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Daily News du lieu suivant : Los Angeles, California • 3

Daily Newsi
Los Angeles, California
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DAILY NEWS. Los Angeles MONDAY, APRIL 5.1f5 2 IK 0 Civil chiefs ii stiff test on program peace plan Dali, Naaa ahoto, DonHoaier. WORLD'S FIRST INTERPLANETARY SPACE CONVENTION DRAWS 2500 BELIEVERS TO GIANT ROCK AIRPORT They came by planes and cars to tell their experiences end in hope of getting a ride on 300-foot "Constellation saucer from Venus Mystery in the sky! Saucer meet baffled By DON DWIGGINS DaHr Mm Staff Writer GIANT ROCK, April 4. A giant fireball exploded' over 'the worlds first Interplanetary Space Craft Convention here last night and threw 2500 wild-eyed saurerites Into an uproar. At 11 minutes to midnight, an object the size of a full moon-and the color of an orange blazed brilliantly for two full second1 and then disappeared.

0 9 (flee editorial Piaffe 20) Civil Defense1 ind Disaster Week was launched here last night by Col. Richard F. Lynch with a plea for renewed observance of the Los Angeles Office of 'Civil Defense, slogan, Dont Scare Prepare." Taking over Mayor Norris poulsons weekly, radio broadcast, Lynch pointed to the danger of fearfrom knowledge -of what the hydrogen bomb can do and declared: must confidence In our ability to survive by knowing we are prepared. TIME to prepare Is Lynch emphasised that while "our military leaders aire in proc-, ess of developing new defensive measures to prevent an enemy from even reaching otfnrflpres," civil defense bffidals are taking a companion action, "We are making plans to minimize loss of life and property In the event a handful of men, driven by an Insatiable urge of world domination, decides to launch an attack against us, he said. Lynch admitted freely that "mass evacuation of millions of people from -the -Los Angeles area presents a staggering problem and one that at this time and under present conditions is not practical.

i BUT THE Lot Angeles director insisted that a mass dispersal plan "will be worked out, on our ability to give a greater time warning. Military authorities have estimated that under present defense arrangements, a 15 minute time warning Is the most that can be expected. Lynch said the city's 307 warning sirens now in operation will be augmented with new ones, Including two-tone alarms that cannot be confused with regular police and fire department sirens. Give public H-bomb data Peterson SACRAMENTO, April Federal Civil Defense Administrator Val Peterson said tonight he lielleved in the dissemination of all possible Information regarding the Il-bomb to-the public. Peterson, here for a conference tomorrow with Gov.

Goodwin J. Knight and a five-day tour of California, said this is the peoples1 business and the people's lives are at stake. BUT IIE CAUTIONED against leaking information to the enemy through loose dissemination of news. Many times It Is very dif--flcult to know what Information he (the enemy) ha A and, aecord-- Ingly, what can be released, Peterson said. Commenting on the atomic tests at Las Vegas, Nev which newspapermen viewed, Peterson said personally.

I'd be In favor of that being done In the future the first time authorities feel It can be done with due regard to national security." mNia fitful fnt SAUCERMAN BOB GLENS Seeing is believing Ike speaks today on H-bomb fear WASHINGTON, April atomic disarmament, move, by the Big Three western -powers will put Moscow's Inter-est in peace to a. stiff, new test lii the United Nations, diploma tia officials said today. They warned, however, that the free world shout not fall victim to any false hopes for an Immediate end to the costly and po- tentiaily cataclysmic atomic arms race: They Indicated that long and patient negotiations probably would have to precede any basin agreement with the Kremlin. THEY ALSO expressed hope the Wests call for a meeting of the UN Disarmament Commission would- calm -the worlds H-bomb Jitters. and help British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in tomorrow's H-bomb debate In Parliament' It was reported In London that Churchill took the lead In asking for the disarmament commission meeting.

T. V. Tsiang, chairman of the disarmament commission this month, said in New York he will telephone members tomorrow and ask them when they want to meet Hie UN General Assembly suggested in a resolution last November that the commission consider setting up a subcommittee to hold private talks on means of endfng the deadly, atomic-hydrogen armaments race. The western powers had this In mind in urging a commission meeting. Tsiang said, however, there Is nothing definite as yet He could not predict when tha commission meeting will be held.

Average higher: 44 bitten daily by dogs, says Uhl Dogs are biting an average of 44 persons a day here as against a daily average of 42 at this season last year, City Health Officer. George M. Uhl reported yesterday. Pasteur treatment has been given more than 100 victims so far this year, compared to a total of 363 for all of 1953, he said. Three of every four persons urv 1 dergolng this anti-rabies preventive treatment are children, said Dr.

UhL rabid dogs have died here In the las three months, he said. Renewing his plea for a dog vao dnation law, Dr. Uhl -said il ls one of thr most humane things that can be done for the animaL t9S4 'htoz Hr, tl Ht, te, tk, If alm la a flu kite nkM art a fa tfa Wk, a ulitate aiik MMtta MraM mm akaa turn hi a 24 art Mirk a tea. lav ari-a. WaXHiakaHaH, Mtert IITM, a kraaX aaw IM4 Mteal ateM nk aMtaaat waaaaair -ut ueni ns Willi Tavr OimIIIM TraJata 110 DOVtl PAYf.EUT 31 LOS ANOELES SHI lllftlw Ihl.

Vl Mite Saal at IVAN NUVS Mil In Kiyi Ihi Slack, Marik af Victanr WASHINGTON, April 4. -F President goes onj the air tomorrow night to talk to the American people about 1 tar heH trom the nearby Ma-what he once called the mul-1 base, or maybe a weather balloon rigged with hydrogen and tiplidty of fears troubling this for a ride. "THERE GOES one! voire shrieked from scores of sleeping bags along the edge of Giant Rock Airport run by George W. I-Rode-a-Flylng-Sauccr) Van Tassel. -Seconds later, a distinct concusi sion echoed over the volcanic region.

si taking car windows and awakening convention delegates' Inside who had slept through the big show. The phenomenon was viewed by many as aslgn that "they were in the area and ready to land a giant 300-foot "Constellation saucer to take everybody This makes em unhappy, be-(Continued on Page 33, Col. 5) nation and the world in the hydrogen Elsenhower, who spent the weekend at his quiet Catoctln, mountain retreaf, devoted the last two days to assembling the Ideas he wants to get across in an extemporaneous address. a time fuse as a gag. It provided the right eerie touch to the strange meeting of minds bn the windswept desert where Van Tassel savs a Ronald-Colemanish character named Solganda Invited him aboard a flying saucer last 24.

(PRESIDENT Eisenhower's Van Tassel, who wrote a book speech tonight on "International about what he earned from Sol-Problems and Concerns In the ganda and other super-beings of Atomic Age," will be heard In the Adamic? rare, gave thi Los Angeles via radio and televi- of the saucer people 8i( Television: KNBH and KNXT.j intosemelt of 5:30 to 6:30 p. and rebroad- Jrough. casts at 8:30 p. KTLA, 5:30 th unlvers? charteredbythe iAdamlcs, who have organized a (Radio: KFL 5:30 p. KNX.

i 51 lar sytem 7 p. KHJ, 8 p.m.; KABC, 9 an iJ.o MRS. VIOLA SCHMIDT What was that? Churchill fights crisis on H-bomb LONDON, April 4. (W Prime Minister Winston Churchill, armed with Information urgently relayed from Washington, today completed the- report he will make on the American hydrogen bomb tests to the House of Commons to stave off possible govr emmental crisis. Politicians and newspapers toned down somewhat the hue-and-cry over the tests carried out by the U.

S. f- ALHAMBRA r. Mih Caraai Ciapal COMPTON I 2281 I. Lm, IckI li Steal la Saklaa Lion saved from pit -f -V VV.Y- A'. gjf Amk 4 DOLORES BARRIOS From Venus or Venice? H-bomb victims' cure 'dangerous1 TOKYO.

April Japanese doctor treating 23 fishermen exposed to the Bikini hydrogen bomb explosion said today radioactive elements have lodged In the bones, liver and kidneys of the victims and the only, known curejs dangerous. Dr. Masanori Nakalzuml, top radiation, specialist at Tokyo University, told a group of Japanese scientists that the 7est known way to clean tout the radiation elements also destroys body buMihg calciuml' PHILADELPHIA, April Pharoah, a 15-year-old lion, was fttved from drowning today when keepers drained eight feet of wa- Inn fnAM 4kn Ham Iimi a4 ter from the lion house moat at p. The president and his wife twice visited the 185-year-old farm at Gettysburg, not far from Catoctln, where they expect to retired some day. Otherwise, they remained pretty much In seclusion.

PlfAROAICS involuntary bath began unnoticed. He and Tar- ran, another patriarch of the lioq house, were sunning them- m1m am 4la AiitelnM 4ka selves on the grotto during the chilly afternoon. The next thing anyone knew, Pharoah was swimming about the moat. Lion-Keeper Montgomery Simmons stretched a heavy chained mat against the sloping' side of the moat and tried to prod Pharoah Into climbing from the' pit. It didnt work.

He just kept swimming, with a mighty silly look on his majestic puss, 'Simmons said. Philadelphia Zoo. But With the pit empty, Pharoah promptly staged a sitdown strike and refused return to the lion house. With darkness approaching four hours after Pharoahs alt-down, keepers tossedi bundles of hay Into the moat' so the lion could keep warm If he decided to stay out all night. A door to -the lion house was left open P.

R. MERRITT Hoped to snap one hould he change his mind. 1.

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