. She knowf how hard It la to Uu per-feet laundry work and she'll appreciate our ago.

No lulormatlon has yot been re. eelved concerning the funeral arrange spoiled a three-bagger fur smith, aad aside from tba local Infield the game was ments, i start, faiher?" asked Albert as the president came bark lo the car. wora wncu aha sees It. brilliantly played. Liuplre Cox was tick MOLEL LAl'NIlRY CO.

id the gauia was delayed until 4 slock "The, young man was very busy. Al THE HAKKWELL CLAIM. before be decided lo olnclst. MuUreevy bert." riapoudcd bis fsiher, "and I dll The death of Mr. Bakuwtii closet a not wtnt lo Interrupt him Wt shall il be In today and expects lo return The Graud Truak Hallway ks sen Under certain conditions allows a atoD- bat bucket of whitewash with auolbor a bave to wait until wa can gel away." remarkable and aomvwbat pathetic chap, ter In the hlatory of tbe Normal L'nlver J.

V. CuhBirujhaai, Mm. N. V. Cuaainghao), OSTHOPATHS.

Graduates of tha "Araerloan School of Ostmipnihy" model founder of the science) Kirksviile. Mn. Ofrlca-Kooma Unity Building. Onice Hours a to I a I I a ax New 'Phone 0. BLUOMlNolCs, ILU ovar of ten days at Niagara Falls or Buf- large aa a bogishead The score; to wrejk at Teabody.

It reached tba former place at I o'clock lu the morning. The conductor stated that the delay would not be opg and each time he was asked when they would leave aald In about half an hour, ao that the passengers were afraid tbey would be left If ihey went far from the train. At noon tbey were at 111 there. The day was terribly hot. Tbe temperature In the cars waa over ltH) all Ibe lime.

abort ly afternoon a committee from the bualuiaa men uf tbe town told Ibe people on the tram that rigs would bt Not Going To Buffalo ralo to enable holders of tickets to eaaterq destinations to yUlt the I'au-American tlty tnd of lhe town of Kornial Itself. 1 11. K. expoaiiiuo. gulglo.

Kb. Every citizen of tbst town during the lust twenty years bat teen tq aged man, Full Information may be obtained from 1 kiiiuM-k. Nimli. f. The excessive beat caused lha rails of tht Big Four track near Hotamond to warp out of alignment and It necessary to stralykten the rails before traffic could be resumed.

Of what avail ar low rates lu Buffalo when Ice water la selling for 6 cents a glaaa at the Pan-American exposition? city paaaenger and ticket agent, Its Clark bent with tha burden of years, his life's work long ago completed, but himself sireei, inicago. I. Isry. lb J. A.

BAUfSES a a Uaa Haage ad Kea ('awl. toroe up by an ever fleeting hept that sonic day, somehow, be should reclaim Ailig. as Ill an, ah Hell, supplied gratia for all who wanted Id A gaa range will do the work of any and repoeeiea ibt valuable property go out to the park. Everybody wanted other cooking apparatus, and do it much Mcl'sirt, wnlch In bla more affluent days he bad to go and allium every available vehicle in Marlon was soon at the depot. Tb mora aaltt'acturlly.

ties la tba moat aco- The British Medical Institute PHOTOGRAPHED 1 Main-at (In the tlrabam baiidinv i Totals given ovir to tbe state. Tbla bopa was apparently bis consolation In life, lor In bla later years he talked, tbeugbt paaaengi rs were losded on the rigs nomlcal fuel and you really caunot afford to be without on of aur raugaa tbla hot 0 Ttkllfc II At 1 ft. A II. and driven across the Iowa to beautl weather. are selling them at aciual ful, tbady park.

Here lemonade and Ut 8Tl'l)Il LLOMI) O.N bL.SUAVS Risdr. t. I and wrote almo.t constantly about it, and at laat weut uoan lo tha grave allb Has Been a Hucc.aa From th. eosi and connecting them free of charge. sreem Were served to ihtm tud after I.

I tome in and IK us tell you all about about two hours spent In the cooler at his hope unrealised. Mulisldaufl. lb. them and allow you bow they work. Start.

ItaOfflt. la Hulldlafj, Rooma 217, biosphere, tbe aliaiigcra were driven back Walt. IB. Jb INIUN OAS CO. HIS GIFT OF LAND.

In tha yaara before the civil war, E. S. L. CLMiHAM li West Mouroe-sl. Il.lnl.

tli to tbtlr train. It remained there until 1 I witkiaawll. t. f. 4 Su o'cloik In lb afternoon W.

Cakeweli waa a wealthy man. pwn- HOUSE FL'RMSIIIMU GOODS Short Taragraphj, Halsl gle. Hdet. Bt 218, 219 I Crowded Dally. A titfl of eminent physicians and tur Ing a large farm in North Main street In Normal.

He sold off psrt ef Ibis tract Near aulta la Court. ..4 good Ua ihmm ibu', Kii Agents I Mit. M. Routb and dsughler. Ma- ta town lott and thereby Increased kit A suit was filed in Ibe circuit court I Uo cur latin.

ir n.c tl ii )i I rte, are visiting relatives In Fcorla. geoot from ha British Mtiical Inttitula yesterday mor.iltig by the McLean Coua potaraalutt. Hut tbe land blh be donated lo lha Normal Vnlveralty, and Mlaa Helen Hamilton la In Dprlngfleld tUirwvr ptriur Umui IV 4 room toUM nu, havo, at tht nrgtot acliciiauoa of a larga re by loams I i I 4 7 ty Coal company va. the C. 81.

visiting bar sister, Mrs. Harry A. Kuiu which all hit later life waa bim-qi in trying lo rain. waa a tract of 4 acres rnngrr. nnathrn.

iruit nn tum fir. UIUI to fcta ar H. L. tl'NMNOHAM number of patients ttadar then ctrt la ihit ire M-ul. i I I I O-t btouoiuwtiua I I ler.

R. K. otherwise known ta tht Big Four. The action waa for an Injunction country, etiiblishod a permanent branch just northwest of lb Normal I nlvor- Tba ladlea of tbe Congregational Hl. laara-I U-v.

Hit aa. WII, Vladl, I filet to prevent (be railroad company from ol tba institute ia Ihitcily ia Koums t7 rhurcb will give a awtal this sening oa CI. baud III, lia. b. l.

aliy grounds. It was givan by air. Hear well al the time of the founding Of I ho arbool. and In order In ax-ur i loca tbs church lawn. ais-iig Gtiesheim lioilding fencing in small tied of ground near tbe union depot.

It IB a tract which baa ben used aa an ouiUi for ibe iual company Tlitft titintnt geolltrnea lavs dociJed OS-TE-OP-A-THY Fur paralysis, raenn atum. drneleat circula Mr. i. V. Chlaholin went to Urroy yssierday to lavulce tha dry guuda almk tion at Nirnml.

Tbt Und wt then of Hill vt ae etmuared la Ha araeat In driving Ita Icarus from tb abaft lo tmre wuli be recently Bold. lo give ibeir servicet tntuely Irtt lor Ibrea moniht (meditint ttxepiaj) to al) iavalidt worth, but tt waa rich tnd capable .1 Uti ill 4iuut. a Jm iiau.i II. l.iUa Wlltilova. Till baar oil It'ad.

Miu oat Hi ui arrt I. by T. Hit l.i iM-4 lull kuilvk lua. ua balia III Utliltllf f. bf lla.krtt ha.

till- klltl-k. Tuar .4 mutm- at I a.pire -4 a. i ttoa. musclra. aertsHi, itseassa parul ar to Miss Ullv Ixiar of west Front atrevt wards bluouilnaiuu.

Tb oumpauy bat paid lairs on Ibis atrip for a number of great future possibilities. BUT TO BLOOMINCTON'S China Store. where goods are marked In plain figures and prices are right. You never blunder In patronizing a straight line store. This means Cooper Kerns for Dinner ard Chamber Sets, China.

Glassware. Lamps and everything found In an up-to-date china store. who call utaia I ham lor treatment between woiuaa aa4 an ebiubuj asatuous, fatoupatai fesa Lo suusl left yeaterdav for uncle. Ind to visit Mr, Uakewell made Ul yeara It Is aald that Ibt title to lb hi ao and Auguat it. i nte services cousin BiT sister.

Mrs. John Hasslrr. ll plc af land kaa lwa tt'Oiawbai hety, 1. It AHTFORH. Urea jeara" eirlanca III H.

ria Uit ear. not only ol consultation, eaaminanon and terra to tbe University, tt bt afierwtrd rlulin'd. with proviso tbst trart should be used aa experiment grounda for tbe but tut, la order lo wake an laaue upon Mr. Honiar Miller kas returned from Kansas Cliy. where be spent two weeks.

I'hona CH4 MH; asuitaliua frea. ad vara, bal alto of all minor guigtcal opata- t. tb Hi Four twk action lo fence It In A girl baby was bora laat night Mr aad Mra. Charles Alien, who Uvt Ha will depart today for bucago. ttuaa but Judge Myere granted lhe Injunction teaching of agricultural cncrulatry II aa further underaiood.

eo Mr. Bake- Mlaa Flora Junes of Kaal Monro-i and kad Ike work aiopurd. -i -i-i Telegraphy. Prarl ral la-lruruoe Ik liailrved and 1 bt olijtrl ia punumi lint court it lo brcomt taptdly aad peivonaliy acJuaioled west of lb cam pub la Kuraial. AT CEDAK RAfllMJ.

well tlwtyl contended, that there waa tt Ibe truel of l.laie M. church filed si reel wilt leave tumormw fur Virginia, ault la ana. hu'ui against Iald Dar itb Ilia atca and arfliciad. and under no 111 to as gi'B' two or tnree areas. a ebalr ef agricullur la lb vniter-alir.

Tbe a. boot was duly vrtaulaed and Uajf. The aitiuu ta upon noieg givra condition will any charge whatever be. Tbt bouse liaui oa a light gtrat ty amid ball lug Tba Bcir It II It Mrs. li.

Keanry of Uak I'ark. Ill la lhe gursl of bre daughter. Mrs B. M. The defendant tuf a subscription tor Ibt sntdt (of ant aervct tan.lertd tear thiet traretal Ivlearaptty by aa eMstf-enued 1 ra.a lispairher li tr mocih to Drfenere.

a aaraataa tositloD, Only st-aiMti sudorssd li MMi.j I Vt It run along for many years and Bo turn tbtlr Wtt altrtrd tt tkt Hakvwtll Itad ralalpg ef lb tburik debt. Vaolertoort of East l'uuglaa street. tnooibt to til who tall belora Aoguil li. tt put to mo tuck ut. Tba trart waa Cedar Uapida I I 1 I I II I Mo.

Island 1 I 1-4 4 Uaiteilut-Uibaa n4 Vitavr, Mil log 0 HBCNTON. Manager Train Mspairk Thoegkl Hryaa Waa eaalaf. Miss Klorvoi-a faaipl of East Ixxust atiaet still fcuoie Haiurtsy from a 1 ba doctors treat all form ol dianata aad dtfuiiniiitt. aa4 gutranraa a can in rented to Mr. II.

Augustine several years ago for aurarry purpoaee. tnd nst Unct Kkw4 tl latiapt.f, Vevaa aA til elm liu idiag A lelsgrtia takmg that room month's visit st eteraburg and Auburn. tvtrt ctte they ondi las At Ibt first in pern uaed te fruit propagating grouaaa. ao Arthur. AT I'AVKNPOBT reverted as received by oa of Ibt The poll.

raided the rooma over ttrvatw a Iruarnogh titauaaiioa at mtJa SKKKS TO RKfLAIM. htult v.sierdar It was signed. 114 Wrai Mashlhgioa street laat algal and, il locoftlla, voa tit trtoklv tad Year weat oa and lb tide of fortune Tkt tlaltoit bait4 out of Ibt bog I N. M. Campbell Jvoutiiga" Tba Clark addtd "Hryaa" I kmJly toid to.

alao tdviwtd aga.asl tptnd turned asamet Mr luk.w.ll. Ha lual tad found Carrivttu easy. Ike score: ia tour money lor neflea Irtalinanl. Ik nestag aad Md tb UU boy I bat I and raptured Bv wooira and three snea. The eundltlisa of Mtt Mary ll. baa bn Jsl.f -ruuslr. waa about tbe tut bight as it bad ba fur several Mala and temala trftkaata, catarrh and Bryea was loaning I hat atghl. ahoalog K2For Insurance Havenport I 1141 II 14 korkfufd I I I I 4 I tar thai daalnaea. tiso luptur.

goilra, boat of bla property, aud aaa reducrd to roderait rln.uuisianra. It lba kt krgaa tept 19 rrgsia poin uf Ibe ItLd wki-k he kd prl.oly give ft tke ttat filed a turtaal tlaiaa ta it a tb telrglatu to support bis stalrmiul. Th latt.r avriad th aa la lb kmb llaitarl- bo lie. Carrlisau aud Kvra, hmmr, lDHll. IU(ft losasi rintkukaal lus Hi.t caatar.

all akia dusrtw tad all disease of Iba ret tern, af positively cortj ty Ibttf oa of lb waii.ta wet stepm! tJ'Ul. sad Mrs Julius Frermaa aad daugbirr. Mate Anna will Itaiurdar Wilkiuaua, Kas lua tad Utbfofd pruurtv trior tk st lasard ef eriilne aw baaltaaot aad la (' of pie of ppr troaa IHraik vfBc bta btlin fur hvifstn. guikg f'eai l'blaga by way vt ion. it was rejected by ikal body ia tr A- A.

firaidafl. Iba cbstl at- AT KVAMVIUX Iks lakra. Ikat brtaa was aot ruatiag llo. adds toriaie tuigeoo cl ibt InHiiut. tt la pa IhKgtuf fuut I'utkita rear aad Wo anew kotk ways an4 aidrat' Hbaut tar trouble.

1 bun. tk giouad that Ike a 't kad ba alwut II Instead of provisional t-atr th snl'rt at irtarkl kafart Ik l.lalstur. tad teaalP aftr aaeslvt t.Xsa friead of fjsk sil aiietred la Ikat body la aa tf Mr and Mrs Jtmre atoo and Angle Harr vt last el Iauis ate v.altia frMcdp ia ibis niv Tbsy at aa their rn-att. eoasisiiailtely waa up II II I tnaaJ rhargw. iftfcxa kourt iiora a till I p.

No heads bouta CONTRACTOR Tba arrival el ta Iraia a.ettnad tb trlrgtaea aa awatii-t by Ik i way butts fruas Chicago. KlBBtllli I I I II I I I I Iwi'ul I I I 1-I li COOPER SI'tllAL NOTIfB It yoJ etnaoi lo art a teasur ushI rvatoelug tbt M'ltaa wllb roasl4iabl plaic Mm (Mil. Ikvait and I'kortM tW lsaitrii-Cvtbtaa aad Hoik, lioraer tall, aeaj tfamp tuf quotlioa Uaak kr lot iy ansa lit futtnef aejaer. aad ktoi.iDs, I. ft yvsierday for MJ I'ark.

wber tke Man will tisli br aunt. Mra I'ameroa, Tk tiri rally and lie Iruada fuu(Jl boos traaltaaat. awttd. KERNS Aflor II arrival aa4 th oon airivsi us Ik Ixsnwraii leader Ik rlrk l-laiard Ik )ok. All ktt rt dxriand el.

id n4 Ike latter tlim. Mrs Usrtlrier -Mr R. II who kaa beet P.sewrll alalia Inua tk awl. ar a nrd aaing 4ft ihramk iial yeara. Many at Ibt emiarnl lawyera of have tl at.

llmt ar aavlbrr tsj a aa a ala tlearies- eoatrwet JecW( sroanr-ut e4 aai imwi Sua w4w afat S.i Mfat Special Assonment Notice. traveling fur Ike tblrsgo KuLtr Com. Laat Sid ftjuarf. iLkat I. a as, Las.

baaf la 4'alifuraia. ai.4 Wasning Mrot I Lang Iraoas. Tka oatrul aaauo wst ra lrl la Ibt at awe is kt gia ta ail tsrai.t.t Ittef ataal laol tk a II of th Hsuaao- tua. is ebsa4iaa a is taatlua la this ba oployed aa tk Uakll eta. THN Clllil TANOINtJ Ut CIA Play.

Woa. L4. rdar RapUt a 41 II Tert Haul 4 It i B1 flionaalngtoa 4 If lteatr a 14 II Ilk ki.aikford aj II l.aiur tl Wuik I. laid B4 17 471 vtaevill 44 HI nty tossoa. III kasia ttiM Ikal is- ra roo.rui4 liar earoos.

mioi fatulbarr imw iluasll. ol tb Allot railroad last a bl A gang of kt bat tolls led I Ik Tb snoat lnlrMIB bertod la lb I'ul llr Mra Haiti Aa4.a and Ed Freudrnslsla were la Hluutulag' ia eiroea aaa ia 'if btotacouu. of Ike ilaiia tatM tboul Itsl vsztS-SSs PEOPLES BANK. do ia ar. Blrlulty aad tb tealltuls Thai year Hall auesaedad.

Ikrauk lua Mutdat Intestigalliag Ut stanaar i. is. ait. Ikal lky talghl cuo.a.11 pi4ailis be- Ik eHurit of kla fila4a. la gttig bt .14 ka a n.tit ol si.

ia rmnit. tvaduciiag a cvuairy t'oie. Ctptlal 1 1 jo. o- oa 4 BB a.ssaanral aa easis aa. Irgieiamra it ats a tl "Niit ta -Mum Ida May Uu.g.

wta i ia a Wa.ll. aa 1 aaurulu aad Laditadasl I'luAl tltxouo tal 8 lo viu Hiuuuilkgtua and Nmuial Bewrtba Ik Hastes ut Ike b4. Ike at at kaasrd of vdieatbia. ta back ktaeaa ut koa aaa fetf a I Hare? fMakkls.ld IsaswaMlaa. II iff Hulnl.lUig.

Ik buy wk lars atairual of ta frteada oa fcr way I i fru Ike Bonk rt la teal kaaiiag IU aa oa tkia I tail la bakeasll Tkla anloa ibor a si. i aa. A le I tf a aw a a for ane data kas rHurwt la ker kutne katsiag aoi at rvnmait TRUST LErARTMENT. ugbly frigklensd lb frlead of lb erbuut ttasraaftof aa Ue Basil ess ot lb fM Ul ADA BERTONI OCCLLTItT. Taastdaea aa4 a a at HaM tars isisusiti k't at an Masyaiag.

1 1 hum kitUaga a4 t'1-- aoi sol iti MAlM-ar satwaa-. arre-t. i. a I. H.

JOHNSON'S FIRE INSURANCE I6 Cat lrara)r. at.Tr a kKur Ike Itwisl graJusit la ll a 1ua4ay, was afbtk I fit" I licidi, ikvagb kit aat txfil f'r fur til kaw i asiutd tS4 to lute a. uf Ibis year frven Ik Illlnola s)latt Nu Oara.ll a.i aorenoe dawtltkg av at abtxlt la I valuable wvparty anal Literally- at Nuiaial Aaikartto kt tat Bt I taautor Adotioiairtiaf. t4 lofr et e4 a.ay aftastf aa tuft leavlag tk cliy II aae thai lkv ba4 followed lae girl for "0 istaara aa ftlgbuaxd lUu tad:) Tb't aRlrvra out in Ibe at4 ktrais t.ts n4. Ikr awa Uiag Ukd at Ik Uy kali Tk tall tootaiasd aa vauaaally la'g- BuOilf pnuaif laat tlgbl.

Ikel ttiug alala ptaout It) lb tell. 1aea taa II a. 4 Tb (bt Ullti Ikal Ik tlloonilag. Ia toil ae boo lo4 oa tb Ten Haul Itlp It Uft kt ot lb Ibir. I.a,lh 4.s or I La wltk II Tbt Usar of r'l'BitoB.

koaevey, rloa to aaa iair aflwat I la tarn out Ike taanAalt of Ike al tM4Vaa. fva of 1 ioia la aay nn rfewwwak -rosl4ot lagslf aad Iba taaaiM. -I roa M. lagalla.

af Iba lug rwr, UwiOJ tkat lata i i a 'f A a kUPf oaas lalur. and I bus tb bt Wat trthster Orn. taai 1 a li.ll kh-l'raaltat ltd I. tkt a an af tk taott aouitavu aa oaldr ai rail rut 4 ansa la ik rout try la UpvfM AisfkMiirUt Nollrf. I.BATKM AT LAW, r.

Maltgl ixtaatuftt. rtiaarroaa ta khawr IL at aaastaa a--a a. aJI oaMSma lat Btkall tid tail ont tf kea. a.aaar I Cketra14 la talk- Mvaoa. asvaaa Ik tuoifl lb board lo sk kin Wtuaaa tevsd 4 to 'iMSa I lk.

I.I Bl artld tai a r-iak I aaaaaa. III" t. iai onoat ba iailud I I kg Bilk k.a tubordiba'a bt tttavra atdrt fc del i.r..(4isg tb roJulioa of i iat. i. 1 tt if bet eu-iiuy tVKa km a favor r-giiia'.

Thla tall drtlded la I ruootaiatu traJ II bus ia of lb Ikl sautes biig la ef tkta Tb aald "11 4.1 II Thl" ne la afdigtag ikm. a iiau. wka at It MatKUl Blioal O. lb lM krl. at UlSWS Blt fO-fHIt a I II I State National Hank ibe tuatd la lb aiar ruurt aad Baa aally ttrtied oa up lH It rea.ked Htnai.

fcasas, pfaaidetkl of Iba Ckaaap. akt 4 I'but. Mr I. tb Bti si'm rwurt. Im iak kt ka at wnk ata )ii4ay.

Afit axsiara Laalia lb toad la bat Ik. ai.e aMta Blftlrt Bo ISa Bll til raxalrMi bia final kab out ao far ol kl. IX a nmll l. i aa foaoMnu af pnai rar. aaroaaaaaiod by kla la oat aa -liita ai Is a was rrra'4 Tk ta KetlktwM Mna Vi eatllajloB sut Dauv'Mia .1 Ji, lU.

Alkott aad lioofgo. At a IMil alail't pfru d.l4d hs lb a'ai brd Ikaorsia.i aai aor.oo. ai ia oaarhi sl aa teaawaol lOiae ka.u ii. as 4 raaxteot aa.4 ooo't ik kaal I.H, a I t.4 a ii 4 aul la ik gaouaiataa, af Vu gluts lb irek 4 toait4 rutaota art la iir.aUH-a la tural baa kH ilKisa tkal Ik auslkua Uaao ka4 4isbod If of at a ofiit entrMatana The Hg Four raa a special Iran ftasa UdiaaatwMa It III asiUa. la two fcou'a tad alt stiiBuiea Tb I'aia at taade ap of a m.bita!Ka rar, a rut.

aad I'tllasaa, -Tbe Wat-as la ftnu a.k of July earned 11 1H egeistl la the aae wra of Jul w. an la.t 4 I I) ft Tea H'g rw la iba ri la July sara.d I ft. aaaiaat liul, ta iMitm of IU tkrtt la taast Ulk la Illixuta Cfctlai ftllatr tllalat ut aaaia taakial mimsa a ditisioa tstaunel Msar ra'liua-iart 4wU the gbiiliy ef ike la kaajis keaty freiikit fiuta t'llai-a la i biae dutli.g fii4 aa etofaiy weaiker Tkt Illinois rue Is Halt ill be tl Mailoua a Jaiy a4 II, al ktik Haw t'-d tua4a aaihM II bo k'ld at that Tk itaia aiar4 ftaea Mew ihI'sks atertl taw tad bag ta slpa.tnr tutikae'd A U4aaaJ asl4 i aae B. a aufk lk lllla'K I en'tal tl Cliala a tldoifWvaa aod tsfftbikg put-d ksu aoi t1f obllgaHoe la tarry tut Ja.i a li i i.aii.f a ia lu, las Ik taao Maaag.f Coa CM1IAL AND SURPLUS--JOjC atv 0 Tnnx rv t' af lua a. all I bo any anioa a tattxted la a wsimira Ik Isiisisiui lb aswawd la et-4 lb a'a of Ik laaa will aaekt Hires Rootbeer aa tlwe 1 teal eket saakM galaaat A.i o.a a iwiaa ta aad or Sofia aaia a lit eaat aatajot ot kaartlkt A IM tM eV alMIMIftl ta to I ail't toy tb liaso bol luwil jAfO BTBJK f-atoll-sat Bad kla tr 4t twt ready Is) Uf tf if kaoaaaafl aad puaMy aaetbef b'Bf'f IB a ka' e4 aa-aaao Ijs.aal IB.

a IS. a a. .4 Jft, of tk kl rll I leaas ai. Liviatvii loss OTHKH TACTIC. tf WtttatV'Xr OAMTOniAi ANTOn lU'lil' 11 paean-tar M.

It tu 0 a pasauitt. A. kv 1 aaaiaa. taai fia Jaxatfaat Aatntk latat ke I loeihg ta.oas lk( Ui-U laj UI la ka) i tt thfi 11 lad 11 aaai arn la' efl.Jte tre aa4 aiia nl L. II.

En HICK. aawaiiBa.vua Uaa arwtlti. rttta A OAMTCDSlZAf fwok Let rata, flask Ilt4it, aV kV i'4Mit aad tr. kiaan aatoaa ot IUE HARBOR HOTEL rise aoi t.a ftait k-atad taaii las eeuiaa. aea't A gaaeial aa ag ktat IrtaaaaUd.

ilfiieea km him lls.a The unka4r la (omiioIU fluas lae a- rgkka A 11 la la k-a lM la lai ki tba t4 sill aa UB wrist sis wBeb exit kd ta at I eaiii I'a a weiBg ar aiaadia aa4 will ei lie 4't baiiael ts easily tt Waal II tMtaia .11 i IOttt.0 ITT. laka Marawe, atisb. tbe Sleasa "a lb Dal Ike Wauask kaa rfeiJ etira ifaa sd auit Ut Ik tlHos ka ia Wise Picnickers GRAPE-NUTS lit4y kaak4, aa4 Metl fiafrllloa. )ui4 la Ik ar-k ai rest lad Aag.l You Are EasilySuited Here IkHat'o. a aailve half, kse ka ea u) tk tPpovrilas bill, asskli IH of lb ualseryilyt Mtt I teas! a-Mi lb i I 4 I-I if i'k ta ikwll kla for ad.

ki tr tt. ta a r14s -a il golag lkr.igk aa4 I- auirvd lb of all lk fv of Ik alriiya frwala la MM fa ti th 4akl n4 lka tb epviu.i isiioa kill. Tk I Must Ik A twotkl ttslBsf Ik af Ikt oa giooad Ikaf II tital lot Ik ta) a4 ia-1 twoaer Hai iwapofa. I lua Iksoa, Ims. ttl'd rIIJt.

rnoM KKlUt Mr. lskoll taMUaM a'if 44 4 ki toefgy la Ik fil.a id kie famous t.aias was ennsiaiaiiy t'uolft fblr, tnt tl last tl e.4s -a tkl II" baMly ihm! Tkt ilsiia atil 'b-Uf allb ki dIt teat kit kU dwit ran oo, akt.b tx-t tikly la viw of its i sti star al Ik kat'ilt Ikal k. a tia r.a lky aa lb. 4 -si tt katlv Uk t'l Hotel Vychmere letiaaaAeas i.atelb-M. CNICAdO.

Motif MOT.l. or A a freltkl liaia Ml Iks t) I Um i JOHS A. lit.ih Indcrlaktr. of BvfJ raaaoru. Th of tha iho tk llilctly high Thty trait) Irom nalufai mll n4 at bovtal la 14 i thtMl of it inaka lha tt biera lul4sl aad -ia.

1u iH ik ibi ewi t4 ik tir. Vo. a ao loa soia i a iasoa tal ta). ttd a tUasoV aao. lo.

Foil liC.NKU lb s'a lata Haa ai a rate A atiaaaa al ait liws) na i. fe-iet -a ewat i'a tat t.asa aa I avtkn lj ooa I ho 1 lh loof rfhf lUn 17 lo rrk lha loot (tl tha. Ani oj pticti lhr'i bi hv an. lb all UBS tBllwawiawew taaVct Tfc iwllilll af tk sclera tal FRANK MORRISOH kcf ii.t rrui'tk fufta of auiiaaiial I Ikat aaaout toalt la kt ka t'" tl u.ff la I'saall. skuol bo tui-olwd.

tal tb a. I4.t ft' lu Ikal tal- kat al-t rta bd aa at' la Ciiai Jn Tkia la a l- sst-ll ft ta to.bat. IB alrsaxly Itmtmigkll lo tm iy Ims.u. p't ta Tk sie ld Ike Vai I a.taia..s a.ii 7 a te othtf Jvn'i cvtr whf uit'etk dr 1. i ra-a.

"I I II Plumber FratUd I oa-4 'kr diy of tk i tt a a is mia INFLAMMATION ina -4 tf tii vi.aiot la fit tg la ao4t a ftaief pi 1 a lir.ia Tk Ha ta aa this lll id all gauweit kf It' aBiag ka lw la miLs tk.i HI I- ta atael I gieaf WB will at all rt.H.i ik 'e I 4iMr.wl-d aba "ihI I gset lis ra k. la i tfi a by Ibt Nai, -fta St Walk tk Mill tayih data at l'A kf Ik IhI de Tbr tbe'f kaw ia wat- as t4 It tt kaliaso laal Iksif art at aofkmat K0 tTLAWI rlllbH I aaia Bt BvaiB Iwoa a a i'io Ba Ifr.sB. tao tats eaa 1 4 oon oa naavra ftatae J. C. PhillipS -317 Parley Block.

L.kiitui fa it" tad at alafiv ukftof lu Ik f4 asir rtara aal ttat Ikal Sxitaa, la allUva I I't 'ai-' ts- Ne'f fo4. Ht k.b kultlilvt leva) vela etwold awl twl kl af. LI- 'eiLi Tl-av-aJ far aate It Wa. tad Ikt If tVarssary..

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