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Los Angeles Star from Los Angeles, California • 2

Los Angeles Stari
Los Angeles, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I i F'-; jCos Angeles Star. iYANr DEU SENS LOS i ANGELES CIRCUS "i i i-c-i 1 THIS Company intend to give a perforata. THIS EVENING, SATURDAY, Octob3? to their Pavilion, on the Plaza, when the Proprietrw mmm aL. Iai a 1 ftW sl. Inteoduce Saturday, October 3, 1857.

England In India 2 The attain of India 'at (hie llmej are drawing the attrition the whole civilized, political an commercial world, In no country, or section country, either In.Europej or America; does the fntnre of India present, commercially, so mach importance aa to California. Although we publish an article on. 'our first will have the honor to to the pubHc da rivalled performers jmd well-trained stee ua- The performance will consist of daring feats of Ilorsemanship, leaping, Tumbling, and ail the exercises of tha Circus. Prices of aduristion Boxes, $1 00 Pit, go eent. THOMAS DEtfSEN, Proprfeto Los Angeles, October 1857.

jm. city Improve" I Brick buildings seem now to be the order of the day, for every we see these fructores rising Inf the south end of Main street, we observe two of these approaching completion. -The Temple Block; on tho same street, comprising five very fine stores, Is completed as to the masonry, and the plasterers are now at work. This block II to be Unliked with1 a stucco front, and will be an ornament to, our city. Adjoining it, on the north, on the Salazar property, two other stores are in progress, which will spake a range of brick buildings highly creditable to the pity, and which we have no doubt, will be remunerative to the spirited proprietors.

Further on the same street, Mr. Ililliard has completed his brick building, and adjoining It, two others are being erected by Mr. O. Allen. Still further on, we observe pre- The Atlantic Ocean Telegraph.

At the departure of the last mall from the East, the great work of the age, the layiog of the high way which binds, the' old and new continents in I page-, giving an account of the capture of Delhi more perfect interest, through which the inter-1 have been unable to find from whence the par-bange of the thoughts of men Is to be carried on rtlenlars were derived. The impression prevailed with a power and velocity which heaven Itself hn England, at the last dates, that ithadfallen could alone furnish. On the third of Angust, the but no advices to that affect had been received table was attached to the shore at. Valencia, in is probable that the insurgents have been Ireland, and the fleet was confidently expected to ducedf and that the matlny has been quelled.1 arrive ou the American coast In about twenty The effects of this outbreak, must ba to produce days. The eastern half of the caUe was being a great change In tbe maoagexneat of the Anglo.

UId by the Niagara. On arrival at mid ocean, Indjan EmpIra. For tha falar. no coafideilce can tt. cable board oMh.

mUl-U b. ta tlT. Md uny tompert ESTRAY NOTICE. CAME into the enclosure of the subscri-. ber, on the night of September 18th, 1857 one red rota HORSE, Spanish brand, three white feet, saddle marks.

White andarnife under Bp also white! spot above the tail The owner is re. quested to call at iny residence in El Monte town, parations for building a private residence, by one j.p prQTe property, pay' charges, and take him of onr prominent citizens. The Beaudry block, away. Tirmrpunv on Aliso street, comprising seven stores, is also Li- 1gth igST 1 completed, which add. greatly to the appearance El Monte, Sept.

19th, 1857. of that part of the city, betides greatly enhancing I TO THE FARMER the value of the adjoining property. Alame- iND da the fine new residence of Mr. Keller, Is I almost- finished and the Sisters of Charity are pT .171 a qin T7C1 AT erecting a large building for a seminary, on tbeirl with faeilHits olcl to that laid from the Siagara. when b.of Europe lB nambere to oronwe 'l of on willing anbcu, will produce a drain upon the population and finances of Eng- contloue on their way to Trinity Bay, in New foundlaniL Lookouts on the coast or Newfoundland were anxiously awaiting the appearance of the fleet at the sailing of the last California mail steamer.

We may expect oar next mall to bring us as late dates from London and Foris, as from Boston and St. We take the following graphic description from the London Obtervrr It is now proposed to cemmence paying out at enoe from the coast of Ireland, and when one vessel has uncoiled its sbars of the cable, to join the land, the consequences of which the future alone can unfold. The continued dependence of Indian must be preserved, or England will fall to an Inferior position. Can this supremacy be sustained by England, with the recognized hostility of Russia, and the rebellious disposition of her Indian subjects The Emperor of France, is wlthont doubt, at this time, the most Influential potentate in Christendom. He visits Englands Queen in a friendly From Kern River.

From this district we have received iufomatlon by our friend Mr. 'Kelso, who has just arrived in town. The aooount given of.affitirs there li very encouraging. Quartz mining, ia in full and suc-eessfni and laborer are wanted to assist in getting ont the rock. There are three mills In operation; one of which the Mammoth', grinds from twelve to eighteen tons of quartz a day, averaging a produce in cash, of from' $50 to $100 a ton.

This is tbe statement of our informant, which we have no reason tp doubt. uw That district Is represented as being in a very prosperous conditioni-the only want being, as above stated, the want of Cornish miners are very much sought after, jtod would command high wages. Qnarrymen, also, are inquired for, and each as are nsed to quartz mining. There being no placer mining prosecuted In this district, but one class of the. working population would find it advantageous to visit It.

To sueh, we are Informed, steady work, at good wages, would be guaranteed. Another saw mill is in course of construction at Ly mans rzUey, about eighteen miles from Keys-ville. Keysville is represented as a thriving mining town, not very Imposing in appearance, nor fast in Its progress, bat still it keeps increasing, and the people look for a large and prosperoua settlement there yet. In a short tiins, the financial condition of the various companies will be Improved, and tbe resources of tbe district will be expended among-those who deveiope them. At a very little expense, a good wagon road can be constructed which wonld greatly facilitate the communication between this city and the min-ng region of Kern River.

As it Is, Mr. Kelso lauls 5,000 pounds In a wagon the whole distance. The route is by Elizabeth Lake and tbe Desert, being about the same distance as the pack trail. The greatest distance without water is twenty five miles. PXSTKVCTIVZ V1XB.

By an arrival in town yesterday of a party who crossed Kern River on the 231 we have the distressing intelligence of the total destruction by fire, of the store, goods, furniture. of oqr In-ormation. coufia-ration 1 ttAVIJIO ERECTED A GOOD SHOP, st premises. On the same street, and nearly opposite, heretofore possessed by any in this State for atn. the Ueun.

UoLanghlln Broa. are building a large 1 douiico foundry and workshop, thus increasing their fa- alness. I employ none but th beat and most experieDe- rf I o-i work no material the best. cilities for the prosecution of their extensive busi- hop to promoto tb interest of th good new, In the manufacture of all kind, of nterent which is foremost with mankind smith work, carriage and wagon building, Ac. I time that interest end to that on board the other vessel, which will I and social manner, at the opportune moment when then proceed to lay out the other half of tbe ea- Other buildings, of similar substantial nature, b'nssT! tAiLiHKW the nn shop, are being erected in other parte of the city, which and tsrfoUoimp1.

speaks well for the prosperity and progressive I mCat. 1 also mado tb spirit of our citizens. These, together with the FIRST reai-lvo asd mowing machwe, ini omiui a 1 And th AntBuil Plow cror made iathUSute. There- general Improvement of the old buildings, anowi for with my oxporienoof and a knowledge of tho wants that tho people of Loo Angeleo are not dUhoarten-1 LrteSJSSV.C?tl1 amemnon, with tba exception ot two small signal English people and cabinet. His personal fritnd' ones on tbe upper deck, for tbe stowage of eleven I ship and growing alliance with England, while hundred miles of the cable.

Those immense coils I bis diplomacy at tho Faria Congress, and at the of tarred rope rising up below tbe surface of the Tllvr water to the under side of tbe deck of the ship, is capital, have leaned so perceptibly toft carious sight. stand or walk over 1,100 1 vards Russia, tbe embittered foe of England, both tons of this rope, for its weight is about one ton ia Europe and Asia, that it might well awaken to the mile. There are more than 200 flakes or layers of the coil, one above the other, and the ol Utetmen, were they not huge coil following tbe form of an oval or circle, bed QnM charm by tbe rapid and gigantic as the shape of the ships hold requires, and vary- growth of his power, or controlled by a painful Ing in Its diameter from forty-four to fifty feet, is necessity to sobmit to the superior will of one, about eleven feet thick, and at every beat of a se- co ad pendulum an electric spark is flashed through who tb BePJ oIdiery, may desert the lion every inch of that solid compact mass. The huge 1 tb moment that his teeth arc rendered or thing lives, and every throb of its electric pulse his limbs paralyzed. is marked by the deflection of a tiny, delicate 1 needle on a dialplate.

From the immense batte- St. Luke Parish, rlea of Mr. Whitehouse, the electrician of tbe com-1 Th recent formation in this city, of a society by the adverse seasons with which WS have! tercst of the agrienlturistf of th cooatry; and in my been afflicted. We bellow that, generally oir. the business Of our merchants is in a healthy I and in tho-intorost and doTClopmont of th agrieulturil 1 1 improTement of our Htato.

-I design, and bar underway and favorable condition and that our manufae-1 th manuteetaring of turers and mechanics aro Constantly and profitably 1 1500 cast steel California deep tiller tB queen I OK WEST PLOWS, employed. I The mouldboard, tho landsido, and share, are manafae- 1 I tured of east ateel, making- the plow run murh lighter James P. Jonxsox. To-day, at three oclock, I than any plowerer used in tfaii eonntry. Also, has been fixed for the execution of this unfortun- GA PL0W8 ate man, for the murder of Henry Wagner, in the! jn addition to what 1 manufacture, I shall constantly month of March last.

He is fully resigned to his rocn maker, of th. Eostera end Western states, amongst which are SOO CINCINNATI EAGLE STEl AND ROUES PL0W8, A shipment of which has just arrived These plows stand to point of trno merit and worth altogether higher than any others in the great agricultural Mate of Ohio. Please favor too with a call, and see for yourself, and ter convinced that 1 am pnbiisbing no hum hog, but facts as they are, and that our young Mate can. witLin itself, already provide the farmer with implements inferior to none now in use. Any article manufacture will have all tho latest isn provements.

and bo finished in a workmanlike manner. All kinds of agricultural implement and machine re- ate, and awaits death with calmness. The Rev. Mr. Foreman is in attendance on him, administering the consolations of religion.

In a con versa-; tli.n we bad with'Jobnion, he reviewed the facts connected with his trial and conviction, and seem- a ed to think that prejudice Jiad considerable influence on the decision on the part of the witnesses especially, and also through public report. Many charges of violence had been made againit him, paired on short notice, and in th best manner, and OB 1 reasonable terms of htd nad, nK. The clr. ol.c,rasllnce, CBBnKled with the kmingi be Berowdi-, ln nIlkb wobM reijdbinigBilt. oflh ch of murder BBd iBthl.connco without foundation, and expressions put into his tion he bears tbe witnesses TKOS.

OGG SHAW, 33 Saeramente street, near Havia, San Francisco. qyShop corner Davis aji't Sacramento street. I FOR SALE, 10 Krryitone lVIne SM Glder Hills, Suitable for manufacturing Wine and by T. O. SrlAW.

severely on principal pany, an amount of electric fluid is every moment sent on its circling mission of 1.200 miles, which, ParPPM of divine worship, In accordance irdisebarged at once, would, under certain electric Wlb the principles of the Episcopal Chnrcb, has conditions of the atmosphere, and under a thunder thus far fulfilled the most ardent expectations of powerSu tnfned'ljj Serer.ion,b,,h.,. el.peed essence of the thunder storm paves instantaneously ince its organization, during which period acces on its unseen path, does tbe bidding of his task-1 sions have been steadily made to its numbers, un. naftr deflecting the small needle which keeps til it now possesses a congregation of tbe most watch for its arrival, and completing its mrsteri- ...7 ous circuit, returns obediently to the cell whence ProraUin character, which is regularly convened it first issued forth. at It stated meetings. The congregation Is now Soma time since, it was thought that tbe fluid properly organized, as St.

Lukes Church, un- throu.h der the supervision of a Board of Trustees, regreat lengths or wire, that it would be impracti- 4 cable to apply electricity to tbe commuujcation ccnJ chosen, who hove rented a building on between England and America. This was a point Main street, nearly opposite the residence of Dr. moet material to be decided, and a number of ex- Griffin, (the room recently occupied being un-perimeots were most. carefully made to ascertain i the speed of the electric current, Professor rmtablc where services will be held every sab-Wheatstoue found that it traveled 288,000 miles bath evening, at half past seven oclock, com-lu a second, or ten times the length of a girdle mencing on to-morrow evening. Id lYSfin TZ th.1 Dr- b0-In 01 of electricity sent through the 1200 miles or ropeb officiated, as lay reader, will continne to occu now on board the Agamemnon, and partly on the desk until the arrival of a pastor, who is beenb-e to ar shortly expected from abroad.

ny appreciable speed of this mysterious agent. It might be thought that the electric messenger, Much Ia du 10 lhose "bo baTB iBitted having to run its rounds through the myriads of I and carried out this undertaking more especially circling and cencentrated coils of rope, might not the ladies, who have been untiring In their efforts who bad started from the city after the re- to promote Ite lateral. to their exertion. I. the Ported company, and ho h.d overtaken bright Ariel, who atke only the one f.ror, tbet eociety mainly indebted lor ite praent excellent tbe carrlcr in llJe cjJ wbt le be should be kept from coming In contact with land efficient choir.

a bave on Wednesday night, tbs base earth while employed in the service of I No further particulars are known, nor any names Ert'Pero wh directs his actions. iisrhanics lnsiitiUc. given, nor any account of tbe finding anrj dispo- ar or The members of this Institute met on Saturday sition of the bodies. We give the rumor for what log through the cable while in progress of being .1... submerged, are of tbe mast extuordinajy power evening last, afier a three montlK recess, and It is worth.

The alleged facts are without authen- riend Kelso, who has given us tbe foregoing Nothing was saved from the but the books, so rapid was the progress of tbs devouring element. -1 IV are exceedingly sorry for Mr. Kelso's low. and sincerely sympathize with him in hia misfortune. I lumored Massacre ou tlie Plains.

We have just been informed bj Judge Brown, of Nan Bernardino, who has arrived in town from th.t city, th.t minor mo them, aoj obtained general belief, th.t wholrlmln emlgraote from Salt Lake oily, for S. no, eompooed of twenlyBro coo.pri.lng ninety-five persons, men and women, bad been cruelly massacred on the rond. between tbe last settlements in Utah Territory ami tbe boundary lhe osecut5on because it is S3 Sacramento street, near THivi. SA.V FRANCISCO. 4 RIO We repeat these otserva-tiuns, only justice to one on tbe brink I oi the grave, to qnable him to explain the circumstances which have brought him to so deplorable And although we have tbe utmrt confidence in tbe integrity of the witnesses.

theimpar-I tinlily of the court and tbe jury, we can easily Fair of Rlecbanlrs Institute, San Francisco. The tins plates employed weigh three tons, and proceeded to the election of officers for tbe cnsn-ticity as yet, the party not having arrived iu Sau Bernardino at the time our informant left. Although the rumor was generally believed In San Bernardino, we confess our unwillingness to credit such a wholesale massacre. President Dr. Matthew Carter, re-elected.

Vice-President Wm. II. Peterson, do Treasurer Win. McPherson. Secretary Wm.

H. hore. Finance Committee Wm. IL Perry, James D. Brady, M.

Sc blcsinger. Hall and Library Cora mil tee W. n. Shore, II. Perterson, W.

II. Psrry. with the boxes and acid, together, it is upwards of Dg term of six months, resulting as follows: five tons. That a battery of very considerable1 power will be required for the purpose of signal ling is clear from the nature of the duties requir ed-to be performed by the electrie current Starting from the deck of the Agamemnon, it would rush through the whole of tbe rope remaining uncoiled in that ships hold, and then leaping overboard it would dive down to the lowest depths of the Atlantic, skip along tbe mountains snd val-lays of old oceans bed, mount to the surface, board tbs Niagara, flash through uncoiled rope on board that ship, and, ringing tha signal toll, tell that throughout its whole distance of two thousand five hundred miles, it has met with no flaw and no obstruction. When the little bell on board gives forth no accnstomed sound, the engines of the steamship will be reversed, the cable In and examined until ihe damaged part through lected for this evenings discuation is' Do sav-which the electric messenger has escaped shall be age nations possess a fall right to tbe soli discovered.

When once laid in its ocean bed, Visitors are respectfully invited to attend, there will be no disturbing current to endanger I ra Ite ooMj, and tho n.lnre of tho pl.tetn on which Tbe o1" Ptd for the.r goroni. it will be deposited leads to the opinion that in a ment a new constitution, under which there Is Lecture Committee M. J. Newmark, Wm. H.

kre' Committee on Debate George Graham, W. U. Peterson. The society resumes its weekly meetings, on Saturday evenings, at half post seven for debates and other purposes. The question Inquest.

On Sunday, the 27th instant, an inquest was held at tbe Montgomery House, on the I body of Lafayette King, before Justice Sackctt and tbe following Jury C. Getinan. R. A Illestor, W. W.

Jenkins, Ilarrey Rhoades, Francis co Johnson. D. Marchesscault, and E.M. Smith. I1 PPars that the deceased aud others were play se-1 in cardB th Montgomery saloon, When a quar The formal opening of the Fair of tbe Meehan- ics lustitule of Sau I raneisco, took place on Mon-' conceive how difficult lor one in to day evening, the 7 th or September.

The cerewo admit these qnali ties. Still, with all these natu-1 ales were held at Musical Hall, aud consisted of ral feelings, Johnson expresses himself satisfied an by IIenrj F. Williams. and a po- witli ihe action of the jurors, as they were con- ruined by their oath, to decide according to the cin Edard Pollock, Esq. Tb address is in testimony With regard to tbe allegationsof vio-j the San Francisco papers, but our, limits' prevent lencc.

committed by him' elsewhere, he has made us copying it in full. It is au admirable docu-exnianation which will free the recollection ot him from reproach. By requestMhese are for the meDt- thoroughly practical in its detail, and ap- prt'sent withheld from the public. propriate to lhe oceasiou. Tbe Pavilion in which Whatever feelings may be entertained against the fair took place, is in the form of a Greek cro, him who commits the most serious offence known two handfed feet each way, and eighty tee wid to the laws of man.

a visit to the Jcondemned cell 1 is well calculated to soften -all' asperities; and Jt i situated ou the west side ot Mon gomery awaken for the unfortunate inmate the deep eym- street, between Sutter and Post streets, and is a pathies of onr natnre. We have never made such very imposing structure, with an immense dome a. visit, but tbe reflection arises whether banging lithe belt dirposilion to b. mule or thce whS from th9 oftJ a-K. on commit ofiences against society, and amidst such 8aIj floats the flag, the building being urroundings we can scarcely admit the proposi- decorated by the flags of all nations.

The Pan- tion. But whilstthe law is outhe statute book. jjon was thrown open to the public on themorniug its behests must be obeyed, and the greater the I Ar necessity for a strong control to be kept over our and Rttracted a large assemblage, who angry passions, were delighted with its elegant proportions, as Johnson is to expiate, by the sacrifice of bi" well cm with -the vast and beautiful array ofarti-Iife, the commission of an oflenc, which he states tra tnd nnintentton.l. commit- le on unble 10 IT ted upon one whom he bad reason to suppose was ned description of tbe contents, as we find it in ahont to use a deadly weapon against himself. In-j the papers, we take the following eoncisq account to this condition, he has been precipitated by the from tbe Alta excitement of intoxication, for bad he not acted so hastily, but waited for a demonstration by his Th Mechanics fair opened on Tuesday morn-poor victim, we have no doubt, would be September $ih, and waa visited during tha this day in the enjoyment of life and friends.

But daJ 7 ebon 3.XK) person, tbe demon of ardent spirits had possession of him, The general impression upon the mind, after and thus through intoxication has another sacri looking through the buijdijig, is a tery favorable' fico been furnished to the offended majesty of the I one. Tbe. collection of articles of science, ait. iaw, and mechanical and agricultural industry, ia ex- Johnson will leave a wife and two yonng child- at4 full of interest, aud in some respects rsn to the care of a merdful God. During his wpwlor to the displav which can be made by any imprisonment, this poor woman baa exhibited tbe other State in tba Union.

noblest devotion for her husband her watchings The southern ana of the Pavilion la occupied have been incessant, her exertions for bis relief! witb heavy machinery, for agricultural, mechanic uninterrupted nothing daunted by reverse or ja' and purposes. The western arm is cold repulse, she continued striving to the last, flue furniture, upholstery, miUnery and and when further exertion was 10 vain, her pres- Pcmen of the fine arts the nonhern has fruits, ence mitigated the rigors of the prison. vegetables, dairy produce, wines and liquors and The final scene is under tbe management of our tb eastern demoted to- miscellaneous arti- eitoellent Undsr Sheriff, Mr. W. H.

Peterson, who cleB. including minerals. has called for the aid of tbe Southern Rifles, under I We are glad to learn that' ther undertaking LieutenanU King and Hilliard, and also fr 1IkeIy prdve reman arative to-the society by tbe French military company, under the command I of CapL Fargetle. whom it haa been originated. it si We received a complimentary ticket of admis- Th Wzathkr.

During the past week we have sion for ourselves aud ladies, but very much rel arose between him (nd a young man named Thomas King, which was hushed up, but was af-jterwards renewed at the bar, as deceased was I about leaving tbe house, and whicb unfortunately resulted in bis almost immediate death. Tbe ei7 short time tbasoft sandof the ocean bed will every prospect that tbe society will flourish, and JurJ returned tbe following verdict We find sustain the reputation it has already earned for th name oi the deceased to be Lafayette King, Itself! We wish the Institution a prosperous sc-that he came to hia death by means of a knife sion. The affairs of Kansas continue in the same wound inflicted by Thomas King, at the city and feverish state. On the night of the 31st July, a mur der was committed at Leavenworth, which created ft most Intense excitement. Tbe unfortunate vic- county of Los Angeles, on the morning of tbe 27th day of September, 1857, and that said killing was felonious.

The accused if ss brought before Justice Sack- Tus Retiring Officials. To-day, the present officers of tho county close tbe term of 'their scr Urns name was Stevens, and he was murdered for Jce" except such as have been re-elected. Oi his money. Three men were arrested, one ot 4hoB who make way for tfaeir successors, there is whom confessed hb own guilt, and implicated tbe but one who was a candidate for re-electlonrMr. ctt nJt on bu wwved rlht and then The people, under a most Intense excite-1 W.

Shorennty clerk. To this gentleman OB tb THrandJarf sent, seized apon two of the criminals and imme- and hia depnty, Mr. ninchman, we have rI11 next week, who will take cognl- diately executed them. Their names were Quarles frequently been Indebted for facilities in the dir anc of the case, and designate the charge on and Bays. charge ot our laboritf and always found them cour I accused shall be tried, teous and ready to oblige.

We take leave of them with regret. Mr. C. E. Thom, now State Senator California Enterprise.

An instance of enter- Btoto Agricultural Fair. This exhibition of the resources and capabilities of our State, to eommencs, according to announcement, on the 29th September, and to re sxperienced a succession of hot days, unexampled, regretted out inability to take advantage of its at this season ef lhe year, in the memory of that privileges. familiar individual, the oldest inhabitant. Com-1 from this district, has occupied the position of prise, and to the parties en gaged, unfortunate District Attorney, and the manner in which he failure, occurred in our county last week, which 0pea to te 2d October Inclusive The baB dfoebarged the duties of the position requires strongly marks the display of boldness under ad-fslr was to be held In a grand pavilion, erected for 00 con010 frowns. This is best exhibited by Terse circumstances.

ccuple of passengers, the purpose, on Court-house square, In ths eity of I lh election to his present eminent who were landed at San Pedro by the steamer Stockton, and from its description by the waB without opposition. The duties of Senator on her last trip but one, unable to travel Joaquin ItwvNican It will he a magnificent I th offlce of Sheriff, have been well and faithfully about the country, except on foot, owing the building. A long list of premiums is offered by Prfrmd7 Mr, Bettis, and bis active and efficient unfortunate state ef their induced a mencing on Sunday, the heat each day, till Thurs- Court or Sessions. This conr will eommencs day, was oppressive in the extreme, the thermom-l October tjrm on Monday next, when the Grand eter ranging, in the shade, for hoars, from 102 to impanelled, and investigation made li2Yiccompanied by a wind hot as a furnace blast Iato tb cases awting trial. There are On Tuesday, wo were visited by a thunder storm, cbout half aj dozen inmates ia oar jail, awaiting commencing on the southeast and keeping along! ac court, the rang of mountains, and passing off towards wlllboran by ta north.

It wai Kaoniiried bf AnsocuT.Jrsr.otr-It rir-of rain, a slight shower of which fell on apart of I tlsement, that a meeting i of; the Jnstiees of the Treasurer, Assessor, Public Administrator, ana coina jovifithe eosst. (ln advance ef their for eom- ef the prednetive arts, as well as for horses, cst-1 indeed all the offleers, have given cause onr valley, but although it tempered somewhat I Peace is requested at the Coart House, on Monday totb I next, to choose two of their, number as Associate d.y of' tho eeaaocL 'a t0 Connty dodge, ft slight shower of rain fell In this olty on Wednee- Court of Bestions for the ensuing year. day evening, which had a slight tendency to cool 1 rak the air during the night. The nights during the I CAuroaxU Steel Plows The attention of J. ft ftle.fte.Jbe.

By tbe steamer which Is to leaveSsn LeUott ia the discharge of their duties, and fundO purchase horses. They then started Jraneisco to-day, we may expect to receive tbe those who retire in te private life, take with.them I for the Interior, where they were able to. prevail list of the awards. We acknowledge the receipt I ths respect and esteem of their fellow-cltizeus; I upon one of onr large rancheros to sell them a sf aa Invitation to attend the exhibition, from I H.Sndrn, Eq, EordIng SecreUr, of) Sdthtisou. On, tt, coniIdrbln nnmbnr kora, to deUxered In Bon'rd of SoperriMr met for lh.

th.l.U uUetlon. W.nn- t'mw-. Th. In nmnb 1.M 11 wu rutber forc'd radon. wb.D,r 00 boring lined, .1 II.

mil of Q.b of th. bul ra ra-rag the State Agricultural Society. Nzw OmoiALZ-On Monday next, the' newly elected eounty offleers enter on the discharge of thelrreepcetivs duties, as follows E. Drown, EsqM committed man end ohnwn, I. their, attendee.

I Jo''1" mot been by theif The Board eoneUted of Ueeen. Stockton, B. 0. h1'- CMh Frynr nnd Tomn. Snnehee.

After onnrralhs Ih. 1 Hoed lo enable them to retnroe, and ordering tbe ltennneo of I dlP of 'bk- "blcb WM eroatod-. In tikes the pfscs of Mr. 0. E.

Thom, asDIstrict Attorney Mr. Charles R. Johnson, sueceeds to the Oca of County Clerk Mr. 7. C.

Gctman, Sheriff; Mr. Moore, Snryeyor Juan Sepulveda, Assessor George Carson, Public Administrator. In the oihe offices, tbe present incumbents have been reelected. celW to th. edrertl.em.nt rare occurrence here.

The Intense heat of theraw first half of this week, dispelled tbe idea which tablihment In Sau ttijw was prevalent during the befogged and cloudy I nfoctureof deep tiller steel Mr. Shaw days of the previous that the rainy season bad xpnn was npon us, i Yesterday the day dawned with an1, tb aBd overcast heaven, and a southeast wind; with strong P11 Sutea ifidicatiout of a regular California winter storm, bJ an7 but towards evening the sun came out bright, aud Hi plwr a again disappointed the expectations of rain. At San Pedro, on Tuesday, a southeaster c-mad of cast ste lt making the plow run curred. which Induced the vessels In the harbor to JJhtBr nut nut tft sm 1 i Farmers, if you wwn to eneourage home msnuiae put out to i. tie, as well as those, who havefthe good ofthr J.

W. Sullivan snd Noisy Carrier, also placed country at he.rt, give his plows a fair trisL antf 1 UleT vSlilCl QIBU Ml ftOrU I vwis 1 I the Board adjonrned and Election. On anr election was held for a- member of the1 City Connell. There tha meantime, they stole some eight head of hor I ses from the rancho where the band was being kept, and 'giving the herdsman the slip, started on the Tnlare route with the entire hand. They were panned end 'overtaken 'near Kern River One of them made his escape near Fort Tqon, the i other Is now in the eounty jalL Wells, Fargo ft Co.

have our thanks for fovors wr BeBty-slx votes cast, of which G. N- last steamer a fils of ths Daily Herald from man received 50, and N. Potter 21. 'At the re- Bock psrllculsrly acceptable. I eent State the city cast nearly 7M votes us uoder obligation! for flles of papers by tho last depend on it you will find them unequalled, an came.

will not use ny others. -r i I fK 1 i I- A.

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