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The Modesto Bee from Modesto, California • 4

The Modesto Beei
Modesto, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

pi si rocs TIE MODESTO SEWS MONDAY EVENING SEPT 2 1912 1 The Modesto News I I SWK I El 11 4888 I I SIMMS BROS DENTISTS Mtw fnt IUImm MB Dot I US1 4 I- COWELL Managing Editor UI'YLER Business Manager lion for the general election As this is going to be a warm campaign the total vote cast will be over mm) bob at the very lowest Substituting 75 000 for the Socialists and Prohibi- tionists more than they have ever received the vote for the leading can- invited according to our custom on didat 8 will be 785000 I topics of general interest but for Now ow ing to the provisions of the I which this paer assumes uo respon-p rimary law and the successful theft I sibility Communications should be disely to the offlrLI Newspaper lor the (Tty Modests Under Coni mission Una Government Charier Inaugurated July 1 1111 fcLiered at the Modisto P-vatofflce as second-class mall matter UGENE FALK 1) Published every evening except Sunday by The New Publishing Modesto Stanislaus Count) California of the Republican machinery by the i pointed ami adhere Eleventh Street Modesto Stanlslaui County Cal Horn GJUU6U1 National Encampment Los Angeles Sept 7 8 and 9 $12 Round Trip From San Francisco Oakland Stockton San Lucas Berendu Meiajota and Points Between including Branch Lines Good On Any Keyular Trains Special Attest it) Give to irf Women aiU Chikiu i'S: Office Mam 4931 Kt si Jr nee Mam SLl HOURS: to 1 1 to I JO iephont 421 7 tu mhi ui Jiui itlaQOa to ilSfl SUUiUt II0J1S10 til 'ompany Office: 887 A'eekly Edition Hull Moose followers there will he subject in hand no Tail ticket in the field in the state: ll will be Wilson vs Roosevelt with all the anti-Roosevelt men including 1 (he Democrats the la Follette am) Taft Republicans and the great body 1 of independent voters united against NOT ESTABLISH Editor News: It is lo be board will mu PRECEDENT hoped that our school consider (bat a pre- one year 12 00 Veefcjy six months 100 Subscription Rate Mall or Carrier )ne year strictly In advance 1500 -fix months strictly in advance 8 50 One month 55 UK EVANS Surgeon Ml Main 8755 office the third termer And in order to de- cedent has been established in this teat this combination the Prophet of matter of granting holidays at the lirt National Hank al single copies 05 Sagamore Hill SC0000 must secure i util and I streets rt lo 9 a ntt I to and 7 to in GROVE Di-NTSr voles over twice us manv as be secured in the May primary A supreme effort was made by bis lolloueiB to get out a tremendous vole for the Colonel at that time Speakers were brought In from all parts nt the nation Including an eloquent voice which had always cried out in the lloosler wilderness because In a frantic effort to force the re 1 Any one who bus carefully follow- its virtues bad not been recognised Delivers made by carrier daily wtthli the city limits of Modesto Washington correspondent Tavenner 6401 Illinois Avenus Vasbington THE NEWS HAS TAKEN UP CUDGELS IN BEHALF OF MY OPPONENT" request of oliiieiaiis sauve or otherwise The question of holidays for all political colors and creeds lias become an unmitigated nuisance so that Hie stale school law is emphatic in naming its holidays us Christ mas New Year Memorial day and July 4th No Individual ran overstep ihe line Many coast cities having short summer vacations observe labor day Here with our enforced long vacation in summer it is out of the question us tile state school funds being apportioned on the basis of dully attendance ami teachers paid on flint basis even If the pupils are observing a holiday A CITIZEN i i More Califonila 'filler ijrsfo Also Special Trains From Oakland 1st and Broadway Sept :00 a San Francisco 3rd and Townsend Stopovers Returning Final Limit Sept 25th Dr DeLAPPE PHVS CIAN AND SURGEON Hesutence 915 14th St Phone Main 201 Offices 48 10th St Phone Main 202 tours 10 la 1) (a 4 inf IluV SuihIjv 11 lo 12 i MODhSIu CAL Southern Pacific publicans of Stanislaus county to si i-d the editorial columns of tin News bttllelijah fborti of the state administration sounded far ami wide led a nominee tor the assemhl' recently knows that Mr Rillnni as- from Siskiyou lo Sant Diego the whom they believe would lie easy fm i sen lout that the New editorially is screamed forth their Mr Tullocii the demoernfie nominei supporting Mr Kewln for the as- paeans of loudest praise from morn to defeat the Evening News has taker -embly Is PAUi' 111 night for many litany weeks ip the cqlgels in behalf ot my oppo The grounds for hit assertion which Anl wlial was the result? The Col-1 neiit Mr Kewtn and has several i he lias twisted to suit Ins own pur got about 2" er cent of the vot-tltlies accused me of wlial seems post is a series of editorials in the is ol the stale to come out and save in their eyes a heinous offense News calling attention to the Herald's their eouutry by easting their ballots farmer that President Tull vetoed the 1 was once a democrat To judge hy amusing case of straddling in sup- him Ist him have everyone of tariff bill Mr Wilson ashed liy the excitement III Ihe News editorial porting both Klllum and Needhum 'hose 175(100 but where is lie going every plowsliara every tied uad im i room? tills is sotnethhlg to lie It the News liud chosen to support 10 'hat other 175000 or more nec- isliamed of and it must gall llu Ither Mr Kewln oi Mr Klllam for 'ssary lo heal hat progressive aide iforcsaid editorial force to lie com ihe nominal loa for (he purpose of ami cleanest American Ihe governor peljcl to write democratic edtlo- helping the weaker so that Jersey? Watsonville Itegls-I i Inis" I our candidate Mr Tullocii would lPr- have an easy victory we would prnli- The above is a paragraph from a ably have taken up cudgels for" Mr THE Al ME 01 ABSURDITY plain statement" nearly a column Klllam 1 nequlvocal long made by Mr Klllam in the Her We'll pointedly say in regard to 'ie economic conditions puts the en- fiding farmer that the tariff is not ilil some Uavs ago We copy it that Mr Klllam that Ids light follows lie dorner in a rldlcullns position To de- tax Ttie farmer pay more for Ihe our tenders may observe the keen old type of lie cheap politician who lend ids position he must stand on clothes lie wears and gets less for lower of discernment the careful Is ever trying to ride into office on ridiculous usumptions and caunoi Ihe wool that goes into litem because piemen! (he farmer uses to agy nothing of Hie trust-made harvester is dearer because id die Payue-Aldl'lch tariff tax The American farmer pays more for Ids trusl-muile tool Utah the Russian peasant pays for Ihe same tool made in the same factory out in endorsement of exist-1 Chicago And yet they tell the con- The EVANS HOSPITAL Cor 10th 1 Sts Modesto Cul Phone Kill Modern in Every Particular Aceptlc Surgical Treatment A'iee Crozier Supt Evans Prop 1 I HE MISSION Billiard and Pool Parlors 914 Tenth Street Waiter Starts Pie FiflhtinlRestauranl IOS ANGELES Sept 2 Apple pie provides of the Payne-Aldrieh tux KUNZ HOWELL I uncial Directors ami Enbalnur 920 11th ST PHONE 7331 This tariff blackberry and mlnc4 tax encourages the use of cheap sub- mural decoration In a Main street stltutes and discourages wearers of bakery lunch room while waiters clothing from demanding all-wool mil- and t-ai-lv hreakfasters are ielephon teriaU" big frantically to dollies cleaning Oovernor Wilson suggested to ihe emporium for first aid avoid putting forth ridiculous arguments This Is the explanation of President Taft's speech of acceptance He approaches therein if he doer not actually reach the acme of absurdity Rut ills plight is pathetic as SATISFACTION Is always yours after a meal at the of facts tin- tle crest of a popular wave Mr sioti and the gra- Klllam by Ids own statement Is a ions spirit of the man who is making political now a democrat recii a bravi iud gallant fight agaiuf now a republican now a "Bull 111 powers of darkness in Stanislaus Moose" as his connections at the time county all ol whom are engaged in a suit best "frantic effort" to thwart his aspira- This county needs a man of back lions to save the county from the dutches of the "Bosses" hone to represent it in Hie assembly ns the successor of Tom Griffin and well as ridiculous for gross ignor- farmers that they break into their Threading his way through a score nce convinces him that the nonsense i own house and get more of the rent diners hearing aloft an oven-pan be solemnly utters is profound truth that is due them They will not get with a dozen assorted Indigestion Hi comment on the initiative and this rent if they continue (o allow dishes an attendant lost Ids balance BOVVKER WOOD Office of Coroner and FUNERAL DIRECTORS II SL Modesto Phone Main -221 I'lildtc Administrator Best Restaurant X-t-l Tenth St Mr Killaiu's statement tliut "the should Mr Klllam succeed In getting Evening News has taken up cudgels the nomination tomorrow we ll try to behalf of my opponent Mr Kevv- have him understand just how it In" is illustrative of the mental pow- must gall the News to be cont-r and ability to get at facts that pel led to write democratic edito- themselves to he bluffed by the sie- and precipitated his burden among eial interests that have taken pos-j Die "ham and" devouring crowd At ession the governor said San l-'ran- "nee one diner directly in the path cisco Star of the deluge seized Hie remnants ot )t( a juicy slab of berry pastry and plastered the apologizing ulienduni on tiie shirt front Ollier diners joined rials" characterizes tile man II llatlnn Scoll referendum is an example as follows 'Votes are not bread constitutional amendments are not work referendum do not pay rent ur furnish houses recalls do not furnish clothing equality of condition or of opportunity" tie is lucky in that he is iwt engag-! 'id li any occupation where tools or I machinery are needed If lie were a farmer for instance he might say are not crops I threshing I I hkson Mtr Main 51 little Sound Advice will Help Mail) a Sufferer lit Modesto ENDORSEMENT OF WOODROW WILSON BY THE WORKINGMEN TT0N SCOTT Utomeys-at-Law ICE: 922 I Sired Upstaiis the melee empire George Hildebrand of the Coast League breakfasting at an isolated table mounted liis chair and beamed real appreciation as lie si leiltly judged file delivery "llilde" was unscathed A general exodus of pie-si reakeil customers escaping from behind (aides and counters followed the ees sation of hostilities Cl'AJ Lumber Co ause he lias a deep and vita! gym-atliy with "the voiceless body of the eople" it is because hp lias the machines are not wheat barns make unquestionable faith in the right and i nothing grow reaping machines apaeity of majorities" that lie stands create no market for products" orth as the most powerful influence After trying for a season to run or real democracy among men in a farm on such principles lie would America today answet a query concerning the cause In his criticism of Bagehot nearly of his failure hy honestly saying: i score of years ago Wilson uncon-j "God knows 1 The Star sclouslv set forth his own confident Modesto Sanitarium II and 17th Street Equipped for (dial and Surgical 0ive A septi' altng Room md Trained Asdstanta u'-sfo Siinurlaa I I Main 241 ISHOP OF In 1894 Woodrow Wilson wrote a-I article on Walter Bagehot the grer English student of constitutional gov ornment in which he had this para graph: 1 "Moreover there Is a deeper lael i ing ia Bagehot He lias no sympathy with the voiceless body of the people with the 'mass of unknown men 1 conceives ihe work of government ti be a work hich is possible only Hie instructed few He would liav masses served and served will devotion but he would aol like to so' I il-em attempt to serve themselves le has not the stout fiber and the uu luestlonablo faith in the right and capacity of inorgaulc majorities wlileh rnaki the democrat He has none of the heroic boldness tor faith In wholesale political -Ttirirde and rapacity He takes de- No woman should consider herself lealthy and well if the kidneys are weak Poisons that pass off in lie vecretions when the kidneys are well ire retained in the body when the kidneys are disordered If lie kidneys ind bladder become inflamed and swollen worse troubles may quickly i lollow This is often Hie cause ol hearing-down pains lameness backaches etc I'rlc poisoning is also frequent cause of headache dizzy 1 spells laguor nervousness and rheumatic pains When suffering so (ry Kidney Pills a remedy Dial has proven effective In thousands of such cases 1-et a Modesto woman tell of her experience: Mrs A Gillette 404 Twelfth St Modesto Gal says: "As far as I have tried Kidney Pill3 having used ihe contents of only two boxes 1 have found them very satisfactory I highly recommend Hiis remedy to persons suffering from I kidney complaint" For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster- Milbttrn Co Buffalo New Voik sole agents for the I'nitea States Remember the name and lake no other I 'j If you knew of the real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame back soreness of the muscles sprains and rheumatic pains you would never wish to be without it For sale by all druggists DEALERS IN LUMBER And Building Materials of All Kinds time Plaster Cement and Brick Yards at Modesto and Salida belief that the great body of the peo- de possessed the inherent right to ule themselves This Is the basis of bis political doctrine Woodrow Wilson is essentially man of action When he as elected governor of New Jersey lie immediately began to work out his beliefs i In an aggressive ay and the results lie attained brought him an endorse-: 1 ir our Select List of iitilY i 4LI0RXIA PAPESB ri ean insert display the entire list for DO I I IRS A INCH I-- Id' tiency Inc St 12 Geary St -Ic San Francisco LONDON Sept "it bus been ll custom to deride the attempts of American state legislature to deal wit li the question of divorce Fixed preju- dices have beclouded Brilisli Jiulg- ment and placed ur in the position where negation liashecti assume I as th(f only righteous course at a cost to morality honesty and decency which it would be hard to estimate" The archbishop of A'ork addressed these remarks to the Royal Sanitary Institute accompanying them with the WILSON TO THE FARMERS Governor Wilson has indicated in ment by the workingmen of his stale the speeches he has made thus far in such as has nerr been -secured by the campaign that he attaches a great bocraey In detail in his thought and either the republican or progressive deal of importance to the question of take it in detail makes it look candidates for the presidency The the tariff as it affects farmers awkward indeed" resolution passed by the New Jersey He does not tell them in well It is because Woodrow Wilson be- Federation of Labor printed on the rounded phrases that they are "the lieves that there should he a very first' page of the News' today is a creators of all national wealth" that sensitive relation between the great monument to the sincerity of a man they are the "bulwark of the nation's "mass of unknown men" and the who believes in the rights of the prosperity that they are "the oldest machinery it Is he- tollers and most honored of all professions SOCIALIST TICKET The Modesto Bakery Beat of Bread Cakes Flea etc Try na ana be convinced 18 Kith SL Phone 4181 lei- fcoixi toxke Chances -Insist on Getting EMERSONS TANS'! WAFERS VCR OWN BkANtf On the Market for 21 year ABSOLUTELY SAFE ELIABLL your druggist cannot upplj you bend us Wafers will lv bent in plain wrapper prepaid JMMglL la tMKtcz The Socialists will have a full tick- adv0CaPV of reforms of the marriage this county 110811 a to miouiul or industries" or that "on the should- Their candidates for the nomination 1 Iergy and The illeals 01 ers of the farmers rests the at Die Primary tomorrow are as fol-! 118 ap 110 a as 01111118 110 1 j0WB: the second highest ecclesiastical dig nitary in the three kingdoms and as a member aof the royal commission on divorce whose report is now For the Assembly 4tith district 11 "IKIK' npoil PATTERSON IRRIGATORS BIRTHDAY M0DEST0 FRENCH BAKERY LAC0STE ft Best French Bread Pie nd Cakes Made 815 Tenth street Phone 48t With its laet issue the Patterson one of the most productive sections of the great San Joaquin villey The Irrigator closes its first volume of Hi News congratulates the Irrigator on existence The Irrigator is a clean first birthday and wishes it regressive journal and a credit to perity that it certainly deserves EDITORIAL G0MMENT that manv of them would relish hear-j 1 1 awaited with great ini crest ing themselves praised and all vital 11 naivey Issues avoided according to all tradi- Supervisor 1st district Charles lions of political speakers when ad- Gleniens of Oakdale dressing farmers Governor Wilson p(r Supervisor second district Al-1 lnl1110-1 311018 'll8 ls llln 1111 knows that farmers nowadays want eT Holmquist of Httghson to hear logic rather than well sound-j Supervisor 3rd district ing empty words i of Httghson lie told hem accordingly (al Pen-! Supervisor 4th district Louis Calais of Wood Colony For supervisor 5th district Kirk Patterson For delegates to the county conveu- nsylvania State Fair on Thursday) that while they had been busy feeding the country they had neglected another and very important part of Englishwomen" said Hie archbishop "if English laws were more in keeping with common sense and human necessities" lie expressed approval of Hie principles of Hie bill for dealing with mentally deficient persons iind expressed a hope that parliament i would find time to pass it MODESTO TITLE ABSTRACT CO (Incorporated) HAWKINS Manager Certlflviite ol Title Specialty Masonic Temple MODESTII EGOTISM 1 sider cannot say with any degree of On Monday when the I'uited Stat'-s assurance just what will occur there senate wag unable to adjourn because And Kansas being Kansas even the Senator 1-a Follette was demanding most astute within her borders are the passage of the Penrose resolu- wary in making any predictions about ilielr business namely that which 1 Don the following ten names have CONVENTION BALL at the AUDITORIUM Monday Sept 2 Admission $1 per Couple His grace said he would go further and declare himself in favor of an amendment lo Hie marriage laws pro-I viding that marriages should he de-1 dared null and void il' within a cer-j lain tiinc it is shown tiial facts had lie withheld list-losing insanity epilepsy or venere il diseases This opens up a wide vista and ia a distinct advance upon any opinions that have been expressed hy those representing the church CHICHESTER PI TIIK IMA MOM) IIRANI adU-Rt Ask your UrucgUt Ail-v I -a-l 11 I HI in lied anti CMld mru J-oxc-s sealed ith We Kit1 I ul no uihwr Huy 0f Akfr AllO Ml It A 4 ycarx kniwn as Best Skfest Alwai SOIDBY DRUGGISTS EVER1 non authorizing an investigation or wuav sue win uo until alter me votes th(y ought attpnd as mpmbPrH of been indorsed hy Hie County Izieai of -rnde-d Ol! activities In -oRth-e are actually counted But in Califor-! hp )jg frm )f Uaclp Sal1 Co As Stanislaus County these ten names hired writer charged tia if fie facts are examined Impar 8 rpn of thj) nPflPCl Mr wilson i will have to be written in by at Follette aud Penrose wen in rally IC will he found that Woodrow Bad fhe othgr metnbpr( of (hat firni voters to get them on the ballot at a conspiracy to injure Colonel Boose- Wilson has more than even chance ba( aBHllmprt pnnlrninnpr inrpu i Hie fail election velt On Tuesday after the resolution to get the electoral vote of the state had ben adopted and the senate had But how about that 77000 majority had assumed a controlling interesll and had forgotten all about the farm-i 1 Florey Fread ers or had come to think of them Hanscom Lincoln adpourned the Examiner declared or the Colonel in the May that Mr Hearst had forced the sen- will be the first question undoubtedly ate to adopt the resolution The in- asked hy every Roosevelt adherent Ly-inerely as persons whose function it llian- -1 Manning Josephine 1 is to feed the rest of the country and' "apv- 11 Ney Reicliinaiin incidentally help feed the trusts and Stokes The New Jersey governor then went on to tell the farmers just haw the INQUEST AT NEWMAN Oyster Bay on May 14 he must get i high tariff rales affected them He i sufferable egotism of this man is amazing Woodland Democrat Seventh and Mission Streets SAN FRANCISCO CHANCE Hard Maud "Beatrix lias lost inquest twenty pounds lately her gowns are an more than twice the vote he received told them that while the farmer does Coroner Bowker held IN 4 ALIEOKNIA at that time in order to have any not produce any of the things that Some people have been willing to clianre of heating Wilson in Xovem- derive a material benefit trom the concede that Roosevelt is likely io her tariff he consume all of the things carry California and Kansas Not be- According to figures given out by which under ing acquainted with the political con- the Secretary of State the registered ditions iii the Sunflower state an out- vote in California will exceed a mil- Saturday evening in Newman of Joseph Cowley 'ed dead on the street the protective system ne day It was found are taxed i was due to a blood clot "Does it matter nothing to the resulting from heart over the perfect successes her sweetheart probody who drop-: posed to her last night her rich uncle there during died yesterday and left her a million that death and now she has to go to his funeral on Ihe brain today and try to look Harper's trouble 1 Bazaar A strict' modern fire-proof hotel centrally located opposite San magnificent post office Two hundred with telephone in every room Private hath rooms Rales from 75c to $200 per day $L5Q io $Jr n0 per week Slurp Irps A SkrpMcd Her Children Cry FOR CASTOR I A ft.

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