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The Modesto Bee from Modesto, California • 24

The Modesto Beei
Modesto, California
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MONDAY MAY 22 1967 THE MODESTO BEE EDITORIAL PAGE Questions Letters From 'It's High Time California Starts Up To Date I Horse Expression Origin Whttl is the origin of the expression George do Modesto Hiqh School Crowding: How 'Temporary' It? Davis High School administrators teachers and parents now are grappling with the painful problem of how to squeeze 2500 students into a school built for 1800 They are finding no easy answer Davis has had to cope with over-capacity enrollments almost since it first became a full four year high school Up to the present the school has used Quonset huts of which it now has 11 and staggered sessions to take care of the overflow But when the excess begins nearing 50 per cent beyond the capacity the impact of this kind of improvising causes complicated problems in transporting feeding and Georges Cardinal d'Amboise was chief minister to Louis XII king of France from 1498 to 1515 Louis had enormous confidence in his prime minister When affairs of the realm required attention the king was apt to say: George do it he is the man of the The phrase came into general use in France and eventually elsewhere when a job was being pushed off on someone else New Tax Program Must Be Fair To Everyone The comprehensive tax program pending a vote in the state Assembly represents the first major revision of tax structure in 30 years and therefore it is understandable there is so much controversy involved But it does provide a start toward financ-j ing necessary state government services and reducing the burdens on local property taxpayers As such it should lie given the most serious atten-i tion Assemblyman John Vene-man R-Stanislaus County is the author of the legislation which is based upon many months of study by many experts in the field of public taxation The Veneman bill is an i attempt to present a balanced approach to the problem Whether this vehicle should be the one to be the final leg-1 islative tax program this ses- sion remains to be learned I after further debate Other pro-i posals so far however are piecemeal and do not meet the total problem The important thing is that the tax package be fair to all citizens and all segments of the economy business as well I as consumer Mourning Ring What is a mourning Saida At least as early as the 15th century it was customary to bequeath rings or other pieces of jewelry to intimate friends Mourning rings were usually of gold or silver with a design of black enamel Often a small braid of the hair was placed where a precious stone generally is set or sometimes the hair was inserted in a band around the ring The People Gambling With Future Editor of The Bee Sir: The bill to further the aims or night harness horse racing is said to be another step to the open door of legalized gambling in the State of California Proponents of this measure emphasize the revenue to be gained in lieu of traditional forms of luxation without considering the possible damages which may accrue to a highly industrialized and lorward-looking economy Winning gambling is a pasttime of experts which most frequently appeals to the larcenous nature of man And it is said it develops neither character nor integrity in the moral roots of a community In any view it is recognized that revenue from a "fast endows greater benefits to its sponsors of the system than to the population it strives to amuse I fail as an individual to appreciate the value of such a measure nor do I understand how it can sidestep the traditional opposition of conservative church groups and the competition of legitimate sporting circles In any event the measure requires a long and searching look into its claims and of the aspirations of its most aggres-I sive hackers of record RALPH FISHER i Oakdale The Fault Editor of The Bee Sir Some time ago I read that it was wondered why we have so few or no leaders in society Looking over past leaders and over those who are trying to be constructive leaders of our present day and considering the persecution of these people by an unappreciating world 1 am not surprised People themselves have discouraged creative leadership They build a child up 1 to be creative and a constructive contributor to the world only to tear him down as soon as he reaches the years when he sets out to be productive It reminds me of the chil-i story about the hen who sought the aid of her bam- yard companions in the baking of bread These companions wanted no part in contributing to its production Yet when it came to the eating and enjoyment everyone wanted to be included JOYCE TRNKA Sacramento Musical Instrument Can you tell me something about the oriental music instrument the Modesto There is no hope of avoiding disruption The best that can be done is to devise some means which would result in the least amount of disruption The city schools administration offered a plan which would spread the problem to Downey High School by moving nine Quonsets from that school to Davis and putting both schools on modified staggered sessions The Davis faculty largely prefers a schedule worked out by its members Called the three-block plan it would involve a morning session an afternoon session and an overlapping third session The school would operate from 7 am to 5:45 pm and there would be no need for Quonsets or classroom space in the cafeteria gymnasium or little theater A third possibility would continue the use of the Quonsets in a staggered four-shift schedule Only the three-block plan would avoid having 2100 students on campus at noon The cheng a small hand or- I gan which first was used in the 1200s was the forerunner of the modern accordion with bellows for air on either side of the 1 News Behind The News For the country as a whole these are not big amounts and distributed they would make almost no difference to the quality of American education But the backward districts would suffer severely from the loss of these funds Executions In what year was the greatest number of executions tn the United States and when was the Empire i ucation funds more evenly over the school districts i This would mean that poor schools mainly in the rural I South and in the big cities would lose support If the Quie bill were passed 16 Southern and border states would lose $371 million and California Illinois and New York with their large urban populations would lose about $130 million in 1969 Undies For Inmates Editor of The Sir: In these days of cold wars world tensions and political unrest it is refreshing to note that you find time to bring to the attention conditions existing in our Stanislaus County Jail 1 refer to a recent story headed Jail Puts Undies On Forbidden Each day since I have avidly awaited some comment in the letters column Surely the taxpayers of an enlightened county such as ours should be outraged 1 am informed and rightly 1 so that there is reason behind each rule Tell me please the reason in depriving one of the right to wear underclothing and socks while incarcerated in an institution specifically Stanislaus County Jail? One wonders if this sort of cruel and inhuman treatment exists elsewhere in our fine county To quote Jailer Ron Hack-ett are not allowed underwear for sanitary reasons" and we let them wear them 'til they rotted All decent citizens should be shocked in knowing these conditions exist Surely Jailer Hackett does not voice the opinions of his superiors? And if so where have the taxpayers been to have in authority persons with philosophy? Initially Hackett states such a rule is "for sanitary rea- It is my understanding sanitation is primarily the purpose for wearing underwear not as an adornment Secondly Hackett states the inmates "drunks transients our type of clientele would wear such clothing until it rotted Correct me if wrong but Hackett as jailer is custodian of these and and as such is responsible for their physical hygiene Apparently his does not include persons paying society a debt nor unfortunates awaiting trial I yet Some of these are per- sons not yet judged guilty of any offense yet they are all forced to forego such "luxury" items namely underclothing because someone decides is endangered While not one of us cares to think we may be listed poten-l tially as Jailer it behooves all of us to remember that there but for the grace of our Lord go I As a taxpayer I request that those in authority look into this situation and soon Modesto CONCERNED Action By UN Editor of The Sir The undeclared war in Vietnam can be stopped very quickly How would one go about stopping a dog fight or a i fight between two men? The method is simple A sudden and violent participation by a third party is all that is necessary A shocking kick with a heavy boot a resounding whack with a club or the use of any forceful means will separate them Similarly this could apply in Vietnam An ultimatum must be issued by the United Nations Security Council that both sides stop fighting immediately or the United Nations military forces would take measures to stop the conflict More than likely the ultimatum alone would be enough to cause the United States forces to withdraw for sake of prestige alone If the fighting did not stop the United Nations military forces should wage war against both sides The entry of the UN forces would throw a wedge between North and South Vietnam and eventually stop the lighting If the war continues in Vietnam unchecked a third world war soon will develop Com- Copyright 1967 the Washington DC Post Co Distributed by Los Angeles Times Syndicate Caution On Race Track 'Reform' From the Los Angeles Times bill would in-I crease taxes on retail sales and cigarettes personal in-j come and bank and corpora-j tion income It would seek to remove inequities in the tax structure and insure that state treasury income would be com- mensurate with the growth of the economy It includes a provision for i a S225 million relief for the I business community by eliminating the property tax on bus- iness inventories When taxes are being increased for the average citizen it is question- able whether this is the time for ending this tax Veneman also has proposed i the withholding method of col-lecting state income taxes a tried and true administrative process of getting all money due the state Yet business groups which are demanding inventory tax relief also are opposing withholding demon-I strating a lack of the compro- mise which will be necessary to get any tax program passed It is most important the legislature at this session de- vise a tax program including the best parts of all proposals There is talk of postponing tax reform until next year That is part of the problem The legislature has been avoiding the issue for years making it much more difficult each time The legislature should face up to its duty come to grips with the problem for once and do something meaningful National statistics on executions have been assembled only since 1930 The greatest number of executions carried out since that year was 199 in 1935 the lowest one in 1966 Modesto's Past From The Files 25 Years Ago Modesto voters balloted nearly 9 to 1 to ratify an interim city gas franchise for the Pacific Gas and Electric Co Vigorous objections to racing at night have been made by the Cities of Inglewood and Arcadia where the tracks are located Also under a heavy attack is the relatively modest increase in state revenue the bill would provide California "is getting said Assemblyman Stewart Hinckley R-Redlands There is a tendency of course to regard all these al- i tematives as Teachers and administrators have shown commendable adaptability and willingness to take temporary dislocations in stride always with the confidence that alleviation of some kind soon would be forthcoming But how temporary' is this situation? At present with high school construction bond issues twice rejected and all plans for expansion halted the situation is temporary only in that it will get worse before it gets better And all the time temporary or not it is the students who are being cheated with overcrowded classes staggered sessions shortened periods and makeshift facilities From New York By Walter Lippmann THREAT There is under serious attack the measure which may well come to be thought of as the greatest single peacetime achievement of the Kennedy-Johnson administration the Education Act which was passed in 1965 This act opened the way through the conflict between the Catholics and the anti-Catholics the conflict which has been so stubborn and perplexing an irritant in the life of the American people The 1965 act which was worked up in the Kennedy administration and improved and enacted in the Johnson administration settled or at least quieted down the controversy over whether federal money may be used for the education of children in Catholic schools The whole arrangement is in great jeopardy today owing to a bill introduced by Rep Albert Quie R-Minn which would destroy the financial structure of the 1965 settlement The principle of the 1965 settlement is that federal money may be used for educational projects which are wholly unrelated to religious teachings and that Catholic children in parochial schools may participate in them Federal funds are used to improve education in districts with many poor families The monies are spent by public school authorities but they devise programs in which Catholic students The War Production Board warned that rationing of gasoline for the entire nation probably would become a reality on or before July 1 The 18th annual Jersey Spring Show was scheduled for Beard Brook Park by the Stanislaus County Jersey Breeders i Association The show was the largest of its kind in the state 50 Yea rs Ago In a baseball game replete with thrills extra base hits sensational batting rallies and other unprecedented situations the Modesto Jits defeated the Waterford-Hickman team The legislation introduced by Assemblyman Bob Moretti D-Van Nuys would increase the number of racing days from 600 to 720 (or 764 on a six-day basis) to help state race tracks which he said are in financial trouble Legislative Analyst A Alan Post estimates that betting would annually go up by $199 million of which the state would gain an additional $13 million is making a lot of money here and I do not see why the state cannot get part of declared Ways and Means Chairman Robert Crown D-Alameda To increase what he called the Crown won an amendment imposing a ticket tax that will produce $15 million more A Tennessee mob avenged the brutal slaying of a young girl by burning one of her accused murderers at the stake Two other persons implicated in the murder were promised the same fate upon their Administering Justice To meet the problem of increased workload on the judicial system during the past several decades the addition of more judges has most always been the answer In California the number of judges at the superior and municipal court level has increased at astounding rates And when each judge is added to the bench the accompanying expense of courtrooms attendants and other services has boosted the burdens This also is true at the federal level and now there is good reason to believe the simple addition of another judge no longer is the way to reduce the caseload Steadfast 'Doves' It is hoped Hanoi will understand the meaning of the declaration of the 16 leading critics of ihe Vietnam war policy that they any American pullout short of an honorable peace This statement makes clear the dissenting doves are responsible and loyal Americans even though their criticism of President Lyndon Johnson's conduct of the Vietnamese war has ruffled the 1 feathers of the President However at no time have they advocated surrendering and abandoning the people of that war battered nation The leaders in North Vietnam have been told this will not happen The choice must be negotiations or a continuation of the war Now that the doves have stated so clearly they are opposed to unilateral withdrawal Hanoi should realize the futility of hoping that will happen It also should serve to bring to an end the hints from Johnson and some of his sup-! porters that dissent is disloyal that criticism is To improve the breed and the state treasury the bly Ways and Means tee has approved a controver-! sial bill permitting night horse I racing in California as well as more day racing The measure first major change in state racing laws since 1933 now goes to the Assembly floor where more argument is certain Opening the state to night racing already has been strongly criticized by civic and church groups who were joined by officials of Califor-1 two biggest tracks Hollywood Park and Santa Anita 'Emotional Nonsense' From the St Louis Mo Post-Dispatch Undersecretary of State Nicholas Katzenbach offered police forces sound advice as he opened the National Conference on Crime Control The former attorney general and head of the National Crime Commission suggested in effect that the police stop complaining about Supreme Court decisions and concentrate on improving law enforcement Actually some of the strongest complaints have come not from police but from prosecutors Two of them recently told Sen subcommittee that the Miranda decision had discouraged talking to authorities by criminal suspects Sen McClellan even proposes legislation to revoke the Miranda decision which requires police I to inform suspects of their right to silence and to counsel Katzenbach said as he had said before that it is to argue that court decisions cause crime major problems of crime con-i trol" he added still with The St Louis Police Depart- I menl to its credit does not take so benighted a view of the effect of court decisions Last January high-ranking officers of St Louis expressed doubt the Miranda decision had significantly affected law enforce- ment Advising suspects of their i rights added to the i work load they agreed but changes in the rate as to crimes had dipped only slightly since the decision six months earlier The clean-up 1 rate was still higher than in most other large cities St experience shows police can live with the court decision respect the rights of citizens and still do effective work The moral should not be lost on the crime control con-i ference or indeed on Sen Me- i I committee An innocent verdict was rendered by Justice Rice in a case where a farmer was charged with shooting a cow The farmer admittedly shot the cow but did so in defense of his wheat crop which the animal had developed a taste for 75 Years Aqo lyne Dale was the most envied young lad in Modesto when he placed an eight-legged mouse he had captured on exhibition in the Graves Funeral Parlor Setting Examples Editor of The Bee Sir: The recent hearing by the Assembly Government Organiza-1 lien Committee on AB 1082 to liberalize horse racing and gambling was the most obnoxious display of rudeness and disrespect perpetrated by a money-mad conceited special group that I have witnessed According to our frame o( government the opposition has the right to be heard in dignity presented by anyone who may wish to speak These members of the clergy who tried valiantly to represent hundreds of thousands of Cali-i fomians were humiliated What an example lor our youth THE CRUSADER Sacramento Thanks Contributors Editor of The Bee Sir: On behalf of the membership of the Modesto Junior College Student Nurses Association of California we would like to thank through your paper the individuals and organizations of the area who contributed to our recent drive to raise funds It made possible a delegate from Modesto Betty Upper! to attend the National Student Nurses convention in New York We are especially indebted to )ur relative organizations Ihe Stanislaus County Medical Society the California Nurses Association and the Stanislaus County Medical Assistants DOROTHY VYBORNFY President RAF KIRK Modesto Secretary Notice Every communication intended for publication in The Letters From The People column must carry the true name signature and address though pen names are permitted at the discretion Letters of fewer than 250 words will be given preference All letters are subject to condensation Those not published will not be it-tumed or accounted for Poetry is not published tn I Ihe Bee The Times concurs in both of these objections to the proposed legislation California does need night racing and the many problems that would result All references to it should be amended out of the bill A greater share of the revenue from additional racing days should also be provided for the state Legislative Analyst Post noted that in 1964 the State of New York received $139 million in revenue as compared with share of only $455 million Although total betting at New York tracks was about 50 per cent greater than at our take was only one-third that of New a disparity that should be corrected in any change in racing laws CONTROL Since 1965 the old controversy has subsided The anti-Catholics have accepted the act which provides Catholic children with educational advantages The Catholic hierarchy and the Catholic community have been satisfied although the parochial schools receive no direct aid The National Education Association which ardently proposed a 1 quite different measure of fed- eral aid has supported the 1965 act since it was enacted Quie proposes to unsettle all I this Not that he wishes to spend less money He is asking for a total authorization of I $3 billion while Rep John D-I1L bill which is the administration bill would come to about $33 billion Quie has fixed his attention upon the control of the funds to be allocated for aid to education As against the principle of the act of 1965 the Quie bill is based on the plausible slogan that the states should themselves distribute education funds But the constitutions of some 20 states bar the use of state funds for parochial i schools If the funds presently administered by HEW were to be given over to the states the whole church-state question would be reopened The Quie bill would bring down in a crash the structure of the 1965 settlement of the church and state school issue HARDSHIP Furthermore the Quie bill would spread ed- munist China cannot remain out of the batile much longer and soon other nations will align themselves with the North and South Fresno EE A Yankee with a very clever method of white-washing was doing several jobs in Modesto He also painted roofs for a very reasonable fee and his work was considered good Chief Justice of the United States Earl Warren recently said improved methods of not more judges needed to cope with the mounting backlog of cases before the courts Speaking at the annual meeting of the American Law Institute in Washington DC Warren said: adding more judges to courts using outmoded methods of administration is more likely to retard production than to stimulate The chief justice emphasized if is vital to justice that studies be made of ways to improve the administration of the courts because the proliferation of judges obviously has not solved the problem The law institute would well serve the cause of justice by instituting such studies One of the oldest admonitions of most of the religions and philosophies is: Know thyself This might be acceptable if the findings did not scare the life out of one! bi Hu Go HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION BOXER? Soliloquy "WhenIm DRAFTED I WONDER IF TREY'LL BELIEVE WHEN I TELL THEM I'M A NON-BELLIGERENT From Where They Are Earfhman considers himself a rational being of high wisdom and intelligence capable of many lofty undertakings and accomplishments Because this is a self-evaluation it is a matter for open discussion The Waukegan 111 News-Sun recently noted this nation is going to spend $30 billion to find out if there is intelligent life on Mars and commented: Of course there is intelli-izenl life on Mars You can tell by the fact that they are not spending $30 billion to find out about us That is something to put in your pipe and smoke.

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