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Daily News from Los Angeles, California • 1

Daily Newsi
Los Angeles, California
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os AnfceleS. California, Monday, December 15; 1930 Home i yy -v -V -J'' COPYRIGHT 1930 warn mum SYNDICATE 1 v- (. si If Oldll rvvV-v NORTHAMPTON. 14. Immigration is not A simple question.

The entire economic effect of" restriction is unknown. Every immigrant is a consumer requiring food, clothing, and -shelter. To that extent work is made for wage earners. But, when many are already idle, an influx of wage earners would aggravate, the -condition of unemployment. Valiant Last i-yy Ir -y- w04, -V i Jler neck broken andhet skull fractured, Jessie Ligert wood, 27-year-old stenojtra-Jg pher, of 955 -North Genesee street, Hollywood, a Ik' e'd? into a Culver City.emergeni hospital last night to explain to surgeons that she had.

fered herJnjuries in an aero plane crash-410 minutes latee'K. she died in Hollywood hos pital. IN OPEN COCKPIT The gjri, an aviation enthusiast; was riding in an' open cockpit -of a biplane piloted by male Q511 Riipnitur Last night, 24 hours. after blaze started by explosion, the DlllI DUriUllg 000 yacht Valiant was being ravaged by fire as the ship lay in AValon harbor. Only the steel hull remains of the once proud craft Charles Howard, wealthy automobile man, is owner of the.

wrecked yacht. Frank B. Howe Photo. YACHT STILL AFIRE IN AVALON HARBOR Hunt Opens for Cache of Stolen Guaranty Millions AVALON, Catalina Island, 1 10 ih0 Ken, but' the girl, who ap- Vallant, which was wrecked peared only slightly Injured at the explosion in the harbor here, im- flel(, The pilot periling 22 lives, was still burning frSald. Later, at the hSK tonight.

Itgi physicians were unable to ex- Three Filipino galley boys were howthe girt could have seriously burned when the explosion valued Into the fatally occurred Saturday night They were (-injured, in Avalon hospital. Charles Howard, Witnesses to the accident rushed Every race and creed that has come here in numbers haS shown examples of unsurpassed loyalty and devotion to our country. But only by coming slowly, avoiding city colonies and spreading over the land, do they arrive in the real United States. The economic reasons for restricting immigration are not always tha most important. We have certain standards of life that we believe are best for us.

We do not ask other nations to discard theirs, but we do wish to preserve ours. Standards, government, and culture under free institutions are not so much a matter of constitutions and laws as of public opinion, ways of thought, and methods of life of the people. We reflect- on no one in wanting immigrants who will be assimilated into our ways of thinking and living. Believing we can best serve the world in that way, we restrict immigration. RACER HURLED TO DEATH AT ASCOT Hurled from his Speeding car as It plunged into a guard rail at As cot speedway, Kenneth Morgan, 25, racing driver, was Injured fatally yesterday afternoon.

Scores of spectators, Uning the fence at the sooth tom, escaped Injury when they fled to safety as Morgans car crashed Into the barrier, rebounded to the track, and burst Into flames. Morgan was an entry in a 10-lap consolation race. He had rounded the 'south turn without incident on the first four laps, but he seemed to lo6e control of his racer as it roared into the difficult curve on the' fifth lap. 1 The machine swerved into the guard rail, hurting Morgan onto the track, where other drivers risked death in swinging their cars away from the unconscious man. He was rushed to an ambulance, but died of fractured skull am (CONTINUED 02 PACE 11.

COL. 4) China Hastens WarlJpoh Reds HANKOW, Dec. 14. (U.P.) Depredations by communist warriors continued today while the govern-ment hastened preparations to wage intensive war against the redsr who are spreading terror through central China provinces. Communists have capturec Semin, killing many inhabitants and looting homes.

Communist General Holung captured Tslngshlh, defeating Szechun troops. There were heavy casualties on both sides and many refugees Were killed. in flight, owner, and four guests escaped VI ruv, m. 1 V.jy&fc 'A-sy-. 1 Y'r -r- jf if -I .7 R.

1 4 'I. -s injury. N. Y. Pulpits Take -m A cook range in the galley blew rr up, shooting flame into the engine (J IjindSCll tiOlD room and causing ammonia tanks to explode.

The ship was' plunged NEW YORK, Dec. 14. (UJ.) into darkness. Doors were battered Bishop William T. Manning, head of down, one striking Captain T.

Lithe New York Episcopal dloces Vatland and knocking him uncon-1 was both praised and criticized In sclous. A wall of flame blocked the this city's pulpits today for his at-gangway. Small boats were lowered titude in the controversy between and those aboard the Valiant left himself and Ben B. Lindsey regard-the ship. ins companionate marriage.

Only the steel hull remained to- Rev. George M. Stockdale, bf 8L night. There were 14,000 gallons of James church, upheld the belle is of fuel oil aboard the Valiant and this Lindsey; Dr. Will Houghton, of Cal-was keeping the fire burning, vary Baptist church, defended Howard, a wealthy Los Angeles au-1 Bishop Manning, and Dr.

Chartea Biish, of 358 North Detroit street; when ha attempted to inake A1' landing at the Culver City airport; Jefferson and Ingle wodd road, after dark. Confused in his direction. Bush, according to Culver' City police; coasted down to catch the landing wheels of the ship in high tension wires that surround the field. The plane turned over and crashed to earth, tossing Its occupants from their cockpits. WnUTCATCHES GIRL A strand of wire caught the girt around the neck and caused the fracture, according to surgeons.

Francis Potter, founder of tee First Humanist society, said that tee controversy Is of great historical significance, standing in the same category as Luther's nailing his. theses on tee door of Us church. Snow Blankets DENVER. Dec. 14.

(U heavy blanket, of snow covered most of Colorado and part of Wyoming tonight. Snow fell steadily in Denver throughout the 'day, accompanied by a drop in temperature of nearly 20 degrem. It was 25 above zero tonight. Below freezing readings also wer reported in many sections of The storm ended a. monte of llf mott Indian: summer weather a meats 'which swept away the sav- lngs of 24,000 people, will get under way today at 10 a.

ra. in the office of District Attorney At the aarne time, Besse-myer, for many years a financial, dvle and church leader of Hollywood, will be standing before Superior Walton J. Wood and plead-, lng guilty, he promises, to 10' counts of grand theft. INSISTS IIES ALONE Beesemyer has announced that he will- not employ an. attorney, that he will plead guilty and start serving his sentence as quickly as possible.

And it is that very eagerness to get to prison which has -aroused the suspicions of the authorities who are investigating the affair. If sentence is passed upon the financier today, -he would normally be in San Quentin within two weeks. And the apparent principal behind the bars, officials point out, the popular outcry for a thorough investigation will soon be stilled. Beesemyer himself has insisted steadily that he alone was responsible for the amazingHhefts. He has asserted repeatedly that he stole the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 10, COLS.

3-9) Daniel Frohman Survives Knife NEW YORK, Dec. 14. (U.P.) Daniel Frohman, veteran theatrical producer, underwent an emergency operation tonight was reported to be recovering rapidly; The nature of the operation was not divulged. Frohman celebrated his 75th birthday anniversary a week ago. DOUBLE BEER TAX BERLIN, Dec.

14. (U.P.) The beer tax will be doubled in order to meet the heavy municipal budget, It was learned today Did Gilbert Beesemyer alone and unaided, steal more than from three of his own financial Institutions and then lose the money in wliddat speculation? Or were the Guaranty Building and Loan association and two allied companies looted by a gang of arch-thieves whom Beesemyer, under a prearranged agreement, is taking the rap? And, if so, has this gang covered up the proceeds of its crime so cleverly that the combined efforts of county, state and federal authorities cannot restore them to their rightful owners? PLEADS TODAY Those are the questions ttha District Attorney Buron Fitts, every available deputy in his office, the county grand Jury, the state building and loan commission and the post office department will seek to answer today as they start unwinding the tangled strands of the most spectacular financial debacle in the history of the -city. The trek along the winding trail of wholesale thefts and embezzle- Pregl, Nobel Bio-Chemist, Dies VIENNA, Austria, Dec. Prof. Fritz Pregl, 61, Nobel prize winner, and famous as a bio-chemist, died today, following a heart attack Saturday.

AUTO KILLS MAN 6S Knocked down by an auto in front of 1458 Echo Park avenue early lakt night John Marts, 65, address unknown, received fatal Injuries. The motorist A. J. Barnard, of 2154' Lake Chore avenue, was not hcld. tomobile man, said only thank God it didnt happen at sea.

Blast Drives Dog, Trapped in Hole, Far From Rescue OAKLAND MILLS, Iowa, Dec. XI OJ.P,) A dynamite, blast tonight destroyed the last of a six-foot rock wall which has imprisoned faithful fox terrier of Fanner I Lawrence Mills, for the last four dayd A rescue crew of 40 men, which had wked in double shifts seeking to reach the 6ear-old pet, quickly cleared away the debris, but failed to find Bingo. The hole, into which Bingo had gone when chasing a -raccoon, extended past a small cavern behind the rock, and Mills said he felt sure the dog had fled much Into the hole when fright ened by the Mast. 7 1 4 10' I.

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